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WARNING about "Satanic Music"


Jan 22, 2021
When one searches for "Satanic Music" online they will be brought to a wide variety of songs, bands, and artists, many of which you may know or currently listen to. However, as we all know, with anything "Satanic" there is almost always some jewish corruption involved in order to either mislead or harm those who seek it out. Today we are going to be talking about one of the most well know "Satanic Songs" which happens to hold some of the most evil and vile shit hiding in plain sight

"O Father O Satan O Sun"

For those without knowledge of the jewish systems of binding that were used to enslave and torture our Gods for thousands of years you may not understand what the song is saying, in fact, you may think that because the name "Satan" is in some of the lyrics that the song is Satanic. However, the song is actually a ritual known as the "bornless one ritual" or the "Liber Samekh" which was used to viciously attack Satan and his Demons for thousands of years.

In the same way when one says one of the Gods names they notice us or when we say part of Satans invocation he notices us, if you call a spiritual being by name or say part of an invocation to them they will notice. I want you to keep that in mind as it will be very important soon.

"The Bornless One" in the original manuscript is Akefalon, Akephalon, which is the accusative form of "Akephalos". The literal meaning of this is "headless". Akephalon enumerates to 677, the same as "Aigle Trisagia", (Thrice-Holy Splendour). Akephalos itself enumerates to 827.

Now, Akephalos sounds quite familiar, where have I heard that? Oh yes, that's right, in O Father O Satan O Sun the very first line is calling out this being "Akephalos" by name. Remember what we said about calling Satans name out and invoking him? Well, guess what happens when you call out this "Akephalos" by name? Obviously, in the same way when you call Satans name he notices you, when you call this being by name it will notice you.

For those of you who are still confused I'll make it easy for you.

The ENTIRE song is the bornless one ritual and when you sing this you are praising and calling out to the jewish reptilians and telling them to bind Satan and his Demons.

When one looks at the "bornless one ritual" and then refrences the song they will find that it is the exact same thing. There is nothing "Satanic" about the song. The song in itself is an invocation to the jewish "God" and you are calling them to bind Satan and his Gods.

To everyone reading this you should take this as a warning, often times the most dangerous threat is hiding in plain sight but you merely lack the knowledge to see it. I mean, the song "O Father O Satan O Sun" when listened to seems like an actual song, a strange song, but a song nonetheless. However, with proper knowledge one will understand that this so called "song" is nothing more than the jewish invocation which was used to spiritually abuse Satan and his Gods for thousands of years.

Be careful with what you choose to spend your time doing, because you may end up doing something harmful, like invoking the jewish "god" into your soul from a simple song, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, all you have to do is look at the first two lines of the song mentioned here.

Akephalos(Jewish "God")
Shine through me(Self explanitory)

Also, for those of you who are wondering why I'm not posting the entire lyrics, just the top two verses make me feel fucking sick looking at, the lyrics are a LITERAL ritual designed to enslave, bind, torture, and abuse SATAN and OUR GODS so, if you're really that fucking interested google the damn lyrics because those two lines above are my fucking limit. That shit song is fucking vile and evil.
Some Joe Shmoe singing along to jew music is enough to "bind and torture" the gods?

Buddy, every christian church on the planet curses Satan, demons, and "false gods" with focused intent on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis. The congregations spend their lives casting blame and calling anything they dislike Satanic.

I don't think the music is going to have much effect.
Spidersweb said:
Some Joe Shmoe singing along to jew music is enough to "bind and torture" the gods?

Buddy, every christian church on the planet curses Satan, demons, and "false gods" with focused intent on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis. The congregations spend their lives casting blame and calling anything they dislike Satanic.

I don't think the music is going to have much effect.

That's not what I said, maybe you should re-read my thread.
Absolutely disgusting.

I never liked the song because of the lyrics being slanderous even without having this knowledge, but this really is exceptionally blasphemous and defamatory.

The lyrics openly curse Satan, calling him a god of plague and fever, affirming his name is nowhere and never.

The exact same thing the enemy used as curses to make people forget about Satan, binding his name and the knowledge of it within people's consciousness so they could not remember him or the Gods.

This song is most vile and disgusting, and no different than singing and praising the worst of jewish curses upon Satan and our Gods.

Actually vile beyond words.

The only Satanic Song I have found that is not directly blasphemous and has some actual Satanic connotations, is the song by Manowar called Bridge of Death.

Even that song, when the lyrics are examined through the Satanic Eye, is not without flaws or a few words that are disrespectful, but the meanings in it are good and actually praise Satan earnestly, the only song of it's kind that I know.

This whole part is beautiful and in many ways, synonymous with what we experience as blood dedicated SS.

"Well the life that he has given full of riches
And success has a price that I made good in blood to pay.
And the light he now is showing
To guide my every footstep is insurance if I falter on my way.
And what God has now
Forsaken and man has never seen are the
Riches of the underworld below all my
Years of earthly pleasures gave support
Unto the bridges I now cross it giving
Him my soul"

I hope to see Satanic music that actually resonates with Satan's essence, with his Name and celebrates him for the great being that he is.

Unfortunately I have no talent in singing, or I'd have tried to write and sing some songs myself.
I don't think very many people greatly like the style of the music that is labeled as "Satanic" to begin with. I think it sucks I found a few actual more Satanic songs but they were all kind of veiled and were not by people labeled as Satanic you wouldn't find them searching this. Whenever I come across something I actually think is inspired by the Gods I like it and get excited. You can feel it in the energies of those songs and yeah a couple popular ones were. But it's not obvious to outsiders.

Unfortunately the Jews are not going allow anything greatly beautiful or inspiring that is too openly Satanic to get out there in the mainstream at least. It's all going to be reverse xtianity or stuff like what you said.
Artisan said:
When one searches for "Satanic Music" online they will be brought to a wide variety of songs, bands, and artists, many of which you may know or currently listen to. However, as we all know, with anything "Satanic" there is almost always some jewish corruption involved in order to either mislead or harm those who seek it out. Today we are going to be talking about one of the most well know "Satanic Songs" which happens to hold some of the most evil and vile shit hiding in plain sight

"O Father O Satan O Sun"

For those without knowledge of the jewish systems of binding that were used to enslave and torture our Gods for thousands of years you may not understand what the song is saying, in fact, you may think that because the name "Satan" is in some of the lyrics that the song is Satanic. However, the song is actually a ritual known as the "bornless one ritual" or the "Liber Samekh" which was used to viciously attack Satan and his Demons for thousands of years.

In the same way when one says one of the Gods names they notice us or when we say part of Satans invocation he notices us, if you call a spiritual being by name or say part of an invocation to them they will notice. I want you to keep that in mind as it will be very important soon.

"The Bornless One" in the original manuscript is Akefalon, Akephalon, which is the accusative form of "Akephalos". The literal meaning of this is "headless". Akephalon enumerates to 677, the same as "Aigle Trisagia", (Thrice-Holy Splendour). Akephalos itself enumerates to 827.

Now, Akephalos sounds quite familiar, where have I heard that? Oh yes, that's right, in O Father O Satan O Sun the very first line is calling out this being "Akephalos" by name. Remember what we said about calling Satans name out and invoking him? Well, guess what happens when you call out this "Akephalos" by name? Obviously, in the same way when you call Satans name he notices you, when you call this being by name it will notice you.

For those of you who are still confused I'll make it easy for you.

The ENTIRE song is the bornless one ritual and when you sing this you are praising and calling out to the jewish reptilians and telling them to bind Satan and his Demons.

When one looks at the "bornless one ritual" and then refrences the song they will find that it is the exact same thing. There is nothing "Satanic" about the song. The song in itself is an invocation to the jewish "God" and you are calling them to bind Satan and his Gods.

To everyone reading this you should take this as a warning, often times the most dangerous threat is hiding in plain sight but you merely lack the knowledge to see it. I mean, the song "O Father O Satan O Sun" when listened to seems like an actual song, a strange song, but a song nonetheless. However, with proper knowledge one will understand that this so called "song" is nothing more than the jewish invocation which was used to spiritually abuse Satan and his Gods for thousands of years.

Be careful with what you choose to spend your time doing, because you may end up doing something harmful, like invoking the jewish "god" into your soul from a simple song, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, all you have to do is look at the first two lines of the song mentioned here.

Akephalos(Jewish "God")
Shine through me(Self explanitory)

Also, for those of you who are wondering why I'm not posting the entire lyrics, just the top two verses make me feel fucking sick looking at, the lyrics are a LITERAL ritual designed to enslave, bind, torture, and abuse SATAN and OUR GODS so, if you're really that fucking interested google the damn lyrics because those two lines above are my fucking limit. That shit song is fucking vile and evil.

Are you sure about Akephalos (Jewish "God")?

Found this (also not good, besides the marked one):

"Akephalos ( Greek aképhalos "without a head") denotes a headless demon .

Demons of this kind are known in almost all cultures and are often regarded as ominous. In ancient popular belief, the Akephaloi were still executed criminals who from then on had to go around headlessly. Later in the Greek-Egyptian magical literature, Akephalus was regarded as a god to whom everything is open. In general, however, he is a haunted creature and a murder demon." https://second.wiki/wiki/akephalos

Also what is with the intent? If you imagine while doing it Satan and only in a good way can it still be bad?

As a example HPS Maxine did rewrite the Enochian (angel language) keys so they are beneficial. But it is still enochian.

Also found more info about the bornless ritual:

"The last three paragraphs of the text (Behemoth songtext) are taken from the so-called Bornless Ritual by Aleister Crowley: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bornless_Ritual
It is a ritual which, according to Crowley, is to be performed within the framework of an 18-month self-initiation work going back to the Jewish occultist Abramelin (14th/15th century).
With Abramelin, this exercise serves to learn to communicate with one's own guardian angel. This is also one of Crowley's goals (he equates the guardian angel with the higher self, i.e. a part of one's own soul), but the Bornless Ritual itself is primarily a kind of preliminary ceremony for summoning the demons of Goetia.
Of Thelema I have unfortunately only rudimentary knowledge, so no guarantee that this summary is correcthttps://lyricstranslate.com

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)" https://lyricstranslate.com/de/o-father-o-satan-o-sun-oh-vater-oh-satan-oh-sonne.html
Fuchs said:

Headless demon, in other words, one without enlightenment, without a crown, without knowledge.

The connection is fairly easy to understand.

Also, the ritual came from a jewish occultist at its origin. That is obvious enough already that the ritual is completely botched and deals with enemy influence.

Crowley was a nutcase who got swallowed up by the enemy influence after working with the occult in times where all knowledge came from jewish curated sources.

Without knowing anything he was working with enemy entities in all his rituals. He came up with the blasphemous 8 foot circle methods and such after working with the enemy entities and he wrote and popularized a lot of the blasphemous, slanderous filth against the Gods in the so called "Goetia".

All of his methods came from jewish sources and were later provided to him directly by te enemy entities.

None of them are to be used for anything at all.

Maxine's cleaning and rewriting of the Enochian keys was different. She changed the structure of the words and the words themselves to exalt the Gods and Satan, to remove the blasphemous curses and slander from them so the keys can be used positively.

This "bornless" ritual is entirely putrid and blasphemous through and through. From all the words to the sentences.

Same as the lyrics of this most disgusting song, which copy it letter for letter.
VoiceofEnki said:
Absolutely disgusting.

I never liked the song because of the lyrics being slanderous even without having this knowledge, but this really is exceptionally blasphemous and defamatory.

The lyrics openly curse Satan, calling him a god of plague and fever, affirming his name is nowhere and never.

The exact same thing the enemy used as curses to make people forget about Satan, binding his name and the knowledge of it within people's consciousness so they could not remember him or the Gods.

This song is most vile and disgusting, and no different than singing and praising the worst of jewish curses upon Satan and our Gods.

Actually vile beyond words.

The only Satanic Song I have found that is not directly blasphemous and has some actual Satanic connotations, is the song by Manowar called Bridge of Death.

Even that song, when the lyrics are examined through the Satanic Eye, is not without flaws or a few words that are disrespectful, but the meanings in it are good and actually praise Satan earnestly, the only song of it's kind that I know.

This whole part is beautiful and in many ways, synonymous with what we experience as blood dedicated SS.

"Well the life that he has given full of riches
And success has a price that I made good in blood to pay.
And the light he now is showing
To guide my every footstep is insurance if I falter on my way.
And what God has now
Forsaken and man has never seen are the
Riches of the underworld below all my
Years of earthly pleasures gave support
Unto the bridges I now cross it giving
Him my soul"

I hope to see Satanic music that actually resonates with Satan's essence, with his Name and celebrates him for the great being that he is.

Unfortunately I have no talent in singing, or I'd have tried to write and sing some songs myself.

i actually included it in the play list i posted when someone later updated me on this which i was horrified to hear. i was ignorant of most grimoire filth and allegories and just thought it was praising Satan. some other ss made this known also and i hope they are now also reading this thread. that felt awful and im glad to have updated another post with out it there. i asked for the old one with the grimoire filth to be deleted. theres other songs ive heard in the past as well that sounded iffy to me that i have thrown out. any feedback before it was pinned and then taken down would have been appreciated in retrospect :? then again i feel like an idiot for not scrutinizing enough.
Shadowcat said:
i actually included it in the play list i posted when someone later updated me on this which i was horrified to hear. i was ignorant of most grimoire filth and allegories and just thought it was praising Satan. some other ss made this known also and i hope they are now also reading this thread. that felt awful and im glad to have updated another post with out it there. i asked for the old one with the grimoire filth to be deleted. theres other songs ive heard in the past as well that sounded iffy to me that i have thrown out. any feedback before it was pinned and then taken down would have been appreciated in retrospect :? then again i feel like an idiot for not scrutinizing enough.

In the past I also hadn't realized how bad this song is in actuality. I had listened to it a few times, thinking it was Satanic, before never listening again because I didn't like the lyrics where the singer related Satan with plague and fever, but I didn't understand or look into the occultism behind the lyrics at all, so I never realized just how bad it was until this post by Artisan exposed it really.

Since you posted due to being ignorant of this, don't feel too bad about it. You didn't intent any harm or anything negative towards Satan with the post you made, therefore there's not much to blame on you at all, don't beat yourself up over it.

Take it as a good lesson, not only for yourself, but everyone here to use even more scrutiny when determining if something is truly Satanic or merely a bastardization and blasphemy directed towards Satan and the Gods, and to not take things at face value, but do some research to quell any ignorance first before determining if something is acceptable or true or isn't.
VoiceofEnki said:
Shadowcat said:
i actually included it in the play list i posted when someone later updated me on this which i was horrified to hear. i was ignorant of most grimoire filth and allegories and just thought it was praising Satan. some other ss made this known also and i hope they are now also reading this thread. that felt awful and im glad to have updated another post with out it there. i asked for the old one with the grimoire filth to be deleted. theres other songs ive heard in the past as well that sounded iffy to me that i have thrown out. any feedback before it was pinned and then taken down would have been appreciated in retrospect :? then again i feel like an idiot for not scrutinizing enough.

In the past I also hadn't realized how bad this song is in actuality. I had listened to it a few times, thinking it was Satanic, before never listening again because I didn't like the lyrics where the singer related Satan with plague and fever, but I didn't understand or look into the occultism behind the lyrics at all, so I never realized just how bad it was until this post by Artisan exposed it really.

Since you posted due to being ignorant of this, don't feel too bad about it. You didn't intent any harm or anything negative towards Satan with the post you made, therefore there's not much to blame on you at all, don't beat yourself up over it.

Take it as a good lesson, not only for yourself, but everyone here to use even more scrutiny when determining if something is truly Satanic or merely a bastardization and blasphemy directed towards Satan and the Gods, and to not take things at face value, but do some research to quell any ignorance first before determining if something is acceptable or true or isn't.

and ignorance was the ulimate mistake in this case. im glad for artisan also sheading some light on this. he gave me a heads up as well before making his post.
It seems, our efforts from current schedule are starting to manifest, that's a very good sign.
I realized this a long time ago and stopped listening this crap, this band only promotes hebrew garbage and in many of their songs they call demons with the hebrew versions which are a big insult like for example in the song Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer calls Azazel "Apollyon" which is a jewish corruption and is a big insult.
It is much better to listen to neo-pagan bands like Heidevolk, Enfiserum or Amon Amarth that at least are not full of hebrew garbage.
VoiceofEnki said:
Shadowcat said:
i actually included it in the play list i posted when someone later updated me on this which i was horrified to hear. i was ignorant of most grimoire filth and allegories and just thought it was praising Satan. some other ss made this known also and i hope they are now also reading this thread. that felt awful and im glad to have updated another post with out it there. i asked for the old one with the grimoire filth to be deleted. theres other songs ive heard in the past as well that sounded iffy to me that i have thrown out. any feedback before it was pinned and then taken down would have been appreciated in retrospect :? then again i feel like an idiot for not scrutinizing enough.

In the past I also hadn't realized how bad this song is in actuality. I had listened to it a few times, thinking it was Satanic, before never listening again because I didn't like the lyrics where the singer related Satan with plague and fever, but I didn't understand or look into the occultism behind the lyrics at all, so I never realized just how bad it was until this post by Artisan exposed it really.

Since you posted due to being ignorant of this, don't feel too bad about it. You didn't intent any harm or anything negative towards Satan with the post you made, therefore there's not much to blame on you at all, don't beat yourself up over it.

Take it as a good lesson, not only for yourself, but everyone here to use even more scrutiny when determining if something is truly Satanic or merely a bastardization and blasphemy directed towards Satan and the Gods, and to not take things at face value, but do some research to quell any ignorance first before determining if something is acceptable or true or isn't.

I understand where you are coming from but even not knowing what any of this means before reading this (i didn't) the lyrics of stuff like this comes across as strange and I would go wait a minute what is this talking about and want to look it up before calling this Satanic.

Shadowcat I remember you shared some other song by this same band before with me in the song it directly praised Leviathan in an obvious way. I was thinking wtf but outside of that the context of everything felt cool so I didn't think much of it other than him maybe practicing leveyan Satanism. But the lyrics of the above song feel strange enough I would know it's not Satanic even without knowing the meaning. So yeah before sharing something be sure of it. I know I made that mistake with a song once I later found out the person was a jew I was like oh fuck I posted that awhile back. But we live and learn. At least you know the truth now don't feel too bad.
I always thought Behemoth were weird. There was something off about them, and the lyrics are strange. I guess this is explain it. I came across this song before, the title caught my attention. But the lyrics were just wrong. Didn't know how wrong until now. Good work.

This isn't only blasphemous but also dangerous, you don't need to sing it, it acts on your subconscious. Have you ever spent hours listening affirmations on YouTube? These definitely work. It's the same thing here with music. It is programming your mind for good or worse. Which is why listening good music such as the one VoE quoted gives such a nice warm feeling, because the programming is good.
slyscorpion said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Shadowcat said:
i actually included it in the play list i posted when someone later updated me on this which i was horrified to hear. i was ignorant of most grimoire filth and allegories and just thought it was praising Satan. some other ss made this known also and i hope they are now also reading this thread. that felt awful and im glad to have updated another post with out it there. i asked for the old one with the grimoire filth to be deleted. theres other songs ive heard in the past as well that sounded iffy to me that i have thrown out. any feedback before it was pinned and then taken down would have been appreciated in retrospect :? then again i feel like an idiot for not scrutinizing enough.

In the past I also hadn't realized how bad this song is in actuality. I had listened to it a few times, thinking it was Satanic, before never listening again because I didn't like the lyrics where the singer related Satan with plague and fever, but I didn't understand or look into the occultism behind the lyrics at all, so I never realized just how bad it was until this post by Artisan exposed it really.

Since you posted due to being ignorant of this, don't feel too bad about it. You didn't intent any harm or anything negative towards Satan with the post you made, therefore there's not much to blame on you at all, don't beat yourself up over it.

Take it as a good lesson, not only for yourself, but everyone here to use even more scrutiny when determining if something is truly Satanic or merely a bastardization and blasphemy directed towards Satan and the Gods, and to not take things at face value, but do some research to quell any ignorance first before determining if something is acceptable or true or isn't.

I understand where you are coming from but even not knowing what any of this means before reading this (i didn't) the lyrics of stuff like this comes across as strange and I would go wait a minute what is this talking about and want to look it up before calling this Satanic.

Shadowcat I remember you shared some other song by this same band before with me in the song it directly praised Leviathan in an obvious way. I was thinking wtf but outside of that the context of everything felt cool so I didn't think much of it other than him maybe practicing leveyan Satanism. But the lyrics of the above song feel strange enough I would know it's not Satanic even without knowing the meaning. So yeah before sharing something be sure of it. I know I made that mistake with a song once I later found out the person was a jew I was like oh fuck I posted that awhile back. But we live and learn. At least you know the truth now don't feel too bad.

which song was that? i think that was one of the ones i deleted in the past
VoiceofEnki said:
Fuchs said:

Headless demon, in other words, one without enlightenment, without a crown, without knowledge.

The connection is fairly easy to understand.

Also, the ritual came from a jewish occultist at its origin. That is obvious enough already that the ritual is completely botched and deals with enemy influence.

Crowley was a nutcase who got swallowed up by the enemy influence after working with the occult in times where all knowledge came from jewish curated sources.

Without knowing anything he was working with enemy entities in all his rituals. He came up with the blasphemous 8 foot circle methods and such after working with the enemy entities and he wrote and popularized a lot of the blasphemous, slanderous filth against the Gods in the so called "Goetia".

All of his methods came from jewish sources and were later provided to him directly by te enemy entities.

None of them are to be used for anything at all.

Maxine's cleaning and rewriting of the Enochian keys was different. She changed the structure of the words and the words themselves to exalt the Gods and Satan, to remove the blasphemous curses and slander from them so the keys can be used positively.

This "bornless" ritual is entirely putrid and blasphemous through and through. From all the words to the sentences.

Same as the lyrics of this most disgusting song, which copy it letter for letter.

I still can´t believe Behemoth does secretly kike musik.

What about this:

Later in the Greek-Egyptian magical literature, Akephalus was regarded as a god to whom everything is open.

Only The last three paragraphs of the text (Behemoth songtext) are taken from the so-called Bornless Ritual by Aleister Crowley. I did probably 100th of RTRs listening to the CD the song was on it. This was my RTR music that keeped me doing a extra round. Atleast if you don´t sing it, you don´t give energy in it, as far as I know. It sucks.
Shadowcat said:
slyscorpion said:
VoiceofEnki said:
In the past I also hadn't realized how bad this song is in actuality. I had listened to it a few times, thinking it was Satanic, before never listening again because I didn't like the lyrics where the singer related Satan with plague and fever, but I didn't understand or look into the occultism behind the lyrics at all, so I never realized just how bad it was until this post by Artisan exposed it really.

Since you posted due to being ignorant of this, don't feel too bad about it. You didn't intent any harm or anything negative towards Satan with the post you made, therefore there's not much to blame on you at all, don't beat yourself up over it.

Take it as a good lesson, not only for yourself, but everyone here to use even more scrutiny when determining if something is truly Satanic or merely a bastardization and blasphemy directed towards Satan and the Gods, and to not take things at face value, but do some research to quell any ignorance first before determining if something is acceptable or true or isn't.

I understand where you are coming from but even not knowing what any of this means before reading this (i didn't) the lyrics of stuff like this comes across as strange and I would go wait a minute what is this talking about and want to look it up before calling this Satanic.

Shadowcat I remember you shared some other song by this same band before with me in the song it directly praised Leviathan in an obvious way. I was thinking wtf but outside of that the context of everything felt cool so I didn't think much of it other than him maybe practicing leveyan Satanism. But the lyrics of the above song feel strange enough I would know it's not Satanic even without knowing the meaning. So yeah before sharing something be sure of it. I know I made that mistake with a song once I later found out the person was a jew I was like oh fuck I posted that awhile back. But we live and learn. At least you know the truth now don't feel too bad.

which song was that? i think that was one of the ones i deleted in the past


This one.

To be honest checking out a few more songs from him this entire thing in the all the ones I listened too sounds completly like it's from the Jewish kabbalah or Bible or something. Also the energy isn't great on it either. I don't really think I like that band.

But yeah funny take on the Xmas holiday that one. 🤣 kind of made me laugh a little.
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
slyscorpion said:
I understand where you are coming from but even not knowing what any of this means before reading this (i didn't) the lyrics of stuff like this comes across as strange and I would go wait a minute what is this talking about and want to look it up before calling this Satanic.

Shadowcat I remember you shared some other song by this same band before with me in the song it directly praised Leviathan in an obvious way. I was thinking wtf but outside of that the context of everything felt cool so I didn't think much of it other than him maybe practicing leveyan Satanism. But the lyrics of the above song feel strange enough I would know it's not Satanic even without knowing the meaning. So yeah before sharing something be sure of it. I know I made that mistake with a song once I later found out the person was a jew I was like oh fuck I posted that awhile back. But we live and learn. At least you know the truth now don't feel too bad.

which song was that? i think that was one of the ones i deleted in the past


This one.

To be honest checking out a few more songs from him this entire thing in the all the ones I listened too sounds completly like it's from the Jewish kabbalah or Bible or something. Also the energy isn't great on it either. I don't really think I like that band.

But yeah funny take on the Xmas holiday that one. 🤣 kind of made me laugh a little.

But yeah that one too it does sound way more Jewish than I remember the lyrics.
Being "headless" is a very strong spiritual symbol and what it means must be hidden. It is the initiation, connection, the sexual nature, the masculine being unionized with the female, the before.

A very strong prophetic symbol of life-changing events, such as very strong illness, death, and rebirth. The visions related to this are very psychic at the edge of consciousness, very heavy involvements and one must be very serious about these things. Death can be symbolized also as a knife in many cases. Do not take lightly such visions if you are advanced, and take protection. I predicted in this fashion a lot of deaths.
Artisan said:
you may think that because the name "Satan" is in some of the lyrics that the song is Satanic.
There was/is a christian song (probably more than one, but one in particular) which has the word and name "Satan" in it, mentioned more than once. It is trying to say that puny christians are stronger, more powerful, higher than Satan because a sad, pathetic, scrawny, weakling, vegan hippy jew died on a cross, which, because it was tortured and died painfully and enduringly, makes christians so amazing and powerful... We sung that in the church I attended - then later, that song was cancelled because we're not stronger than Satan, and we must rely on the sad, pathetic, scrawny, weakling, vegan hippy jew who died on a cross, which was tortured and died painfully and enduringly... instead of building-up our own abilities!!!!

In the same way when one says one of the Gods names they notice us or when we say part of Satans invocation he notices us, if you call a spiritual being by name or say part of an invocation to them they will notice. I want you to keep that in mind as it will be very important soon.
For the sake of clarity - I think we also have to have the intention of getting Their attention. Yes?

Akephalos(Jewish "God")
Might there also be some perversion in that? -phalos - phallus?

because those two lines above are my fucking limit. That shit song is fucking vile and evil.
Until otherwise stated, I shall continue to consider Tŷr's album I have, By the Light of the Northern Star, OK, and share it. The album is good, or seems to be. These don't seem to be Satanic exactly, but seem to be closely-related - Pagan/Norse/Viking.

Hold the Heathen Hammer High
Heathen Heart
Pagan Pride
faring far
Sword by side
Tribal times
Northern nights
hidden high
Runic rites
I was told...

Hold the Heathen Hammer high
with a Battle Cry
for the Pagan past I live and one day will die
never turn away
ever true until your forefathers stalwart stay
never go astray
Down the wayward way so far faring strangers stray
Hold the heathen hammer high


There's a fire in His eye
as He holds His hungry Sword into the sky

We ride for the battle, my brothers by my side
we fight, we were still standing by the morning light
they died, well at least those who didn't run to hide
We ride for the borough where mead and wenches bide
We ride
We ride

Lesser men hope for freedom when they die
Home is where the Heathen Banners fly
and this eastern king laughs at us in darkened halls
ride to fight him now your Chieftain calls
There's a fire in His eye
as He holds His hungry Sword into the sky

I share these in the hopes it might help you. There is one concern, though - the Y (ŷ) in their name is the Rune glyph ALGIZ
upside-down. From what I have seen, it is not bound by a circle, though, like the hippy "peace" symbol is.
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
slyscorpion said:
I understand where you are coming from but even not knowing what any of this means before reading this (i didn't) the lyrics of stuff like this comes across as strange and I would go wait a minute what is this talking about and want to look it up before calling this Satanic.

Shadowcat I remember you shared some other song by this same band before with me in the song it directly praised Leviathan in an obvious way. I was thinking wtf but outside of that the context of everything felt cool so I didn't think much of it other than him maybe practicing leveyan Satanism. But the lyrics of the above song feel strange enough I would know it's not Satanic even without knowing the meaning. So yeah before sharing something be sure of it. I know I made that mistake with a song once I later found out the person was a jew I was like oh fuck I posted that awhile back. But we live and learn. At least you know the truth now don't feel too bad.

which song was that? i think that was one of the ones i deleted in the past


This one.

To be honest checking out a few more songs from him this entire thing in the all the ones I listened too sounds completly like it's from the Jewish kabbalah or Bible or something. Also the energy isn't great on it either. I don't really think I like that band.

But yeah funny take on the Xmas holiday that one. 🤣 kind of made me laugh a little.

I never listened to that one...you sure i linked you that one o_O?
Artisan said:
When one searches for "Satanic Music" online they will be brought to a wide variety of songs, bands, and artists, many of which you may know or currently listen to. However, as we all know, with anything "Satanic" there is almost always some jewish corruption involved in order to either mislead or harm those who seek it out. Today we are going to be talking about one of the most well know "Satanic Songs" which happens to hold some of the most evil and vile shit hiding in plain sight

"O Father O Satan O Sun"

For those without knowledge of the jewish systems of binding that were used to enslave and torture our Gods for thousands of years you may not understand what the song is saying, in fact, you may think that because the name "Satan" is in some of the lyrics that the song is Satanic. However, the song is actually a ritual known as the "bornless one ritual" or the "Liber Samekh" which was used to viciously attack Satan and his Demons for thousands of years.

In the same way when one says one of the Gods names they notice us or when we say part of Satans invocation he notices us, if you call a spiritual being by name or say part of an invocation to them they will notice. I want you to keep that in mind as it will be very important soon.

"The Bornless One" in the original manuscript is Akefalon, Akephalon, which is the accusative form of "Akephalos". The literal meaning of this is "headless". Akephalon enumerates to 677, the same as "Aigle Trisagia", (Thrice-Holy Splendour). Akephalos itself enumerates to 827.

Now, Akephalos sounds quite familiar, where have I heard that? Oh yes, that's right, in O Father O Satan O Sun the very first line is calling out this being "Akephalos" by name. Remember what we said about calling Satans name out and invoking him? Well, guess what happens when you call out this "Akephalos" by name? Obviously, in the same way when you call Satans name he notices you, when you call this being by name it will notice you.

For those of you who are still confused I'll make it easy for you.

The ENTIRE song is the bornless one ritual and when you sing this you are praising and calling out to the jewish reptilians and telling them to bind Satan and his Demons.

When one looks at the "bornless one ritual" and then refrences the song they will find that it is the exact same thing. There is nothing "Satanic" about the song. The song in itself is an invocation to the jewish "God" and you are calling them to bind Satan and his Gods.

To everyone reading this you should take this as a warning, often times the most dangerous threat is hiding in plain sight but you merely lack the knowledge to see it. I mean, the song "O Father O Satan O Sun" when listened to seems like an actual song, a strange song, but a song nonetheless. However, with proper knowledge one will understand that this so called "song" is nothing more than the jewish invocation which was used to spiritually abuse Satan and his Gods for thousands of years.

Be careful with what you choose to spend your time doing, because you may end up doing something harmful, like invoking the jewish "god" into your soul from a simple song, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, all you have to do is look at the first two lines of the song mentioned here.

Akephalos(Jewish "God")
Shine through me(Self explanitory)

Also, for those of you who are wondering why I'm not posting the entire lyrics, just the top two verses make me feel fucking sick looking at, the lyrics are a LITERAL ritual designed to enslave, bind, torture, and abuse SATAN and OUR GODS so, if you're really that fucking interested google the damn lyrics because those two lines above are my fucking limit. That shit song is fucking vile and evil.
Father also was telling me to delete some songs that depict Him wrong, amongst other ones that have inappropriate lyrics. Then I came across this post, I was glad to see it. I think He now wants us to cleanse our environment and the things that go in our brains.
Shadowcat said:
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
which song was that? i think that was one of the ones i deleted in the past


This one.

To be honest checking out a few more songs from him this entire thing in the all the ones I listened too sounds completly like it's from the Jewish kabbalah or Bible or something. Also the energy isn't great on it either. I don't really think I like that band.

But yeah funny take on the Xmas holiday that one. 🤣 kind of made me laugh a little.

I never listened to that one...you sure i linked you that one o_O?

It was something with the theme of this holiday. I guess I don't remember. It very well could be I was searching random stuff and shared this one after I found it for all I know. I just remember this one I thought it was you who shared it.

Anyways this band totally is Jewish or Xtian Satanism or something that's the point. Thinking about that I don't like the lyrics on these.
But that's the thing Behemoth = Troll band.

I have a friend who is one of the few people in the World to like Black Metal. He told me Death Metal gains more followers than Black Metal. Black Metal deals with nature, NS, Satanism, spiritual concepts etc.etc. most Death Metal bands don't even want that kind of attention.

But like he told me a few months back. I emailed him a youtube video to a 2019/2020, Concert with the song Bartzabel(Lower Ranking Demon or God that is in the JoS Daemon section). And I go is this right up your alley and a few other things.

He goes the thing is yeah, it's near my alley but let me explain, they piss away money on the theatrics and generally speaking Behemoth is a troll band. He did say he respects a good troll. But he doesn't like Behemoth since the way the singer growls and does certain effects that don't seem good or high quality. Other bands procure better effects from stomach singing/screaming and the BM Scream metal bands and there's many older or even newer bands or albums from certain bands that are better than Behemoth. For example I asked him if he listened to Dimmu Borgir since that's a very well known BM band and was used in Deathklok(mid-00s show on adult swim) as a joke even though DK is Death Metal a lesser form of Black Metal not full on into the whole aspect behind Black Metal. And he goes Funny enough most people believe Dimmu to be Black Metal. They are actually Symphonic Black Metal a sub-set of BM and on top of that he mentions most of Dimmu's popularity is the first few albums after that they sorta don't go any further in popularity, the first few albums made them popular for a reason.

Only a few songs are good from Behemoth. Like he told me in one song "I have not met a man who was not a God". A bit extreme especially knowing the sub-human filth that exist in places. But he goes except for a few songs which I can respect a good troll. Most people don't know Behemoth is kinda like dicking around with Black Metal. He further goes on to say there are way better BM bands out there than Behemoth with better growls, vocalization, and lyrics. He goes most people listen to Black Metal like a direct musical effect which can be good. I replied back is that like people who listen to Marilyn Manson in a bad mood and become even worse. And he is like if that's an example your giving me than sure.

He goes while not incorrect to listen to BM directly as it can pump you up like certain normal Metal singing bands and whatnot or certain hard rock or even softer to rock bands. Black Metal is more akin to House Music. You play it in the background and decipher the encrypted message. It CAN be directly listened to and can be good for example if your doing an activity like playing a game or something involving non-music entertainment or want to entertain your music tastes with BM in the background. But like he said BM is put in the background and you sorta think or process the song passively. To him it's better to listen passively while doing things rather than paying attention. I asked him if he's ever looked up the lyrics and paid attention to the song to which he told me he did but it's not as fun as listening passively plus sometimes you can be surprised by what they say or the way it's said and "click" with you in a positive way. In other words certain lyrics stated in BM can be like a personal message describing a mental thought or a curiosity involving certain subjects.

He goes on further to state after directly but better indirectly listening i.e. passively you gain a liking for certain growls, snarls, screams, vocalization, lyrical screaming, and stomach effects. Remember if most singers sang black metal they'd burn their throats offline in a single song. It's kinda like the song Dig from Mudvayne his screaming and singing is most likely a stomach effect and not a throat effect. Which my friend replied Mudvayne is kinda like a gateway band. If you like certain things about them you'll probably like BM and probably find your niche music or certain bands concerning BM.

So anyways Behemoth = Troll. I understand some member like them like The Satanist Album and HPS.Shannon raving about them and yes a black person like BM is very strange cause everyone you see at those concerts is white/whiter people. But anyways race and jokes aside Behemoth is basically a troll band.

It's no surprise some of you don't like their lyrics or find it hypocritical that they sing XYZ way but do ABC or alternatively do ABC thing. Again there are better bands out there with much more anti-xtian messages who really mean it. EVEN if some of these bands are like falling into atheistic anarchy. I assume some BM bands are extremist or have extreme views.
Fuchs said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Fuchs said:

Headless demon, in other words, one without enlightenment, without a crown, without knowledge.

The connection is fairly easy to understand.

Also, the ritual came from a jewish occultist at its origin. That is obvious enough already that the ritual is completely botched and deals with enemy influence.

Crowley was a nutcase who got swallowed up by the enemy influence after working with the occult in times where all knowledge came from jewish curated sources.

Without knowing anything he was working with enemy entities in all his rituals. He came up with the blasphemous 8 foot circle methods and such after working with the enemy entities and he wrote and popularized a lot of the blasphemous, slanderous filth against the Gods in the so called "Goetia".

All of his methods came from jewish sources and were later provided to him directly by te enemy entities.

None of them are to be used for anything at all.

Maxine's cleaning and rewriting of the Enochian keys was different. She changed the structure of the words and the words themselves to exalt the Gods and Satan, to remove the blasphemous curses and slander from them so the keys can be used positively.

This "bornless" ritual is entirely putrid and blasphemous through and through. From all the words to the sentences.

Same as the lyrics of this most disgusting song, which copy it letter for letter.

I still can´t believe Behemoth does secretly kike musik.

What about this:

Later in the Greek-Egyptian magical literature, Akephalus was regarded as a god to whom everything is open.

Only The last three paragraphs of the text (Behemoth songtext) are taken from the so-called Bornless Ritual by Aleister Crowley. I did probably 100th of RTRs listening to the CD the song was on it. This was my RTR music that keeped me doing a extra round. Atleast if you don´t sing it, you don´t give energy in it, as far as I know. It sucks.

This is a bold faced lie and I don't understand how you could even lie like this. It's not "the last three paragraphs". It's the entire song.

Also I don't even need to get into aleister Crowley and how he was led along by enemy entities thinking he was communicating with something else.

This song is word for word the "Liber Samekh".

NakedPluto said:
Being "headless" is a very strong spiritual symbol and what it means must be hidden. It is the initiation, connection, the sexual nature, the masculine being unionized with the female, the before.

A very strong prophetic symbol of life-changing events, such as very strong illness, death, and rebirth. The visions related to this are very psychic at the edge of consciousness, very heavy involvements and one must be very serious about these things. Death can be symbolized also as a knife in many cases. Do not take lightly such visions if you are advanced, and take protection. I predicted in this fashion a lot of deaths.

Regardless of whatever it means or doesn't mean, it doesn't change the fact that this "song" is word for word a ritual of spiritual abuse and very blasphemous against the Gods.

VoiceofEnki said:
Absolutely disgusting.

I never liked the song because of the lyrics being slanderous even without having this knowledge, but this really is exceptionally blasphemous and defamatory.

The lyrics openly curse Satan, calling him a god of plague and fever, affirming his name is nowhere and never.

The exact same thing the enemy used as curses to make people forget about Satan, binding his name and the knowledge of it within people's consciousness so they could not remember him or the Gods.

This song is most vile and disgusting, and no different than singing and praising the worst of jewish curses upon Satan and our Gods.

Actually vile beyond words.

The only Satanic Song I have found that is not directly blasphemous and has some actual Satanic connotations, is the song by Manowar called Bridge of Death.

Even that song, when the lyrics are examined through the Satanic Eye, is not without flaws or a few words that are disrespectful, but the meanings in it are good and actually praise Satan earnestly, the only song of it's kind that I know.

This whole part is beautiful and in many ways, synonymous with what we experience as blood dedicated SS.

"Well the life that he has given full of riches
And success has a price that I made good in blood to pay.
And the light he now is showing
To guide my every footstep is insurance if I falter on my way.
And what God has now
Forsaken and man has never seen are the
Riches of the underworld below all my
Years of earthly pleasures gave support
Unto the bridges I now cross it giving
Him my soul"

I hope to see Satanic music that actually resonates with Satan's essence, with his Name and celebrates him for the great being that he is.

Unfortunately I have no talent in singing, or I'd have tried to write and sing some songs myself.

Might I recommend you an artists who was a known SS who made music and uploaded it to soundcloud? While there are only two songs I highly recommend those songs instead of listening to whatever mainstream jewish drivel you can find on jewtube.

Born To Be God

slyscorpion said:
I don't think very many people greatly like the style of the music that is labeled as "Satanic" to begin with. I think it sucks I found a few actual more Satanic songs but they were all kind of veiled and were not by people labeled as Satanic you wouldn't find them searching this. Whenever I come across something I actually think is inspired by the Gods I like it and get excited. You can feel it in the energies of those songs and yeah a couple popular ones were. But it's not obvious to outsiders.

Unfortunately the Jews are not going allow anything greatly beautiful or inspiring that is too openly Satanic to get out there in the mainstream at least. It's all going to be reverse xtianity or stuff like what you said.

Yea it's really unfortunate. You'll never hear a truly SS song being mainstream.

Some SS have made their own music before like Born To Be God. While he only has two songs they are worth checking out, one is called "perfect human" and the other is called "Sowilo" and were released on the old forums before the shutdown. Still up and as beautiful as the day they were released.

Born To Be God

BlackOnyx8 said:
I always thought Behemoth were weird. There was something off about them, and the lyrics are strange. I guess this is explain it. I came across this song before, the title caught my attention. But the lyrics were just wrong. Didn't know how wrong until now. Good work.

This isn't only blasphemous but also dangerous, you don't need to sing it, it acts on your subconscious. Have you ever spent hours listening affirmations on YouTube? These definitely work. It's the same thing here with music. It is programming your mind for good or worse. Which is why listening good music such as the one VoE quoted gives such a nice warm feeling, because the programming is good.

Something I didn't cover here which was originally in the post but I removed it to save time for those reading is the usage of frequencies within music. Let me give you an example.

Find any Sad/Emo/Depressive song on youtube or any platform and you will notice that in 99% of them there is a certain frequency which plays in the background. This frequency is a binural beat that when listened to invokes feelings of suicide, depression, self harm, and basically fucks people brain chemestry all up.

It is very similar to a staticy-rain and you will notice it on every popular "suicide rap" song. If you need an easy example just pull up ANY of xxxtentacians music and you'll find this frequency in it. Also, for those who have been attacked by ETs before will know of the buzzing frequency that accompanies their presence, when writing this I realized that the staticy buzz is actually fairy reminscent of the buzz which accompanies greys.

Also, for those who don't know what binural beats are. In short, they are frequencies that when played through headphones modify brain activity and induce certain states.

Wotanwarrior said:
I realized this a long time ago and stopped listening this crap, this band only promotes hebrew garbage and in many of their songs they call demons with the hebrew versions which are a big insult like for example in the song Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer calls Azazel "Apollyon" which is a jewish corruption and is a big insult.
It is much better to listen to neo-pagan bands like Heidevolk, Enfiserum or Amon Amarth that at least are not full of hebrew garbage.

Glad you stopped listening to such shit brother :)
FancyMancy said:
Artisan said:
you may think that because the name "Satan" is in some of the lyrics that the song is Satanic.
There was/is a christian song (probably more than one, but one in particular) which has the word and name "Satan" in it, mentioned more than once. It is trying to say that puny christians are stronger, more powerful, higher than Satan because a sad, pathetic, scrawny, weakling, vegan hippy jew died on a cross, which, because it was tortured and died painfully and enduringly, makes christians so amazing and powerful... We sung that in the church I attended - then later, that song was cancelled because we're not stronger than Satan, and we must rely on the sad, pathetic, scrawny, weakling, vegan hippy jew who died on a cross, which was tortured and died painfully and enduringly... instead of building-up our own abilities!!!!

Yea that shit is riduclous, however, cognitive dissonance is a real bitch when it hits. It's like getting a wrench throne into the cogs of your mind. I can remember when I was an x-ian and shit which opposed or disproved x-ianity came around and it was like my mind broke, I couldn't think, I couldn't talk, I couldn't function.

This is how a lot of x-ians are when they hear anything besides the jewish drivel they've been preached. A lot of them are unable to break free from that state and are slaves to their own ignorance, it's a really sad situation honestly. Often times when an x-ian gets in such a state you can tell, they will get a look on their face different from how they usually act and instantly change their demeanor.

It's basically a shutdown of the logical centers of the brain and the emotional centers take over. The two most prominent reactions I have seen are either intense anger or complete shutdown. Obviously one shouldn't interact with x-ians if they can help it, after all, the al-jilwah is very clear on this, but, when I was young and ignorant, freshly joined, I wanted EVERYONE to know the truth about Satan and that's why I am so familiar with these x-ians reactions.

Of course there is my own personal experience from when I was an x-ian.

FancyMancy said:
In the same way when one says one of the Gods names they notice us or when we say part of Satans invocation he notices us, if you call a spiritual being by name or say part of an invocation to them they will notice. I want you to keep that in mind as it will be very important soon.
For the sake of clarity - I think we also have to have the intention of getting Their attention. Yes?
You would think so but no. See, the issue with this "song" is that it's an actual invocation which is far different then saying in casual conversation "Oh yea, the virgin mary is actually stolen from the queen of the heavens Astarte and is a corruption of ancient pagan mythology".

Obviously there is a difference between one mention and an invocation to a being.

The entire song here is an invocation to said entity which when one looks closely they can see this being to be a jewish entity.

FancyMancy said:
Akephalos(Jewish "God")
Might there also be some perversion in that? -phalos - phallus?
I'm no expert on the ritual so I couldn't tell you, I'm just someone who almost got into some really bad shit and that's part of why I'm aware of it's exist.

FancyMancy said:
because those two lines above are my fucking limit. That shit song is fucking vile and evil.
Until otherwise stated, I shall continue to consider Tŷr's album I have, By the Light of the Northern Star, OK, and share it. The album is good, or seems to be. These don't seem to be Satanic exactly, but seem to be closely-related - Pagan/Norse/Viking.

Hold the Heathen Hammer High
Heathen Heart
Pagan Pride
faring far
Sword by side
Tribal times
Northern nights
hidden high
Runic rites
I was told...

Hold the Heathen Hammer high
with a Battle Cry
for the Pagan past I live and one day will die
never turn away
ever true until your forefathers stalwart stay
never go astray
Down the wayward way so far faring strangers stray
Hold the heathen hammer high


There's a fire in His eye
as He holds His hungry Sword into the sky

We ride for the battle, my brothers by my side
we fight, we were still standing by the morning light
they died, well at least those who didn't run to hide
We ride for the borough where mead and wenches bide
We ride
We ride

Lesser men hope for freedom when they die
Home is where the Heathen Banners fly
and this eastern king laughs at us in darkened halls
ride to fight him now your Chieftain calls
There's a fire in His eye
as He holds His hungry Sword into the sky

I share these in the hopes it might help you. There is one concern, though - the Y (ŷ) in their name is the Rune glyph ALGIZ
upside-down. From what I have seen, it is not bound by a circle, though, like the hippy "peace" symbol is.

I personally would stay away from modern music entirely. There are so many issues with modern music that it's unbelievable.

The only music I listen two are two songs made by a fellow SS, other than that I don't really listen to music anymore because of all the potential shit wrong with it.

If you are interested in it then here is the page.

Born To Be God
Yeah there can be a fine line between theatrics and downright offensive portrayal when it comes to Satan.

For example, Satan being portrayed as "darkness"? I think that's fine, because Satan does bring mystery and in some sense lives behind a bridge of a darkness that has yet to be crossed. The metaphor still works.

Calling Satan the lord of disease and plague? That's just taking things way too far.
The lyrics speak for themselves!

This song is going in the trash!

Thanks for pointing it out!
Gear88 said:

Black Metal:
Darkthrone, Burzum, Bathory, Mercyful Fate, Isengard [project by Fenriz of Darkthrone], Gorgoroth, God Seed, Taake, Minenwerfer, Nargaroth, Ulver (Bergtatt album), Satyricon, Celtic Frost, Carpathian Forest, Thorns, Dark Funeral, Watain

I have to say Mayhem but I don't want to because Euronymous was a rat jew. But the version of Freezing Moon with Dead singing was a great song. And had Varg from Burzum playing Bass, and writing guitar and bass parts.
Artisan said:
This is a bold faced lie and I don't understand how you could even lie like this. It's not "the last three paragraphs". It's the entire song.

Also I don't even need to get into aleister Crowley and how he was led along by enemy entities thinking he was communicating with something else.

This song is word for word the "Liber Samekh".

I did quote the infos, did not check the hebrew ritual, did not lye. There it was wrote about only last 3 paragraphs and the other meaning of the word.
Godmode said:
Yeah there can be a fine line between theatrics and downright offensive portrayal when it comes to Satan.

For example, Satan being portrayed as "darkness"? I think that's fine, because Satan does bring mystery and in some sense lives behind a bridge of a darkness that has yet to be crossed. The metaphor still works.

Calling Satan the lord of disease and plague? That's just taking things way too far.
I think, due to people's unconscious minds and them having been brainwashed, when they hear "Satan" and "darkness", they connote both to mean bad things, evil, etc.
Godmode said:
Yeah there can be a fine line between theatrics and downright offensive portrayal when it comes to Satan.

For example, Satan being portrayed as "darkness"? I think that's fine, because Satan does bring mystery and in some sense lives behind a bridge of a darkness that has yet to be crossed. The metaphor still works.

Calling Satan the lord of disease and plague? That's just taking things way too far.
I think, due to people's unconscious minds and them having been brainwashed, when they hear "Satan" and "darkness", they connote both to mean bad things, evil, etc.
FancyMancy said:
Godmode said:
Yeah there can be a fine line between theatrics and downright offensive portrayal when it comes to Satan.

For example, Satan being portrayed as "darkness"? I think that's fine, because Satan does bring mystery and in some sense lives behind a bridge of a darkness that has yet to be crossed. The metaphor still works.

Calling Satan the lord of disease and plague? That's just taking things way too far.
I think, due to people's unconscious minds and them having been brainwashed, when they hear "Satan" and "darkness", they connote both to mean bad things, evil, etc.
FancyMancy said:
Godmode said:
Yeah there can be a fine line between theatrics and downright offensive portrayal when it comes to Satan.

For example, Satan being portrayed as "darkness"? I think that's fine, because Satan does bring mystery and in some sense lives behind a bridge of a darkness that has yet to be crossed. The metaphor still works.

Calling Satan the lord of disease and plague? That's just taking things way too far.
I think, due to people's unconscious minds and them having been brainwashed, when they hear "Satan" and "darkness", they connote both to mean bad things, evil, etc.

Yeah people just don't get it. Satanism is just really bizarre and that's what's dark and scary about it in my opinion. Also, when you add Nazism on top and the fact it's really cringe to most people... yeah. Both darkness and light can be good or bad physically or metaphorically depending on the context, the world doesn't work as a simplistic black-and-white allegory of Good God and Bad God where one of them is dark and angry and one of them is light and happy, that's just totally retarded and came out of nowhere. It's obvious that Satan is just the actual personality and entire physical embodiment of God and everything else is nonsense for people that don't get the concept of Satan and Satanism. it's got to be one of the most extreme religious ideas of all time so it's no wonder it's thought to be evil. People think it's wrong to actually believe in religious concepts because it holds a mirror to a lot of people that don't actually believe anything nonmaterial is real and therefor can't say they believe in God because they admit to not knowing God at all. I was initially pretty started by Satanism to say the least.

And that's really scary because if all of society doesn't believe in God and God is real, that doesn't look very good at all. People believe that there is a God and a God can be known, but that you have to die to know God. How is that not "dark"? Satanism is so offensive and scary because we claim to not only have a personal relationship with "God" but also that we know what God looks like and that God gave us magical powers and the whole works. Then okay it's scary and dark and weird but what if we're just right? Then you join, or at least you should, but it's just dark and scary and weird so it freaks people out at first. I was initially pretty startled by Satanism but now it's almost just common sense and annoys me that people don't immediately get it. But people are cursed and just don't care.
Unreal! Thank you for breaking down this corrupted song. I used to love Behemoth but in recent years I found their music to be 'fake', same with Dimmu Borgir.
Nergal (the lead singer) is also preaching for the elites, calling anti-vaxxers "covidiots". (Article here: https://www.kerrang.com/do-not-f-cking-buy-my-album-just-save-my-fathers-life-dont-be-a-covidiot-a-christmas-message-from-nergal )

I've gotten tired of music that glorifies Satan as a murderer and all that other xianist BS. A few bands I find much better are Beherit, Watain and Mortuary Drape. I'm sure there are many others but that's just some that I found to be more spiritual and positive.

If any of you have suggestions on bands that aren't 'Satanic sell-outs' definitely shoot me a message.

Hail Satan!!!
sublimestatanist said:
Unreal! Thank you for breaking down this corrupted song. I used to love Behemoth but in recent years I found their music to be 'fake', same with Dimmu Borgir.
Nergal (the lead singer) is also preaching for the elites, calling anti-vaxxers "covidiots". (Article here: https://www.kerrang.com/do-not-f-cking-buy-my-album-just-save-my-fathers-life-dont-be-a-covidiot-a-christmas-message-from-nergal )

I've gotten tired of music that glorifies Satan as a murderer and all that other xianist BS. A few bands I find much better are Beherit, Watain and Mortuary Drape. I'm sure there are many others but that's just some that I found to be more spiritual and positive.

If any of you have suggestions on bands that aren't 'Satanic sell-outs' definitely shoot me a message.

Hail Satan!!!

The thing with Dimmu Borgir is that they are a "gateway" band. Inasmuch they made such music in their times i.e. albums that people used them as a stepping stone to other BM bands or created such a moniker that bands used them to create music based on their styles.

Sheer fact is while I like Dimmu, the opinion of it's members and their fake Satanic bullshit isn't up my alley. I appreciate them for their music not their stupid pathetic sell-out like you said. Such comment from it's leader shows even he didn't take a red pill. Reminds me of Tim Pool talking about Rage Against the Machine. More like Rage with the Machine. Supposedly all this anti-capitalist, anarchist, commie band and all they wanted was to be like AOC. Simply one of the establishment players.

Either way I wouldn't be surprised if this person(Nergal) finds our Satanism/National Socialism weird. Funny even other Satanic people freak out over NS and proper Satanic information. It's like since when is Satanism supposed to be just a musical thing. It's the nature of reality, it's the all in our Human creation/civilization. Satanism is not some bullshit of scary shit fucking retarded people that don't pay attention to our extra-terrestrial Gods.

Frankly I'm appalled a band would stoop so low as to coincide with elites and vaxxing. The very people who want to kill you, you support, WTF?

Good music just not good or smart people in the band. Either way I'm not surprised if Black Metal isn't as cracked up as it could be and probably housing closeted xtians. Or as mentioned in another thread with Alice Cooper and Tom Araya they are like liberal catholics. They read the bible and study religion but on their terms in a "darker" way.

See this is exactly why the SNWO needs to exist no one has a baseline support. It's like Axis powers, had victory come to the Axis powers. I can see people NOT talk shit about NS or Japan or Axis of evil bullshit like Bushisms.

Anyways I've only recently gotten into Black Metal. I always hated it cause I call it scream rock and all the primal grunts and growls and whatnot got annoying. But Dimmu helped me ease into Black Metal as their vocals are more gentle than other bands. I actually enjoy listening to the songs rather than going "Fuck this piece of shit music that is all about screaming". But in the end I do follow the motto of never fall in love with music as you might not like the message it's singer and band members might have. It's probably one of the reasons why truthfully I hate music. I listen to some things but most of my stuff is listening to White/Rob Zombie and a few 80s bands and a few other bands from the 90s.

I'm still hesitant on Black Metal but I'm willing to listen in to learn to like it. Even if it's difficult. Sheer fact is like I said some BM bands are gateway bands.
Gear88 said:
The thing with Dimmu Borgir is that they are a "gateway" band. Inasmuch they made such music in their times i.e. albums that people used them as a stepping stone to other BM bands or created such a moniker that bands used them to create music based on their styles.

Sheer fact is while I like Dimmu, the opinion of it's members and their fake Satanic bullshit isn't up my alley. I appreciate them for their music not their stupid pathetic sell-out like you said. Such comment from it's leader shows even he didn't take a red pill. Reminds me of Tim Pool talking about Rage Against the Machine. More like Rage with the Machine. Supposedly all this anti-capitalist, anarchist, commie band and all they wanted was to be like AOC. Simply one of the establishment players.

Either way I wouldn't be surprised if this person(Nergal) finds our Satanism/National Socialism weird. Funny even other Satanic people freak out over NS and proper Satanic information. It's like since when is Satanism supposed to be just a musical thing. It's the nature of reality, it's the all in our Human creation/civilization. Satanism is not some bullshit of scary shit fucking retarded people that don't pay attention to our extra-terrestrial Gods.

Frankly I'm appalled a band would stoop so low as to coincide with elites and vaxxing. The very people who want to kill you, you support, WTF?

Good music just not good or smart people in the band. Either way I'm not surprised if Black Metal isn't as cracked up as it could be and probably housing closeted xtians. Or as mentioned in another thread with Alice Cooper and Tom Araya they are like liberal catholics. They read the bible and study religion but on their terms in a "darker" way.

See this is exactly why the SNWO needs to exist no one has a baseline support. It's like Axis powers, had victory come to the Axis powers. I can see people NOT talk shit about NS or Japan or Axis of evil bullshit like Bushisms.

Anyways I've only recently gotten into Black Metal. I always hated it cause I call it scream rock and all the primal grunts and growls and whatnot got annoying. But Dimmu helped me ease into Black Metal as their vocals are more gentle than other bands. I actually enjoy listening to the songs rather than going "Fuck this piece of shit music that is all about screaming". But in the end I do follow the motto of never fall in love with music as you might not like the message it's singer and band members might have. It's probably one of the reasons why truthfully I hate music. I listen to some things but most of my stuff is listening to White/Rob Zombie and a few 80s bands and a few other bands from the 90s.

I'm still hesitant on Black Metal but I'm willing to listen in to learn to like it. Even if it's difficult. Sheer fact is like I said some BM bands are gateway bands.

This was a good reply. You have good taste in music. :) Very very true! I suppose music is meant to be subjective/art so me over-concerning myself with the band member's political affiliations is kind of silly. You probably know about the group Otep. I'm a big fan, yet after they made the song "Molotov" with lyrics like "Traitor Trump set us up, lock him up", "Throw a molotov and let 'em play catch with it. Nazi scum! Watch 'em run!" and singing about anti-fascism and anti-racism, I decided to stop listening to all their music. Still, they have many great anti-war and anti-authority songs. Even that song is catchy to me. I just can't stand liberals though... Trump isn't great, sure, he was pro-vaxx and honestly could've done much more during his run in office, but he's not this racist like these morons think he is.

"Rage with the machine" lol! That gave me a good laugh!

If you're just dipping your toes into BM I'd check out Isengard (genre: black/folk metal): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67jUepexH-I

Satyricon is another group I think you might like. Same with Candlemass (they're genre is doom metal).

The lyrics for the above song (translated) is pretty bad ass. It's basically a corruption of 'the creation' from the book of Genesis. *Neslepaks (song title) is 'The Creation' spelled backwards. I'll leave the lyrics below just for interest sake. I hope you like it. :)

*'The Creation':

And on the 8th day he devoured all water
And on the 9th day he spoiled all food
And on the 10th day he burned the earth

The Creation
The Creation
The Creation

And on the 12th day he beat people and animals to death
And on the 12th day he strangled heaven
And on the 13th day he covered the sun

The Creation

And then there were no more days
And then there were no more days
No more days
No more days

The Thornmaster is mirrored in ruined life
While angels of sorrow rains from above
To the endless time of cosmos we are given
The final death
We are given the final death.
Artisan said:
When one searches for "Satanic Music" online they will be brought to a wide variety of songs, bands, and artists, many of which you may know or currently listen to. However, as we all know, with anything "Satanic" there is almost always some jewish corruption involved in order to either mislead or harm those who seek it out. Today we are going to be talking about one of the most well know "Satanic Songs" which happens to hold some of the most evil and vile shit hiding in plain sight

"O Father O Satan O Sun"

For those without knowledge of the jewish systems of binding that were used to enslave and torture our Gods for thousands of years you may not understand what the song is saying, in fact, you may think that because the name "Satan" is in some of the lyrics that the song is Satanic. However, the song is actually a ritual known as the "bornless one ritual" or the "Liber Samekh" which was used to viciously attack Satan and his Demons for thousands of years.

In the same way when one says one of the Gods names they notice us or when we say part of Satans invocation he notices us, if you call a spiritual being by name or say part of an invocation to them they will notice. I want you to keep that in mind as it will be very important soon.

"The Bornless One" in the original manuscript is Akefalon, Akephalon, which is the accusative form of "Akephalos". The literal meaning of this is "headless". Akephalon enumerates to 677, the same as "Aigle Trisagia", (Thrice-Holy Splendour). Akephalos itself enumerates to 827.

Now, Akephalos sounds quite familiar, where have I heard that? Oh yes, that's right, in O Father O Satan O Sun the very first line is calling out this being "Akephalos" by name. Remember what we said about calling Satans name out and invoking him? Well, guess what happens when you call out this "Akephalos" by name? Obviously, in the same way when you call Satans name he notices you, when you call this being by name it will notice you.

For those of you who are still confused I'll make it easy for you.

The ENTIRE song is the bornless one ritual and when you sing this you are praising and calling out to the jewish reptilians and telling them to bind Satan and his Demons.

When one looks at the "bornless one ritual" and then refrences the song they will find that it is the exact same thing. There is nothing "Satanic" about the song. The song in itself is an invocation to the jewish "God" and you are calling them to bind Satan and his Gods.

To everyone reading this you should take this as a warning, often times the most dangerous threat is hiding in plain sight but you merely lack the knowledge to see it. I mean, the song "O Father O Satan O Sun" when listened to seems like an actual song, a strange song, but a song nonetheless. However, with proper knowledge one will understand that this so called "song" is nothing more than the jewish invocation which was used to spiritually abuse Satan and his Gods for thousands of years.

Be careful with what you choose to spend your time doing, because you may end up doing something harmful, like invoking the jewish "god" into your soul from a simple song, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, all you have to do is look at the first two lines of the song mentioned here.

Akephalos(Jewish "God")
Shine through me(Self explanitory)

Also, for those of you who are wondering why I'm not posting the entire lyrics, just the top two verses make me feel fucking sick looking at, the lyrics are a LITERAL ritual designed to enslave, bind, torture, and abuse SATAN and OUR GODS so, if you're really that fucking interested google the damn lyrics because those two lines above are my fucking limit. That shit song is fucking vile and evil.
The only Satanic song I listened was by Peter Gundry "Goetia" I was wondering what the lyrics In that song actually mean. Other Satanic songs were often not my type. Also I really recommend this one the melody is just Soo beautiful ❤️
yoanna666 said:
The only Satanic song I listened was by Peter Gundry "Goetia" I was wondering what the lyrics In that song actually mean. Other Satanic songs were often not my type. Also I really recommend this one the melody is just Soo beautiful ❤️

I agree, that is a really nice song, sometimes I listen his songs for a long time. They are somewhat strange and dark but very beautiful. I also really love his song "The Master of Death / Immortality"
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gear88 said:

Black Metal:
Darkthrone, Burzum, Bathory, Mercyful Fate, Isengard [project by Fenriz of Darkthrone], Gorgoroth, God Seed, Taake, Minenwerfer, Nargaroth, Ulver (Bergtatt album), Satyricon, Celtic Frost, Carpathian Forest, Thorns, Dark Funeral, Watain

I have to say Mayhem but I don't want to because Euronymous was a rat jew. But the version of Freezing Moon with Dead singing was a great song. And had Varg from Burzum playing Bass, and writing guitar and bass parts.

Many say that when Varg killed euronymous, Mayhem died. I think Mayhem was already dead when Pelle killed himself. The bass player, drummer and singer (Pelle) were good, but euronymous shouldn't have been there. Varg wrote a long post on burzum.org explaining the whole euronymous phenomenon in detail.

The movie "Lords of Chaos" is also fictional and misinformed in many ways, not to mention that Varg is played by a Jew. True Black Metal in my opinion starts with Gorgoroth's Antichrist and Pentagram albums, all the way to Burzum's albums. I especially like the albums by Thulean, Filosofem and The Ways Of Yore.

To this list I would add Satanic Warmaster (Werwolf), Goatmoon and Nehemah, and of course Beherit bands.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
