Shael said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
heres a short clip from fox news on it
also heres the full version
It was mentioned before that Trump currently is appeasing the christians in the US so as to secure their votes.
That is true, that's why Trump has that crazy christian lady following him around and praying all the time, he wants the christians to think he's on their team. But really he is not a christian, I'm pretty sure he's an athiest. All he cares about is physical things, he doesn't want to waste his time thinking of things that he thinks is fiction.
But also it is within the American constitution that all Americans have the absolute right to freely practice whatever religions we want to practice, and we have the freedom to meet with other people and discuss our beliefs. This is one of the most important things of the whole country, that all people are allowed to practice any religion that they want, or none if they don't want to. America was the first, all the other countries would require everybody to be slaves under the leader of the country's preffered cult. If you were in England, you would have to be some very specific kind of christian or else they would put you in jail and torture you. In muslim countries, they kill people that don't want to be muslims. Spanish Inquisition, torturing in the absolute most gruesome ways ever every single person who was even just accused of not being the right kind of christian. This kind of thing was normal in most countries in the time the constitution was made.
America was the first to say you can not force anybody to follow a certain religion. Our laws are not bound to any religion. Our country is not controlled and owned by a religion. We all have the freedom to have whatever beliefs we want, and nobody can force us to have any we don't want to follow. And nobody can force anybody apart from their religion if they want to follow it. Like christians killing billions of Satanists just because the religion is different, America is the exact opposite of that.
So what Trump is saying here, it is not his own idea. It is in the constitution, the most important document in the world. The freedom within the constitution is the inspiration for changes in the laws of most other advanced countries to give their own people more freedom also. Trump is not creating any of his own judgement or opinion, he is only repeating something that is already required.