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Trump's 'Terrible Twos' Tantrum Discussions/Reactions


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
This is only a sample, of course.

Donald Fart (in English, "trump" is also another word for "fart", to break wind, to flatulate, to let one rip...) is on its second term. These are Trump's Terrible Twos, being on his second term, and this one is his recent tantrum.


JD Vance either is ignorant or the idiot lied. What it said in its attack about soldiers having not served for 40 years (interesting number...) was incorrect, and it was being deliberately unprofessional and deliberately provocative, as was Trump also being. Also apparently, it was all quite amicable until that journalist, who appears to be a plant, asked that question - and then the president and vice president both jumped on-board with that and ganged-up on Zelenskyy with bullying and interruptions and aggression and invasion of personal space. Great work, president and vice president. Trump really is a man of the people cameras. If somewhere hasn't fought a war in 40 years, then why does America keep thinking it needs to stick its nose into others' business?






Either I made this one or (which I think is the case) I saw it - the one where they're kicking the door open, it was captioned "Freedom and peace, motherfucker!".

In case you were offended by that, here's something to soothe your Soul and dry your tears -

It's funny that the USA! USA! USA! USA! is number one (in crime, jail population, obesity, underaged pregnancy, abortion, general degeneracy and insanity...) yet it has all sorts of imports into it, lol. Regarding those 2 "Men in the Bathroom" - where is the bath? It's not a bathroom. As for "seeing eye-dog" - for deaf people who need guide dogs*, do they have "listening ear-dogs"? :eyeroll: As a full-of-themself ignorant American said in GTA3 to the English, I say the same, with a slight alteration, to the Americans - Speak English, you limey-wannabe morons - to which that character was corrected, "They were speaking English before we were". "Before you were"?! Lol. OK, American. Another American character trying to hate Europe, while also trying to speak English, from GTA: SA said, "People say, [in a mocking tone] 'It's so... civilised in Europe; they got thousands-a-years-a-history'." Indeed. America is an infant. Huh - speaking of terrible twos; grow-up, America. You need your arse smacking and your nappy* changing.

In case anyone didn't understand - terrible twos, as above, here also means America is still young enough to be in nappies, so it is immature and throws tantrums, etc., and it also means number 2 meaning poo, shitting itself and needing its toddler arse cleaning because it can't do it itself. Number one! USA! USA! USA! USA! Was it last Trump term there was saying of "American" or "Trump empire"? Come up with a new word, becaues empires need emperors/empressess. The UK had the biggest in the World; America is just jealous and needs to go to - as Americans love - boot camp, to straighten it out. It will grow up one day, hopefully... Oh, and Americans - Europe is not in Canada. Learn to see more-than 2mm past your own noses, please. Thanks!

This video here is less-than 50 minutes in total.


"The country is so divided now."
Yeah, I realised that quite a while ago.

Commentators in the video said they found it shocking, uncomfortable, etc., how Trump and Vance chose to behave while the cameras were rolling. I haven't said this for ages (and it might have been on the previous forum where I said it). In a computer game I have played, in its research tree, one of the ways you can defeat the enemy is by using media instead of military might. The options for research in the media branch are Compelling Propaganda, Regimented Thought, Shock and Awe, and Cunning Sympathisers. It being a game, it doesn't translate precisely to real-life, but in real-life these things work. One band I liked to listen to was Cradle of Filth. They employed shock value; christians would... erm... love to be shocked by their lyrics! (It may also be offensive to us, as well.) The same with the preachers who use shocking compelling sensationalim in doomsaying and repentance nonense. Explain to me how this with Trump and Vance (and of course, fumbling, bumbling Biden, etc.) is any different.

"This is gunna be great television." As I keep saying - it's all orchestrated. It's a script. Now (10/03/2025) Fart is ready to ease military aid and intelligence back to Ukraine.

Trump said everyone agreed with him taking over Gaza, removing Palestinians away via ethnic cleansing and settling them elsewhere or leaving them to be nomads, and turning the area into "israel"'s "riviera". Trump also wants to take Canada. Trump also wants to "buy" Greenland. Trump went to Scotland and wanted to have his own golf course there, which if I remember correctly, the Scottish opposed. Trump is sucking Putin's dick, calling Zelenskyy a dictator who wasn't elected democratically while ignoring Putin doing that... Oh, and Trump's Scottish golf course has been vandalised with pro-Palestinian graffiti.

The group Palestine Action said it “rejects Donald Trump’s treatment of Gaza as though it were his property to dispose of as he likes.”
“To make that clear, we have shown him that his own property is not safe from acts of resistance,” it said in a statement.

Is Trump playing a game and actually will be decent, or is the TV personality and multi-timed bankrupt and failed businessman, who needed to be bailed-out by (if I am not mistaken) a Saudi prince a few times, who is also supposedly "the most powerful man in the World" who is pretending to be a politician, doing the bidding of "israel" as someone in an American paper which I can't find said it is the role that the PotUS is "supposed to do"? Is Trump strategising for actual betterment of Humans and Earth (or at least for the USA), or is it a bait-n-switch manoeuvre or series of manoeuvres where he intends... or is told... to do the ole spinarooni?
As a European, I have no fucking idea what Trump and Vance are doing lmao.

What I know for sure is that they have lost a lot of sympathy with Europeans, both within the commonfolk and the politicians at the top.

I only keep hearing bad things but I know the media can be biased so I try to take in everything contextually but as of lately I often struggle to see any way in which certain things that are being said could be in any way smart.

I don't particularly care if they berate the jew Zelesnkyy, as he's a dirty jew, but I can see how such a move on television is controversial and sounds idiotic.

I am utterly confused by the recent events and at this point I think the options are 2, either they went completely bonkers or they're playing 4d chess, I have no clue towards what goal though.
Vance was not talking about England or France when he said about an army that hasn't fought for 40 years. He was talking hypothetically about a small nonspecific eastern european country which would not have a strong or effective military.

Zelenski is a lying criminal jew. This rat jew is sacrificing the lives of the Ukrainian people for its jewish reasons of mass human sacrifice. It doesn't care how many people are killed in this war, or how many towns and cities are destroyed. All of the actions this jew has done suggest that it wants the highest possible number of deaths.

Because this jew is also a corrupt criminal who has stolen hundreds of billions of dollars from other countries. It wants the war to continue for the next hundred years, because it knows when the war stops, the money will stop. Ukraine has been well known for decades to be the most corrupt country in Europe. Ukraine has been the base of money laundering from other countries, to help politicians of those other countries steal money from their people.

Like the Biden crime family where the crackhead son Hunter who has never had a job in his life, was somehow qualified to be paid 1 Million dollars per year by Burisma gas company, even though he knows nothing about energy companies and he doesn't even speak the language. Hunter has said in his leaked text messages and in records on his laptop computer that he abandoned at the repair shop, there are many records of him saying how all of the corrupt money he has taken from countries around the world was all an influence campaign to bribe Joe Biden to do whatever they wanted him to do, and that more than 50% of all the money he ever got went directly to Joe. When a federal prosecuter in Ukraine was investigating Burisma for corruption at the same time as Hunter Biden's currupt business with them, Joe Biden threatened the president of Ukraine that he would cancel a deal to give them 1 Billion dollars unless that specific prosecuter was fired. A direct quid pro quo agreement which is illegal. Then the democrats tried to cover their crimes for impeaching Trump for just asking about this on a phone call, because Trump heard the story before and wanted to ask Zelensky if he knew more about it. They called Trump asking about this a quid pro quo deal, when that is a lie because Trump never asked for anything in return and never threatened to withold anything. And it was Biden's corruption which he admits to on video that was the real story.

The corrupt criminal jew Zelenski has recieved hundreds of billions of dollars. With absolutely no accounting of where any of this money has gone to, what if anything was purchased, or who received it. And you see at this same time, many people in Ukraine becoming millionaires and billionaires and buying millions of dollars of yachts, mansions, and cars. I can't find the video now, but there was a famous story a few months ago about 2 ukrainian brothers who were construction contractors who were paid hundreds of millions of dollars to build defenses around a small town. A few months later, the Russian army walked right into town, there were no defenses constructed at all and the brothers just took the money and kept it.

Trump and Vance, their only priority is they want this war to end. End the war as soon as possible, and end it completely so it will not start again. Stop people from dying. Not only have men died in the war, but most of the men have already died and now it is women dying in the war. An enormous percentage of the population of both of these countries have been killed, and it needs to stop.

The war also needs to stop before it turns into WW3 before it is too late. With this war happening and all these other countries getting involved, and at the same time you have the war of israel against Palestine and Lebanon, and also increased conflicts by China against Taiwan and other places in the South China Sea. It very easily could be WW3, and it is only by a miracle from the Gods that it is not already WW3.

With Trump's maximum priorities of preventing WW3 and prevent more people from dying, money is also important. The corrupt and criminal Ukrainian government has taken 350 Billion dollars from the American people. And yes, Russian government is also corrupt and criminal I am not against only one side, but we did not give them money. So a way to make some of this money back would be by giving America the mineral rights, and that is fair to pay back the money they have taken.

Zelenski agreed privately to sign the mineral rights deal, and the purpose of that meeting was entirely about them signing the deal. But right before this meeting, Zelenski met privately with a group of democrat politicians and they convinced him to not sign it. Which they all should be in prison for violating the Logan Act which says that only the President and his team are supposed to make all these diplomatic agreements with other countries, and a private citizen is not allowed to act as a spy and interfere with this.

Zelenski is a criminal jew piece of shit. Putin is a criminal jew piece of shit. Both of them are guilty. But it is Zelenski who refuses to negotiate on a peace deal and ending the war. It is Zelenski who wants the Ukrainian people to continue dying until nobody is left if it means there will be one more stolen shekel in his pocket.

For all the money and equipment that this jew has already taken from us, he couldn't even say "thank you." for it. He came into that meeting with a shitty attitude and acting like he can stomp all over the American president and do whatever he wants. And he was able to act like that toward Biden, but Trump is not Biden. He could act like that all he wants, but the point is that that is how he is acting while at the same time asking us for more money. And he expects to get it?

For all the Europeans pretending to care, why should America always be doing 95% of the work to protect Europe? Why can't Europe handle their own problems? We are on the other side of the Atlantic ocean, it really doesn't affect us what happens in Europe. And you have all these European countries who are delinquent on their Nato dues and have not paid their fair share for decades, with America left to fund nearly everything. And all these European countries who gave money to Ukraine, but at the same time gave multiple times that much money to Russia to buy fuel from them.
I don’t get the Putin hate. He’s just trying to defend Russia and its interests. They did a color revolution in Ukraine to turn it against Russia and tried to do one in Russia as well with Navalny. The war isn’t just about protecting Russians in Ukraine but also Putin showing the NWO he won’t capitulate Russia to them, they thought he’d sell out to them.

Here is a Ukrainian politician admitting from early on and what Ukraine under Zelensky is fighting for, the NWO:

One the one side is Russian rule, on the other subjugation to the NWO. Blackrock wants to basically own Ukraine after the war ends.

Ukrainians as a majority aren’t aware of this. They’re fighting for globalism which in the long term would lead to Ukraine following Western Europe’s footsteps of demographic displacement of the natives as well as cultural marxism. Once again we have Europeans unknowningly fighting for their destruction.

I agree that peace is the best choice here. That will essentially lead Ukraine to become a tributary state to the US though, which is what Trump’s mineral deal is all about. Hopefully Trump keeps the globalist claws out of Ukraine if he could.

Being subjucated to Russian Slavic brothers is bad and must be fought against, but being subjucated by globalist jews and other wealthy foreigners is alright for some reason. I hope Ukrainians find a way to freedom somehow despite all of this, Gods willing.
For all the Europeans pretending to care, why should America always be doing 95% of the work to protect Europe? Why can't Europe handle their own problems?
I totally agree with this.
Europe in the current day and age is fucking insignificant in the geopolitical scene.
Europe has to step the FUCK up, it's honestly embarrassing to see how little we matter today.
I totally agree with this.
Europe in the current day and age is fucking insignificant in the geopolitical scene.
Europe has to step the FUCK up, it's honestly embarrassing to see how little we matter today.
It's easy to afford free healthcare when your military is mostly funded and supported by American money....
I don’t get the Putin hate. He’s just trying to defend Russia and its interests. They did a color revolution in Ukraine to turn it against Russia and tried to do one in Russia as well with Navalny. The war isn’t just about protecting Russians in Ukraine but also Putin showing the NWO he won’t capitulate Russia to them, they thought he’d sell out to them.

Here is a Ukrainian politician admitting from early on and what Ukraine under Zelensky is fighting for, the NWO:

One the one side is Russian rule, on the other subjugation to the NWO. Blackrock wants to basically own Ukraine after the war ends.

Ukrainians as a majority aren’t aware of this. They’re fighting for globalism which in the long term would lead to Ukraine following Western Europe’s footsteps of demographic displacement of the natives as well as cultural marxism. Once again we have Europeans unknowningly fighting for their destruction.

I agree that peace is the best choice here. That will essentially lead Ukraine to become a tributary state to the US though, which is what Trump’s mineral deal is all about. Hopefully Trump keeps the globalist claws out of Ukraine if he could.

Being subjucated to Russian Slavic brothers is bad and must be fought against, but being subjucated by globalist jews and other wealthy foreigners is alright for some reason. I hope Ukrainians find a way to freedom somehow despite all of this, Gods willing.
,Hate for Putin fits perfectly into a bell- curve

Putin does present himself as a Russian national socialist, so on one side there's the snowflakes 'Muh Putin bad for liberals ' on the other side those who see Putin as an enabler of the current Judaic political dichotomy,

Putin serves his purpose well by disseminating any idea of a third option between Communism and Capitalism,The Russian interests his protects are these geopolitical dynamics,

Ukraine General as far back as 2014 were raising concerns about CIA and Zionists pushing for an offensive from Ukraine against Russia, Ukraine Nationalist are very anti-Semitic,not a suprise it's the only country with a Nazi millitia even funded by literal Jews and Foreign lobbyists,to control and manage them, a war with commies would have been and it is their best option to sending Ukrainians to the meat grinders,

,Hate for Putin fits perfectly into a bell- curve

Putin does present himself as a Russian national socialist, so on one side there's the snowflakes 'Muh Putin bad for liberals ' on the other side those who see Putin as an enabler of the current Judaic political dichotomy,

Putin serves his purpose well by disseminating any idea of a third option between Communism and Capitalism,The Russian interests his protects are these geopolitical dynamics,

Ukraine General as far back as 2014 were raising concerns about CIA and Zionists pushing for an offensive from Ukraine against Russia, Ukraine Nationalist are very anti-Semitic,not a suprise it's the only country with a Nazi millitia even funded by literal Jews and Foreign lobbyists,to control and manage them, a war with commies would have been and it is their best option to sending Ukrainians to the meat grinders,

*Disseminating*. Extermination
Vance was not talking about England or France when he said about an army that hasn't fought for 40 years. He was talking hypothetically about a small nonspecific eastern european country which would not have a strong or effective military.

Zelenski is a lying criminal jew. This rat jew is sacrificing the lives of the Ukrainian people for its jewish reasons of mass human sacrifice. It doesn't care how many people are killed in this war, or how many towns and cities are destroyed. All of the actions this jew has done suggest that it wants the highest possible number of deaths.

Because this jew is also a corrupt criminal who has stolen hundreds of billions of dollars from other countries. It wants the war to continue for the next hundred years, because it knows when the war stops, the money will stop. Ukraine has been well known for decades to be the most corrupt country in Europe. Ukraine has been the base of money laundering from other countries, to help politicians of those other countries steal money from their people.

Like the Biden crime family where the crackhead son Hunter who has never had a job in his life, was somehow qualified to be paid 1 Million dollars per year by Burisma gas company, even though he knows nothing about energy companies and he doesn't even speak the language. Hunter has said in his leaked text messages and in records on his laptop computer that he abandoned at the repair shop, there are many records of him saying how all of the corrupt money he has taken from countries around the world was all an influence campaign to bribe Joe Biden to do whatever they wanted him to do, and that more than 50% of all the money he ever got went directly to Joe. When a federal prosecuter in Ukraine was investigating Burisma for corruption at the same time as Hunter Biden's currupt business with them, Joe Biden threatened the president of Ukraine that he would cancel a deal to give them 1 Billion dollars unless that specific prosecuter was fired. A direct quid pro quo agreement which is illegal. Then the democrats tried to cover their crimes for impeaching Trump for just asking about this on a phone call, because Trump heard the story before and wanted to ask Zelensky if he knew more about it. They called Trump asking about this a quid pro quo deal, when that is a lie because Trump never asked for anything in return and never threatened to withold anything. And it was Biden's corruption which he admits to on video that was the real story.

The corrupt criminal jew Zelenski has recieved hundreds of billions of dollars. With absolutely no accounting of where any of this money has gone to, what if anything was purchased, or who received it. And you see at this same time, many people in Ukraine becoming millionaires and billionaires and buying millions of dollars of yachts, mansions, and cars. I can't find the video now, but there was a famous story a few months ago about 2 ukrainian brothers who were construction contractors who were paid hundreds of millions of dollars to build defenses around a small town. A few months later, the Russian army walked right into town, there were no defenses constructed at all and the brothers just took the money and kept it.

Trump and Vance, their only priority is they want this war to end. End the war as soon as possible, and end it completely so it will not start again. Stop people from dying. Not only have men died in the war, but most of the men have already died and now it is women dying in the war. An enormous percentage of the population of both of these countries have been killed, and it needs to stop.

The war also needs to stop before it turns into WW3 before it is too late. With this war happening and all these other countries getting involved, and at the same time you have the war of israel against Palestine and Lebanon, and also increased conflicts by China against Taiwan and other places in the South China Sea. It very easily could be WW3, and it is only by a miracle from the Gods that it is not already WW3.

With Trump's maximum priorities of preventing WW3 and prevent more people from dying, money is also important. The corrupt and criminal Ukrainian government has taken 350 Billion dollars from the American people. And yes, Russian government is also corrupt and criminal I am not against only one side, but we did not give them money. So a way to make some of this money back would be by giving America the mineral rights, and that is fair to pay back the money they have taken.

Zelenski agreed privately to sign the mineral rights deal, and the purpose of that meeting was entirely about them signing the deal. But right before this meeting, Zelenski met privately with a group of democrat politicians and they convinced him to not sign it. Which they all should be in prison for violating the Logan Act which says that only the President and his team are supposed to make all these diplomatic agreements with other countries, and a private citizen is not allowed to act as a spy and interfere with this.

Zelenski is a criminal jew piece of shit. Putin is a criminal jew piece of shit. Both of them are guilty. But it is Zelenski who refuses to negotiate on a peace deal and ending the war. It is Zelenski who wants the Ukrainian people to continue dying until nobody is left if it means there will be one more stolen shekel in his pocket.

For all the money and equipment that this jew has already taken from us, he couldn't even say "thank you." for it. He came into that meeting with a shitty attitude and acting like he can stomp all over the American president and do whatever he wants. And he was able to act like that toward Biden, but Trump is not Biden. He could act like that all he wants, but the point is that that is how he is acting while at the same time asking us for more money. And he expects to get it?

For all the Europeans pretending to care, why should America always be doing 95% of the work to protect Europe? Why can't Europe handle their own problems? We are on the other side of the Atlantic ocean, it really doesn't affect us what happens in Europe. And you have all these European countries who are delinquent on their Nato dues and have not paid their fair share for decades, with America left to fund nearly everything. And all these European countries who gave money to Ukraine, but at the same time gave multiple times that much money to Russia to buy fuel from them.
I agree with you 100%. Zelensky is a dirty jew, you can see it in his face, attitude and acting. Same goes for Putin, he is a kike.

You just need to take a look into the jewish Media - all of them protect Zelensky and blame Trump. This alone very revealing - but unfortunately this is also brainwashing people on a massive scale.

I am German, and everybody hates Trump - simply because the jew media is brainwashing people on a large scale and they are not even aware of it.

Trump is actually very compassionate, caring and has a lot of empathy for people, that’s why he can connect to the common people and also see what they need. On the other side he is a rebel that can not be controlled - which makes him very dangerous for the top jews in this world.

While Trump wanted to bring peace to this war, Zelensky wanted money, Bullets, Rockets and fight jets.
Instead of a cease fire, he wanted the war to go on. He never wanted to negotiate with Russia but the war to go on - no matter how many of his people die in the process.

We have many Ukrainian people/women here - and most of them are jews. It seems they either have mostly jews in their population - or all the jews leave Ukraine to leech off other countries - and live the hot girl summer while their men are dying.
I don’t get the Putin hate. He’s just trying to defend Russia and its interests. They did a color revolution in Ukraine to turn it against Russia and tried to do one in Russia as well with Navalny. The war isn’t just about protecting Russians in Ukraine but also Putin showing the NWO he won’t capitulate Russia to them, they thought he’d sell out to them.

Here is a Ukrainian politician admitting from early on and what Ukraine under Zelensky is fighting for, the NWO:

One the one side is Russian rule, on the other subjugation to the NWO. Blackrock wants to basically own Ukraine after the war ends.

Ukrainians as a majority aren’t aware of this. They’re fighting for globalism which in the long term would lead to Ukraine following Western Europe’s footsteps of demographic displacement of the natives as well as cultural marxism. Once again we have Europeans unknowningly fighting for their destruction.

I agree that peace is the best choice here. That will essentially lead Ukraine to become a tributary state to the US though, which is what Trump’s mineral deal is all about. Hopefully Trump keeps the globalist claws out of Ukraine if he could.

Being subjucated to Russian Slavic brothers is bad and must be fought against, but being subjucated by globalist jews and other wealthy foreigners is alright for some reason. I hope Ukrainians find a way to freedom somehow despite all of this, Gods willing.
Well yes many Russian people do like Putin and he has improved the conditions in Russia. My parents came from Russia, and for example before Putin they had to support my Grandma with money and goods, and since Putin is in charge she gets enough pension to live and also save some money.

But on the other side do not forget that Putin is a kike and that he is oppressing free speech and also does a lot of propaganda. (Like all countries brainwash their people.)

The good thing about Putin is that it seems that the world top jews do not control him.
I don’t get the Putin hate. He’s just trying to defend Russia and its interests. They did a color revolution in Ukraine to turn it against Russia and tried to do one in Russia as well with Navalny. The war isn’t just about protecting Russians in Ukraine but also Putin showing the NWO he won’t capitulate Russia to them, they thought he’d sell out to them.

Here is a Ukrainian politician admitting from early on and what Ukraine under Zelensky is fighting for, the NWO:

One the one side is Russian rule, on the other subjugation to the NWO. Blackrock wants to basically own Ukraine after the war ends.

Ukrainians as a majority aren’t aware of this. They’re fighting for globalism which in the long term would lead to Ukraine following Western Europe’s footsteps of demographic displacement of the natives as well as cultural marxism. Once again we have Europeans unknowningly fighting for their destruction.

I agree that peace is the best choice here. That will essentially lead Ukraine to become a tributary state to the US though, which is what Trump’s mineral deal is all about. Hopefully Trump keeps the globalist claws out of Ukraine if he could.

Being subjucated to Russian Slavic brothers is bad and must be fought against, but being subjucated by globalist jews and other wealthy foreigners is alright for some reason. I hope Ukrainians find a way to freedom somehow despite all of this, Gods willing.
Russian interests=Jewish Interests
You must remember Putin put all the genuine Russian nationalists and National Socialists in prison for defying his reign of Eurasianist Imperialism, which is for all intents and purposes "Eastern Globohomo"


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I read a 2020 post by Lady Maxine where she said Trump is very bad for the US as he will do serious damage or worse to the USA (unintentional or not) since his Saturn is tightly conjunct the USA's chart ruler of Mercury, has this changed somehow?
I don't know almost anything about him other than that video.
I might have been a bit hasty but I've seen him with the little hat even though he doesn't look like one. Nevertheless, his family seems to have been infiltrated and there's this and other articles confirming that he's allied to the enemy.

Didn't Trump made an AI video where he clearly promoted turning Gaza into his own resort?
He didn't say that he would own the resort. What he talked about is that Gaza is a bombed out husk, and it is not a good place for anybody to live in its current horrible condition. So there is an idea to work on turning it into a nice place like a resort. Then the Palestinians will have a nice place to live, and it would also give some money to America by paying us some percentage of the profits for what we invest into building it.
I might have been a bit hasty but I've seen him with the little hat even though he doesn't look like one. Nevertheless, his family seems to have been infiltrated and there's this and other articles confirming that he's allied to the enemy.

Every president and prime minister of every important country are all made to go visit israel at least one time. And when they visit, they are made to wear that hat. I don't know what the situation is with him, but it is possible that this is where the picture comes from.
It was a nice meeting between Trump and Kier Starmer. I don't know much about Kier Starmer, but he seems like a good guy.

Not at all, he he is a puppet that is pro immigration and is favorable to muslims invading the UK. He's constantly playing down the fact that people in the UK are getting killed by invading arabs or girls getting raped.
I read a 2020 post by Lady Maxine where she said Trump is very bad for the US as he will do serious damage or worse to the USA (unintentional or not) since his Saturn is tightly conjunct the USA's chart ruler of Mercury, has this changed somehow?
Trump has been one of the greatest presidents in America's entire history and I am not even exaggerating. He created the greatest economy in America's entire history in his first term, before covid lockdowns ruined the economy. He had the lowest unemployment in black and hispanic Americans since any time in history. He had the lowest unemployment of women since WWI, and it was only so much in WWI because most of the men were away in the war so women had to work all the jobs. Average income for Americans was the highest of any time in history. Poverty levels were decreasing.

There were the lowest number of illegal border crossings ever recorded. His policies for enforcing the border were absolutely successful.

Trump is also the only president in almost 100 years where there were no new wars started anywhere in the world during his presidency. There was the highest amount of peace and safety throughout the world during his first term. Russia and China were both afraid to start conflicts with their neighbors because they knew Trump would punish them. Trump told Putin that if he goes into Ukraine, America will bomb Moscow down to the ground. And he told Xi that if he goes into Taiwan, America will bomb Beijing down to the ground. And both of them thought they better be on their best behavior because he might actually do it.

Conflicts in the middle east were coming to an end. There were historic peace deals being made that nobody thought could be possible, like the Abraham Accords. You are not allowed to enter israel if you have been to Iran, and you are not allowed to enter Iran if you have been to israel. With the Abraham Accords, there was actually trade between these 2 countries and there were actually airplane flights directly between Tehran and Tel Aviv every day.

Trump was working toward removing American soldiers and equipment from Afghanistan and Syria. But he was working towards doing this successfully and carefully. He would not have abandoned 283 Billion dollars of our highest technology weapons and equipment directly to the Taliban the way Biden did.

Other than endless jewish lies and jewish hoaxes, you can not find any problem with Trump. There were some small mistakes he made from lack of political experience, mostly with hiring some bad people in his first term. But looking at what he has actually done, he is one of the greatest presidents in our entire history. He truly is working to help Americans the maximum amount, and solve and remove the maximum number of problems.
Not at all, he he is a puppet that is pro immigration and is favorable to muslims invading the UK. He's constantly playing down the fact that people in the UK are getting killed by invading arabs or girls getting raped.
Then I don't like him. I think I was thinking of Nigel Farage, I've seen some good things done by him.

It is hard to think of any good politicians in Europe because so many of them are so horrible. Poland is doing pretty good right now with defending their borders and their people.

America has several hundred politicians and most of them are also horrible. But we have maybe 20-50 people who are actually trying to help.
Then I don't like him. I think I was thinking of Nigel Farage, I've seen some good things done by him.

It is hard to think of any good politicians in Europe because so many of them are so horrible. Poland is doing pretty good right now with defending their borders and their people.

America has several hundred politicians and most of them are also horrible. But we have maybe 20-50 people who are actually trying to help.
It is not about defence. Poland is being used as a Vanguard against Russia for the next war/continuation of this current one by the powers that be. Nothing more, nothing less. Other candidates are Ukraine and Romania for the same purpose.
Not at all, he he is a puppet that is pro immigration and is favorable to muslims invading the UK. He's constantly playing down the fact that people in the UK are getting killed by invading arabs or girls getting raped.
Oh Aquarius I think you are doing good in Italy. I like the woman that is the president in Italy. I think she has done some good things. But I don't know much about her either.
It is not about defence. Poland is being used as a Vanguard against Russia for the next war/continuation of this current one by the powers that be. Nothing more, nothing less. Other candidates are Ukraine and Romania for the same purpose.
I am not talking about anything related to whatever Nato might be thinking of with Poland. Whatever those plans are, I don't know much about it.

I only mean that they actually defend their borders by shooting the invaders, and they are teaching the highschool students how to use a rifle. I think these are good things.
Oh Aquarius I think you are doing good in Italy. I like the woman that is the president in Italy. I think she has done some good things. But I don't know much about her either.
She is literally shaking hands with the jewlensky and wanting Nato involvement, even if not the Nato membership for Ukraine. It seems that all of these politicians in high positions are more or less compromised in one way or another.
She is literally shaking hands with the jewlensky and wanting Nato involvement, even if not the Nato membership for Ukraine. It seems that all of these politicians in high positions are more or less compromised in one way or another.
All of them are at least partially fucked up. I don't know much about her, but I heard that she is doing more than every previous president to enforce Italy's borders and not allow the invaders.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
