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Too much..?


Active member
Jul 1, 2018
Father Satan's Earth :)
I am currently still in progresses of preforming a working of obliterating my Saturn.

Here is the working:


ANSUZ 88 Times

Affirm 8 Times: "In a positive and healthy way for me, any all past life karmic issues, abusive and cursed relationship issues are completely, eternally and permanently removed from me spiritually, physically and mentally."

And for about a week now (or even more, time flies by really fast for me) as I have been experiencing these symptoms, such as:

  • ·Intense Emotions


    ·A big want of attention

    ·Wanting a significant other more intensely than ever

    ·Having mixed feelings of sadness, desperation and hopelessness.

And I wanted to say that I feel like I am losing my mind with this working, so I wanted to ask if I should stop this working or continue on?

It's getting exceptionally hard for me to cope with these feelings and they're very intense, deep and too much sometimes..

Please share your opinions, thank you.
Okay, weird thing happened today...

I contacted my ex, we talked a bit, I confronted him about the things he did to me and stuff, he said he doesn't want to talk about it and he then eventually blocked me.

The point of this post is to say that those emotions and feelings went away and I feel more free and more better actually.
I know exactly what you mean, I've had similarly intense experiences about a different topic for a long time. You have to work through all of it anyway, so you can either work slowly and comfortably for possibly many lifetimes, or you can do it so it's so intense you can barely handle it but get through all of it in maybe this life or the next. I know how hard it is, but if you can do it it's worth doing the most power now because that way you get the biggest benefit. What you're feeling is your entire soul being cleaned out, possible thousands of years worth, so it's going to be a lot. But I know you can do it! :D Just keep going if you can, sounds like it's actually going perfectly and you're already feeling the benefits. :D Remember when the emotions come up, the bigger and more impossible feeling they are, the more benefit is actually happening to you. You're only becoming stronger and free-er because of it.
Its not something that we can be much help with on this forum, but it seems it brought up some things.

Sometimes saying out loud to the person what your issue is with them is really freeing.

Glad to hear you are okay now.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I know exactly what you mean, I've had similarly intense experiences about a different topic for a long time. You have to work through all of it anyway, so you can either work slowly and comfortably for possibly many lifetimes, or you can do it so it's so intense you can barely handle it but get through all of it in maybe this life or the next. I know how hard it is, but if you can do it it's worth doing the most power now because that way you get the biggest benefit. What you're feeling is your entire soul being cleaned out, possible thousands of years worth, so it's going to be a lot. But I know you can do it! :D Just keep going if you can, sounds like it's actually going perfectly and you're already feeling the benefits. :D Remember when the emotions come up, the bigger and more impossible feeling they are, the more benefit is actually happening to you. You're only becoming stronger and free-er because of it.

Thank you brother :)

Your words are always uplifting and wonderful :)

T.A.O.L. said:
Its not something that we can be much help with on this forum, but it seems it brought up some things.

Sometimes saying out loud to the person what your issue is with them is really freeing.

Glad to hear you are okay now.

Thank you :)

He constantly kept thinking about me, I could feel his thoughts coursing through me, I know where the most connection is with him and today is the day I can FINALLY get rid of him and one other scumbag....
HailMotherLilith said:
Okay, weird thing happened today...

I contacted my ex, we talked a bit, I confronted him about the things he did to me and stuff, he said he doesn't want to talk about it and he then eventually blocked me.

The point of this post is to say that those emotions and feelings went away and I feel more free and more better actually.
so that's good,that's what it takes,you have to deal with it for it to be gone,let's say you do a working so you won't be afraid of something you have to face that thing for you not to be afraid of it anymore,freeing your mind,the intense emotions are past boiled up emotions leaving your body to answer your first post.its a good thing,your wounds are healing and the more painful means it is working,like when you pure hydrolic on a wound to heal and it pains you but it means its healing,keep up the work.I guess your mind is telling you to call your boyfriends so you can settle what ever that is bothering you and also break any past cords from them,keep up ;)
I used MUNKA 108 times for this working and that's it. Some nights I would get emotions so intense I would just break down and cry on the visualization part. Other nights I would feel the life force raising up from the base hotter than I've ever felt before, as if it was just burning away all the damage built up in my soul.

Since doing this about 2 years ago I've progressed in every area of my life.
-I make at least double the money in 25 hours I used to work 60 hours a week for.
-The negative relationships I've had (most importantly the one with my father) I have complete control over, him being absent most of my life he's finally given into that he's created an immense emotional distance between us and I can come and go from his life as I please. No constant nagging for me to have a relationship with him.
-Anyone trying to latch onto my life or harm me in anyway instantly get met with disaster, AOP ftw
-My love life is free and filled with many passionate experiences

You are going through the healing process which can feel very rough sometimes and bring up past feelings(which you already started experiencing) and can manifest in numerous ways. This can last for months maybe even years. Extra aura cleaning and extra effort for protection greatly lightened some rough patches I hit. You clearly have a lot of a strength, you're almost done with the first 40 days and karma can be a real bitch around the end but you'll definitely make it through. May your next relationships be blessed and filled with everything you want, you're a Satanist you deserve it.
shinninglight said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Okay, weird thing happened today...

I contacted my ex, we talked a bit, I confronted him about the things he did to me and stuff, he said he doesn't want to talk about it and he then eventually blocked me.

The point of this post is to say that those emotions and feelings went away and I feel more free and more better actually.
so that's good,that's what it takes,you have to deal with it for it to be gone,let's say you do a working so you won't be afraid of something you have to face that thing for you not to be afraid of it anymore,freeing your mind,the intense emotions are past boiled up emotions leaving your body to answer your first post.its a good thing,your wounds are healing and the more painful means it is working,like when you pure hydrolic on a wound to heal and it pains you but it means its healing,keep up the work.I guess your mind is telling you to call your boyfriends so you can settle what ever that is bothering you and also break any past cords from them,keep up ;)

He's not my boyfriend anymore. He broke up with me because he thought if he doesn't have money for some time being, that means he can't take care of me, yet, HE found himself a new girlfriend when he directly and straightforwardly told me that he doesn't want a girlfriend nor any relationships... He is a big liar...

I'm glad the Gods have always been with me and still are!

Tough Fish said:
I used MUNKA 108 times for this working and that's it. Some nights I would get emotions so intense I would just break down and cry on the visualization part. Other nights I would feel the life force raising up from the base hotter than I've ever felt before, as if it was just burning away all the damage built up in my soul.

Since doing this about 2 years ago I've progressed in every area of my life.
-I make at least double the money in 25 hours I used to work 60 hours a week for.
-The negative relationships I've had (most importantly the one with my father) I have complete control over, him being absent most of my life he's finally given into that he's created an immense emotional distance between us and I can come and go from his life as I please. No constant nagging for me to have a relationship with him.
-Anyone trying to latch onto my life or harm me in anyway instantly get met with disaster, AOP ftw
-My love life is free and filled with many passionate experiences

You are going through the healing process which can feel very rough sometimes and bring up past feelings(which you already started experiencing) and can manifest in numerous ways. This can last for months maybe even years. Extra aura cleaning and extra effort for protection greatly lightened some rough patches I hit. You clearly have a lot of a strength, you're almost done with the first 40 days and karma can be a real bitch around the end but you'll definitely make it through. May your next relationships be blessed and filled with everything you want, you're a Satanist you deserve it.

Thank you so much for the kind words!!

I am super glad and happy you are having such great things in your life!!! :D
HailMotherLilith said:
shinninglight said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Okay, weird thing happened today...

I contacted my ex, we talked a bit, I confronted him about the things he did to me and stuff, he said he doesn't want to talk about it and he then eventually blocked me.

The point of this post is to say that those emotions and feelings went away and I feel more free and more better actually.
so that's good,that's what it takes,you have to deal with it for it to be gone,let's say you do a working so you won't be afraid of something you have to face that thing for you not to be afraid of it anymore,freeing your mind,the intense emotions are past boiled up emotions leaving your body to answer your first post.its a good thing,your wounds are healing and the more painful means it is working,like when you pure hydrolic on a wound to heal and it pains you but it means its healing,keep up the work.I guess your mind is telling you to call your boyfriends so you can settle what ever that is bothering you and also break any past cords from them,keep up ;)

He's not my boyfriend anymore. He broke up with me because he thought if he doesn't have money for some time being, that means he can't take care of me, yet, HE found himself a new girlfriend when he directly and straightforwardly told me that he doesn't want a girlfriend nor any relationships... He is a big liar...

I'm glad the Gods have always been with me and still are!

oh that should have been your formal boyfriends not brofriends,a mistake.anyway its good your moving on.and I guess if you want to carry on doing your working to free yourself be ready for the emotional load offs that comes with it,as life times of bold up emotions take time to fully release.but its worth it in the end
HailMotherLilith said:
shinninglight said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Okay, weird thing happened today...

I contacted my ex, we talked a bit, I confronted him about the things he did to me and stuff, he said he doesn't want to talk about it and he then eventually blocked me.

The point of this post is to say that those emotions and feelings went away and I feel more free and more better actually.
so that's good,that's what it takes,you have to deal with it for it to be gone,let's say you do a working so you won't be afraid of something you have to face that thing for you not to be afraid of it anymore,freeing your mind,the intense emotions are past boiled up emotions leaving your body to answer your first post.its a good thing,your wounds are healing and the more painful means it is working,like when you pure hydrolic on a wound to heal and it pains you but it means its healing,keep up the work.I guess your mind is telling you to call your boyfriends so you can settle what ever that is bothering you and also break any past cords from them,keep up ;)

He's not my boyfriend anymore. He broke up with me because he thought if he doesn't have money for some time being, that means he can't take care of me, yet, HE found himself a new girlfriend when he directly and straightforwardly told me that he doesn't want a girlfriend nor any relationships... He is a big liar...

I'm glad the Gods have always been with me and still are!

oh that should have been your formal boyfriends not your brofriends,a mistake.anyway its good your moving on.and I guess if you want to carry on doing your working to free yourself be ready for the emotional load offs that comes with it,as life times of bold up emotions take time to fully release.but its worth it in the end

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
