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Veganism is Unnatural for Humans

There is no healthy way to be a vegan. You can do this for a few days or maybe for a week or 2, but after that the body starts starving and being deficient in the nutrients it needs. And there is enormous damage done to every part of the body by being a vegan for a long time.

One example is your nerves and your brain. There is a covering around your nerves called myelin, and it is exactly the same as the insulating plastic around a wire. It protects the nerves, and prevents electrical signals from being lost, or from shorting out to other nerves nearby. Your brain also is made from a large percentage of myelin. Myelin is made directly from animal fat, and there is no way to make it from any kind of vegan source. This is one large reason why you see people who are vegans for years and they are shaking and twitching, because the insulation around their nerves has broken pieces where it has not been able to rebuild and heal, and you have things like electrical signals from the nerves are jumping into the muscles and making them twitch.

Also calcium. Vegans like to say that very dark green leaves have a large amount of calcium. This is true, but it is important to think how the calcium is contained. The calcium in these plants is contained inside a molecule where the calcium is so strongly held inside of it that the body is not able to break this apart. The body is not able to digest this and remove the calcium from it, and it is not able to absorb it. So it does not matter how many of these dark green leaves are eaten, none of the calcium is taken into the body and it all goes out the other end. Of course bones will all become very weak from no calcium, but that is not even the worst part.

Calcium is one of the 4 most important elements in the whole body for controlling osmosis and motion of water, nutrients, and all kinds of other materials in and out of the cells, and also for controlling nerve signals. All of these are controlled by electrical gradients caused by balance between Sodium and Potassium, and by balance between Calcium and Magnesium. If any of these 4 elements are deficient in the body, there starts to be things like strong muscle pains and dehydration in the cells. Water is not able to be moved in and out of the cells in the correct way, nutrients and waste are not able to be moved in and out of the cells in the correct way, and muscles are not able to have the correct tension. Muscles will either be stuck contracted very tightly, or they will be too loose and unable to contract. Sodium and Calcium cause the muscles to contract, and Potassium and Magnesium cause the muscles to relax. This balance is one of the top most important balances in the whole body. For example, the way the lethal injection execution works is by injecting an extremely large dose of Potassium into the blood, and there is so much potassium that it forces the heart muscles to relax and the heart is not able to pump. This is an example of an extremely large imbalance. But most people today who eat the common American kind of diet are very badly unbalanced. It is a good idea to have supplements for magnesium because that is the one most people are the most deficient with. Try this especially if you always have pain from tight muscles. Magnesium is used for more than 600 different processes inside the body. And you also need the calcium to balance against it.

Another important one is B vitamins. These naturally come from meat. There is no vegan source of B vitamins. Actually the way most vegans try to justify this is they say that if they don't wash the vegetables and they leave dirt on the bottom of the vegetable, there is bacteria inside the dirt that is able to produce vitamin B. It is true that some bacterias can do this, but it is not true that they are actually getting any of it by eating dirt. And I doubt that most of them are actually eating any dirt, I think they wash it first. So when they are not getting any vitamin B naturally, they try to eat supplement pills. But the various kinds of B vitamins are actually complicated molecules, and it is not possible to make them synthetically in a lab. The lab can make a small piece or something similar, but they are not able to make the real thing. If you do get vitamin B from natural sources, then a supplement can help because the small piece in the pill comes together with the missing piece from the natural source. But if you are not getting the real natural one, the pill will not help because it requires to have that missing piece that you do not have. The person's vitamin B supply from the entire body is depleted until there is nothing left, then they have this tiredness disease. Vitamin B is required by mitochondria to produce ATP which is the energy source used by every cell in your body. If you have no vitamin B, this is not able to happen and no energy is able to produce in the cells. And the thousands of little processes in every cell in the body are all not able to work correctly because they all require energy. This causes permanent and extreme tiredness, and also many other diseases because so many processes are stopped.

If there is some specific animals that you don't want to eat, then don't eat them. You don't have to eat a cow or pig if you don't want to. But you have to find some animal products that you do eat. You can get a full and perfect nutrient requirements by eating things like fish, eggs, and cheese if you do not want to eat other meats. But you have to eat something.
Hello SS.
I make this reply from an unbiased perspective. I am not anti-vegan or anti-animal product.
I seek absolute truth.
At the end of this reply I will state my theory.

Mageson666 said:
The reality of this diet for 200 years in the western world is it simply does not work. Today what happens is people go on this diet for a couple of years and use up the reserves of animal products in their system as the body is designed to go thought periods of scarcity to keep humans alive in times of famine and such. Once this happens they hit the wall physically and find out the supplements don't work. The fact is many get to the point they need B12 injections for absorption rates to be enough so they don't fall ill and risk the other dangerous situations which can be fatal from lack of B12. Children raised vegan have been put in wheel chairs from the effects of low B12. That is just one supplement issue.
For B12 (methylcobalamin), it is true that 1% of the supplement gets absorbed.
1.5 Microgram of B12 is needed each day.
So consuming 150 micrograms of vitamin b12 supplement would provide 100% of the daily requirement.
So perhaps the people who end up needing injections are the people who've taken far less than 150 micrograms. (Perhaps they've underdosed. Or they took a weaker form of B12, like cyanocobalamin).

Mageson666 said:
That is just one supplement issue.
What are the other issues?

Mageson666 said:
200 Years Of Failure Of Veganism

The first vegan movements happened in England in the earlier part of the 19th century.

The reality of this diet for 200 years in the western world is it simply does not work.

After a 200 year diet failed experiment what more do people need to understand.
Mageson states that veganism started in the early 19th century (i presume 1800 - 1850), and that veganism is a failure.
B Vitamins were discovered between 1910 and 1950. And ways of creating effective supplements for some of them came even later than that (after 1970).
So obviously veganism was unsuccessful when it started in the 1800s - there were no supplements back then.
So I don't think the failure of 200 years ago is relevant to veganism today, because science has now given us effective supplements.

Mageson666 said:
The biggest lie the vegans tell is you can get all your protein from plants and that plant protein is more then enough.
To what extent is this true?
There are 9 proteins which the body can't make on its own, and needs to get those from food. There isn't a single plant source that has all 9 of the proteins. If it does then it doesn't have them in large enough amounts. But combining plant foods certainly does allow someone to meet the daily protein requirement. A vegan might have to consume more grams of plant than grams of meat to get the same amount of protein, depending on which protein source they choose. Though I don't see how that means that a vegan can't get the required amount of protein from plant.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Your brain also is made from a large percentage of myelin. Myelin is made directly from animal fat, and there is no way to make it from any kind of vegan source.
Which fat is being refered to? If its palmitic acid or omega-3, they've numerous plant sources. I humbly request to know which fat you've talked about.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Also calcium. Vegans like to say that very dark green leaves have a large amount of calcium. This is true, but it is important to think how the calcium is contained. The calcium in these plants is contained inside a molecule where the calcium is so strongly held inside of it that the body is not able to break this apart. The body is not able to digest this and remove the calcium from it, and it is not able to absorb it.
Indeed, the body has difficulty absorbing nutrients when they're bound to certain molecules/proteins. In the case of calcium, several calcium salts exists which are easily absorbed by the body. Some of those salts (calcium carbonate) can cause negative side effects (such as raising the pH of stomach acid), though not all of the salts cause side effects. One such salt, calcium citrate, is absorbed well by the body and doesn't cause negative side effect when ingested in the correct amount.

There are many forms of calcium found in dairy products. The form of calcium which our bodies the absorb most from dairy is another calcium salt called calcium lactate. Pure calcium lactate salt can be supplemented, meaning that vegans can absorb the exact same form of calcium that's found in dairy - without having to consume any animal product.

Also there exist chelates of calcium (calcium lysinate), and chelates of many other nutrients. Chelates are absorbed well by the body. In some cases, the nutrient in chelate supplements are absorbed better than the nutrient from animal sources.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. If any of these 4 elements are deficient in the body, there starts to be things like strong muscle pains and dehydration in the cells.
Those electrolyte nutrients are common and the body can easily absorb them from salts or chelate supplements, or regular plant food. Unless there're underlying health conditions, deficiency of those nutrients are rare for a vegan.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Another important one is B vitamins. These naturally come from meat. There is no vegan source of B vitamins. So when they are not getting any vitamin B naturally, they try to eat supplement pills. But the various kinds of B vitamins are actually complicated molecules, and it is not possible to make them synthetically in a lab. The lab can make a small piece or something similar, but they are not able to make the real thing.
As stated by SS Ol argedco, the same nutrient can be found in many different molecular forms. The body requires a specific form of the nutrient, not just something similar. Once a vegan knows which nutrient is 'the real thing' and which one is just 'similar', they can seek to consume supplements which contain the 'real one'. Thus eliminating a cause of nutrient deficiency.

Certainly, veganism is unsustainable to someone with less education on the matter.
Some nutrients are not found in plants. Those nutrients must be supplemented.

Some supplements are found with undesireable additives in them. Some are found with additives that are beneficial.
Some supplements have no additives at all and are pure nutrient.

A person can compare the different products to know which one has little or no side effect. Then they can calculate (based on bioavailability) how much of it their body needs to consume in order to absorb 100% of the daily requirement of protein, mineral, vitamin, and omega oil.

That would allow a person to sustain veganism indefinetly.
That's my theory anyway. If someone knows with absolute certainty that I'm wrong, I'd be eternally grateful to be enlightened on this matter.
I see a lot of people in yoga classes that are into the vegan lifestyle 🤔
Makes me wonder how they do it? And still maintain the energy to go through a yoga class? As of though nothing happened! They seem fairly healthy they have a smile on their face and they do look beautiful and it's probably because of the yoga! But I do know that after a while they start complaining about all kinds of health problems? And a lot of them tend to drop out of the yoga classes complaining about their health too much and it makes me wonder? And it's pretty obvious! Just because somebody's into yoga doesn't mean they have to be vegan and just because somebody's vegan doesn't mean they have to be in yoga? But in the same sense when it comes to these yoga classes! That is the attitude that I see with a lot of these young women and a lot of these younger girls! Who don't even seem to understand and it's sad that a lot of men and women think that they have to starve themselves? Or go without me? Thinking that it's going to make them healthier! When all they need to do is just tune into their body! And along with taking yoga classes they will be fine! If not better especially when the person Taps into his or her own energy and knows what's best for them by learning! To listen to their body! And listen to themselves and not some idiot person who thinks they know it all about diet and diet planning! Trying to talk you out of eating meat or yogurt or whatever! I know that a lot of people go beyond vegetarian and vegetarian used to be the fad diet back when I was in high school a lot of these girls that weren't a diet and exercise programs were always sponsoring modeling and modeling agencies! Sports and dance classes of all different kinds giving little girls the impression that they have to stick their finger down their throat! And starve it just to be a better gymnast or a better ball player! And now we're dealing with vegans! Getting into the heart and soul of the body or think that they are? When they don't even have a clue it's one thing to take a yoga classes to help you with your body and you can be a man or a woman at any age taking a yoga class! But what makes me sick is the fact that people want to extract me or this or that out of their diet? When that's not even necessary! It's not going to make the person look any better or smarter! And it's not going to make the woman look like a fucking pornstar or a supermodel! It's just going to make her look like shit! It's not going to be any easier for her to go vegan then it is to go and eat regular food! And sit down to a hamburger and french fries once in awhile! I tried the vegan diet! And I was hungry all the time! And yes I used to be a vegetarian I got into that stupid diet for a while! Extracting meat from my diet losing energy and wondering why? Trying to get caught up with everybody in class! Because I was tired and fatigued! Until I went to a doctor and found out what the problem was? And a needless to say I had all different kinds of bodily problems my blood sugar was down? But then again it wasn't a good sign! I had more white blood cells than I did red blood cells and that was a warning right there! My digestive tract was off! He gave me a list of food that I was supposed to eat! And surprisingly chicken and beef! Plenty of leafy greens! To build up my bone density! And to help me get my digestive tract back in order! He also gave me a prescription and a list of supplements! And then it got to the point where I was eating regular food again! And I hated myself for what I have done and what I had to go through! Following these stupid fad diets! Thinking that I can go vegetarian? Yes the food was yummy but in the same sense beans and peanut butter is not going to cover your craving for me! When your body is craving meat you need to eat meat! And going vegan is just as bad if not worse! Considering the fact that your body does need calcium for its bones! And of course your blood sugar is going to get off the charts! Out of control a lot of the vegan type products out there are loaded with sugar! So people think that they can go on that kind of diet to help them with their blood sugar just because they're diabetic? I've got news for these people the milk products and the Candy products and their food! Is fucking disgusting! I don't know how the hell of vegan can fucking live! And the crap that they eat? Is not worth paying for! I have been up and down that road before! When it come to the vegan diet and the vegetarian diet! Any kind of a diet is not good! Especially when some fucking Jew creates it and some kind of a fucking program expecting people to believe in it! Having all of these stupid celebrities talk about it and brag about it! About how many pounds they've lost! So on and so forth! Advertising these people in their swimming suit! Or in some office suit trying to make themselves look professional! And you know but it's a fucking joke and you know that it's so fucking bag of shit fucking lie! Hollywood celebrities have their money and they have their ways of eating and doing the things that they do just because they're a celebrity doesn't mean they're perfect! A celebrity laugh out loud as far from perfect! Plus they've got the money to afford the fancy fruits and vegetables! Anything to make them look legit when it's all the fucking camera and the makeup! That underneath that office suit you can obviously tell that guy has a gut! Doing all this trick photography making them look perfect when they're not! Airbrushing the images of a woman to make her look skinny! Anything to fool people into getting into this stupid fad diet! Whether it has to be keto! The south sea diet! Or just simply removing meat from your diet and calling yourself a vegetarian! And how long is that going to last you? Until you start noticing your body losing energy! And then this stupid vegan diet that every teenager and young woman seems to love to get into! Just to make themselves look like the fucking skinny model and to make them look perfect! When they're not even close to perfect! And that is why people need to learn to listen to their body! And learn to appreciate who they are and what they have! And don't go ruining their body and their brain by following some stupid diet just because so and so told them to! There are a lot of people out there that are on their special Trend diet and go out there and brag about it and lie and bullshit! Maybe these people are looking good? But then you wouldn't know if they were on a diet or not? But being a vegan! You might as well just go without food altogether! People are not going to be happy with themselves after a while trying to live like a rabbit just on vegetables and fruit! Removing meat and dairy products from the diet when we need it a little of this and that to live! Laugh out loud all things and moderation! If people can't follow that? Then there's definitely something wrong with the person! And they're always is when it comes down to it because of a Girl Wants to be skinny! Diet is not the question! That means that she needs to take the time to take a look at what she's eating! And try to make herself a little more active! If she wants to lose a few pounds? All she needs to do is go for a walk! And do everything she can to keep herself busy and stay fit! Doing all kinds of exercises is one thing? Whether you're outside or inside! Is all about how you use your energy and your time! The more physical activity you put into it along with having control of your hunger and what you eat? Makes a huge difference! And it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman or simply a teenager that wants to look nice for prom night! Sometimes it doesn't take that much to lose a few pounds! But just because you're overweight doesn't mean being a vegan is going to make it any easier! And people who are vegetarian they gain just as much weight as anybody else! With or without me! Vegans on the other hand always seem like a joke to me! The way they live and the way they carry themselves! Yeah they may seem healthy and they may have a glow there for a while? Being able to put your Levis on is nice! And I know that a lot of these people do look nice! But they pay the price after a while! And a lot of these people seem to have more problems than what they started out with! Because of the choice they made going without me and such! People need to know the difference between following a fad diet! And listening to yourself and fighting out what you really need! And what you can do about it that people can come up with their own programs to help them get in shape or to lose a few pounds! Building up the energy and keeping it going in a yoga class! Practicing Kundalini breathing and exercise going on a bike ride once in awhile and just doing whatever you can as an individual to stay fit mentally physically and spiritually! Especially when one feels good about his or herself? It makes it a lot easier to maintain that energy and keep it going being able to tune into your body makes a hell of a difference! Being your own person because you're the one that's living in that body! And Satan created that beautiful body..❤️🔥💯 and you're beautiful as it is! People just need to listen to their body! People need to listen to their subconscious! And people learn this when they get into meditation! And learn to make better habits of things instead of making things worse! That if people have a bad habit to begin with? They need to look into themselves! Being a vegetarian or a vegan is not the answer! Take it from me laugh out loud! I have been through that crap! Then I wasn't happy with either one of them! Whether to be vegan or vegetarian! The food may look good but trust me you get tired of it after a while! Nobody can just live on fucking tofu! And spinach leaves! I don't know what I would do? If I didn't have a steak or a hamburger! When your body is craving something it is serious! And your body does go through with strange cravings! And there's absolutely fucking nothing wrong with that! When people become in tune with their body they are in control of it mentally physically spiritually emotionally and sexually! You are master of your own domain! And you're letting the gods help you especially when you meditate and listen! And when you know what is best for you! The gods know what is better for you! And all people need to do is accept who they are take a good look at themselves in the mirror? And embrace themselves for all that they are! And think about it? And go for that positive change! Because being beautiful isn't the only thing! Your beauty is everything! Especially when you have a beautiful mind and a beautiful soul! Taking care of your body! And knowing what to do? And how to go about it! Especially if you want to live a longer happier life! And people are worth it! Your life is worth it! Getting to know yourself is the answer! And just being who you are and loving yourself for who and what you are! Even if we do have problems and disabilities and such! When it comes to bad habits there is a time for a change! And all people need to do is pay attention to themselves and what's going on around them! And you gradually find the answer! :D Hail Satan!!🧠❤️

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
