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United States VS China - 2020 to 2028

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I know it's almost the New Year, and everyone is wished the best wishes in the forum and the general readership also. Yet, life goes on, and there are things that concern themselves little with the change of the year. Many people only have time to read important topics on holidays as the situation is, let alone politicians.

More and more info is coming out on the CCP [Chinese Communist Party], and they have their tentacles everywhere, not only in buying the surface of our Nations in the West, but also, in things such as spying, and all sorts of other unbelievable things. We are being massacred from all sides, and Communism is under the cloak of the CCP now, injected slowly in the West. They have infiltrated as far as the Intelligence Agencies in the United States, and far deeper than most would believe is even possible.

This is one of the reasons I personally have had to say the things I did about the Democratic party, which is effectively fake socialism and under the cloak, Communism. They seem to have an overwhelming acceptance of China, especially as of late. Despite of someone agreeing on some superficial position or with some of their positions, and even if one was a Democrat, they have to think of the larger picture now.

While Republicans are not better, few patriots that exist, do exist in this side. If there is any political hope, it is only if patriots from all sides mobilize and do not wait.

Even now during the Pandemic, they said some shit about giving a measly 600$ dollars to Americans, despite of all the kvetching about Socialism. If they are truly in care of people, they should cash out 2000$ immediately to people, as Trump says. Rich people and companies have taken wind of this, and they are going to be secured, but for now, the security of the People and the United States has to come first.

Biden knows this full well, and he will insist on selling out the West to these Communists. Even worse, publicly allowed information shows that they were setting up the United States up for many years, or that his allegiance to the United States grew muddy in the recent years. What is happening with Hunter Biden, only makes one wonder if he is trying in some way, to put the future of his family in Communist China - such as his wealth and all this, rather than in the United States.

A general agenda is to wear out and destroy the United States, so that the CCP can take over progressively and by 2028, which is effectively where they project his terms are going to end. By the end of this, America may be all sold out. "Socialism" is only a sweet pill of cyanide for the West to take now.

There is no loop in the current system of printing infinite money, and if this is perpetually insisted about, the US will go bankrupt, and all rich people will be driven out also. That aside, because of the financial ruin and harm that has been caused, the least that can be done now is for people to be issued life saving cash inflow and stimulus. This cycle is of vanity, and like taking drugs to fix in the effect of other drugs. The only hope is political stability and patriotism to turn this around now before it is too late.

When we met Satan in April 2020 this year, on Beltane, he told me, which I related to HPS Maxine, that we are "given the mandate to run the Joy of Satan for as long as possible". The severity of this has been obvious. The situation is going to get dire for freedoms. How many times has JoS been stricken down in the last 2 years? There is much work that has been done, and many issues that have been left unsaid for an array of reasons.

The reality is this: They want anyone who is aware of them to be wiped out. The United States is the last country with Free Speech at this point, which is being stifled by social media, and over Communist subversives.

The scope of the Communist purge has no limits now. It goes all the way from conservative mediocre republicans, all the way to everyone, even patriotic Democrats. They will spare nobody. They don't care what you religion is at all, nor even if you are a little sympathetic or not hostile - they will destroy everyone. That is Communism. You can never be friends with Communists. Communism does not condone any range of differentiated opinions.

The overblown situation about "Co-Vid", was probably staged in collusion with China and Democrats to usurp the United States, or in the least conspiracy based scenario, the Democratic party made it into a meme in order to gain political traction. Both these situations are detestable. Trump's tweet about trying to save the world from committing suicide/destruction, is not wrong.

Then, the situation of an electoral fraud?
The selling out to China which is real and concrete?
The complete annihilation of the Western economy of the middle and lower level?
Mass censorship and coercion not seen in decades, over a so called "health crisis", while measures do not help nobody become healthier, but only plunge people into deeper fear, anxiety and depression?

All of this situation is not to be underestimated. Now that people have time in their hands, one should distribute information online, in the last place that is, which still has freedom of information. Do it anonymously, because "They" are watching now. Another apparent even that is going on, is the utilizing of massive spying now over the populace, for the enemy to weigh how many of them are loyal and on board to their agenda, and how many are not.

For those who doubt the plan, just read below. Much of this was caused by Co-Vid. While the West remains paralyzed for closely a year, the CCP knew where this Pandemic would manifest in the West and the paralysis it would cause. They probably bribed a lot of simpletons of their scientists and others, to overblow and keep overblowing the situation. As we know, the "Great Economic Reset" consists of overthrowing the United States, and imposing a global power situation with China at the top or as a major player, which now is limited only by the US.

China to Surpass United States: Analysis

It is advised everyone reads the full article - https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/china-expected-to-surpass-us-economy-in-2028-analysis/ar-BB1cfsIH?civicscience-widget-version=4

The Chinese economy is expected to surpass that of the U.S. in 2028 - five years earlier than previously forecast - following fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, according to an analysis released Saturday.

The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) said in its World Economic League Table that in dollar amounts, China will surpass previous expectations that predicted it would overtake the U.S. economy in 2033, largely based on the impact of COVID-19.

The group said that not only did China handle the outbreak more effectively than Western nations, but its Western counterparts suffered significant hits to their long-term growth.

"The skilful management of the pandemic and the hits to long term growth in the West mean that China's relative economic performance has improved. We now think that the Chinese economy in dollar terms will overtake the US economy in 2028, a full 5 years earlier than we thought last year," the firm said.

"We expect the trend rate of growth for China to be 5.7% annually from 2021-25 and 4.5% annually from 2026-30 and 3.9% annually from 2031-35," it added.

China is doing covert warfare to the West, no different than the Cold War. Meanwhile, unlike when with Soviet Russia, the infiltration has made it to where Marxist brainwashing in the United States has many people saying "it doesn't matter". This is all straight out of a movie.

People do not understand that their life standards in the US are going to drop dramatically, as much as 50% or 70% compared to today, if these things manifest. The United States will become a subpar country if this continues, and in the far future, even possibly an annexed country, same as Europe. This is a future that has been in the work for decades, and since the fall of the Soviet Union. There is no "it doesn't matter" in this situation.

Yes, it does matter, and we are going to get destroyed if this thing continues. This leak, IMO, is a big and blatant win. We need fast action against the CCP, but also against people who have betrayed the great Western civilization. They are not difficult to spot now, are they are on rampage, and they reveal themselves quite blatantly now, hitting the West while it lays on the ground.

Clearly, China is not fucking around. It is clearly a factor of intellectual, moral, and clearly political and financial muscle to the United States that can even overturn elections at this point. People whine about Russia, but Russia appears to be nowehre close to where China is.

We must insist with the Rituals as this Communist system is based of off Hebrew intellectualism and Magick. Gentiles are not meant to have a crushed individuality, nor a stifling of speech or their free will.

For those who do not understand the backstory, the "Communist Rabbi" named Baal Shem Tov, has revealed on how this mode of governance is entirely of the enemy, sourced directly from them. We had to fight for our lives over this last century, and it appears, this is only more of the same this century in other forms of warfare. The writings of Karl Marx, upon which Communism was conceived, were the fruits of the son of a Rabbi, who was creating a system to do exactly this: Ruin the world.

In the midst of this whole situation going, the enemy has been revealed and there will be more of this. This effectively allows a reaction where previously there would be none. This situation has to be fought through as it was fought through in the inception of the United States, or when Hitler defended the West from Communist invasion.

Lastly, as Hitler said, the dictatorial/centralized state, forces other states to imitate it. Did you notice how the United States is slowly becoming a China, in order to deal with the "Pandemic", and in order to effectively fight China or because of ignoring them? These are things the enemy understands.

One can only read these things about how "The West has to become like China", by so many jews in European press. They are trying to hoax around, that we must "Become like China" at least a "Little Bit", in order to fight this Pandemic. "Vaccination is to be enforced goyim you have no say in this.". "You're disallowed from travelling if you don't vaccinate". "You'll be in a naughty goy list if you don't vaccinate". All of this, pretty clearly, is only the excuse they manufactured to proceed with this planning.

The CCP is being proud of many of it's subversives right now. With this, they want to open the floodgates of a totalitarianism which they will be in power, and will be tried to move forward to Middle Ages Communism in the modern technological era.

Every able person in mind, soul and body, has to resist this abomination of a mission.

Humanity and Freedom will be victorious in the end.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Nikois666 said:
LEAKED: Chinese Database Shows Massive CCP Infiltration Of Western Institutions.
I guess this is a huge leak. This was reported mostly by Australian Media and other small media outlets. While other's just copy pasted, censored some info and posted a small article. Many have not even heard about this, especially in West.

How surprising that MSM did not care to shove this down our throats, right? Lol.



(this website 'ussanews' is not communist, check the logos twice, I am mentioning this because the communist hammer and sickle may confuse some into thinking it's communist but actually it's some american patriot website with some satire kind of logo. I had to list this website because it is showing some twitter post regarding the above event. If you don't want to open it, below is the reading of the article.)

USSANEWS.com said:
A register containing the list of nearly 2 million Chinese Communist Party members has been leaked, exposing members who are embedded all over the globe, including in UK and US corporations

“It is believed to be the first leak of its kind in the world,” Sky News host Sharri Markson reported Saturday.

“What’s amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the US to the UK.”

“But it’s amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping,” she continued.

“Communist party branches have been set up inside western companies, allowing the infiltration of those companies by CCP members – who, if called on, are answerable directly to the communist party, to the Chairman, the president himself,” she added.

The Chinese Communist influence stretches all over the world, including in defense companies like Boeing , banks like HSBC, auto makers like Jaguar and Rolls Royce, and pharmaceutical corporations Astra Zeneca and Pfizer, which developed America’s COVID-19 vaccines.

And even more alarmingly, some party members had to swear an oath to “guard Party secrets, be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism throughout my life…and never betray the Party”.

The leak was reportedly given by a “non-governmental source” to the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), who handed the information over to journalists.

“IPAC will push for governments and companies to respond setting out how they intend to safeguard their values in the face of infiltration,” the group said in a statement.

#IPAC comment on the leaked database of the Chinese Communist Party Shanghai branch member register. pic.twitter.com/ReKT9Ge8Hd

— Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (@ipacglobal) December 13, 2020

Former Tory Party leader Iain Duncan Smith reacted to the disturbing revelations, saying that the UK government must “expel” any CCP members from its Consuls in China.

“This investigation proves that members of the Chinese Communist Party are now spread around the globe, with members working for some of the world’s most important multinational corporations, academic institutions and our own diplomatic services,” Smith said.

“The Government must now move to expel and remove any members of the Communist Party from our Consuls throughout China. They can either serve the UK or the Chinese Communist Party. They cannot do both.”

The revelation is especially relevant for America given dozens of Democrat and even some Republican governors have cozied up to the Communist government in recent years.

there are over 20 governors with direct ties to the CCP…

this is insane pic.twitter.com/yY5LkEQv7l

— Donald Q Lincoln (@dondonlincoln) December 13, 2020

Over 20 governors alone have been photographed with CCP assets at some point.

AZ Ducey
AR Hutchinson
CA Newsome
CT Lamont
NM Grisham
VT Scott
IA Reynolds
RI Raimondo
NE Ricketts
DE Carney
IN Holcomb
NV Sisolak
TN Lee
KY Beshear
ID Little
MO Bullock
OR Brown
IL Pritzker
LA Edwards
TX Abbott
MN Walz
NC Cooper
MA Baker
UT Herbert https://t.co/QIDAJI5z3B

— Lynda - - - TRUMP WON-STOP THE STEAL (@LyndaAtchison) December 13, 2020

This ingratiation with CCP members did not go unnoticed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who earlier this year warned those governors during the National Governors Association in Washington that China was keeping close tabs on them.

“I’d be surprised if most of you in the audience have not been lobbied by the Chinese Communist Party directly,” Pompeo said.

“It’s happening in your states, with consequences for our foreign policy and for citizens that reside in your states…and affects our capacity to perform America’s vital national security functions,” he added.

Though this list represents a breach of only 2% of its members (there are around 92 million Chinese Communist Party members), that small percentage was effective enough to infiltrate many key industries of the Western world.

And this is likely on top of the 50,000 spies China has already embedded in the U.S., as we reported in 2017.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A general agenda is to wear out and destroy the United States, so that the CCP can take over progressively and by 2028, which is effectively where they project his terms are going to end..
I doubt he even makes it to the end of next year. It is easy to see that he has some form of dementia or Alzheimer’s from seeing clips of his speaking off script. Remember right before the election pelosi and the other top Democrats were getting a committee together regarding the using the 25th amendment to remove the president, when they were asked about it they said it wasn’t for Trump.

Creepy Joe will die or be removed from office and we will the first illegitimate “woman of color” as president, all to cause more unrest and racial tension. I remember last year during the Democratic primaries this woman was polling less than 1%. Even the left and many Democrats hate her.

Either way it’s time to mobilize. If Trump is really out of office on January 20th than he needs to form a third “patriot party” or something similar. The 2 parties we have now are extremely unpopular and serve the establishment in every way. People of every race and class despise the (((system))) we have and see it is fraudulent and meant to destroy us with this new “relief bill” showing that.
It appears from looking at several circles online, that with Trump asking people to protest in DC on the 6th of January, many of them are planning to go armed, and prepare to do some french revolution type stuff.

Can we expect this to really happen? Have our energies woken up the patriots of America enough to do something like this? Reading the energies, maybe I'm just inexperienced, but this feels like what's about to happen that day.
SleepingWolf said:
It appears from looking at several circles online, that with Trump asking people to protest in DC on the 6th of January, many of them are planning to go armed, and prepare to do some french revolution type stuff.

Can we expect this to really happen? Have our energies woken up the patriots of America enough to do something like this? Reading the energies, maybe I'm just inexperienced, but this feels like what's about to happen that day.

All I can see and astrology supports, brace for impact. It could be serious impact. The destruction of the United States is not going to last forever. A lot of powerful revolutionary energy in all the current ongoing planets, and the upcoming year.

Astrology supports war as HPS Maxine mentioned before [which is probably the case for Biden administration] but as things go, this may turn inwards inverse, and flow inside the country with all these violations happening right now.
I work with a 'goym' someone who smokes were and I can see he is influenced a lot by the enemy magick (at this point I can spot them easily, the good thing is that my protection is strong enought to where he doesnt bother me).

You are right about the last part, he said to me look at China, why are we not like them and look how they are handling the pandemic...I said to him that they are Communists, they can easily hide whatever they want and make their own people do anything, how can you trust them? Some people are too stupid, I cringe everytime he talks, I never seen such a goym in my life... Fuck my xian grandma understand things better than him. Weed really does a lot of damages.
SleepingWolf said:
It appears from looking at several circles online, that with Trump asking people to protest in DC on the 6th of January, many of them are planning to go armed, and prepare to do some french revolution type stuff.

Can we expect this to really happen? Have our energies woken up the patriots of America enough to do something like this? Reading the energies, maybe I'm just inexperienced, but this feels like what's about to happen that day.


The Next lunar return (based upon what Maxine said about the USA chart being in Gemini with Uranus exactly on ascendant) even to someone who would know not much about Astrology would look like some sort of revolutionary type thing will happen. Let's just hope its positive and not BLM Marxist type stuff.
Nice to see this information being shared since I already know this stuff, which is why I make post about digital currency because it’s all connected but my post just don’t get the attention that some of them should. If they did everything in this post would been known earlier. Which is why I make my post in the first place to give everyone a heads up to stay ahead of things since there is info I come across that I feel is important to be known and not because I think I have all the answers. In any case I can tell it right now that Trump is going to run for president again if he’s not re-elected he will put his bid in for 2024 campaign which is why he’s currently trying to get rid of section 230 which allows tech companies like Twitter and Facebook to censor content. He doesn’t want them to be able to do the same things again should he go forth with running again.

Also this is the reason for the $2000 Stimulus he wants. So he looks like a hero leaving office and gives him a better shot for re-election. He’s the president that fought for bigger stimulus for the American people before leaving office. It’s all part of the plan along with Biden handing us over to China. They want us in a war with China directly or indirectly since China runs with Iran and Russia so anything is on the table and needs to be carefully watched moving forward. All this stuff has been planned out a long time ago and people here need to realize that now so we can act accordingly to secure victory. Finally all anyone here has to do is follow the money (especially crypto) and everything in this post from HC and more will be revealed. The enemy’s tactic is conflict management and chaos keep that in your mind. And one more thing this video will shed some more light on how premeditated our current situation has been by the enemy as a little heads up it’s got the tipical inaccuracies about Hitler but the info is still very valuable. And one more thing the next election will be done through blockchain technology and there’s a plan for everyone to have a federal reserve digital wallet, do a search for Banking For All Act and you’ll see for yourself that’s how they plan on paying people their UBI and stimulus money (either this one or the next).

Antony Sutton interview
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do it anonymously, because "They" are watching now
That's it, I'm moving to the alps and not coming down.
But seriously speaking, do you think it's wiser to browse JoS websites with a vpn/tor browser? I already use it for the forums.
Meanwhile China is rapidly buying Europe in the literal sense. The CCP is heavily investing in real estate and other construction projects, so much so that in just few years half of our cities will be owned by them.
ok I get the whole ccp digging in its claws in the west. But I have a question. How can we be sure that those numbers are right? the ccp is well known for giving out false numbers from both crop production to pandemic death tolls. Of course it is also well known that they hate bad publicity and that includes others knowing the truth about them. Now I can only site vids from jewtube but most of them have been about bad stuff going on inside china and how things are going rough for the ccp. Including how the whole Belt and Road Iniative is falling apart, other countries not giving them more money and many starting their own projects.
So what is really going on?

Either way lets strap in and keep going.

Hail Father Satan.
Do you see any Armed Resistance, from our side "whites folk" ?

I think It's Time for US soldiers and policemen to revolt , they should stand with the people.

enough is enough ,the Jews are walking comfortably in gentiles land .
Honestly if I am pissed off at all the little things in the world right now with how people are not free and sometimes feel restricted (I have Uranus and moon out of bounds in my chart) I dont think I would do well under the Chinese system I would literally go nuts. I will keep doing rituals to fight this. I am concerned but don't think this is going to go through especially if they are not able to take away guns. There are a lot of people who will not go for this. Even many of the people that are confused by xtianity will fight this in the physical at least. I dont think we have much to worry about.

On the other hand we should keep up the rituals. Is there some ritual to expose or bring down communism or more to my liking xtianity since I was more personally effected by that. I still say we should do the Nazerine ritual I know I posted that the last three times lol but I would love to do that as a group.

Though I admit It is a little harder to really get into fighting something I dont think I ever experienced dealing with in this life or any life. My anger is more directed at stuff that I personally know about and experienced but I really would like to see communism fall. Not enjoying all these covid restrictions. I mean it was ok for bit being at home cause I was out of the house to much anyway i think everyone wanted a break at first somewhat like people were posting when this first started to happen about how a lot of people will finally have room to breathe again and may find this site but now I am starting to hate this and most people are too.
The only good thing is if too many people don't have much to do they really will start to wonder about things and start looking stuff up for real. I noticed there was like 312 people viewing this at 2 Am or something that's cool. Its like the amount of people on here has doubled. No matter what the enemy does it will backfire. I really hope this is all over soon though.

Misdirection:The jew's oldest trick.


Jews literally want the goyim to have a war with china(frontman) to hide themselves
Can't we find a way to solve the kosher conservative problem as soon as possible and attack the jews and israel first,then china after?
As an Australian, this is something that has been on my mind a bit more lately. Here, it's very common for us to hear about practically everything that happens in the USA. However, on the inverse, I know from American and European friends that none of them would ever know about what's happening here unless I told them. To that end I figured it'd be a wise idea to actually speak of some of the recent CCP events going on here. Australia is, after all, China's primary western relationship, due to our geographic proximity to them, so here know them and their behavior pretty well by now.

I'll go on the record to say Australia has very weak leaders. Even though we're currently lead by a Conservative (Liberals/Nationals) Government, they've really acted anything but historically. I've touched on in the past, one of the Prime Ministers everybody worships is John Howard, for making the country "rich" or whatever, nevermind it was him who began the mass sell-off of Australian utilities to the Chinese back in 2004. Even with the Nationals Party, which is meant to be one of our most actively rightwing conservative parties, sold much of our state farmland to the Chinese back a couple of years and lead to a local ecological disaster.

Point is, we have weak leaders, to the extent where I'm surprised really anything has been done in regards to China (though with much kicking and screaming from the elite who benefit from said relationship). I won't praise our government, because given the chance to lick CCP asshole again, they probably would, but for now, at least, under the eye of international scrutiny, we are beginning to mount a bit of a defense against China.

This sort of began back in 2017 when we banned foreign political donations in response to reports China had been trying to influence or election process (anyone with half a brain had known this for years, so this late response wasn't exactly reassuring and even China itself barely had at this point). Around the same time, we also blocked Huawei from staging a major buyout of our entire 5G network. Our local telecoms are so garbage and entirely run out of India anyway I'm not sure if anyone even cared at the time, but the government has enough stake in these giant corporations that they were finally pushed into finally saying no over something. The CCP was a little more upset over this, but, for the most part, let it slide for the time being.

The actual events I'll be talking about really only truly began this year, when Australia, for some inexplicable reason, became the first nation to push for a global coronavirus inquiry, specifically into its origins. For those not in the know, that whole discussion has gone silent lately, as scientists have long confirmed that it was neither bat nor pangolin who birthed the virus, meaning the theory it was born in a Wuhan lab the only realistic scenario. Naturally, this is where the CCP completely freaked out, as Australia was backed up by most of the European nations. We all know they didn't want anyone discovering the true origin of this thing.

After this, it was mostly minor news for a time, as Australia began criticizing the CCP more and more for its actions local and abroad, like the whole Uighur business, and some of the conflict in the South China Sea.

Then the shitstorm began. Seemingly out of nowhere, China began slapping tariffs on our major exports, beef and barley. Then, wine. Now, ore, sugar, seafood, so on so forth. See, the reason I gave context for how much Australia has been sold out to the CCP by our politicians is simple. Since a trade war currently seems inevitable (as a matter of fact, China is basically giving Australia the political silent treatment and is refusing any contact), the situation we're in now is that a trade war will be far more costly for our economy than it is for China's.

From what I've heard, a whole batch of Australian journalists also fled China recently, as the government was more or less about to make them disappear off the face of the earth. Why this can happen without anyone batting an eye, I don't know. But a little later on was when China started to act especially, hilariously scummy. There was some ridiculous Chinese social media campaign being run by a government owned media outlet which posted a photoshopped image of an Australian soldier executing an arab child with a knife, and was criticizing Australian involvement in ME conflicts. Naturally I personally was never fond of our involvement in the Jew-run oil wars of the Middle East, but this was particularly foul coming from China, considering they did this while literally in the middle of a local ethnic genocide, among other things.

All said and done, this is where we are now. There's been both recent military and trade tension with China, and after all these years, and honestly, a little too late in some regards, we're no longer backing down over us putting pressure on China. Honestly, I hope this will last, and the government won't surrender itself the moment a wad of cash is dangled in its face as usual. Maybe they feel too much pressure from our voters, I couldn't honestly tell. The Liberal-Nationals government wins every election without any effort anyway thanks to Murdoch shilling them 24/7, but that might change now that we're pissing off the CCP.

To wrap this up, and to tie this to the original post, many of our analysists have stated this. That we as a nation, are probably about 5 years away from actual war with China. We're a fairly small nation, in terms of population, and fairly geographically isolated at that. With Biden in power it's hard to say how much American support we can count on. Maybe we can count on Europe somewhat, as they did back us up during the coronavirus inquiry, but that's a dubious gamble.

So, yeah, to my American brothers and sisters, worry not, you're definitely not the only nation angling for a war with China. I made this post to give context to the fact that, well, we're probably considerably closer than you are to it. Hopefully this is all clear and concise enough and I hadn't forgotten anything.
Happy New year when it comes HPHC

You have been a big help to me over the years with the material that i have saved to kindle

Respect bro
As I see and following the situation in the USA and also the situations on the planet, the humanity reached a life or death matter crossway. The time has come when humanity have to choose which way we go further.
Every human being on planet earth who just has a little common sense, know who must stay as a president of the USA. The last land of free speach and the land - which is very important - that it lies on a satanic basis laid by the founding fathers.

Changes, huge amount of people talking about changes what are going to happen, what already happening, some people say that these changes started on 21.12.2020. People do not want what the jews planning for everybody and as I feel our time is now. The easiest way to express what I mean if Biden go to white house there is no place on planet earth where we can hide and communism will destroy us, all. I am european and dont know for 100% what the Republicans are like but we all know Trump must stay in the white house to clean the whole USA and that cleansing should be extended if possible to the entire planet. Huge Trump supporters are everywhere on the planet, every country has Trump supporters, so is visible what humanity wants.

The time is now as I mention that and we must win this battle and fight harder to start the changes in a positive direction. There is no other way because the other way is full communism which would destroy humanity in 2-3years and nobody would recover from it ever. Is just impossible that 100years ago the same thing happened in Russia with the Russian revolution when the filthy jewish/bolshevik reptilian bastards executed the Romanov dynasty and for the start genocided 20-25 million whites nearly in 10/15 years. This is happening right now and many-many people dont even understand that because our true history has been destroyed, lied, misdirected. A huge danger behind the door and waiting when they can start to finish their job what that fucking talmud is saying. :x :x

After this all I wish all the best in a year 2021 for all of the Satanic Wariors and our High Priests and Priestesses.

1)Himalayan blunder pdf.Link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SNgxy_H-dsRRb5vEHKLnv7IJ3kf8GSwJ/view?usp=sharing
2)Robert spencer did mohammed exist.Link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/16E_JrjLnZilMh3PMFpnl6WOLOMOvbSGH/view?usp=sharing
Yes you are correct Hoodedcobra666 . This is the globalist plan for a long time. The great economic reset. Digital currency , no cash for complete economic and personal control. A grading system. The dems are leading the charge to bankruptcy. The Chinese are our greatest threat both economically and militarily. I will do my damnedest to summon rain, rain and more rain to bust their countries pride , the 3 gorges damn. . Maybe a x9 solar flare that would nail earth while China is facing the sun, that would be ideal . Boom Boom out go the lights. Regardless of the true numbers for deaths or cases of covid, the outcome is the same. Control ! The chinese are responsible and the dems and neocons do not let a good crisis, fake or not, go to waste. I guess we'll see who ends up in the fema camps. The patriots or the globalist dems and neocons. I saw a TV actor (I don't watch tv) on a breitbart article calling for the blood of Trump supporters. He said losing the election was not enough. Their true colors are shining through. Even some of the dem leaders in congress have been having a threatening tone. All the name calling has turned to pure hatred. They honestly believe they are morally superior. Be smart out there.
I don't know how all of this will affect those of us in Canada but it's likely we're not 'under the radar', especially if shit gets bad enough that many will try to flood in retreat up here as some have tried in the past from the U.S. If Canada gets rolled up into this to such extents it's not going to be pretty. At least Americans have a background foundation of strength in will and determination to combat even if that's ultimately what's going to cause the biggest of chaos and disorder for the nation, the astrology of Canada however is fucking pacifistic, far too kind and accepting.

On the bright side though the saving factors I was able to interpret from this was that this kindness can at least be powerful in caring for the ultimate state of the nation and fighting for stability, the pacifism or 'desire for comforts in safety' also actually makes the nation freak the fuck out in self-preservation, out of fear of course but fear can be a powerful reaction in that there have been more severe restrictions to immigration and travel into the country than ever before that even I have deemed "Extremely out of character of the country given our history and 'die-versity'", additionally what I was able to gather and what I can remember earlier this year Canada also reacted the most powerfully of the West and the quickest in 'self-defense' in blocking things out when this pandemic began, not just in regards to that though but in general, "Preserve the safety of the people" to the extremes basically. This of course could hit the shit end of the stick in regards to the vaccine.

Toronto, the worst and most multi-culturally corrupted and fucked up of our major cities as well as the whole of that Southern region down to Detroit appears like it's being slowly severed from the rest of Canada in even so much as being part of the country, at least in my opinion, that entire region gets 'shut down' by more definitions than one to more extremes than the rest of the nation from what I read up on and can see. As things get progressively worse it's likely the entire south of Ontario alone will go up in flames first hand and the rest of the country will be fighting to keep the fires at bay with extreme ferocity. Canada might not be as combative and 'forward' as the U.S but it sure as hell is far more defensive and shut-in to maintain self-preservation, martial law here would be an absolute living nightmare and most aggressively violent to retain order and safety, fear makes people do drastic things, so even though this might be our primary saving factor it's still not going to be pretty.

In truth I can't claim to know how this will go out, but for other Satanists in Canada I think it would be wise to follow through with the same precautionary measures or any warnings the clergy here give for those in the U.S and treat it all the same for our safety, even if 'nothing' is going on yet up here. The enemy will not ignore us and Moderna's Covid-19 Vaccine is already accepted and in 1st phase of roll-out starting today here. My only extreme concern is whether it's going to made mandatory for the regular citizen (I'm pretty sure they'd make it mandatory for those in the armed forces as well as health-care workers and such).

I wish the best of safety for all here, in the U.S and otherwise. Remember our ancestors (and who knows how many of us in a past life of whom were those ancestors) fought tooth and nail in the face of death and torture from more torturous and aggressive oppressive forces. What's happening in this era is slow confinement and imprisonment first and foremost, and many will fight this when the reality is made aware to them.

The white race may have been taken advantage of in kindness, empathy and other means, but when one realizes and sees the reality of a knife coming down on them, there is no stronger and more vicious of a fight. Satan stands for absolute and total defiance and rebellion against oppressors as well as justice, his very blood courses through us, those who are not completely blinded, even the 'nicest' and most 'peace-loving' white will frenzy in viciousness upon oppression, we have seen this before and will end up seeing more of it and could potentially go to even more violent extremes.

As hard as all of this is to deal with and will be in the years to come, we will pull through in the end. It has been said before that for all of this garbage to happen is unfortunately necessary. There will seldom be a greater physical impact that will wake humanity up more extremely and more quickly, our spiritual efforts further enable and open up the clarity upon humanity for such a reaction to occur more greatly and for as many people as possible, the more clearly humanity sees reality on the subconscious and conscious level, the more they will be able to wake up to the real physical happenings upon this world and fight. The veil, the hebrew curses upon our species, everything humanity was tricked and urged in habits, lifestyles of always looking through a screen most of their life and never truly living the moment of physical reality therefore habitualizing disassociation from it, all of it is meant to blind and prevent humanity from being able to see the 'here and now' from being able to realize and be aware that everything around them is real and happening and the physical world does in fact effect them. This is why people care so little about the state of our planet.

When this is cleared away as much as possible this solidifies the awareness to the realness of the mass threat upon our kind and this is what activates the reaction and response. All efforts to wake people up are important, and what truly hits home is making people realize how real this all is and hitting that proper note to trigger the awareness. Unfortunately it can take a lot to make people realize that when a knife is coming down on them, they are not safe in their head or behind a tv screen or in imagination land. Unfortunately it might take the actual physical pain to make them realize it was a real threat that was able to hurt them for real and that they needed to fight off all along, and even more unfortunately by that point, it could be too late.

This is all very real and happening, but so is our conviction to endure and fight as Satanists. Stay strong and don't lose that fighting will, to the gods this will all be for but a moment in time, a brief sharp sting that we will survive through to the end but do not let this undermine the severity of what is happening. Our efforts upon ourselves to pull through, upon the cause, upon warfare be it spiritual or online or by some other means of preserving even the knowledge and information we have and providing for the whole, all of this is incredibly important and imperative.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

If you follow alt-right/conspiracy-minded people looking to the election fraud, it is clear the China is behind all the "deep-state" corruption, in conjunction with the Globalist/Israeli faction. They have been waging a full-blown covert war on all fronts: economic, political, intellectual, with open military warfare being the last stage. They have corrupted all media, many institutions and businesses, and many government figures.

This is what Trump is fighting against, and why his progress on certain matters has been delayed. He does have many legal, constitutional options to retain power, with the most likely and most effective being using the Insurrection Act to do mass arrests or using his 2018 Executive Order to declare the foreign interference in the election as a cyber warfare attack, nullifying the results. Certain military intelligence groups + legal entities aligned with him have publicly stated that they had secured full evidence of the election fraud as it took place on the dominion voting systems. This explains the recent Nashville bombing which occurred next to a NSA/AT&T data hub that was storing such evidence.

I think Trump will do the right thing and fight back. He is being hampered by traitors such as his Whitehouse staff which prevent him from meeting with his allies or from pursuing certain legal options, such as giving Sydney Powell (a prominent Allied lawyer) special counsel status to pursue greater legal actions against his opponents. Further evidence of Trump moving to act was the huge movement of military planes inside the US, as well as the movement of the carrier groups back to US coastal regions. The idea was that the military is being stationed within the US to either suppress a China-backed, BLM, Bolshevik insurgency and/or use them to arrest traitors through the Insurrection Act. This is further supported by Trump recently replacing the DOD secretary with one of his allies, something which wouldn't have mattered was he going to leave power soon.

Regardless, after all of this, we will still have to fight China. The problem is that even if we put down the rebellion, then China's role will be revealed in all of this. I cannot imagine relations being far from war after that. It is either that or Biden is installed and further rots the US from within.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When we met Satan in April 2020 this year, on Beltane, he told me, which I related to HPS Maxine, that we are "given the mandate to run the Joy of Satan for as long as possible". The severity of this has been obvious. The situation is going to get dire for freedoms. How many times has JoS been stricken down in the last 2 years? There is much work that has been done, and many issues that have been left unsaid for an array of reasons.

This key statement should indicate to everyone to make copies of the JOS website. Ideally one would print all the JOS website info, then print as many good forum posts as possible, and organize them into binders. Audio/video content should be saved on small electronic devices that use minimal power. Having as much access to this information as possible would be crucial for continued advancement, warfare, etc. Using up a few packets of paper and printer cartridges is a very small expense relative to the loss of this information.

It should go without saying that we should continue to prep everything in our lives. There is enough time, if we start soon and continue as much as we can, for everyone to prep very well for themselves. There is no point saving for a big purchase with the future turmoil ahead of us. One's wealth would be better preserved materially then in fiat currency, anyway.
What I have learned from all these years is that humanity can be one big "family" for each other, at the same time a massive fighting force once the world finally knows who the real threat is.

Darkest blessings and happier new years to all my comrade brothers fighting under Satan's banner.
Mabuhay Orion.

China IS Israel. Jacob Rothschild and his gang set up mao and the original CCP. They are just using China against the west in the same way jews used America to destroy the mideast. Israel steals US technology and gives it to China.
Aquarius said:
But seriously speaking, do you think it's wiser to browse JoS websites with a vpn/tor browser? I already use it for the forums.

I wouldn't just be using Tor Browser after a certain point. I'd have a dedicated laptop, with Tails Linux installed on it and never using my own wifi.
Srry for my bad English.

Srry for my bad English.

I think China now isn't Communist, because China've Aliexpress and other companies. It goes against communism.
Srry for my bad English.

I think China now isn't Communist, because China've Aliexpress and other companies. It goes against communism.
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Srry for my bad English.

I think China now isn't Communist, because China've Aliexpress and other companies. It goes against communism.
China is under communist on party rule. It is the chinese oh so famous one country 2 systems principle, communist government with a free market. but most big corporations are government-owned and even private companies work according to government agenda.
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Srry for my bad English.

Srry for my bad English.

I think China now isn't Communist, because China've Aliexpress and other companies. It goes against communism.

China's economy isn't communist, but their totalitarian system is still based off of communist ideology which is inherently totalitarian and oppressive.

Deng Xiaoping made the economic reforms that transformed China's economy from communistic to a more State Capitalist system, but when it comes to government and ruling bodies, it's still very much so.
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Srry for my bad English.

I think China now isn't Communist, because China've Aliexpress and other companies. It goes against communism.

You need to understand China is a mixed economic system it is both Marxist(Communist, might as well call anything jewish, judeo-bolshevism) and Capitalist.

Sergei Sukokov has a book basically to paraphrase his book into a single sentence "The second the Russian problem came to Hitler and Hitler later activated Operation Barbarossa. Russia was defeated maybe not outright straight but 50 years later economically". The jews realized due to their capacity to view the World at a higher level than most probably even occultically that Russia was gone most jews wouldn't really pay attention so upon the collapse of Russia especially with Perestroika system in place jews eventually migrated out to other countries particularly the US as the next stage of evolution of the virus to inflict on the "Great Satan" a.k.a. USA. As for China, China is interesting the jews have been coveting China since about probably the 1600s-1700s for use as a strategic and tactical asset. Technically many will state the jews have been in China for so long they've been continuously trying to use the nation as an asset since about day one pretty much when the jews came to China.

For example back in around 1200ish-1400ish during the Ming dynasty an uprising occurred whereby people were pist off at market dealers, basically the economic situation. Apparently the Chinese people rose up and began to kill a lot of market people especially a funny looking mixed breed chinese-jewish mixed person and even outright non-Chinese jews. The Ming dynasty army was called in and quelled the rebellion, crushed it completely to protect the merchant class. Apparently the Ming dynasty was really the (((Ming Dynasty))) because of egalitarian rules and a regulations. The jews were able to infiltrate and place in key positions jews to protect their pure and mixed breed race. SO basically communization of China has been going on about as long as xtianity has existed pretty much the past two thousand years give or take.

As for your aliexpress and their anti-commuist sentiment or whatever. Remember China is mixed economy the best of marxism especially the anti-goyim slave aspect and the best of capitalism especially the anti-goyim slave aspect. China was built and probably reengineered from a different perspective than Russia. While Alexander Solthenisyn goes in detail about this in his book on the Kehal and this Kehilla organization. You need to understand the jews bicker among each other a lot so when Soviet Russia was created it was done as a "doom and gloom" weapon i.e. the final overthrow of Whitey, kill Whitey. When whitey fought back "Oy gevalt my holocausting shekelberging communist empire at the age of Tzidikim". With China they take the low and slow approach. IF anything China was more of a Soviet threat than Russia is. The spirit of Aryanicity is in the Russian people especially with Slavics being many times often enough Nordic derivative Aryans. The Asians are different they don't mind slavery or domination or docileness. So the jews are using one of the weaknesses of the Asians particularly Chinese to communize the World.

Most people in China don't give two shits about communism they know it's rotten. But the state has totalitarian control so they gotta keep shut their mouth. The only people that seem to keep feeding the spell are the shabbos, jews, Rothschild's, descendants of Sasson's, and the other jews in preparation for communization of America.

Even if those companies express anti-communist sentiment it doesn't matter they are still part of the enemy game anyways. As of right now nothing can really be done towards China except spiritual warfare. China probably IS collapsing and if Trump's economic policies towards collapsing the paper tiger is anything to relate. It shows China still has the communist weakness i.e. economic inflation.

Soviet China does just like Soviet Russia they buy up economic powers from other nations i.e. companies and corporations especially conglomerates and monopolies. And they ship the main point to China the mainland. They operate and infiltrate and learn and steal technology and understanding and move on and hope they don't get caught or if suspected that it isn't gonna be a problem. Stalin did the same when instituting policies against the European mainland same when Russia was defeated and the U.S. was in Europe they just went into Europe in a shadow and America covertly and tried to bring them down as well. It's not just for economic stranglehold or economic control it's more than that stealing technology, information, placing pro communism, etc.etc. In reality the main point is to bring all the wealth into the communist nation and prop it up. Funny enough communism doesn't support the economy even the capitalist properties of China doesn't support the people very much.

Hitler's National Socialism propped up Germany and THEN some to crush Russia. Like the old saying goes "In the 12 years the Reich existed they advanced a thousand years". Back in 1944/1945 a STG44 was about 70 reichmarks and the STG45 was about 35 reichsmarks. So it comes to show you just how cheap an assault rifle really was. But for the Soviets and Americans all their debt was just being bounced back and forth to indebt them with jews running them to the garbage. So who knows how much all those M1 Garand's cost us to make in debt for the jews. In National Socialism the economy, nation, and people are all built up. It's no surprise Germany became one of the most powerful IF not most powerful nation to have ever fought on the face of the Earth. Like this American soldier stated in the Army of Mankind website "IF you ever fought in combat. You don't know what combat is till you fought the Germans".

Anyways China can be collapsed certainly gonna go the Democracy or maybe even American route i.e. Constitutional Senatorial Republic with partial representative democracy. Certainly not National Socialist, but non the less China CAN be collapsed and it's possible that it is collapsing. Whenever Communist/Soviet nations move into warmongering and posturing it means they are desperate for an all out gamble. China HAS been getting economically strangled by U.S. and other nation policies so it's no surprise to witness China moving about desperate to stay alive.

Again jews might know how to run civilizations and nations on a basic level for their own benefit while trashing the lives of Gentiles. So they use their expertise the upper higher level rabbinical intellectual class and use it to submerse Gentiles in drowning bottom levels like they speak occultically. To put it bluntly China is experiencing the same thing Russia is experiencing except slower as their semi-capitalist and legal system opened up to western ideas helps them slow things down but they are getting desperate. Doesn't seem that way but any time a Soviet nation warmongers they seemingly start collapsing.
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do it anonymously, because "They" are watching now
That's it, I'm moving to the alps and not coming down.
But seriously speaking, do you think it's wiser to browse JoS websites with a vpn/tor browser? I already use it for the forums.

I have posted similar posts on another thread but I will share my opinion here.
In my opinion,
With Tor, yes it's wiser to access JoS directly. With directly, I mean no use of third party services, such as a search engine. Bookmarking JoS websites and the forum in your browser is an example of directly opening JoS. If you use TOR only for JoS, you don't need to delete cookies from JoS and the forums, since it's safe and you yourself trust JoS. So you can disable the option of "delete cookies and site data when Tor Browser is closed", this way you won't have to login every time when you visit the forum. Just to make sure better anonymity, you can delete all the cookies manually every day or once every week because you may open some link and forget that you ever opened it. And since you will use Tor network to visit only the JoS and the Forum, you can use the 'standard' level of security of Tor browser, which enables JavaScript. Use javascript to use all features of the website and to make sure you see all images provided on the websites, which can be important, like the power meditation section has images which are helpful for understanding.

But if you use TOR for every other internet surfing, then enable the option of "delete cookies and site data when Tor Browser is closed" and try to use 'safer' or 'safest' security level. (You will find these settings once you use Tor browser). Also learn about circuits and changing identity on TOR from the TOR manual once you download and install Tor.

You can use Tor on windows, to give it a try.

A vpn is of question and choice, it's pretty much a vulnerable end and not recommended by some. These vpn sites say that they have zero log policy but they do log everything and when some jurisdiction/authority asks for it, many of them hand it over almost without any question. It's hard to find a real vpn.
But using Tor without VPN can be problem for some in their country, your Internet Service Provider will know that you are using Tor if they monitor their traffic frequently. This site below is okay and has some good info. Read this to understand the pros and cons of Tor/vpn/tor+vpn and etc.

Windows 10 itself is a spyware. Forced updates are enough to prove that. You are someday forced to update it like "No goy, it's time to update, you have delayed the updates too many times." and sometimes it happens automatically even if you have set your internet connection as metered.

The best way to use Tor is with a Linux OS. For better or best anonymity, you can use a Linux OS like Tails, which by default blocks every app from connecting to the internet and instead makes Tor routing available, now it is upto you to choose whether an app should have access to the internet through Tor network or the usual direct connection to the internet or remain blocked. I am sure some of us might have saved JoS material and even the websites itself on our computers which might be operating on windows 10, which is why you need a different OS. You need an OS that is not a spyware. And almost all Linux operating systems can do this job and solve your problem. A Linux OS that supports booting from a removable drive is even better(It means you can use a usb stick to boot into that host computer and start using internet from any computer from anywhere around the world. But using a untrusted hardware is pretty unsecure). Tails can do and the best part is, it won't save anything on the host's computer, it will only use the computer's memory(ram) for every session and before shutting down, Tails will do a memory wipe, nothing will be left on that computer. Even if you did a forced shutdown, the host ram will lose the data and after a few minutes everything will be gone because ram is volatile. If you ever want to save some data, you can use another USB stick with encrypted volume to save data.

Tails can be installed on both, an HDD or a USB stick. If you are interested in Tails, it's open source and manuals are available on their website.
I would personally suggest to keep Tails on a USB stick even if you are using some other Linux Operating system. If you ever have to move somewhere for a few months, you can always access JoS or do your online warfare securely from anywhere and even from a internet cafe because all you need to know is the key(on the keyboard) to access the boot menu or the key to enter the bios itself of the host's computer before it boots up into it's own operating system(which you don't want). This is also an okay option if you personally don't trust anything. Dress up in simple manner, take your USB that has tails, go to internet cafes or restaurants randomly around your city to access JoS. Once in your desired location, boot up, open JoS or login into Ancient forums, read, interact and go back to your home without any worry and the next day or after a few days, check your internet cafe/restaurant list and visit one of them. By the way, this would be too much also not as safe as you may think, which is why mentioned this whole scenario. Read the link below before using tails on a untrusted hardware(this includes computers in a internet cafe)
Best way would be to buy a cheap laptop only for JoS purpose and use it in the public with a loose and a random schedule.

All this hackerman shit just above is unnecessary but if some medieval type purge ever starts happening, just keep your tails usb stick around. Even better if you learn networking and some programming for the future. Nothing bad in this, always better if you are prepared for the worse.

When reading about Tor, you will come across the term "onion services". I would recommend[b/] never to visit/open websites with ".onion"(part of the tor network) or other suspicious domains that you have never come across or heard of. These are the dark websites that are part of the dark net that teens find cool when they read about dark web(A true dark net would be P2P, Tor is not P2P). While on these suspicious domains, many websites will say something else but when you click on them or click on another link on these websites, they will lead you to a Pedo, Drug or other Criminal website. FBI and other similar agencies also setup decoy websites to hunt down criminals, so better not visit these .onion or other websites with unknown domains that may get you into some legal trouble. Even intelligence agencies and proper criminals don't visit unknown websites without verifying the addresses through physical means, so why should you bother visiting them(don't visit them, this is not a joke). The people who get caught are rookie stupid criminals and also potheads who try to find black market but end up getting into a decoy/trap. These stupid criminals do one thing and that is: hurt the credibility of Tor and even anonymity that is available on the internet in the minds of common people and build up a fear kind of thing in them. As long as you are using it for legal purposes and know your destination(for us, we are definitely using this to access clearnet(opposite term of darknet), nothing will happen to you(frequently use the 'new identity' feature of Tor). And to my knowledge no one has said joyofsatan.org is illegal.

When it comes to online warfare, you can try using Tor, if the targeted website blocks you, then that's bad and nothing can be done about it but if the site does not block you for accessing it, go on and do the warfare with a new account and use the new identity feature. Read about it on the Tor website.(I believe many of you already know this, but for registering on your desired website with an email, at least do not use Gmail.)

It is recommended to download your desired Linux OS from their own official websites.
If Tor itself is blocked in your country, learn about Tor bridges or maybe don't use Tor without any knowledge of networking just for your own safety.

I hope this helps and it's upto you to use Tor. Don't use it just for the fact that some SS use it. If you don't feel right, don't use it. Visit the JoS directly from your browser and try to do limited warfare on websites like bitchute and other similar websites. Tor is optional but windows is not really recommended. Use windows for non-SS/normal use(if you want) but use a Linux OS for accessing JoS and taking part in online warfare in a limited way.

But try to keep yourself prepared with that Tails USB for the worst case scenario of the future.

One who wants to give Tor and Linux OS a try, then make sure to read about all the info from their respected website before doing any of this, as almost everything has it's pros and cons and you may like it or you may not like it(Especially read about Tor and Tails OS). Use other search engines to learn more from third party sources/forums(google is bad). It's better to not mention here the search engines or something that can be bought and sold because Jews still have wealth and they may try to buy something that is mentioned here.
I mean, this is common sense; if I was a power hungry parasite with intelligence and wealth who had access to the talks of my enemies and if I found something out of those talks that can get me closer to harm my enemies, I would try to get access to this 'something' that my enemies talked about.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Aquarius said:
But seriously speaking, do you think it's wiser to browse JoS websites with a vpn/tor browser? I already use it for the forums.

I wouldn't just be using Tor Browser after a certain point. I'd have a dedicated laptop, with Tails Linux installed on it and never using my own wifi.

Exactly but not everyone can buy a laptop specifically for JoS. Best someone like that can do is, use a linux OS exclusively for accessing JoS on a different drive, also forbid from using third party services and open any of the Joy of Satan websites directly. And on it either do limited online warfare through some publicly available internet or never do any kind of online warfare to stay low on the radar and help in spiritual warfare instead.
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Srry for my bad English.

I think China now isn't Communist, because China've Aliexpress and other companies. It goes against communism.

Communism inherently destroys prosperity, however the Jews need China to be capable of fighting the US and other countries. To do this, they had to contradict their own philosophy and adopt a less restrictive economic stance to allow them to have the power to keep fighting. It doesn't matter whether they classify as communistic or anything else; what matters is that they are under Jew control and being used to fight against other Gentiles. The communism aspect is used to suppress Chinese dissidents more than it is used for fighting foreign opponents.
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Srry for my bad English.

I think China now isn't Communist, because China've Aliexpress and other companies. It goes against communism.

China may not be Communist in mode of production, because it would not be competitive and it would instantly collapse. The Soviet Union tried this and Capitalism simply won in the production model.

China is Communist socially and politically, and financially. The model of production is a mix of Communism and Central Banking dictatorship with elements of Capitalism to make it bearable.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Toronto, the worst and most multi-culturally corrupted and fucked up of our major cities as well as the whole of that Southern region down to Detroit appears like it's being slowly severed from the rest of Canada in even so much as being part of the country, at least in my opinion, that entire region gets 'shut down' by more definitions than one to more extremes than the rest of the nation from what I read up on and can see.

Toronto is a fucking cesspool, I’m glad I got the fuck out several years ago.
Upload of many files. I did not create this folder, but somebody else made it similar to my old link that I had years ago. More files than ever before, and new updated ones. This has all of the JOS PDFs, pictures of every page from the JOS, RTRs, many books, many videos.
Everybody download all of this immediately and save it in multiple places, like on USB sticks. Keep several copies.
0019108 said:

I wish you strength. We have a few people in China, I see some people read us from China. None of this is about the Chinese people, many in the world are benefitting from your work and innovation. We are aware what Chinese people have underwent and how much the CCP has harmed China and its culture.

Try to take programs there and make an attempt to become a citizen elsewhere if you are threatened.

If you log in the forum, please take precautions for your web safety. We hope in the future the tribulations of Chinese people and abuses done will end.
Gear88 said:
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Srry for my bad English.

I think China now isn't Communist, because China've Aliexpress and other companies. It goes against communism.


One of the worst Communist crimes in China, was the killing of the actual spiritual inherited practices in China, which were purged. Not all of Buddhism was trash and there were sects and people who still did practices for bettering the soul.

Now the only way this is allowed is in a materialistic system of pacifism. We will never know how much this has been destroyed. Many Martial arts which come from China, were never built on pacifism, and had the practices hardwired such as Chi control.

Maybe if Hitler had won, Communism in China would have never spread. A win of Hitler may have manifested in that there never would have been a Mao Zedong.

Mao killed every element of royal family, blood, non pacifist, and non slave minded person in China he could catch. He permanently changed the landscape of China, wiping out rich, capable, educated people, spiritual people, and so on.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
