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Turkish Spiritual Satanism website/Türkçe Spiritüel Satanizm sitesi!

Sep 21, 2017
The English version of this announcement can be found at the bottom of the post./Bu duyurunun İngilizcesi altta bulunabilir.

Tüm Satanik kardeşlerime ve savaşçılarımıza esenlikler olsun!

Bugün sizlere harika haberlerle geliyorum. Ben Satan's Peacock, ve bir süredir Satanik ailemizin bir üyesiyim. Tahmin edebileceğiniz gibi bir Türk Spiritüel Satanist'im, ve savaş emeklerimizde üzerime düşeni yapmak için mücadele vermekteyim. Tabii bu forum yazısı benim hakkımda değil, sizlere ve davamıza ne getirdiğimle ilgili olacak. Türk Kardeşlerim için Türkçe Spiritüel Satanizmi sitesi yürütmekteyim, ve yıllardır da yürütüyorum. Özellikle son zamanlarda, oldukça içerik yayınlıyoruz (ve dahası da gelecek) ve değerli Yüksek Rahibimiz Hooded Cobra forumlardaki Satanik kardeşlerimize de bu devam eden (ve bu gidişle de sonsuza dek edecek!) projemizi haber vermemi istedi.

Bu duyuruyu yabancı kardeşlerimizle de paylaşmamın sebebi; hem bunu paylaşacak en iyi forumun bu olması, hem de o kardeşlerimizin de sevincimize ortak olmasını istememiz. En nihayetinde Türkçe, 300 milyon konuşanı olan bir dildir. Azerbaycan gibi yerlerde olan Türki kardeşlerimiz ve tüm Kadim Satanik Gök Türklerin torunlarının da anlayabileceği bir kaynağı var artık. Gelecek ay ve yıllarda, Türk Satanist nüfusumuzda keskin bir artış olacağını görmeyi umuyor ve İrade ediyorum. Orijinal Pagan köklerimizi yeniden geri getirip onurlandırmak, ve halkımızın üzerinde son birkaç yüzyıldır bulunan sahte İslam maskesini yıkayıp atmak için durmadan çalışacağız.

Sitemizde, tamamen Türkçe olarak şunları bulacaksınız:

Satanizm'e girmek ve başlamak için ihtiyaç duyabileceğiniz hemen hemen her çeşit "temel" bilgi.

İbrahimi inançları etraflıca çürüten yazılar, odağımız da kendi halkımıza zehir olan İslam olarak.

Kişiyi ruhaniyetle haşır neşir edip ilerlemesini sağlayacak meditasyonlar ve ruhani bilgiler. Tüm temel bilgiler yerinde ve gelecekte daha fazlası da gelecek.

Satanik maji ve ritüeller konusunda bilgi.

Orijinal Türk Pagan değerlerimizin, kendi orijinal kültürümüzün şanlı, kadim Satanik kültürümüzle nasıl bağdaştığı konusunda bilgiler.

Çok önemlisi ve Türk web'inde belki de ilk defa; tüm Demon'lar hakkında bütün ve saf, bozulmamış bilgiler, tıpkı Joy of Satan'daki gibi %100 detayla. Artık bir daha asla Tanrılarmız hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak için Sağ Elci sitelerde, forumlarda veya gruplarda çamur içinde bata çıka yürümeye çalışırcasına dolaşıp, bir de üstüne bütün bu çabalarınızın sonunda kusursuz Tanrı ve Tanrıçalarımız hakkında küfürlü, aşağılayıcı ve eksik bilgiler almayacaksınız!

Yüksek Rahip/Rahibeler tarafından yazılan, çeşitli konularda seçilmiş vaazlar.

Bütün RTR'lar (yakında siteye isteyenin incelemesiiçin yüklenecek!), geçmişte de hala RTR Programımız varken (artık kullanmıyoruz, zira artık sadece Nihai RTR'ı uyguluyoruz) bunların da güncel tutulması da cabası. Doğal olarak, artık tek odağımız olan Nihai RTR ve yeni Kardeşlerimiz için RTR yapma konusunda ihtiyaç duyabilecekleri bütün talimatlar da bunlara dahil.

Türk kardeşlerimize önemli duyuruların olabildiğince hızlı bir şekilde iletimi, bu sayede önemli ritüeller, tarihler, kutlamalar ve genel olarak güç taşıyan günler hakkında sürekli bilgi sahibi kalabilin.

Ve daha fazlası!

Her birimizin bir araya gelmemiz, Thor'un kudretli Çekici olmamız ve Babamızın tüm düşmanlarının tepelerine şimşek gibi çökmemiz dileğiyle!

Şeref ve Güç Tengri/Şeytan'a, Hell'in Tüm Tanrılarına ve Zafere Ebediyen Atfolsun!


Greetings to all my Satanic siblings and all my comrades in arms!

Today, I bring you sublime news. I'm Satan's Peacock, and I have been a member of our Satanic family for a good while now. I'm a Turkish Spiritual Satanist, and have been trying to do my part in the war effort. Anywho, this topic isn't about me, but what I bring to the fold. I run a Turkish Spiritual Satanism website, and have been for years. Recently, we have been releasing a lot of content (with way more to come, time permitting!), and thus I was asked by our good High Priest Hooded Cobra to also let our Satanic brothers and sisters on the forums here know about this ongoing (likely forever!) project.

I am well aware that this news may not particularly excite you English-speaking brothers and sisters of mine, yet I wish to post on this specific forum both due to lack of any other appropriate ones, and also for you to share in our joy. After all, Turkish is a language with 300 million speakers, our Turkic SS brothers that are in Azerbaijan etc., all those descendants of the ancient Satanic Sky-Turks can understand our content as well. In the coming months and years, I hope and Will to see a sharp increase in the Turkish Satanist population and we will be working tirelessly to bring back our Original Pagan roots to bear, and wash away the false veneer of Islam that has stained our people in the last few centuries.

On our website, you will find, all in Turkish:

Just about all the "basic" information one could need to get started on Satanism.

Thorough debunking of Abrahamic faiths, with the focus on the bane of our people in particular, Islam.

Meditations and spiritual information to get acquainted with and advance in spirituality, with all the basic stuff completely in place and more to come.

Information on Satanic magick and rituals.

Inclusion of our Original Turkish Pagan values, connections of how our original culture ties in with our glorious ancient Satanic culture.

Very importantly and perhaps for the first time in Turkish web; complete and unadulterated information on all the Demons, in absolute %100 detail just as on Joy of Satan. Never more shall you fumble through RHP websites, forums or groups wading through incomplete and blasphemous information on our immaculate Gods and Goddesses!

Numerous select sermons by High Priest/esse/s about a myriad of topics.

All the RTRs (to be uploaded to the site soon for posterity), with the now-obsolete "RTR Schedule" having been updated on the clock back when we used to have those. Obviously, the Final RTR and full instructions of how to perform RTRs for new people are fully included.

Important announcements delivered as soon as possible to all our Turkish brethren, so we stay in the loop on important rituals, dates, celebrations and power dates in general.

More to come!

May we all come together as one and strike down all enemies of Father like Thor's mighty Hammer.!

Hail Tengri/Satan, Hail all the Gods of Hell, Hail Victory, forever!

HAIL SATAN! Congratulations to all of you, that goes beyond saying.

I also propose a sub forum here if you want this, so you can organize translations, spreading of information, etc etc.

Also, after we are done with the main sites (Should be about a week, the work is never ending and humungous), your work will go up to the Satan's Library, same as the forum.

Please also re-post this to the Yahoo Groups.

If you need this, please mail me so we can proceed.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HAIL SATAN! Congratulations to all of you, that goes beyond saying.

I also propose a sub forum here if you want this, so you can organize translations, spreading of information, etc etc.

Also, after we are done with the main sites (Should be about a week, the work is never ending and humungous), your work will go up to the Satan's Library, same as the forum.

Please also re-post this to the Yahoo Groups.

If you need this, please mail me so we can proceed.
Thank you for your kind encouragement, my venered brother in Clergy.

I shall post this on all the Yahoo Groups come evening, as soon as possible, and I look forward to being put on the Library! Also, what do you think about putting the site the Links section on the main Joy of Satan website too, on the homepage? I doubt many people visit it but some sure do, and the more avenues the better, right?

As for sub-forums, that'd be a giant step in all senses of the word. Such would have to be planned and thought through carefully. I shall consult some trustworthy Satanists and see what they think also, and get back to you. For the moment, let's keep this offer in reserve.
PeppermintTaco said:
The English version of this announcement can be found at the bottom of the post./Bu duyurunun İngilizcesi altta bulunabilir.

Tüm Satanik kardeşlerime ve savaşçılarımıza esenlikler olsun!

Bugün sizlere harika haberlerle geliyorum. Ben Satan's Peacock, ve bir süredir Satanik ailemizin bir üyesiyim. Tahmin edebileceğiniz gibi bir Türk Spiritüel Satanist'im, ve savaş emeklerimizde üzerime düşeni yapmak için mücadele vermekteyim. Tabii bu forum yazısı benim hakkımda değil, sizlere ve davamıza ne getirdiğimle ilgili olacak. Türk Kardeşlerim için Türkçe Spiritüel Satanizmi sitesi yürütmekteyim, ve yıllardır da yürütüyorum. Özellikle son zamanlarda, oldukça içerik yayınlıyoruz (ve dahası da gelecek) ve değerli Yüksek Rahibimiz Hooded Cobra forumlardaki Satanik kardeşlerimize de bu devam eden (ve bu gidişle de sonsuza dek edecek!) projemizi haber vermemi istedi.

Bu duyuruyu yabancı kardeşlerimizle de paylaşmamın sebebi; hem bunu paylaşacak en iyi forumun bu olması, hem de o kardeşlerimizin de sevincimize ortak olmasını istememiz. En nihayetinde Türkçe, 300 milyon konuşanı olan bir dildir. Azerbaycan gibi yerlerde olan Türki kardeşlerimiz ve tüm Kadim Satanik Gök Türklerin torunlarının da anlayabileceği bir kaynağı var artık. Gelecek ay ve yıllarda, Türk Satanist nüfusumuzda keskin bir artış olacağını görmeyi umuyor ve İrade ediyorum. Orijinal Pagan köklerimizi yeniden geri getirip onurlandırmak, ve halkımızın üzerinde son birkaç yüzyıldır bulunan sahte İslam maskesini yıkayıp atmak için durmadan çalışacağız.

Sitemizde, tamamen Türkçe olarak şunları bulacaksınız:

Satanizm'e girmek ve başlamak için ihtiyaç duyabileceğiniz hemen hemen her çeşit "temel" bilgi.

İbrahimi inançları etraflıca çürüten yazılar, odağımız da kendi halkımıza zehir olan İslam olarak.

Kişiyi ruhaniyetle haşır neşir edip ilerlemesini sağlayacak meditasyonlar ve ruhani bilgiler. Tüm temel bilgiler yerinde ve gelecekte daha fazlası da gelecek.

Satanik maji ve ritüeller konusunda bilgi.

Orijinal Türk Pagan değerlerimizin, kendi orijinal kültürümüzün şanlı, kadim Satanik kültürümüzle nasıl bağdaştığı konusunda bilgiler.

Çok önemlisi ve Türk web'inde belki de ilk defa; tüm Demon'lar hakkında bütün ve saf, bozulmamış bilgiler, tıpkı Joy of Satan'daki gibi %100 detayla. Artık bir daha asla Tanrılarmız hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak için Sağ Elci sitelerde, forumlarda veya gruplarda çamur içinde bata çıka yürümeye çalışırcasına dolaşıp, bir de üstüne bütün bu çabalarınızın sonunda kusursuz Tanrı ve Tanrıçalarımız hakkında küfürlü, aşağılayıcı ve eksik bilgiler almayacaksınız!

Yüksek Rahip/Rahibeler tarafından yazılan, çeşitli konularda seçilmiş vaazlar.

Bütün RTR'lar (yakında siteye isteyenin incelemesiiçin yüklenecek!), geçmişte de hala RTR Programımız varken (artık kullanmıyoruz, zira artık sadece Nihai RTR'ı uyguluyoruz) bunların da güncel tutulması da cabası. Doğal olarak, artık tek odağımız olan Nihai RTR ve yeni Kardeşlerimiz için RTR yapma konusunda ihtiyaç duyabilecekleri bütün talimatlar da bunlara dahil.

Türk kardeşlerimize önemli duyuruların olabildiğince hızlı bir şekilde iletimi, bu sayede önemli ritüeller, tarihler, kutlamalar ve genel olarak güç taşıyan günler hakkında sürekli bilgi sahibi kalabilin.

Ve daha fazlası!

Her birimizin bir araya gelmemiz, Thor'un kudretli Çekici olmamız ve Babamızın tüm düşmanlarının tepelerine şimşek gibi çökmemiz dileğiyle!

Şeref ve Güç Tengri/Şeytan'a, Hell'in Tüm Tanrılarına ve Zafere Ebediyen Atfolsun!


Greetings to all my Satanic siblings and all my comrades in arms!

Today, I bring you sublime news. I'm Satan's Peacock, and I have been a member of our Satanic family for a good while now. I'm a Turkish Spiritual Satanist, and have been trying to do my part in the war effort. Anywho, this topic isn't about me, but what I bring to the fold. I run a Turkish Spiritual Satanism website, and have been for years. Recently, we have been releasing a lot of content (with way more to come, time permitting!), and thus I was asked by our good High Priest Hooded Cobra to also let our Satanic brothers and sisters on the forums here know about this ongoing (likely forever!) project.

I am well aware that this news may not particularly excite you English-speaking brothers and sisters of mine, yet I wish to post on this specific forum both due to lack of any other appropriate ones, and also for you to share in our joy. After all, Turkish is a language with 300 million speakers, our Turkic SS brothers that are in Azerbaijan etc., all those descendants of the ancient Satanic Sky-Turks can understand our content as well. In the coming months and years, I hope and Will to see a sharp increase in the Turkish Satanist population and we will be working tirelessly to bring back our Original Pagan roots to bear, and wash away the false veneer of Islam that has stained our people in the last few centuries.

On our website, you will find, all in Turkish:

Just about all the "basic" information one could need to get started on Satanism.

Thorough debunking of Abrahamic faiths, with the focus on the bane of our people in particular, Islam.

Meditations and spiritual information to get acquainted with and advance in spirituality, with all the basic stuff completely in place and more to come.

Information on Satanic magick and rituals.

Inclusion of our Original Turkish Pagan values, connections of how our original culture ties in with our glorious ancient Satanic culture.

Very importantly and perhaps for the first time in Turkish web; complete and unadulterated information on all the Demons, in absolute %100 detail just as on Joy of Satan. Never more shall you fumble through RHP websites, forums or groups wading through incomplete and blasphemous information on our immaculate Gods and Goddesses!

Numerous select sermons by High Priest/esse/s about a myriad of topics.

All the RTRs (to be uploaded to the site soon for posterity), with the now-obsolete "RTR Schedule" having been updated on the clock back when we used to have those. Obviously, the Final RTR and full instructions of how to perform RTRs for new people are fully included.

Important announcements delivered as soon as possible to all our Turkish brethren, so we stay in the loop on important rituals, dates, celebrations and power dates in general.

More to come!

May we all come together as one and strike down all enemies of Father like Thor's mighty Hammer.!

Hail Tengri/Satan, Hail all the Gods of Hell, Hail Victory, forever!

Congratulations on your epic work and please keep helping us on our way. You will be remembered in the decades to come.!!!
Good job though I've known about your site since you posted on the F-RTR section last year. It's nice your going full steam ahead.

FYI I notice you do a good job in describing Meditation(Mindfulness) and Power meditation. Describing them both as distinct forms of meditation. Where one trains the mind for mindfulness the other, power, acts like body building it works out the "spiritual muscle" so to speak for energy, vibration,etc.etc..

BTW a question for the Turkish language it is readable in the sense that it uses an alphabet much like the typical European/English characters our own glyphs. Is it strange that some words are almost translatable and can be understood from your language? I don't know Turkish but I notice some words whether they are sanskrit like Chakralini or pure Turkish. I can sorta of understand them or place them in with English word or hell even a Spanish word since I know both languages.
PeppermintTaco said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HAIL SATAN! Congratulations to all of you, that goes beyond saying.

I also propose a sub forum here if you want this, so you can organize translations, spreading of information, etc etc.

Also, after we are done with the main sites (Should be about a week, the work is never ending and humungous), your work will go up to the Satan's Library, same as the forum.

Please also re-post this to the Yahoo Groups.

If you need this, please mail me so we can proceed.
Thank you for your kind encouragement, my venered brother in Clergy.

I shall post this on all the Yahoo Groups come evening, as soon as possible, and I look forward to being put on the Library! Also, what do you think about putting the site the Links section on the main Joy of Satan website too, on the homepage? I doubt many people visit it but some sure do, and the more avenues the better, right?

As for sub-forums, that'd be a giant step in all senses of the word. Such would have to be planned and thought through carefully. I shall consult some trustworthy Satanists and see what they think also, and get back to you. For the moment, let's keep this offer in reserve.

Definitely, and again, congratulations.
Jack said:
PeppermintTaco said:
Congratulations on your epic work and please keep helping us on our way. You will be remembered in the decades to come.!!!
Thanks you for your encouragement, brother. You honor me and all your Turkish brethren.

Gear88 said:
Good job though I've known about your site since you posted on the F-RTR section last year. It's nice your going full steam ahead.

FYI I notice you do a good job in describing Meditation(Mindfulness) and Power meditation. Describing them both as distinct forms of meditation. Where one trains the mind for mindfulness the other, power, acts like body building it works out the "spiritual muscle" so to speak for energy, vibration,etc.etc..

BTW a question for the Turkish language it is readable in the sense that it uses an alphabet much like the typical European/English characters our own glyphs. Is it strange that some words are almost translatable and can be understood from your language? I don't know Turkish but I notice some words whether they are sanskrit like Chakralini or pure Turkish. I can sorta of understand them or place them in with English word or hell even a Spanish word since I know both languages.

Oh, so you are one of the foreigner visitors we have, how nice!

It's not strange at all, brother, Turkish is actually a very ancient language and shares many words even with Sanskrit. Such as, like you alluded to, Chakra. The word "Çark" in Turkish (pronounced "Chark") means "wheel" too. There are many shared words with many other languages as well. It's a given with any ancient language considering we all come from one "super culture", so to speak.

As for our letters, it's almost the same as you guys', except we have a few extra (ğ, ü, ş, ö, ç; germqns will recognize a few) and we lack some letters (w, x, q). We both use the Latin alphabet anyway. You might find it interesting to note, however, that our original Turkish alphabet is nearly identical to Scandinavian runes!

My best regards to everyone who is showing warm reception and thoughtful support.
Hail to all Satanic Warriors!

I have been working for a long time as with everyone else in order for Turks to awaken to the Jewish Question and fight it. Like everywhere on the globe, the Satanic struggle is also awakening and rising in Turkey. None of our European, Asian, American and African brothers and sister have any need for fear, victory is eternally ours. As for us, there were few Turkish Satanist sources spreading the Truth. Since the creation of https://www.spirituelsatanizm.org's creation, our exposure and views have been increasing day after day, and scant a day passes that we don't welcome a new Satanist brother or sister into our fold!

Until the war on Earth is over (and beyond), the struggle we make will continue and we shall accomplish this together, forever. With the sincerest wishes of a world where Father Satan and our Gods descend unto the world once more, take care!

Honor and Power be unto Satan forever!
I am lifting this up for a few days so that people can see this on the forum for a couple days. When we also get Bosnia and Herzegovina page running, this will also go up, so people who are interested can find out.
Go to googke translater and type in key search words like spirituality and world news or whatever. Copy the translated Turkish word to twitter search and then spam this link on the results.

Sieg heil!
I am so proud of what I see, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey in reality are very close because of Ottoman-Islamic shit, history can easily be replicated with the Original Religion of Humanity.

People ARE waking up, and it can be seen in many ways. This only means that another battle has been won, and that those who are without are in every day, every second in bigger trouble than ever.

PeppermintTaco, forumda Türkçe bölüm açılıyor mu yani? Bu çok iyi olur. Yahoo gruplarında yardım isteyen Türk görmüştüm. Ayrıca diğer Türk ülkeleriylede iletişime geçebiliriz. Hatta Türkiye'de şu an Tengricilikte ilgi görüyor.Bu insanlarla iletişime geçmeliyiz lâkin Tengricilik ve Satanizm bağlantısını bilmeyen, kabul etmeyen Türkler var. Çeviriler için, Satanizme verdiğin emekler için teşekkürler, esenlikler. :)
Hail Satan!
PeppermintTaco said:
Oh, so you are one of the foreigner visitors we have, how nice!

Yeah English and Spanish. I learned Spanish first but delved too much into English as main language for my operating system(my own mind).

Though I had to use Google translate to read it. I notice it has an easy time for most things translating it without breaking it into unreadable or requiring rereading the sentence.

Hopefully the site improves I'm glad that the interactive nature of the site and it's flashiness doesn't slow down. At first I thought when I saw it but it loads up quick and doesn't suffer sluggishness. It's good has it's interactivity but simplicity much like how the main JoS(English) is a very K.I.S.S.(Keep it simple, stupid) design. Nothing overwhelming or anything where even English learned people in the middle of no where can view it.

Interesting to hear on Turkish language never knew it shared such commonality with Europe. I've always been under the assumption that Turkish was forced upon the populace. That perhaps people felt like their pre-Turkish language was a better identifier to their nationality. Especially considering the crossroads of Europe on the Turkish nation and it's entrance/exit to Europe. Despite all the negativity with Turkey over the years it's mostly been a certain (((tribes))) decisions to create such commotion.
Rewera said:
I am so proud of what I see, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey in reality are very close because of Ottoman-Islamic shit, history can easily be replicated with the Original Religion of Humanity.

People ARE waking up, and it can be seen in many ways. This only means that another battle has been won, and that those who are without are in every day, every second in bigger trouble than ever.


Indeed, our shared history is smeared with absolute filth but I guess you can see that as one small silver lining. It's very nice to see you all rising up also, brother/sister.

Gear88 said:
PeppermintTaco said:
Oh, so you are one of the foreigner visitors we have, how nice!

Yeah English and Spanish. I learned Spanish first but delved too much into English as main language for my operating system(my own mind).

Though I had to use Google translate to read it. I notice it has an easy time for most things translating it without breaking it into unreadable or requiring rereading the sentence.

Hopefully the site improves I'm glad that the interactive nature of the site and it's flashiness doesn't slow down. At first I thought when I saw it but it loads up quick and doesn't suffer sluggishness. It's good has it's interactivity but simplicity much like how the main JoS(English) is a very K.I.S.S.(Keep it simple, stupid) design. Nothing overwhelming or anything where even English learned people in the middle of no where can view it.

Interesting to hear on Turkish language never knew it shared such commonality with Europe. I've always been under the assumption that Turkish was forced upon the populace. That perhaps people felt like their pre-Turkish language was a better identifier to their nationality. Especially considering the crossroads of Europe on the Turkish nation and it's entrance/exit to Europe. Despite all the negativity with Turkey over the years it's mostly been a certain (((tribes))) decisions to create such commotion.

Obviously, as Erdoğan is a Jew and has been trying his damn best to drive Turkey into becoming a poor, ugly, ignorant Islamic bog. He will fail though. Our roots go back much deeper, the Ottoman Empire and all the bootlicking of Islam don't even come close to our true heritage.

The "forcing" kind of conquest you talk about has happened a lot during the Ottoman Empire's time too. But original Turkish isn't so. That's why the average Turk can read the Orkhon Inscriptions (giant monolithic stones containing words of our ancestors) and despite being over a thousand years old, still have a general idea of what it's saying. With some more education, it becomes effortless.

As for our website, we try to keep it fast and light and are happy with the hosting company we chose so far. Time will tell what will happen if we happen to reach thousands of visitors per day also. Though obviously, one has to admire the beauty of the JoS site which would work perfectly on even old Windows 98 computers.

Bung said:
PeppermintTaco, forumda Türkçe bölüm açılıyor mu yani? Bu çok iyi olur. Yahoo gruplarında yardım isteyen Türk görmüştüm. Ayrıca diğer Türk ülkeleriylede iletişime geçebiliriz. Hatta Türkiye'de şu an Tengricilikte ilgi görüyor.Bu insanlarla iletişime geçmeliyiz lâkin Tengricilik ve Satanizm bağlantısını bilmeyen, kabul etmeyen Türkler var. Çeviriler için, Satanizme verdiğin emekler için teşekkürler, esenlikler. :)
Hail Satan!

Esenlikler. Bir kandaşımızdan gelen sıcak kelimeler, yabancı kardeşlerimizinkilerden bile çok ısıtıyor içimizi, teşekkür ederiz. Tengricilikten Satanizme kayan da oldukça insan var, bu yüzden antik Türk tarihi ile Satanizm arasındaki ilişkiyi de her türlü "misyonerlik" çabasında öne çıkarmaya çalışıyoruz. Bilirsiniz, Joy of Satan sitesinde sürekli Enki/EA/Odin/Satan derler; biz sürekli tekrar ile Odin'in yanına Tengri'yi de her yere koyduk, o şekilde yayıyoruz. Artık insanların aklında yer ediyor.

Forumlara gelince, burada forum açılması gerçekten çok büyük bir adım olur; ve bunu destekleyebilecek altyapıya ihtiyacımız var. Buna hem insan kaynağı, hem aktif kullanıcı, hem de burayı canlı tutacak emek ve enerji de dahil. Şu anda boş vaktimin çoğu sitemiz ve ilgili yerlere akıyor; forum da gelirse farklı bir şey düşünmek gerekir. Ancak bu konuyu etraflıca düşüneceğimize ve olabildiğince Satanistin fikrini alacağımıza emin olabilirsin. Yahoo gruplarında da az önce gerekli duyuru yapıldı. Şeref ve Güç Ebediyen Şeytan'a Atfolsun, iyi akşamlar!

JayBrandon1488666 said:
Go to googke translater and type in key search words like spirituality and world news or whatever. Copy the translated Turkish word to twitter search and then spam this link on the results.

Sieg heil!

You no longer need to do such, you can simply spam-paste (try not to get shadow-banned though) links to my site (especially the article I am linking below) and other relevant Satanist sites. This article of mine is an all-time hit, and is basically a "Spiritual Satanism 101". Covers many different topics in a Q&A format, serving as a primer for deeper reading:
If you see some Islaimst Turks or half-awake non-Islamist Turks complaining about this or that being "Satanic", "Demonic" or whatever, you can assert that Satanism/Demons/Satan isn't what they think they are and post it below. If you'd like to, that is!

Lydia said:
Great work on this :)

Hail Satan!

4 words from our resident "mini-mod" are a flattery 4000 words from an outsider could not hold a candle to. :) Thank you sister, Hail Satan!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am lifting this up for a few days so that people can see this on the forum for a couple days. When we also get Bosnia and Herzegovina page running, this will also go up, so people who are interested can find out.
Thank you for your attention, High Priest. I have copied the same announcement now to the Yahoo Groups, specifically Joy of Satan 666, 666 Black Sun, JoS 4 Adults and Hell's Army 666. I suppose that's everywhere I should be posting to?

As for everybody else, we are working on a solution to get the entire website into archive form and will summarily provide solutions ASAP on our website, and we intend to update the archived version regularly as well. In the past, besides the website, we also had disseminated PDF content containing some meditations, spiritual info and such; and we shall put all of that onto our website in this month. Expect large updates and a veritable collection you will be proud to show off to, even to non-Satanists for the sheer amount of robust spiritual info it provides; just like some of our foreigner brothers and sisters have had the privilege of for so long! "Oh yeah, this site says some pretty quacky Satanic stuff, but the meditations feel amazing, you gotta try it!" - How to save obstinate loved ones 101. Then slowly reel them in if you wish!
Our population is increasing everday in Turkey.We should also consider the new devotees who do not communicate with us.The website plays a very important role in this regard because It is Turkey's most comprehensive website "for now" :) Thanks to PeppermintTaco for his efforts.
JayBrandon1488666 said:
Go to google translater and type in key search words like spirituality and world news or whatever. Copy the translated Turkish word to twitter search and then spam this link on the results.

Sieg heil!

You no longer need to do such, you can simply spam-paste (try not to get shadow-banned though) links to my site (especially the article I am linking below) and other relevant Satanist sites. This article of mine is an all-time hit, and is basically a "Spiritual Satanism 101". Covers many different topics in a Q&A format, serving as a primer for deeper reading:
If you see some Islaimst Turks or half-awake non-Islamist Turks complaining about this or that being "Satanic", "Demonic" or whatever, you can assert that Satanism/Demons/Satan isn't what they think they are and post it below. If you'd like to, that is!

What I said is that we should spam it on posts written in Turkish, so Turks can read it. I post all of these links in English written posts.









1. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11506&hilit

2. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11566



Sieg heil
JayBrandon1488666 said:
What I said is that we should spam it on posts written in Turkish, so Turks can read it. I post all of these links in English written posts.









1. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11506&hilit

2. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11566



Sieg heil

I have noticed a couple pieces of information that might come in handy for myself, so I thank you for that, Brother. And again, thanks for your thought!
PeppermintTaco said:
JayBrandon1488666 said:
What I said is that we should spam it on posts written in Turkish, so Turks can read it. I post all of these links in English written posts.









1. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11506&hilit

2. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11566



Sieg heil

I have noticed a couple pieces of information that might come in handy for myself, so I thank you for that, Brother. And again, thanks for your thought!

Thank you PeppermintTaco for you service fam! Hail Satan!
What a great suprise! It's nice to see you in here. itin duası kabul olsaydı gökten kemik yağardı.
Nevrestheimmortal said:
What a great suprise! It's nice to see you in here. itin duası kabul olsaydı gökten kemik yağardı.

"itin duası kabul olsaydı gökten kemik yağardı"

He speaks Turkish slang and profanity. Look at his profile picture! A Jewish actress.
Prince.of.wallachia said:
Nevrestheimmortal said:
What a great suprise! It's nice to see you in here. itin duası kabul olsaydı gökten kemik yağardı.

"itin duası kabul olsaydı gökten kemik yağardı"

He speaks Turkish slang and profanity. Look at his profile picture! A Jewish actress.
I said that for jews actually, not for you. what are you trying to do? Beat me down or something? Don't even try it.
Nevrestheimmortal said:
Prince.of.wallachia said:
Nevrestheimmortal said:
What a great suprise! It's nice to see you in here. itin duası kabul olsaydı gökten kemik yağardı.

"itin duası kabul olsaydı gökten kemik yağardı"

He speaks Turkish slang and profanity. Look at his profile picture! A Jewish actress.
I said that for jews actually, not for you. what are you trying to do? Beat me down or something? Don't even try it.

he just pointed out facts
MoonlessNight666 said:
Nevrestheimmortal said:
Prince.of.wallachia said:
"itin duası kabul olsaydı gökten kemik yağardı"

He speaks Turkish slang and profanity. Look at his profile picture! A Jewish actress.
I said that for jews actually, not for you. what are you trying to do? Beat me down or something? Don't even try it.

he just pointed out facts

The fact is that something doesn't need to hide himself, If we are doing a legal work.
Nevrestheimmortal said:
MoonlessNight666 said:
Nevrestheimmortal said:
I said that for jews actually, not for you. what are you trying to do? Beat me down or something? Don't even try it.

he just pointed out facts

The fact is that something doesn't need to hide himself, If we are doing a legal work.

You seem to be giving an overly emotional respone to someone who literally just translated the words YOU have written. And, pointed out the fact that the picture you have chosen to represent yourself in the house if Satan belowns to a jewess which was a decision YOU made.
MoonlessNight666 said:
Nevrestheimmortal said:
MoonlessNight666 said:
he just pointed out facts

The fact is that something doesn't need to hide himself, If we are doing a legal work.

You seem to be giving an overly emotional respone to someone who literally just translated the words YOU have written. And, pointed out the fact that the picture you have chosen to represent yourself in the house if Satan belowns to a jewess which was a decision YOU made.

Problem is not my profile or my written words, I know them, we have a different problems, so these facts are just symbolic.
PeppermintTaco said:
The English version of this announcement can be found at the bottom of the post./Bu duyurunun İngilizcesi altta bulunabilir.

Tüm Satanik kardeşlerime ve savaşçılarımıza esenlikler olsun!

Bugün sizlere harika haberlerle geliyorum. Ben Satan's Peacock, ve bir süredir Satanik ailemizin bir üyesiyim. Tahmin edebileceğiniz gibi bir Türk Spiritüel Satanist'im, ve savaş emeklerimizde üzerime düşeni yapmak için mücadele vermekteyim. Tabii bu forum yazısı benim hakkımda değil, sizlere ve davamıza ne getirdiğimle ilgili olacak. Türk Kardeşlerim için Türkçe Spiritüel Satanizmi sitesi yürütmekteyim, ve yıllardır da yürütüyorum. Özellikle son zamanlarda, oldukça içerik yayınlıyoruz (ve dahası da gelecek) ve değerli Yüksek Rahibimiz Hooded Cobra forumlardaki Satanik kardeşlerimize de bu devam eden (ve bu gidişle de sonsuza dek edecek!) projemizi haber vermemi istedi.

Bu duyuruyu yabancı kardeşlerimizle de paylaşmamın sebebi; hem bunu paylaşacak en iyi forumun bu olması, hem de o kardeşlerimizin de sevincimize ortak olmasını istememiz. En nihayetinde Türkçe, 300 milyon konuşanı olan bir dildir. Azerbaycan gibi yerlerde olan Türki kardeşlerimiz ve tüm Kadim Satanik Gök Türklerin torunlarının da anlayabileceği bir kaynağı var artık. Gelecek ay ve yıllarda, Türk Satanist nüfusumuzda keskin bir artış olacağını görmeyi umuyor ve İrade ediyorum. Orijinal Pagan köklerimizi yeniden geri getirip onurlandırmak, ve halkımızın üzerinde son birkaç yüzyıldır bulunan sahte İslam maskesini yıkayıp atmak için durmadan çalışacağız.

Sitemizde, tamamen Türkçe olarak şunları bulacaksınız:

Satanizm'e girmek ve başlamak için ihtiyaç duyabileceğiniz hemen hemen her çeşit "temel" bilgi.

İbrahimi inançları etraflıca çürüten yazılar, odağımız da kendi halkımıza zehir olan İslam olarak.

Kişiyi ruhaniyetle haşır neşir edip ilerlemesini sağlayacak meditasyonlar ve ruhani bilgiler. Tüm temel bilgiler yerinde ve gelecekte daha fazlası da gelecek.

Satanik maji ve ritüeller konusunda bilgi.

Orijinal Türk Pagan değerlerimizin, kendi orijinal kültürümüzün şanlı, kadim Satanik kültürümüzle nasıl bağdaştığı konusunda bilgiler.

Çok önemlisi ve Türk web'inde belki de ilk defa; tüm Demon'lar hakkında bütün ve saf, bozulmamış bilgiler, tıpkı Joy of Satan'daki gibi %100 detayla. Artık bir daha asla Tanrılarmız hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak için Sağ Elci sitelerde, forumlarda veya gruplarda çamur içinde bata çıka yürümeye çalışırcasına dolaşıp, bir de üstüne bütün bu çabalarınızın sonunda kusursuz Tanrı ve Tanrıçalarımız hakkında küfürlü, aşağılayıcı ve eksik bilgiler almayacaksınız!

Yüksek Rahip/Rahibeler tarafından yazılan, çeşitli konularda seçilmiş vaazlar.

Bütün RTR'lar (yakında siteye isteyenin incelemesiiçin yüklenecek!), geçmişte de hala RTR Programımız varken (artık kullanmıyoruz, zira artık sadece Nihai RTR'ı uyguluyoruz) bunların da güncel tutulması da cabası. Doğal olarak, artık tek odağımız olan Nihai RTR ve yeni Kardeşlerimiz için RTR yapma konusunda ihtiyaç duyabilecekleri bütün talimatlar da bunlara dahil.

Türk kardeşlerimize önemli duyuruların olabildiğince hızlı bir şekilde iletimi, bu sayede önemli ritüeller, tarihler, kutlamalar ve genel olarak güç taşıyan günler hakkında sürekli bilgi sahibi kalabilin.

Ve daha fazlası!

Her birimizin bir araya gelmemiz, Thor'un kudretli Çekici olmamız ve Babamızın tüm düşmanlarının tepelerine şimşek gibi çökmemiz dileğiyle!

Şeref ve Güç Tengri/Şeytan'a, Hell'in Tüm Tanrılarına ve Zafere Ebediyen Atfolsun!


Greetings to all my Satanic siblings and all my comrades in arms!

Today, I bring you sublime news. I'm Satan's Peacock, and I have been a member of our Satanic family for a good while now. I'm a Turkish Spiritual Satanist, and have been trying to do my part in the war effort. Anywho, this topic isn't about me, but what I bring to the fold. I run a Turkish Spiritual Satanism website, and have been for years. Recently, we have been releasing a lot of content (with way more to come, time permitting!), and thus I was asked by our good High Priest Hooded Cobra to also let our Satanic brothers and sisters on the forums here know about this ongoing (likely forever!) project.

I am well aware that this news may not particularly excite you English-speaking brothers and sisters of mine, yet I wish to post on this specific forum both due to lack of any other appropriate ones, and also for you to share in our joy. After all, Turkish is a language with 300 million speakers, our Turkic SS brothers that are in Azerbaijan etc., all those descendants of the ancient Satanic Sky-Turks can understand our content as well. In the coming months and years, I hope and Will to see a sharp increase in the Turkish Satanist population and we will be working tirelessly to bring back our Original Pagan roots to bear, and wash away the false veneer of Islam that has stained our people in the last few centuries.

On our website, you will find, all in Turkish:

Just about all the "basic" information one could need to get started on Satanism.

Thorough debunking of Abrahamic faiths, with the focus on the bane of our people in particular, Islam.

Meditations and spiritual information to get acquainted with and advance in spirituality, with all the basic stuff completely in place and more to come.

Information on Satanic magick and rituals.

Inclusion of our Original Turkish Pagan values, connections of how our original culture ties in with our glorious ancient Satanic culture.

Very importantly and perhaps for the first time in Turkish web; complete and unadulterated information on all the Demons, in absolute %100 detail just as on Joy of Satan. Never more shall you fumble through RHP websites, forums or groups wading through incomplete and blasphemous information on our immaculate Gods and Goddesses!

Numerous select sermons by High Priest/esse/s about a myriad of topics.

All the RTRs (to be uploaded to the site soon for posterity), with the now-obsolete "RTR Schedule" having been updated on the clock back when we used to have those. Obviously, the Final RTR and full instructions of how to perform RTRs for new people are fully included.

Important announcements delivered as soon as possible to all our Turkish brethren, so we stay in the loop on important rituals, dates, celebrations and power dates in general.

More to come!

May we all come together as one and strike down all enemies of Father like Thor's mighty Hammer.!

Hail Tengri/Satan, Hail all the Gods of Hell, Hail Victory, forever!


"We've lost some of our Germanics! The Berbers of North Africa, the Kurds of Asia Minor. One of them was Kemal Ataturk, who had nothing to do with his compatriots, from the racial point of view..."

Hitler'in (Hitler's Table Talk kitabından) bu sözünü açıklayabilir misin ya da bir başkası açıklayabilir mi? Merak ettim.

Can you or somebody explain this Hitler's quote? (From Hitler's Table Talk book) I wondered.
LiveStorm said:
Hail to all Satanic Warriors!

I have been working for a long time as with everyone else in order for Turks to awaken to the Jewish Question and fight it. Like everywhere on the globe, the Satanic struggle is also awakening and rising in Turkey. None of our European, Asian, American and African brothers and sister have any need for fear, victory is eternally ours. As for us, there were few Turkish Satanist sources spreading the Truth. Since the creation of https://www.spirituelsatanizm.org's creation, our exposure and views have been increasing day after day, and scant a day passes that we don't welcome a new Satanist brother or sister into our fold!

Until the war on Earth is over (and beyond), the struggle we make will continue and we shall accomplish this together, forever. With the sincerest wishes of a world where Father Satan and our Gods descend unto the world once more, take care!

Honor and Power be unto Satan forever!

It's great to see that such a braveful and intelligent person like you. I hope your postings and your personality will be inspirational for our friends.
Ülkemizde satanist kardeşlerimin artması beni çok mutlu ediyor. Bizi aydınlatan spirituelsatanizm.org sitesi adminlerine teşekkür ediyorum.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
