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Tricked you all

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
NitrateOsfatate666 said:

The only thing you have achieved is proving that the JoS gave you the benefit of the doubt, despite whatever trolling behaviors or other negative actions you may have done.

All you did was violate the basic decency which normal people give to each other. This is far from some master achievement. Next you will tell me that you randomly punched an elderly man, and therefore you outsmarted him.

It is ironic that you have alienated yourself from everyone so badly, because I would not want to face the wrath of the Gods, or other angry SS by myself. I hope you have thought out your plan; you have made light of things which many people stress and struggle over. Even if you believe JoS is totally wrong, you have still made yourself many enemies, and for what purpose?

You now join the ranks of 100s of random trolls who have come and go. I wish I could give you the whatever satisfaction you want from this, but unfortunately we deal with these cases all the time. Within a week or so, I will have probably permanently have forgotten about this, and so on.

I hope you are happy with yourself, because I have read over your message a couple times and cannot figure out what you stand to gain, or even why you decided to troll in the first place.

Oh my, what damages we have suffered. (Yawns). I certainly don't regret having believed in you and even done that chart you sent (probably a fake one) for free. I know that if it was a real SS they would have been helped. You have just shown that unlike what you and other trolls claim we do care for people.
What exactly did you accomplish? What damage have you even done? I always viewed you as someone on such a low level of advancement and knowledge that it was laughable when you tried to give advice to others. I mainly skipped over your posts because most were incoherent with no original content except when you asked about some jewish cartoon in which I decided to reply just to mock you. If anything you have provided a laugh which is all too necessary in this day and age so thank you.

Why did you decide to come out as a troll so soon? You probably had many people fooled and could actually post some troll worthy content for a while and get good reactions, but instead you decided to reveal yourself so early. Compared to infamous trolls/infiltrators which I have *studied* such as The Outlaw Torn, OWP, RED DAWN/Goyvey(though he was somewhat legitimate and advanced imo), Aldrick, Masterdarkness, and even Ghost Kid to an extent you are nothing. At least try to be good at what you are trying to do, all the above had much more impact than you ever have or ever will. Anyways I'm kinda glad I won't have to scroll past your incoherent posts anymore so thanks for letting us know, perhaps others will find wisdom in responses made to you.

You're the only one who suffers from this path you have chosen, not us. Just remember that it's never too late to turn your life around if you're not jewish.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
big-willy bullshit
"On the Internet, no-one knows you're a dog." As for me - I don't care if you're a dog on the Internet, or off the Internet. I wasn't tricked. I just reply to some posts sometimes. (Except for here, did I reply to any of yours?) Yeah, but whatever you think makes you happy.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=402271 time=1669598993 user_id=21286]Even if you believe JoS is totally wrong,
"you still haven't managed to disprove it."
Henu the Great said:
I did not like you the moment you came on. Your pretense was fake, but you played nice so I did not say a thing.

Same LMAO🤣
NinRick said:
Henu the Great said:
I did not like you the moment you came on. Your pretense was fake, but you played nice so I did not say a thing.

Same LMAO🤣

If I recall correctly, he claimed to have autism and other problems. This was just a real shitty way of garnering sympathy.
This did not match his communication style, either, but he knew nobody would say anything.

Again, not sure who this guy is or why he has declared war on JoS in the first place.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=402350 time=1669636843 user_id=21286]
NinRick said:
Henu the Great said:
I did not like you the moment you came on. Your pretense was fake, but you played nice so I did not say a thing.

Same LMAO🤣

If I recall correctly, he claimed to have autism and other problems. This was just a real shitty way of garnering sympathy.
This did not match his communication style, either, but he knew nobody would say anything.

Again, not sure who this guy is or why he has declared war on JoS in the first place.

Idk, I didn’t like him, that’s why I ignored him and didn’t talk to him.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=402350 time=1669636843 user_id=21286]
NinRick said:
Henu the Great said:
I did not like you the moment you came on. Your pretense was fake, but you played nice so I did not say a thing.

Same LMAO🤣

If I recall correctly, he claimed to have autism and other problems. This was just a real shitty way of garnering sympathy.
This did not match his communication style, either, but he knew nobody would say anything.

Again, not sure who this guy is or why he has declared war on JoS in the first place.

Well, now that this is cleared up, time to move on guys. *clap* *clap*
Nope...just plain no.

Even trolling, tricking, memeing etc.etc. your just being a useful idiot for our cause.

NoS666 the O.P. doesn't realize your just reinforcing the defense. Playing around as Sonderkommando doing reverse Brandonberging operations don't do anything.

For example we get trolled or O.P. is a troll or whatever.

Someone jokes around and does shit. Well okay then sure okay it's annoying. But at what point does the troll become the provider of information.

This is just like OWP.

I fooled you all lol'd OWP.

Well no in fact just before you sprung a trap. Which was defused without any harm. We got provided with some interesting information. For example OWP posted a 13-18 paragraph some 5 or 6 scroll pages worth of Rife Machine information.

For example I can see people such as NoF666 with his protonmail. I can see it now let me troll the JoS some random yahoos on the boonie of the internet. I mean if you want to troll harder might as well go to ATS Above Top Secret and start trolling the xtians over there who mix aliens with jesus and become a christfag over there.

It's like if you want to hear ayylmao stuff with xtianity it's at least a gateway or portal to a rabbithole of xtianity. In fact funny enough the French Xtian website that talks about aliens and the bible is a most superior organization for trolling.

As a matter of fact in all the years JoS has been around I've never until Gab incident last year did I ever hear anyone trolling as JoS. In fact the opposite everyone who has done any trolls JoS and then we just laugh our asses off and people laugh because in the end they become a useful pawn in our sector of time, space, and consciousness as either we solve other people's issues, we get rid of a troll and we are like nice troll good battle GG see you in another troll, or it was like hmm that was a nice OPFT Oppositional Force Training man these trolls are sharpening and getting better for us.

In fact funny enough just like the enemy began to troll. I can imagine the Ancient hebrews Herman Roseblatting stuff and saying they came from a land of poordom whereby they got shoahed 6 gorillian times every day 6 gorrilian died. And funny enough we believed it.

Now we have trolls acting as useful idiots or useful smarties or both a useful smart idiot. And they are becoming JoSified they troll and go harder and harder like some sort of punching bag at a boxing gym. And then poof the troll breaks down but funny enough they trolled so hard or pretended so hard or were so into duping, gyping, jewing, glowing, or doing whatever that the troll eventually becomes self-aware and becomes a useful smart idiot.

Think about it like this you got active jews and gyps, you have inactive jews and gyps, and you got shabbos and other gentile idiots. You got gypsies that are actually Hindu, Arabian, Gentile Semite descendants as the gyps preserve their bloodlines no matter how foolish they are and no matter how stupid jews are both understand race/religion/shekels/berging/steining = kangz.

But if you adopt our policy you WILL become what we tell you.

Nitritate or anyone or whatever that comes to us laughs and goes HOLY SHIT NIGGA G I'm gonna traollo 'n' sheit. Becomes a useful force for our bidding. If more trolls come or trolls attract or we get attacked or it's the same set of trolls the same obsessive idiots coming here BehemothWarrior666 or Satanicperson insert number funny. Funny my friend who has listened and studies Black Metal for over 15 years has stated Behemoth is a troll band it's been mentioned the singer has hypocritical stance on religion and politics and the piss away tons of money on theatrics they don't represent the old school black metal of simplicity and black and white makeup sorta like the memejoke pictures of the original 90s memes. I like my coffee black like my metal.


To put it simply.

I'm gonna trallo 'n' sheit. So troll comes in multiple vector trolls multiple attack trolls. Their mondus of operandus is run the system multiple point penetrations. Or a single leader troll who has a attack vector like a subspace quantum modem and comes out of hyperspace with all batteries opening up.

Well funny enough to come to JoS you have to learn JoS so these people read our stuff or study our stuff or believe we are a forums-only organization or believe whatever is they want to believe. For example they might state I used to paray to jabus 'n' sheit 'n' sheit was boring 'n' sheit church sucks 'n' sheit. etc.etc.

Then they troll around and mess around and then poof we got another useful idiotic smart person pop out and go I trollo 'n' sheit hahaha gotcha.

Okay you got us good pop good show old sport like the episode of Family Guy Viewer episode 2 and they got the British Family Guy and they yell wanker at Prince Charles.

They got us...or so they believe it was real in their mind but failed to understand the viral, memetic, or curing position.

Inasmuch to troll perfectly you must understand your opponent.

And troll of Nitrate or Behemoth or OWP or whatever trolls that run the sock puppet or if this is anti-joS or counter-JoS or kosher organization of cuckinsteins or berging and steining of cucks these CUCKS are becoming JoS.

In other words there is a jewish JoS a Joy of Jesus not like the older organization from around 2007 or 2008. And a Joy of Satan, us. And a Joy of Reality or Joy of Normies who are dangerous if left by themselves such as voting for Democraps.

Anyways there is an entire spectrum and World named Joy of Something. Like a meme virus of Black Lives Matter or X LM in other words Kanye White Lives Matter, Gun Lives Matter, Black Guns Matter, lets just Live Matter everything.

Like Buzz Lightyear Ayylmaos Ayylmaos Everywhere. Zerg Zerg Everywhere in fact in Starcraft Brood War and Starcraft 2 the Zerg can literally be everywhere and as a terran or protoss or other zerg you must account by building your opponent in your mind.

Nitrate became a useful smart idiot who took the memetic virus which acts like a vaccine. If a virus hides as a positive cell and then springs the trap. Then a cure has to stop this by being a good cell or pretending to act like a good cell and deliver a viral anti-viral principle to destroy the virus.

As the Spartan's from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri state a made up quote of 5th generational warfare full spectrum information war.

Information, the first principle of warfare, must form the foundation of all your efforts. Know, of course, thine enemy. But in knowing him do not forget above all to know thyself. The commander who embraces this totality of battle shall win even with inferior force.

The fact of the matter is the trolls spend time, money, and effort actual effort to troll and go around and do stuff.

Well funny enough doesn't that sounds like your becoming a JoS member? I trollo 'n' sheit the JoS 'n' sheit but then I became JoS and now I can't get Satanic stuff out of my head.

You've entered our vector of space and opened up our mind to our memetic technology. Our viral retrovirus that acts to cure the virus inflicted on the planet. We are taking over and returning mankind back to a time of superiority.

Congratulations Nitrite you just became a Joy of Satan entity.

Either your a Gentile, troll; and now a JoS member in your mental sphere.


Your the enemy and now you have beyond reasonable proof of information that your a hostile extra-terrestrial trick kosher species with a different soul and is always hyperobsessed with the World in fear of being discovered and being attacked or worse killed or worse and having to go around in obsessive ideals thinking. HOLY SHIT WTF did I do why the fuck did I read JoS and trolled them. I trolo 'n' red 'n' sheit and now I'm shitting my pantz 'n' shiet cause reality 'n' sheit is becoming more anti-kosher 'n' sheit and there are all these people 'n' sheit that want to harm me or worse 'n' sheit.

For example every time you think, speak, consciously, subconsciously, or superconsciously JoS and joS flashes through you. Every time you stop or relax or masturbate or think or do something. JoS and Satan pop in your mind and flash.

For example you see people doing Yoga and your flash of superstition goes "Evil, devil, Satanic freaks". And lulz we got a god fag. Just like the kikes fagged up and cucked up the xtians with communist God is everywhere 'n' sheit.

Satan is everywhere 'n' sheit. And as time, space, and consciousness compress and becoming greater like Ultimeccia from Final Fantasy 8 "Time Kompression".

Your going to become a useful idiot and useful smarty and useful smart idiot and useful idiot smarty to manipulate realit into JoS Satan/Hitler people, Normies either idiot normies or smarty normies, conspiracy theorists, xtians, etc.etc.

In other words like Phil Anselmo says in Cowboys from Hell "We are taking over this place". Double-barrelled 12gauge cannot knock me in my cage.

Nitrate and any troll out there. When you learn the truth like a Virus i.e. an anti-Virus the antigen technology. Satan and the Gods are everywhere and every thought and second of existence is Satan and the Gods.

The jew understands their extra-terrestrial agenda, the goyim understand both sides, the Satanist/NatSoc understand our aliens and the enemy aliens as well as other aliens.

Thus useful idiot and smarties found. In hating aliens or pumping aliens or living la vida loca or doing yoloswag420 anne frank dues gevult or goy gevult or gevult troll or dues troll gevult.

Whether you hate, love, admonish, or are neutral about us. The second you take in our strike package you've become JoS whether your the enemy, friendly, or neutral. Which ever side you are in.

The memetic technology has been implanted. As people get older their faculties break down and thus as young kids or adults the JoS and it's memetic technology comes in.

I'm one to talk as I've never had anything from JoS work. But I continue and carry on. As Henu and others have said I'm just on the right side of history or the good guys or whatever. Meditation works or doesn't work sheer fact is this right here is going to be pounded into the heads of the entire World. And a decision and deliberation is going to be reached.

Either you join JoS or don't attack us or go against us but be an untouchable.

Like the Vedic text.

Untouchables, Iron Workers, Merchant Workers, Silver Priest, Golden Gods, Demigods, and advancing heros.

This isn't going to go away. This isn't fake anti-jabus bullshit. This isn't be a rebel then pray to jesus and listen to your judeo-bolshevik parents and return back to sucking christ cock and cuck around as a christ fag after being a rebellious teenager or adult. Come back to chirst he luv 'n' shiet he bukake 'n' cum un u 'n' sheit.

Nope those days are over.

Maybe in the 80s maybe early-mid 90s.

Now with the internet we can compound our strike package and recruit far and wide like Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Not unlike the Ukro-Russo shit with people coming from around the World for meager amounts of money to fight WW3 yaya WW3 goy on goy violence.

This has got to end.

So congratulations Nitrate of Satan on becoming a Joy of Satan technology. In your trolling and Reptilian/Grey Lives Matter. You've just become a useful smart idiot for our cause. Your trolling and community has now been infected with the anti-virus you've caught our anti-virus now your morphing around and being sloughed off and in your organization people will be sloughed off and join Joy of Satan or be a useful pawn for our Satanic cause to fight the Universal Battle.

This is like people who laugh at aliens or laugh at the Universe. Like George Lincoln Rockwell said in the 50s-60s. Just this week in Newsweek there was an article where over 100 million places in the Universe just like this exist like you and me. And in the scale of that AWESOME probability not PLAUSIBILITY no Probability.

The probability, plausibility, and possibility of these trolls is they serve as useful people to carry out our agenda.

Nitrate thank you for exposing yourself now return to your troll and spread the anti-virus.

If your a jew, gyp, or shabbos your aliens are Intergalactic Federation Greys, Reptilians, and Hostile/Asshole Aliens.

If your a Gentile congratulations whether you dedicated or not. Your now part of the Army of Mankind as you slowly slough off and infect yourself further with our memetic anti-viral technology our virus strike package. You'll be fighting many battles ahead internally and externally and rewriting your operating system to fight for Truth, Justice, and Gentile supremacy. There will be man mistakes but your one mistake is drinking our kool-aid thinking this is Moloch Drencher from Clockwork Orange and thinking we just crazy 'n' sheit peple. Nope this is not kool-aid, Moloch Drencher, or crazy 'n' shiet.

This is normalcy and evolution.

Thank you Troll/Trolls of Nitrate your now a JoS fighter not a warrior like your Behemothwarrior. No a fighter and now our part of Kulturekampf the KultureKrieg. Like Absurd's Asgardreis Song. Krieg is Leben, Leben is Krieg. Or Lebenkrieg/Kriegleben.

Your not fighting for the good guys whether you know or not hence useful idiot or useful smarty or useful smart idiot.

Congratulations on your promotion. Soldier now get back to the front lines and get us more fighters.
Abyssos said:
I have gotten very long-winded with this post, so prepare yourself for a long one. Much of what I say here is only loosely related to the OP here, as I am again taking a big-picture approach.

This is wonderful news! What a relief! I don't have to read the eyesores that are this gypsy's posts anymore. Thank Satan, what a relief this topic is! From the very first post I read from this member, I regarded him as a subhuman with extremely low intelligence.

Words cannot express how grateful I am that I no longer have to endure scrolling past the cringe-inducing horrors of the dastardly potato-posting.

The sentence below may be difficult to understand at first, read it carefully the whole way through

Paying lip service to Satan, talking the talk about RTRs and saying that jews are bad means nothing, if the person doing the above is an obvious infiltrator with sly intentions, and is not a sincere believer in Satan. Intent, motives, and inner character make a Satanist.

A subversive agent can type words in support of Satan, just like the rest of us, they can say Hail to the Gods, just like the rest of us. They can say that jews are evil, just like the rest of us. Far too many times, I have seen people fall for these tricks. Look past the surface rhetoric and observe what values they really promote, look at their character, look at their motives.

Some would be surprised at how much the subversives have gotten away with and are getting away with just by paying lip service to Satan, talking the talk, and parroting our basic ideas. Those of us who are more penetrating and discerning in our observations of behaviors here can spot infiltrators with ease, but actually calling them out is another matter entirely, as that bears the risk of leading to situations like this:


I have stated that values are what really sets a true Satanist apart from infiltrators, which would imply that the way to tell them apart would be to observe the values of anyone you find suspicious. Even this is not enough in some ways, because infiltrators already know about this, and will talk the talk about doing the same to Satanists that call them out. Arguments ensue, and I am always appalled when I see that half of the time, people take the side of the infiltrator. I can easily tell the difference, but many others can't; a problem that is exceedingly difficult to rectify.

Aquarius and Henu the Great are two individuals who have this keen eye from what I've seen. Stormblood's demeanor and values resemble my own very closely. I used to find Ninrick to be cringe a couple years ago, and had made up my mind about him, but then I saw him do a 180 and change for the better. His power level went through the roof. I gained respect for Ninrick as a true Satanist with traditional values over a year or more ago. I am very willing to change my mind about someone if I see a sincere change in them, and what a joyful relief it was when I witnessed such profound change in Ninrick those many months ago! He became extremely based. When I made my post about my Frustrations of being unadvanced, and thoughts on a few traits of a strong organization, I already had an appreciation for Ninrick's improvement, so his being "harsh" with me wasn't bothersome at all. Voice of Enki also mirrors my ideology very closely, and is very effective at putting the kinds of things I agree with to words.

Also, I haven't forgotten about my topic from years ago. I drowned in the busyness of wageslaving, but as I do have a little more time on my hands nowadays, I can get back to finishing the reply that I had been working on almost a year ago. I do have half of my full reply done, and it's been sitting this whole time, as I had fallen out of working on it, but I should go ahead and get it done and post it. At that point, I will become guilty of the catastrophic crime of necroposting.


One member that I extremely proud of is Shadowcat. No one dares contradict her when she says it plainly how it is. I can just sit back and relax, knowing that I don't need to add anything when she drops massive truth-bombs about the fact that looks matter to women.

I will put it in one sentence, and I will very likely activate a protocol by saying this, but here it is:

The only form of attractiveness is physical attractiveness, all else is compatibility.

This is a fact that most don't want to acknowledge, as it takes long-term thinking, Promethean ambition, and eugenic values to understand that this fact is one of the greatest things imaginable. It sucks that most of humanity suffers due to being on the negative side of this Saturnian principle, but when humanity is vastly improved in the Golden Age, we will experience the intense benefits of having taken things like this into account. I have many plans for in-depth long-posts, and this subject is one of the things I intend to make a long-post on.

I am always filled with great joy, when almost every single time the subject of "what attracts women" comes up, Shadowcat very consistently weaponizes her autism and drops all the anvils. It is truly a comfy sight to see.


My brief statements above are severely inadequate to encompass such a massive subject. The implications of humanity not getting this one subject right would be far too costly to endure. I'll work meticulously on a thorough exposition of as much of this as I can think of and post it at some point, this could be weeks or months in the future. I am determined to get it right the first time, I typically don't like even mentioning a subject directly without devoting a thorough post to it, so I'm breaking my own tendencies by directly mentioning certain ideas. I do however feel that it is much easier for people to understand an abstract concept with concrete examples to make it more comprehensible.

I have directly named a few examples of people I personally find to be agreeable, it is likely that there are many names I'm forgetting at the moment. Some people also closely resemble my views in their posts but haven't done the greatest job of putting them into words.

I myself will take the long-term approach of making high-effort posts as I get around to taking the time to make them, so that I too may contribute my values to this Forum. Anyone that reads my posts can determine for themselves if they agree with the values I present. In order to tell the difference between those who are sincere, and those who are not sincere, one must have their own ideological foundation. If I were to see two people arguing about something I have no prior knowledge about, and I see them accusing each other of being infiltrators, I would be helpless to decide for myself who is right. I would have no choice in such a case but to either stay out of the conflict and do my own research before coming to a decision, or figuring out who I think has the most power and authority and just being their follower. In an ideal world, true figures of Divine Authority would have institutional power and would be able to ensure that the entire populace has Satanic values easily available to them, but in this jewed-out world, the Aristocracy is not in place. Having the High Priests/Priestesses and Guardians here is our version of emulating as closely as is possible what an institutional Aristocracy would look like, but only in the sense of this being a forum, and not a physical National Socialist Government with institutional power. When we are at that point, we will be able to address these kinds of things directly in a public manner.

Until then, the true values are...up to debate...

It is up to those who know what is right to attain positions of institutional power when the time comes, as there are many non-negotiable policies which cannot be left to voluntarism. It is the responsibility of the Aristocracy, the Vanguard, to attain the power and influence necessary to mobilize the masses and give them the instructions that will further our goals, as the masses would otherwise lack coordination without leadership to direct them towards a common goal.

Time-wasters like this OP will be logged out in the new MeinKraft Server, as well as the far more dangerous long-time infiltrators.

Hail Satan!

You dear Sir have so eloquently put some of my thoughts into words that it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. Especially on the socio-political organization subject. It seems so obvious to me but english not being my native tongue and my lack of finesse with writing makes it a bit difficult to formulate stuff sometimes. Wish that things would move along at a faster pace so that this system can be replaced by a better and more logical one. Seeing the future sucks in a way because the anticipation is killing me but on the other hand it is reassuring to know things will work out eventually.

One question: what's the deal with gipsies? Are they allied with the enemy? ok that's two :D
Frank.Woden said:

Some times ago on Telegram chat of JoS (one of the two don't remember) there were Egyptians infiltrator for an extremist wing of an islamic group. They were simulating to be part of JoS , insulting the kikes etc... One day I noticed one of them had a strange nickname , in the description was written a passage of the koran in arabic.

when cornered he promptly refused whereupon others began to insult his crappy koran.

result was that he was supported by 5 other "interlopers" who started spamming 500 posts a minute with gifs of severed heads, isis etc.. and it lasted for several minutes until the admins blocked all the bots including the boor.

Unmasking an infiltrator on a forum, as opposed to an active chat, is much harder because you certainly have more time to think about your next move and most people don't pay much attention to everything that is written.

I think the forum per se is not a problem for infiltrators as much as it is a source of information for those who are looking for it and find it using the search bar for example, on useful posts in order to proceed in their personal research.

Anyone who uses a Forum for purposes that go beyond knowledge is wrong, because you can't socialize much on a Forum as much as the level of attention decreases with time. Better at that point is an active chat if one really has to communicate one's experiences. If they are real, just keeping them for yourself is better. Gods loves secrets indeed and respect who keep them as well.

An active chat can actually be a lot worse. This silly child did zero damage compared to an Aldrick, a Meteor or a Zola 'reaching out' to various members on chat. The HPs likely did not allow his more delusional rants or dangerous advice to be posted which provoked this ragefest.

The low IQ camel lovers you speak of got unmasked due to them being clinically retarded and inbred, but some long-schnozz on Telegram or Discord playing the pied piper to delusional members for months can do much more and can do so in private.

Also that spam in itself could've implicated people in things, especially as the yenta of Russia that designed Telegram designed the '(((anonymous program)))' to be linked to a physical phone number. This app is not a safe one.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:

This must come as a shock to you, but few to none are actually surprised by this.

The Warrior Spirits of Satan will proceed with our mission as usual.

Even when your low-level plan is fulfilled, please know the damage on the JoS and our Satanic members are below zero. Your plan may be almost fulfilled, but you have achieved nothing in reality, except your own detrimental fall. Congratulations.
What the fuck did I just read..

And what was your intentioned exactly? You trolled us ......by doing what? You only showed to the community a good case of jewish filth trying to infest what it catches . But what you don't realise is that now hundreds of begginers learned to be on guard for people like you.
You are beyonddd stupid .
Congradulations, you tricked yourself into nothingness, because even if someone trolls our fellow SS, he/she advances anyway.

What you have got out of this - is coming from nothing and go to nothing. But it is for sure all SS whom you have trolled, from the beginning of this nonsense until now, they still made hundreds steps forward in this path, while you putted your life energy litteraly to nothing. :D
Lylithium87 said:


Quote: "Satya (Sanskrit: सत्य; IAST: satya) is a Sanskrit word loosely translated as truth, essence".

If you read the JoS sources like you pretend you have, you would see that the actions of any Abrahamic religions are destructive to life. You do not need to focus on specific individuals when you see that their entire philosophy conflicts with us.

For example, the fact that witchcraft was banned for a long period of history speaks to this. I can tell you don't meditate, because otherwise you would have direct experience of the benefits which were withheld from you. Then you decide to educate us, as if you are the one possessing more comprehensive knowledge.

We can go over endless examples from Kabbalah Exposed and this will only further prove the position of JoS.

So? If they were acting against immoral laws, how can you claim this is bad? Maybe you assume the Soviet hordes were going to just sit idle and not try to overthrow Germany. The Germans just fought off a revolution by Socialist Jews, so they were well aware of their enemy.

This is a Wikipedia article, by the way. Check the commanders and leaders of the socialist faction, then try to tell me that Jews are not disproportionately involved.

This is only your perception of the situation. The fact that we promote for unity among all Gentiles opposes your "racial hate" point.

We fight any spiritual philosophies which oppose us. We did not "choose" for the Jews to overwhelmingly represent that which we oppose. That is their fault and not ours.

You can also look at history to see other examples of this, such as with the Romans, Greeks, Alexander the Great, Egyptians, and other medieval era conflicts with Jews. Are you going to tell me Cobra had a hand in all of this?

Our path is open for individual learning and expression. It is actually people like you which knowingly attack us, which then creates a need for us to restrict ourselves and become wary of what is posted.

JoS brings people tools such as Mercury, Jupiter, or Plutonian energies/runes which promote for the discovery of knowledge. Again, your lack of spiritual advancement shows here, as otherwise you would recognize this.

Again you create crazy situations in your mind which you believe would be forced upon us. Anything which Cobra says can be verified by the Gods.

Beyond that, blood sacrifice has never been a part of JoS or Spiritual Satanism, for many reasons. Please point to where Cobra has ever asked for anything remotely similar to this.

Are you going to claim that Cobra started the war in Ukraine, started Covid, created inflation, and other things? Or will you recognize that these forces of depression exist externally to JoS?

You also have left out the many other posts of people speaking about personal improvements within their lives from Satanism. Funny how that happens.

This is because of forum moderation, not a lack of activity. I am not sure how you got this confused, given the high activity within other threads.

Please tell me where the JoS has ever advocated a dedication ritual, or any activity, which advocates drug use, poison use, meeting others in public, blood sacrifice, or other crimes like that.

You then admit this came from an enemy source and wonder why this was just falsely attributed to JoS without any evidence.

Imagine a hypothetical situation where I commit a crime, but I will say that Lylithium told me to do this. How can the blame be put on you, when it was my fault alone?

If what you say is true, then that must be the reason why nobody has even heard of this person. Otherwise, I will wait for the proof of this, as we cannot find this anywhere on the JoS Sites.

Please don't advocate for people to violate their privacy.
Lylithium87 said:

You violate the trust of others then pretend like you are a genius. Then you admit to attacking our forums and are surprised when your posts get banned.

It is only trolls who ever complain about this "lack" of free speech. You should instead praise Cobra for his correct judgement in navigating a situation with a known troll, because it sounds like he only removed the posts where you violated the forum rules and nothing else.
Lylithium87 said:
Also... I do not create "crazy situations in my mind". I just preach the Truth, the real SAT (Sanskrit) :lol:

What truth would that be, exactly? You spend all this time building "credibility" and pretending to do good, only to turn around and say that you were actually some sort of super infiltrator that dismantled the JoS all by himself.

Literally everyone here is perplexed by your behaviour.
Lylithium87 said:

Yes, Sat means truth or true essence. This is basically the same thing. The word essence means literally "the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character."

Again, please understand that [CRIMINAL] advocated against why JoS told him to do. He can claim all he wants that we told him to do it, but we never did. There are other factors at play, such as his own mental state, that would drive him to kill or other immoral actions. JoS has never ever advocated for something as silly as that.

I never said you were a liar, but I do think you are confusing certain things within your head.

For you to make a true judgement of JoS, you must also attempt the meditations and other activities. This would give you the tangible basis of what we attempt to defend so passionately, and what the enemy tries to squash as well.

Having questions about JoS is not a problem, but bypassing the normal process of discourse and directly attacking us is a problem. This is the opposite of a civil discussion which you desire to have.

By the way, JoS exists as a group. We will continue to exist whether we have Cobra, no Cobra, or even if we had 3 Cobra's. We are individuals which stand to propagate a larger philosophy, which itself is rooted in "Sat", evidenced through our meditations and work with the Gods.

The words of myself, Cobra, or HPS Maxine are worthless without the tangible evidence behind them. If you cannot accept certain answers for some topics, then attempt to answer other topics which you can derive an answer to. For example, test the basic meditations which are professed by the clergy, then you will know that they are speaking the truth with that.

This is how you can move forward in a constructive manner. However, if you choose to continue your path of subversion, despite any attempts at communication with you, then don't be surprised when people lose patience and simply ban you.
Lylithium87 said:

So you hurt yourself with an advanced meditation and therefore that caused you to discard the entirety of them? Please do not base your judgements of entire philosophies based off a mistake you made. The fire meditation page itself is plastered with warnings...

No, [CRIMINAL] did not do what anyone here told him. You are clearly making large accusations without any evidence now.
Spiritual Satanism has never had anything to do with blood sacrifice or other crimes like that.

Besides the above, I have also addressed many of your other concerns, but you seem to avoid this and just keep attacking Cobra. Your personal conflict with him is minuscule compared to what Satanism as a whole represents. As I said before, Cobra could be gone and we would do the same things, just at a worse level.
Lylithium87 said:

You make all sorts of claims without any evidence, then you tell me to just go and find it because it exists somewhere else in earth. I am glad the that court systems do not follow this logic, because then every criminal would be free.

We will sit and wait for the evidence which you claim you have. You have made 10 posts and have not posted any evidence, then you wonder why nobody is taking you seriously.

I have sat here and tried to answer your posts but you skip over many things which I have tried to explain to you. I will say it once more:

1) The JoS has always spoken AGAINST violence and other crimes and continues to do so. We do not care what some crazy murder like [CRIMINAL] says against us. He obviously went to court and was unable to prove anything of his wild accusations.

2) You lack knowledge within the spiritual field, and thus do not understand JoS. It is unfortunate that you hurt yourself, but that is why there were many warnings on the page. What happened was simply a mistake. There are 500 other meditations besides burning yourself with fire.

3) Your intentions of attacking me, Cobra, or HPS Maxine are exactly why your communications were restricted, because you were not acting in a civil manner.
Wow I am so impressed by your infiltration, maybe you could write a book on "How to be nothing and noone while pertending to be something and someone".
NitrateOsfatate666 said:

Perhaps we all know that trolls are very dumb and such, but this is not the case of mines, because I outsmarted you.

I basically did tons of posts on the SatanicWorshiper666 accounts and the BehemothWarrior666 accounts, previously of course.

Now that is where I infiltrated with the NitrateOsfatate666 account.

So, basically, for those like you who might haven't understood what happened all this fucking long is that I tricked you all.

Basically I trolled every single one of you, by showing you that I trust the jos ideals and that I am for the Jos when in fact I was just following my plan for attacking from beneath.

My plan is almost fulfilled.

My account Lylithium87 is also mines and I was trolling Biltz Kreig or whatever his Nazi name is.

I tricked you all and yet, I have no regrets for my actions :)

I simply slurp a cocktail 🍷🍹 and I simply tell you that the only thing I request is a permanent ban. :)

That is ... Of course.... If you want to get rid of me .

If You do not do it. I will access this account (NOsfatate666) and post troll posts and slander now as there is no need to hide after I revealed the truth to you.

0/10 trolling. You have accomplished nothing. Go away you vile scum.
Lylithium87 said:

I asked for proof of [CRIMINAL] being influenced by someone on JoS or proof of anyone here ever promoting killing. All you have done is continued to say "well [CRIMINAL] said or did it, so therefore JoS did it". I don't know how I can possibly explain to you that [CRIMINAL] is not associated with JoS, Spiritual Satanism, HP Cobra, me, Satan, or anything like that.

Then you send me a link which says that [CRIMINAL] was suffering from untreated schizophrenia. How does that help your case? It only further solidifies my point that [CRIMINAL] was a simply a crazy person. This was the cause for his crimes.


I do not mean to belittle you, but you just told me that you hurt yourself with one meditation and stopped. This clearly shows that you have not attempted any more advancement.

Now you claim that you are actually knowledgeable. If this was the case, then why did you give up due to a simple mistake? Something is not right here. Either you have made a major mistake on your path, or you are not being entirely straightforward with me.

All the posts which you have written on your NoS account show you know the basics, but you somehow stopped all of your meditations over 1 unfortunate event?


You have a bad habit of equating one event with unrelated conclusions:

[CRIMINAL] doing one thing does not mean JoS did it. You burning yourself with fire does not mean all of meditation is bad. One person used a slur word, therefore everyone did. One person died due to a crazy person, therefore JoS killed thousands of people, and so on.

I will wait until you have actual evidence to back up your conclusions, not just what someone alleges happened. For you to go on a tirade against JoS is definitely immature and the opposite of civil discourse. You could talk about this openly, but instead you took this strange route for no reason.

I have given you the answers which you wanted to the best of my ability. I have pointed out where I think you are not understanding. If you want any constructive outcome then you will follow what advice I have given, otherwise you can expect your "truth" to continue to go unheard.
Why do we talk to jews, stupid ones for a fact, and on top of that, openly aggressive with lies and attacks?

This topic should not even receive a reply. Please don't entertain mental gymnastics and lies with the jews, has no end purpose.

This is a sacred temple, no jew is allowed any attention or energy within the containments of a reply, just pure dismissal. After a point of counter replying it is only an entertainment.
Just ban the guy on the spot already and move on. Why are we even talking to Jews?
NakedPluto said:

Yes, you are correct. I should have stopped after my first reply.

I got carried away with a debate that evidently was not happening in any fair or worthwhile circumstance.
Abyssos said:
I have gotten very long-winded with this post, so prepare yourself for a long one. Much of what I say here is only loosely related to the OP here, as I am again taking a big-picture approach.

This is wonderful news! What a relief! I don't have to read the eyesores that are this gypsy's posts anymore. Thank Satan, what a relief this topic is! From the very first post I read from this member, I regarded him as a subhuman with extremely low intelligence.

Words cannot express how grateful I am that I no longer have to endure scrolling past the cringe-inducing horrors of the dastardly potato-posting.

The sentence below may be difficult to understand at first, read it carefully the whole way through

Paying lip service to Satan, talking the talk about RTRs and saying that jews are bad means nothing, if the person doing the above is an obvious infiltrator with sly intentions, and is not a sincere believer in Satan. Intent, motives, and inner character make a Satanist.

A subversive agent can type words in support of Satan, just like the rest of us, they can say Hail to the Gods, just like the rest of us. They can say that jews are evil, just like the rest of us. Far too many times, I have seen people fall for these tricks. Look past the surface rhetoric and observe what values they really promote, look at their character, look at their motives.

Some would be surprised at how much the subversives have gotten away with and are getting away with just by paying lip service to Satan, talking the talk, and parroting our basic ideas. Those of us who are more penetrating and discerning in our observations of behaviors here can spot infiltrators with ease, but actually calling them out is another matter entirely, as that bears the risk of leading to situations like this:


I have stated that values are what really sets a true Satanist apart from infiltrators, which would imply that the way to tell them apart would be to observe the values of anyone you find suspicious. Even this is not enough in some ways, because infiltrators already know about this, and will talk the talk about doing the same to Satanists that call them out. Arguments ensue, and I am always appalled when I see that half of the time, people take the side of the infiltrator. I can easily tell the difference, but many others can't; a problem that is exceedingly difficult to rectify.

Aquarius and Henu the Great are two individuals who have this keen eye from what I've seen. Stormblood's demeanor and values resemble my own very closely. I used to find Ninrick to be cringe a couple years ago, and had made up my mind about him, but then I saw him do a 180 and change for the better. His power level went through the roof. I gained respect for Ninrick as a true Satanist with traditional values over a year or more ago. I am very willing to change my mind about someone if I see a sincere change in them, and what a joyful relief it was when I witnessed such profound change in Ninrick those many months ago! He became extremely based. When I made my post about my Frustrations of being unadvanced, and thoughts on a few traits of a strong organization, I already had an appreciation for Ninrick's improvement, so his being "harsh" with me wasn't bothersome at all. Voice of Enki also mirrors my ideology very closely, and is very effective at putting the kinds of things I agree with to words.

Also, I haven't forgotten about my topic from years ago. I drowned in the busyness of wageslaving, but as I do have a little more time on my hands nowadays, I can get back to finishing the reply that I had been working on almost a year ago. I do have half of my full reply done, and it's been sitting this whole time, as I had fallen out of working on it, but I should go ahead and get it done and post it. At that point, I will become guilty of the catastrophic crime of necroposting.


One member that I extremely proud of is Shadowcat. No one dares contradict her when she says it plainly how it is. I can just sit back and relax, knowing that I don't need to add anything when she drops massive truth-bombs about the fact that looks matter to women.

I will put it in one sentence, and I will very likely activate a protocol by saying this, but here it is:

The only form of attractiveness is physical attractiveness, all else is compatibility.

This is a fact that most don't want to acknowledge, as it takes long-term thinking, Promethean ambition, and eugenic values to understand that this fact is one of the greatest things imaginable. It sucks that most of humanity suffers due to being on the negative side of this Saturnian principle, but when humanity is vastly improved in the Golden Age, we will experience the intense benefits of having taken things like this into account. I have many plans for in-depth long-posts, and this subject is one of the things I intend to make a long-post on.

I am always filled with great joy, when almost every single time the subject of "what attracts women" comes up, Shadowcat very consistently weaponizes her autism and drops all the anvils. It is truly a comfy sight to see.


My brief statements above are severely inadequate to encompass such a massive subject. The implications of humanity not getting this one subject right would be far too costly to endure. I'll work meticulously on a thorough exposition of as much of this as I can think of and post it at some point, this could be weeks or months in the future. I am determined to get it right the first time, I typically don't like even mentioning a subject directly without devoting a thorough post to it, so I'm breaking my own tendencies by directly mentioning certain ideas. I do however feel that it is much easier for people to understand an abstract concept with concrete examples to make it more comprehensible.

I have directly named a few examples of people I personally find to be agreeable, it is likely that there are many names I'm forgetting at the moment. Some people also closely resemble my views in their posts but haven't done the greatest job of putting them into words.

I myself will take the long-term approach of making high-effort posts as I get around to taking the time to make them, so that I too may contribute my values to this Forum. Anyone that reads my posts can determine for themselves if they agree with the values I present. In order to tell the difference between those who are sincere, and those who are not sincere, one must have their own ideological foundation. If I were to see two people arguing about something I have no prior knowledge about, and I see them accusing each other of being infiltrators, I would be helpless to decide for myself who is right. I would have no choice in such a case but to either stay out of the conflict and do my own research before coming to a decision, or figuring out who I think has the most power and authority and just being their follower. In an ideal world, true figures of Divine Authority would have institutional power and would be able to ensure that the entire populace has Satanic values easily available to them, but in this jewed-out world, the Aristocracy is not in place. Having the High Priests/Priestesses and Guardians here is our version of emulating as closely as is possible what an institutional Aristocracy would look like, but only in the sense of this being a forum, and not a physical National Socialist Government with institutional power. When we are at that point, we will be able to address these kinds of things directly in a public manner.

Until then, the true values are...up to debate...

It is up to those who know what is right to attain positions of institutional power when the time comes, as there are many non-negotiable policies which cannot be left to voluntarism. It is the responsibility of the Aristocracy, the Vanguard, to attain the power and influence necessary to mobilize the masses and give them the instructions that will further our goals, as the masses would otherwise lack coordination without leadership to direct them towards a common goal.

Time-wasters like this OP will be logged out in the new MeinKraft Server, as well as the far more dangerous long-time infiltrators.

Hail Satan!

One member that I extremely proud of is Shadowcat. No one dares contradict her when she says it plainly how it is. I can just sit back and relax, knowing that I don't need to add anything when she drops massive truth-bombs about the fact that looks matter to women.

I will put it in one sentence, and I will very likely activate a protocol by saying this, but here it is:

The only form of attractiveness is physical attractiveness, all else is compatibility.

This is a fact that most don't want to acknowledge, as it takes long-term thinking, Promethean ambition, and eugenic values to understand that this fact is one of the greatest things imaginable. It sucks that most of humanity suffers due to being on the negative side of this Saturnian principle, but when humanity is vastly improved in the Golden Age, we will experience the intense benefits of having taken things like this into account. I have many plans for in-depth long-posts, and this subject is one of the things I intend to make a long-post on.
Remember though that looks are still only a part of the equation. I have turned down attractive men and have also recently because their looks were all they had..these guys wanted me and I'm talking like 8.5 to 9s at least in my book. Holy shit they were hot but all they wanted was sex. No thanks!

I have turned men down who were attractive on the outside and rotten on the inside as well as ones who did not appeal to me externally but were nice people. It's unrealistic to expect someone to be absolutely perfect but they do have to show at the very least they give a damn in body AND soul. If they are attractive yet unkind, cruel and whimsical they are not fit to kiss the bottom of my steel toe.

Shadowcat very consistently weaponizes her autism and drops all the anvils. It is truly a comfy sight to see.
Ayyyy lmao. Sometimes I wonder tbh. If anyone has feed back on that I'm actually curious. It's weird though because due to some things I was actually asking myself this again hours ago..something happened yesterday and it's something that's a chronic problem for me. I pondered that someone once told me I had borderline ADHD....then my brother speculated it to me on the phone earlier today.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:


Basically I trolled every single one of you, by showing you that I trust the jos ideals and that I am for the Jos when in fact I was just following my plan for attacking from beneath.

My plan is almost fulfilled.

My account Lylithium87 is also mines and I was trolling Biltz Kreig or whatever his Nazi name is.

I tricked you all and yet, I have no regrets for my actions :)

I simply slurp a cocktail 🍷🍹 and I simply tell you that the only thing I request is a permanent ban. :)

That is ... Of course.... If you want to get rid of me .

All you did is just waste your life away trying to harm or do any shit to us lmao. Just get the hell out of here if you have nothing important to do here. :lol:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=402518 time=1669683499 user_id=21286]
NakedPluto said:

Yes, you are correct. I should have stopped after my first reply.

I got carried away with a debate that evidently was not happening in any fair or worthwhile circumstance.

The jew lies, the jew does everything it can to destroy, smear, pollute.

In any case, this is seen as the default nature of these beings, this topic is a firsthand view of that.

Only gentiles are "owed" explanations and debates, the jew deserves nonexistence, and as such a total nullifying.

This is a low level jew with haywire hormones due to the insanity they posses in their DNA.

The jew is extremely subversive, does not have remorse, no honor to level even an ounce of truth or fairness, the quest being only to be a parasite of the lowest end.

And about the numerous cases in the world that gets blamed on "satanism" by the hand of jews, this is nothing new.

I wonder, where are enunciated the crimes done in the name of all of the worlds religions done? The millions of criminals doing the lowest of acts in the name of mesus, palah?

But the truly clinically insane having hallucinations and doing a crime, then blaming Satan, oy vey. Write that name down, so we don't forget.

It is not like the whole world is programed to have a pavlovian reaction towards linking the destruction to the name of Satan or Demons.

From the witches hunting to the modern times of associating the worst, we have been attacked and tried to be connected under this spell of the jew. No more.

That's why we do our Gods rituals, and this little jew started his quest right at the time of the schedule with the right topic and the right subversive way. Oy vey.

The light and beauty of our Gods is here to brighten up sufficiently to clean all of this dross.

Onwards to the last days of the schedule.

These weird threads.. I feel mostly sorry for these lost souls. Immaturity and lack of intelligence to understand advanced things is probably main reasons for this phenomenon occurring from time to time, as well as simply hooknoses who hate us.

Props to Blitzkreig for at least trying to educate the lesser educated in a calm manner.
That's always the way to go in order to win respect in the end, rather than simply attacking people with insults, name-calling etc.
And it's also good to never give up the hope of saving a lost soul. Perhaps a bit too lost this time though lol
I've said it before and say it again, people use the term "infiltrator" too loosely, and successful infiltration would require one to have caused damage, destabilization or division within the group one has "infiltrated".

Infiltration in the forums does not exist because the door is wide open and anyone can make an account. This would be like you enter an open store and telling yourself that you "infiltrated" the store. No, you just walked through the front door which is open to everybody...how is that infiltration...

When one walks through an open door, poses as a normal person and then out of nowhere starts pissing on the floor and screaming like a lunatic, this isn't a case of infiltration but just a sign of mental disability.

Sneaking into clergy status and sabotaging the main website is infiltration.

Gaining reputation and using it to divide and destabilize the group is infiltration.

Corrupting documents and spreading misinformation and mental poisons is infiltration.

Making an account and wasting countless hours posing as a member and then exposing yourself and proclaiming some kind of victory in doing so isn't infiltration, it's a circus show. You are not an infiltrator, you are a clown, and clowns are laughed at. And this is the outcome of all the hours you spent here; being laughed at. Congratulations.

Real saboteurs and infiltrators, who are experts at social climbing and manipulation, are kept out both by vigilant staff and the influence of the old gods. Clowns like the above are permitted I'm guessing just so we have some form of entertainment in the forum.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
