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United States Threatening Iran, War Looming?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Everyone knows who did 9/11 and why. This is the reason the United States now is all over the place in the Middle East, and every time anyone even remotely thinks of drawing the United States a bit out of that, things like this happen.

1. Random terrorist organizations randomly get born and they start destroying everything
2. Embassies are attacked out of the blue by random zealots
3. Jews slip on Banana peels and it's Annuda Shoah and other things like that.

Trump blames Iran for attack on U.S. embassy compound in Baghdad

Zeldin on Iran policy after embassy attack, string of anti-Semitic attacks

Trump attempted to do some really major things that jews believed would regress and slow down the the Jewish agenda, inadvertently. One of these things is that he tried to de-militarize the region in the Middle East and focus on his Nation, ie practice some Nationalism where this thing is concerned.

He thought that there is no need for US Soldiers to just die over this whole mess in the Middle East, and it's better the region was left alone. For the last years he tried his best to implement his policy. At least it looks like he did.

Another thing is that he also practiced a restraint compared to other Presidents in striking and expanding into the Middle East. Last July, the tensions with Iran were put to a halt, and this outraged Jews at this point. Since, the impeachment circus began to take Trump down, both for Iran and other issues that the jews perceive aren't done correctly by this "President".

Just take a look on everyone behind the impeachment case and you will see jews. Unironically, everyone who has casted stones at Trump also happened to be Jewish, such as his lawyer who tried to pin criminal allegations to him.

Progressively, he was beat into submission, and he had to do more and more thing to appease the Self-Chosen and help them get their Self-Promised land of Greater Israel. It's escalating more and more to him being forced to do what every US president must do in the mind of Jews: Serve the jews or get a done deal.

Of course even after Trump did one step to show any form of understanding to Jews in again, the slander against him continues. The President has to learn to stop caving in to that crap. See for example articles that slander him because of what he did to the Jews - Jews are never satisfied. Even if he nuked Iran off the map, and gave them Greater Israel, he as a person would be only condemned and slandered until eternity.

Therefore, since he will be receiving the slander anyway, it would be a good idea to actually do some good things that will shield him from further slander. Such as stopping to serve the neolithic jewish tribe that does horrible deeds through the United States as proxy.

The United States has to understand that: By the time and if ever Israel gets "Greater Israel", the USA will be a desolate dead place, lower in technology than Congo. This is their plan. While they deconstruct, racially ruin, devalue the United States, and make it a world hated power, they are growing, as a tick that drains blood from a host. When this process has been sufficient, the host will be discarded. Rome died after it faithfully served Jews for the last centuries, and then it went permanently extinct.

When the looting and usage for war will have outlived it's purpose, the United States will be allowed to fall upon it's own dead carcass. This is possible to turn around today and probably possible for a few decades time, but it will no longer be possible after this. Jews know and have systematically worked to this level for decades.

Look at the slander now on Trump, even after he served faithfully the Neo-Cohens and Jews like Pompeo in striking Iran.

Trump Once Again Proves Himself Clueless on Iran and North Korea

Attack on US Embassy in Iraq shows Trump is failing. He walked into Iran's trap.

The Five': Media calls Iraq embassy attack 'Trump's Benghazi'

For "Greater Israel" to be created, major destruction of States and genocide of non-jews has to take place in the Middle east, and all of this is progressively being forced by jews.

A few days ago we had the usual kvetching in the United States about how it's the end of the world because a Jew was stabbed. Today, we open our News and TV and we see how US is suddenly over excuses about to go into some sort of war mode with Iran all of a sudden.

The jews carried on the full jewish impeachment circus, they are on every TV set all day long, and they clearly are flexing in front of the whole world how they can make presidents and everyone else just succumb. Trump has been under slander barrage for over 3 years, every single day, without the slightest deviation. The only good news reporting on him is probably his own twitter account and a couple outlets just here and there. Everyone else is attacking him 24/7.

For anyone who doesn't understand spirituality they may think that is a coincidence, and for this, one will have to be really dumb. We are to where jews are so exposed that they don't even care to hide anything, all of their influence is thrown in the open. Everyone worldwide is somehow forced to observe their racial beefs, rewards, and aspirations on every TV set worldwide, and everyone has to live in a world of their self-promised land grabbing and thievery being the only National goals or something.

Before this we had Jews kvetching on TV about how they are so attacked, before this, we had Hannukah (They raised energy on that one but apparently it isn't all that enough), and now, we all of a sudden, have the United States going into some strange almost war phase with Iran, where Iraq is also tied in indirect (connecting the energies and events with Bush which was the major jewish progression of Israel in US external policy).

But that is simple: energy was raised in the last days [Christmas, Hannukah etc), and jews now funnel this into going over Iran and Iraq and turning everything into a nightmare again.

Planetarily speaking, if the US goes into war in the phase of 2020 to 2024, the drawback will be severe. If millions became woke over the Iraq incident and 9/11, this time jews will be exposed to that extent that there will be no going back ever again. This is a point of no return for Jews, but on the other hand, they will attempt that the United States typically gets all the blame as usual where these great crimes are concerned.

Jews refer to the United States as the "Second Israel", while Israel is just Israel. The Second Israel is supposed to do all the ugly stuff while Gentiles such as army people in it pay the price, and the First Israel, or the tick, is supposed to gain all the benefits while remaining within "plausible deniability".

Everyone make sure to do the RTR in the next days unceasingly so that the negative aspects of this do not progress further and that it turns upon itself.
A war will bring about a final collapse of the ZOG in all European Countries with Civilians waking up like never before. Antisemitism is at all time highs, though not in the 1934 way yet. A war might bring a out a full blown antisemitism revolution . Or it might turn out to be a world war involving Russia and China. Either way, looks pretty serious.
Jack said:
A war will bring about a final collapse of the ZOG in all European Countries with Civilians waking up like never before. Antisemitism is at all time highs, though not in the 1934 way yet. A war might bring a out a full blown antisemitism revolution . Or it might turn out to be a world war involving Russia and China. Either way, looks pretty serious.

Shit is about to get serious in the next 5 years. That is for sure, and evident in all the Natal charts involved. I have been looking into this and HPS Maxine said the same thing. The World [planets on the heavens] chart also implies major changes in the next 5 years.

I honestly hope this energy is sublimated elsewhere and not in a full blown Russia China vs US war. Neither of them appear to be in interest of that at this point. China would be a far more viable target than Iran, as they are now developing some really serious technology and the Communist state there is getting rapidly empowered. But instead they are wasting time and resources on Iran because of Jews.

I also read in some "in the know" sources, that there is a rising chance that this world may live to see in the next decades a "Chinese Global Domination", in that if they are allowed to develop, they may even surpass most other Nations and become unstoppable. Sort of like a modern Soviet Union.

There's no way to avoid a lot of this, we can only fight to mitigate jewish inflicted damage. The enemy may go for worldwide commie style grabs very seriously as they are in a real bad position now.
Here's an article SS members need to read.

New Jersey: Governor to Attend Massive Jewish Talmud Celebration


I highly recommend this website and they do not have any christian crap :D
I saw this years ago when doing research. 2020, the US solar year from 4 July 2020 through 4 July 2021 is not a time for the US to get involved in any major conflict. This can be seen in the Solar Return.

The Jews have a history of inciting wars, as they did with WW2, as Hitler was drawing attention to them. WW2 acted as a distraction.

I'm short on time, but I will try to add to this reply with specific examples regarding solar returns with predicting the outcomes of wars.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
A war will bring about a final collapse of the ZOG in all European Countries with Civilians waking up like never before. Antisemitism is at all time highs, though not in the 1934 way yet. A war might bring a out a full blown antisemitism revolution . Or it might turn out to be a world war involving Russia and China. Either way, looks pretty serious.

Shit is about to get serious in the next 5 years. That is for sure, and evident in all the Natal charts involved. I have been looking into this and HPS Maxine said the same thing. The World [planets on the heavens] chart also implies major changes in the next 5 years.

I honestly hope this energy is sublimated elsewhere and not in a full blown Russia China vs US war. Neither of them appear to be in interest of that at this point. China would be a far more viable target than Iran, as they are now developing some really serious technology and the Communist state there is getting rapidly empowered. But instead they are wasting time and resources on Iran because of Jews.

I also read in some "in the know" sources, that there is a rising chance that this world may live to see in the next decades a "Chinese Global Domination", in that if they are allowed to develop, they may even surpass most other Nations and become unstoppable. Sort of like a modern Soviet Union.

There's no way to avoid a lot of this, we can only fight to mitigate jewish inflicted damage. The enemy may go for worldwide commie style grabs very seriously as they are in a real bad position now.

So If we keep doing the F-RTR "like crazy" these energies in the next 5 years will go to Us?
I hope there will be no war. Because this war would be catastrophe. War with Iraq in early 2000s would look like joke compared to this.

What I see on Internet is that people believe this is a drop that spilled the glass, that war is inevitable at this point. General who got killed in air strike was worshipped as God-like figure in Iran.
I logged on preparing to make a post about the disturbing situation gradually unfolding in Iraq, I am very glad to see the clergy on top of it. I have noticed a heavy spike in enemy attacks on all of us since before Yule, attempts to drain us of energy and willpower to do the Final RTR or work together as Satanists, coupled with the negative energy raised around the enemy holidays of last month, the Trump impeachment circus, the blood sacrifices in the form of recent shootings in America, and now we see how it's all being channeled towards another, very serious attempt to start a world war. Gentiles across the globe are waking up to these parasites and preparing to remove their influence, and the pressure is building on the Jews, as HPS Maxine suggests, to begin a major conflict which will stop the great awakening against them soon, perhaps even now. 2020 is already turning out to be an extremely important year for spiritual warfare, we can see how the battle is nearing it's climax; many things are up in the air right now. How hard we fight as Satanists this week, weekend, and the next alone will determine much.

To any and all Satanists under spiritual attack at the moment, you know why the enemy is attacking you now, if you didn't know before, they want you out of this fight so that there is not enough resistance to counter their world-destroying agenda on the astral level. Break through these attacks with pure will and anger/hatred directed at them, since you know your troubles are likely related to them at the top, and make sure to do the Final RTR at least once or twice a day no matter what, all of our efforts will be needed to make sure the enemy, who is completely undeserving of existence, much less victory, is exposed and destroyed without taking our Earth and all of humankind with them.

@HP Hooded Cobra, should we add the anti-war RTRs into our daily schedules for as long as this situation with Iran seems to be deteriorating? While the Final RTR indeed takes both precedence and power over any other RTR, I feel as if extra energy directed at stopping war from breaking out would go a long way as it did in previous years when Syria was heating up in the same way.
I'll post it here directly,

Shit gets real as Donald Trump Authorizes assassination of Iranian Military leader

US President Donald Trump authorized a US military strike near Baghdad’s airport which resulted in the death of Iran’s Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani, the Pentagon confirmed in a statement on Thursday.

“At the direction of the president, the US military has taken decisive defensive action to protect US personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani,” the Pentagon said in a statement.

“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and interests wherever they are around the world.”

The Pentagon said that the assassination was a response to “attacks on coalition bases in Iraq,” accusing Soleimani of being the mastermind behind a recent spate of missile attacks on joint US and Iraqi military installations. In particular, the Pentagon blamed Soleimani for orchestrating the December 27 rocket strike at a US base in Kirkuk that killed one American contractor. It also alleged that he “approved” a siege of the US Embassy in Baghdad that almost ended up in the compound being taken over by protesters, who were furious over US strikes that killed 25 members of Kataib Hezbollah, part of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), over the weekend.

Washington has pinned the blame for the attacks on its embassy in Baghdad squarely on Tehran, with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accusing “terrorists” and “Iranian proxies” of instigating the unrest.

Tehran, meanwhile, has vehemently denied the accusations that it was somehow complicit in the storming of US diplomatic quarters in the heavily fortified Green Zone, taking aim at Washington’s “audacity” to blame it for the outrage sparked by American airstrikes.

The interim prime minister of Iraq has condemned the US assassination of a senior Iranian commander, calling it an act of aggression against his country. Qassem Soleimani was killed at Baghdad airport.

Soleimani, the commander of the elite Quds Force, was killed after his convoy was hit by US missiles. A deputy commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), the Iraqi militia collective backed by Iran, was killed in the same airstrike.

In a statement on Friday, the caretaker leader of Iraq’s protest-challenged government, Adil Abdul Mahdi, said the US assassination operation was a “flagrant violation of Iraqi sovereignty” and an insult to the dignity of his country.

He stressed that the US had violated the terms under which American troops are allowed to stay in Iraq with the purpose of training Iraqi troops and fighting the jihadist organization Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS). He added that the killing may trigger a major escalation of violence and result in “a devastating war in Iraq” that will spill out into the region.

The Iraqi government has called on the parliament to hold an emergency session to discuss an appropriate response, Mahdi said.

Man am i glad i did all those extra RTR's during their shitdays. I have had dreams on and off about nuclear war for years eversince i was a teen. One was very recent days ago infact. i was standing in the street of my old neighborhood and sirens went off. i then ran as fast as i could to where an old burnt down house was supposed to be back then but instead was a deep bunker. i remember seeing all kinds of fallout. I know only the enemy gives negative prophecy but this shit freaks me out more than anything. I remember being sent to a psychologist when i was 13 for aggression problems and attempted arson after i got out of junvenile hall. (was required by the judge). so happens the guy was a jew. i remember telling him about some dreams one time and back then one day i talked about a dream i had about a nuclear bomb going off in Houston Tx. (grew up there). saw the mushroom cloud and everything in the dream. when i told him about it he asked a really eerie question "have you ever had dreams like that that have actually happened?" with no reason leading up to that question at all...its like they all know. I hope we can put in enough energy to avert yet another war.

I'm gunna be doing those RTR's till i see the fucking vatican, notre dame and any other temple of death ,city of london, the BIS bank ALL burning to the ground with the whole world buring their bibles and korans.
and ultimately...pissrael flattened to ash.
Good post Hp... I don't know why people don't get it, the whole jewish zionist world order *somehow*.. Somehow... want iran in power because these fools in the white house think that iran is led by a jewish leadership because its islamic, however iranian govrenemnt from the other side think that they could hide their nazi agenda by two smart tactics :

1- by using islam as a cover to their actions so that jews all over the world will not feel threatend like with hitler in ww2.

2- by doing actions that satisfy america and israel like when iran and iraq go for war for 8 years under the rule of the bloody dictator *stalin hussein al-majeed.. Lol*,or like when the arab spring happend 2011 the iranian govrenment supported al-qaeda in libya but not with weapons so they could overthrow ghaddafi and satisfy america without getting karma.
Had a lot of war dreams these days, they try to imprint it to the masses
The Jews and their media that attack Trump all praised him when they thought he was going to attack Iran over the drone being shot down. They all want the war for their tribal nation.

What the Jews want is the American military to be engaged in a war in the Middle East to build up Jewish power for Israel this will ensure the end of America as a world superpower as the cost of war which will never end even during occupation will destroy the American military and destroy the American economy and end American's superpower status. This will then allow for what the Jews really want to have their cabal that runs Russia and China step into the vacuum and become the new geo-political world powers. From here America will be destroyed from the inside totality by Jewish agents and or destroyed in larger war it has no hope of winning as well. And Europe will fall under the rule of Moscow as the Jew, Dugin's plan and this will be moved into Euro-Asian single power as the Israeli leader Ben Gurion stated it would be all ruled from Israel. This war is to open the gates to the final stages of the Jewish world government.
Azazel will be consulted on the anti-war (HPS Maxine and I will look into it), but in all honesty, let them be exposed first. No reason to rush. That looks great until now for exposal of the enemy. Their paranoia to start war and do what they can asap and in such a rush, works against them.

Let the world see what kind of merciless criminals these jews are, and what they randomly try to pull out of their ass just to slay millions of innocents again on behest of their shitty "Greater Israel".

Even in the most brainwashed videos and news articles about the event, the people know what is going on. If they proceed with this, the day will come where they will not have one stone to hide under. The hate will become terminal against them, while now its more like general. This will set the fuse for real serious shit done against the Jews.

Let them advertise their "victory" about US Iran a bit more, and we will see how this escalates.

The best way sometimes requires some chaos and unpleasantness. The situation is really evil and unpleasant, but the amount of exposal they get is just tremendous.
We have to keep up the RTR like programmed drones so that all of this will turn onto Israel's head.

Do not skip this. Let's spam Final RTRs for the next days. The Final just collapses all their energy they have peddled in.

They have bets sitting on the table here. The Final RTR will make sure they experience a heavy loss.

Stay on the final for now. The Anti-War RTR was for Syria Damascus. Syria is fine now. If anything changes we will notify.

Iran isn't a game. Israel is playing a big gamble here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Azazel will be consulted on the anti-war (HPS Maxine and I will look into it), but in all honesty, let them be exposed first. No reason to rush. That looks great until now for exposal of the enemy. Their paranoia to start war and do what they can asap and in such a rush, works against them.

Let the world see what kind of merciless criminals these jews are, and what they randomly try to pull out of their ass just to slay millions of innocents again on behest of their shitty "Greater Israel".

Even in the most brainwashed videos and news articles about the event, the people know what is going on. If they proceed with this, the day will come where they will not have one stone to hide under. The hate will become terminal against them, while now its more like general. This will set the fuse for real serious shit done against the Jews.

Let them advertise their "victory" about US Iran a bit more, and we will see how this escalates.

The best way sometimes requires some chaos and unpleasantness. The situation is really evil and unpleasant, but the amount of exposal they get is just tremendous.

I wrote a few months back that the deconstruction of the left wing is also a signal for potential coming war.

Like now, those who would speak against this are the Democrats, but they are non existant because they suck and did terrible mistakes. But them not existing = the faction in them that judged jews is also non existent.

So the Neocohens exploit the upper hand they have now to get going with tribal wars for Israel beyond any, even fake and controlled, public opposition.
This just proves that whoever is president, it’s same crap, really.

People convinced us here that “anyone is better than Hillary” and that she will drag USA into war.

Here we are, this clown just did same what Hillary would.

I just hope that there will be no full scale war. I am in minority here, I think Iran cannot so much to respond. And no one, neither China nor Russia is ready to engage themselves into war because of Iran.
Because of this attack they're 'speculating' in some places weather or not it'd have impact on the oil thats coming in, and as a result they want to raise the fuel prices (again).

But you're right. Lets spam some RTR and kick em back to where they came from.
Lets hope(do FUCKload of FINAL RTR :D )that this whole thing will end up blowing up BILLION(figuratively speaking)-fold on Enemies face :evil: :evil:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I wrote a few months back that the deconstruction of the left wing is also a signal for potential coming war.

Like now, those who would speak against this are the Democrats, but they are non existant because they suck and did terrible mistakes. But them not existing = the faction in them that judged jews is also non existent.

So the Neocohens exploit the upper hand they have now to get going with tribal wars for Israel beyond any, even fake and controlled, public opposition.

One of the things that set me on this path was widely seeing internet talking heads years ago, the same people who claimed to oppose Iraq for years and years, suddenly switch to cucking for the destruction of Libya and Syria. Their reasons for doing so were 'Obama is Black and always right! Oppose Hillary you're a misogynist! Assad is an evil pro-Russian dictator!' Then they went to full on demonization of Russia, but those who know about the 20th century would know these are the same people who mocked Soviet Union paranoia and shat on McCarthy for decades.

Seeing this garbage being spammed to silence with SJW dogma was utterly surreal to me and proved to me most of the left had no morals at all and were completely owned by the enemy. Those leftists who feel something instinctively wrong with this were forced to the margins and now are being brought out on a leash.
i live in iran. and i have big news for you. nothing will be happening :lol:
US has a policy to generate stuff by default continuously, like making fake framed attacks that don't land a proper hit on them and blaming it on others.
1.it's basic policy and they keep doing it.
so when they decide to do something nasty, they just have a bunch of bullshit to put in the media and call it off.
the guy they assassinated, they have been attempting to assassinate for a while and i think they have had some failed attempts. so basically it's their everyday mission.

2.trump wants war, because he can't afford to loose the 2020 election and he will loose it without a war. and if he looses it, he wants everyone else to loose too if you know what i mean.

3.the options on the table of iran has not changed, because the opportunities have not changed, the power has not changed. nothing has changed. the options are the same. if there was an option, they would've taken it long ago. they can't do anything.
possibly get some tankers. and pile tensions up. if that were too happen, then we will have war.

because taking tankers is a irreversible escalation. only the stupidest politicians will do.... because then there will be some sort of a siege or smth and releasing the tankers will be a sign of weakness and there won't be any negotiations too.

come to think of it usually the things that i think the stupidest politicians will do, will do.
so if iran's supreme ass leader is as stupid as trump, then we will have war i guess :S
So it won't go well for the USA ? So the USA could possibly just heap back the karma of all these years 'Jews aside' how many have died because of the USA being war hungry in the Middle East 'Jews aside' how many children have been blown to shit in the Middle East? Yeah we can spiritually blame the the Jews and the Torah but how far ? Apologies if I sound alil off here this is just the only side of the USA I fucking hate .. Great had to get that off my chest America may be all great but let's face it the USA government systems have been knee deep into the shit for ... How long ? Can't they just take Israel out ?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Everyone make sure to do the RTR in the next days unceasingly so that the negative aspects of this do not progress further and that it turns upon itself.

Has he always been somewhat doing the right thing and is under some intense spiritual cornering as of late it seems he is doing all the wrong things ? What's actuali going on here ????
DarthNegativeHunter said:
i live in iran. and i have big news for you. nothing will be happening :lol:
US has a policy to generate stuff by default continuously, like making fake framed attacks that don't land a proper hit on them and blaming it on others.
1.it's basic policy and they keep doing it.
so when they decide to do something nasty, they just have a bunch of bullshit to put in the media and call it off.
the guy they assassinated, they have been attempting to assassinate for a while and i think they have had some failed attempts. so basically it's their everyday mission.

2.trump wants war, because he can't afford to loose the 2020 election and he will loose it without a war. and if he looses it, he wants everyone else to loose too if you know what i mean.

3.the options on the table of iran has not changed, because the opportunities have not changed, the power has not changed. nothing has changed. the options are the same. if there was an option, they would've taken it long ago. they can't do anything.
possibly get some tankers. and pile tensions up. if that were too happen, then we will have war.

because taking tankers is a irreversible escalation. only the stupidest politicians will do.... because then there will be some sort of a siege or smth and releasing the tankers will be a sign of weakness and there won't be any negotiations too.

come to think of it usually the things that i think the stupidest politicians will do, will do.
so if iran's supreme ass leader is as stupid as trump, then we will have war i guess :S
Trump will get reelected whatever happens and he doesn't want war, in fact many of his supporters are advising him to not go to war.
There's also been deliberate predictive programming for this as well and isn't hard to make out at this point.

In the call of duty (Modern warfare) series, the main plot is basically about conflicts going on in the middle east and always involving nukes and attacks on the Us, mostly the eastern side for some reason.

They remastered Mw1 which was notorious for its nuke scene, but then they release a game called "Modern Warfare" that basically overlaps the previous version of the series with an alternate story but yet again involving a conflict with the US in the middle east, however this one actually takes place in real time. I figured they could have put a different title or at-least make it (Modern Warfare) 4. So there's the trilogy of the original and a trilogy of the remaster/remake. 3+3=6.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Trump will get reelected whatever happens and he doesn't want war, in fact many of his supporters are advising him to not go to war.
trump does want war. just not an all out one. the way he has treated other situations of US military involvement shows that.
all i know is that he is a dirty politician that does agree with killing for money. his relations with the saudi guys should make that obvious.
and i also wants to stay in office.
he also prefers that netanyahu stays in office.
trump doesn't want things to change, he wants the middle east to be more filled with dirty money.
he clearly states things like "lets go there on a humanitarian basis and take the oil"

the only reason there isn't a war with iran is because there hasn't been anyone stupid enough with enough authority to start it.

i mean i'm not the kind of person that cares much. i prefer my country to change. i feel extremely suppressed in here, so much that i wouldn't care if there is a lot of death along with the change.

it's just with all the fear going on and astronomy thing, i think the tanker thing was more severe than this. the main danger for a war to start is not on land like iraq or smth, it is in the persian gulf. where the oil is.

the persian gulf, is where my country has options to increase escalations. and if they go beyond a certain point, where after that point, there is a tanker, held hostage, by iran, and iran has no excuse to keep or release it. the only reason where it can state the release is admitting defeat. some time after that there will be war with iran, bc the leaders won't be admitting defeat.

you must remember that for taking a tanker, for keeping it and even for releasing it, one needs to state a reason.
Specter said:
There's also been deliberate predictive programming for this as well and isn't hard to make out at this point.

In the call of duty (Modern warfare) series, the main plot is basically about conflicts going on in the middle east and always involving nukes and attacks on the Us, mostly the eastern side for some reason.

They remastered Mw1 which was notorious for its nuke scene, but then they release a game called "Modern Warfare" that basically overlaps the previous version of the series with an alternate story but yet again involving a conflict with the US in the middle east, however this one actually takes place in real time. I figured they could have put a different title or at-least make it (Modern Warfare) 4. So there's the trilogy of the original and a trilogy of the remaster/remake. 3+3=6.

I think they'll also harvest the mental energy of people who play these unrealistic war games to manifest this specific goal, which is a game to them nonetheless.
From what I've read from Eastern European and Russian political commentators and analysts (non-mainstream ones) General Soleimani planned to take over the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. If this has happened, the U.S. would've been forced to use military force against the Iran-backed militias. By killing General Soleimani, this was prevented, as Trump and the Pentagon doesn't want a war between Iran and USA.

General Soleimani was no stranger to the US intelligence establishment (and as we all know, CIA is fully Jew controlled) he had ties to US intelligence operations during the Bosnian war, he have trained Arab fighters in Bosnia, also when the US occupation of Iraq was facing a crisis in 2008 Soleimani helped U.S.-backed Iraqi leaders negotiate a deal with Shiite cleric Muqtada al Sadr to stop the fighting in Iraq's largely Shiite south. So it is not unlikely that General Soleimani had ties to intelligence agencies that want to engage USA in a war against Iran, and prompted him to take over the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

The main thing that makes this hypothesis sound logical to me is that Soleimani was killed by the Pentagon, and not the CIA, who usually do these kind of things. So if this hypothesis is true, the killing of General Soleimani doesn't look like a win for the Jews, and the people who want a war between the US and Iran.
I wish they would just fly planes full of sh*t over Israel and just spray it all over their greasy heads, but it would probably make them smell better.
Matty Boy said:
I wish they would just fly planes full of sh*t over Israel and just spray it all over their greasy heads, but it would probably make them smell better.

One jewish colleague of mine literally smelled like piss. I did my best to stay away from them.
Stormblood said:
In the call of duty (Modern warfare) series, the main plot is basically about conflicts going on in the middle east and always involving nukes and attacks on the Us, mostly the eastern side for some reason.

They remastered Mw1 which was notorious for its nuke scene, but then they release a game called "Modern Warfare" that basically overlaps the previous version of the series with an alternate story but yet again involving a conflict with the US in the middle east, however this one actually takes place in real time. I figured they could have put a different title or at-least make it (Modern Warfare) 4. So there's the trilogy of the original and a trilogy of the remaster/remake. 3+3=6.

I think they'll also harvest the mental energy of people who play these unrealistic war games to manifest this specific goal, which is a game to them nonetheless.[/quote]

The antagonists of the first game were literally called the "Four horseman", the first "horseman" Makarov was the one who detonated the nuke in the middle east. To top that off, look how popular call of duty is. This series is a big no no. However if it was intended to harvest mental energy, they failed hard as it's past the series timelines and modern warfare 2019 is probably the attempt to re-harvest/reprogram this mental energy.

And also the card game that "predicted" 911 also shows how ww3 would start, but it also shows that if they fail to start one it's automatic victory for us.
DarthNegativeHunter said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Trump will get reelected whatever happens and he doesn't want war, in fact many of his supporters are advising him to not go to war.
trump does want war. just not an all out one. the way he has treated other situations of US military involvement shows that.
all i know is that he is a dirty politician that does agree with killing for money. his relations with the saudi guys should make that obvious.
and i also wants to stay in office.
he also prefers that netanyahu stays in office.
trump doesn't want things to change, he wants the middle east to be more filled with dirty money.
he clearly states things like "lets go there on a humanitarian basis and take the oil"

the only reason there isn't a war with iran is because there hasn't been anyone stupid enough with enough authority to start it.

i mean i'm not the kind of person that cares much. i prefer my country to change. i feel extremely suppressed in here, so much that i wouldn't care if there is a lot of death along with the change.

it's just with all the fear going on and astronomy thing, i think the tanker thing was more severe than this. the main danger for a war to start is not on land like iraq or smth, it is in the persian gulf. where the oil is.

the persian gulf, is where my country has options to increase escalations. and if they go beyond a certain point, where after that point, there is a tanker, held hostage, by iran, and iran has no excuse to keep or release it. the only reason where it can state the release is admitting defeat. some time after that there will be war with iran, bc the leaders won't be admitting defeat.

you must remember that for taking a tanker, for keeping it and even for releasing it, one needs to state a reason.
If trump wanted war, Iran would already be destroyed. He had an excuse to start it but didn't.
Many candidates to the presidency express anti war values because Americans don't want to start a war. Trump is not perfect but it's a really good president considering the Jews around him.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
The main thing that makes this hypothesis sound logical to me is that Soleimani was killed by the Pentagon, and not the CIA, who usually do these kind of things. So if this hypothesis is true, the killing of General Soleimani doesn't look like a win for the Jews, and the people who want a war between the US and Iran.

Those are good points, but it is also hard to judge, because the media is slandering the heck out of Soleimani, calling him a terrorist and whatever. I also heard he was critical in destroying ISIS, which would go against what the Jews want.

In addition, the 2nd drone bombing and Trump's shit talking seem like they want escalation. If it truly was to just get Soleimani and nothing else, they would've backpedaled right after.
Matty Boy said:
I wish they would just fly planes full of sh*t over Israel and just spray it all over their greasy heads, but it would probably make them smell better.
mindy87 said:
Here's an article SS members need to read.

New Jersey: Governor to Attend Massive Jewish Talmud Celebration


I highly recommend this website and they do not have any christian crap :D

if this is you on the picture change this asap enemy uses this to curse.
Holy fucking shit! :O

(graphic content!)


Unfortunately I still don't know much about this issue, and it may sound weird from me but I kinda feel sorry for the dude a bit, if he was really against the jews...
To me, it seems he was. And his assassination was already planned years ago. Also he helped Assad a lot and fought against ISIS.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
From what I've read from Eastern European and Russian political commentators and analysts (non-mainstream ones) ...

this is obviously false. because iran's military is supposed to know the details of the plan more than foreign commentators and analysts. therefore there would be a high possibility for a replacement to be found to lead the plan. resulting in a set back in planning, but a increase in the support of iraq for the plan due to increased US aggression.

whoever these commentators and analysts are, they are very stupid indeed.
Blitzkreig said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
The main thing that makes this hypothesis sound logical to me is that Soleimani was killed by the Pentagon, and not the CIA, who usually do these kind of things. So if this hypothesis is true, the killing of General Soleimani doesn't look like a win for the Jews, and the people who want a war between the US and Iran.

Those are good points, but it is also hard to judge, because the media is slandering the heck out of Soleimani, calling him a terrorist and whatever. I also heard he was critical in destroying ISIS, which would go against what the Jews want.

In addition, the 2nd drone bombing and Trump's shit talking seem like they want escalation. If it truly was to just get Soleimani and nothing else, they would've backpedaled right after.

The only possible reason why Trump might actually attack Iran is if this war will help him be reelected. With the impeachment going on, this might actually be a possible scenario.
Sinarstm said:
دادش شما اسکل تشریف داری؟؟؟ چرا ترامپ باید نزدیک انتخابات جنگ راه بندازه؟؟؟؟ اون که شما میگی برا پوله درست ... ولی اینم درنظربگیر.... در ضمن حرفای شما بیشتر شبیه بچه سپاهی هاست که کم آوردن و موندن چی بگن

We don't speak one of the worst-sounding languages in the world, together with Hebrew. This is an international forum. So speak English, preferably British English.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
