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To Me and All my sisters here 💕

Lucifer's army

New member
Feb 6, 2024
My beautiful Lady, you are a daughter of Satan and the gods of hell. You are the greatest, strongest, and bravest. Many people chose their religions, and those who did not even think about choosing it just followed their families . But YOU , you have been chosen BY THE LORD LUCIFER HIMSELF. This is pride and responsibility, and because you are strong, you deserve it.
What do you deserve? Everything. You deserve beauty, magic, power, and living the life of luxury and choosing your own rules side by side with your Lord Lucifer.
. Sometimes we become weak, but we have the strength to recover and regain our strength again.
Your Lord Lucifer and the gods of hell, Your GD, Your powerful soul , your beautiful family Jos . You have everything to become a goddess that you are . My Love
This is a message from me to myself and to every sister here as a reminder of how wonderful and strong we are.
You are not alone dear ❤️ " kisses and hugs "
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you. 🙂☕
My beautiful Lady, you are a daughter of Satan and the gods of hell. You are the greatest, strongest, and bravest. Many people chose their religions, and those who did not even think about choosing it just followed their families . But YOU , you have been chosen BY THE LORD LUCIFER HIMSELF. This is pride and responsibility, and because you are strong, you deserve it.
What do you deserve? Everything. You deserve beauty, magic, power, and living the life of luxury and choosing your own rules side by side with your Lord Lucifer.
. Sometimes we become weak, but we have the strength to recover and regain our strength again.
Your Lord Lucifer and the gods of hell, Your GD, Your powerful soul , your beautiful family Jos . You have everything to become a goddess that you are . My Love
This is a message from me to myself and to every sister here as a reminder of how wonderful and strong we are.
You are not alone dear ❤️ " kisses and hugs "
That's soo sweet 💞
As a male I wish to offer you my thanks my Satanic Sisters. You are the cornerstone of my people, and those who are Aryan, of my race itself. You are our Holy Mother Liliths gift to us all and you all must be cherished for it. THANK YOU ALL so much for all you do and the relentless work you do. I'm so proud of each and everyone one of you for standing up for yourself and perceiving though history.

When the enemy tried to throw you down you rose up.

When the men of the world are weak YOU give them strength.

You are our creativity and your purpose is beyond vital.

I am humbled to know that Glorious Lady Lilith stands with each and every one of you.

I hope that one day I am worthy of being the bulwark that defends ye Proud and Noble beings.
It’s so nice to feel part of something. thank you because you don’t make me feel alone. is a beautiful post, congratulations🥰🦚❤️
As a male I wish to offer you my thanks my Satanic Sisters. You are the cornerstone of my people, and those who are Aryan, of my race itself. You are our Holy Mother Liliths gift to us all and you all must be cherished for it. THANK YOU ALL so much for all you do and the relentless work you do. I'm so proud of each and everyone one of you for standing up for yourself and perceiving though history.

When the enemy tried to throw you down you rose up.

When the men of the world are weak YOU give them strength.

You are our creativity and your purpose is beyond vital.

I am humbled to know that Glorious Lady Lilith stands with each and every one of you.

I hope that one day I am worthy of being the bulwark that defends ye Proud and Noble beings.
This made me fucking cryyy, a fire burns in my soul for the Gods, and it shall never burn out. It is an eternal flame, kindled by the Divine and by our sheer will to further our cause.
I love each of you, and I truly mean that. You all are my spiritual family, from now until eternity. 🤍
My beautiful Lady, you are a daughter of Satan and the gods of hell. You are the greatest, strongest, and bravest. Many people chose their religions, and those who did not even think about choosing it just followed their families . But YOU , you have been chosen BY THE LORD LUCIFER HIMSELF. This is pride and responsibility, and because you are strong, you deserve it.
What do you deserve? Everything. You deserve beauty, magic, power, and living the life of luxury and choosing your own rules side by side with your Lord Lucifer.
. Sometimes we become weak, but we have the strength to recover and regain our strength again.
Your Lord Lucifer and the gods of hell, Your GD, Your powerful soul , your beautiful family Jos . You have everything to become a goddess that you are . My Love
This is a message from me to myself and to every sister here as a reminder of how wonderful and strong we are.
You are not alone dear ❤️ " kisses and hugs "
I dearly appreciate this post, it made me emotional. As I stated in my other comment, we are an eternal flame that shall never cease.
Much love to every single devotee, you guys make my life extraordinarily better. So much love within this community. 🤍✊
As a male I wish to offer you my thanks my Satanic Sisters. You are the cornerstone of my people, and those who are Aryan, of my race itself. You are our Holy Mother Liliths gift to us all and you all must be cherished for it. THANK YOU ALL so much for all you do and the relentless work you do. I'm so proud of each and everyone one of you for standing up for yourself and perceiving though history.

When the enemy tried to throw you down you rose up.

When the men of the world are weak YOU give them strength.

You are our creativity and your purpose is beyond vital.

I am humbled to know that Glorious Lady Lilith stands with each and every one of you.

I hope that one day I am worthy of being the bulwark that defends ye Proud and Noble beings.
Thank you brother 🦚❤️❤️
It’s so nice to feel part of something. thank you because you don’t make me feel alone. is a beautiful post, congratulations🥰🦚❤️
You are not alone sister no matter where are you on earth we all together under the light of Father Lucifer . And when you really in need I'm sure you will find a huge family support you and get your back
Xoxo 🫂
I dearly appreciate this post, it made me emotional. As I stated in my other comment, we are an eternal flame that shall never cease.
Much love to every single devotee, you guys make my life extraordinarily better. So much love within this community. 🤍✊
All Love to You and to every single soul here " sisters and brothers " . You are more than a family to me . You are my People and I Love you 😍
As a male I wish to offer you my thanks my Satanic Sisters. You are the cornerstone of my people, and those who are Aryan, of my race itself. You are our Holy Mother Liliths gift to us all and you all must be cherished for it. THANK YOU ALL so much for all you do and the relentless work you do. I'm so proud of each and everyone one of you for standing up for yourself and perceiving though history.

When the enemy tried to throw you down you rose up.

When the men of the world are weak YOU give them strength.

You are our creativity and your purpose is beyond vital.

I am humbled to know that Glorious Lady Lilith stands with each and every one of you.

I hope that one day I am worthy of being the bulwark that defends ye Proud and Noble beings.
There should be more men like you in this world. Thank you for the kind words. Father Satan, mother Lilith and the Gods are all proud of you and your beautiful words❤️❤️❤️
You are not alone sister no matter where are you on earth we all together under the light of Father Lucifer . And when you really in need I'm sure you will find a huge family support you and get your back
Xoxo 🫂
I am moved by the beautiful words. you are my home and my shoulder to lean on in bad times. I will never thank you enough sisters and brothers🥹❤️
Something i really want to say : for many years ago " 6 years " because of life I was away and I never felt this lost before . I was afraid to come back like if Father Lucifer forget about me . So simply I set dawn watched my breath and asked Father if I can come again to his light and good hands . " no lies " I felt a warm hug and something worm inside my soul and heart . So I came again and practice to impore my soul again and offered help to jos and trying my best not only spiritually but my body . My health . My career. I never felt better in the last 6 years .
Don't lose hope . Done say it's too late . Done act like our enemies who destroy their souls and say it's Life
It's not life it's us who can do it. We are strong and protected by our GD and Father and Gods of Hell
Bless all your souls
Again I Love you
Have a wonderful day 🦚❤️
We are all truly blessed to be the Chosen Warriors of Father Lucifer, The Sons and Daughters of Ares!
I can't imagine what my life would have looked like if I had never found you all, I feel as if I've finally found my place of solace, my place in the Cosmos.
I love you guys 🤍 ✊ 🤗
There should be more men like you in this world. Thank you for the kind words. Father Satan, mother Lilith and the Gods are all proud of you and your beautiful words❤️❤️❤️
I seek only to be better than my former self my Satanic Sister, and own the responsibility that comes with the protection of my Peoples and my Race. I am honored that Mother Liliths chosen thanks me for these word that Thoth grants; it proves that the sap of his wisdom is finally dripping down into my being to replenish that which I have lost: myself. I am also so deeply honored that you would put my like admits that which is the title of "men." I hope to prove your trust and faith in me my Satanic Sister.

( I seriously have to thank the Gods rituals on this. I am seeing that which is obvious that I ignored all my life. I know nothing I think is profound or new to anyone but I am grateful to finally not be as blind as I was before. I feel so much like I am finally regaining myself; a healing I always wanted but never knew how to put into words. )
I seek only to be better than my former self my Satanic Sister, and own the responsibility that comes with the protection of my Peoples and my Race. I am honored that Mother Liliths chosen thanks me for these word that Thoth grants; it proves that the sap of his wisdom is finally dripping down into my being to replenish that which I have lost: myself. I am also so deeply honored that you would put my like admits that which is the title of "men." I hope to prove your trust and faith in me my Satanic Sister.

( I seriously have to thank the Gods rituals on this. I am seeing that which is obvious that I ignored all my life. I know nothing I think is profound or new to anyone but I am grateful to finally not be as blind as I was before. I feel so much like I am finally regaining myself; a healing I always wanted but never knew how to put into words. )
You are on the right path, never stop growing. This is the great demonstration that father Satan and the Gods are not as bad as their enemies want to prove. You have won my trust as a brother, for whatever I am here 😊
I seek only to be better than my former self my Satanic Sister, and own the responsibility that comes with the protection of my Peoples and my Race. I am honored that Mother Liliths chosen thanks me for these word that Thoth grants; it proves that the sap of his wisdom is finally dripping down into my being to replenish that which I have lost: myself. I am also so deeply honored that you would put my like admits that which is the title of "men." I hope to prove your trust and faith in me my Satanic Sister.

( I seriously have to thank the Gods rituals on this. I am seeing that which is obvious that I ignored all my life. I know nothing I think is profound or new to anyone but I am grateful to finally not be as blind as I was before. I feel so much like I am finally regaining myself; a healing I always wanted but never knew how to put into words. )
You speak with the wisdom of Socrates, my friend. Keep shining your light within our community, you are a beautiful soul. 🤍 ✊

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
