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Jul 24, 2022
The Vestal Priestesses were initiated at the age of 10-11 and served the Goddess for a vow of 30 years.

They followed the rules of the shrines and lived for the Goddess.

If they broke any rules, they would be physically punished.
And if they broke a vow, they would be buried alive.

In return, they had great prestige and many rights.
Esoteric rights included

How do some members feel about this Roman lifestyle? Giving up many things for the sake of continuous service to a god for a large part of one's life?

Is that noble?

Or do you think the ancients were wrong?

Or that this is a lie?

I welcome more information on this topic in the responses.
I have a theory that the Serbian Vesta Shrine was a useful social center.
Because children of 10-11 years old were given to this shrine, and it is impossible for a child to decide to take such vows on its own in full consciousness.

So I think that these women could actually be motherless and fatherless.
Perhaps with no place to stay.

And the shrine could, in some cases, take these people in by giving them protection and care.

Could someone with more information tell me if I'm right? Or am I wrong?
I don't know much about them but I'm sure they weren't like christian monks or something. Virginity means to be purified spiritually. You are not giving up your life by following the Gods.
It's literally as we now, in case of very dedicated SS: we spend a lot of time in service for the Gods, for others, and for ourselves.
I think it's bullshit man.

Might be wrong but that's just my honest opinion.

The God's or at least the TRUE GOD's , Ours , wants you ,me and the rest of us to live by ourselves to become God's ourselves not to live your life only or just for them.

Much information has been faked and corrupted so I would suggest you to be careful while reading stuff, the one you've said above might be a very huge big haox and lie made up by the enemy with reference to the Romans .
The real concept of "virginity" that the Vestal Virgins practiced has nothing to do with whether one has had sex or not, that's a corruption spread by the xtian church. It's about being spiritually pure/purified through power meditation and spiritual advancement.

Only those life hating alien freaks would think engaging in sexual activity makes one impure, I can promise you none of the worthy pagan cultures like Ancient Rome felt this way.
That doesn't seem to make sense to me, because according to the Christians the Romans were sexually decadent.
It doesn't seem logical to me to think that a Christian would lie about people being virgins, it seems more logical to me to think that they would lie about Satanic orgies and menstrual blood rituals because that was Satanic muh.
Remember that the enemy always plays both sides. They lied about how some people stayed virgins, in order to convince others to repress their sexuality.

If xians only talked about how others has sex all the time, that would make their followers leave xianity. So they played up the other side, to convince their followers from all angles.

Everyone should try to understand how the enemy operates. Only then will you be prepared and able to discern the truth.

Sex was never repressed in the Ancient days. Anybody who had sexual urges would be able to have sex, because this is completely natural. Repressing sex leads to spiritual and mental problems, which is anti-life, anti-advancement, and anti-spirituality.
Remember that the enemy always plays both sides. T.
You're absolutely right.
And even if there were restrictions, they would find a way to break chastity.
I agree 1000%
Since the jew has rewritten the parts of history that it couldn't delete, and remembering how the jew today against Palestine, and the jew AKA "god" in the bibles, behaves, I doubt that the Romans would prey on Children and frighten them with christian hell being beaten and buried alive, especially when [insert name of Roman God/Goddess here] is the equivalent of Greek Gods and Goddesses and Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, i.e. are the same Gods and Goddesses, and since the Romans knew who the Gods and Goddesses were. When we look at history, we have to remember to look through the jew's dirty lens and see what the clean version of history, i.e the actual truth of history, was like. As the jew toay does, so it did in history - blame its enemies for the exact crimes (legal, Moral/Ethical, Spiritual, Natural) that it does.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
