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trump declare enemy houses of worship "essential"

Crystallized Mushroom

Active member
Jan 16, 2020
Crystal Planet
heres a short clip from fox news on it

also heres the full version
This means the energy of the enemy may get larger if more people start attending church. But the damage has already been done.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
This means the energy of the enemy may get larger if more people start attending church. But the damage has already been done.
I think the damage is already here. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter how much they pray, our RTR works in a different way, it's like we are destroying the bottom of a bucket full of water. Another thing to remember is that each Satanist has the power of more than one xian, the xian have very weak energy, someone that meditate every day could be powerful than more than 1000 xians. Someone who has the kundalini raised is even more powerful than that. The jews had it good because they did not have any spiritual opposition for years and so they had a lot of energy from years of worshipping, now with the help of the God's and the RTR this is already done, no matter how much they pray it's their end, obviously we have to keep doing the F-RTR every day!
Crystallized Mushroom said:
heres a short clip from fox news on it

also heres the full version
It was mentioned before that Trump currently is appeasing the christians in the US so as to secure their votes.
Shael said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
heres a short clip from fox news on it

also heres the full version
It was mentioned before that Trump currently is appeasing the christians in the US so as to secure their votes.
That is true, that's why Trump has that crazy christian lady following him around and praying all the time, he wants the christians to think he's on their team. But really he is not a christian, I'm pretty sure he's an athiest. All he cares about is physical things, he doesn't want to waste his time thinking of things that he thinks is fiction.

But also it is within the American constitution that all Americans have the absolute right to freely practice whatever religions we want to practice, and we have the freedom to meet with other people and discuss our beliefs. This is one of the most important things of the whole country, that all people are allowed to practice any religion that they want, or none if they don't want to. America was the first, all the other countries would require everybody to be slaves under the leader of the country's preffered cult. If you were in England, you would have to be some very specific kind of christian or else they would put you in jail and torture you. In muslim countries, they kill people that don't want to be muslims. Spanish Inquisition, torturing in the absolute most gruesome ways ever every single person who was even just accused of not being the right kind of christian. This kind of thing was normal in most countries in the time the constitution was made.

America was the first to say you can not force anybody to follow a certain religion. Our laws are not bound to any religion. Our country is not controlled and owned by a religion. We all have the freedom to have whatever beliefs we want, and nobody can force us to have any we don't want to follow. And nobody can force anybody apart from their religion if they want to follow it. Like christians killing billions of Satanists just because the religion is different, America is the exact opposite of that.

So what Trump is saying here, it is not his own idea. It is in the constitution, the most important document in the world. The freedom within the constitution is the inspiration for changes in the laws of most other advanced countries to give their own people more freedom also. Trump is not creating any of his own judgement or opinion, he is only repeating something that is already required.
The moon is void all morning into the afternoon in the United States on the 24th from about 7 Am if I remember right Eastern time. If a bunch of churches reopen that day it may not be a bad thing.
luis said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
This means the energy of the enemy may get larger if more people start attending church. But the damage has already been done.
I think the damage is already here. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter how much they pray, our RTR works in a different way, it's like we are destroying the bottom of a bucket full of water. Another thing to remember is that each Satanist has the power of more than one xian, the xian have very weak energy, someone that meditate every day could be powerful than more than 1000 xians. Someone who has the kundalini raised is even more powerful than that. The jews had it good because they did not have any spiritual opposition for years and so they had a lot of energy from years of worshipping, now with the help of the God's and the RTR this is already done, no matter how much they pray it's their end, obviously we have to keep doing the F-RTR every day!
I hope they lose a lot of followers soon and i'm glad their prayers mean shit now hopefully Abrahamic religious sites will close in the near feauture :mrgreen: :ugeek:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shael said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
heres a short clip from fox news on it

also heres the full version
It was mentioned before that Trump currently is appeasing the christians in the US so as to secure their votes.
That is true, that's why Trump has that crazy christian lady following him around and praying all the time, he wants the christians to think he's on their team. But really he is not a christian, I'm pretty sure he's an athiest. All he cares about is physical things, he doesn't want to waste his time thinking of things that he thinks is fiction.

But also it is within the American constitution that all Americans have the absolute right to freely practice whatever religions we want to practice, and we have the freedom to meet with other people and discuss our beliefs. This is one of the most important things of the whole country, that all people are allowed to practice any religion that they want, or none if they don't want to. America was the first, all the other countries would require everybody to be slaves under the leader of the country's preffered cult. If you were in England, you would have to be some very specific kind of christian or else they would put you in jail and torture you. In muslim countries, they kill people that don't want to be muslims. Spanish Inquisition, torturing in the absolute most gruesome ways ever every single person who was even just accused of not being the right kind of christian. This kind of thing was normal in most countries in the time the constitution was made.

America was the first to say you can not force anybody to follow a certain religion. Our laws are not bound to any religion. Our country is not controlled and owned by a religion. We all have the freedom to have whatever beliefs we want, and nobody can force us to have any we don't want to follow. And nobody can force anybody apart from their religion if they want to follow it. Like christians killing billions of Satanists just because the religion is different, America is the exact opposite of that.

So what Trump is saying here, it is not his own idea. It is in the constitution, the most important document in the world. The freedom within the constitution is the inspiration for changes in the laws of most other advanced countries to give their own people more freedom also. Trump is not creating any of his own judgement or opinion, he is only repeating something that is already required.

Good response. I thought about this and for those worried about more enemy energy around Sunday or Saturday with them open. Do the rtr more on Saturday and Sunday if your worried about it. Until the enemy religions are more exposed they will not be shut down in any legal way but the damage is done and has been done there is no way for them to build back up their energy to what it was before they shut down. Even if every one of them reopens. The only thing that will happen is more enemy attacks on Sunday. That is all so do protection. A lot of their kike created entities and thoughtforms are destroyed though.

I agree with Trump and here is why not sure if he realizes this too. They are using this to claim persecution and using that as a justification to spread their nonsense. I hope they don't gain a lot of followers this way but it looks like they have gained a few some places from what I read. Even my xtian parents wont shut up about this when I talk to them (I don't think they know I am Satanist but they know I am not xtian) It is so cringy this claims of persecution thing the xtians are doing that I would rather see them allow the Churches to open back up for that reason and also most wont probably cause people are too scared.

Also for right now Freedom of religion is a damn good thing. As soon as any laws is made against anyone or religious freedom is removed the enemy will immediately go after us in every way possible.

They will be shut down by force and legally at some point like Maxine said though.
Don't be upset. Old trolly fart, who tested positively towards negative because it has been having covid19 anti-medicine... wants all of the good Goyim to die, so is saying the "houses" of "worship" are essential; them dying is essential.
If some christian is going to pray about "jesus," nothing is going to stop them. Either they are going to do it in church, or they are going to do it at home. Either way, there is absoluty zero difference.

Having churches closed down might even make them pray much more, because it influences them to want to make prayers to have the church gain more power and open back up.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
luis said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
This means the energy of the enemy may get larger if more people start attending church. But the damage has already been done.
I think the damage is already here. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter how much they pray, our RTR works in a different way, it's like we are destroying the bottom of a bucket full of water. Another thing to remember is that each Satanist has the power of more than one xian, the xian have very weak energy, someone that meditate every day could be powerful than more than 1000 xians. Someone who has the kundalini raised is even more powerful than that. The jews had it good because they did not have any spiritual opposition for years and so they had a lot of energy from years of worshipping, now with the help of the God's and the RTR this is already done, no matter how much they pray it's their end, obviously we have to keep doing the F-RTR every day!
I hope they lose a lot of followers soon and i'm glad their prayers mean shit now hopefully Abrahamic religious sites will close in the near feauture :mrgreen: :ugeek:

I hope to one day see the Churches and other crap bulldozed to the ground, as well as the Bible, cross, and other Christian paraphernalia destroyed so it can no longer have a psychic hold over people.

The mooslims are already destroying the churches in Europe, but not for the right reason.
Good will come from it though, the weak xtain spirit won’t have a hold on Europe anymore and may eventually lead to revolution, especially in places like Italy where people are already upset.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
luis said:
I think the damage is already here. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter how much they pray, our RTR works in a different way, it's like we are destroying the bottom of a bucket full of water. Another thing to remember is that each Satanist has the power of more than one xian, the xian have very weak energy, someone that meditate every day could be powerful than more than 1000 xians. Someone who has the kundalini raised is even more powerful than that. The jews had it good because they did not have any spiritual opposition for years and so they had a lot of energy from years of worshipping, now with the help of the God's and the RTR this is already done, no matter how much they pray it's their end, obviously we have to keep doing the F-RTR every day!
I hope they lose a lot of followers soon and i'm glad their prayers mean shit now hopefully Abrahamic religious sites will close in the near feauture :mrgreen: :ugeek:

I hope to one day see the Churches and other crap bulldozed to the ground, as well as the Bible, cross, and other Christian paraphernalia destroyed so it can no longer have a psychic hold over people.

The mooslims are already destroying the churches in Europe, but not for the right reason.
Good will come from it though, the weak xtain spirit won’t have a hold on Europe anymore and may eventually lead to revolution, especially in places like Italy where people are already upset.
are any mudslime mosques being destroyed also will anything happen in Saudi arabia? :twisted:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I hope to one day see the Churches and other crap bulldozed to the ground, as well as the Bible, cross, and other Christian paraphernalia destroyed so it can no longer have a psychic hold over people.

When I do F-RTR I visualize local churches bulldozed. I will use that image and also grinding hebrew letters to dust and blowing them into air dissipating their power so my rtr will have good effect. :)
That Paula White is the spiritual advisor for Trump she is one of the major evangelical leaders in America its a political move. The Republicans support bases are around 80% evangelicals in America. You're right about Trump, personally not being religious but as you stated the nature of politics.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shael said:
That is true, that's why Trump has that crazy christian lady following him around and praying all the time, he wants the christians to think he's on their team. But really he is not a christian, I'm pretty sure he's an athiest. All he cares about is physical things, he doesn't want to waste his time thinking of things that he thinks is fiction.
luis said:
...it's like we are destroying the bottom of a bucket full of water.

It's funny Mageson came up with that analogy back in around 2016-2017 time period just before ProPHP forums were (((shoah'd))).

And it's hilarious to think back because he started the first few RTRs drilled holes in the buckets. Later RTRs and later usage of older RTRs in multiple RTRs would create much more holes. Then Mageson went with the RTRs at one point in time(later on), it's like we are cutting off the bottom of the buckets. The jews and xtians keep filling the bucket and nothing is happening the water just spills out as immediately as it's placed the water just flows out immediately as it exits.

Funny with the F-RTR it's more like the remaining buckets are being disintegrated completely. And funny enough the F-RTR and future astral grid ritual it's like we are removing any and all remaining buckets on top of that removing any and all water. So even the very water is being eliminated.
Gear88 said:
luis said:
...it's like we are destroying the bottom of a bucket full of water.

It's funny Mageson came up with that analogy back in around 2016-2017 time period just before ProPHP forums were (((shoah'd))).

And it's hilarious to think back because he started the first few RTRs drilled holes in the buckets. Later RTRs and later usage of older RTRs in multiple RTRs would create much more holes. Then Mageson went with the RTRs at one point in time(later on), it's like we are cutting off the bottom of the buckets. The jews and xtians keep filling the bucket and nothing is happening the water just spills out as immediately as it's placed the water just flows out immediately as it exits.

Funny with the F-RTR it's more like the remaining buckets are being disintegrated completely. And funny enough the F-RTR and future astral grid ritual it's like we are removing any and all remaining buckets on top of that removing any and all water. So even the very water is being eliminated.
Yes, what I said it has been said many times from Mageson :) and I agree with you, I understand because we don't actually see it (unless you are fully spiritually open) it's hard to fully understand but we don't have to worry. What I think is happening on the world is very simple. The jews need a situation of Chaos (war or something like this, they tried war before but they couldn't so now we have a semi-fake pandemic) to make what they want happens, It's not a coincidence that there is a lot of talk about microchipping people and in general controlling them, this is what they need so they can have their NWO.

They are trying their best with the last power they have (both physical and spiritual) to make it happen and it now looks really dark but it's not going to happen, they may make some damage but it's not going to work, this is why they are exposing so much of themself, they can't lie anymore if they want to go full jewish mode. This is going to bring an end to everything they have created and after this situation we will be much better.
Shael said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
heres a short clip from fox news on it

also heres the full version
It was mentioned before that Trump currently is appeasing the christians in the US so as to secure their votes.

The evangelicals may vote. They are a force that sways elections.
Gear88 said:
luis said:
...it's like we are destroying the bottom of a bucket full of water.

It's funny Mageson came up with that analogy back in around 2016-2017 time period just before ProPHP forums were (((shoah'd))).

And it's hilarious to think back because he started the first few RTRs drilled holes in the buckets. Later RTRs and later usage of older RTRs in multiple RTRs would create much more holes. Then Mageson went with the RTRs at one point in time(later on), it's like we are cutting off the bottom of the buckets. The jews and xtians keep filling the bucket and nothing is happening the water just spills out as immediately as it's placed the water just flows out immediately as it exits.

Funny with the F-RTR it's more like the remaining buckets are being disintegrated completely. And funny enough the F-RTR and future astral grid ritual it's like we are removing any and all remaining buckets on top of that removing any and all water. So even the very water is being eliminated.
sounds awesome
I can’t wait till we take this war to the physical. People should gather outside these governors and politicians offices and actually physically drag this Jewish filth out of there and make them stand trial for what they did and tell the truth to the whole world on live tv before being taken off to the firing squad.

However probably not going to happen right away that’s just a dream.

Crystallized Mushroom said:
Gear88 said:
luis said:
...it's like we are destroying the bottom of a bucket full of water.

It's funny Mageson came up with that analogy back in around 2016-2017 time period just before ProPHP forums were (((shoah'd))).

And it's hilarious to think back because he started the first few RTRs drilled holes in the buckets. Later RTRs and later usage of older RTRs in multiple RTRs would create much more holes. Then Mageson went with the RTRs at one point in time(later on), it's like we are cutting off the bottom of the buckets. The jews and xtians keep filling the bucket and nothing is happening the water just spills out as immediately as it's placed the water just flows out immediately as it exits.

Funny with the F-RTR it's more like the remaining buckets are being disintegrated completely. And funny enough the F-RTR and future astral grid ritual it's like we are removing any and all remaining buckets on top of that removing any and all water. So even the very water is being eliminated.
sounds awesome

That is exactly what is going on in the spirit world. However sadly we still have some to do. The world still feels plastic and fake energy on top of everything but with undercurrents of pagan energies and Satanic energies. It’s clear we have taken over in the spiritual but it may take awhile to trickle down to the material.
This is far better than what it was when we started this final rtr where the world was literally permitted with dark energy and all sorts of horrible curses.

It gets better everyday.

Now my thoughts are calm and less enemy attacks too.
slyscorpion said:
I can’t wait till we take this war to the physical. People should gather outside these governors and politicians offices and actually physically drag this Jewish filth out of there and make them stand trial for what they did and tell the truth to the whole world on live tv before being taken off to the firing squad.

However probably not going to happen right away that’s just a dream.

Crystallized Mushroom said:
Gear88 said:
It's funny Mageson came up with that analogy back in around 2016-2017 time period just before ProPHP forums were (((shoah'd))).

And it's hilarious to think back because he started the first few RTRs drilled holes in the buckets. Later RTRs and later usage of older RTRs in multiple RTRs would create much more holes. Then Mageson went with the RTRs at one point in time(later on), it's like we are cutting off the bottom of the buckets. The jews and xtians keep filling the bucket and nothing is happening the water just spills out as immediately as it's placed the water just flows out immediately as it exits.

Funny with the F-RTR it's more like the remaining buckets are being disintegrated completely. And funny enough the F-RTR and future astral grid ritual it's like we are removing any and all remaining buckets on top of that removing any and all water. So even the very water is being eliminated.
sounds awesome

That is exactly what is going on in the spirit world. However sadly we still have some to do. The world still feels plastic and fake energy on top of everything but with undercurrents of pagan energies and Satanic energies. It’s clear we have taken over in the spiritual but it may take awhile to trickle down to the material.
This is far better than what it was when we started this final rtr where the world was literally permitted with dark energy and all sorts of horrible curses.

It gets better everyday.

Now my thoughts are calm and less enemy attacks too.
i'd pay good money to see that :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
