The 40 days in the program is a minimum, not a maximum. If you put 50 days or 80, that's fine. If you put 39, it is not okay because 40 days of constancy is the minimum to register energy in the soul.
Usually for the goals of the 40-day program, which are to introduce you to meditation practice by opening your chakras to give you the foundation with which to develop power, I do not recommend doing more than what is included in the program. So avoid adding "random thing" like Chakra Energy Breathing or Raum Meditation. But if your addition to the program is just a continuation of meditating on an open chakra, I think it's more than okay as an addition as long as it doesn't make you feel overloaded. Of course, the priority always goes to what you have in the program.
I am really very proud of the ways you are consistent, you are dedicated and you work to take care of yourself! Basic people think that overdoing it is the solution in meditation and that this is "noble," but the truth is that it has never worked with the concept of doing too many things, but always with doing the right amount of things. Of course doing them well. Which is a natural way of doing things and not in antithesis against one's human tendency. Seeing that you are in this agreement between how to do and your own soul nature and demonstrating this with true commitment in a healthy way makes me REALLY happy. Thank you for letting me know!
This is really good news and means that you are advancing in your energy sensitivity levels. Which is a symptom of spiritual progress. Be happy for yourself that you have been able to achieve this and what you have done is finally rewarding you as you deserve

Now, keep improving yourself, such a positive trend does not deserve to be blocked suddenly. You deserve better than such a thing: you really deserve to see the highest manifestations of your achievement become more and more evident in your path. And I'm sure you want to see these things. And that you want to benefit from them concretely! Keep up the good work!