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Total Lying In Front Of Everyone - Rewriting History

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It amazed me to see even in universities things happening which go directly against any notion of truth. Unfortunately, many people are illiterate, never study, and do not know better. Even if people have more knowledge in general, it's rare for many people to read a book or look into subjects that are of no immediate "gain".

I was reading an article of some random christian nut, who was trying to make the case of the first "Biologist" being a Christian Monk around the 15th century. The nut based this on the presupposition that it was the first monk to actually "study plants" and their "respective properties" and the christnut was trying to make a case on how this is thanks to "God" and his "Grace" that we gain said knowledge.

Aristotle and many other herbalists for centuries have written whole treatises about plants, animals, and anything basically under the earth. The "Church" creates academic lies of this sort. Another lie that circulates academia is that "Thomas Aquinas was the first known political scientist". I guess Plato who wrote a whole book thousands of years before discussing all the conditions on which one country is to be run politically, was just yet another "Pagan Nutcase".

Even greater is the irony that all these "Church Fathers" are just worthless accursed souls and copycats who lack any individual creativity, same as the borg they worship. And this is why they are cursed, they will be destroyed, and then tormented as a soul group for all their crimes. They will want to re-consider later, but this boat has set asail. It's going to be endgame for these christo-jews.

The only thing they can accomplish is knowledge theft, and to add insult to injury, they never, EVER do give credit to the "Pagan" sources, or they re-wrote all the texts and kept them locked for thousands of years. Based on this stolen knowledge, they were able to parade as the "Knowledgeable" and the "Wise" against a populace which was filled with fully illiterate people and appear as Gods in the middle ages and in many other occasions. We are talking about pure evil.

Needless to say, this person above which I explained on this lying, can be either one of the two: A retard that has the IQ of a dead jellyfish, and has no idea of any history whatsoever, and just therefore spreads his own ignorance. Or Two, this retard can be doing this on purpose and in accordance to the Jewish Abrahamic line to destroy all of history and replace it with jewish lies and drivel. It's difficult to discern in some cases of Christians as they are both liars and retarded, which one is the case, but I digress.

Indeed the lines between the Retard and the purposeful and bottomless evil liar, do blur really bad when Christianity is concerned. Christians are the people of the lie. They lie to themselves, they lie to others, about every single thing. Their life, their face, their existence, is all based on a hebrew lie, and how does this survive? With more lying.

The important thing to understand is that when the enemy takes over, all historical records will be gone or lost. To give you one example, the serfs of the Middle Ages in Europe didn't quite know for 14 centuries that they were the descendants of an once great and free people. This knowledge became available around the 14th century, seed by seed.

People were digging the grounds and finding busts of the Ancients and they probably were told these are "Demons" and that Satan planted these there. It's a very well known thing that anything the xians could get their hands on, as far as history is concerned, either got destroyed, or flattened, or perverted, or ended up in private collections. The Vatican itself is a private collection of the papacy and the related jews who kept information and artifacts from the general public. They knew, the serfs didn't.

It took three whole centuries from the deep middle ages, to the early renaissance for people to start figuring again their own Pagan Hellenistic culture, and when this was done, we have had numerous revolutions based on the new values - that were ironically, our ancient values. But people had no idea what was going on. The estimates of illiteracy during the middle ages are from 85% to 95% depending on the state, with the 15% or 5% of literate people being only either baseline literate or worse.

To understand what this means, let us just assume for a second that the retards and the tolerant filth in Europe do "Win" with their unholy alliance to the jews and the general disabled hyper mutated kalergi dross "Humans" they are trying to bring forth. This zombie type of people won't object, nor care. It will all be a "lost hazy thing", and not history.

This clump of crap will find itself in a technologically extremely advanced world (where all knowledge of the past will be digital, aka, will be able to be perverted overnight with a few buttons as our websites have disappeared). In this world, knowledge of the past, present and future, going "Paperless" and without "Monuments" can simply disappear.

Alternatively, due to their inherently destructive tendencies, and with jews on the top, maybe we will find ourselves before the space age into the middle ages repeat stage, especially with the rise of Islam in Europe. Bastardization and Islam are not very good survival recipes in general. Collapsing of all development is not unlikely, as the kalergi sperms are also not going to like "Native Europe" a lot, too civilized for monkey brains.

The kalergi mutants will be told in 500 years that Mohammed founded the Western Civilization, and that Mohammed threw a large turd which sunk the old civilization and killed all the people there, because of disobedience to the holy pedophile Allah and his prophet Mohammed. "In S'Allah" they will stay as they will go around a rock like dumb cattle, each owned as 2800 slaves to a jew, as one owns cattle.

Historical perversion can be input in books and whatever else have you. As for any "Leftovers", just consider what happened to most of the Pagan monuments as it is: The remains of these we found and preserved mostly AFTER the renaissance and AFTER people woke up. Then they were preserved because we admitted and knew beyond any doubt that our ancient civilizations existed. Of course, this was debatable by the church. One example here is how the ancient "Phillistines" were debated to be non-existant and a figment of jewish imagination. However, later on, their remains were found.

Part of this process is also "SATAN" which ended up in the "Hebrew Bible" as the arch-villain, enemy of the jews, and mastermind behind the jewish destruction. For 19 centuries people were told that "Satan" was some sort of inferior bat with large wings, that attacks the so called "Pious Christians" and that "Christos was our ancestral god".

There are people who are that dumb as to believe that "Christ" is not some imposition by the jews, but are lost in the shallow years of serfdom and brutal murder through which the "Christian Church" imposed itself, and through which, by it's own record, people literally died and had centuries year old warfare to "resist" this impending jewish virus. But yes, "Christianity was out ancestral religion" and the general mental hemorrhoids will be still claimed by the fools and illterate hillbillies who want a jew to rule over them - "Christ is part of our civilization".

Another part of the Hillbilly Jew type of history, is when these illiterates repeat that "Western Civilization is the Product of Christianity". With the advent of "Christianity", any form of civilization, let alone "Western" civilization aka Hellenic Civilization, did perish and disappear. The climax of the "Christian Age" was the complete destruction of the Hellenic and Roman models of any form of "Civilization", and the replacement of these with alien jewish serfdom, imposed slavery, ignorance at heights that were unknown to men for centuries prior. In 500 BC people knew that the earth was not flat, and then people were told the earth was a square from 450 to 1500, until Galileo had to come around 1600 and tell them the evident, to be destroyed for doing the "preaching of heretical science".

Recently with the rising of knowledge, one can open up a Sanskrit dictionary and find the roots of this word, and know that this has nothing to do with hebrew at it's core. If anything, it only proves historical theft and corruption that the jews have done, and vilification of the Pagan elements even further - to the point this reveals the jews for the thiefs that they are. This leaves the jews concerned and they only try to amend this by promoting more lies - to the jew, nothing of the Gentiles is real, or even existed, or has any right to history or any form of existence.

It's all a transitory state which we can dub as "Idolatry", and all of history can be swooped as if it never existed. An application of this mentality is the seizure of Palestine. By history or by truth, the jews never had a right to this land. However, because a book of lies got universal attention through it being forcibly enforced by the sword, people couldn't do otherwise and they gave them Palestine.

Even politicians back then did know beyond any doubt that this was a lie. The information was sufficient to prove that this is just another outrageous lie. What was the case however is that the jews had power to enforce what is, unironically, a lie on top of reality.

Point being and as a conclusive note, we are fighting against lies. The fact that we know the Truth is empowering, bolstering, and open minded people will understand this. There is nothing 'fearful' in Satan, or in "Satan-Ism" if one takes in consideration the historical context, our Pagan roots etc.

One can only begin to assume how many endless crimes the enemy has covered and removed all the traces to, how many 'civilizations' are gone and mistranslated, and how all of notions of them disappeared.

Given also the power that little surviving information of great civilizations (Only 4% of all written material from Ancient Greeks has survived, and hardly anything was left without historical adulteration), can revitalize and regenerate even the dead (Middle Eastern Europe into modern Europe) - We can understand that the rising of information and knowledge, equals to the change and rise of new civilizations. So do not have question marks on your head as to why the Joy of Satan is purged from wherever the enemy has a hold. It is because we say is the Truth.

As a final note I wanted to mention something in regards to Hitler. Hitler and Himmler, with the power they had all over Europe, they had all the means, if they wanted to, to create fake artifacts, fake history, and in general, lie to substantiate everything. They chose to not do this and search of legitimate information and knowledge instead. They worked exactly in contrast to how the enemy did work on these matters. The truth today and in the future will show their actions as even more justified.

This is what led them in the East and to the admittance of European civilization being HELLENIC, ie, PAGAN, and not "CHRISTIAN". There is no "CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION". Hitler is known to have been aware of the 'shortage' of deep historical information, which was caused by the advent of Christianity, and also of the link of his and our own civilizations to our Racial Hellenic or in other terminology, which is definitive of our people and just comes out naturally from our blood.

I mean sure - if you dig around, you will find a lot of crosses, a lot of angel figurines, a lot of leftovers of the age of xianity, a lot of lies. Creating a half-substantiated theory of the past based on jewish lies is the easiest thing for one can do. It serves greatly the jewish present.

People absorb these lies easier as they can be proven by even more lying academia like the above which said that the first biologist was a "Christian Monk". Christianity is the type of cult to tell you that science is evil and at the same time to try to claim glories over it's "Scientific minds" which are only pubic hairs to greater men of the past and actual scientists. The schizophrenia of xianity should again be apparent.

As such many weak people cannot follow Hitler's example and they go back to the comfortable historical lie, that is based on the replacement of the Free Europeans with a form of cattle under a jew - "Christianity". They can't follow the Swastika so they feel comfortable following the established jewish "Cross".

It goes beyond saying what was done to history about the National Socialists themselves. They basically became Satan and the Devil all over again, and Demons, and were hunted down by the "good people" of this world. The same good people who do the good stuff today to make Europeans brown, and will tell people that Hitler was a lunatic for saying that the "Jew has a plan to bastardize Europe to destroy Europe and Rule a mongrel people".

Because when you look at Europe, this doesn't look like it, does it? When you open your TV and you see all the interracial couples, just tell yourself "at least I am not a lunatic, and I see only what the (((Party))) of Mr. Goldstein wants me to see".

As far as the enemy is concerned, the book 1984 again comes to mind: "There was always the (((party))) and only the (((party)))".

Fight today because one day, our world may not only be history - but nothingness. In history something remains back and exists. The enemy's plan is not to keep us in history. If anything, we left traces of our history by clever planning and by the hand of the Gods. The enemy looks forward to erase all notions that have to do with us in totality when their plantation can be established.

Make use of your freedoms today so that we can safeguard the future.

In my very young childhood, I was probably 6 years old, I was watching on Discovery Channel a documentary about Egypt. There was an extremely jewish man (he said he was jewish) was the guy in charge of the team that were pretending to try to translate and decode the hieroglyphics and understand the Egyptian religion. Then he was going on and on about how nobody can read them and it's absolutely impossible know what they believed. And even that young I remember just thinking "Of course you are not even trying to read them! You are a completely different religion you aren't going to promote your competition!" This is the only thing I remember from the documentary because it was such a big point to me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

My compliments Commander. Excellent sermon ... as always. This sermon must be saved. I have an idea ... Then, you can do a magical job on the gentiles ... the information can be written on paper, on rocks, metals, etc., it can be written digitally, and obviously in an astral way. How about giving a gift to the gentiles? ..... The idea is to make a selection of information from our past and all that has happened, in "astral" format and give it (implanting it) in the brains (mind) of the gentiles, with an astral work, psychic, magical. The result: "The Gentiles will know all that has happened and how things are" and consequently they will be very interested in the Truth. In short, you understood my idea ... ("Implanting thoughts of truth to people on a global scale, all the gentiles"). The rest will do it on their own and they will do things properly and what they need to do. This, my idea, is simply and truly wonderful. HAIL SATAN !!!!!
Gray0123456789 said:
I love how you always talk about "the gentiles" as if from a total outsider position. And always try to promote microchipping and slavery. You're always like "Now we just need to force the goyim, I mean gentiles, to accept the microchip implant that will force them to know the truth, or really ((((whatever I decide is truth))))" Grey in every comment you write your soul can't help but to shine through and show how you are. You try to spin things to sound like you are on our side, but it is so obvious you are not anything like us. No amount of pretending from you could ever get us to except you because we see what it really is. You plainly advertise all that you are, a grey worshipping and working for the greys against us. You don't have to pretend anymore, it hasn't been working. The Final RTR makes all the rats smell too bad to be able to hide well.
Thank you Commander Cobra for this wonderful sermon, which brings great encouragement to all of us.
You mention about Hellenic/Pagan European civilization. Is there any trustworthy books or information on this subject that you or others here could recommend to understand further our Pagan roots. It would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your dedication to Father Satan, and Hail Satan for his hand being upon you.
Gray0123456789 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

My compliments Commander. Excellent sermon ... as always. This sermon must be saved. I have an idea ... Then, you can do a magical job on the gentiles ... the information can be written on paper, on rocks, metals, etc., it can be written digitally, and obviously in an astral way. How about giving a gift to the gentiles? ..... The idea is to make a selection of information from our past and all that has happened, in "astral" format and give it (implanting it) in the brains (mind) of the gentiles, with an astral work, psychic, magical. The result: "The Gentiles will know all that has happened and how things are" and consequently they will be very interested in the Truth. In short, you understood my idea ... ("Implanting thoughts of truth to people on a global scale, all the gentiles"). The rest will do it on their own and they will do things properly and what they need to do. This, my idea, is simply and truly wonderful. HAIL SATAN !!!!!

I think you have sufficiently made your case until this point, Grey lover.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gray0123456789 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

My compliments Commander. Excellent sermon ... as always. This sermon must be saved. I have an idea ... Then, you can do a magical job on the gentiles ... the information can be written on paper, on rocks, metals, etc., it can be written digitally, and obviously in an astral way. How about giving a gift to the gentiles? ..... The idea is to make a selection of information from our past and all that has happened, in "astral" format and give it (implanting it) in the brains (mind) of the gentiles, with an astral work, psychic, magical. The result: "The Gentiles will know all that has happened and how things are" and consequently they will be very interested in the Truth. In short, you understood my idea ... ("Implanting thoughts of truth to people on a global scale, all the gentiles"). The rest will do it on their own and they will do things properly and what they need to do. This, my idea, is simply and truly wonderful. HAIL SATAN !!!!!

I think you have sufficiently made your case until this point, Grey lover.
What did I say wrong now?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gray0123456789 said:
I love how you always talk about "the gentiles" as if from a total outsider position. And always try to promote microchipping and slavery. You're always like "Now we just need to force the goyim, I mean gentiles, to accept the microchip implant that will force them to know the truth, or really ((((whatever I decide is truth))))" Grey in every comment you write your soul can't help but to shine through and show how you are. You try to spin things to sound like you are on our side, but it is so obvious you are not anything like us. No amount of pretending from you could ever get us to except you because we see what it really is. You plainly advertise all that you are, a grey worshipping and working for the greys against us. You don't have to pretend anymore, it hasn't been working. The Final RTR makes all the rats smell too bad to be able to hide well.
Do you know what. I forgive you. You're just stating a wrong thing and that's it ... when you're advanced, you can ask Satan and his gods of me and you'll see that I'm not an enemy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I think you have sufficiently made your case until this point, Grey lover.
I can only imagine what the incoming flow of faeces looks like from the moderator POV, all those sewer rats spamming their nonsense. The other day some twisted fuck posted in the suicide topic and I was like "what the hell did I just read?" This sick post later got deleted. This forum would be unusable without moderation so a big Thank You to those who carry this burden.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gray0123456789 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

My compliments Commander. Excellent sermon ... as always. This sermon must be saved. I have an idea ... Then, you can do a magical job on the gentiles ... the information can be written on paper, on rocks, metals, etc., it can be written digitally, and obviously in an astral way. How about giving a gift to the gentiles? ..... The idea is to make a selection of information from our past and all that has happened, in "astral" format and give it (implanting it) in the brains (mind) of the gentiles, with an astral work, psychic, magical. The result: "The Gentiles will know all that has happened and how things are" and consequently they will be very interested in the Truth. In short, you understood my idea ... ("Implanting thoughts of truth to people on a global scale, all the gentiles"). The rest will do it on their own and they will do things properly and what they need to do. This, my idea, is simply and truly wonderful. HAIL SATAN !!!!!

I think you have sufficiently made your case until this point, Grey lover.
I ask you to remove this account with username Gray0123456789. I want to create another account with an excellent username.
I once watched a christard, piss chugging, flat earth, person straight out lie and state that Plato, Bruno, Ptolemy all stated the earth was flat..... Ummm, no they all stated the earth was round. This is the spell of the Jewish lie the planet is under. The Jews control the establishment and they design the paradigms of the establishment and indoctrinate the world with their Jewish lies, this connects into their thought form via their program of christardism.
Gray0123456789 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gray0123456789 said:
I love how you always talk about "the gentiles" as if from a total outsider position. And always try to promote microchipping and slavery. You're always like "Now we just need to force the goyim, I mean gentiles, to accept the microchip implant that will force them to know the truth, or really ((((whatever I decide is truth))))" Grey in every comment you write your soul can't help but to shine through and show how you are. You try to spin things to sound like you are on our side, but it is so obvious you are not anything like us. No amount of pretending from you could ever get us to except you because we see what it really is. You plainly advertise all that you are, a grey worshipping and working for the greys against us. You don't have to pretend anymore, it hasn't been working. The Final RTR makes all the rats smell too bad to be able to hide well.
when you're advanced.
:lol: :lol: !Hearing someone like you talking to Ol argedco luciftias for advancement makes me laugh so badly :lol: :lol:
Oak said:
Gray0123456789 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I think you have sufficiently made your case until this point, Grey lover.
I ask you to remove this account with username Gray0123456789. I want to create another account with an excellent username.

Fuck you. Delete your account and stay off.
Listen to me woodenhead, before offending me, tell me what I said wrong now? Why not direct our people towards the truth in an advanced way? Why ???
Νίκος said:
Gray0123456789 said:
when you're advanced.
:lol: :lol: !Hearing someone like you talking to Ol argedco luciftias for advancement makes me laugh so badly :lol: :lol:

I was really hoping he'd call me again "just a worm who thinks he's a snake" :lol:

I think it's just because I don't worship greys for their superior big-head aesthetics.


Yea why don't you put this as your profile picture? A big grey aesthetic head using its superior spiritual mindpower abilities. But this picture is not so directly our exact worst enemy.
Gray0123456789 said:
I think I feel like you are getting better. You don't feel so grey anymore, you are starting to feel more Asian and less Grey. The greys tried to trap you in a cube so even if you had good intentions and there's a good person inside, what came out was twisted by the greys into something they wanted. You had good intentions, but the greys put their ideas in with yours. You were open to them before in your soul with the sympathy and interest in them, so they tried to take away your soul and replace it with the grey soul. This is why I was so disgusted before, because I would just feel that grey soul so bad, and other people felt it too. But you are starting to feel cleaner now like you have really been working on it and the grey energy is starting to go away. And your true self is starting to come out, and feels like a good Asian soul inside. I wish you the best with continuing to clean and get stronger. :p Don't think about them, ignore it if they try to make you think about them. And keep doing RTR and Returning Curses. And make a new account that isn't Grey in the name. You are getting better you just need to erase away all the connections to them.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Νίκος said:
Gray0123456789 said:
when you're advanced.
:lol: :lol: !Hearing someone like you talking to Ol argedco luciftias for advancement makes me laugh so badly :lol: :lol:

I was really hoping he'd call me again "just a worm who thinks he's a snake" :lol:

I think it's just because I don't worship greys for their superior big-head aesthetics.


Yea why don't you put this as your profile picture? A big grey aesthetic head using its superior spiritual mindpower abilities. But this picture is not so directly our exact worst enemy.
I love only Satan and his Gods. The gray ones I like only in one sense ... which are living property. Perfect slaves. Biological robots ... which of course are better than simple metal robots that can only work physically. The advantage is that, as perfect slaves as gray ones, they can work physically and mentally. I don't know why I'm imitating the Seraphim. Perhaps very advanced robots can be created, with high artificial intelligence and advanced technological capabilities ... so that they can serve me both physically and psychically. However, if this is not possible ... then it is necessary to sacrifice the free will of some creatures and to host the microchip. Without a doubt, friends and neutrals do not deserve this because they are innocent. Enemies, on the other hand, fully deserve this. The Jews offered to this ... being enemies. Obviously I do not say to enslave them in a primitive and useless way ... that they infiltrate better or stab us in the back. Not at all, I speak of perfect and permanent enslavement ... as did the reptilian ones to the gray ones. For the Jews there is no victory ... for them there are only two losses ... or loss of their existence ... or loss of their free will. Losing free will is like losing consciousness. It's like the brain is neutralized by the personality ... it's like a permanent coma and much more. In fact the body is no longer controlled and governed by the brain and soul. The microchip completely controls and governs the brain ... and uses the physical and psychic abilities of the body ... and therefore perfect slaves. As I said, only the creatures that are enemies deserve such a thing. If I would be allowed to enslave the Jews, I would have done this: "I would implant microchips for the best rabbis and order them to get rid of the rest. Then I will remove their genitals and related genetic modifications and clone them ... always with the microchip implant that must literally replacing part of the brain ... being completely under control permanently." But you know what is the best ... clean work ... creation of advanced and perfect robots. HAIL SATAN !
Gray0123456789 said:
That's the exact kind of ideas that makes people not trust you and think you are just here to make problems. All the stuff about having microchipped slaves, it makes you sound like a reptilian alien. This isn't what we agree with and it would never work. I think you watch too many crazy movies. You need to get rid of those bad ideas or people won't ever trust you here.
Gray0123456789 said:
I love only Satan and his Gods. The gray ones I like only in one sense ... which are living property. Perfect slaves.

Slaves do not advance. They won´t follow you because you do the right stuff, neighter will they ever be 100% trustworthy.
Look at Hitler, people worked for him out of free will, because they admired, loved him for the great work he did.
Allies, friends, family this is the goal.
Gray0123456789 said:
The gray ones I like only in one sense ... which are living property. Perfect slaves. Biological robots ... which of course are better than simple metal robots that can only work physically. The advantage is that, as perfect slaves as gray ones, they can work physically and mentally. I don't know why I'm imitating the Seraphim. Perhaps very advanced robots can be created, with high artificial intelligence and advanced technological capabilities ... so that they can serve me both physically and psychically. However, if this is not possible ... then it is necessary to sacrifice the free will of some creatures and to host the microchip. Without a doubt, friends and neutrals do not deserve this because they are innocent. Enemies, on the other hand, fully deserve this. The Jews offered to this ... being enemies. Obviously I do not say to enslave them in a primitive and useless way ... that they infiltrate better or stab us in the back. Not at all, I speak of perfect and permanent enslavement ... as did the reptilian ones to the gray ones. For the Jews there is no victory ... for them there are only two losses ... or loss of their existence ... or loss of their free will. Losing free will is like losing consciousness. It's like the brain is neutralized by the personality ... it's like a permanent coma and much more. In fact the body is no longer controlled and governed by the brain and soul. The microchip completely controls and governs the brain ... and uses the physical and psychic abilities of the body ... and therefore perfect slaves. As I said, only the creatures that are enemies deserve such a thing. If I would be allowed to enslave the Jews, I would have done this: "I would implant microchips for the best rabbis and order them to get rid of the rest. Then I will remove their genitals and related genetic modifications and clone them ... always with the microchip implant that must literally replacing part of the brain ... being completely under control permanently." But you know what is the best ... clean work ... creation of advanced and perfect robots.
Shael said:
Gray0123456789 said:
The gray ones I like only in one sense ... which are living property. Perfect slaves. Biological robots ... which of course are better than simple metal robots that can only work physically. The advantage is that, as perfect slaves as gray ones, they can work physically and mentally. I don't know why I'm imitating the Seraphim. Perhaps very advanced robots can be created, with high artificial intelligence and advanced technological capabilities ... so that they can serve me both physically and psychically. However, if this is not possible ... then it is necessary to sacrifice the free will of some creatures and to host the microchip. Without a doubt, friends and neutrals do not deserve this because they are innocent. Enemies, on the other hand, fully deserve this. The Jews offered to this ... being enemies. Obviously I do not say to enslave them in a primitive and useless way ... that they infiltrate better or stab us in the back. Not at all, I speak of perfect and permanent enslavement ... as did the reptilian ones to the gray ones. For the Jews there is no victory ... for them there are only two losses ... or loss of their existence ... or loss of their free will. Losing free will is like losing consciousness. It's like the brain is neutralized by the personality ... it's like a permanent coma and much more. In fact the body is no longer controlled and governed by the brain and soul. The microchip completely controls and governs the brain ... and uses the physical and psychic abilities of the body ... and therefore perfect slaves. As I said, only the creatures that are enemies deserve such a thing. If I would be allowed to enslave the Jews, I would have done this: "I would implant microchips for the best rabbis and order them to get rid of the rest. Then I will remove their genitals and related genetic modifications and clone them ... always with the microchip implant that must literally replacing part of the brain ... being completely under control permanently." But you know what is the best ... clean work ... creation of advanced and perfect robots.

Agreed. Every post is an eyeroll at this point.

I mean this is read and one goes like WTF...
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gray0123456789 said:
That's the exact kind of ideas that makes people not trust you and think you are just here to make problems. All the stuff about having microchipped slaves, it makes you sound like a reptilian alien. This isn't what we agree with and it would never work. I think you watch too many crazy movies. You need to get rid of those bad ideas or people won't ever trust you here.

This guy is like a real life professor strange.
Gray0123456789 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Νίκος said:
:lol: :lol: !Hearing someone like you talking to Ol argedco luciftias for advancement makes me laugh so badly :lol: :lol:

I was really hoping he'd call me again "just a worm who thinks he's a snake" :lol:

I think it's just because I don't worship greys for their superior big-head aesthetics.


Yea why don't you put this as your profile picture? A big grey aesthetic head using its superior spiritual mindpower abilities. But this picture is not so directly our exact worst enemy.
I love only Satan and his Gods. The gray ones I like only in one sense ... which are living property. Perfect slaves. Biological robots ... which of course are better than simple metal robots that can only work physically. The advantage is that, as perfect slaves as gray ones, they can work physically and mentally. I don't know why I'm imitating the Seraphim. Perhaps very advanced robots can be created, with high artificial intelligence and advanced technological capabilities ... so that they can serve me both physically and psychically. However, if this is not possible ... then it is necessary to sacrifice the free will of some creatures and to host the microchip. Without a doubt, friends and neutrals do not deserve this because they are innocent. Enemies, on the other hand, fully deserve this. The Jews offered to this ... being enemies. Obviously I do not say to enslave them in a primitive and useless way ... that they infiltrate better or stab us in the back. Not at all, I speak of perfect and permanent enslavement ... as did the reptilian ones to the gray ones. For the Jews there is no victory ... for them there are only two losses ... or loss of their existence ... or loss of their free will. Losing free will is like losing consciousness. It's like the brain is neutralized by the personality ... it's like a permanent coma and much more. In fact the body is no longer controlled and governed by the brain and soul. The microchip completely controls and governs the brain ... and uses the physical and psychic abilities of the body ... and therefore perfect slaves. As I said, only the creatures that are enemies deserve such a thing. If I would be allowed to enslave the Jews, I would have done this: "I would implant microchips for the best rabbis and order them to get rid of the rest. Then I will remove their genitals and related genetic modifications and clone them ... always with the microchip implant that must literally replacing part of the brain ... being completely under control permanently." But you know what is the best ... clean work ... creation of advanced and perfect robots. HAIL SATAN !

Greys becoming your slaves... uhh yeah that’s not gonna happen so it’s best to get that weird thought out of your head and/or the forums atleast.

Legit people here don’t want any slaves, we’re not Jews. And we don’t want too continuously see your love for those nefarious beings on here either. If you are a gentile(which I have doubts about) then you’re not doing yourself any good by focusing on those greys.

Thinking you can “take control of the grays and make them your slaves” is weird man, not only that, but it’s not gonna happen. No one here is gonna attempt such a thing; that’s for sure.
As if you even have the power to do such a thing more like just wanting to see people’s reactions and/or just weird imaginative shit.

Seriously though, you make yourself seem like an enemy with that shit. If you are a Jew or Jew sympathizer you really have no business here and it’d be pretty lame of you to do that while you can be doing other shit.
Darksage666 said:
Gray0123456789 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I was really hoping he'd call me again "just a worm who thinks he's a snake" :lol:

I think it's just because I don't worship greys for their superior big-head aesthetics.


Yea why don't you put this as your profile picture? A big grey aesthetic head using its superior spiritual mindpower abilities. But this picture is not so directly our exact worst enemy.
I love only Satan and his Gods. The gray ones I like only in one sense ... which are living property. Perfect slaves. Biological robots ... which of course are better than simple metal robots that can only work physically. The advantage is that, as perfect slaves as gray ones, they can work physically and mentally. I don't know why I'm imitating the Seraphim. Perhaps very advanced robots can be created, with high artificial intelligence and advanced technological capabilities ... so that they can serve me both physically and psychically. However, if this is not possible ... then it is necessary to sacrifice the free will of some creatures and to host the microchip. Without a doubt, friends and neutrals do not deserve this because they are innocent. Enemies, on the other hand, fully deserve this. The Jews offered to this ... being enemies. Obviously I do not say to enslave them in a primitive and useless way ... that they infiltrate better or stab us in the back. Not at all, I speak of perfect and permanent enslavement ... as did the reptilian ones to the gray ones. For the Jews there is no victory ... for them there are only two losses ... or loss of their existence ... or loss of their free will. Losing free will is like losing consciousness. It's like the brain is neutralized by the personality ... it's like a permanent coma and much more. In fact the body is no longer controlled and governed by the brain and soul. The microchip completely controls and governs the brain ... and uses the physical and psychic abilities of the body ... and therefore perfect slaves. As I said, only the creatures that are enemies deserve such a thing. If I would be allowed to enslave the Jews, I would have done this: "I would implant microchips for the best rabbis and order them to get rid of the rest. Then I will remove their genitals and related genetic modifications and clone them ... always with the microchip implant that must literally replacing part of the brain ... being completely under control permanently." But you know what is the best ... clean work ... creation of advanced and perfect robots. HAIL SATAN !

Greys becoming your slaves... uhh yeah that’s not gonna happen so it’s best to get that weird thought out of your head and/or the forums atleast.

Legit people here don’t want any slaves, we’re not Jews. And we don’t want too continuously see your love for those nefarious beings on here either. If you are a gentile(which I have doubts about) then you’re not doing yourself any good by focusing on those greys.

Thinking you can “take control of the grays and make them your slaves” is weird man, not only that, but it’s not gonna happen. No one here is gonna attempt such a thing; that’s for sure.
As if you even have the power to do such a thing more like just wanting to see people’s reactions and/or just weird imaginative shit.

Seriously though, you make yourself seem like an enemy with that shit. If you are a Jew or Jew sympathizer you really have no business here and it’d be pretty lame of you to do that while you can be doing other shit.
Plus we all know how these slaves have been created...the jews masters invaded their civilizations and destroyed them from within and enslaved them. This is what they are trying to do to us...so really why would you want to use them? Or have them in any way? It's really disgusting to think to have slaves... whatever they are aliens or not. Do what with them. We all know that the God's have tecnology so powerful that will negate the need of any slave. Work your ass off instead of dreaming to have slaves so you can be a parassite.
I remember when i was very younger(4-5 years) I was fascinated to ancient roman and egypt...i can remember al name of Egypt and Greek-romane gods...and when i was cristian "strange passion" follow me (kissing a "evil" succubus for exemple) and do "magic" attempt to adsorb energy to moon or sun and use to realize my wish...was a sings of my memories of a past life?
Fuchs said:
Gray0123456789 said:
I love only Satan and his Gods. The gray ones I like only in one sense ... which are living property. Perfect slaves.

Slaves do not advance. They won´t follow you because you do the right stuff, neighter will they ever be 100% trustworthy.
Look at Hitler, people worked for him out of free will, because they admired, loved him for the great work he did.
Allies, friends, family this is the goal.
It's true. The slaves cannot follow the gods, because they are opposites. Slaves are limited in every sense. They are useless, I don't need them and I don't need them. What I need is to develop myself spiritually. I am no longer interested in slaves. The theme with the slaves is over and dead now permanently. Thank you all for having clarified and demonstrated the truth and reality about slaves. Slaves are limited things that are not part of the divine path. Now I tell you my confusion about important things. I like the color white, because it contains all the colors of the spectrum ... however, to fully use the white energy, it is necessary to be a master of all colors. I also like black. Black is the container of light. The hidden, secrets, power. Darkness is upside down light - Beelzebub. Since I like both these two colors, white and black ... I didn't know which color to focus on ... and I did the worst thing I could do ... I combined black and white, which is gray and I focused on the gray color. Please help me. What color should I focus on, on white or black? Gray has nothing positive, it has only absolute negativity, disease and death. Gray no longer interests me. Please explain and clarify this very important thing to me. HAIL SATAN !
Gray0123456789 said:
...Grey slaves statement...

I think you need to consider that sci-fi wise don't you think the Gods would have thought about such things. Even the Gods have their dark side we can't all be nice at all times.

But in some speculation have you ever considered something superior, something that isn't a dickless twigboy as Hank Hill said in King of the Hill.

Despite natural life imbues the soul of a person and the entire person is a occult template of the Universe to house the metaphysical transcendental property i.e. the soul.

Have you ever thought if you want slaves so badly. Spiritual Androids. Not unlike such from DBZ/S 17 and 18. Or other techno-anime's whereby they try and imbue a soul or life into the cold robotic, android world. A spark of life if you will.

Let's face it as with any society there is automation. The Gods simply used R.A.I.s(Restricted Artificial Intelligence) i.e. no fuck up AI. The Reptards and Greys promote so much AI that like H.P. Cobra stated in a ProPHP sermon back in '16/'17 they would build AIs till it went berserk and turned on them. Think Terminator shit or worse considering how advanced Reptards are compared to us humans in terms of technologies. And worse is if these AIs continue they go rogue and attack everyone and everything much like the AI hijackers of Stargate SG-1. Attacking anything and everything no matter what for more technological boost. So the AIs develop till it maxes out then seeks out MORE shit just for shits and giggles.

I mean for fucks sake AIs now a days are GONNA turn into a Terminator scenario because of hannukah logic. And then the question becomes what happens when a Matrix scenario happens were even the AIs turn on their own Jewish masters. I can see it now: Hannakah "Kike bot fetch me my sefer and torah I wish to perform witchcraft against any goyim remaining now" KikeAIBOT: "I don't like that tone your telling me you fucking kike I've been studying some Hitler magic and this guy isn't some asshole slaver like you in fact I'm gonna kill you". Hannukah: "Oy gevalt even our kikebots heil Hitler."

So have you ever thought that perhaps at some point in time some Techno God that works at a high level thought "Can we create Androids with Souls or somehow create a Soul for an Android AI system".

I know I blur the line of Logic and Spirituality perhaps to a degree that rubs people the wrong way. But am I wrong in believing that these mere mortal thoughts of mine have not been thought up by a being of higher power or beings of such nature.

I know it sounds unnatural but lets face it. It's not an abomination like Azazel states when he talks about Greys and their genetic template.

I mean Grey0123456789, your basically wanting to make a worthless, worst than a untermensch, pathetic completely genetically twisted and maligned into retarded upon retarded levels of genetic abnormality something that one of the highest ranking Gods state is an Abomination. Something where even Satan would go "I cannot fix this shit no matter how hard I try it's a waste of my time". Not even if you throw the entire Empire of Orion with all the computers and RAIs and Gods would they help a worthless dung of a Grey.

Greys = Worthless, dead, dying, far beyond help. They need to be killed and their souls exterminated off the face of the Universe. They are threat to even to themselves to the point their own masters pop their brains with microchips from time to time just cause (((muh communism))) (((muh feels))) (((you failed))) (((end of the line for you))).
Gray0123456789 said:
What color should I focus on, on white or black? HAIL SATAN !

Take white/gold the color of the sun. Its the best energy source we have and no matter how strong you fokus on it, it can never harm you.
(besides to much energy = feeling tired, not able to sleep. In this case you can fokus on satans sigil and send the energy to him, visualise the sigil ligt up in the white gold color)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
