Its manifestations in your life will depend on where it is, and also what the ruler of Sagittarius is going, and its aspects. This is just the preliminary consideration.So it's hard to say what its specific effects are on you, unless we talk in generalities, which may not be 100% accurate.
But, don't fear! We do have a handy guide on the JoyofSatan website to help us understand what Venus actually is.
What does Venus represent in our lives? What does it have rulership over?
Maxine points out:
What are the zodiacal rulerships of Venus? They're fall/detriment? Their associations of houses?
So, Venus has many rulerships, and love isn't just one of them. It can also rule diseases, conditions, the type of death, and anatomical parts of the body, or even careers.
Though, I'm assuming you're asking how it pertains to your love life, as that's usually what most people are concerned about in these matters:
How does Venus behave in the sign of Sagittarius?
Trying to see how HPS Maxine derived these meanings is interesting.
While I can't speak for her, I can only guess how she derived these meanings.
Sagittarius is a fire sign, mutable, ruled by Jupiter, and the sign also rules the legs, hips, tights, buttocks, etc.
Venus, the planet of love, placed in this sign, will take on those Sagittarius traits, in the way the person views or acts on love.