People sometimes wonder about the science behind astrology, and how planets each have their own effect upon us. This is due to their vibrational frequency they put out. Some may question how this even exists, and now, you can show them. Some say sound doesn't exist in space, which is technically true - but if you think about it, sound doesn't exist at all. It's our ears which convert the vibrations, and our brains make sense of it. Science has allowed us to record the vibrations of the planets and transfer them into a medium our ears can pick up on. If you're ever trying to explain to someone how astrology works, and how each planet has its own specific vibrational frequency, you can show them this - the sounds of the planets, recorded by NASA:
Listening to Saturn, it really sounds unlike any of the other planets. This goes to show what those rings for amplification are up to. NASA explains here how the vibrations are recorded, then transmitted into a form our ears can hear:
For a listen to the planets, including our moon, and several other moons of the other planets, this link here has them:
Listening to Saturn, it really sounds unlike any of the other planets. This goes to show what those rings for amplification are up to. NASA explains here how the vibrations are recorded, then transmitted into a form our ears can hear:
For a listen to the planets, including our moon, and several other moons of the other planets, this link here has them: