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Void meditation

May 28, 2014
During void meditation I had this tingling feeling all over my legs/lower body, also, it felt like I was being touched on my left foot. is this normal? Was it just my imagination? If not, why did it happen? Necessary information might be that I'm still a newbie.
Imagination most likely.

On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 9:10 PM, somethingicanremember99 <somethingicanremember99@... wrote:
  During void meditation I had this tingling feeling all over my legs/lower body, also, it felt like I was being touched on my left foot. is this normal? Was it just my imagination? If not, why did it happen? Necessary information might be that I'm still a newbie.
Could be your body responding to you using the right side of your brain. I still have this annoying itch every time I meditate.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Igor Bedzor <igorbedzor@... wrote:

Imagination most likely.

On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 9:10 PM, somethingicanremember99 <
somethingicanremember99@... wrote:


During void meditation I had this tingling feeling all over my legs/lower
body, also, it felt like I was being touched on my left foot. is this
normal? Was it just my imagination? If not, why did it happen? Necessary
information might be that I'm still a newbie.
void meditation can put you into a dream or make your body fall asleep which is the likely cause if you did it for a long period of time.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "somethingicanremember99" <somethingicanremember99@... wrote:

During void meditation I had this tingling feeling all over my legs/lower body, also, it felt like I was being touched on my left foot. is this normal? Was it just my imagination? If not, why did it happen? Necessary information might be that I'm still a newbie.
Is it normal that when i do void meditation i start seeing a mist form around my vision and the scenery begins to shift to a negative (like a picture)? Lately without doing the breathing exercises i can get to this place just by slowing down my breathing and concentrating hard on a focus point. To be honest it almost feels like i was trippin' on psilocybin and afterward i feel a little light headed but not bad. Is this normal or is it this just the effects of using hallucinogens in the past?
Its normal. Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, March 15, 2015 7:10 PM, "darknight00245@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Is it normal that when i do void meditation i start seeing a mist form around my vision and the scenery begins to shift to a negative (like a picture)? Lately without doing the breathing exercises i can get to this place just by slowing down my breathing and concentrating hard on a focus point. To be honest it almost feels like i was trippin' on psilocybin and afterward i feel a little light headed but not bad. Is this normal or is it this just the effects of using hallucinogens in the past?

It's fine. You shouldn't worry about it, when i first started i as well starting seeing many things i.e smoke like images, Mists, Purple mixed with orange and black, we all have our ways of experiencing things,Trust your feelings.
Hail Father SatanHail The GodsHeil Hitler. Sieg heil.
 Should void meditation be done first before any mediation like cleaning your aura Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE device 
Void meditation is good for stilling the mind before you do other meditations so you're more focused, You can also do it afterwards so you can focus better on the energy buzz of a meditation session.

On Sunday, August 9, 2015 7:46 PM, "'michaelsloan988@...' michaelsloan988@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

   Should void meditation be done first before any mediation like cleaning your aura Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE device 

I am having some trouble with void meditations, thoughts keep popping up in other meditations, how do I permanently gain full control of my thoughts? 
You need to do it more but in a very relaxed state. You just need to relax and let go of everything. 

On Thu, 1 Sep, 2016 at 4:52 am, black_knight_4@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I am having some trouble with void meditations, thoughts keep popping up in other meditations, how do I permanently gain full control of my thoughts? 
hey black knight,
I like to do the sun/moon breathing 9 reps - gives me quite the buzz - then do yoga, use the time doing yoga to do void, totally focusing on the here and now of the asanas and if a thought comes drifting in, let it drift out like a cloud floating across a blue sky; don't latch onto it, just let it go on by. It will drop over the 'horizon' and disappear. It's normal to get these cloud thoughts. I remember HPS Maxine said somewhere if you can manage just ten minutes at a stretch you are doing great! She said its really easy to do anywhere, if you are at work just focus exclusively on whatever it is at hand there to do and do it, this is doing void too. After yoga do the 666 meditation, RTR and whatever other meditations you want after that. Thats what I like.

If you are an artist you know about achieving that 'zone' which I discovered is actually void meditation. Where you totally focus on the work and suddenly its hours later. Where five hours feels like five minutes. LOVE that.

I understand about thoughts popping up in other meditations. Happens to me too. Sometimes my brain is like the squirrel on a hamster wheel, doesn't want to stop. Like right now. I got insomnia, hence I'm here :) I should be in bed right now!

I guess do more void, as it trains you to control this tendency and then apply it to other meditations. That said, void is my fave meditation. Void doesn't put me into sleep; trying for trance puts me into sleep! It frustrated the shit out of me. Still does. Though a few times it has seemed to work; one of those times I literally left my body, went somewhere else and 'saw' something, then was startled out of it when the person who was there in this other place with me put a warm friendly strong hand on my shoulder and squeezed. It was so real! I jumped probably a foot straight up into the air! It was painful to be so startled.

Its like going to the gym and working a muscle. the mind is a muscle too. Takes time to build up the strength. Just keep doing the time. Its the same with art. Had a discussion recently with another artist who is very good and extremely prolific. He was saying the thing is you have to practice daily if you want to see results. Which is true. I think the same principle applies to the meditations.

Hello.I want to ask about void meditation.Because sometimes i like to rap freestyle,so does void meditation can cause mind blank and i wouldn't be able think of words and rymes fast in mind?Im just thinking about it, is it could be like that.
Hail Satan!Hail Marchosias!

No. Void meditation actually helps you to still your mind and you become better in controlling thoughts at Will. It won't just blank out your mind. There many spiritual and physical benefits of this meditation for instance it improves your memory. 

On Wed, 12 Oct, 2016 at 6:53 pm, 'todyy666@...' todyy666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Hello.I want to ask about void meditation.Because sometimes i like to rap freestyle,so does void meditation can cause mind blank and i wouldn't be able think of words and rymes fast in mind?Im just thinking about it, is it could be like that.
Hail Satan!Hail Marchosias!

On the contrary I think it would help immensely. Void meditation helps you practice focus by keeping the mind clear. I don't freestyle myself but I respect those that have a gift for it. I feel that void will help you think of the correct words faster. Whenever you are constructing your bars and you are following a rhyme scheme I think you will be able to find the correct word that follows your rhyme scheme and is relevant to the bar. Now I don't mean void meditating while trying to freestyle (I don't even know how you would do that). But maybe doing void meditation before you begin a session would help your focus and ability to ride the beat and produce bars more efficiently. Hope this answers your question.

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
Is void meditation a prerequisite for hearing Demons or can they help with that if you contact them through other meditations
@kamron. Ref void meditations
Void meditations are a prerequisite for advancement. Reason being is that the enemy is very good at lying, at psychological tricks and at fooling Gentiles. Especially those who cannot silence their chatter. Void meditation will help to keep your mind clear. In other words work on void meds.
Do it 15-30 times a day, but not while doing void meds. 
Also, any contact you have make sure they say they are of Satan. Not any other name. Satan. The enemy will not say His name. Satan's Demons will always gladly specify Satan without problem. I still ask for verification sometimes. 
For working on opening your astral senses, tryhttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html

Hail SatanHail Lilith

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 2:20 AM, Kamron Walton waltonkamron99@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Is void meditation a prerequisite for hearing Demons or can they help with that if you contact them through other meditations
Void meditation teaches you to control your thoughts, etc. You need to open your chakras using
instructions Maxine gives you on website. Once they are open, then you can truly grow and learn.

If you want to hear the voices of the Gods, you need to have your charkas open. Right now,
you are like a radio or television that is turned off or unplugged. Meditation is NECESSARY
for any kind of spiritual advancement in Spiritual Satanism. It is extremely important. You may
feel, at first, that you aren't getting anywhere. But have patience. With sincere effort you will
reap many awesome rewards. Many you probably would never, otherwise, dream of.

Hail Father Satan/Lucifer!

On Wed, 6/7/17, Kamron Walton waltonkamron99@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Void meditation
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Wednesday, June 7, 2017, 11:03 AM


Is void meditation a prerequisite for hearing
Demons or can they help with that if you contact them
through other meditations

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
