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Useful approach to software development


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2017
I have been studying and learning to write code for a little awhile now. I still have a bunch to learn, brush up, and greater improve on, but I have learned a few tricks to help someone who is trying to learn accelerate this process and potentially lessen the time it takes to become a decent developer. I will detail some of what I've done in hopes it can be of great use to Satanists who are pursuing a similar path.
I have extremely little time with many things taking my energy to where I don't get to sit down and write code very often, I sometimes have to rush and read documentation and watch videos and meditate on the syntax and language structures. But anyway here is what I've done.

1. Focus first on the one language you decide to become very proficient in. Engage in some courses, and read deep into the language and its syntax. Learn the deeper features and everything it has to offer to a decent extent. You don't have to be perfect, just reach a good point of understanding it, and the basis of programming.

2. Next go and try to find a language which is moderately similar to the first, and compare and contrast ALL the features and data types. All while doing this, make sure to reference existing code for these languages and learn what you would like to create and go for it. ( Do not be discouraged, it takes many years to become a decent developer, and you will struggle and have to overcome all the time. It is very normal. )

3. Take what you've seen and learned, now dive into a completely different language that's absolutely jarring compared to the others. Take alot of time to explore and read about it, so that you at least have a basic understanding. The idea here is to keep these structures and data types fresh in the mind, and to really reach a point where you see that programming languages have alot in common, even if you jump from Common Lisp, to Haskell, or C++.

4. The second to last step is one of the most important.... TAKE BREAKS!! There will be days that yours eyes just cross and you have no idea what the fuck you are doing, these are the days to just rest and fill the gap you'd spending learning to program with an extra meditation or something else you'd desire to do. Sometimes it can be really needed, don't burn yourself out.

5. Here is the final part. Take everything you've learned by cross referencing multiple programming languages, and keep studying heavily with videos, very in depth software documentation for each language, along with just writing code and doing this when you have time. When you don't remember how to write something, like a vector or for loop, go back and open the editor and go over it again. ( If you brain is scrambled like mine, just do many things detailed in this guide, over and over and over again. ) Keep going back to learn new libraries for specific forms of development, watch and read a new book and keep coming back to try and do more and learn more.

Repeat eternally. Then you are golden. This is what I've found incredibly useful and needed to share.
It's interesting that such an approach worked for you. While I think that switching between languages like that can give someone an in depth understanding of the language, the syntax, when to use data types and so on, I personally think that is more of an intellectual pursuit rather than a pragmatic way of going about developing. If I may add my 2 cents, I think most people would benefit from just developing as fast as they can on the fly. Focus on one language or framework to learn, learn the basics either with internet resources or taught by someone, and as soon as you have knowledge about 60%-70% of the toolkits it can offer, I always recommend jumping straight into a project. A small one, but through which you can see something useful. For example, if starting webdev, you may learn Nuxt (which is what I use), but when starting out one can't just make a webpage like Louis Vuitton's (which is made in Nuxt), but one can just make something similar, more bare, but functionally identical, and it still holds a lot of value. The point of projects is that not only is there a clear goal in mind, but one can also more accurately see the usefulness of what they're learning immediately, and it also teaches the hidden art of problem solving, which is, in my opinion, extremely more important than programming languages (and I think most employers value that much more, too). Struggling through the implementation of functionality you want to give is always going to be positive learning experience, despite the hurdles you may encounter. It also has the added benefit of quickly leaving "tutorial hell", that point in the learning curve where one can't do anything without a tutorial despite knowing the tools they can use, because they haven't gone through the process of creating something with said tools.

Points 4 and 5 are golden, breaks are almost a necessity in coding, the brain can only handle so much before suffering its own version of stack overflow (aka burning out). And considering we are SS, I wonder if there are any Gods/Goddesses that can help coders. After all, if they are advanced beings with insane technology, it would make sense they had to tussle with NullPointerExceptions and the like before getting things to work in their world xD.
Isn't the tech sector a complete mess right now? Are those jobs ever coming back? I heard that senior devs are applying to junior roles and a Comp Sci degree by itself is basically worthless at the moment.
Isn't the tech sector a complete mess right now? Are those jobs ever coming back? I heard that senior devs are applying to junior roles and a Comp Sci degree by itself is basically worthless at the moment.

Mess is an understatement. It's just on fire. Nobody is hiring for technical jobs. Programming, etc.

Unfortunately I've found this is the case across multiple industries. Nobody is really exempt here. I've had to get really creative this year so I don't lose everything.

I plan on making a general post on the state of the economy and offering some thoughts. As what I've seen in many ways is highly concerning.

I would recommend someone to get comfortable in whatever field then just focus on high income skills and or starting a buisness more in the long term.

As things are really bad and I've honestly barely managed to survive these past couple years. Even with workings and doing everything you need to be doing as a Satanist and as a person materially, the circumstances are not very good with the market. Employers have become very abusive and even making a non living wage has become a challenge.

I wish all of us Satanists to become wealthy and strong over time as we will need to be to weather what comes after all this.
My advice would be to stay the fuck out of computing unless you are actually, genuinely interested in computation and mathematics for its own sake. The very last thing this industry needs is more opportunists who view computing as a means of easily making money shitting out garbage software for clueless employers who grossly misjudge the value of software "engineer" labor. Go actually learn a trade. This is coming from someone who has been in this field for its own sake for over a decade and is currently founding a systems software company to correct the previously-stated braindead opportunist invasion. 90% of so-called "professionals" in this field cannot even be treated as amateurs. They are constantly "learning on the job", like literal schoolchildren in a kindergarten. If you are a hobbyist in computing in order to "have fun" and are thinking about entering the industry, I would also suggest you stay the fuck away; VTech laptops and video games are great alternatives for your kind.

If your endeavour into computing starts & ends with "learning 2 c0de" and "landing dat epic job" you are a crypto-jew in my eyes. If you're genuinely serious about computers and respect them for what they are and what they are capable of, "learning languages" would be the last thing you would think about; you'd begin with mathematics and so-called "theoretical" computer science first and build your understanding from the theory and limits of computation up towards the binary digital hardware we have today, and finally the software systems that are currently used in the industry. "Learning languages" is an auxiliary aspect of computer engineering, a necessary chore in order to interface with various existent software systems. The amount of languages' syntax you have a grasp of is irrelevant. The data structures and algorithms that are expressed through that language are what actually matter, and even their relevance is bound to the design of the hardware being used for computation. If you just had to "learn a language" first, I would tell you to go read the
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manual, Volumes 1 & 2 before you allow a language compiler to generate a single instruction for you. If that seems off-putting, you don't belong in this field to begin with. Then you may undertake a study of the history of this field and who & what came before you, to understand what you are getting into and where you might apply yourself.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) most soygrammers piss themselves at the sight of mathematical terminology beyond "lambda" or the concept of machine code, constantly being spoonfed by stackoverflow and just mangling their code "until the squigglies disappear". Imagine if mechanical engineers designing your cars and bridges had to ask/search how to use basic tools and do calculations on-the-job, on some fuckface forum. The technical gap/demand between cooding in a ring 3 rainbows & sunshine sandbox and writing a driver in a processor's native assembly language is so vast I cannot classify them as the same line of work. This gap has kept the opportunist plague away from hardware engineering and electronics so far, and I intend to purge software engineering of it as well.

Seriously, if you're thinking about software as a job, go seek some other line of work you are far better suited for.
My advice would be to stay the fuck out of computing unless you are actually, genuinely interested in computation and mathematics for its own sake. The very last thing this industry needs is more opportunists who view computing as a means of easily making money shitting out garbage software for clueless employers who grossly misjudge the value of software "engineer" labor. Go actually learn a trade. This is coming from someone who has been in this field for its own sake for over a decade and is currently founding a systems software company to correct the previously-stated braindead opportunist invasion. 90% of so-called "professionals" in this field cannot even be treated as amateurs. They are constantly "learning on the job", like literal schoolchildren in a kindergarten. If you are a hobbyist in computing in order to "have fun" and are thinking about entering the industry, I would also suggest you stay the fuck away; VTech laptops and video games are great alternatives for your kind.

If your endeavour into computing starts & ends with "learning 2 c0de" and "landing dat epic job" you are a crypto-jew in my eyes. If you're genuinely serious about computers and respect them for what they are and what they are capable of, "learning languages" would be the last thing you would think about; you'd begin with mathematics and so-called "theoretical" computer science first and build your understanding from the theory and limits of computation up towards the binary digital hardware we have today, and finally the software systems that are currently used in the industry. "Learning languages" is an auxiliary aspect of computer engineering, a necessary chore in order to interface with various existent software systems. The amount of languages' syntax you have a grasp of is irrelevant. The data structures and algorithms that are expressed through that language are what actually matter, and even their relevance is bound to the design of the hardware being used for computation. If you just had to "learn a language" first, I would tell you to go read the
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manual, Volumes 1 & 2 before you allow a language compiler to generate a single instruction for you. If that seems off-putting, you don't belong in this field to begin with. Then you may undertake a study of the history of this field and who & what came before you, to understand what you are getting into and where you might apply yourself.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) most soygrammers piss themselves at the sight of mathematical terminology beyond "lambda" or the concept of machine code, constantly being spoonfed by stackoverflow and just mangling their code "until the squigglies disappear". Imagine if mechanical engineers designing your cars and bridges had to ask/search how to use basic tools and do calculations on-the-job, on some fuckface forum. The technical gap/demand between cooding in a ring 3 rainbows & sunshine sandbox and writing a driver in a processor's native assembly language is so vast I cannot classify them as the same line of work. This gap has kept the opportunist plague away from hardware engineering and electronics so far, and I intend to purge software engineering of it as well.

Seriously, if you're thinking about software as a job, go seek some other line of work you are far better suited for.
Very interesting viewpoint.

As you know there are levels to programming and I do not see why you would act with such anger toward higher-level programming languages. Everything has its place, in my view. A bridge has to be functional, yes. And then using that bridge has to be made easily accessible to the public, if that makes sense. You can't have one without the other because there are other people than engineers, some of which need to use the bridge the same way as the engineers.

Oh, and I am not seeking a programming career so don't worry about me. :) I have certain other interests in the same field.
My advice would be to stay the fuck out of computing unless you are actually, genuinely interested in computation and mathematics for its own sake. The very last thing this industry needs is more opportunists who view computing as a means of easily making money shitting out garbage software for clueless employers who grossly misjudge the value of software "engineer" labor. Go actually learn a trade. This is coming from someone who has been in this field for its own sake for over a decade and is currently founding a systems software company to correct the previously-stated braindead opportunist invasion. 90% of so-called "professionals" in this field cannot even be treated as amateurs. They are constantly "learning on the job", like literal schoolchildren in a kindergarten. If you are a hobbyist in computing in order to "have fun" and are thinking about entering the industry, I would also suggest you stay the fuck away; VTech laptops and video games are great alternatives for your kind.

If your endeavour into computing starts & ends with "learning 2 c0de" and "landing dat epic job" you are a crypto-jew in my eyes. If you're genuinely serious about computers and respect them for what they are and what they are capable of, "learning languages" would be the last thing you would think about; you'd begin with mathematics and so-called "theoretical" computer science first and build your understanding from the theory and limits of computation up towards the binary digital hardware we have today, and finally the software systems that are currently used in the industry. "Learning languages" is an auxiliary aspect of computer engineering, a necessary chore in order to interface with various existent software systems. The amount of languages' syntax you have a grasp of is irrelevant. The data structures and algorithms that are expressed through that language are what actually matter, and even their relevance is bound to the design of the hardware being used for computation. If you just had to "learn a language" first, I would tell you to go read the
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manual, Volumes 1 & 2 before you allow a language compiler to generate a single instruction for you. If that seems off-putting, you don't belong in this field to begin with. Then you may undertake a study of the history of this field and who & what came before you, to understand what you are getting into and where you might apply yourself.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) most soygrammers piss themselves at the sight of mathematical terminology beyond "lambda" or the concept of machine code, constantly being spoonfed by stackoverflow and just mangling their code "until the squigglies disappear". Imagine if mechanical engineers designing your cars and bridges had to ask/search how to use basic tools and do calculations on-the-job, on some fuckface forum. The technical gap/demand between cooding in a ring 3 rainbows & sunshine sandbox and writing a driver in a processor's native assembly language is so vast I cannot classify them as the same line of work. This gap has kept the opportunist plague away from hardware engineering and electronics so far, and I intend to purge software engineering of it as well.

Seriously, if you're thinking about software as a job, go seek some other line of work you are far better suited for.

There's a pretty solid difference between being helpful and just being a complete asshole.

While others may not immediately see what you imply and how you present this here. I see absolutely no reason for you to approach this in how you just have.

There is no reason for arrogance and immediately defaulting to seeing most people as not suited for this field, and then going as far as to insult the intelligence of others and just set the bar so high that you feel only "elite" or the "best of the best" belong in a field right out the gate.

"They are constantly "learning on the job", like literal schoolchildren in a kindergarten. If you are a hobbyist in computing in order to "have fun" and are thinking about entering the industry, I would also suggest you stay the fuck away; VTech laptops and video games are great alternatives for your kind."

Quoting this here AGAIN for a reason. You expecting people to just giga-chad code right out the gate like they are some genius, along with just swinging pompous statements like these around is one of the most ASININE things I've seen on these forums in a LONG time.

People don't just hatch from an egg with the knowledge and understanding of decades of computer science and computer engineering experience. It takes TIME ultimately. For someone who has been in this field for some time for now, you do not seem like an enjoyable developer people would like to work with.

No it's not your job to walk in like an engineering giant and step all over the new guys, just because you are approaching this from the end of having done this for many years, you should actually be understanding and try to guide them. Not treat them like they are a lesser lifeform.

I'm sure I remember you. As you came with the exact same energy some time ago to write in response to a helpful post and reference list I made for people learning to code.

Then when I called you out on it, you never responded.

I'm all for knowledge and understanding, but I have to really say the way you approach these things is entirely distasteful.

Knowledge and understanding comes with a humble disposition, not swinging this around like a sword and cutting out anyone you don't deem is worthy who pursues it.
because there are other people than engineers, some of which need to use the bridge the same way as the engineers.
Okay, and? That doesn't mean they can start LARPing as engineers. Using a bridge and building a bridge are two different things. We have a comprehensive civil engineering code for a reason. Learning HTML and CSS doesn't make you an engineer. How does using accessible "public" infrastructure qualify you for constructing bridges?
Please take this viewpoint to any other technological field like pharmaceuticals, energy, or civil engineering and see how they respond.

I'm not attacking high-level programming languages. I am attacking those who (want to) LARP as engineers in a field that is literally failing/falling apart because of their lack of integrity and ability. I don't think you understood my point. I don't give a flying fuck about your relationship with computers; they are ubiquitous as we live a digitized society. As soon as you decide to take computing as a profession the requirements and responsibilities change entirely.

I am frankly absolutely clueless how you missed the explicit anger towards opportunists expressed in my post and concluded my issue was with "high-level" languages. I explicitly stated languages are an auxiliary aspect of computing. They are just a nice comfort, a (sandboxed) abstraction invented to make interacting with computers easier for humans. Having knowledge of how to build a sand castle doesn't make you a mason. Unfortunately our digital cities are being built by sand castle builders; super-duper experienced in their epic little playgrounds. Even their terminology is manchild shit. "awesome", "playground", "toy", "sandbox", "flavor", "badge", "patch". I could go on for several paragraphs but I'd rather not waste my energy.
Isn't the tech sector a complete mess right now? Are those jobs ever coming back? I heard that senior devs are applying to junior roles and a Comp Sci degree by itself is basically worthless at the moment.

it is suffering from the same cancer that plagued other industries, corporate greed, low quality standards, etc.

My advice would be to stay the fuck out of computing unless you are actually, genuinely interested in computation and mathematics for its own sake. The very last thing this industry needs is more opportunists who view computing as a means of easily making money shitting out garbage software for clueless employers who grossly misjudge the value of software "engineer" labor. Go actually learn a trade. This is coming from someone who has been in this field for its own sake for over a decade and is currently founding a systems software company to correct the previously-stated braindead opportunist invasion. 90% of so-called "professionals" in this field cannot even be treated as amateurs. They are constantly "learning on the job", like literal schoolchildren in a kindergarten. If you are a hobbyist in computing in order to "have fun" and are thinking about entering the industry, I would also suggest you stay the fuck away; VTech laptops and video games are great alternatives for your kind.

If your endeavour into computing starts & ends with "learning 2 c0de" and "landing dat epic job" you are a crypto-jew in my eyes. If you're genuinely serious about computers and respect them for what they are and what they are capable of, "learning languages" would be the last thing you would think about; you'd begin with mathematics and so-called "theoretical" computer science first and build your understanding from the theory and limits of computation up towards the binary digital hardware we have today, and finally the software systems that are currently used in the industry. "Learning languages" is an auxiliary aspect of computer engineering, a necessary chore in order to interface with various existent software systems. The amount of languages' syntax you have a grasp of is irrelevant. The data structures and algorithms that are expressed through that language are what actually matter, and even their relevance is bound to the design of the hardware being used for computation. If you just had to "learn a language" first, I would tell you to go read the
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manual, Volumes 1 & 2 before you allow a language compiler to generate a single instruction for you. If that seems off-putting, you don't belong in this field to begin with. Then you may undertake a study of the history of this field and who & what came before you, to understand what you are getting into and where you might apply yourself.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) most soygrammers piss themselves at the sight of mathematical terminology beyond "lambda" or the concept of machine code, constantly being spoonfed by stackoverflow and just mangling their code "until the squigglies disappear". Imagine if mechanical engineers designing your cars and bridges had to ask/search how to use basic tools and do calculations on-the-job, on some fuckface forum. The technical gap/demand between cooding in a ring 3 rainbows & sunshine sandbox and writing a driver in a processor's native assembly language is so vast I cannot classify them as the same line of work. This gap has kept the opportunist plague away from hardware engineering and electronics so far, and I intend to purge software engineering of it as well.

Seriously, if you're thinking about software as a job, go seek some other line of work you are far better suited for.

Yeah but most of this is cause the industry shifted and lowered the bar so much anyone can do a Java course online and call themselves coders.

people see an opportunity because the entry is mediocre, hard to blame them, shit, if I had the need to, I would probably do it, but then again I like squeezing the last drop of juice out of machinery so I would not be happy being mediocre

I doubt you would get so much noobs if companies were rather decent and you know, asked for actual degrees

Then again, I have seen some code wizards who have learned out of passion, so it’s hard to judge

No one is here to say competent and skilled software engineers shouldn't be in the field, but I certainly am saying you should hold a certain degree of respect for people in the same field as yourself, or who are on the path to become better developers.

Yes there's some shitty developers and workers out there. But that's ANY field. Not just the computer engineering field.

This is the second time you came to one of these posts I've made with these inflamed remarks.

I wouldn't care if you were willing to be a bit more respectful, however you don't seem to rightly care. There's far better ways to communicate harsh criticism then demeaning others and being rude. Please reflect on this.

Nobody really wants to be sloppy developers around here as far as i can tell. I'd reckon most of us Satanists gear towards understanding the importance of efficient engineering solutions and take pride in their work

The purpose of my posts regarding computing is to help and assist people woth guidance, out of a deep passion of the field and technology itself. I intend to become a very competent and professional software engineer in time as I continue to learn and practice. Not soydev my way around VSCode or go work for Apple or something.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
