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Venus Square Notice

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
I'll be posting every time regarding ideal times for planetary squares, to give everyone a heads up. I used to post schedules for the year, and then someone else kinda took over that, but with all the new people we get in these groups, not everyone notices them. So I'll just give about a week's notice for each one separately.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... quare.html
Any Friday, starting this March 18 - April 1. Venus will be in Pisces. 
Avoid the void moon! Everyone worldwide should be ok for the 18th (afternoon or evening for those in eastern hemisphere) but watch out for it on the 25th and 1st. Use lunarium.co.uk or your preferred site, make sure it is set to your location.
Any questions regarding affirmations or anything, reply to this and we will help :)
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... quare.html
Friday May 6th, Friday May 13, or Friday May 20. Venus will be in Taurus.
On Friday May 6th, Venus, Sun, Moon, and Mercury will all be in Taurus. This will give added power to any workings having to do with money, wealth, luxury, etc. Retrograde Jupiter will also be trining this Taurus stellium, adding more power.
Avoid the void moon! Use lunarium.co.uk or your preferred site, make sure it is set to your location. 
Hours: http://www.lunarium.co.uk/planets/hours.jsp or  http://www.astrology.com.tr/planetary-hours.asp
Calendar: http://www.lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp
For anyone who has an iPod/iPhone etc, lunarium.co.uk has a reliable moon phase app that I've been using for years. There is also an app for planetary hours that I use, Hours by Sirius Lab ltd. I think each one only cost a few dollars and well worth it as they set to your exact location and you can access them on the go.
Any questions regarding affirmations or anything, reply to this and we will help :)
Ahh I've had my eye on this one. This is kinda late but I wanna do this square for my hair and skin (hair loss and acne scars). Not sure if I can combine the two but I've been thinking of an affirmation. This is what I have:
“I now and eternally have flawless skin and a full scalp of perfect hair that is more youthful than ever, in a healthy way for me.”
I feel like I gotta get the source of the issue, or be scientific about this. Then again, not sure exactly how to make affirmations. Any suggestions? And by "directing the energy", does that mean I would have to direct the energy to my head and face?

On Apr 30, 2016, at 6:14 AM, lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... quare.html
Friday May 6th, Friday May 13, or Friday May 20. Venus will be in Taurus.
On Friday May 6th, Venus, Sun, Moon, and Mercury will all be in Taurus. This will give added power to any workings having to do with money, wealth, luxury, etc. Retrograde Jupiter will also be trining this Taurus stellium, adding more power.
Avoid the void moon! Use lunarium.co.uk or your preferred site, make sure it is set to your location. 
Hours: http://www.lunarium.co.uk/planets/hours.jsp or  http://www.astrology.com.tr/planetary-hours.asp
Calendar: http://www.lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp
For anyone who has an iPod/iPhone etc, lunarium.co.uk has a reliable moon phase app that I've been using for years. There is also an app for planetary hours that I use, Hours by Sirius Lab ltd. I think each one only cost a few dollars and well worth it as they set to your exact location and you can access them on the go.
Any questions regarding affirmations or anything, reply to this and we will help :)
Ahh I've had my eye on this one. This is kinda late but I wanna do this square for my hair and skin (hair loss and acne scars). Not sure if I can combine the two but I've been thinking of an affirmation. This is what I have:
“I now and eternally have flawless skin and a full scalp of perfect hair that is more youthful than ever, in a healthy way for me.”
I feel like I gotta get the source of the issue, or be scientific about this. Then again, not sure exactly how to make affirmations. Any suggestions? And by "directing the energy", does that mean I would have to direct the energy to my head and face?

On Apr 30, 2016, at 6:14 AM, lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... quare.html
Friday May 6th, Friday May 13, or Friday May 20. Venus will be in Taurus.
On Friday May 6th, Venus, Sun, Moon, and Mercury will all be in Taurus. This will give added power to any workings having to do with money, wealth, luxury, etc. Retrograde Jupiter will also be trining this Taurus stellium, adding more power.
Avoid the void moon! Use lunarium.co.uk or your preferred site, make sure it is set to your location. 
Hours: http://www.lunarium.co.uk/planets/hours.jsp or  http://www.astrology.com.tr/planetary-hours.asp
Calendar: http://www.lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp
For anyone who has an iPod/iPhone etc, lunarium.co.uk has a reliable moon phase app that I've been using for years. There is also an app for planetary hours that I use, Hours by Sirius Lab ltd. I think each one only cost a few dollars and well worth it as they set to your exact location and you can access them on the go.
Any questions regarding affirmations or anything, reply to this and we will help :)
That sounds like an effective affirmation. And by directing the energy, yes feel it on your skin, scalp, and hair.
Years ago, I used the Venus square for overall beauty and had good results for both my hair and skin.

---In [email protected], <vadric562@... wrote :

Ahh I've had my eye on this one. This is kinda late but I wanna do this square for my hair and skin (hair loss and acne scars). Not sure if I can combine the two but I've been thinking of an affirmation. This is what I have:
“I now and eternally have flawless skin and a full scalp of perfect hair that is more youthful than ever, in a healthy way for me.”
I feel like I gotta get the source of the issue, or be scientific about this. Then again, not sure exactly how to make affirmations. Any suggestions? And by "directing the energy", does that mean I would have to direct the energy to my head and face?
Ok sweet. If I mess up a mantra, say accidentally vibrate DRAUM instead of DRAAM, do I redo it? Today I had to do 29 vibrations and I messed up a mantra like the example above, so I did an extra one to make up for it. in the end i had done 29 correct mantras and 1 incorrect mantra. Is this the right way to go about this?

On May 7, 2016, at 8:28 AM, lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  That sounds like an effective affirmation. And by directing the energy, yes feel it on your skin, scalp, and hair.
Years ago, I used the Venus square for overall beauty and had good results for both my hair and skin.

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <vadric562@... wrote :

Ahh I've had my eye on this one. This is kinda late but I wanna do this square for my hair and skin (hair loss and acne scars). Not sure if I can combine the two but I've been thinking of an affirmation. This is what I have:
“I now and eternally have flawless skin and a full scalp of perfect hair that is more youthful than ever, in a healthy way for me.”
I feel like I gotta get the source of the issue, or be scientific about this. Then again, not sure exactly how to make affirmations. Any suggestions? And by "directing the energy", does that mean I would have to direct the energy to my head and face?
Is it possible to work with the energy of Venus without necessarily doing the square? Like just by invoking it's energy and maybe using a Venus mantra say 10 times each time or something? I don't have enough time to fit the squares on top of my daily meditation program and work and everything else I have to do in a day.
Yes, but the square is much more powerful. I've timed it, 49 reps of the short mantra for Venus takes less than 15 minutes and that's including the affirmation.

Vibrating anything for only 10 reps (not including the squares), is not going to get you very far. I am currently doing a working of 216 reps (a double Satanic rosary). If you want big results, you have to put in big effort. Sacrifice some sleep for example. It will be worth it when the results pay off.
9 times is probably better, or 108.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 8:55 AM, kyleshand@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Is it possible to work with the energy of Venus without necessarily doing the square? Like just by invoking it's energy and maybe using a Venus mantra say 10 times each time or something? I don't have enough time to fit the squares on top of my daily meditation program and work and everything else I have to do in a day.
If I may sound like a retard for a moment:is there absolutely no point whatsoever to make up for a missed day the next morning and continue later that day?I have failed 4 times to do a sun square and I swear I could fucking cry this time.I was in the middle of having a wish granted too but it wasn't fully done yet.Now I would wonder if it's gonna come.I think I'm fucked up spiritualy but I see glimpses of proof that I'm not a regular jackoff all the time.There goes my confessional.But can I get even a hair of result by continuing the broken cycle?cause that's what I'm going for now since it was almost done.FUCK!
I feel for you :/ I've messed up many times as well over the years. Practice makes perfect, but even so I messed up my sun square last time. Forgot a day as well. Fortunately Sun was still in Aries so I could restart.

Maybe a daily working with a rune or something would be best for the time being? The squares can be more complicated what with different reps each day. Also a runic working is easier to do during any hour. Fehu is good for getting something you want. Make it a part of your daily routine, like first thing in the morning or during your lunch hour. That will make it easier to remember. Set an alarm on your phone with the name of your working so it goes off at the same time every day. Just a suggestion.
You can use the rune NAUTHIZ to improve your consistency. You can also invoke the earth element. An affirmation can be something like, "The powerful earth element is permanently making me consistent in a positive manner" or "The energies of the NAUTHIZ Rune are permanently making me consistent to all my spiritual assets in a positive way." 
If you mess up a part of the mantra, that particular repetition of the mantra does not count. If you accidentally make a mistake, such as vibrating something wrong, stop immediately and do not continue the mantra. That particular repetition does not count and you would start over from the beginning of the mantra. So, if you had already vibrated the mantra 10 times correctly and then made a mistake during the 11th repetition, that particular repetition would not count. At that point, you would still have done only 10 repetitions of the mantra.
@Lydia Thanks. My problem is this though, not so much the time, I just feel like doing the mantra makes it difficult for me to also concentrate on drawing the energy in + visualizing what I want. I am just used to going deep within the meditation and concentrating intensely on what I want and feeling it out and when I use mantras it makes this hard to do at the same time ): that is why these squares haven't worked for me in the past I think <
I've messed up on tiny parts of squares and just restated the appropriate word and it was fine.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 2:43 PM, johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   If you mess up a part of the mantra, that particular repetition of the mantra does not count. If you accidentally make a mistake, such as vibrating something wrong, stop immediately and do not continue the mantra. That particular repetition does not count and you would start over from the beginning of the mantra. So, if you had already vibrated the mantra 10 times correctly and then made a mistake during the 11th repetition, that particular repetition would not count. At that point, you would still have done only 10 repetitions of the mantra.

It's normal to fuck up in beggining. That more to not focused mind that enemy. You need to not thinking on anything that vibrating words. I focuse only on vibrating words and visualising that they go tru my aura and body, cleaning and improving me and i watch to not fuck up number or repetitions. I use mi fingers for less nubered squares. If i today had to do 33 times i remember that i need to open all 10 fingers a 3 times. And after that a three fingers open. Just close you hands and you can't miss with using you fingers. With rosari you can fuck up, i know this for miself. And i rosari use only for merquri and moon square. I even venus square and 40 day working with runes and wunjo use my fingers.
Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: "Fatherschild fatherschild138@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 09/05/2016 18:41 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Venus Square Notice

  If I may sound like a retard for a moment:is there absolutely no point whatsoever to make up for a missed day the next morning and continue later that day?I have failed 4 times to do a sun square and I swear I could fucking cry this time.I was in the middle of having a wish granted too but it wasn't fully done yet.Now I would wonder if it's gonna come.I think I'm fucked up spiritualy but I see glimpses of proof that I'm not a regular jackoff all the time.There goes my confessional.But can I get even a hair of result by continuing the broken cycle?cause that's what I'm going for now since it was almost done.FUCK!
And after i finish all vibrating words for that day i imagine me in light of chakra which that planet rule and put a few times with intention afirmation. For spiritual i use afirmation who has something about manifesting energyes of that planet in good and positive way for me and for material what ever i choose to manifest connected with that planet.

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: "Fatherschild fatherschild138@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 09/05/2016 18:41 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Venus Square Notice

  If I may sound like a retard for a moment:is there absolutely no point whatsoever to make up for a missed day the next morning and continue later that day?I have failed 4 times to do a sun square and I swear I could fucking cry this time.I was in the middle of having a wish granted too but it wasn't fully done yet.Now I would wonder if it's gonna come.I think I'm fucked up spiritualy but I see glimpses of proof that I'm not a regular jackoff all the time.There goes my confessional.But can I get even a hair of result by continuing the broken cycle?cause that's what I'm going for now since it was almost done.FUCK!
Thank you,Lydia.I'm not a whore for attention or anything but I often feel like no Satanist can hear me or wants to.I just wish I could go see all of you.
@ Kyle - I know a few other SS who feel the same way regarding the squares. It's important to find what works for you and use that method. The squares arent for everyone, same as how not everyone gets the best results from runes or from Sanskrit mantras. 
And that's why l every year do a few squares. I found that squares are powerfull even for black magick but l will not this post here, it's dangerus if you fuckup something, but are also powerfull for magick for you. And i also noticed on my one that using elements on someone can improve them, just watch some person and you will see whos elements he/she has less, just few times a week visualise that element which is missing in him/her are surounding him/her and filling him/her. Same goes for black magick, find which element has a most and stock him with that element. This will make a huge inbalance in him/ her. Without hate or love. Be neutral, do not connect with him/her emotionali, just your will and visualisation. This works even in bad planetari aspects and you do this not every day. Also if someone has a strong aura burnt his/hers aura with fire element, imagine that his/herd aura is burning like a dry wood and then applie magick or instil elements inside him/her.I hope that this post will be approved.

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: "lion666lion66688@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 11/05/2016 20:43 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Venus Square Notice

  the squares are the most powerfull magic I ever done, it´s amazing
I don't think there is an exact rule about this, bu I personally would have done the same as you - vibrate an extra mantra to recover the "wrong" one that in truth should have been ineffective.

Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2016 at 5:29 AM
From: "Vadric vadric562@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Venus Square Notice



Ok sweet. If I mess up a mantra, say accidentally vibrate DRAUM instead of DRAAM, do I redo it? Today I had to do 29 vibrations and I messed up a mantra like the example above, so I did an extra one to make up for it. in the end i had done 29 correct mantras and 1 incorrect mantra. Is this the right way to go about this?

On May 7, 2016, at 8:28 AM, lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url][[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]] wrote:
That sounds like an effective affirmation. And by directing the energy, yes feel it on your skin, scalp, and hair.

Years ago, I used the Venus square for overall beauty and had good results for both my hair and skin.

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url][[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]], <vadric562@... wrote :

Ahh I've had my eye on this one. This is kinda late but I wanna do this square for my hair and skin (hair loss and acne scars). Not sure if I can combine the two but I've been thinking of an affirmation. This is what I have:
“I now and eternally have flawless skin and a full scalp of perfect hair that is more youthful than ever, in a healthy way for me.”
I feel like I gotta get the source of the issue, or be scientific about this. Then again, not sure exactly how to make affirmations. Any suggestions? And by "directing the energy", does that mean I would have to direct the energy to my head and face?

Planetary Squares:


Audio MP3 for vibrations:


http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... quare.html

Any Friday from now (Jan 6) to Feb 3. This Friday, Moon will be in Taurus, adding to this energy. Those in Eastern hemisphere will have to do during night after the void Moon.

Avoid the void moon! Use lunarium.co.uk or your preferred site, make sure it is set to your location. The Moon may be void for part of each of these days.



There are many online resources and apps for phones for the planetary hours and moon signs.

Any questions regarding affirmations or anything, reply to this and we will help :)
Thank you for this. People with debilited Venus (and planets in general) can also take these appropriate times and make their own workings with the core mantra, for example 108x Aum Shukraya Svaha , then 9x Satanas+Affirmation+Satanas.
I am planning a spiritual Venus square to improve finances and material conditions, Venus in 2nd house in cancer and 2nd cusp in cancer. 
"The energies of Venus are permanently improving my natal charts 2nd house and its effects on my life in a healthy and positive way"
My question is, to improve finances is there anything more specific regarding money to add to the affirmation to make the square more effective?
Thanks for your time

On Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 2:49 am, lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Planetary Squares:


Audio MP3 for vibrations:


http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... quare.html

Any Friday from now (Jan 6) to Feb 3. This Friday, Moon will be in Taurus, adding to this energy. Those in Eastern hemisphere will have to do during night after the void Moon.

Avoid the void moon! Use lunarium.co.uk or your preferred site, make sure it is set to your location. The Moon may be void for part of each of these days.



There are many online resources and apps for phones for the planetary hours and moon signs.

Any questions regarding affirmations or anything, reply to this and we will help :)

I did not give dates. I said any Friday. And March? This is January. You must be looking at a previous post as I've been doing these for over a year. Please look at the date before "correcting".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
