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Unity Between Satanic Sects

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are many people who are fundamentally Satanists, extending all the way from absolute skeptics to people who are Theistic and do truly believe in Satan, to ourselves that are on the Convinced about this side.

Anyone who believes in Satan in a non-reverse xian way, should have in a sense respect and decency. After all, "We" Satanists are not threatrical abominations as society tries to enforce, but we are people who simply think against the herd. The thinking against the herd thinking and abrahamism has layers and levels.

One cannot ignore some basic realities in Satanic thinking that should lead all people who have sanity of instincts into similar if not the same conclusions. People who are Satanists and primarily those of Jewish descent do throw tantrums in regards to the Joy of Satan being "National Socialist". The situation with "National Socialism" is pure and simple, it's the laws of science that can be applied for eugenics to everything living, advocated to be applied onto man. Most Satanic sects do already flirt around these core ideals and have already accepted them, while refusing the name of this. The reasons of such are many, but regardless.

To any person who is sane minded, and looks in nature for answers, the above, despite the propaganda, should seem pretty normal. Everyone wants powerful progeny, or a strong family, yet why some people freak out when these things are extended to the nation and/or the species to follow universal natural laws?

Given the basis of Satanism in the Pagan and Pre-Christian basis of natural thinking, this shouldn't look as an adversity to people, or even if someone is indifferent, it should be left open to at least be understood if some others do take this way very seriously.

Another thing that has to be understood and is of importance for those "Close minded" to these "National Socialist" ideals are concerned, is how Rabbis and many other people who are "Well versed" in Judaism and their own faiths, do actually follow the system the teach others to detest, namely, Eugenics, Applied spirituality, maintenance of culture and racial purity, and strict policies of what we can call politically the "Right Wing" which aim to enforce a powerful standard that sets a better precedent to their racial-tribal survival.

It is only sensible that their sworn enemies are instructed that "Their" version of said systems is purely bunk, immoral, evil, stupid, and whatever else possible to deter them from manifesting a world of contrary morality than the ruling one, which is the Abrahamic morality, created first and foremost by the jews and furthered both by them and others later as the years progressed, creating catastrophic circumstances such as the Middle Ages, present conditions of trashing of life in the Middle East, a complete deterioration of power for people and so forth.

Jews to name one example, do look upon all of you "us" as enemies. Some of them look at us as heretics, some of them look at us as racial enemies (because the majority of jews is highly racist and this is also inherent in Judaism) and others look at you as ideological opponents. All of them look upon you the same way, with slight discrepancies which are normal since jews do abuse and hate their own, on racial-religion standards of compliance that are unheard of in non jews. This is also why many of them defect from this.

The reality is that the reaction to the so called "National Socialism" is just a quite emotionally (or in the case of jews, racially motivated) reaction. The jews themselves follow their own rules of eugenics and spiritual seeking and spirituality without any qualms, but promote violently the opposite to people that they are morally, intellectually, spiritually, and as they say, biologically opposed. This is them saying that, or at least a striking amount of their most studied and intellectual individuals. Any sensible person would be more inclined to listen to the opinion of the head of the Orthodox Rabbis in Jerusalem on calling us "Goyim slaves", than a jew down the street on that one.

You do not like the racial elements in the above? That's "fine". Feel free to rebrand them as you see fit, but do you still also accept the moral elements on the above? It takes a hell of a lot of things to "deny" in order to effectively "DENY" that something is going on.

At which level one accepts it boils down to an acceptance of other general facts. You do not have to take this all the way, many Satanic Sects would be like: "We cannot tolerate religious slavery", and that is fine, and then one needs to make the logical conclusion that whether or not they take this all the way with the enemy, one can assuredly NOT accept to be dominated by a counter-culture to our own.

As for "Satanists" who aspire to beliefs such as "Socialism", "Leftism" and so forth, this is done based on "liberal" standards and belief in rights to freedom. But Satanism, however you cut it, is based on the perception of strength, might, natural justice, and spiritual knowledge, founding beliefs that are easily understandable. In other words, one cannot aspire to "Satanism" which is by definition anti-morality of the Abrahamic faiths, and just preach what is effectively a politically spawned content that came directly from the Bible of Abrahamism.

As Marcus Eli Ravage said, "Jesus was the First Socialist" and to take this one step further, "Jesus" was also an archetype of Communism. People well versed in these things, aside the evident logic, do understand this concept.

You cannot be a "Satanist" and just preach the same New Age bullshit about how "Everyone is equal" and how "We are all meant to be equal" or to "equalize nature". Revolution against Abrahamism implies that one has ditched these corny lying moralities to start telling some honest things to themselves.

Any Satanist who also is Theistic or at least accepts and understands Satan existing under any form, should understand, even in psychological and otherwise standardization (this again has levels to it) that those who invented lies about Satan, the defamation campaign about Satanism, and making Satanists look like criminal freaks come from three backrounds: Christians, Muslims, and Jews.

The reason you cannot walk around freely, proud in your allegiance with Satan, is essentially boiling down to Abrahamism, aka, the three things mentioned above. And insofar Satanists bicker over bullshit, these factions are going to win, and impose a second Middle Ages into this world, in which all, despite of how much ass you have kissed in the process and pretended to be open minded, you will end up in a prison cell or dead, too.

As for those who do not understand the above, good luck trying to explain to a terrorism Imam that your mindset and intellectual ideas of Satan are just representations of a reverse morality and other high IQ stuff. All you will be met with will be the machete on your head.

These three religious factions of Abrahamism, in the case of the third, a racial based religious faction, have created tremendous propaganda campaigns against all we are and do to outlaw us, criminalize us, and in the case of many of us even kill us. When this is not done, they basically come in Satanism to re-implement the same thinking pattern that the traditional "Abrahamic" religions follow, to basically set people off the route to power and advancement.

Lastly, those who are in anyway "Satanists" but simply do apply the verse of "Let Satan be divided amongst his own house so that he cannot stand" are of no importance to Satan. If you do not believe in him, as ironically, all the Satanists of importance do either secretly or openly have admitted to do, still rejecting this fact, you still do one fatal mistake: You are being stupid.

For those who consider the Joy of Satan deplorable, or just disagreeing with it, picture this scenario: Cultural war breaks out, and you are forced to have people on your side. Which one would you rather have as a Satanist? Let's assume you are a Theistic Satanist. Wouldn't you rather have a Luciferian, or a Theistic Satanist, or a JoS Satanist, rather than a Hebrew, an Imam, or yet another Xian fundamentalist? We are talking absolutely basic common sense here.

Do you have to like us? Definitely not. Do you have to join us? Again, definitely not. Do you have to espouse our ideals by some sort of force? No again. Do you have to recognize that we have common enemies despite all things? Yes, by all means, you have.

This is an obligation that comes from the outside and you have no control over. You can shove your head into the sand and ignore this, or you can accept it and move forward.

Those who think that "Satanism" or other forms of thought and inquiry into the "Other side" of life are safeguarded and you're safe, then you are an idiot.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Regarding other satanic sects...



We are really the only ones that make sense taking everything into consideration.

Its just so retarded when you see other "satanic" sects try to slander and just toss shit. They have like one meme argument just kissing the smelly jews feet, and "how dare you defend muh evil hitler, and muh holohoax 6 trillion lampshades and soap".

And how much can be easily squashed when someone does their own research and comes to the same conclusion JoS has. And the truth with the kikes, just gets MORE BLATANT everyday.

Along with nearly 2 decades of writings compiled in satans library... endless work from the clergy and everyone here, and....nope... here we have athiestic satanists over here just "burying their head in the sand" is the perfect way to put it.
Great Sermon as usual, High Priest.

Our difference from all other so-called "Satanic" sects is, mainly, they believe while we know. As outlandish as our claims may seem to an uninformed onlooker, they are also provable. Always. I haven't yet seen but one of our claims that we cannot provide real, hard evidence for. Everything is clear-cut, the only resistance some NPC types have is purely emotional. One can easily spot discrepancies in any other "Satanic" sect, but not us. That's why they have to resort to ad hominems, strawman arguments and attempts at defamation and slander. But through it all, Truth stands tall. And Truth will be the victor of this war.

Hail Satan.
Other sects need to understand that they need to get off that bullshit of dragging the JoS thru the mud and get on the winning train.

I believe of we really wanted to then we here at the JoS can handle things on our own and us alone would prevail but with the idiots and ignorant perishing by the boot of our common enemy. As far as I know most of us here aren't satisfied with that and we want more than just us here getting out of this war alive. We want as many innocents as possible to be saved as well. That's the reason so many amazing SS have spent hundreds of hours studying, hours doing online warfare, curses against the enemy and their programs, doing rituals to save this planet and now RTRs along with awakening rituals, we've posted free information and putting the most effective ways to advance spiritually out of any spiritual center on Earth, for FREE, and all this for anyone to read and members currently working on translating to different languages for all people on Earth to have the opportunity to know the Truth and get on the winning side.

For other Satanic sects to drag us thru the mud is pure nonsense on their part. They need to wake the fuck up and help us help everyone on this planet who isn't part of the enemy and that way victory will come faster and in the best outcome possible. If they used their heads more then it would be so easy to see who our common enemy is and what needs to be done. As well as reading the the massive amount of proof we have to back put statements and our stance on National Socialism.
The conflict is ideological the mainstream "Satanic" sects are liberal platforms of Anarcho-Capitalism and Progressive nature. National Socialism is antithetical to these values. It reflects the culture war in mainstream society.
Thanks for everything, you are probably the best thing that have occurred to me. Just a stupid despite your work.

On this thread I posted. Here is a 40 year old, kinda all over the place Occultically inclined person.

But like I stated: "I suspect the whole anti-jewish, seeing Satan and the Gods as real Nordic extraterrestials,and Nazism. Tickles their negativity. If anything it kinda begs the question if they are pussies or not. They delve into the occult, they delve into so-called Evil, and they play all these occult games. And yet at what point do they state this stuff crosses the line.

If mainstream people view all these things as evil and these guys are such BADASSES. Where is the badassery of at least researching the JoS. What we don't exist? so a website that is nearly 20 years old and has tens of thousands if not well over a 100,000 is suddenly forgotten. That we are the black sheep and they want to forget the so called too much evil memories of us.

So at what point does our stuff cross the lines. These guys delve into something so-called evil or badass or off the cuff from the mainstream. Why don't they accept Nazism(National Socialism). Why don't they accept Satan and Demons as an extra-terrestrial race of beings in an Universal Empire. Why don't they even do meditation or anything for that matter.

I guess what I'm trying to say is "Why delve into the occult if your just gonna bring your Abrahamic fears into said occult group". It's like musical chairs they just gained more confidence to move out from Rabba Krast to Rabba Samael. I mean at what point do these people not sit down and go "WTF am I in and why do I feel like I'm back into judeo-bolshevism".

Judeo-Bolshevism that is the key word. It's another judiac Hava Nagila of "Oy vey we gotcha, those evil idolator heathens diagonally".

Like I also said in the thread "It gets to the point of "Why are these guys such pussies". You can either be a Nazi/Satanist or not. If Nazism is the sworn enemy of the jew and Satanism is the sworn religion enemy of the Jew. Then why not partake in the fun and combine it like we did. Or to be more specific it's not a combination it's a way of life it's a Yin/Yang of politics and religion. Despite Hitler's statement of National Socialism is a religion not merely a political group."

Are "WE" the bad guys, really us? It just makes no fucking sense. I've never delved into other occult stuff but when you read certain things on it. It just goes WTF is the point of doing a magic ritual if you have no spiritual power from meditation. Or what is the point of calling and doing all this demon summoning if your using Gods as puppets.

I'd say the day comes when all these Satanic sects collapse unto us and go "Can we join you guys". I'd say it would serve them right to have a swift kick in the ass and say "No". But in the end it's like the Hitler memes "I tried to warn them but no one listened". "I tried to warn them but no one believed me". It's like GREAT FUCKING JOB after such a fucking long time you guys NOW pay attention. Well I guess better late than never.

Am I being unreasonable or do I make a point?

Is it not fair to call these so-called Satanic sects pussies. It reminds me of the recent sermon on the Temple of Satan and how the World mobilized against Aquino simply for taking it spiritually and even into National Socialism. Oh SO THAT crosses the line. I see Occult/Satanism as long as it doesn't hurt the tribe. I see, sounds to me like, that is something to keep in mind interesting this Nazi/Satanism it hurts the tribe, that's the goal of ours.

Why be with Satan and not against his enemies. Is it just a meme of "We wuz hebs and shiet"; just tribe on tribe warfare (((Gentiles))) vs (((Jews))). We all hebs and shiet no biggie just a bible story of King David versus his Sons or Cain vs Abel. Don't worry goy we all tribes and shiet.

If it were that simple even the jews would at some point fail to hold back the rage.

So why be in the Occult/Satan's-ism if your just cucking.
What about people are going to be considered satanic no matter what, despite not subscribing to Abrahamic mythology?

I'm not here to push anything, because I agreed not to. Just looking for discussion, and understanding of how the people of this forum view the subject. After all, my god was once considered the arch nemesis of the hvitakrist.
Mephilis78 said:
What about people are going to be considered satanic no matter what, despite not subscribing to Abrahamic mythology?
There is no "Abrahamic mythology", Jews don't have any mythology, only Alien programatic agenda. Hence why they have to pick as their adversaries the original Heathen Gods aka Daemons and their chief God Satan-Odin in order to reverse and make any semblance of "culture".

Satan is the Head-God of all Gentile (Pagan) pantheons, and the antithesis to everything Jewish/Abrahamic. It's simple, which side you will pick when everything is said and done... Guess what the kikes won't spare you if you wanna play as the "less-satanic" Heathen. Avoiding the names of Satan or the Demons that are originally Sanskrit in origin is just part of the "abrahamic" sympthon and ignorance.
Mephilis78 said:
What about people are going to be considered satanic no matter what, despite not subscribing to Abrahamic mythology?

I'm not here to push anything, because I agreed not to. Just looking for discussion, and understanding of how the people of this forum view the subject. After all, my god was once considered the arch nemesis of the hvitakrist.
Spiritual Satanism has existed for literally hundreds of thousands of years before Judaism/Christianity was invented. Please read that first sentence again slowly so it can really soak in the importance. Satan is a word in Sanskrit, the world's oldest language, that means "Eternal Truth." What we believe are the natural laws of the world, the exact same beliefs as every ancient culture on the entire planet has always understood since the beginning of time. The abrahamic cults have tried their best to burn and erase every trace of history and rewrite it as their own nonsense lies, twisting everything they couldn't erase completely. But enough evidence was left to know the cultures of the ancient societies, and they all understood the world in the same way. Read this article for a start
The way of the left hand defeats the ''natural'' world in the triumph of the individual, unnatural being Negative-atrophy, or life and evolution, creativity. what the JOS and others dose is present this creatively and with a scientific accuracy relevant to the point in history ''Again''.

Political ideals and reactioism play on a evolutionary mechanism that is fairly old in neurological structure.
Romance and aesthetics ''right brain, play a part ''connected, ''useful in magic and psychology.

One way or the other it excites emotions encourages ether ''functional thought'' or abject stupidity such as violence seen as socially unacceptable in a non intellectual way and this is damming. Other secs my shy away from unification for this reason. Not because of false ethics but cation.

That said it plays off going in the other direction of what a and individual sees as cancer of the mind as it applies to himself and that he selfishly loves. People love extremism, a sense of belonging that is unhelpful in the LHP untill you approach it correctly.

Luciferic thought denys limitations, and engrained social beliefs but acts wisely and effectively, the spiritual warrior slays his own limitations and defeats delusion but choices what is useful and resonate, helpful to him in his goals.

Though this dose not deny valid points in history. Its said out of concern and empathy. and in relation to mechanics as noted repeatedly with others.

One must balance things dynamicly, and focus ''absolute balance seekers are extremist btw. Psychodrama as the Levey Satanist, ''Only the daughter is true to it'' would say has its place. Only fools do physically what they could explore psychologically, I chalk it up to a failure of imagination.

However mediation requires you not care for a while, you cant clean the mental and astral mechanism of assumptions very well if you care about anything at all but evolution 'at that point'', One dose not abandon there beliefs however, one comes back to them in another more useful way. There are common elements in all Satanism its also an evolutionary necessity.

We have to harp on science and technology, the ancients knew all this and put it a different way.. Its working back to disregarding the toys crutches and technological metaphors as no longer needed.

Now, it creates a better language for thinking as the system and its Lord mirror itself in innovations.The next step is so called magic science hybridism. Which is a reality.

Its like Dark city where people keep drawing the city and don't know why. Even a fool can leak the truth because the pattern corresponding neurology which corresponds to mind keeps reasserting itself. The brain is its representation in manifest reality. He need not even understand what he says.

This Technological point has been reached and exceeded before, things run in cycles, this will be forgotten again after a point and done better next time and provide a better experience while no progress will be lost and evolution will continue unabated...Though most wont know.

Everything is remembered. Its all recording all can know that would know. Would truly know. Its there all there.
The ashkenazi,(khasar, fake jew), whatever you want to call them, should be known for their unlimited resources. The reason I say this is because, if their resources(money, etc...) was brought to the forefront of our discussions, the Satanist worldwide would already be united. The satanist intellect is second to none. In fact i look forward to learning about the Egyptians from you all. Let our intellect not forget that the khasars have money, they have the backing of the greys and the reptilians. This is reason enough for the Satanist to unite worldwide.
LearninaboutEgypt said:
The ashkenazi,(khasar, fake jew), whatever you want to call them, should be known for their unlimited resources. The reason I say this is because, if their resources(money, etc...) was brought to the forefront of our discussions, the Satanist worldwide would already be united. The satanist intellect is second to none. In fact i look forward to learning about the Egyptians from you all. Let our intellect not forget that the khasars have money, they have the backing of the greys and the reptilians. This is reason enough for the Satanist to unite worldwide.

They are not Khazars but jews, and yes, if you do not want eternal financial slaving and abuse, this has to change.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
