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Was Hitler a vegetarian?

No, Hitler was no vegan, this was a lie promoted in the forum by majewson.
Aratosbung said:
Aquarius said:
No he was not.

How do you know?
Cobra said that a long time ago.
Also, Hitler has to endure exhaustion for long periods of time, vegetarianism wouldn't allow that.
Hail Satan,

I would say he was vegetarian and eggetarian... He ate only eggs... But not consumed any meat. I know this via documentary that almost everyone should watch it.. Its by the name... ADOLF HITLER VS THE JEW WORLD ORDER.
Aratosbung said:
Please send source.
Use the search function. We're not going to sit around looking for you... :roll:
Aratosbung said:
Aquarius said:
Aratosbung said:
How do you know?
Cobra said that a long time ago.
Also, Hitler has to endure exhaustion for long periods of time, vegetarianism wouldn't allow that.

Where is the source?

It was on the old forum, sorry buddy.
Aratosbung said:
This is important, vegetarian or normaly. Which one?

Normaly,veganism produces nutritional deficiencies that will damage your health and hinder your spiritual advancement.
" he occasionally went on a vegetarian diet. But his primary diet included meat."
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/1991/09/21/opinion/l-don-t-put-hitler-among-the-vegetarians-800991.html#:~:text=To%20the%20Editor%3A,his%20primary%20diet%20included%20meat.
He was for sure not a vegetarian. In the book ''Germany's Hitler'' of Heinz A. Heinz (1938) which I urge anyone who wants to read it, it gives testimonies from his daily life. He was very poor and the food of the poors that time was sausages, which he ate on a daily basis. However, he did not consume alcohol (He mentions this himself by a testimony of a lady in the book).
He ate eggs. So not Vegetarian.
Hitler had a normal healthy diet including meat. His personal chef wrote before that one of Hitler's favorite foods was a specific kind of sausage.

The idea that Hitler was vegetarian was a strange lie created by jews. The same way that they lie that he was on drugs, or that he was part jew. It is all lies that jews have invented to try to slander him.
Aratosbung said:
There is no "Hitler wasn't vegetarian" post or topic. Mageson said Hitler only ate egg.

Yes he consumed only eggs... It's been documented in "Adolf Hitler VS Jew World Order".
Victorian666 said:
Aratosbung said:
There is no "Hitler wasn't vegetarian" post or topic. Mageson said Hitler only ate egg.

Yes he consumed only eggs... It's been documented in "Adolf Hitler VS Jew World Order".

Just because some jew says something, does not mean that it is true. I plainly do not care what movie you saw anything in, it is not the truth just because somebody said it in a movie. Also remember that the jews have invented more lies to say about him than about anybody else in the world.

He ate more than just eggs. He ate meat. He had a full and healthy diet. As confirmed by his own personal chef, and everybody else around him. He ate sausages for lunch almost every day.
Also Mageson is a jew. Why do you think he is not here anymore? He had an extremely high knowledge about jewish kabbalah magic that is completely secret and only known to a very small number of rabbis, because he probably was one of them.

The only reason he was ever here was so that he gives these secrets to us and expose to the whole world how their curses and magic work. He was trying to help us for a long time to get us to trust him, and then start doing things to hurt us. But the gods did not allow this to happen. He was here for the amount of time to help us and share all of the secrets, and then he was removed so he was never able to harm anyone. He tried to trick us, but really himself was tricked.

This is why he lied that Hitler didn't eat meat. He tried to promote unhealthy diets to people that would be harmful and make us weak, which includes not eating any meat. And it was a lie.
Victorian666 said:
Aratosbung said:
There is no "Hitler wasn't vegetarian" post or topic. Mageson said Hitler only ate egg.

Yes he consumed only eggs... It's been documented in "Adolf Hitler VS Jew World Order".
Eating only eggs? No meat? No bread? No thing else, just eggs? Yeah, He was a politician, having to work maybe up to 20 hours per day, and then in a war, and being very busy - and He ate only eggs?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Also Mageson is a jew. Why do you think he is not here anymore? He had an extremely high knowledge about jewish kabbalah magic that is completely secret and only known to a very small number of rabbis, because he probably was one of them.

The only reason he was ever here was so that he gives these secrets to us and expose to the whole world how their curses and magic work. He was trying to help us for a long time to get us to trust him, and then start doing things to hurt us. But the gods did not allow this to happen. He was here for the amount of time to help us and share all of the secrets, and then he was removed so he was never able to harm anyone. He tried to trick us, but really himself was tricked.

This is why he lied that Hitler didn't eat meat. He tried to promote unhealthy diets to people that would be harmful and make us weak, which includes not eating any meat. And it was a lie.
So much for the jews and their " high IQ" .... why would they literally not only throughout history, but also IN THE PLACE where their enemies reside go and reveal such deep things. I dont think jews are smart. If anything they are the dumbest most retarded race. The only power that they got is their " magick" and the enemy aliens....which is now fading thanks to us... yes for example if a dumb person tricks a dumber person then he will be regarded as smart. But these kikes are not smart, they are retarded.
FancyMancy said:
Victorian666 said:
Aratosbung said:
There is no "Hitler wasn't vegetarian" post or topic. Mageson said Hitler only ate egg.

The documentary which I saw has exposed Judaism.. Its not Jewish documentary its about exposing the Judaism.. As far as work hours you are counting on... Indian pm Narendra Modi sleeps only for 4 hrs and works as much as 20.. And he's a pure vegetarian... I'm not bringing any karmic repercussions or rhp here..

Yes he consumed only eggs... It's been documented in "Adolf Hitler VS Jew World Order".
Eating only eggs? No meat? No bread? No thing else, just eggs? Yeah, He was a politician, having to work maybe up to 20 hours per day, and then in a war, and being very busy - and He ate only eggs?
CaspianTheDreamer said:
So much for the jews and their " high IQ" .... why would they literally not only throughout history, but also IN THE PLACE where their enemies reside go and reveal such deep things. I dont think jews are smart. If anything they are the dumbest most retarded race. The only power that they got is their " magick" and the enemy aliens....which is now fading thanks to us... yes for example if a dumb person tricks a dumber person then he will be regarded as smart. But these kikes are not smart, they are retarded.

Do not underestimate them. Some of them are very stupid, but also there are many of them who are genius level smarter than almost anybody. The top ones are geniuses. And it is by the influence of the gods that they are tricked and exposed. They are not exposed just because of stupidity. Look what they have created for thousands of years enslaving the entire planet, and all secretly and unknown until recently. They did not do this by being stupid.
Victorian666 said:
The documentary which I saw has exposed Judaism.. Its not Jewish documentary its about exposing the Judaism.. As far as work hours you are counting on... Indian pm Narendra Modi sleeps only for 4 hrs and works as much as 20.. And he's a pure vegetarian... I'm not bringing any karmic repercussions or rhp here..

Yes he consumed only eggs... It's been documented in "Adolf Hitler VS Jew World Order".
It's also been documented that jewsus was murdered on an upside-down cross and died, then rose again.
Victorian666 said:
Aratosbung said:
There is no "Hitler wasn't vegetarian" post or topic. Mageson said Hitler only ate egg.

Yes he consumed only eggs... It's been documented in "Adolf Hitler VS Jew World Order".
And if that documentary said hippos fly, did you believe them?


Don't trust anything you find online.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Also Mageson is a jew. Why do you think he is not here anymore? He had an extremely high knowledge about jewish kabbalah magic that is completely secret and only known to a very small number of rabbis, because he probably was one of them.

The only reason he was ever here was so that he gives these secrets to us and expose to the whole world how their curses and magic work. He was trying to help us for a long time to get us to trust him, and then start doing things to hurt us. But the gods did not allow this to happen. He was here for the amount of time to help us and share all of the secrets, and then he was removed so he was never able to harm anyone. He tried to trick us, but really himself was tricked.

This is why he lied that Hitler didn't eat meat. He tried to promote unhealthy diets to people that would be harmful and make us weak, which includes not eating any meat. And it was a lie.
So much for the jews and their " high IQ" .... why would they literally not only throughout history, but also IN THE PLACE where their enemies reside go and reveal such deep things. I dont think jews are smart. If anything they are the dumbest most retarded race. The only power that they got is their " magick" and the enemy aliens....which is now fading thanks to us... yes for example if a dumb person tricks a dumber person then he will be regarded as smart. But these kikes are not smart, they are retarded.

They are smart but they are also very arrogant. They cannot conceive that those they consider beasts may overpower them, so they mess up. Hubris is a fatal flaw in Greek mythology...
Stormblood said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Also Mageson is a jew. Why do you think he is not here anymore? He had an extremely high knowledge about jewish kabbalah magic that is completely secret and only known to a very small number of rabbis, because he probably was one of them.

The only reason he was ever here was so that he gives these secrets to us and expose to the whole world how their curses and magic work. He was trying to help us for a long time to get us to trust him, and then start doing things to hurt us. But the gods did not allow this to happen. He was here for the amount of time to help us and share all of the secrets, and then he was removed so he was never able to harm anyone. He tried to trick us, but really himself was tricked.

This is why he lied that Hitler didn't eat meat. He tried to promote unhealthy diets to people that would be harmful and make us weak, which includes not eating any meat. And it was a lie.
So much for the jews and their " high IQ" .... why would they literally not only throughout history, but also IN THE PLACE where their enemies reside go and reveal such deep things. I dont think jews are smart. If anything they are the dumbest most retarded race. The only power that they got is their " magick" and the enemy aliens....which is now fading thanks to us... yes for example if a dumb person tricks a dumber person then he will be regarded as smart. But these kikes are not smart, they are retarded.

They are smart but they are also very arrogant. They cannot conceive that those they consider beasts may overpower them, so they mess up. Hubris is a fatal flaw in Greek mythology...
Mhm. True. They are arrogant and very, very unsightly little shoits we gotta flush down the toilet of the Universe
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Also Mageson is a jew. Why do you think he is not here anymore? He had an extremely high knowledge about jewish kabbalah magic that is completely secret and only known to a very small number of rabbis, because he probably was one of them.

The only reason he was ever here was so that he gives these secrets to us and expose to the whole world how their curses and magic work. He was trying to help us for a long time to get us to trust him, and then start doing things to hurt us. But the gods did not allow this to happen. He was here for the amount of time to help us and share all of the secrets, and then he was removed so he was never able to harm anyone. He tried to trick us, but really himself was tricked.

This is why he lied that Hitler didn't eat meat. He tried to promote unhealthy diets to people that would be harmful and make us weak, which includes not eating any meat. And it was a lie.

Fuck, Im so glad that someone like him Is no long anymore with us.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Also Mageson is a jew. Why do you think he is not here anymore? He had an extremely high knowledge about jewish kabbalah magic that is completely secret and only known to a very small number of rabbis, because he probably was one of them.

The only reason he was ever here was so that he gives these secrets to us and expose to the whole world how their curses and magic work. He was trying to help us for a long time to get us to trust him, and then start doing things to hurt us. But the gods did not allow this to happen. He was here for the amount of time to help us and share all of the secrets, and then he was removed so he was never able to harm anyone. He tried to trick us, but really himself was tricked.

This is why he lied that Hitler didn't eat meat. He tried to promote unhealthy diets to people that would be harmful and make us weak, which includes not eating any meat. And it was a lie.

It's really sad....

I miss the days of Don, Cobra and Maxine. I thought Don would be with us in the end to celebrate. Team Gentile for the winz.

For how many years, being loyal to Don and Jake was being loyal to JOS. How many "crazies" came and called him a jew.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
