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Veganism is divided into two camps the Ideological Veganism and nutritional Veganism. One is Vegan for the ideological reasons the other for diet and sometimes both. However the Ideological Vegans recognize the differences between the two.

Ideological Veganism is Marxist ideology applied to vegetarianism. The main founder of this branch is a Jewish Marxist named Singer. This is were the nonsense concepts of Animal Liberation which is the core of Ideological Veganism which is the granting of universal suffrage to animals and granting them Human rights status based on Animals being People too, come from. This is the application of the abnormal and radical egalitarian base of Marxist ideology. Which is just the mythological premise of Christianity without the supernaturalism. From here with Veganism you get the nonsense like Speciesism, Carnism and such. Its the conflict theory of Marxism applied to Vegetarianism. The Speciesist is the new bourgeoisie and the animals the proletariat. All Marxism did was take the false notion of original sin and apply it to property ownership. The Vegan has taken the same notion and applied to eating animal products and using animals to help as farm labour and such. Its just moving the goal posts on Jewish Christianity. Its also not a mistake that older Vegan sects were originally from Christian sects who believed in the Garden of Edin tales about just eating plants. Veganism is built on the same guilt trip of Christianity. You have sinned because your not Vegan. This is why so many Vegans are disliked as people in general because Ideological Veganism is just part of the Marxian leftist identity politics. Which in the end purity spirals into more and more lunacy within its own ranks.. Because its mental illness.

Nutritional Veganism is the ideal that just eating a plant based diet is superior for health. This is also based on the claim Humans are herbivores and animal products are harmful. This is easy to understand as false from looking within the diet of Veganism.

If animal products are bad for your health then why if you take them out of your diet totally you will get sick and do long term damage to yourself. And even risk your life from the consequences of vitamin, nutritional decencies. .Because you are an omnivore and require them in your diet to some extent. You can't trust Veganism to tell you the truth by the fact they don't tell you the truth. Some Vegans will even lie and claim you can B12 from eating vegetables with dirt on them. Even plant based doctors will tell you this is impossible. This kind of a lie could cost someone their life.

Its also more then B12. Its also calcium, K2, Vitamin A, Iron, Taurine and on. Vegans have to live out of multi Vitamin pill bottles to try and not get sick on what they claim is Humanities... NATURAL DIET. Studies have also shown Vegans have the worst health and are at higher risk for certain diseases then people who eat meat. The reason the vast majority of people can't stay on a Vegan diet is they start to feel physically bad and develop health issues. Because we are not herbivores. And the supplements don't work like they claim on their own in the long run. And that is what they know they need to be taking.

The healthiest community on earth. The Vegans keep bringing up The Seventh Day Adventists. Are not Vegans they eat animal products in the form of fish which is meat, eggs and dairy. And they live the longest and have the best health. The Adventists that eat fish which is meat have the best health out of all of the Adventist community.

However the Adventists do not smoke, drink alcohol and do not live on the strandard diet of fast food, junk food and Frankenstein foods. And they also get exercise normally. They do eat 75% of their diet in plants.

And there is the truth. People are getting sick because they are not eating enough plant food in their diet. But with no animal foods in the diet people will also get sick and suffer health problems. And the problem is the current mainstream diet is just junk.

We are omnivores. If you look back Veganism was originally defined by its founder Watson as just eating a plant based diet. There was no Marxian ideology. That was all. And this diet is not healthy. The reason many people are Vegan is for emotional reasons and many Vegans turn their feelings into facts which is dangerous.
I was on a vegetarian diet for awhile and noticed my eyes got weaker as it says in on the no restrictions page on joy of satan. I think the B12 and Taurine that is found in meat is absolutely needed, because I was even eating a bit of fish maybe once every two weeks and also eggs here and there. The best diet is just the normal run of the mill meat, vegetable balanced diet.
I find it strange when some Vegans deny they are SJW Vegans but while repeating the ideological talking points of Marxian Veganism. This is how double think they are and in many cases the level ofl ideologically illiteracy they exist within.

I am vegan, and pls dont attack me, I am not attacking anyone here as well, I just wanna explain my position.

I dont think eating vegan is the best for any human, as you said some nutrients are (almost) only available in meat.

I also totally agree with humanity eating flesh for thousands of years in the past, and I think I wasnt vegan in past lifes because it was a totally different story.

Today I am on a vegan diet, because I am a very sensitive person and cant see how the animals are treated today. I dont want to look in every case of meat, if the animals were just growing in some 1qm room or on the free fields, so I just cut it out entirely because it is not that hard for me, and actually it helped me very much in advancing my cooking skills. I dont agree with cows getting pregnant, then when the calf comes, it is immedietaly taken from her mom because now the mother cow can produce milk for the industry, having her "breast" plugged on some metal and get the milk drained out, in mym opinion thats total abuse of nature. Calfs are then often sold at auction for calf meat which can be sold expensive.

I dont know if it is just my perception, but I think in the past, nobody treated animals this way, as farmers got way more money because no jews bank is taking all their money, so they didnt have to kind of industrially produce animals on masses because some people want their 2kg steak for 50ct (yes its like that in the country that I live in).

This should not be a discussion to make anyone vegan, if anyone feeling insulted on his/her diet, then excuse me, as I just wanted to explain my position and feelings, thank you.
Your input is appreciated I start these threads for discussion on the subject.

I don't care if people want to be Vegan. However a person can be a Vegan without being a Marxian vegetarian about it. Like Watson the founder of Veganism was not a Marxian. Also I disagree with telling people nonsense like we are herbivores, because its false and its harmful.. I also don't believe its wise to base a diet on ones emotions. We require meat in our diets to some degree. The needs of the body don't outweigh the emotional.

LightMangoMango said:

I am vegan, and pls dont attack me, I am not attacking anyone here as well, I just wanna explain my position.

I dont think eating vegan is the best for any human, as you said some nutrients are (almost) only available in meat.

I also totally agree with humanity eating flesh for thousands of years in the past, and I think I wasnt vegan in past lifes because it was a totally different story.

Today I am on a vegan diet, because I am a very sensitive person and cant see how the animals are treated today. I dont want to look in every case of meat, if the animals were just growing in some 1qm room or on the free fields, so I just cut it out entirely because it is not that hard for me, and actually it helped me very much in advancing my cooking skills. I dont agree with cows getting pregnant, then when the calf comes, it is immedietaly taken from her mom because now the mother cow can produce milk for the industry, having her "breast" plugged on some metal and get the milk drained out, in mym opinion thats total abuse of nature. Calfs are then often sold at auction for calf meat which can be sold expensive.

I dont know if it is just my perception, but I think in the past, nobody treated animals this way, as farmers got way more money because no jews bank is taking all their money, so they didnt have to kind of industrially produce animals on masses because some people want their 2kg steak for 50ct (yes its like that in the country that I live in).

This should not be a discussion to make anyone vegan, if anyone feeling insulted on his/her diet, then excuse me, as I just wanted to explain my position and feelings, thank you.
If you mean by “we require meat to some degree“ that a vegan has to replace the nutrients in meat with vegan products which contain these nutrients, and if he is not willing to do so his health will suffer, then its true.
Anybody who just foolishly cuts meat/milk from his diet, without looking up how they can replace for example B12/omega3 from vegan meals, will suffer in health for sure.

If you think that this is possible only by taking pills, then you looked for the wrong foods, you wouldn't know what's out there man ;)

HP Mageson666 said:
Your input is
appreciated I start these threads for discussion on the subject.

I don't care if people want to be Vegan. However a person can be a Vegan without being a Marxian vegetarian about it. Like Watson the founder of Veganism was not a Marxian. Also I disagree with telling people nonsense like we are herbivores, because its false and its harmful.. I also don't believe its wise to base a diet on ones emotions. We require meat in our diets to some degree. The needs of the body don't outweigh the emotional.

LightMangoMango said:

I am vegan, and pls dont attack me, I am not attacking anyone here as well, I just wanna explain my position.

I dont think eating vegan is the best for any human, as you said some nutrients are (almost) only available in meat.

I also totally agree with humanity eating flesh for thousands of years in the past, and I think I wasnt vegan in past lifes because it was a totally different story.

Today I am on a vegan diet, because I am a very sensitive person and cant see how the animals are treated today. I dont want to look in every case of meat, if the animals were just growing in some 1qm room or on the free fields, so I just cut it out entirely because it is not that hard for me, and actually it helped me very much in advancing my cooking skills. I dont agree with cows getting pregnant, then when the calf comes, it is immedietaly taken from her mom because now the mother cow can produce milk for the industry, having her "breast" plugged on some metal and get the milk drained out, in mym opinion thats total abuse of nature. Calfs are then often sold at auction for calf meat which can be sold expensive.

I dont know if it is just my perception, but I think in the past, nobody treated animals this way, as farmers got way more money because no jews bank is taking all their money, so they didnt have to kind of industrially produce animals on masses because some people want their 2kg steak for 50ct (yes its like that in the country that I live in).

This should not be a discussion to make anyone vegan, if anyone feeling insulted on his/her diet, then excuse me, as I just wanted to explain my position and feelings, thank you.
I was vegan for over a year but my hair started falling out, I had less energy etc. and I couldn't take it anymore. I don't agree with how animals are treated, raped and tortured in the modern Jewish-owned agriculture industries so I'm looking into local farms...
True the Vegans are now putting all their supplements into their Vegan food products. Soy Milk has the calcium and B12 supplement put into and such. Because its not real milk and it does not have the nutrients people need from milk within it.

Then there are nutrients that are also in plant foods that are in animal products but the problem is the amount and the fact many peoples system can't do anything with them.

Something that happens to a lot of Vegans is in time the vitamins like B12 stop having effectiveness and they have to start getting injections to make it work.

Your argument is one that supplementation works. But many Vegans even with the supplements still end up having health issues that are only removed when they start eating animal products. I have a Vegan book from awhile back and it states everything you need is in plants. This was before they knew about B12 not in plants. And now they know some more of what is missing. But there are other things missing as well you can note it in the Vegans who still have problems. And then having problems with the supplement.

LightMangoMango said:
If you mean by “we require meat to some degree“ that a vegan has to replace the nutrients in meat with vegan products which contain these nutrients, and if he is not willing to do so his health will suffer, then its true.
Anybody who just foolishly cuts meat/milk from his diet, without looking up how they can replace for example B12/omega3 from vegan meals, will suffer in health for sure.

If you think that this is possible only by taking pills, then you looked for the wrong foods, you wouldn't know what's out there man ;)
I was vegetarian for years but had to put some meat back into my diet. You can now find organic meat in most places.

Academic Scholar said:
I was vegan for over a year but my hair started falling out, I had less energy etc. and I couldn't take it anymore. I don't agree with how animals are treated, raped and tortured in the modern Jewish-owned agriculture industries so I'm looking into local farms...
It's like I said on the old forums in regards to veganism: The reason people feel good after they have cut meat completely out of their diet is because of the plant fibers or, 'ruffage', that we are incapable of digesting. These fibers act like pipes cleaners by cleaning out the intestinal tract (hence the phase, "You need more fiber in your diet", or, "A bran muffin will clear that right up") so they feel better and think it is because they cut out meat entirely. when in fact all they did was, 'detoxify', themselves by eating as much veggies as their body really needed.

When some of these people think their giving us the benefit of the doubt by going to their local fast food place and ordering the whole right side of the menu after they had been a vegan for half a year, they have a negative reaction to the food (as anyone who has done what they did would) and they come to the conclusion that they were right and eating meat is bad for you when in reality they should have just gone to their local butcher shop and got their test meat there.

So to sum up, the reason that veganism had become so popular (and thankfully it is now going down in popularity), is because of the crap diet that the jew run media was feeding us to which they gave us an even worse diet in an attempt to destroy us.
Jews also push veganism because it is pareve and doesn't conflict with Jewish dietary laws. Veganism is kosher.

What is really horrible is how the Jews own and operate factory farms that hideously abuse animals. This sets the stage for veganism. The Jews create the problem, provoke the reaction and then push the solution.
I just wanna point out that yes, its true B12 is not in plants, but in mushrooms it is contained. Japanese Shiitake mushroom, and some other species as well (dont want to look up the english names right now, in german its Pfifflerlinge and Steinpilze, you can find them in the forest).
I will never take some of that supplement shit, most of the time the body has problems taking the nutrients from pills anways so yeah..
I am very happy that I found out about the Shiitake, I now arranged that they grow in my garden beneath a bush, You can order a "mushroom grow kit" and dig it into the earth, the mushrooms then keeps growing for years if it is a dark/humid place.

I researched alot on this topic and it is definitely possible to get all the nutrients from non-animal sources.
Only thing I was suspicious about was taurin, but if you google it you see that its not an essential amino acids, if you eat all the essential amino acids (there are 9), all the others are produced by the body, taurin for example is produced from cysteine in the body, cysteine is produced in the body from the essential amino acids. If you eat all the essential amino acids, you wont lack any other amino acids.
Meat contains all 9 essential amino acids, by eating different vegetables you can get 20 different amino acids containing all the essential amino acids, so there will be no difference.

Concerning Omega 3/6, the ratio is important. Too much O6 will destroy all your O3. 2:1 to 5:1. The problem with omegas is not that someone has to eat enough, but also what ratios they eat. Meat itself contains a good ratio of 2:1. But when you start eating wheat for example, this ratio will be fucked up, as it is 10:1, in some cases even 14:1. How it works: Too much omega 6 returns the positive of omega 3.
If you want a good ratio as meat as a vegan, you have to eat lot of greens in for example smoothies, as many greens also have the perfect 2:1 ratio. I myself eat a lot of nettle, as it is free to plug where I live and free from pesticides and fertilizer, it also contains a lot of calcium (713 mg per 100 grams, milk has 125mg per 100 grams), and many vitamin c. I usually eat it made into a soup with potatoes and coconut oil if anyone wonders :D or like spinach in a pan, works as well. As a veggie you eat much more grams of food, as greens have far less calories than meat (like meat having 6 times more in most cases).

The reason why many vegans eat these shit supplements is these brands have very good advertising and control a lot of the articles about nutrients. In reality they are not doing any good for the body. Same as soy products. I eat very low amount of them, because they are often very unhealthy with a lot of chemicals. In my country they are not even shown on the packaging, only marked as some EXXX (XXX being a number..) you can then look them up on the internet and see how much shit is in these products. Same goes for most products which are proccesed and then sold in the super markets.

But I guarantee you it is definitely possible to get all the healthy nutrients one needs, only from plants and mushrooms. As a vegan you just have to really look up all the available meals, and you will find all your nutrients, but most people. The real problem is, that nutrition is not a topic on school (at least in my country) and even doctors only have 1 week nutrition while they study a total of 10 years medicine.

If you read till now, thank you for reading, I acutally didnt plan this to go this long, but whatever

HP Mageson666 said:
True the Vegans are now putting all their supplements into their Vegan food products. Soy Milk has the calcium and B12 supplement put into and such. Because its not real milk and it does not have the nutrients people need from milk within it.

Then there are nutrients that are also in plant foods that are in animal products but the problem is the amount and the fact many peoples system can't do anything with them.

Something that happens to a lot of Vegans is in time the vitamins like B12 stop having effectiveness and they have to start getting injections to make it work.

Your argument is one that supplementation works. But many Vegans even with the supplements still end up having health issues that are only removed when they start eating animal products. I have a Vegan book from awhile back and it states everything you need is in plants. This was before they knew about B12 not in plants. And now they know some more of what is missing. But there are other things missing as well you can note it in the Vegans who still have problems. And then having problems with the supplement.

LightMangoMango said:
If you mean by “we require meat to some degree“ that a vegan has to replace the nutrients in meat with vegan products which contain these nutrients, and if he is not willing to do so his health will suffer, then its true.
Anybody who just foolishly cuts meat/milk from his diet, without looking up how they can replace for example B12/omega3 from vegan meals, will suffer in health for sure.

If you think that this is possible only by taking pills, then you looked for the wrong foods, you wouldn't know what's out there man ;)
The vegan doctor McGregor stated you can't get B12 from plants you have to take a supplement he debunked the claims that are being passed around. Omega six is the major problems Vegans have as they don't get enough Omega 3 that is true.

However the problem is as I mentioned trying to get the nutritional requirements from pants we get from animal foods is a problem. The calcium from greens in many people is not that great and their body does not really use it. It just passes it though the system. Osteoporosis is a major problem for Vegans.

Without Taurine in the diet people can have serious health problems. This is the problem with Vegan information its dangerous to peoples health to believe it. Its the same nonsense Vegans promote that your body creates its own B12, while omitting it requires the compounds from animal foods to make this happen. So they tell you half a truth but omit the other half. So they will tell a person half a truth to then lie to them. Its very Jewish behaviour.

LightMangoMango said:
I just wanna point out that yes, its true B12 is not in plants, but in mushrooms it is contained. Japanese Shiitake mushroom, and some other species as well (dont want to look up the english names right now, in german its Pfifflerlinge and Steinpilze, you can find them in the forest).
I will never take some of that supplement shit, most of the time the body has problems taking the nutrients from pills anways so yeah..
I am very happy that I found out about the Shiitake, I now arranged that they grow in my garden beneath a bush, You can order a "mushroom grow kit" and dig it into the earth, the mushrooms then keeps growing for years if it is a dark/humid place.

I researched alot on this topic and it is definitely possible to get all the nutrients from non-animal sources.
Only thing I was suspicious about was taurin, but if you google it you see that its not an essential amino acids, if you eat all the essential amino acids (there are 9), all the others are produced by the body, taurin for example is produced from cysteine in the body, cysteine is produced in the body from the essential amino acids. If you eat all the essential amino acids, you wont lack any other amino acids.
Meat contains all 9 essential amino acids, by eating different vegetables you can get 20 different amino acids containing all the essential amino acids, so there will be no difference.

Concerning Omega 3/6, the ratio is important. Too much O6 will destroy all your O3. 2:1 to 5:1. The problem with omegas is not that someone has to eat enough, but also what ratios they eat. Meat itself contains a good ratio of 2:1. But when you start eating wheat for example, this ratio will be fucked up, as it is 10:1, in some cases even 14:1. How it works: Too much omega 6 returns the positive of omega 3.
If you want a good ratio as meat as a vegan, you have to eat lot of greens in for example smoothies, as many greens also have the perfect 2:1 ratio. I myself eat a lot of nettle, as it is free to plug where I live and free from pesticides and fertilizer, it also contains a lot of calcium (713 mg per 100 grams, milk has 125mg per 100 grams), and many vitamin c. I usually eat it made into a soup with potatoes and coconut oil if anyone wonders :D or like spinach in a pan, works as well. As a veggie you eat much more grams of food, as greens have far less calories than meat (like meat having 6 times more in most cases).

The reason why many vegans eat these shit supplements is these brands have very good advertising and control a lot of the articles about nutrients. In reality they are not doing any good for the body. Same as soy products. I eat very low amount of them, because they are often very unhealthy with a lot of chemicals. In my country they are not even shown on the packaging, only marked as some EXXX (XXX being a number..) you can then look them up on the internet and see how much shit is in these products. Same goes for most products which are proccesed and then sold in the super markets.

But I guarantee you it is definitely possible to get all the healthy nutrients one needs, only from plants and mushrooms. As a vegan you just have to really look up all the available meals, and you will find all your nutrients, but most people. The real problem is, that nutrition is not a topic on school (at least in my country) and even doctors only have 1 week nutrition while they study a total of 10 years medicine.

If you read till now, thank you for reading, I acutally didnt plan this to go this long, but whatever
You said you don't eat meat because you don't like how animals are treated, why don't you just eating organic meat? You can find it easily. It can cost a little bit more but you don't have to eat it everyday.
Aquarius said:
You said you don't eat meat because you don't like how animals are treated, why don't you just eating organic meat? You can find it easily. It can cost a little bit more but you don't have to eat it everyday.

I Neverland understand why vegan's didn't do that, even if the cost is higher they Can just get the right quantity of meat and beased their diet plant based but with the right ammount of meat (which like HP said is the best diet)
Ok now I really have to apologize here :D I actually have fucked up.. I always considered myself vegan but I am actually not, because I eat fish. Very dumb posting, I was just thinking of not eating pigs, chicken cows and so on.
Excuse me pls
The thing of it is, yes it is true that you can get all the nutrients that you need from a plant only diet. The, 'but', in this that is so large you could see it coming from the opposite side of the Andromeda Galaxy is that you wouldn't be able to eat that much plant material and farms would not be able to provide that much. This is a quick and dirty example, but for every pound of meat you eat, you would have to eat six pounds of veggies to equal the nutrients gained from the meat. I don't know how big of an eater you are, but for me after the third pound, that stuff will start coming out the same way it came in.

If you think I am exaggerating that number consider this; Louis Cyr, still the world strongest man, ate four pounds of meat in every meal every day when he was preparing for a show. Yes, I am talking about a professional strong man and not the average Joe, but the fact that he had to eat that much meat, which you yourself have actually said in terms of getting nutrients is superior to vegetables, it would in fact be healthier and cheaper for the Gentiles (That sound you heard was the jews screaming in agony) to eat a balanced diet of meat, fruit, dairy (for the Aryans) and vegetables. If Cyr honestly tried to gain strength on a plant based diet, and remember that this was a time before supplements were really a thing, Canada would wake up one morning and wonder where the hell all the forests went.

For my last point, to which I admit is ABC logic but I would say that it also falls under Occam's Razor in this case; the Gods eat meat. Azazel has admitted this when he told one of the HPs that the animals used for food are raised and killed humanly where they live.

If the Gods of all people still eat meat, which means they haven't found a way to make plants able to provide them with what they need so they don't need to eat animals to stay healthy anymore, what makes you think that we have?

LightMangoMango said:
I just wanna point out that yes, its true B12 is not in plants, but in mushrooms it is contained. Japanese Shiitake mushroom, and some other species as well (dont want to look up the english names right now, in german its Pfifflerlinge and Steinpilze, you can find them in the forest).
I will never take some of that supplement shit, most of the time the body has problems taking the nutrients from pills anways so yeah..
I am very happy that I found out about the Shiitake, I now arranged that they grow in my garden beneath a bush, You can order a "mushroom grow kit" and dig it into the earth, the mushrooms then keeps growing for years if it is a dark/humid place.

I researched alot on this topic and it is definitely possible to get all the nutrients from non-animal sources.
Only thing I was suspicious about was taurin, but if you google it you see that its not an essential amino acids, if you eat all the essential amino acids (there are 9), all the others are produced by the body, taurin for example is produced from cysteine in the body, cysteine is produced in the body from the essential amino acids. If you eat all the essential amino acids, you wont lack any other amino acids.
Meat contains all 9 essential amino acids, by eating different vegetables you can get 20 different amino acids containing all the essential amino acids, so there will be no difference.

Concerning Omega 3/6, the ratio is important. Too much O6 will destroy all your O3. 2:1 to 5:1. The problem with omegas is not that someone has to eat enough, but also what ratios they eat. Meat itself contains a good ratio of 2:1. But when you start eating wheat for example, this ratio will be fucked up, as it is 10:1, in some cases even 14:1. How it works: Too much omega 6 returns the positive of omega 3.
If you want a good ratio as meat as a vegan, you have to eat lot of greens in for example smoothies, as many greens also have the perfect 2:1 ratio. I myself eat a lot of nettle, as it is free to plug where I live and free from pesticides and fertilizer, it also contains a lot of calcium (713 mg per 100 grams, milk has 125mg per 100 grams), and many vitamin c. I usually eat it made into a soup with potatoes and coconut oil if anyone wonders :D or like spinach in a pan, works as well. As a veggie you eat much more grams of food, as greens have far less calories than meat (like meat having 6 times more in most cases).

The reason why many vegans eat these shit supplements is these brands have very good advertising and control a lot of the articles about nutrients. In reality they are not doing any good for the body. Same as soy products. I eat very low amount of them, because they are often very unhealthy with a lot of chemicals. In my country they are not even shown on the packaging, only marked as some EXXX (XXX being a number..) you can then look them up on the internet and see how much shit is in these products. Same goes for most products which are proccesed and then sold in the super markets.

But I guarantee you it is definitely possible to get all the healthy nutrients one needs, only from plants and mushrooms. As a vegan you just have to really look up all the available meals, and you will find all your nutrients, but most people. The real problem is, that nutrition is not a topic on school (at least in my country) and even doctors only have 1 week nutrition while they study a total of 10 years medicine.

If you read till now, thank you for reading, I acutally didnt plan this to go this long, but whatever

HP Mageson666 said:
True the Vegans are now putting all their supplements into their Vegan food products. Soy Milk has the calcium and B12 supplement put into and such. Because its not real milk and it does not have the nutrients people need from milk within it.

Then there are nutrients that are also in plant foods that are in animal products but the problem is the amount and the fact many peoples system can't do anything with them.

Something that happens to a lot of Vegans is in time the vitamins like B12 stop having effectiveness and they have to start getting injections to make it work.

Your argument is one that supplementation works. But many Vegans even with the supplements still end up having health issues that are only removed when they start eating animal products. I have a Vegan book from awhile back and it states everything you need is in plants. This was before they knew about B12 not in plants. And now they know some more of what is missing. But there are other things missing as well you can note it in the Vegans who still have problems. And then having problems with the supplement.

LightMangoMango said:
If you mean by “we require meat to some degree“ that a vegan has to replace the nutrients in meat with vegan products which contain these nutrients, and if he is not willing to do so his health will suffer, then its true.
Anybody who just foolishly cuts meat/milk from his diet, without looking up how they can replace for example B12/omega3 from vegan meals, will suffer in health for sure.

If you think that this is possible only by taking pills, then you looked for the wrong foods, you wouldn't know what's out there man ;)
I find all of this vitamin and essential nutrient business rather hard to follow. It only creates anxiety and it's not good to associate anxiety with eating. Munching on a vegan salad while obsessing over whether you've added enough seaweed is enough to make the food gain an inauspicious quality.

Our problem is the environment. We live in an artificial environment and our natural compasses are confused. The most straightforward way to identify what is good and what is not is to examine our jaw, teeth, and digestive system. Their morphology and function suggest that we humans are plant-based omnivores. We should focus on a plant-based diet, but we can also add meat and eggs. I'm not so sure about the milk though. It is rather unnatural to steal milk from a baby animal.

Chimpanzees eat primarily fruit but don't shy away from meat either. As we are also primates, I think our intake of animal products should exist, but should not be a daily habit.
i personally disagree with those vegan guys who say that verganism has a spiritual connection.
They say being a vegan comes from attaining a state of higher level of awarness.
They believe that all the problems like depression are caused by eating animals. They say when to animal dies it records all its suffering in their DNA and when you eat the meat you will then also consume their suffering and this will manifest as depression in you.
I mean if we don't regulate wild life it causes a hassle for everyone, including other animals.

I don't think the Gods need that many sacrifices, so...
luis said:
Aquarius said:
You said you don't eat meat because you don't like how animals are treated, why don't you just eating organic meat? You can find it easily. It can cost a little bit more but you don't have to eat it everyday.

I Neverland understand why vegan's didn't do that, even if the cost is higher they Can just get the right quantity of meat and beased their diet plant based but with the right ammount of meat (which like HP said is the best diet)
They are retards, lol.
LightMangoMango said:
Ok now I really have to apologize here :D I actually have fucked up.. I always considered myself vegan but I am actually not, because I eat fish. Very dumb posting, I was just thinking of not eating pigs, chicken cows and so on.
Excuse me pls
Even if we were able to get all nutrients from vegetables I'd still not give up meat to be honest, it's like the best taste ever,
How can someone not crave this
The vitamin B12 in plant products is a B12 analogue..

It looks like B12, it behaves like B12 but the human body doesn't use it like B12.

It doesn't use it at all.

Iron in plant sources is poorly absorbed due to the high tannin content of plant foods, such as spinach and soy.

Both are essential for energy and low energy in veganism is often due to deficiency of both of these and many other nutrients.

Vitamin K and other fat soluble vitamins are essential for blood clotting cascade product formation and you cannot eat enough avocado's to replace animal sources of these.

Of course, this includes fish, eggs and gelatin products..
I find if I "listen" to my body, it lets me know what I need to eat. I feel like a big plate of roasted veggies, or a soup, that's what I eat.
My body tells me it's time for a nice juicy steak or pork chop, I eat that. Time for a bowl of steel-cut oatmeal, cool beans (beans are great too!)
A balanced, nutritious diet free of junk/fast food is all there is to it, in my opinion.

Bon appétit!
Abrahamic religions usually freak out over eating porc. What is your take on it? Is eating porc good or bad?
ss666 said:
Abrahamic religions usually freak out over eating porc. What is your take on it? Is eating porc good or bad?
They don't wanna eat their own god. Lol
Pigs meat (and perhaps pigs in general) were/are considered unclean. It doesn't go that indepth but I'm pretty sure the bible and koran both briefly mention it as being impure or something.

It also takes ages to digest for most people, and is apparently similar to our own flesh. Probably this is why, and ancient peoples would have seen that pigs are scavengers that eat pretty much anything... corpses, rotten food, feces. Not that they wouldn't prefer fresh vegetation but they don't remove the toxins they do consume very efficiently and rather it gets stored in their fat cells mostly, pigs don't have sweat glands either so they don't remove toxins from that method either. Some of the dietary restrictions are probably just tradition/superstition but some are rather sensible. I'd advise against eating it too often.
DeterminedAndStrong said:
Pigs meat (and perhaps pigs in general) were/are considered unclean. It doesn't go that indepth but I'm pretty sure the bible and koran both briefly mention it as being impure or something.

It also takes ages to digest for most people, and is apparently similar to our own flesh. Probably this is why, and ancient peoples would have seen that pigs are scavengers that eat pretty much anything... corpses, rotten food, feces. Not that they wouldn't prefer fresh vegetation but they don't remove the toxins they do consume very efficiently and rather it gets stored in their fat cells mostly, pigs don't have sweat glands either so they don't remove toxins from that method either. Some of the dietary restrictions are probably just tradition/superstition but some are rather sensible. I'd advise against eating it too often.

Thank you for the info, I didn't know it pigs don't sweat, that could be bad. It's true that they can eat a lot of bad things, although if they get a good nutrition it shouldn't be a problem.
I simply wont eat sacred animals, cats or serpents, admired animals such as the pure wolves, or loathed animals like apes. Beyond that, it depends on the taste. I do like burnt ''singed'' popcorn, as far as vegetable matter for its taste.
I've never heard of anyone eating apes lol. And why are they loathed?
DeterminedAndStrong said:
I've never heard of anyone eating apes lol. And why are they loathed?
Because they got unionized and refused to sing at dawn anymore. No actually, its because there mocking, beyond that, its better not to ask.
Veganism is Judaism

The Jews are an alien race. This can be observed by all the strange nutrition laws they have put on themselves, just in order to function “normally” on this Planet. For them, eating meat is something so unnatural that only their top rabbanim should be allowed to do:

“And you must know my son that all the creatures that live on dry land, those which are eaten, were only permitted as food to the Tzaddikim, for the fear of the Tzaddikim is present in all the beasts and in all the animals. And who is a Tzaddik? He whose shadow is pure and clean, and all are afraid from him like we saw regarding Daniel in the Lion’s den, He may eat other animals, but the sinner shall not eat any animals.”
(Sefer Hakana 129a)

The Jews reaffirm this in the story of Purim where Hamman, who was a descended of Amalek, got the permission to issue a decree to kill Jews. This was reversed later through Mordechai, by opposing eating forbidden foods, as suggested by Esther : “Go and gather the Jews so that they should not eat nor drink for three days”

In Yoreh De’ah 119:1 it is also stated that a Jew who eats non-Kosher is not trustworthy, even for a mere suspicion. It’s explained that all mitzot that are done while eating non-Kosher go to Sitra Achra, which ties to Klippot (the tree of death for Jews).
“You should know that the sin of eating Nevelot and Terefot is much graver than other sins…And our Sages say that the reason why young children die, G-d forbid, is because of this sin of eating forbidden foods, therefore pity your children and don’t destroy them, Chas ve Shalom”
Rabbi Hillel Kolomayer (Bet Hillel siman 48, 9)

The Chafetz Chaim explains in his book Nidche Israel that in order to process the forbidden foods the body and the soul must go through a lot of excruciating pain.

But why do Jews suffer so much from eating non-Kosher meat?
Well, it’s not the meat itself, but the blood of the meat which contains the life force of the animal, that reacts negatively to the Jewish alien soul. The Jews sacrifice the poor animals and redirect their life force to the Yehova thoughtform. If any part of the animal spirit is still attached to its body, then the Jews redirects it to Yehova in the ritual Birkat Hamazon (preferably done in a group to amplify the effect). This ritual, “The Grace after meals”, is mandatory for all Jews to do!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
