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US Dollar Collapse?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
angramainyu said:
ARE YOU PLANNING THE U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSING and so are not using things like Paypal.??? It is reliable for me. IS THE U.S. DOLLAR GOING TO DEVALUE SEVERELY,, and you are not warning us.???

The situation is the dollar has been de-valuing for a very long time now, since the removal of the Gold Standard or backing up of the currency.

Many people as a result are worried that the US Dollar will eventually collapse, but the situation is, it's based on fiat currency and it's being printed, so "collapse" will not necessarily mean it will collapse as people imagine historically, but it might keep inflating. Currencies need careful management to not lose their value.

This phenomenon is ongoing since 1915 or so if I recall correctly, it doesn't happen now, but many economists right now are making a big deal out of this because of the imaginary printed and unbacked money that has been printed by the US Government. This reduces trust in a currency, but doesn't necessarily mean the economy will collapse or the dollar will collapse. It means that it will devalue, but this devaluing is a global phenomenon and these things go up and down.

The above however is not an event that just happens instantly, it has been on the buildup for decades now, and it has to do with the dollar supply on the open market.

The dollar is like 99% devalued since it's initial value and this has been happening for a very long time now, decades. But that doesn't mean that it will "Collapse". Maybe it will become less adopted, but it can keep going. How this can keep going is by essentially adjusting the economy to the new numbers.

People generally imagine a super hyperinflation scenario, but what I believe is going to happen, is that the economy itself will "inflate" as in the numbers inflating, and that this then can be fixed or it can be furthered into oblivion. It won't necessarily go into Weimar Germany mode yet.

Lastly everything that is an asset [Gold, silver, bitcoin, physical property, collectible things] is going to adjust to these new numbers that will give rise to themselves out of this incessant printing of dollars.

I have talked about this for years now, and why the above is important. Even as little as very few bucks right now in these things, in the longterm of decades, are part of building a financial security. As I have stated before, land and property are the most stable and best things one could have, but then again everyone has a different financial power and requirement.

Maybe you would need to use the search function, but I realize that it can be impossible to keep track of every response. This doesn't mean I have not said something, however.

That is not something that "will happen now" it's the ongoing situation where any currency is not backed by anything but the mindset of it being "printed on demand", demand meaning essentially the will of politicians.

But their sudden and stupid reckless moves don't reflect real value creation in a Nation or an economy, so them keep printing money out of thin air, causes a serious devaluing of the US dollar and it's trust, but also causes erosion in the consumer economy.

This is a normal part of the economy, but the exaggeration of this power can cause severe problems. Since Co-Vid this has been going rampant.

The economy breaks when the lower and middle class are destroyed, which causes a revolution, through arrogance of the higher classes and the political classes or simply due to mismanagement.

The above is a constant; the enemy wants the Middle Class gone, as it's a sign when there is a powerful middle and middle upper and middle lower class, that an economy is treading well. If these shrink and they become worse and worse, chaos always does occur.

But no this is not the reason we are no longer accepting these, it's because we are being discriminated against by these services which constantly cause problems because we are moving into a dystopian world where people are attacked financially over having "strange" beliefs.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Are these companies, like Western Union, and Paypal owned by Jews/Christians. I curse them to their lake of fire
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
angramainyu said:
ARE YOU PLANNING THE U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSING and so are not using things like Paypal.??? It is reliable for me. IS THE U.S. DOLLAR GOING TO DEVALUE SEVERELY,, and you are not warning us.???

The situation is the dollar has been de-valuing for a very long time now, since the removal of the Gold Standard or backing up of the currency.

This might be hard to believe but the FedRes is more stable than Gold and or Silver backing. We experimented with gold-standard for the beginnings of this nation to mostly clear the debt(550 million+ due to Revolutionary War) and as well as deflate and return to a sane pricing.

The reality is Bimetalism caused an issue. It's a sound principle on paper but much like communism it doesn't work in reality.

Last year in 2022 Russia entered gold standard, they back the Ruble by it and do all the leg work you just sit back and enjoy. My best guess is Russia is trying to do what America did back in the 1770s-1780s and deflate their economy and clear the debt from WW2 and up to their de-sovietization and modern days, yes WW2 debt is still tied to Russia they never wiped it out.

The reality is that I think this is just a preparation for one of two things. Either Russia wants to go Naz-Cap(National Capitalism) or Naz-Bol(National Bolshevism), we've discussed before Duganism. Nazi economy with the insane cutthroat communism or carrying on with a perceiving freedom would make Russia an insane beast. Especially considering there seems to be some sort of Re-Sovietization or some form of restructuring a new hostile power Russo-Chino-Allied powers. Some sort of capitalist-communist-marxist powers like the form of the Axis powers from the 30s-40s.

But back to our backing the Federal Reserve as fucked up and stupid as this sounds does a better job at maintaining stability. Even with all the non-sense, in fact the days of backing money with metal a.l.a. Historical (Romans, America, Egypt etc.etc.) are over. Hell I wouldn't even be surprised if someone states we can't go back to the Bezard of the Turkish nation before even if it lasted nearly 300 years and is considered one of the most stable coins in all of current Human history.

The reality is we gotta do the Hitler thing and back it with various things including labor-backed currency.


Every single person is scratching their head at WTF do they do. Hitler gave you the answer 'nuff said nearly a century ago. In fact Hitler's funniest time is meeting Feder and going "WTF" Hitler's WTF moment. Feder sure enlightened him. Seems like Feder was at least 80-90 maybe a solid century more informed than other people in economy. Hell if Feder were alive today he'd be labeled a conspiracy theorist jews definitely do not run the economy stupid conspiracy goy, Feder Y U Hate banksters 'n' sheit.

BTW I want to ask something that's been scratching my head for a long time. If a monetary unit is pegged at 100% purchasing power and the economy is deflated. Does that mean that instead of spending 2,000 dollars in grocery a month like some people have to live by. Does that mean that by having 100% purchasing power the economy might deflate 30-40 maybe 50 times it's value. Would that 2,000 dollar grocery bill become something like sub-100 dollars maybe sub-50 dollars.

I don't understand what does it mean to be 100% purchasing power?(in terms of economic use) and what does it mean when there is little to no inflation? Or in other words what does it mean when inflation is either kept to a minimum or banned from existing maybe simply have a reflective value to understand certain economic principles?

I don't understand does it mean that if I were to purchase a firearm and bullets it would cost me like 30 dollars to get a high-end pistol or smartphone maybe the new iPhone costing like 70 dollars.

In other words what entails a successful economy and it's effects on the plain of reality? If we assume that money = power and power = money as the God of this World.

Does it mean that price modulation has to occur? Does it mean that if a company sells an Ar-15 for less than 200 maybe 100 dollars I can buy a nice high-end, high-quality customized rifle?
I think it makes sense that the enemy will try to avoid obvious forms of social decay, like a major collapse, as this will accelerate influence against them. They would rather suck the blood of a nation without us being aware, which has been happening this whole time, not just at the point of economic climax, as you mention.

In keeping up their facade of the dollars value, they prevent people from focusing on commodities, goods, and other items of better true value. As the economy functions on dollars, people simply earn less and less, despite doing the same jobs.

Because we give value to dollars created out of thin air, versus those earned by labor, this allows the owner of these "fake" dollars to purchase goods and services that they did not actually earn, which is basically theft, but spread across all who own dollars.

If this collapses, then the enemy would have a harder time controlling the economy. It is more likely they will try to switch us over to a centralized digital coin rather than let us experience a hyperinflation climax.

On the bright side, this means the economy keeps going in a sense, which plays into the strengths of SS, as the wealth generated by a strong and intelligent soul occurs in prosperous manners despite of these obstacles. However, we cannot allow the enemy to strangle us to the point of having zero personal time, which happens if the middle class collapses and society becomes only elites and serfs.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Adjusting the economy to the current circumstances would be the smart choice for everyone. I have thought about this for some time. If we look at the history of numbers it has been done before. It is quite easy to adjust the total sum of dollars in circulation to the overall production of goods and services, however the only ones that would be affected are the corporate jews and their greedy accumulated budgets. This means they would just be rich instead of insanely rich and that's basically all. The enemy would do good to understand that if they chose to stay on the other path it will in time create various ways for China, Iran, Russia and others to take down the US. Although they think they have control or that they can direct some of those countries, the situation is far from so. China and Iran's populations don't really make any distinctions between a white man and a jew in the sense that they don't care. There is a reason why the enemy has chosen the Western infrastructure for their world order and if they try to collapse it out of anti-semitism fear it will only accelarate their doom far worse.
Now, economy is not my main subject. But one scary scenario would be an orchestrated collapse of not only the US Dollar, but the whole financial system (it's already on the way due to Covid and Ukraine war), and later on forcing on the implant chip for everyone to have using fear tactics and the excuses of saving the financial system and making it stable that way somehow with some world wide single currency, insuring "stability" and "safety" for everyone. But in reality it's safety for the Jews, so they can terminate anyone financially by turning off their chip and track everyone etc.

Now, this may be an old theory we've all heard of, but it seems to be able to close in by now. With all the rising prices, taxes, war costs etc. The frog is being slowly cooked so to speak.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
angramainyu said:
ARE YOU PLANNING THE U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSING and so are not using things like Paypal.??? It is reliable for me. IS THE U.S. DOLLAR GOING TO DEVALUE SEVERELY,, and you are not warning us.???

The situation is the dollar has been de-valuing for a very long time now, since the removal of the Gold Standard or backing up of the currency.

Many people as a result are worried that the US Dollar will eventually collapse, but the situation is, it's based on fiat currency and it's being printed, so "collapse" will not necessarily mean it will collapse as people imagine historically, but it might keep inflating. Currencies need careful management to not lose their value.

This phenomenon is ongoing since 1915 or so if I recall correctly, it doesn't happen now, but many economists right now are making a big deal out of this because of the imaginary printed and unbacked money that has been printed by the US Government. This reduces trust in a currency, but doesn't necessarily mean the economy will collapse or the dollar will collapse. It means that it will devalue, but this devaluing is a global phenomenon and these things go up and down.

The above however is not an event that just happens instantly, it has been on the buildup for decades now, and it has to do with the dollar supply on the open market.

The dollar is like 99% devalued since it's initial value and this has been happening for a very long time now, decades. But that doesn't mean that it will "Collapse". Maybe it will become less adopted, but it can keep going. How this can keep going is by essentially adjusting the economy to the new numbers.

People generally imagine a super hyperinflation scenario, but what I believe is going to happen, is that the economy itself will "inflate" as in the numbers inflating, and that this then can be fixed or it can be furthered into oblivion. It won't necessarily go into Weimar Germany mode yet.

Lastly everything that is an asset [Gold, silver, bitcoin, physical property, collectible things] is going to adjust to these new numbers that will give rise to themselves out of this incessant printing of dollars.

I have talked about this for years now, and why the above is important. Even as little as very few bucks right now in these things, in the longterm of decades, are part of building a financial security. As I have stated before, land and property are the most stable and best things one could have, but then again everyone has a different financial power and requirement.

Maybe you would need to use the search function, but I realize that it can be impossible to keep track of every response. This doesn't mean I have not said something, however.

That is not something that "will happen now" it's the ongoing situation where any currency is not backed by anything but the mindset of it being "printed on demand", demand meaning essentially the will of politicians.

But their sudden and stupid reckless moves don't reflect real value creation in a Nation or an economy, so them keep printing money out of thin air, causes a serious devaluing of the US dollar and it's trust, but also causes erosion in the consumer economy.

This is a normal part of the economy, but the exaggeration of this power can cause severe problems. Since Co-Vid this has been going rampant.

The economy breaks when the lower and middle class are destroyed, which causes a revolution, through arrogance of the higher classes and the political classes or simply due to mismanagement.

The above is a constant; the enemy wants the Middle Class gone, as it's a sign when there is a powerful middle and middle upper and middle lower class, that an economy is treading well. If these shrink and they become worse and worse, chaos always does occur.

But no this is not the reason we are no longer accepting these, it's because we are being discriminated against by these services which constantly cause problems because we are moving into a dystopian world where people are attacked financially over having "strange" beliefs.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Not in our Life times.
For every Gentile that dies, 7 Jews shall die. For every Gentile that a Jew condemns, 7 Jews shall be Eternally Damned as payment.
angramainyu said:
For every Gentile that dies, 7 Jews shall die. For every Gentile that a Jew condemns, 7 Jews shall be Eternally Damned as payment.

I would be careful with this kind of messages. We certainly do not want some government agencies to put us on their watchlist.
Allow me to throw a few wrenches in some gears on some of these theories. We will be going back to a gold backed coin. I am 100% certain of this. Allow me to make my argument.

IF you believe the Qanon groups are the enemy, then as you have already said the enemy has to tell you what is coming. If you believe they are on our side, they have already told us what is coming....
Either way it doesn't matter. They have said we are going to a gold backed currency, with gold being the standard. Each gold coin will be stamped with a crypto asset number, and will be exchanged digitally through your bank where the bank will have to exchange the coins themselves. I don't care if you don't believe it MILLLIONS UPON MILLIONS of people DO. And that has power. The news has already told you Putin is a huge believer in a warped Qanon ideology. I've been told Xi has been labeled the same in China by their media. The banks went to Basil 3 last year where they have to have enough gold in their locations to pay out for dollars, this is why most banks are failing. The U.S. house has already passed a bill to convert the U.S. Dollar to gold backed, they are waiting for the senate to shift to pass it through. They already have the gold on hand, this part I have had verified by military people. Like I said, whether you believe them or not, MILLIONS already do. Including MOST military members.
I'm most certain that the enemy had planned to drop the US economy during covid era in late Trump's presidency period to make a point, but Trump managed to forestall this as I highly doubt he'd want it to fall under on his name.

Paypal was always sketchy, my friends use to scam people countless times with game accounts and items. Most issues tend to be based on the judgement of whoever manages customer support and whoever is the most reasonable sounding.
Yeah it matters a lot more to not have all your eggs in one basket and will depend on greatly what kind of leaders we manage to get during this time heading into 2024 and the aftermath of such an Era I see a lot of national populist governments I.e. watered down versions of national socialist governments coming through slowly but surely we are taking steps in the right direction especially in Europe right now but it will take time for us to get the proper national socialist or even better governments to come through.

You must not panic about the situation anyway situation first and foremost if you are poor or poorer and maybe not living in the most stable of regions we have been recommending to all here in this community for quite some time to GTFO of these kinds of places or to get armed and focus on necessities such as survival equipment gear food rations long life types I still have ample reserve food in my shed from the lock downs and vaccines I made 1900$ on stock market because I didn't panic and I bought shares in airline companies I made some pretty damn good money when everyone went back on holiday again I could see that the situation was temporary I could see that because I didn't panic the gods can teach you how to be more emotionally disciplined.

If you have all of these basics covered then start looking at buying bitcoin, gold or other valuable metals or even stocks depending on what you invest in it does matter you must be wary when doing investments on the stock market for sure.

In fact I remember probably around Easter 2 years ago cobra highly encouraged you all to buy crypto correct me if I'm not mistaken but crypto was at an all time low like btc was down at 18k now its back up to 42k if you listened to him you would have trippled your money I would have but I donated all of it over the years to JOS but all the same you were told.

I personally feel like I should wait to the end of this kali Yuga before I buy a house when all this crazy energy and ideas settle down and you can see it happening as all the woke garbage continues to go broke and the people rally back to more traditional ways of being hopefully taking with them the least extreme versions of these perversions back with them I.e. instead of having super feminists who encourage young girls to never have kids and they remain single and alone with nothing going for them at the age of 40 you get them to understand that yes women did need more respect and equality at the time these movements started and that the gays did need better rights in some parts of the world and that we did need to end a lot of pointless racism ideally taking the respectful balance to these without going over board with them or worse going back to an extreme if before such as KKK, or women being treated like dogs or guys getting bashed just for being gay.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This phenomenon is ongoing since 1915 or so if I recall correctly, it doesn't happen now, but many economists right now are making a big deal out of this because of the imaginary printed and unbacked money that has been printed by the US Government. This reduces trust in a currency, but doesn't necessarily mean the economy will collapse or the dollar will collapse. It means that it will devalue, but this devaluing is a global phenomenon and these things go up and down.

There is this insidious lie about this process of "printing money" that the majority of the "right wing" spread . This lie only contains truths but only with the process of interpretation it turns into a lie .
The narrative in question is that the federal reserve prints money something that is not false however it obscures the whole truth.

"Printing money" as it's commonly called is not only limited to the federal reserve but it is a function of virtually every bank in the world.

To better illustrate this lets imagine a youthful couple that wants to buy a house . But buying houses is expensive ! So the couple goes to the banker to scheme a plan that goes like this.

1 : couple promises to pay the price eventually
2 : banker conjures money out of nothing
3 : banker buys the house
4 : banker "allows" the couple to use the property as long as they pay with interest

THE MAJORITY of the money supply in the global economy is created in step 2 by PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS and not the government

The actual role of the federal reserve is to issue loans for the banks and controversially the
government . You may ask why is that needed?

Well the banker according to the law can only conjure 90% of the money and they have to be in the possession of the last 10% (that can include the non existing money that the couple promised to give) .
The role of the federal reserve is to loan to the banks when they somehow manage to fuck it up and run out of the 10%.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=454618 time=1689911750 user_id=21286]
I think it makes sense that the enemy will try to avoid obvious forms of social decay, like a major collapse, as this will accelerate influence against them. They would rather suck the blood of a nation without us being aware, which has been happening this whole time, not just at the point of economic climax, as you mention.

In keeping up their facade of the dollars value, they prevent people from focusing on commodities, goods, and other items of better true value. As the economy functions on dollars, people simply earn less and less, despite doing the same jobs.

Because we give value to dollars created out of thin air, versus those earned by labor, this allows the owner of these "fake" dollars to purchase goods and services that they did not actually earn, which is basically theft, but spread across all who own dollars.

If this collapses, then the enemy would have a harder time controlling the economy. It is more likely they will try to switch us over to a centralized digital coin rather than let us experience a hyperinflation climax.

On the bright side, this means the economy keeps going in a sense, which plays into the strengths of SS, as the wealth generated by a strong and intelligent soul occurs in prosperous manners despite of these obstacles. However, we cannot allow the enemy to strangle us to the point of having zero personal time, which happens if the middle class collapses and society becomes only elites and serfs.

And then according to (((the story))) the bad people were people like Julius Streicher for trying to warn people about this.

Supermen/women said:

Do not post things like that here. If this is personal, or someone you know take it down.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
