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The major events the enemy unleashed during their Passover and Purim this year to raise the energy needed for their thought form of YHVH is now being directed as it was intended to create the war with Iran. The American Gulf Fleet is on alert and making aggressive moves in the region towards Iran over the claims that Iran attacked Saudi ships in the region. Trump's administration is a Jewish neo-Cohen war room, this includes the Jew, Bolton who was the major promoter of the Iraq war. There is also talk of sending 120,000 or more American troops to the Middle East and now Pompeo from reports is also threating the Iraqi government over their ties with Iran. This includes the American troop build up in Iraq against Iran as well on orders from Trump who campaigned on withdrawing from the Middle East.

Why now so close to the election year? Because they are attempting to push Iran into something but Iran is not going to do anything. So the move is for a false flag attack they are planning on a new Gulf of Tonkin, the false flag that pushed America into war in Vietnam. Trump has done nothing but push Iran towards war one way or another for the Jews. Remember Trump promised to withdraw from Syria, then bombed them twice, based on the FALSE FLAG ATTACKS in Syria.

The Jewish Neo-Cohen's released their plans to attack 5 major nations in the Middle East for Israel, from Bush to Obama the Jews have been checking off the list, now its Iran's turn next. It was the inside job of 911 done by Mossad that started the domino's falling.

Keep up the Final RTR, and whatever happens, happens. But the Jews won't get what they wanted.
I also don't like the state of Iran but the thing is, when people come out and tell them they are to be basically get genocided over Israel, this is fucking flat out evil to do on Israel's behalf.

Iran is just a manifestation of all the unrest that Israel has caused in the region. Iran and Iraq were going to be modernized and good countries until Israel hit them extremely hard, which turned them into stone age countries with terrorism etc, through using the US as a proxy.

There is no US here only Israel. The US has nothing really to gain from nuking and/or fighting Iran, or Syria, or anyone in the region. US could stay out of it and still be a world power etc, and just buy them out and so forth.

Iran, Syria etc, are all victimized countries by Israel through proxy wars. Islam could be liquified if these countries were left to advance, even in the 80's they were starting to leave this piece of crap behind, but since the enemy got afraid of them advancing, they just turned them into suppressed wastelands.
Sinarstm said:
Hey !!!!!
Islamic Regime of iran is criminal ...
Is a robber regime...
Islamic regime protects hezbollah and
Alqaeda and ...
((( my english is not good... )))

Oh Vey!
You are retard.
Hezbollah, despite the blessing on allah, they war against pissrael. They helped much Assad to protect Syria from aggression by pissrael's proxies as AlQueda, ISIS, PKK and so on. Iran, despite the Islam Regime, is important actor for stabilization of the Middle East, or you just want see the domination of pissrael on this land?
Long life to Hezbollah, long life to SAA Syrian Arab Army by Assad, long life to Iraq and Iran. They are always better than pissrael, until the day when Gods become here on Earth to off all jew program.
Go to study, please.
Also let us not forget how did all these waves of terrorism did REALLY begin in the Middle East? John McCain and Hillary can tell you this whole thing began when they started funneling millions into these so called "Terrorist groups" to arm them up in agreement with Israel as an operation to create terrorist groups as excuses for intervention in the land.

The people they blame to be terrorists are either of the two: Either people just defending their nations falsely branded as terrorists, and the actual terrorists ie, just a few nutcase groups they have created by funneling kosher shekel billions to have excuses for further intervention in the region to keep the locals in endless war to create Jew Greater Israel out of it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I also don't like the state of Iran but the thing is, when people come out and tell them they are to be basically get genocided over Israel, this is fucking flat out evil to do on Israel's behalf.

Iran is just a manifestation of all the unrest that Israel has caused in the region. Iran and Iraq were going to be modernized and good countries until Israel hit them extremely hard, which turned them into stone age countries with terrorism etc, through using the US as a proxy.

There is no US here only Israel. The US has nothing really to gain from nuking and/or fighting Iran, or Syria, or anyone in the region. US could stay out of it and still be a world power etc, and just buy them out and so forth.

Iran, Syria etc, are all victimized countries by Israel through proxy wars. Islam could be liquified if these countries were left to advance, even in the 80's they were starting to leave this piece of crap behind, but since the enemy got afraid of them advancing, they just turned them into suppressed wastelands.

This is so crucial for people to understand. Egypt, Iraq and Syria were competing with first world counties in the 20th century in many many stuff like education, medicine and even technology. Those 3 Arab countries used to have top universities in the world back then, and for the technology, Egypt and Syria when they united as one country called 'The United Arab Republic' they were developing a space program and as far as I read the tests they launched were successful. Iraq was also developing a space program under Saddam.

Also if you look up videos on YouTube for the capitals of said countries, you can see how modern they were, even people looked modern and not covered in garbage bags.

The jews are literally like cancer, and this cancer was implemented in the heart of the Arab world and it's spreading everywhere. The jews NEED to be fixed completely.

iran is not as the old persian , Iran government is full judeo-islamic people , just search on google and check their leaders. un pleasant face

Syrian pure people suffered a huge conspiracy they are bombed killed by all sides iran turks israel hezbollah russian
and other semitic nation(arab countires) sent some troops. the only people who survived the war in syria is the real muslims.
they cannot kill their rats same blood .

and of course hezbollah is created by israel to fool the public that their is enemy attacking us bullshit semitic alliance.
just like hamas in palastina..

the media is playing a big role by lying on stupid people that
russia iran have alliance with syria and that they are enemy of israel.
hezbollah helped israel army to genocide philistenes insouth lebanon,
you know the palestinian(sea people) the old enemy of jewish

why should iran + iraq take of syrians who cares ,, mission accomplished they have opened a mass immigration to europe , JAHWEH did his mission, GENOCIDED THE SYRIAN, AND SOON WILL GENOCIDE IRAN(PERSIAN)
and will keep who look similar to them !!!





i will send my blessing to all innocent people who will suffer of course i hope their will be no
genocide for people who dont look semitic , indo-euro tribes mostly targeted.

let mordor kill each other barcoded no soul people ..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Also let us not forget how did all these waves of terrorism did REALLY begin in the Middle East? John McCain and Hillary can tell you this whole thing began when they started funneling millions into these so called "Terrorist groups" to arm them up in agreement with Israel as an operation to create terrorist groups as excuses for intervention in the land.

The people they blame to be terrorists are either of the two: Either people just defending their nations falsely branded as terrorists, and the actual terrorists ie, just a few nutcase groups they have created by funneling kosher shekel billions to have excuses for further intervention in the region to keep the locals in endless war to create Jew Greater Israel out of it.

Terrorism is not something new in middle east it has been in old times but different way,
Since jew created Islam they are practicing terrorism,,
all judeo goals are done by using their uncles the arabs since they are low iq people easly controlled.
look at gulf country are useless , fall down of libya berber resisted the war but to late you have arab people semitic inside your country (internall collapse terrorism) and also yemen ,

lawerence of arabia controlled arab tribe easily they carried modern weapon started war with the ottoman empire.
iraq war same thing (INTERNAL ATTACK).. on news bbc cnn you see air strikes , but which is actually sunni vs shia soldiers betrayal just (Terrorism).
syria same story, isis = {all arab nations inside their country}

and soon you will judeo-arab soldiers holding guns attacking europe nations internally (terrorism)

terrorism is a copyright only for jew and arab.
Cfecit said:
Sinarstm said:
Hey !!!!!
Islamic Regime of iran is criminal ...
Is a robber regime...
Islamic regime protects hezbollah and
Alqaeda and ...
((( my english is not good... )))

Oh Vey!
You are retard.
Hezbollah, despite the blessing on allah, they war against pissrael. They helped much Assad to protect Syria from aggression by pissrael's proxies as AlQueda, ISIS, PKK and so on. Iran, despite the Islam Regime, is important actor for stabilization of the Middle East, or you just want see the domination of pissrael on this land?
Long life to Hezbollah, long life to SAA Syrian Arab Army by Assad, long life to Iraq and Iran. They are always better than pissrael, until the day when Gods become here on Earth to off all jew program.
Go to study, please.

It's dumb to label someone "retard" without thinking... Just because his English is bad, doesn't automatically mean he is a 'retard'.

Long story short, Iran is run by the so called Mullahs. And as you probably may guess from their name, they are Islamists. Iran's ruling elite turned the country from a secular country into a Shia Islamic state. The Islamic revolution of 1979... Just Google photos of Iran before and after the revolution and you will see what i'm talking about.

The guy you called "retard" in his previous comments said that he is from Iran, so it's understandable why he hates the Islamic fundamentalist government of Iran that forces women to wear hijabs, and forces Islam on the Iranian people. Iran just 40 years ago was a modern, secular country where women were wearing miniskirts shorter than in Paris. After the Mullahs took power in 1979 they forced Islam on everyone, and turned the country into a Islamic theocracy. Just because they defend themselves from Israel doesn't mean we should praise them.
They don't protect Al-Qaida the Al-Qaida forces in Syria are all funded and trained and directed by Israel and the Dohmeh Jewish dynasty of the Saudi's. Israel has flown hundreds of military airstrikes into Syria for them.

Hezbollah was created with help from Syria and Iran to act as a defense force against the Israel military when Israel invaded Lebanon in the civil war that the Mossad created in Lebanon in which the Israeli's where behind the Sunni militants that were ethically cleansing the Shia community. Hezbollah was created to stop the Shia community from being raped and murdered by Israeli proxies. It was also the intervention of the Syrian army into Lebanon under Assad's father that stopped Israeli expansion and saved the lives of millions down the road.

The Iranian regime was put into power by a Mossad, (((CIA))) coup to get rid of the Shah for being anti-Israel. When that revolution got away on the Jews they used their American branch to fund and green light Saddam's invasion of Iran in which they supplied Saddam with chemical weapons to massacre the Iranians with. Then they stabbed Saddam in the back in the Gulf War. Bush one, green lighted Saddam's war against the Saudi's to retake stolen oil fields back, this was a Jew trick to them declared war on Saddam and catch his army in the open and destroy them and knock down another Arab nation for Greater Israel. That is when Saddam got woke and started firing missiles into Israel to make crypto Jew Bush and the tribe back off.

Also who created Islam and mass murdered their way across the world with it..... Mohammed was a Jew and wanted to force the world to the religion of Abraham the first Jew.

The reason they want Iran gone is because Iran is the one force holding back the Jewish conquest of the Arab world and the extermination of the Arabs with it. The Shia crescent is a Shia alliance against the genocide project of Israel.

The current Mullah regime of Iran also would not be in power if not for Jewish aggression towards Iran. This militarizes the Iranian nation and gives the support to the regime to protect them from their enemies. If the aggression, sanctions and war posturing towards Iran was gone tomorrow the Islamic Mullah regime would not last much longer from within. There is a major movement within Iran that wants to get rid of the Mullah regime and Islamic influence from their society, they know its an alien cult imposed on their ancestors by conquest.

Also Iran is not the one leading the world into war in the Middle East for Israel, the Jews are. Iran and its allies are defending themselves from Jewish aggression. It would be easy to make a peace deal with Iran and end all this murderous insanity, but the Jews won't allow it. The first thing Trump did for the Jews was destroy the deal Obama made with Iran that was a process towards peace with Iran.

Someone needs to ask Trump why should thousands of American's die for Israel in a war with Iran?

Sinarstm said:
Hey !!!!!
Islamic Regime of iran is criminal ...
Is a robber regime...
Islamic regime protects hezbollah and
Alqaeda and ...
((( my english is not good... )))
sonnenkraft said:

iran is not as the old persian , Iran government is full judeo-islamic people , just search on google and check their leaders. un pleasant face ....

What you need to understand is that Gentiles going down the drain here is not to anyone's benefit, let alone a useless tragedy that will only make things worse. This will only bolster Israel. Europe and the US are unavoidably going to be dragged into the situation by Israel, and this can easily escalate in WW3.

If nothing is done, then Israel will attain it's goal of genocide and this will only result in more problems such as them becoming Greater Israel. Everyone can try to let this "Go on it's own" and it is only bound to get worse in the region. This is why the whole Middle Eastern thing has turned into a violent parody.

These types of situations are nothing that everyone can opt out from. Indirectly, this affects everyone, even Asia.

All these countries are the same people as they were thousands of years ago, the only difference is the cancer of xianity and the intensification of jewish power. Things can and will return to normal if the programs of the enemy are eliminated and lose grip.

Syria, Iraq and Iran would be in all ways similar to the UAE or Saudi Arabia, or at least reasonably advanced, were it not for constant instigation of jews. While people in the Middle East have their own problems, the enemy and Islam only make these way worse.

The region wouldn't be "perfect" as warfare there goes for thousands of years now, but at least it would be more bearable for the people existing there.

See what happened with the migrant crisis and you will understand, what happens over there, is planned to affect over "here" in the US, Europe, and this reverberates even to Asia. Do not think that because these people are abandoned in their own 'fate' to suffer from jews anyone is going to escape this.

This is why Hitler showed recognition to the plight of Palestinians in the region. Look what is happening today, and who is benefiting from it.

Jewish interests do act internationally there is no "Close my borders and fuck anyone else" at this planet anymore. People will be mutually affected.

The RTR has to be spammed and the occult rig of the enemy has to fall, this is the only way forward. They know this too.
DiscipleOfSatan said:

I called him a retard not for a english but for his wrong consideration on Hezbollah. All here agree about Iran should be a State without islam. But you need be point on as what it really is now, literally you just have two scenario, or you want Greater pissrael or you want Arab Countries still alive? That it is, you cannot say this Arab countries need be Satanist just suddenly, once when the jews are fucked, this countries can progressively be Satanist, and I wish all luck to Sinarstm to free Iran from Regime when it's right time.

As above HP Mageson explain much better this situation, Hezbollah literally save this Arab People, Gentile People, and Iran help them with army supply and other things. Iran helped too Syria and Iraq in ISIS war. Isis was literally almost arrive at Baghdad cause lack of Iraq Army, without Iran intervention via PMF (Popular Mobilization Forces, kicking off ISIS), Iraq should be now a ISIS State, remember ISIS is the most worst than all fundamentalist islam. So Iran is important actor for us, despite all. Literally the choice here is worst (Iran Regime) or most worst (ISIS/pissrael)? What is your choice?
(((What's the problem goys? We just want you to fight our wars for us. We'll rid you of those annoying shekels in exchange!)))

I knew of this, was hoping I would get more info from KMN but I really hate that CJB guy that Adam had on to talk about it. I think CJB is another Alex Jones. A disinfo agent. The guy believes in the 6 gorillion ffs!
the Revolutionary Guards are basically a private army - separate from the Iranian Armed Forces - typically, and I may be wrong, but as I understand it the RG is the force that the Mullahs / crypto Khamenei use to agitate the populace etc?

anyone know how the politics are between armed forces and the rev guards? trying to understand Iranian situation better
The Revolutionary Guards are the state within the state.
Can i perform the final RTR without being really advanced yet?
Ryan666RR said:
Can i perform the final RTR without being really advanced yet?
Yes, even if you have just dedicated.
Ryan666RR said:
Can i perform the final RTR without being really advanced yet?


4. Should I do the ritual if I am new?

Yes, you can do the ritual if you are new.
Ryan666RR said:
Can i perform the final RTR without being really advanced yet?
yes. everyone should be doing the RTR daily, at least once daily. personal advancement isn't a barrier of entry. we are all working on it, and everyone helping makes it better.
Words are symbols, deep mind speaks in symbols, if you know enough, talk with center of mind, they can bind like a chain if others hear and understand, or set free, or spellbind to see it as you like but only said right or no power.

Telepathy and understanding of oneness or wont work globally as well. See life linked in all like primal ancient animist or shaman, to make telepathy work on all the most.

If you don't believe it, know it, your deep mind cant conceive it, to work on internet of minds except by instinct slightly and leakage, unless carried by others.
I will do the RTR, thank you for answering. :D
Adrellis said:
Ryan666RR said:
Can i perform the final RTR without being really advanced yet?
yes. everyone should be doing the RTR daily, at least once daily. personal advancement isn't a barrier of entry. we are all working on it, and everyone helping makes it better.
I do now 2 Daily and sometimes more if i have more time. Litteraly the Rtr is what will Save the world, so if anyones has time for more do It, no excuses.
luis said:
Adrellis said:
Ryan666RR said:
Can i perform the final RTR without being really advanced yet?
yes. everyone should be doing the RTR daily, at least once daily. personal advancement isn't a barrier of entry. we are all working on it, and everyone helping makes it better.
I do now 2 Daily and sometimes more if i have more time. Litteraly the Rtr is what will Save the world, so if anyones has time for more do It, no excuses.

That's the spirit! I would try my best to do as much RTR's as i could. :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
