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To Those Who Care For JoS: Thank You!

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Between all people, we have certain one's who always remember JoS.

This can be with volunteering, a donation, or doing meaningful work. For what one can say about these people, I can only say THANK YOU.

I have to thank all of you for actually caring of what the Gods have ordained to us on our heavenly task.

Those who do this, know that there is an element of addiction, sense and purpose in all of this, very powerful joy is involved in that action.

We transcend our humanity and touch our purpose when we behave in this way. We get a small glimpse of the abundant powers the Gods have, and the joy in bestowing it shines upon us.

In regards to those who do "not", then I have some very positive advice: try to start caring to invite the Gods stronger in your life. You will become stronger. You'll see purpose besides of what one sees now.

Satanists will be like all people and everyone's actions [or inactions] have their specific consequences. Those who love the Gods must always want to see the positive consequences of positive actions.

In life we tend to walk around blind. The more we do about others and the more we care for the Gods and their work, the more they show positive sentiment and care about us.

Where we are blind, others come behind us to safeguard us from the blind spot: That is the meaning of having a union instead of walking around as isolated units.

Those of you who do not care for them or what they are making to save us all, and think that you are very important, life will force you into reconsiderations.

The greatest of humans can become small in the eyes of the Gods, and the small ones can be elevated if they elevate themselves with actions.

We have to accept that even if we are small, we have to start comprehending that reciprocity is required, and that nothing in this world is for granted. Human arrogance is off the rails.

But not everyone is like this, and for what we can see, we can see that humanity has hope.

In regards to those of you who have little, but still care, what can I say besides THANK YOU?

If things are even worse, do not worry, they will become better and you can make them better. Do NOT give up!

And what about those who have a lot to give but don't offer excuses and want to act like small people that do understand that from a whole cake one should give that was bestowed by the higher powers? Congratulations.

You are of the reasons I still have faith in humanity.

In regards to those who always come up with excuses, tears, nonsense, doubts and so on: heal yourself or grow so that one day you will do the same for others. This is the way to inner fulfilment and salvation, and not with doubts, fears, negativity and the wrong path of life.

The reasons I wake up in the morning, and the reasons too the higher beings look at us and say that we are not just some more sub-humans in this world that don't want to spiritually advance, and that it's worthwhile to help us.

We are doing tasks everyday to prove this.

When I come on the forums and I see the superiors helping others, and new SS learning, and older SS advancing, the house of knowledge kept together by the hands of ourselves, then I tell myself: THERE IS HOPE! HUMANITY STILL EXISTS.

The Gods give everything. Humans are in reverse, for obvious reasons, and that's among the reasons they aren't Gods. They stray from this behavior to maintain their "humanity", and the more they to do that, the more they lose from their so called "humanity".

Emulation of the higher is necessary to become "it". We try to emulate as much as we can.

Everyday I show up here to show this very fact, that you are CARED for, and LOVED by the Gods, and I want to project the wisdom and love of the higher entities among the partakers. As you can see, there is no "obligation", we act by free will, yet REAL free will makes us understand that in front of us we have a most pleasing obligation.

As far as I am concerned, this "obligation" to help is the pathway to freedom. I would feel like nothing but enslaved if I cared for nobody and minded nothing. This is the life of a slave.

Those who care about JoS care for their fellow SS and their fellow Gentiles in mankind, little or smaller, you CARED. As you have given care, so you will receive it.

THANK YOU FOR CARING!!! May the Gods shine strongly on you for CARING in a world where most people only seek to take.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
if the joy of satan had a price to pay for all the library and accumulated knowledge, and it was a few million, it would be cheap, imagine you personally reaching out to a person and saying without much introduction that if he/she with persistence, dedication, could heal of something that always got in the way of her life and that money doesn't pay, not even time helps, I've always had this urge to scream at the world, but I understand every current situation.
and where I replace this impetus is in my personal development and in war, so that if I live long enough i show the example and the person sees what spiritual nature is.
I keep fantasizing myself explaining to interested people personally what happened to me on the way and my miracles.
Your welcome,! 🙂 HAIL SATAN!!❤
I must say thank you to the Joy of Satan for being here, I'd be of worse than I could ever imagine if it wasn't for this community, if it wasn't for all the hard work of the High Priests and High Priestesses of Satan, thank you all for everything, thank you all to everyone who has been working for the TRUTH, thank you from the bottom of my hearth with everything that I have. thank you! Hail Satan!!
I love the JOS, I love its members, I love its priest, and I love Satan and His Demons.
The Joy of Satan deserves to stand eternally, Spiritual Satanist brothers and sisters being the great souls that hold this sacred place together, as we journey up Mount Olympus, to drink from the chalice, and be among the Gods!

Our love, courage and care for Satan, his demons, and eachother is what will propel and drive us forward.

Our meaningful labor and dedication to Satanism and Satan, will bless endless generations to come.

While I am aware in the grand scheme of things, I am on the smaller end of the scale, I know in time I will one day be great.

Greatness and living in Satya starts a little at a time and one just builds upon this and goes forward.

The smallest man or woman can rise to glory in due time. The greatest of journeys always start with a few steps.

Honestly I'd hate to know how dark this world would be without us. We are like the shining bastion of hope with the Gods above us in this very bleak world.

Satan is indeed a being who is of truth and justice far beyond normal comprehension.

Our Gods are (in a metaphorical and somewhat literal sense) like invincible pillars that represent the most divine and refined aspects of the universe and existence.
The timing of this was impeccable.
I can only respect your dedication in all this.
i have finances chops and changes maybe get a bit more luck now eh, but how can i do it via any means other than jew related my bank it doesnt allow crypto in nevermind out.

Better with a PO box (if still exist) and i post direct recorded dont care anyone in JOS Clergy know my adress.
Hit me back as i dont want be left out incase it direct at me or im lumped in wi folk.

I could donate in person not willing to go into more.

Email. me my HPHC.
We are the ones who should say thank you for the great privilege of being able to improve.

It's hard to understand but the reality is: everything in this universe is an exchange of energy.
So, we must always do what we can, every day. Do the best you can every day. Show your gratitude with small gestures: RTR, donations, translations, help and show those without, how much we are improving.

Often, people say to me "well, luck seems to want to smile on you right now!"
I laugh softly inside. :lol: I can't reveal, but we must be the embodiment of this progress and the embodiment of the light of the Gods. On our small level.
Hail Father Satan ! 🖤
Thanks HP!
nebu said:
if the joy of satan had a price to pay for all the library and accumulated knowledge, and it was a few million, it would be cheap, imagine you personally reaching out to a person and saying without much introduction that if he/she with persistence, dedication, could heal of something that always got in the way of her life and that money doesn't pay, not even time helps, I've always had this urge to scream at the world, but I understand every current situation.
and where I replace this impetus is in my personal development and in war, so that if I live long enough i show the example and the person sees what spiritual nature is.
I keep fantasizing myself explaining to interested people personally what happened to me on the way and my miracles.

This a book especially bought by memebers alone charge dear, even monthly mag or something how we pay for it get the old BNP po box out does the old one exist im sure we had one.
Just minutes ago, I was reading an article about ancient Sumerian city Nippur. The article was talking about how Sumerians set their lives oriented on religion and how kings were trying to rule similarly to how Enlil ruled humanity. Sumerians were giving offers to the Gods's temples for thanksgivings of their protections.

After finishing the reading of that article, I saw this sermon of yours. Gods do really give signs to people, giving them knowledge to success, protection and so on.

For those who still reject to reciprocate their own given care, I want to say: If you exist, then this is thanks to the Gods. They are the ones created you. They are the ones protected you. They are the ones gave knowledge to you. Don't run away from this knowledge. You live either a good or bad life, yet still, either way, they are the ones who gave inspirations and helped scientists to create this modern, comfortable life. And if you have bad conditions, then this is the time for taking action. Use the knowledge given.

Life can be good or harsh, yet still, you have to advance and remember you are not alone. Is your life going well? Good, then offer some of these treasures to Gods. By treasure, I mean it might be anything. Your knowledge, your money, your efforts. Anything is accepted by Gods. They are just beings, so they will bestow you much more. They will show you the best way to live the life, with pleasure and fulfillment, and they will show you the true way of advancing and becoming more comfortable. Comfort does not come with running away from sharing, or denial of showing some efforts. This is only an illusion of lower level of living.

True comfort and true richness lie upon how you live your life. Gods do watch, care and know. By advancing, you will know as well, and you will clearly understand how you got supported by Gods in your entire life until this time.
Preserving the JoS through any kind of effort in one's power and capability, is like preserving the green forests of the planet Earth. It is much worth any effort!
Both allow us to breathe, the JoS on spiritual side, sustaining energies, and the plants on physical side.
The JoS is the spiritual forest allowing our souls to survive onto this hostile land, and giving every day more room for spiritual growth. It is way much more than a website...
EnkiUK55 said:
i have finances chops and changes maybe get a bit more luck now eh, but how can i do it via any means other than jew related my bank it doesnt allow crypto in nevermind out.
Have you tried contacting your bank about transactions? It could be that they need to be contacted separately on each transaction regarding crypto exchanges. You could also open up a new account in another bank. You could try other methods, such as prepaid credit cards. Have a look at reputable exchanges and what kind of payment options they support.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thank you Commander Cobra.
Beautiful piece. Thank you for your wisdom, HP Cobra. This comes when it is much needed, as usual.

You have once said in a sermon a few years back; to give is something Godly.

May we all take step after divine step on the path to Godhood, together.

Ave Satanas.
Henu the Great said:
EnkiUK55 said:
i have finances chops and changes maybe get a bit more luck now eh, but how can i do it via any means other than jew related my bank it doesnt allow crypto in nevermind out.
Have you tried contacting your bank about transactions? It could be that they need to be contacted separately on each transaction regarding crypto exchanges. You could also open up a new account in another bank. You could try other methods, such as prepaid credit cards. Have a look at reputable exchanges and what kind of payment options they support.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thank you Commander Cobra.
Aye henu they are anti Crpto they shut the account down right away, even if you have a million pound in it.

Folk will kind of guess the bank, in a situation i tend not to use them.

Postal orders yes.
Quite the contrary Master Cobra, thanks go to you!

You are the best!
Perfect sermon at the perfect time.

I wanted to tell you Commander,that I am so happy to have donated a significant part of my money to you,
It's the best thing I can spend my money on in my life.I've never felt more useful things like this,I was spending my money on such a good thing than donating.

Otherwise, unfortunately, I am not rich at all,and I didn't just suffer for the money,but also by donating(By the time I got to the donation site by public transport,and the waiting time,etc.).But still I feel no regret and no lack,in fact, I am very happy that the money I transferred is in the best possible place,as I have just written.

I look forward to raising a substantial amount of money again,and I send it to you,Great Sir Amazing HP. Huge Commander.

Hail Satan!
Hail Ma'at!
Thank you hooded Cobra! Hail to you and Maxine forever! I could only imagine life without this path. I am so grateful for all Satanic souls here!
Thanks for your inspiring words!

"Do the best you can."

I love this phrase, because it does not oblige to something great and not feasible. Each person has different circumstances, opportunities, material and spiritual situation. But even a drop in the ocean matters. The main thing is to start! Many thanks to everyone for their contribution to the Joy of Satan, whatever it may be!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am grateful to HR Hooded Cobra for support this site (community), for support JoS, writing posts (sermons) every week. Thanks to the posts (sermons), I learned a lot and gained a correct understanding of many things. In many new posts (sermons), I discover something new for myself that is important to me and what exactly I did not know before.
There is always hope as long the Joy of Satan exists. It is the Light in a world of darkness

Hail Satan in all eternity !
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In regards to those who do "not", then I have some very positive advice: try to start caring to invite the Gods stronger in your life. You will become stronger. You'll see purpose besides of what one sees now.

Honestly, caring is not my strength and I do that when my interests and needs are involved. It is different than most people here. It feels that they just want to help and give out of generosity with no expectation of anything back. I cant pretend that I am like this. Most of the time I expect something back before giving. I know this can seem petty but I just have two ways: accept that or pretend that I am something else. On the other hand, I am very ambitious and good with doing what should be done. I never fail with routine and rtrs because these have a direct positive influence in my life. Can I have a businness type of relationship with the gods? If yes, how can I do that?
Unfortunately, I cannot do as much as I would like. But I try to eliminate, to reduce the sources of problems that hinder me.

In any case, I am very looking forward to the new anti-Islamic rituals. I hope this will be the final blow to islam.
Of all the whistleblower groups wanting to truly do something for this world, Joy of Satan tops them all and has been nothing but a true honor!

After having experienced how useless the Christian ones are, I thought to myself, "There HAS to be something the people can do" instead of endlessly praying Rabbi Jebu for salvation, and then wishing the world for destruction.

JoS is like that group the world needs, but doesn't deserve.

If shit really hits the fan, and the South wants to secede (assuming it's the ONLY option left), then I pray it's under a Satanic government, Satane Vindice - Satan is our Liberator.

Like all else, the South is a beautiful place that has been ultra-cursed by decades upon decades upon decades of parasitic Christian garbage, home to America's sugar, oil, unique fruits, BBQ culture, coastlines, most of what is "stereotypically American" is actually Southern in origin, and yet...the South lives in horrid poverty thanks to that dumb hebrew religion and all the other Xian cucktards outside of Dixie wanna emulate that.

I once-more way, SATANE VINDICE!

Thank you Commander Cobra, I am forever grateful for all that the JoS has done for Humanity.
I was lost when I found the JoS, and I had no hope for myself or Humanity... everything changed when I found the Gods and I figured out what my purpose is. I can't even imagine a life without the Joy Of Satan. Thank you!

Since I started doing a lot of volunteer work for Jos I have been led to a lot of things in the process that have answered questions or spoke to me about relevant problems at the right time, like running into the right sermons for example during the editing process before I started translations. This volunteer work has also educated me as far as alot of technical things with working with software and documents, something I will probably need later on down the road. I thank Jos and the Gods for all of this.

I thoroughly feel things were (and still are) given back to me simultaneously while doing work for Jos...and for this I am extremely grateful and will continue to contribute and do work when I can despite my hectic (and inconsistent) work schedule.

Contribute and do work for the Gods and you will never go wrong!
You know - I have thought about this post and I wanted to say that this is a very nice thing of you to say. I feel it doesn't even really have to be said because the Gods look out for their own in an incredibly direct and obvious way, but yet still on a personal level you thank everybody regardless from your own heart.
And so I thank you as well HP, and everyone here, from mine - I feel as though I could never fully repay the knowledge and the kindness Spiritual Satanism has shown me. Together, I hope we can make an incredible future for all gentiles.
I have been stuck in a bad job for the past months which consumed a lot of my time, I am now free from that one, and only now am reading some of these sermons that I missed. I want to say thank you, to you personally, but also to the JoS as a whole, as well. I have grown immensely, more than I ever thought I could... I was a bad person when I arrived here in my teenage years, and I grew up among amazing Gods and People who helped me become the man I am today, and there is so much to attain, still. I will be forever thankful to everyone here and especially to HPS Maxine and HP Hooded Cobra.

I have made the point of my whole existence to give back to the Gods and the JoS, but sometimes due to circumstances in life, I find myself in a position in which I cannot give as much as I would like to, be it work, donations, activism or something else... I am fighting my own battles every day to make such a life purpose possible...

I have seen a lot of ugly things in this world... and if it wasn't for the JoS I would be lost, and I would have no faith whatsoever, in the future of humanity or my own... I am honored to belong here and to contribute to this change that is happening in the world, thank you to the Clergy to make such an opportunity possible.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
