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UFOs spotted.

Shael said:
Spirituality is real life... Yes, I know what you mean, but Spirituality is not an online game or any fantasy; it is real life.
In my opinion he is not mentally ill, at least is nothing severe, maybe he is going through something temporary. I personally think he's fine, just shit happens.

Everyone who I talked with had something edgy to share, sooner or later people when open up weird shit start coming from them and not everyone who I talked with is mentally ill ofc. We all had weird thoughts sometimes on something, it doesn't have to be anything really dangerous happening with our brain, it could be enemy messing with our mind or whatever.
On December 29, Sunday, I saw more than 15 UFOs (Spain). I went for a walk with my dog, and looked at the sky, I always look at him at night, suddenly a few white dots began to appear like stars, each one left the same place as if it were a portal, and they were in line one behind other
I realize what a fool I've been as of late thanks to Cobra bringing it to light, and I am sincerely sorry for everything.

I know there are people disappointed in me but I am also disappointed in myself. There are things going on with me spiritually and personally that I hadn't realized that I needed to sort out, and I've let emotions and foolishness get in the way.

I'm taking a break from the forums for a while to figure everything out and will hopefully come back better than I was even before this stuff was subtly developing.

I don't blame Satan or the gods for anything, I could never bring myself to do that, that would be an ultimate betrayal in my eyes. I blame myself for not realizing what's been going on in these past months, turning a blind eye to things I didn't want to face. I don't want people to feel like they've been betrayed or misled because some fool can't even see his own problems right in front of him.

When everything is sorted out I will return.
Shael said:
Jack said:
Damn dude. Ghost was always nice and respectful to you and even with him you are toxically butthurt. As soon as you see an opening you try to go in and shit at people's reputation to make them look bad.
Then you hope people jump on the bandwagon. If you get called out on your garbage you pretend you didn't mean it. You were just "joking". Then you slither back into the sewers and wait for the next opportunity to try again.

Ghost's post was approved for the sake of educating people and also helping him as well. And you take that as an opportunity to try and make him look like a complete psychotic fool because you are butthurt that he dared disagree with you on something in the past.

I'm saying this to you after having observed you here for months. In my personal opinion, respectfully, I feel completely disgusted with you. Mageson was right when he called you a second-rate Jew. Your behavior is just like one. There is no semblance of a gentile in the way you act. If you really are a gentile and have such severe reallife issues that they cause you to act this way, you might want to take a break and work on fixing them instead of trying to vent by attacking your supposed "family".
I want to give my opinion on Ghost and Jack. Jack, Ghost, you shouldn't take this as an insult, but as advice. One's on fire and the other's got his head in the clouds, feet on the ground, guys. They're not infiltrators, they're both OK, they just need more earth element both and balance the soul. I've noticed that Jack tends to be aggressive sometimes and Ghost is very imaginative. With spiritual and mental progress, they will find balance and peace. Now I don't want to talk like those stupid quacks who say nonsense and without any basis. Although what I said is very true, I just wanted to calm things down anyway.
Azorm said:
In my opinion he is not mentally ill, at least is nothing severe, maybe he is going through something temporary. I personally think he's fine, just shit happens.

Everyone who I talked with had something edgy to share, sooner or later people when open up weird shit start coming from them and not everyone who I talked with is mentally ill ofc. We all had weird thoughts sometimes on something, it doesn't have to be anything really dangerous happening with our brain, it could be enemy messing with our mind or whatever.

Sometimes too much meditation in a short amount of time can open up or exacerbate mental or emotional issues, i.e. brings them to the surface.
Master said:
Shael said:
Jack said:
Damn dude. Ghost was always nice and respectful to you and even with him you are toxically butthurt. As soon as you see an opening you try to go in and shit at people's reputation to make them look bad.
Then you hope people jump on the bandwagon. If you get called out on your garbage you pretend you didn't mean it. You were just "joking". Then you slither back into the sewers and wait for the next opportunity to try again.

Ghost's post was approved for the sake of educating people and also helping him as well. And you take that as an opportunity to try and make him look like a complete psychotic fool because you are butthurt that he dared disagree with you on something in the past.

I'm saying this to you after having observed you here for months. In my personal opinion, respectfully, I feel completely disgusted with you. Mageson was right when he called you a second-rate Jew. Your behavior is just like one. There is no semblance of a gentile in the way you act. If you really are a gentile and have such severe reallife issues that they cause you to act this way, you might want to take a break and work on fixing them instead of trying to vent by attacking your supposed "family".
I want to give my opinion on Ghost and Jack. Jack, Ghost, you shouldn't take this as an insult, but as advice. One's on fire and the other's got his head in the clouds, feet on the ground, guys. They're not infiltrators, they're both OK, they just need more earth element both and balance the soul. I've noticed that Jack tends to be aggressive sometimes and Ghost is very imaginative. With spiritual and mental progress, they will find balance and peace. Now I don't want to talk like those stupid quacks who say nonsense and without any basis. Although what I said is very true, I just wanted to calm things down anyway.
What wonderful advice. I'll try doing what you say.
FancyMancy said:
Shael said:
Spirituality is real life... Yes, I know what you mean, but Spirituality is not an online game or any fantasy; it is real life.
Yeah, I just used that term to differenciate between online forum activity and physical, material activity in his environment. The fact that this all is fully real and that people here matter infinitely more than any normie in real life, makes it all the more severe.
Slightning666 said:
So the post of @jack was a bad joke, it scared the fuck out of me.
He tried to make a "joke", in an attempt to make Ghost look like a psychotic retard.
Jack said:
Master said:
Shael said:
Damn dude. Ghost was always nice and respectful to you and even with him you are toxically butthurt. As soon as you see an opening you try to go in and shit at people's reputation to make them look bad.
Then you hope people jump on the bandwagon. If you get called out on your garbage you pretend you didn't mean it. You were just "joking". Then you slither back into the sewers and wait for the next opportunity to try again.

Ghost's post was approved for the sake of educating people and also helping him as well. And you take that as an opportunity to try and make him look like a complete psychotic fool because you are butthurt that he dared disagree with you on something in the past.

I'm saying this to you after having observed you here for months. In my personal opinion, respectfully, I feel completely disgusted with you. Mageson was right when he called you a second-rate Jew. Your behavior is just like one. There is no semblance of a gentile in the way you act. If you really are a gentile and have such severe reallife issues that they cause you to act this way, you might want to take a break and work on fixing them instead of trying to vent by attacking your supposed "family".
I want to give my opinion on Ghost and Jack. Jack, Ghost, you shouldn't take this as an insult, but as advice. One's on fire and the other's got his head in the clouds, feet on the ground, guys. They're not infiltrators, they're both OK, they just need more earth element both and balance the soul. I've noticed that Jack tends to be aggressive sometimes and Ghost is very imaginative. With spiritual and mental progress, they will find balance and peace. Now I don't want to talk like those stupid quacks who say nonsense and without any basis. Although what I said is very true, I just wanted to calm things down anyway.
What wonderful advice. I'll try doing what you say.
I need to clarify what I said. I don't want to talk nonsense and baseless nonsense like those stupid charlatans and ignorant people who tell Disney fairy tales like the horoscope for example. What I said is true about aspects of the soul but I do not know your personal situation of spiritual progress and therefore I cannot advise you accurately in this regard. I wanted to give you advice from another point of view. What I wanted to tell you, Jack, is not to react abruptly but to think and reason more, this can help you not to make hasty decisions. As for Ghost, he's either fantasizing too much and deluding himself, or he's lying through his teeth. Sorry Ghost, but you said too many things, too good to be true. You're either a moron or a liar. You said you've made a lot of progress and then you don't understand basic things like dragons. Dragons are synonymous with reptiles. There are no life forms that spit hot coal or fire out of their mouths. It is an allegorical thing, the hiss of the snake, the frequency, vibration and therefore the true spiritual power and not disney nonsense that makes magic or astral seem a material thing like shooting fire from the hands or the mouth or ass. Then you bragged about how you had encounters with the Greys before you became SS as if the Greys were weak as pigeons and you still had the better of them with zero spiritual level and now that you are extremely advanced you shoot them down like nothing. And now that someone has written something about it in the hope of receiving authentic proof, you have imagined a comic book and are dreaming of being a superhero in your imaginary city. Seriousness and reality, please.
94n said:
Azorm said:
In my opinion he is not mentally ill, at least is nothing severe, maybe he is going through something temporary. I personally think he's fine, just shit happens.

Everyone who I talked with had something edgy to share, sooner or later people when open up weird shit start coming from them and not everyone who I talked with is mentally ill ofc. We all had weird thoughts sometimes on something, it doesn't have to be anything really dangerous happening with our brain, it could be enemy messing with our mind or whatever.

Sometimes too much meditation in a short amount of time can open up or exacerbate mental or emotional issues, i.e. brings them to the surface.

Ofc lol, I know how many times when a deep soul cleaning started everything for a short time would go to shit. I would watch whole area of my life or few of them going through something, and my mind would become weird too for a while. Soul is changing, your life is changing, your dirt and your problems can manifest in a weird way even more prominent than before.
+ you can become sometimes unbalanced, unstable, irritated.

Shit happens. As we are advancing we all are going through something. Some people will have more problems, some people have them less, but it's important to continue working on yourself and to pay attention on fixing your issues no matter what happens.

We all are also hiding a lot of things and doubts, we all are having something bad and troublesome that we might share and usually we aren't sharing it so openly. The problem is when new people or some really lonely people come here and start talking too much openly about all sort of a things, and then what happpens is that they might feel really awkward and bad when someone reacts negatively to their opening up. Then you see people want to stop posting or being active, feeling embarrassed or angry, all sort of a things, it can feel bad. It's okay sometimes to ask for some opinions or help, or just to share something here but in the same time you must be ready for people to react, not everybody will like what they have saw and some people will try to help but it will just sound rude. Not everybody has to like us here either, completely fine, but my point is that new people and lonely people tend to open themselves too much on forums and groups and they get suppeerr attached and easy offended and hurt by some things.

They might like attention if it was positive for a short time, then they get suupeer fired up. Like, uh, attention !! Act crazy now, do something !!

But it's normal again, I also liked it for a short time, we all like positive reactions ofc, but it's important when to stay grounded and not to lose a common sense. It's important also not be a fucking loner all the time, as loneliness is eating our mind away, so having some close friends or lover/lovers to talk with will feel really good and will help us with advacement too, and this is not a joke. People with really bad friends, or with no real friends at all to talk with for a longer period of time are risking to become seriously unstable or even mentally ill. Some people who are more social by nature might suffer more from this. That's what I have noticed at least.

I had really bad, dangerous and toxic thoughts and emotions for some time and I felt unstable sometimes in the last few months,for even more I guess, and now when I started making new friends and deepening my bonds with them ( it's important to actually talk with them about what's bothering you once you have them ofc) is when I noticed myself calming down and it helped me with cleaning a lot and dealing with new issues, so I think he mostly lacks real friends but is tryharding with meditations lately. It's affecting him a lot.

Saying that our members are mentally ill so easily is making me feel bad and it feels wrong. I care about him and I know he is mostly just going through something. Enemy is affecting him a lot and is attacking him like crazy, it will be fine soon.
Master said:
Sorry Ghost, but you said too many things, too good to be true. You're either a moron or a liar. You said you've made a lot of progress and then you don't understand basic things like dragons.
Okay, so I had like 5 other things written out here ready to post, but I will dial it back a bit with you. Since I think you were the dude who said he uses a translator for writing in English here, I wont take your words too literally.

Now, let me briefly summarize what I was going to say. I hope you take this to heart.

1) You need to understand that there are not always "valid points" on both sides of an argument. Sometimes one side just goes full-on Jew on the other.
Yeah Jack might have blatantly tried to make Ghost look like a psycho, but oh he had a valid point, right? After all, he did this because his feelings were hurt. (sarcasm)
In these cases, offense should be treated as such, so that positive change can happen if the offender desires. It should not just be brushed off with the "he had a valid point" line and then forgotten, or else it is bound to repeat over and over again endlessly, like it has until now.

2) Asking questions doesn't somehow disqualify someone from trying to help people. Asking questions also does not automatically make someone a newbie or moron. In the past years, Ghost barely posted any questions at all and even told me in one reply that this was because of how people responded to them (rudely, with elitist mindsets). This kind of shit is toxic. I respectfully ask that you refrain from spreading ideals like this on here.
Azorm said:

Azorm, I know this might not have 100% in direct relation to your comment, but I just wanted to note something..
Something about the occult and spirituality draws people in who are mentally ill. Maybe it's because they look for a higher power to help rescue them from their illness. Maybe they have a strong external locus of control, because they're used to being subjected to other forces without having a voice of their own. Or maybe they buy into their paranoia and delusions. Maybe something in their past life damaged them severely (like christian abuse and torture) and they yearn for their desire to connect with a spiritual society. Whatever the case is, I've noticed that it's a trend for me personally. Whenever I would make get togethers or chatrooms, eventually these people seem nice and normal, but eventually their true thoughts come out. Most of the times they are harmless, but on a rare occasion you get that one person who sometimes gets violent or aggressive. But I just wanted to state a lot of people who have mental illness are harmless. They are the ones most likely to be victims.

We all are also hiding a lot of things and doubts, we all are having something bad and troublesome that we might share and usually we aren't sharing it so openly. The problem is when new people or some really lonely people come here and start talking too much openly about all sort of a things, and then what happpens is that they might feel really awkward and bad when someone reacts negatively to their opening up. Then you see people want to stop posting or being active, feeling embarrassed or angry, all sort of a things, it can feel bad. It's okay sometimes to ask for some opinions or help, or just to share something here but in the same time you must be ready for people to react, not everybody will like what they have saw and some people will try to help but it will just sound rude. Not everybody has to like us here either, completely fine, but my point is that new people and lonely people tend to open themselves too much on forums and groups and they get suppeerr attached and easy offended and hurt by some things.

I mean it's fine to get attached to the forums. They're just excited because they finally have someone to talk to. I like it, because we are a community. It's always good to have a community to fall back on, because it's a support system. We are a group and therefore we are a support system for other SS. I really think it's absolutely unfair that someone opens up their issues and they get shit on, that's just not cool. That just stops discussions and builds up resentment. It also draws away members.

Being sensitive or having emotions is kind of looked down on here as some sort of weakness. Sometimes people want to vent, and if you do vent, no one wants to talk about it, or they just link you the meditations page. Meditations solves a lot of problems, and I am very grateful when someone posts meditations to solve your issues, but sometimes we just want to have someone to talk to. :lol:

I think a lot come from 4chan or stromfront, so they maintain that aggressive/blunt/tactless mode of communication, which offends people and further exacerbates the issue. I think it turns off a lot of people from registering or participating in the forums IMO.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greys physically can -> Rule a planet and scare the biggest governments worldwide into submission, do mass invasions, have extremely advanced technology.
Greys cannot -> Attack a guy because he has an imagined blue sword eventhough 4 ships are onto him specifically.

I think that's about enough time online for me today.
Lmao .... Ending off with a bang again I see
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This makes me question your mental health up this point, progressively and by all these posts made.

Do you think that a PHYSICAL UFO or if that were physically present and out to get "YOU" specifically, they would give one single fuck on if the area was populated if they were out to get you specifically?

Do you understand what physically means or are you flat living in dreamland at this point? If they are on your so called "Town" there to say hi to you, it's nothing to them to slay someone. And no, someone watching with a pitchfork on the village or town isn't going to stop them.

Even a dumb human can execute this if they so much wanted given that condition.

The line between mental insanity and trolling here is just very thin. Stop spreading disinformation and insanity. First one post, then something else, then something else...You're dangerously ill or totally deluded.

Giving you ground to speak has brought all these crazy delusions forth.
eVeN GitM, the super-duper God is... No, I shouldn't tease! mischievous grin & giggle
Ghost in the Machine said:

I found something strange when you posted the question about your mother...

It was so obvious the answer, even more coming from you...

You don't have to stop, just post less. ;)
Shael said:
Jack said:
Damn dude. Ghost was always nice and respectful to you and even with him you are toxically butthurt. As soon as you see an opening you try to go in and shit at people's reputation to make them look bad.
Then you hope people jump on the bandwagon. If you get called out on your garbage you pretend you didn't mean it. You were just "joking". Then you slither back into the sewers and wait for the next opportunity to try again.

Ghost's post was approved for the sake of educating people and also helping him as well. And you take that as an opportunity to try and make him look like a complete psychotic fool because you are butthurt that he dared disagree with you on something in the past.

I'm saying this to you after having observed you here for months. In my personal opinion, respectfully, I feel completely disgusted with you. Mageson was right when he called you a second-rate Jew. Your behavior is just like one. There is no semblance of a gentile in the way you act. If you really are a gentile and have such severe reallife issues that they cause you to act this way, you might want to take a break and work on fixing them instead of trying to vent by attacking your supposed "family".
i've noticed this as well.
94n said:
Being sensitive or having emotions is kind of looked down on here as some sort of weakness.
Emotions are important; especially in doing Magick they can help because they are also Energies and you're 'putting your Heart an Soul into it'. It's more a matter of learning to control your emotions (as well as your thoughts), rather than them controlling you because - as I just said - they have power. Later on when one is able to use Energies and manipulate them to make things happen, having a stray thought and a bunch of wild emotions can cause unintended things to happen which we might regret very much. In other words, to control your thoughts and emotions is akin to "be careful what you wish for".
94n said:

The “mentally ill” are the first to feel that there is something wrong in the world, but for lack of mentors, they end up going to the (((doctor))) and you know what happens afterwards…
They go into the new age and end up doing angelic)) and worshipful mierdatron magic, then you know what happens to their minds...

PS.: I'm excluding the real mental patients, like syndromes and others...
I wonder if this is because of Iran, and bad situation in general.

There is always increased UFO activity when something huge in the world is happening. Remember WW2? And shortly after? People were seeing UFOs on daily basis.
Shael said:
Master said:
Sorry Ghost, but you said too many things, too good to be true. You're either a moron or a liar. You said you've made a lot of progress and then you don't understand basic things like dragons.
Okay, so I had like 5 other things written out here ready to post, but I will dial it back a bit with you. Since I think you were the dude who said he uses a translator for writing in English here, I wont take your words too literally.

Now, let me briefly summarize what I was going to say. I hope you take this to heart.

1) You need to understand that there are not always "valid points" on both sides of an argument. Sometimes one side just goes full-on Jew on the other.
Yeah Jack might have blatantly tried to make Ghost look like a psycho, but oh he had a valid point, right? After all, he did this because his feelings were hurt. (sarcasm)
In these cases, offense should be treated as such, so that positive change can happen if the offender desires. It should not just be brushed off with the "he had a valid point" line and then forgotten, or else it is bound to repeat over and over again endlessly, like it has until now.

2) Asking questions doesn't somehow disqualify someone from trying to help people. Asking questions also does not automatically make someone a newbie or moron. In the past years, Ghost barely posted any questions at all and even told me in one reply that this was because of how people responded to them (rudely, with elitist mindsets). This kind of shit is toxic. I respectfully ask that you refrain from spreading ideals like this on here.
At first I wanted to say something to calm things down and I criticized Jack unnecessarily. There's nothing wrong with asking questions. You learn from them. Jack just made fun of him without explanation. I didn't make fun of Ghost. I complimented him on thinking what he was saying was true, and I was proud of him in a previous post. I'm against keeping quiet, I want people to express themselves and be interested in learning. Why did he need to lie? We are dealing with progress and truth here. I realize now that I accused Jack of something that I eventually did. And that is unwise of me. I admit I made a mistake and I have to say that it is not pleasant to learn from mistakes but the experience has to come somehow. I'm sorry Ghost, I shouldn't have offended you and I think you owe us an explanation. Don't hide from your mistakes but try to learn from them.
Master said:
At first I wanted to say something to calm things down and I criticized Jack unnecessarily. There's nothing wrong with asking questions. You learn from them. Jack just made fun of him without explanation. I didn't make fun of Ghost. I complimented him on thinking what he was saying was true, and I was proud of him in a previous post. I'm against keeping quiet, I want people to express themselves and be interested in learning. Why did he need to lie? We are dealing with progress and truth here. I realize now that I accused Jack of something that I eventually did. And that is unwise of me. I admit I made a mistake and I have to say that it is not pleasant to learn from mistakes but the experience has to come somehow. I'm sorry Ghost, I shouldn't have offended you and I think you owe us an explanation. Don't hide from your mistakes but try to learn from them.

I will pop in for this to provide you an answer. The simple answer is too much meditation. I had severely imbalanced myself and my energies by focusing primarily on singular specific types and specific runes completely being ignorant to how it was changing me.. I had essentially become what I hated. An elitist egotistical individual who believed the world revolved around him. The resulting imbalance of excessive meditations of one-sided caterings almost completely destroyed and snuffed out my natural grounding, turning me into... well.. someone else basically. Someone with a deluded sense of self.

I have not been myself in the past few months at all and in these past days of correcting myself, looking back at the posts I made disgusts me. They are littered with arrogance and "check out how awesome and special I am" garbage. I was never like this in earlier 2019 and that is not who I am. Fanaticism is in my natal chart and this makes me obsessive with meditation and spirituality, I only failed to see that this could become something negative in that I was becoming consumed. Too much of a good thing can be bad, and too much meditation is almost if not even worst than no meditation because you are imbalancing your soul and essentially pulling it apart in all directions. That is if you are not aware and attentive to what you are doing and remembering to maintain harmony and balance in addition. Both meditating too much without balance and not meditating at all lead to a form of self-destruction, and I am thankful that Cobra made this aware to me or else I never would've caught it.

There were other things as well regarding enemy links and bindings I found that seemed to be stealthily placed upon me, building up over time without my notice over the course of 2019, presumably because direct and obvious attacks were fought against immediately... this was a form of attack that slipped by me; So much for being so 'great' and 'advanced' right? I guess these were also subtly influencing my posts and that is why I've chosen to avoid the forum for now and not answer and post like I used to for the time being until I completely sort this out and free myself from them all among other things.

I don't blame anyone for being upset and Jack and others are right to mock me. I've been a fool and it's only now that I truly see this. I've broadened my meditations to other varieties as well as incorporating specific colours, gems and different runes that I hadn't touched until now to help me ground myself again and fix all of this completely, as well as a working lined up to further destroy all enemy curses upon me.

I am experienced. That is honestly all I can say about my advancement. I've achieved things, but not great things that warrant any real regard if even an iota at all. By the gods' standards I haven't even learned to walk yet, just stand, and barely even. I am utterly repulsed in how I had been now that I have a little bit more grounding to see it, and I still don't yet trust myself to type on any longer than this, so I'll end this post here and hope this is the explanation you were looking for.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Master said:
At first I wanted to say something to calm things down and I criticized Jack unnecessarily. There's nothing wrong with asking questions. You learn from them. Jack just made fun of him without explanation. I didn't make fun of Ghost. I complimented him on thinking what he was saying was true, and I was proud of him in a previous post. I'm against keeping quiet, I want people to express themselves and be interested in learning. Why did he need to lie? We are dealing with progress and truth here. I realize now that I accused Jack of something that I eventually did. And that is unwise of me. I admit I made a mistake and I have to say that it is not pleasant to learn from mistakes but the experience has to come somehow. I'm sorry Ghost, I shouldn't have offended you and I think you owe us an explanation. Don't hide from your mistakes but try to learn from them.

I will pop in for this to provide you an answer. The simple answer is too much meditation. I had severely imbalanced myself and my energies by focusing primarily on singular specific types and specific runes completely being ignorant to how it was changing me.. I had essentially become what I hated. An elitist egotistical individual who believed the world revolved around him. The resulting imbalance of excessive meditations of one-sided caterings almost completely destroyed and snuffed out my natural grounding, turning me into... well.. someone else basically. Someone with a deluded sense of self.

I have not been myself in the past few months at all and in these past days of correcting myself, looking back at the posts I made disgusts me. They are littered with arrogance and "check out how awesome and special I am" garbage. I was never like this in earlier 2019 and that is not who I am. Fanaticism is in my natal chart and this makes me obsessive with meditation and spirituality, I only failed to see that this could become something negative in that I was becoming consumed. Too much of a good thing can be bad, and too much meditation is almost if not even worst than no meditation because you are imbalancing your soul and essentially pulling it apart in all directions. That is if you are not aware and attentive to what you are doing and remembering to maintain harmony and balance in addition. Both meditating too much without balance and not meditating at all lead to a form of self-destruction, and I am thankful that Cobra made this aware to me or else I never would've caught it.

There were other things as well regarding enemy links and bindings I found that seemed to be stealthily placed upon me, building up over time without my notice over the course of 2019, presumably because direct and obvious attacks were fought against immediately... this was a form of attack that slipped by me; So much for being so 'great' and 'advanced' right? I guess these were also subtly influencing my posts and that is why I've chosen to avoid the forum for now and not answer and post like I used to for the time being until I completely sort this out and free myself from them all among other things.

I don't blame anyone for being upset and Jack and others are right to mock me. I've been a fool and it's only now that I truly see this. I've broadened my meditations to other varieties as well as incorporating specific colours, gems and different runes that I hadn't touched until now to help me ground myself again and fix all of this completely, as well as a working lined up to further destroy all enemy curses upon me.

I am experienced. That is honestly all I can say about my advancement. I've achieved things, but not great things that warrant any real regard if even an iota at all. By the gods' standards I haven't even learned to walk yet, just stand, and barely even. I am utterly repulsed in how I had been now that I have a little bit more grounding to see it, and I still don't yet trust myself to type on any longer than this, so I'll end this post here and hope this is the explanation you were looking for.
I was very pleased with your honesty towards us and towards yourself. The only advice I can give you at this point is meditation of emptiness and concentration are essential for spiritual development and get your JOS meditation levels in order. Very important, in order to move to higher levels, you must be adept at previous levels. I look forward to seeing you in future topics with comments of truth. Thank you for your attention Ghost in the Machine.
Is it possible that I have an implanted microchip in the lobule part the ear? I feel something almost spherical inside of it.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is it possible that I have an implanted microchip in the lobule part the ear? I feel something almost spherical inside of it.
Oh, come on. You being a grey would not have you being on here. Being a grey, you would be connected with databases and libraries of information, except, unfortunately, how to de-greyify yourself and others.
FancyMancy said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is it possible that I have an implanted microchip in the lobule part the ear? I feel something almost spherical inside of it.
Oh, come on. You being a grey would not have you being on here. Being a grey, you would be connected with databases and libraries of information, except, unfortunately, how to de-greyify yourself and others.
I never claimed anything, just asked a question about something weird.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is it possible that I have an implanted microchip in the lobule part the ear? I feel something almost spherical inside of it.
Dude please... you’ve been here so long..
TopoftheAbyss said:
FancyMancy said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is it possible that I have an implanted microchip in the lobule part the ear? I feel something almost spherical inside of it.
Oh, come on. You being a grey would not have you being on here. Being a grey, you would be connected with databases and libraries of information, except, unfortunately, how to de-greyify yourself and others.
I never claimed anything, just asked a question about something weird.
What supernatural/paranormal thing was it? "Could I be a grey? I feel this thing. No, I didn't claim anything." Yeah, OK.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is it possible that I have an implanted microchip in the lobule part the ear? I feel something almost spherical inside of it.
That happens to me all the time. Keep scratching at it with your thumb nail until it comes out. It's like a little hard ball. Sometimes more than one. I think it's a deposit of excess protein that gets trapped there. Probably because I sleep on my side in a strange position that probably makes more bloodflow go to my ear.

If anyone knows how to prevent this, I want to know. I don't want to be walking around looking like my ears were pierced (which they never were and never will be) because there is blood spots on them from scratching. Probably have to change my sleeping position. I know that would fix skeleton and muscle alignment too.

Why would you think it's a microchip? I can think of a million better places in your body to hide a microchip than in your ear where you would imediately notice it.
FancyMancy said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
FancyMancy said:
Oh, come on. You being a grey would not have you being on here. Being a grey, you would be connected with databases and libraries of information, except, unfortunately, how to de-greyify yourself and others.
I never claimed anything, just asked a question about something weird.
What supernatural/paranormal thing was it? "Could I be a grey? I feel this thing. No, I didn't claim anything." Yeah, OK.
Are you retarded?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is it possible that I have an implanted microchip in the lobule part the ear? I feel something almost spherical inside of it.
That happens to me all the time. Keep scratching at it with your thumb nail until it comes out. It's like a little hard ball. Sometimes more than one. I think it's a deposit of excess protein that gets trapped there. Probably because I sleep on my side in a strange position that probably makes more bloodflow go to my ear.

If anyone knows how to prevent this, I want to know. I don't want to be walking around looking like my ears were pierced (which they never were and never will be) because there is blood spots on them from scratching. Probably have to change my sleeping position. I know that would fix skeleton and muscle alignment too.

Why would you think it's a microchip? I can think of a million better places in your body to hide a microchip than in your ear where you would imediately notice it.
I didn't know what else it could be and it didn't make any sense to have something in that place.
That said, I never scratch there and I sleep on both sides almost equally.
TopoftheAbyss said:
FancyMancy said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I never claimed anything, just asked a question about something weird.
What supernatural/paranormal thing was it? "Could I be a grey? I feel this thing. No, I didn't claim anything." Yeah, OK.
Are you retarded?
Yes, I am retarded. I asked if I could be a grey because I felt something, but I didn't claim anything at all. All of this after being here and learning for a long time. What about you?
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is it possible that I have an implanted microchip in the lobule part the ear? I feel something almost spherical inside of it.
It's most likely a harmless cyst. If it bothers you go to a dermatologist.
Since there is a pandemic right now, people are probably seeing UFOs en masse right now. People in the past saw many UFOs during pandemics. I think people now are seeing UFOs in large numbers. I can't say for sure whether this is actually happening or not. But I may or may not have seen my first one in my life just right now....
HauptSturm said:
Since there is a pandemic right now, people are probably seeing UFOs en masse right now. People in the past saw many UFOs during pandemics. I think people now are seeing UFOs in large numbers. I can't say for sure whether this is actually happening or not. But I may or may not have seen my first one in my life just right now....

But then there is always the question in the air.

UFOs(Vimanas) from friendly or from enemies?

People see Vimanas but are they going to ask "Which side of the fence is this camp from? Our side or the enemies side"

People view Vimanas as mythical as dragons and view them in such silly terms but it's really simple, which side is the Vimana on.
There has been dramatic increase in UFO sighting since the beginning of 2020.

Commander, you said you are gonna write on this?
Larissa666 said:
There has been dramatic increase in UFO sighting since the beginning of 2020.

Commander, you said you are gonna write on this?
I saw him saying that too and got excited for it. I hope he will write on it soon.
I think with all the bad things happening now, seeing a weird light in the sky is the least of it. Probably focussed on RTR and other things more important than ufo.

I've been watching David Paulides videos about the strange situations of people going missing. He calls it Missing 411. Spent his whole life investigating thousands of these cases that don't make any sense at all. No logical explanation for so many strange factors, some supernatural stuff happening. If you want to know about ufo, you would probably also be interested in David Paulides.
Shael said:
Larissa666 said:
There has been dramatic increase in UFO sighting since the beginning of 2020.

Commander, you said you are gonna write on this?
I saw him saying that too and got excited for it. I hope he will write on it soon.
I can't deny I was like "OH FUCK YES" I'm so interested in ufos and extraterrestrials ever since I was little.
Inb4 HPHC makes his thread.

I have a problem with these UFO sightings.

Reptillian: Oi. Jew bitch. Kneel before your master.
Jew: Yes, o' Reptillious one.
Reptillian: Now that the Goyim know, we're pissed off, so we're going to go around flying our spaceships in the vicinity of their Planet, instead of keeping hidden and secret like we did previously. Through this, we will fuel conspiracy theories and a lot of Goyim will believe it's true, which some of it is. As usual, it is your job to mix truth with lies. Go forth and show us flying in our spaceships. Let the truth be known! Spread the good news, that it was all a load of BS! Don't forget to destroy the vatican while you're at it.
Jew: Erm...

So they know we know about them, so they're teasing us with sightings. It's like Knock-a-Door-Run. Then, of course, on the other hand, which I realised while typing - christianity must die so that the jew world order can be fulfilled. Maybe these UFO sightings are not a mental relapse brain fart of the spaceship flyers afterall!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
