For those of you who want more indepth study. Consider getting a copy of Skeptics Annotated Bible(S.A.B.). For example Young Pharaoh has on his Youtube header image for the pre-running video the passage in Genesis where Jacob kicks god's ass twice. It's funny cause God is such a sore loser on the second attempt to try and win he dislocates Jacob's leg and not only does he get his ass kicked but worse than before. On top of that Jacob demands he be blessed. So God blesses him and changes his name to Israel even though in the rest of the bible God calls him Jacob.
Also funny enough there is a passage whereby god says he makes people born with disabilities cause I feel like it.
God is a racist asshole reading and knowing the reverse engineering information from JoS and other people as well as this guy Steve Well's SAB book is funny but God is a fucking asshole. For example in the book the reason why Ham gets cursed is because he homosexually raped the patriarch of the jews but funny enough for such a righteous man he was drunk off his ass.
It's the same thing that happens in Gensis a few times the jewish patriarchs get drunk as fuck and dance naked and in on instance god is there witnessing the event in person.
But in reality god is an asshole funny both abraham and isaac berg stuff from their supposed Gentile bretheran. Supposedly if God created Gentiles why is the lazy leaders of the jew doing tricknology to steal stuff. IF GOD is omega giga super being why not just wish stuff into existence for jews.
There's also other passages which question stealing for example "borrow" the jewels of the egyptian, read: steal.
I've never read the bible in my life I loathe those books but the funny part is the entire thing seems like a demented psychotic asshole imposing his retarded weltanschaang(world-view) unto the plane of existence.