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To Those Who are not Serious about Satanism

Kareem Zedan

New member
Mar 2, 2011
  I would like to point out something to everyone that does fuck all and calls himself a 'dedicated Satanist', Satanism isn't a pat you on the back religion. If you call yourself a Satanist but you aren't really interested in doing anything significant to your life, then you are in for a very rude awakening.  Let me tell you my own story. I came to Satanism when I was 13 (I am 20 now), and Father Satan has pushed me to work on myself and on my mind ever since. When I turned 16 or so something happened and I swayed away from my path. I had something in my mind that I wasn't sure of in my life and Satan allowed me to explore this territory because he knew that that would be a very good lesson for me to learn from.  This is not a bad thing, because I as a person am very stubborn and I always learn the hard way. My life at that period was just full of turmoil and emotional upheaval, I turned into a weird person and I experienced things in that time that people would take lifetimes to experience and understand.  I have always refrained from sharing these things with people I do not personally know, but this is for the good of Satanism and the groups. If you are not ready to change your life and face your fears then you're better off somewhere else.  In the past when I was a kid, I was not the perfect example for being a Satanist, and I felt I couldn't properly express my Satanic opinions because of that, but that has changed. I started meditating seriously a year ago, I have literally not skipped a day of meditation during this year.  Just so you know, I have what people would call an 'abnormal' life. I live with my girlfriend who works part time so it's always hard for me to find a place to meditate for as much as I want. Before that I was staying at a hostel and everything felt like it was trying to prevent me from meditating. But I kept at it. As I said I never skipped a day and during the winter I would go out in the middle of the night during the freezing cold in England to meditate on the seafront (most secluded place).  As a natural human being, I have sometimes my seemingly hard obstacles. Some days I just felt like I couldn't be faffed and just felt like staying cozy at home. This felt like I was constantly fighting myself every single day for every single second. I'd just focus immensly on my thought patterns and constantly defy every single self diminishing thought. This is what true Satanism is about.  Satan made me realize an immense amount of things. He has given me a gift, the gift of knowledge and understanding. Satan taught me that liberation lies in hard work.  Because of me being very determined on challenging myself and changing my own self Satan has shown me how liberating and beautiful that is.  Some of you out there have joined Satanism just because you think that once you do that you become special and that that justifies your sad life. I want all of you to know that If you do not take this and yourself seriously then you are not taking Satan seriously, he knows that and does not care about those who do not care about him. He finds that very disrespectful.  You must understand that Satan is a real and an extremely powerful God, he is infinitely far too advanced to even give a flying fuck about those who are not worth his time. Disrespecting yourself is something he finds very offending unless you are actively working on it.  Satan only works with those of us who take themselves seriously. Also Satan does not like those who do not take Satan seriously in the first place to speak about him as if they know him. Those who are pure lazy and don't want to advance themselves should not call themselves Satanists, because these people unkowingly project to the world a false image of what Satanism is about, and are hence unkowingly solidifying the enemy's work. This is pure ignorance and stupidity.  So to all of those who are new or are vegitating to death, Satan's message is loud and clear. His offer to you is the Godhead. If you do not want it, or are too afraid of it, then you are not worth his time. As simple as that.  Hail Satan!!!! 666 
Thanks for this. I really needed it. Ive also been meditating seriously for a year now (I dedicated a few years back but only started meditating daily a year ago) And i can honestly say my life has not improved in any way.. I can't seem to get passed my self-defeating attitude. And when i ask for help, i feel denied help each and every time. I don't know if i can get over this alone. Satan and Satanism is the only thing that has kept me from acting on any suicidal thoughts, but i don't seem to be advancing and i don't know what to do... I'm starting to wonder if im here by mistake or if Satan saw potential in me that i cant see atm..
(sorry if this gets double posted or something, yahoo doesn't work too well on my computer)

---In [email protected], <kareem335@... wrote :

  I would like to point out something to everyone that does fuck all and calls himself a 'dedicated Satanist', Satanism isn't a pat you on the back religion. If you call yourself a Satanist but you aren't really interested in doing anything significant to your life, then you are in for a very rude awakening. Let me tell you my own story. I came to Satanism when I was 13 (I am 20 now), and Father Satan has pushed me to work on myself and on my mind ever since. When I turned 16 or so something happened and I swayed away from my path. I had something in my mind that I wasn't sure of in my life and Satan allowed me to explore this territory because he knew that that would be a very good lesson for me to learn from. This is not a bad thing, because I as a person am very stubborn and I always learn the hard way. My life at that period was just full of turmoil and emotional upheaval, I turned into a weird person and I experienced things in that time that people would take lifetimes to experience and understand. I have always refrained from sharing these things with people I do not personally know, but this is for the good of Satanism and the groups. If you are not ready to change your life and face your fears then you're better off somewhere else. In the past when I was a kid, I was not the perfect example for being a Satanist, and I felt I couldn't properly express my Satanic opinions because of that, but that has changed. I started meditating seriously a year ago, I have literally not skipped a day of meditation during this year. Just so you know, I have what people would call an 'abnormal' life. I live with my girlfriend who works part time so it's always hard for me to find a place to meditate for as much as I want. Before that I was staying at a hostel and everything felt like it was trying to prevent me from meditating. But I kept at it. As I said I never skipped a day and during the winter I would go out in the middle of the night during the freezing cold in England to meditate on the seafront (most secluded place). As a natural human being, I have sometimes my seemingly hard obstacles. Some days I just felt like I couldn't be faffed and just felt like staying cozy at home. This felt like I was constantly fighting myself every single day for every single second. I'd just focus immensly on my thought patterns and constantly defy every single self diminishing thought. This is what true Satanism is about. Satan made me realize an immense amount of things. He has given me a gift, the gift of knowledge and understanding. Satan taught me that liberation lies in hard work. Because of me being very determined on challenging myself and changing my own self Satan has shown me how liberating and beautiful that is. Some of you out there have joined Satanism just because you think that once you do that you become special and that that justifies your sad life. I want all of you to know that If you do not take this and yourself seriously then you are not taking Satan seriously, he knows that and does not care about those who do not care about him. He finds that very disrespectful. You must understand that Satan is a real and an extremely powerful God, he is infinitely far too advanced to even give a flying fuck about those who are not worth his time. Disrespecting yourself is something he finds very offending unless you are actively working on it. Satan only works with those of us who take themselves seriously. Also Satan does not like those who do not take Satan seriously in the first place to speak about him as if they know him. Those who are pure lazy and don't want to advance themselves should not call themselves Satanists, because these people unkowingly project to the world a false image of what Satanism is about, and are hence unkowingly solidifying the enemy's work. This is pure ignorance and stupidity. So to all of those who are new or are vegitating to death, Satan's message is loud and clear. His offer to you is the Godhead. If you do not want it, or are too afraid of it, then you are not worth his time. As simple as that. Hail Satan!!!! 666 
That's very true. I became a Satanist around three months ago and I am meditating every day. I confess, I am extremely lazy sometimes but I know that I must do it for out Father Satan and I strongly trust in Him. Sometimes I doubt, but I am trying to avoid it. I will never stop supporting our Father Satan. Hail Satan!

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014, <corrinamh@... wrote:
  Very true. Thank You for sharing. Hail Satan.
Attachments :
<ol>Severing the Enemy Link - Regaining Control of your Thoughts-1-114807.jpg</ol>Make sure you break the link, the enemy link can instill negative thoughts, laziness, and can open one up to attack.

I've attached the document needed to break the link. It is from VovimBaghie.com which is no longer available online or on archive.org (I have both the pdf and a jpeg, however the jpeg is better quality so I uploaded it.)
@Teabunny, don't give up, my Sister! ^ I know, easier said than done
sometimes, but let me say that I truly do understand and appreciate
your situation. I have actually been dedicated to our Lord and Father
Satan for five, going on six, years now, and I have only recently
begun taking my meditation seriously. I am by nature a rather lazy
person too; well, my problem is I procrastinate and put off what I
damn well know I should do today until tomorrow. Heh. And add to the
fact that i am blind, and meditation is just very, very hard for me!
This is not an excuse, by the way, but just a simple fact. I mean,
meditation is so very, very fucking visual, and all the time you are
supposed to visualize colours. Well, just how the fuck am I supposed
to do that? I am, for all intents and purposes, totally blind I have
some light perception, that is I can see light, but that is it. In
essence, I can tell that the sun is shining because I can, in fact,
see its light, but the light itself has no colour to me. It's just,
well, bright. Lol. So how the fuck am I supposed to visualize
gold-white light or whatever? *sigh* Seriously, if any experienced
meditator, or even one of the clergy, wishes to give me advice on this
matter, it truly is an issue for me that needs resolving. I'd ask the
gods directly, but of course, I am not at a level of hearing their
voices yet, though I have been receiving some telepathic messages
lately. But I am basically at this point unable to hae a real
conversation with any of them, to my immense frustration! So yeah,
believe me, bunny, I do know how you feel! I do not really want to
meditate, because it is so hard for me to do so, yet I know that I
must, to achieve my ultimate goal of godhead. I at times feel that my
Father Satan has indeed left me, abandoned me to my own devices as it
were; just because of frustration and lack of patience with me. But
really, I know that it is I who is impatient with myself, not Father.
Father is a deity, and so seems to possess infinite patience. Heh.
Indeed, just this very evneing, I was feeling forlorn and overwhelmed;
I actually thinkI am under some sort of attack here, (I've recently
moved back onto my parents' property, which I am sorely regretting
now), though what it is I do not know. My fiancee, who is far more
powerful than I am at present, has traveled here mentally and says
there is some sort of weird fogg stuff, or a mist or something here.
It is dark. He has burnt it away, but it keeps coming back. Neither of
us has a fucking clue what it is; I do not think it is angelic, but I
haven't the faintest idea what it could be! But it reminds me of the
Dementors from Harry Potter; you know, makes me feel hopeless and
helpless and just generally not very nice. So anyways, I was feeling
sorry for myself and like Father would really be better off not
bothering with me anymore, and I just was fucking fed up. I asked
Satan, in my mind, to please just come to me. I did not want to do a
full ritual just because I didn't, so I just asked him straight out if
he would come to me, that I honestly needed him. Well, it was bare
seconds after I asked this of him, and I all of a sudden felt his
presence in the room. It was glorious! He told me telepathically, no
voice but just the words, 'let it go, open yourself to me'. I did so,
and all the bad stuff just went away. It was fucking awesome! Oh How I
love you, my Father Satan! So Bunny, don't give up! Have heart, and be
strong, Sister! Satan loves you, and he cares more for you than you
will ever know. He did indeed see potential in you, as he does in all
of us; If he did not, he would never have called you to him in the
first place. He is the one who sees far, and he sees all that we can
be! I hope this inordinately long post has helped you! ^ You will
achieve what you desire, never fear! Just persevere, and always
remember, Satan loves you! And so do we, in his name, as your true
family! Hugs.

On 3/18/14, Colony SS <colony.chaos@... wrote:
That's very true. I became a Satanist around three months ago and I am
meditating every day. I confess, I am extremely lazy sometimes but I know
that I must do it for out Father Satan and I strongly trust in Him.
Sometimes I doubt, but I am trying to avoid it. I will never stop
supporting our Father Satan. Hail Satan!

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014, <corrinamh@... wrote:

Very true. Thank You for sharing.

Hail Satan.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Sister :) Verry encouraging and it makes me feel a lot better. and for the visualising color situation, maybe you could foucus on chakras in a deep trance and see what comes to mind? I reccomend that you do ask Satan or your Guardian fo help on this issue, since you wouldn't be bothering them or anything, but asking for legitimate help even if you can't clearly hear them telepathically yet. they could guide you somewhere or to a working to help you with color. You could try to open your astral senses with runes. Ansuz is a good one especially when empowered by sowilo (be sure to program the energy to help you open the astral senses)
This sounds like it could be greys. You could also do banishing rituals to get rid of enemy energies/entities in your area. "there is some sort of weird fogg stuff, or a mist or something here.It is dark. He has burnt it away, but it keeps coming back. Neither of
us has a fucking clue what it is; I do not think it is angelic, but I
haven't the faintest idea what it could be! But it reminds me of the
Dementors from Harry Potter; you know, makes me feel hopeless and
helpless and just generally not very nice."
Stay strong as well :)
the lady above me is a real sweet heart i fell you guys too i'm an obese guy so i have alot to work on allison keep working at it you will recieve you sight and we will rejoice in it in my master number which is 11 it says this right here magic ss and the occult is my thing it is my calling so to speak so the 21st of this month izzo is back baby hail our father but i just won't talk about it i'll be about it 

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:12 AM, Allison Passino <apocalypseofjon@... wrote:
  @Teabunny, don't give up, my Sister! ^ I know, easier said than done
sometimes, but let me say that I truly do understand and appreciate
your situation. I have actually been dedicated to our Lord and Father
Satan for five, going on six, years now, and I have only recently
begun taking my meditation seriously. I am by nature a rather lazy
person too; well, my problem is I procrastinate and put off what I
damn well know I should do today until tomorrow. Heh. And add to the
fact that i am blind, and meditation is just very, very hard for me!
This is not an excuse, by the way, but just a simple fact. I mean,
meditation is so very, very fucking visual, and all the time you are
supposed to visualize colours. Well, just how the fuck am I supposed
to do that? I am, for all intents and purposes, totally blind I have
some light perception, that is I can see light, but that is it. In
essence, I can tell that the sun is shining because I can, in fact,
see its light, but the light itself has no colour to me. It's just,
well, bright. Lol. So how the fuck am I supposed to visualize
gold-white light or whatever? *sigh* Seriously, if any experienced
meditator, or even one of the clergy, wishes to give me advice on this
matter, it truly is an issue for me that needs resolving. I'd ask the
gods directly, but of course, I am not at a level of hearing their
voices yet, though I have been receiving some telepathic messages
lately. But I am basically at this point unable to hae a real
conversation with any of them, to my immense frustration! So yeah,
believe me, bunny, I do know how you feel! I do not really want to
meditate, because it is so hard for me to do so, yet I know that I
must, to achieve my ultimate goal of godhead. I at times feel that my
Father Satan has indeed left me, abandoned me to my own devices as it
were; just because of frustration and lack of patience with me. But
really, I know that it is I who is impatient with myself, not Father.
Father is a deity, and so seems to possess infinite patience. Heh.
Indeed, just this very evneing, I was feeling forlorn and overwhelmed;
I actually thinkI am under some sort of attack here, (I've recently
moved back onto my parents' property, which I am sorely regretting
now), though what it is I do not know. My fiancee, who is far more
powerful than I am at present, has traveled here mentally and says
there is some sort of weird fogg stuff, or a mist or something here.
It is dark. He has burnt it away, but it keeps coming back. Neither of
us has a fucking clue what it is; I do not think it is angelic, but I
haven't the faintest idea what it could be! But it reminds me of the
Dementors from Harry Potter; you know, makes me feel hopeless and
helpless and just generally not very nice. So anyways, I was feeling
sorry for myself and like Father would really be better off not
bothering with me anymore, and I just was fucking fed up. I asked
Satan, in my mind, to please just come to me. I did not want to do a
full ritual just because I didn't, so I just asked him straight out if
he would come to me, that I honestly needed him. Well, it was bare
seconds after I asked this of him, and I all of a sudden felt his
presence in the room. It was glorious! He told me telepathically, no
voice but just the words, 'let it go, open yourself to me'. I did so,
and all the bad stuff just went away. It was fucking awesome! Oh How I
love you, my Father Satan! So Bunny, don't give up! Have heart, and be
strong, Sister! Satan loves you, and he cares more for you than you
will ever know. He did indeed see potential in you, as he does in all
of us; If he did not, he would never have called you to him in the
first place. He is the one who sees far, and he sees all that we can
be! I hope this inordinately long post has helped you! ^ You will
achieve what you desire, never fear! Just persevere, and always
remember, Satan loves you! And so do we, in his name, as your true
family! Hugs.

On 3/18/14, Colony SS <colony.chaos@... wrote:
That's very true. I became a Satanist around three months ago and I am
meditating every day. I confess, I am extremely lazy sometimes but I know
that I must do it for out Father Satan and I strongly trust in Him.
Sometimes I doubt, but I am trying to avoid it. I will never stop
supporting our Father Satan. Hail Satan!

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014, <corrinamh@... wrote:

Very true. Thank You for sharing.

Hail Satan.

---In [email protected], <pinkteabunny@... wrote :

Thank you so much for your kind words, Sister :) Verry encouraging and it makes me feel a lot better. and for the visualising color situation, maybe you could foucus on chakras in a deep trance and see what comes to mind? I reccomend that you do ask Satan or your Guardian fo help on this issue, since you wouldn't be bothering them or anything, but asking for legitimate help even if you can't clearly hear them telepathically yet. they could guide you somewhere or to a working to help you with color. You could try to open your astral senses with runes. Ansuz is a good one especially when empowered by sowilo (be sure to program the energy to help you open the astral senses)
This sounds like it could be greys. You could also do banishing rituals to get rid of enemy energies/entities in your area. "there is some sort of weird fogg stuff, or a mist or something here.It is dark. He has burnt it away, but it keeps coming back. Neither of
us has a fucking clue what it is; I do not think it is angelic, but I
haven't the faintest idea what it could be! But it reminds me of the
Dementors from Harry Potter; you know, makes me feel hopeless and
helpless and just generally not very nice."
Stay strong as well :)
Yea I know a guy like this. It is sad. S/tay S/trong Brother

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 9:27 PM, "pinkteabunny@..." <pinkteabunny@... wrote:
  Thank you so much for your kind words, Sister :) Verry encouraging and it makes me feel a lot better. and for the visualising color situation, maybe you could foucus on chakras in a deep trance and see what comes to mind? I reccomend that you do ask Satan or your Guardian fo help on this issue, since you wouldn't be bothering them or anything, but asking for legitimate help even if you can't clearly hear them telepathically yet. they could guide you somewhere or to a working to help you with color. You could try to open your astral senses with runes. Ansuz is a good one especially when empowered by sowilo (be sure to program the energy to help you open the astral senses)
This sounds like it could be greys. You could also do banishing rituals to get rid of enemy energies/entities in your area. "there is some sort of weird fogg stuff, or a mist or something here.It is dark. He has burnt it away, but it keeps coming back. Neither of
us has a fucking clue what it is; I do not think it is angelic, but I
haven't the faintest idea what it could be! But it reminds me of the
Dementors from Harry Potter; you know, makes me feel hopeless and
helpless and just generally not very nice."
Stay strong as well :)

It's a good thing we can get encouragment when we need it.

I'm in a kind of the same boat as Bunny, except the suicidal thoughts part, these are long gone.
My issue seems to be a lack of motivation, desire and generally not caring. About anything really.
Even though since my dedication, over two years ago, I've kept on my meditations daily (skipping maybe a day or two), I didn't seem to move forward at all. Self defeating attitude? Probably. Low self esteem? Tell me about that...
Still, I keep at it (even though logically thinking I should have aboandoned a long time ago something that feels pointless and a waste of time) more out of a sense of duty than anything else I guess. I feel bad even when I lay my daily mediatations off for later (a sense of failure creeps in) but it's a simple "done and done" when I'm done for the day. Just that - do them and forget.
I'm still a beginner, telling myself that I'll actually move onto a bit more advanced stuff and participate in rituals (I have a strange disdain for any kind of rituals, don't really know why - maybe I believe them to be just for the show and that everything should be achieved by the sheer power of mind alone) once I've mastered those basics but that doesn't seem to be happening.

To sum my rant up - to stop not caring and start desiring seems to be such a challenge.
Then again, there seems to be quite many people with similar issues, which is kind of sad really.

In any case, let us stay strong (sounds cliche, I know).

/Hail Satan and all the true Gods!
/Hail Gods of War!
This opend my eyes i have been disrespectful i dident meditate for a log time and i told my self tomarow il start meditating but i dident i realy need to put my shit to gether and SART for REAL no nonsens.
Thank you so much.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
