Jack said:
I think that this specific thing of the bloodline is what differentiates the die hard yogis on the path of spiritual liberation than those who just try it out and aren't that invested in it. I remember that years after my grandfather had passed away ,my grandmother once caught me meditating in our old home and she told me the story about how my grandfather would sit hours and hours in meditation and receive visions and see light in with his eyes closed and described hot sensations at the base of the spine. However he was forced to stop his practice because my grandmother was constantly bothering him in fears that he would leave her and his kids to become a monk. I don't know what kind of yoga he was doing ,he certainly didn't leave me any spiritual inheritance.
But after that story i've looked at my past experiences at my child ,i.e when i was very young (prob 4 or 5) and i couldn't go to sleep because my third eye was always bothering me. When i would close my eyes the center of my forehead would feel like it has a weight on it and i would just get restless and couldn't sleep. I don't know what happened but it got to the point that they gave me some medication for some months. And then it went away until i discovered the JOS.
I think that something is transferring from generation to generation that separates the people who have meditated before from the new ones. Its something that i call being "tapped in". I can't explain it in words but its a feeling that even though you don't know everything that is to consciously know but you subconsciously know what to do in each moment of your life. Like "you know". And when you don't you get to places where you find out subconsciously.
Its like a difference of thousands of years of consciousness between the normies and the old souls.
I think thats the main difference between very old souls who keep reincarnating into the same bloodline ,trying to find liberation and the normies who are just coming into conscious existence.
I don't think any one of us here who is an actual old soul can connect to a normie. They are just programs that don't have any depth compared to us. I just really can't put it into words ,maybe you can but its like we are almost different species.
What exactly is being transferred that makes us so advanced as compared to the normies. Is it the soul memory having thousand or hundreds of years of lived in experience ?
You hit home with your story about your grandfather. My father did the same, and I have to thank him forever for doing so, as I inherited a lot of power and quality of soul from him, as well as even my absent mother, she was a pure soul when conceived. Believe me, your grandfather helped you in ways you don't understand now.
This kind of intelligence and memory is deep within our DNA stored and also archetypal resonating with our soul. When you are born in a family you enter a pool of information and comatose potentialities, grown and imprinted by every man and woman wearing the blood. I think it is transferred a specific dimension of intelligence that is alive like the consciousness, and also the blueprint that is materially defined.
Tendencies, values, impressions - mental and emotional intelligence is co-parented in yourself. You'll receive the need or opportunity, but it is still your action and degree of free will to accept it, and most importantly mold it and transform it.
Monks that leave, do so only when capable to astral project and they'll visit their families on astral and watch over them.
About the difference of new souls and old ones. I had the revelation of my life when I discovered, that not all humans have even the capacities that seem normally existent in yourself.
For example, there was a guy, who is discussing whatever, told him to imagine an apple. He looked extremely shocked to me.
"- What do you mean imagine an apple? "
- Well, visualize an apple in your mind.
"-What? I can't, I don't understand"
'-Remember an apple you ate at a point in your life
"-Man stop making fun of me."
This is real, and this guy, couldn't and cannot visualize or imagine an apple on the spot, or remember how an apple looks.
Like him there are a lot of people, who have this kind of expansion or capacity, they do not possess. One would have to first develop this before anything, which for others is something of improving, but not of actual creation.
The same thing, for other people, don't have inner dialogue in their minds. They do not have the capacity to hear or the concept of the inner voice. This is real, a lot of people don't have this, they'll need to attain this capacity first in their advancement in their next lives.
Other people, do have other types of inner dialogue, which can be only visually based. Etc etc.
You understand what I'm referring to. Now on other levels, we are in the same category of spiritual and mental, emotional, all kinds of capacities and intelligence. For some these things have been normality, even a tendency or quality of the soul, others need to develop it, others improve it. Different ranges of existence, and a revelation I had also lately, is that every human experiences life completely different, in the same as well sensorial bodies and intelligence. We have unique souls and different types of experiences of life.
So an older soul could comprehend a new one, but not the opposite, and that's how a natural hierarchy in life instates, by nature.
What you develop in your life spiritually now, you will have gifted this to all of the bloodline coming from you now on and in the present. And it will be kept and grown stronger by other souls who resonate with your nature. In the past, and also it is normal, thoughtforms of protection, magical workings, and blessings would be inherited further by others. Also, there is a duty to clean yourself from the dross of your family history, which will happen by default in advancement. In a couple of generations, what do you know, with an aim now and duty, you can potentially have created and let royal noble souls of Satan to inhabit again the earth and bless it with their presence.
In the same fashion, you will imprit and influence your friends, your communities, and race.