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Void meditation


New member
Nov 16, 2020
How does everyone void meditate? Is laying down ok I find laying down is better than sitting more or less but was wondering if it’s alright or should I sit, I lay still for about 20mins.
cobra666 said:
How does everyone void meditate? Is laying down ok I find laying down is better than sitting more or less but was wondering if it’s alright or should I sit, I lay still for about 20mins.
You can lay
cobra666 said:
How does everyone void meditate? Is laying down ok I find laying down is better than sitting more or less but was wondering if it’s alright or should I sit, I lay still for about 20mins.

Void meditation is not about pose but state of being . It is just being present in the moment.
In the beginning you can focus on something around you , but if you focusing and have thoughts its not void . For example:

You can lay still but have thoughts about your day , color of the wall or just have a simple thought about how cool you are not tinking about nothing , its not void.

Void is about your mind and perception.
Void means you are thoughtless .
Void is for training for a better focus , that means more energy on your magic workings and less energy to your thoughts .

Think about this energy like an idea of light bulb and laser . Our thoughts jumping all day long like a monkey in our head and this is like a wide spread of energy , you giving this energy to everything .
But if you practice void and get better with it every day , your focus on thing will be sharp like a laser , then you focus only on the task you currently do without a wondering mind.

Secondly ..dont force to be in this state , dont think to not think , just relax and let go of your thinking side and be in the present of the moment.

Dont need to force void , you can void meditate doing whatever you want just be in the present moment .

If you still confused about void .. there is one good practice to try if it can help you , just ask yourself : What will be my next tought ? "Search for your next tought and listen what is in your mind" You will find yourself in the middle of nothing.
cobra666 said:
How does everyone void meditate? Is laying down ok I find laying down is better than sitting more or less but was wondering if it’s alright or should I sit, I lay still for about 20mins.

You can void while in the shower, walking somewhere, doing hatha yoga. I do these, and I find it easier than voiding while laying or sitting down.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=366591 time=1655374126 user_id=57]
cobra666 said:
How does everyone void meditate? Is laying down ok I find laying down is better than sitting more or less but was wondering if it’s alright or should I sit, I lay still for about 20mins.

You can void while in the shower, walking somewhere, doing hatha yoga. I do these, and I find it easier than voiding while laying or sitting down.

The more advanced members should always consider about putting their input like this (saying this in general and not just you) because it helps people like me who tends to reads stuff and HAS to do it that way and any other way feel a bit wrong because it wasn't written as such. Even though I have tried it the way you wrote and HAS worked for me I was worried I was doing something wrong since I wasn't doing it the way I saw it first and didn't see anyone else doing it other ways.

It's my fault though for doubting and from now on I'll be more confident when I do something a little unorthodox but still works fine. As it's important to do since our personal power comes a lot from our own will/mindset.
I fall sleep easily laying down
Serbon said:
newbie40 said:
I fall sleep easily laying down
You aren't supposed to meditate when you're dead tired

Falling asleep while laying down actually does not relate to being tired. The brain sometimes just does this, especially for people who are not experienced with meditating. It's a strange thing that just happens. It can happen even if the person is wide awake and alert.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=367405 time=1655632651 user_id=57]
Serbon said:
newbie40 said:
I fall sleep easily laying down
You aren't supposed to meditate when you're dead tired

Falling asleep while laying down actually does not relate to being tired. The brain sometimes just does this, especially for people who are not experienced with meditating. It's a strange thing that just happens. It can happen even if the person is wide awake and alert.
Weird, it never happened to me
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=367405 time=1655632651 user_id=57]
Serbon said:
newbie40 said:
I fall sleep easily laying down
You aren't supposed to meditate when you're dead tired

Falling asleep while laying down actually does not relate to being tired. The brain sometimes just does this, especially for people who are not experienced with meditating. It's a strange thing that just happens. It can happen even if the person is wide awake and alert.

Agreed. I think the brain instinctively slows down brain waves while laying down and focusing upon breaths - which leads to sleep easily. When new to meditations, I oftentimes became tired during meditation, even by sitting. It took a while until the nervous system adjusted to the slow brain waves that occur during trance state. This do get easier to handle as we adjust, and then one can experiment with meditations laying down. However, I still prefer to sit comfortably on a chair or on something where I can keep my spine straight. Though, these things are individual.
Aura and ability to manipulate energies and exercises / meditations.

The aura has various shapes and colors. By empowering the Aura and learning to manipulate energy, our abilities develop. Many things can be done by manipulating energy. .if we meditate and practice these skills, then they will develop. Every being has an aura, including animals, plants, rocks. .everyone can see the energy field of the people around him or her after opening the third eye, but most people overlook spiritual knowledge. Or attribute the phenomenon to other causes, such as: Medicine - mental problems (Jews). .Christian religion - with the power of the enemy (Satan). Anyone can learn and experiment. It is not magic, we just have to be more discriminating with the help we render toward other people.

The aura is the energy field that surrounds any form of matter. .any atomic structure has an aura, or an energy field. Every atom in any substance is made up of electrons and protons in constant motion. These are vibrations of electrical and magnetic energy. .in living organisms, of course, they are more active and vibrant than the atoms of "lifeless" matter. Nothing is lifeless, not even a stone or an ore, only that these energy fields are easier to perceive around trees, plants, animals, people.

Yhese are some of the effects of the interaction of external energy fields with their own aura.

In the presence of certain people you may feel without energy.
You notice colors around people.
You can feel if someone is looking at you intently.
You may feel an immediate sympathy or dislike for someone.
You can perceive other people's feelings.
You can feel someone's presence before you hear or see it.
The presence of other people can cause pleasure or discomfort.
Sometimes I feel energized during heavy thunderstorms.
You may experience some people electrifying you and confusing you with energy.
You may become agitated and irritated when you enter a room. You can experience some rooms where you are happy to stay, and some of you can't wait to get out.
Some places may seem more comfortable and pleasant than others. You feel the difference between places, let's say places (and here I don't mean furniture, color, etc.). You can feel the difference in energy between the premises.

The stronger, more vibrant your energy, the healthier you are physically and spiritually.

The stronger the energy field, the aura (bioenergy), the easier it will be for you to achieve what you want. .the stronger your aura, the less you are affected by the influence of external forces. People with a weak aura are prone to outside influences - which means you become much easier to handle and get tired very quickly. .a faint aura gives birth to pessimistic thoughts, health problems, feelings of unfulfillment and uselessness that can often affect everyday life. Control of the environment begins with control of our own energy. .the stronger and more vibrant the aura, the healthier you are and the less you will be influenced by external forces.

I will also write some methods of empowering the aura and using it for various purposes.
The human body is made up of energy fields, and these energy emanations include electric, magnetic, sound, light, and electromagnetic fields. .some of these fields are generated from within the body, while others are received from outside through a natural process of interaction between different such fields - in other words, they absorb the energy of plants, trees, flowers, animals, humans, cosmic energies and even.of the earth itself.go in nature and work with energies, regardless of the work. "You'll notice a big difference." The energies of nature are easily absorbed by the body. One method of healing and restoring the energy body is walking and meditating in nature.

Here are some methods for absorbing energy

Hug a tree!
How do you hug a tree? You need 10-30 free minutes and a wooded area. .choose one, wrap your torso around your arms or place your palms on the trunk of the tree and start absorbing energy as in Energy Meditation http://bucurialuisatan.com/energy-meditatia/ see also http://bucurialisatan.com -fundamental / View how energy flows and is .absorbed from the top of the tree and from the roots passing through the trunk into the arms embracing the whole body.
Aura empowerment meditation drawing energy from the Sun. http://bucurialuisatan.com/meditatie-de… e-a-aurei /

Hatha yoga (physical yoga) and Tai Chi strengthen and build a strong aura. Both disciplines balance the energies of the aura. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/519… a% 20RO.pdf

Stellar energy can be used to intensify and develop personal traits such as self-discipline, or for specific rituals. http://bucurialuisatan.com/energia-stelara/

Another method would be to vibrate the words of power. 1. .inspires golden-white energy from the Sun. 2. Vibrate "Suryae", "Ra", "Aum Suryae", "Raum" or "Soil" or any other vibration for the Sun 9, 18, 27, 54, 72 or at most 108 times in the aura, followed by a statement for energy programming. Feel the vibration in the aura.

Another fairly effective method is to go to the agricultural area. The method is to bury your hands and feet in the ground. Be barefoot. It now absorbs energy from the earth throughout the body. .Do this exercise to absorb energy with your breathing, inhale and at the same time, draw energy through your limbs. The energy of the earth gave me strong vibrational sensations. I used the method by inspiring the energy in the base chakra, it has a pretty strong effect.

Through study and experimentation you can increase your ability to perceive these influences, while learning how to use them creatively and more effectively. .you need to understand how your energy field interacts with other forces and energies in the environment, you need to understand how your aura influences and is in turn influenced by the energies of those around you. .you need to be aware of the times when you need to intervene to purify and empower the aura for protection. Feel when your aura is losing energy. In order to maintain a good general state of health, both physical and spiritual, you need to be aware of these energies.

Aura characteristics

1. The aura has its own vibration, shape, colors and size, which is unique. Every aura is unique in its own way. No two auras are identical, as are the handprints. .auras are sound, light, and electromagnetic fields, but the strength and intensity of each energy body varies from individual to individual. Each person has their own or unique, energetic body!

2. Your aura interacts with the energy fields of those around you.
Due to the strong electromagnetic properties of the aura, you are constantly giving and receiving energy. This being an exchange of energy and information, I say information because that energy comes programmed by the imprint of the people you come in contact with. .Every time you come in contact with another person, an energy transfer takes place: you can transmit from your own energy, or receive energy from someone else. The more people you come in contact with, the more important it is to cleanse your aura. .if you are not aware of this exchange, at the end of the day you may wake up with huge accumulations of energy debris that will give you a feeling of exhaustion and suddenly you wake up assailed by all sorts of strange ideas, thoughts and feelings. .In reality, these feelings may not have anything to do with your own person, but rather the result of the energy gained from contact with others during the day. .here are 3 meditations for empowering and programming the aura as a shield of protection: http://bucurialuisatan.com/meditatie-pentru-protectie/ 2 http://bucurialuisatan.com/meditatia-de-protectie/ 3 http: // bucurialuisatan. com / forum / viewtopic.php? id = 966

3. The human energy body interacts with other energy bodies, such as vegetable, mineral, etc.
Any form / body of matter, animate or inanimate, has an aura of energy due to its atomic structure. Animated bodies are stronger. .walks in nature balance and purify your aura. Embracing a tree is a good idea, because trees have active energy, and the maintenance of energy works is very good. Fir trees are preferred for their energy, having a much stronger energy. .if you sit under a tree for 5-10 minutes, you can notice a pleasant energy. Semi-precious and precious crystals and stones are valued for their electromagnetic properties. The energy released by various crystals and rocks is easily absorbed by the aura.

4. .the longer and more direct the contact, the greater the energy exchange.
Your aura will leave its mark on all the things around you that you interact with - that is, another person, part of the environment, or even an object (seemingly energetic). .the longer and more direct the contact, the stronger the imprint will be. The electromagnetic aspect of the aura is what makes you magnetize and electrify objects and places. Have you ever been lightly contacted with other metals? .It happens to me quite often when I walk the cart in the supermarket. If you are used to wearing a crystal pendant, for example, you leave traces of your own energy. It becomes your crystal. This is why it is advisable to purify an object before it becomes yours.
Your aura influences the environment with your own energy and your own type of energy footprint. When I say energetic imprint, I mean that you leave your own information to your personality. .Yes, some energy-sensitive people may be able to gather information about other people's personality and inner state. .I sometimes dislike using or touching an object used by someone who has left an energetic imprint, someone who does not like his own energy. .if your aura is stronger, the environment in which you share much of your day, say work, there is a period of accommodation in which your aura harmonizes the environment with your own energy. .the same principle underlies the existence of certain types of energy as a result of emotional events, positive or negative. Before any energetic work, we must perceive the energies of that place to see if that place is in harmony with our work. .they are loaded with certain energetic information that can influence meditation and rituals. ..with each new meditation in the same place, that energy is stored more and more, becoming stronger the energetic imprint of the work, and the individual finds it easier and easier to enter and remain in the state of concentration necessary for meditation.

Reading the existing energetic appearance in objects: It is based on the interaction of one's own aura with that object. The longer the personal contact with an object, the stronger the object is charged with an individual's energy. .holding the object in the hand of the sensitive person, a connection is created with this energy, being able to have access to certain information. The more you are exposed to certain types of energy, the more you will be influenced by them and you will influence them in turn. .if the energy of the other's aura is stronger, it will have a stronger impact on you by bringing you into harmony with it - or vice versa, if your energy is stronger. Therefore, a strong aura is a strong influence. .intimate contact - such as sexual activity - creates an interpenetration of people's energies. During sexual activity, there is an extremely deep energy exchange between those involved, and the energy connections can last much longer than in the case of occasional contact. .No matter what your beliefs are on this subject, it is good to know that it is not right to have intimate contact with anyone. .thus, a person who lives in imbalance on a physical and spiritual level with a negative energy, ends up creating interpenetrations of energies in intimate contact, which is to the detriment of other people. .if the energy connections are not well controlled and purified before intimate contact with another person. Useful links:
How to clean your aura http://bucurialuisatan.com/cum-sa-iti-cureti-aura/ Sexual magic http://bucurialuisatan.com/magia-sexuala/ The longer and more intimate the contact with those around you , the stronger the auric energy connections. .here's how to detach your aura from unwanted people. http://bucurialuisatan.com/cum-sa-ti-de… -nedorite /

5. Aura and energy changes - reflect the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual traits of the individual
The colors, their clarity, the size and shape of the aura, etc., all these aspects provide information about the personality of the individual. .it's easy to see the aura with the third eye open, it's harder to interpret what you see. In general, a weak aura makes you more vulnerable to outside influences, which can range from disease sensitivity to emotional or mental imbalances. .The more you become aware of this, the easier it is for you to take steps to keep your aura balanced and protected.
Every time you go through a strong emotional state, a corresponding change occurs in your aura. .the same is true of mental and spiritual change. The activities you engage in are reflected in your own aura. .here you can learn how to interpret your auric perceptions, especially those associated with colors: http://bucurialuisatan.com/colorile/ Meditations on colors http://bucurialuisatan.com/meditatia-pe-culori/ see also http: // bucurialuisatan.com/senzatia-culorilor-2/
Their colors and intensity may vary over time. Everything happens in close connection with the events that take place in your life. .usually one or two color vibrations are more stable, reflecting actions in which you are involved as a person. During life, various other colors with different intensities may appear, each reflecting many aspects of evolution and change. .the energies of the aura around the head are most easily noticed, or the fingers of the hand.

Exercises and meditations

Exercise. Telekinesis - Attracting and repelling with the help of the aura.
For this exercise, your hand chakras should be strong.
Before this exercise, it is advisable to have a meditation session to empower the aura. It takes a strong aura. Yoga Hata (Physical Yoga). Yoga postures release energy and empower the aura.
It is an exercise that can be easily performed. .it is a very good way to prove that your own energy field around you is strong enough to be able to manipulate and control objects.

1. It is advisable to try light methods first. .choose a thin sheet of paper, place the paper about 4 cm by 4 cm on top of a sharp pen or needle.
2. Move away at a distance of about 1 m and raise your hands with your palms facing the sheet of paper.
3. .He stretches out his arms and hands slowly, as if pushing an invisible wall.
4. After you have stretched them perfectly, pull them out as if you were pulling that paper with your own aura.
5. Repeat the movements. Push - pull - forward - backward. Perform the movements slowly and focus on the paper. .the sheet of paper can be easily rolled up and placed horizontally without being suspended on the tip of a needle.
6. By performing these movements, you act by pushing and pulling on the paper with your own aura. As a result, you will see the paper hanging swaying.

How to feel the aura?

Regarding the aura, most people are not aware of its existence.
In general, there are few people who use spiritual knowledge to find a source of truth. Most spiritual knowledge is corrupted. .people today are very ignorant of the functions and energies of the physical body. Is there a mentality that since we have doctors, a savior of souls (Christian religion), why waste our time with such things? .but in this way you cede to someone else your own responsibilities and much of your inner control and power. When you treat your own physical and spiritual body so easily, it is no wonder that you end up causing major damage in your own life.
The purpose of these meditations and exercises is to develop your awareness and the power of perception of the energies around you, thus helping you to feel and see the energetic emanations of the aura. It will help you understand their influence on you. .but in order to succeed, it is necessary to practice these exercises perseveringly. The exercises will help you begin to feel and become aware of the existence of auras. As you progress, you will not only feel but also see these energies. .Unfortunately, when it comes to the aura and beyond, we often face difficulties coming from the person's belief system. .regardless of scientific arguments, if one does not believe in the existence of such energies, the task of paving the way for reality can be difficult. Most people know too little about spirituality (the life-sustaining energies). .these meditations will help to break down these barriers of limited thoughts and ideas. They will awaken again and expand those abilities that were closed during indoctrination and religious beliefs devoid of spiritual knowledge. .At the same time, they will increase your sensitivity to energy perception, developing your ability to visualize the aura with the third eye open. The results of these meditations will be felt differently from person to person. .do not be discouraged by any failures in the first attempts to feel and see the aura. It takes time and practice. It takes a complete development of the soul and here I am referring to the complete meditation program on BLS.
It is natural for each of us to see the aura.
Spiritual abilities are a natural part of our existence, only they are dormant. ..In order to develop the muscular part, you have to start by exercising, if you stop training the muscles, the muscle mass gained after training will be lost over time and will be limited to the daily effort. So it is with the spiritual side. .the body needs food to survive and evolve. It is the same with the spiritual body, it needs energetic food, food from the matter of which it is composed. Studying and evolving spiritually and physically is a responsibility to yourself. .Take the exercises seriously and always think that you are engaged in a lifelong process, a continuous process of self-improvement and spiritual empowerment. .by spiritual empowerment, here I do not mean only the aura, I mean the whole range of meditations for the empowerment of the soul. These meditations will help you to know yourself and those around you in a very intimate way. .do not force or skip meditations, do not go from beginners to advanced meditations just out of curiosity or impatience, there is a risk of not being able to progress. Good things are done patiently. .learn how to meditate and relax your body before exercise. (see vacuum meditation) use vacuum meditation before any meditation. Sit back, close your eyes and take a few breaths. Breathe deeply, completely, several times. Focus on your body.
Practice this exercise patiently - do not rush, close your eyes and breathe deeply, rhythmically. Go on, stop your thoughts and listen to the silence sinking inside you. .the more you meditate, the more relaxed you will be - and the more relaxed you are, the better you will be able to focus on the subject - and the better you can concentrate, the more sensitive you will become to the energies with you work on meditations. .when we are in a state of deep trance, the physical senses are much more sensitive to the external environment. You feel the energies outside and your own spiritual body more intensely, because it amplifies your perceptual abilities, relaxation will help you to perceive the energies more easily.
Chakras are centers of power and transition for all the energies within the body that enter or leave it, helping to distribute the energies needed for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual functions.
The seven major chakras are the centers of greatest activity. .hands and feet are other points with intense activity.

Exercise. How to feel the energies

In this exercise you will learn how to become more receptive to the energies of the aura and the chakra of the palms. .the hands have the most nerve endings, the minor chakras in the center of the palm and at the tips of the fingers, which makes them concentrate a greater amount of energetic activity. The opening of the palm chakras helps the father to perceive and absorb these energies, as well as to project it outward.
You will start the exercises with your hands, as they are the easiest way to detect energy.

1. How can we feel this energy? Let's start with a simple exercise. Keep your palms facing each other about 7 inches apart. Keep them that way for a few
Seconds. .focus your attention on the space between your palms and start moving them like the scissors of a pair of scissors (shear your palms). Try to feel the sensation between your palms during the exercise. .You may have to try this several times, but don't worry, you'll eventually feel it. Everyone feels different energy. The stronger the aura, the more experienced the energies, the easier it will be for you to feel your own aura. .the energies in the palm area are easier to feel due to the minor chakras.

2. Sit in a comfortable position. For a start, relax - it will help you a lot. Rub your hands vigorously for 15-30 seconds to activate the sensors in your palms. .stretch your hands forward, about 30-45 cm, palms facing each other. Do not stick your fingers together, distance them a little. Keep a distance of 60 cm between your hands. Slowly bring your hands closer together. Get them as close as possible without touching them. .slowly retract them to a distance of about 15 cm. Repeat this slow motion of approach and distance. Keep a steady, slow pace.
As you do this exercise, pay attention to the sensations you have. You may feel an increasing pressure. .or you may have other sensations - tingling, pressure or even dense matter that arises in your hands. You may feel hot or cold. You may also have a throbbing sensation. For a few minutes, try to define how you feel. .don't worry if what you feel differs from other people's perceptions, regardless of meditation - it's normal. Remember that your energy has its own frequency, so it can create different sensations. It only matters how you feel. .This exercise will help you develop your concentration.you could write down from a notebook the sensations and experiences you have during the exercises and meditations, so that you can compare them with what you will feel later, as you progress spiritually - it will help you to see how you progress in experimenting with energy works and .spiritual abilities.3. You can hold your hand about seven inches above any part of your body and move your palm. The more you do this exercise, the more you will become aware of the energies that surround your body.

3. You can hold your hand about seven inches above any part of your body and move your palm. The more you do this exercise, the more you will become aware of the energies that surround your body.

Exercise. How to feel various forms of energy

The thought is followed by energy. Every time you think of something, your own energies will follow your mind. Your aura adjusts its frequency according to the thoughts you have. .if you focus on an event for a long time, your aura will adopt the frequency of a serious vibration, corresponding to your own thoughts. .if you think endlessly about something, your aura will adjust in harmony with what you resonate with your own thinking but this is not a way to program your aura to fulfill your desires, this will only affect you.
Here are 3 links that will help you understand how to consciously program your aura to fulfill your desires.
http://bucurialuisatan.com/aurization-use//Aura use
http://bucurialuisatan.com/aura programming/ - Aura programming
http://bucurialuisatan.com/meditatie-pentru-bani-2/ - Meditation for money
Vacuum meditation is indispensable in times when you cannot control your thoughts. If you don't like something, stop thinking about it. .there are many who think of what does not satisfy them, who empowers and adjusts the energies of the aura with these inner thoughts and turmoil creating even greater imbalances. .this will make the energies become in harmony with the thoughts that persist and will attract similar events, and will make you behave as such. .if you learn how to perceive and control your energies, you will be able to become more aware of the mental energies you project and receive throughout the day. You are constantly exposed to external energy influences, which can affect your aura and balance. .these energies can manifest in different ways by changing your thinking and behavior. They can be energies of friendship or, on the contrary, of manipulation. The more you become aware of your own aura, the more you will be able to recognize and control the outer energies. .that is why it is advisable to cleanse our aura daily.

Following an event with strong emotions, let's say in a room what that event just happened. The camera gives you a "feeling" of the present energies left behind by the event ..There are many such residues and energy projections that are not so easily detectable, but that can easily influence and affect you if you do not increase your attention and sensors in perceiving them.
In the next exercise you will train yourself in raising awareness of how external energies can act on you. As you empower your aura and ability to become aware of bioenergy, you will be able to block those energies.

Sit in a comfortable position. .relax for a few minutes. You can keep your eyes closed during this exercise, but it is not mandatory. No matter where you are and what you are focusing on, try to notice the energy information. You can meditate on a particular person or place. .you can create an inner state and meditate on that emotion. Pay attention to how you feel when trying to describe that energy information through the state it provides. Through info-energetic sensory communication you can find out the thoughts and inner states of other people.

The second method is to send and infuse energy into inanimate and inanimate bodies.
Search BLS. I think there is enough information on the Meditation and Witchcraft program.

Methods by which you can cleanse and balance your aura.

1. Take a bath with Himalayan salt. Prepare a bath with Himalayan salt (a cup) The chemical composition of Himalayan salt removes harmful chemicals from the body and reduces the tension that negatively charges the energy aura. .Himalayan salt bath has a healing, energizing, invigorating and detoxifying effect. Due to the content of 84 minerals, together with the water it will cleanse and release the aura of negative energies. Water and minerals have memory + energy.

2. The sun. .Sunbathing is great for recharging your aura with energy, so you can vibrate a mantra of the Sun. In addition, the more time you spend in nature, the more your body will balance. I prefer exposure and meditation in the morning immediately after sunrise and before sunset. .here they can watch and absorb the sun's energy. It is true that solar energy is stronger around 14:00. I prefer these hours because the energies are much more pleasant in the morning and at sunset.

3. Take showers. .cold showers have the power to purify the aura, improve circulation and balance body tension. Strengthens the body's immunity and resistance to sudden climate change. After a shower, massage well with a towel until it warms up slightly. .Towel massage improves blood circulation, opens and purifies pores, greatly improving the body's oxygenation.

4. Reduce exposure to electricity. .the radiation and frequencies emitted by electrical devices can interfere with the natural rhythm of our body, all the more so as we spend a long time in their presence. .This is why, at least in the bedroom, it is advisable to remove all devices from the power supply before going to sleep. I use black tourmaline for protection. This rock protects the body's energy field from the frequencies of electricity.

5. Avoid pessimistic people. .these are the ones with a negative aura. Negative people choose to be like that. They prefer to victimize themselves, to constantly judge harshly, or to blame others for their problems. .gossip, envy and focus on the negative aspects have brought this stage of ruin physically and spiritually. Just as they have the right to choose how they want to manage their lives, so you have the right to avoid them in order to maintain your harmony.

6. The purifying vortex. .it is a visual meditation for cleansing and purifying the whole body and not just the aura. This method is recommended for the end of the day, especially during periods when you come in contact with many people. .after a ritual of black magic, before any work with energies to avoid the influence of works by the energy residues accumulated during the day, before a meeting, speech, any other important event to be able to be yourself.

This meditation lasts a few minutes. .sit in the lotus position or stand. Use Calm Meditation to calm your body and mind. Now visualize how a small golden-white vortex begins to form above you. It spins this energy at the speed of light. .visualize it as large enough to encompass your entire body. Now lower this whirlpool until you are trapped in the middle of it, traversing your entire aura and body. .meditate for a few minutes on the light of energy, meditate and observe how your aura and body become like a miniature sun.

7. The purifying disc. This meditation is similar to the above meditation. Sit down or stand. .enters a meditative state and begins to visualize a disk of White or Golden-White energy. View this disk of energy above your head. Rotate this energy disk twice the speed of light. .after this disc has been created and fully empowered by visualization, it traverses the entire body, passing it several times from top to bottom. Imagine how your body becomes cleaner and brighter as a result of the energy disk.

8. Meditations. Perfumes can also be used in meditations. .perfumes, whether it's incense, unscented sandalwood sticks, naturally scented oils, naturally scented chopsticks. Meditations in such an environment help with pleasant meditations and golden balancing. .Candlelight meditations help a lot to relax the body and mind for long time meditations.

-Liber Spiritual

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
