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To all ''SS''

I didn't even want to respond to this because I feel that you are fairly elevated and I really can just sense you are trying to stir the pot and raise morale but sometimes my intuition evades me and although I think you're completely full of shit I will humor this. In a nutshell you said I'm a McDonald's munching goy who knows nothing about true National Socialism and battle. I get off on this kind of shit. You're gonna tell me? A Spiritual-Nazi-as-fucking-motherfucker- Satanist that I don't know anything about NS and making my enemies shut their fat, feeble fucking mouths? I sat through hours, days worth of condensed time worth of True Nazi Satanist documentaries and articles, the fucking rabbithole of essential, true Nazism and the JoS, the pinnacle of absolute National Socialism the kind that the jews have smokescreened so virulently. I know how to knock a bitch out number one not because of my knowledge of martial arts, black magick and street smarts combined with 1 TRILLION WATTS OF SATAN'S ENERGY, I also am a proud Nazi Spiritual Satanist that possesses an extremely educated, superior knowledge of National Socialism. To end this rather plainly whatever intent you had manifesting this post failed to entertain me besides my obvious regurgitation of Satanic energy into this JoS Forum post
Amleshvar said:
I didn't even want to respond to this because I feel that you are fairly elevated and I really can just sense you are trying to stir the pot and raise morale but sometimes my intuition evades me and although I think you're completely full of shit I will humor this. In a nutshell you said I'm a McDonald's munching goy who knows nothing about true National Socialism and battle. I get off on this kind of shit. You're gonna tell me? A Spiritual-Nazi-as-fucking-motherfucker- Satanist that I don't know anything about NS and making my enemies shut their fat, feeble fucking mouths? I sat through hours, days worth of condensed time worth of True Nazi Satanist documentaries and articles, the fucking rabbithole of essential, true Nazism and the JoS, the pinnacle of absolute National Socialism the kind that the jews have smokescreened so virulently. I know how to knock a bitch out number one not because of my knowledge of martial arts, black magick and street smarts combined with 1 TRILLION WATTS OF SATAN'S ENERGY, I also am a proud Nazi Spiritual Satanist that possesses an extremely educated, superior knowledge of National Socialism. To end this rather plainly whatever intent you had manifesting this post failed to entertain me besides my obvious regurgitation of Satanic energy into this JoS Forum post

Nah, you ain't shit

Very strange way you're writing there, not SS strange.

People who sperg out every now and then with half hearted and half arsed 'help' are very much like nails on a chalkboard, especially when after a while they feel they can 'teach' people.

Don't make claims that can't be backed by what can be seen of you, on the forum itself. I personally don't give a shit who you claim to be but only what you do HERE.
13th_Wolf said:
If I was a 4channer I would say "cope" and "seethe" but this is all I know.

The new hip jab is "Dialate," which post-op MTF trannies have to do to keep their gaping wound from closing. Fuck Jannies, amirite? :lol:

Now, on with the show...

That christianity (modern judaeo-christian theology) is repulsive here is absolutely understandable. Myself, and my father, and his father before, rejected it.

There is, however, an esoteric, Gnostic teaching where the christian technical language is revealed, and was called "The Way" before Constantine and Nicaea. The one I met who knew this way, a real master in my estimation, said during one of his last workshops that Hitler always came up when talking about the ideas. He said, "Well I love him. How ya like them apples?" Hard to believe that was 15 years ago, and here I am posting on a Satanist forum! Oddly enough, Satan as "the adversary" was given as an idea, but it didn't refer to Satan as a being, or the way you all interpret that idea of it being black magic against gentiles. Rather it represented the conditioned, subjective personality formed in childhood, based on errors of perception that has one constantly struggling in conflict. Ole' mark of an educated mind being able to entertain two contradictory ideas without identifying with either and all? That notion pass around here? I kinda get the orthodoxy vibe, which again is understandable given the BS one gets from belief systems (and yes that was a RAW reference...) but I digress!

One past master said Hitler could have been one of the great blessings of all time to mankind, but he got caught up in magical formula and that ruined the whole deal. May be, I don't know. I'm still learning. Trouble is it's all written or recorded accounts. Difficult if not impossible to be 100% objective about the facts as it relates to the magical/occult side of Third Reich era SS. None of us were there. Can't talk to Satan or Demons until you achieve altered states is a thing too. I don't doubt there are non-physical entities, or astral/etheric planes, I've seen them. Some are NOT FUCKING NICE. Electrocution phenomena? Been there, done that. Makes for all the more intrigue.

The Way is White Magic: to free oneself of conditioning, or ideas, ideals and beliefs that are obstructions to liberation, and then perhaps free others should one decide to chose that duty. He said very few hear the higher calling. Fewer still do anything about it.

I'm not for or against black magic, rather aiming at being CONSCIOUS.

For example, it is given that there are two ways of teaching. The real, and the distorted. What is done in the distortion, with regards to spiritual experiences, is blasphemy, or the use of that which is holy for an unholy purpose. Confession is between you and Spirit, to accurately report what is going on in self, one's state of being, not to tell another physical being how you failed to live up to some ideal of the theology based upon standards of "good" or "bad" behavior. Surrender is not to give over your will to an institution, but to give up the conditioning that dissipates energy in conflict, destroying you. Repentance is not to feel guilty, but to turn about from being possessed by unrealized expectations. Baptism isn't to take a bath without soap, but a result of practicing the first three and being washed of errors of perception: to be a new (wo)man, a transformed being.

I lurk here, and admire/respect your intentions. Having recently been initiated through one of the greatest challenges of my life, these series of events led me to question everything about myself and the world, which led me to you, and a sense of urgency to understand Hitler, National Socialism, Judaism, and Satanism.

On a lighter note, Lemmy was right: they did have the coolest outfits.

I know a few of you think I'm weird/off, and that's probably because my motivations are difficult to discern. For one, I find it really funny that you use the word "xianity" as a slang term for gullible 501c3 attendees. We call Spirit "X," borrowed from algebra. It cannot be detected with any sense, but it is there, animating the body, doing the typing, the breathing, the digesting. Logically, it would be Satan's father too: The Creator of the universe and everything in it.

If the mods (gods of this forum) want to reject this, that's cool. I'm used to not fitting in and these aren't my ideas anyway, so what do I care!
Jack said:
Henu the Great said:
Jack said:
I'm not undermining our role, but your confusing your role by trying to equate it with something which doesn't make sense. Our role is not of the 'military ' and this organization is not a 'military '. In the military there is an intense vetting process ,especially in the elite branches (special/black ops). Atleast there's a written exam and a practical exam.Conversely every individual on this planet no matter how worthless can log onto this forum and claim publicly that hes a Satanist and an 'elite' while actually not doing the RTRs and not doing the Meditations and not doing anything in life in general.

This looks like a troll thread but we should remember that this is not a military or paramilitary organization and I'm certain 99.99% of the individuals here have never touched a firearm or heard (or felt) the recoil of live rounds. So far I've only come across 2 individuals who were and currently are in actual military service.

What we are ,is a spiritual organization with no connections to the military or any paramilitary organization and I'll be certain to say that not a single individual on this forum is a member of any paramilitary organization. When you define warrior, we should always remember it is in the sense of being against the Jewish spiritual system and fighting it ,with spiritual weapons like the RTR.

A spiritual warrior. We shouldn't confuse our roles and become delusional, attaching ourselves to unrealistic standards. The majority of the people here(90% ?) have never been in a fistfight, being an actual soldier is a farcry.

National Socialism was primarily a socio - political movement, with the SS part being use to replace Christianity. They eventually planned to create a new Germanic religion for the German people so that people could leave behind Christianity. Also understand that Hitler was elected primarily because he promised employment opportunities to the German people. He wasn't elected because he said he was going to eliminate Christianity. The majority of the German people were Christians, and even the SS was composed of only 1/3rd pagans. It's not like every single person in the SS was a pagan,quite on the contrary. However if it would have continued until now the Europeans would be free of Christianity.

The point being that the suffix "spiritual " should be added infront of warrior or soldier while referring to one who is taking action against jews on the spiritual side. The majority of the people here will never be an actual physical warrior or soldier, which is okay because everyone has their roles. I'd argue the things we're doing are way more important tbh that physical acts because vibration manifests into reality so when we change the vibrations, reality changes.
What the fuck are you talking about. Anyone who does not do their part of the spiritual warfare is not a soldier. Claims are pointless, actions matter. It's glaringly obvious to any serious SS from the beginning that this is a spiritual military, yes military. We are soldiers for/with/of Satan.
This is exactly what I'm saying. The real problem I have with equating ourselves with a military is that there is no divisions and ranks, there is no metric for achievement and there is no accountability, except to yourself.

Compare this to an actual physical military where if you slack off and underperform you get DISHONORABLY discharged and thrown out. It's an extremely organized process where people are accountable through an official process.

A person can proverbially call himself whatever he wants - a soldier, a warrior etc. But calling an organization a military without any metric for equivalency makes it a false equivalency.

For the Joyofsatan to be a military it has to have
1)An accountability system where people get discharged for underperforming.
2)A metric system to separate ranks.
3)Gracious respect being to members who've proven themselves to be an elite class through whatever metric is being set up.
4)An organized form of disciplined action where whininess is not tolerated at any cost.

Do you understand what I'm trying to get here ? Theres a difference when you're proverbially calling yourself something for whatever mental equivalency you've drawn PERSONALLY and trying to equate an organization to another organization without any actual equivalency.

The joyofsatan is simply an information resource where anyone can log on to and get the resource. If they want to do the spiritual warfare they can, and if they don't theres no overseeing body to discharge them from the organization. Without any strict rules and laws, no metric or accountability system we cant set up a foundational structure for a military organisation.

Then when you do the work consistently (which no other person can verify because its anonymous) you can personally call yourself a spiritual soldier or warrior, but you still cant draw the same equivalency to the ORGANIZATION as a whole.

And by the way ,the one thing I want is for people to be accountable. I want every worthless eater and drifter to be unable to access knowledge that we have, unless they prove themselves first. There should be a level system where the higher knowledge is earned through proving yourself. You can have drug addicts, worthless parasites who failed in everything they ever did, those who have never manifested any spiritual working or done the RTRs commenting and trying to one up you when you're disseminating important information.

Do you know what happens when you try to one up a superior in the military ? DISCIPLINARY ACTION.
And do you know how rank is decided in a military ? A metric system where you prove yourself.

Do you know who has a metric organization ? The YESHIVA priests in Israel. You don't get allowed access to the oral Torah until you prove yourself to be proficient under the lower versions. You constantly prove yourself as you get more and more knowledge in their magical system. They don't allow outsiders. They have strict enforceable rules and they kick out useless undisciplined grifters and lazy people. This is probably unenforceable on the internet.

I was that parasite and druggy and worthless drifter, and if not for the unrestricted knowledge here i would have never changed. The Jews are the ones who restrict knowledge. Father Satan lets us choose, you wont advance if you dont choose to advance. My personal opinnion is that if we would restrict knowledge we would go against evereything that Father Satan stands for.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Lol I was pretty angry when I made this post really didn't mean anything bad just wanted to tell you that everyone should fight physically not just spiritually sorry. :(

There is zero difference between them. The spiritual affects the physical and if you don't believe that you should not be in this forum.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Lol I was pretty angry when I made this post really didn't mean anything bad just wanted to tell you that everyone should fight physically not just spiritually sorry. :(

You are a stupid, pathetic and unstable piece of dirt
F_For_Flamingo said:
Jack said:
Henu the Great said:
What the fuck are you talking about. Anyone who does not do their part of the spiritual warfare is not a soldier. Claims are pointless, actions matter. It's glaringly obvious to any serious SS from the beginning that this is a spiritual military, yes military. We are soldiers for/with/of Satan.
This is exactly what I'm saying. The real problem I have with equating ourselves with a military is that there is no divisions and ranks, there is no metric for achievement and there is no accountability, except to yourself.

Compare this to an actual physical military where if you slack off and underperform you get DISHONORABLY discharged and thrown out. It's an extremely organized process where people are accountable through an official process.

A person can proverbially call himself whatever he wants - a soldier, a warrior etc. But calling an organization a military without any metric for equivalency makes it a false equivalency.

For the Joyofsatan to be a military it has to have
1)An accountability system where people get discharged for underperforming.
2)A metric system to separate ranks.
3)Gracious respect being to members who've proven themselves to be an elite class through whatever metric is being set up.
4)An organized form of disciplined action where whininess is not tolerated at any cost.

Do you understand what I'm trying to get here ? Theres a difference when you're proverbially calling yourself something for whatever mental equivalency you've drawn PERSONALLY and trying to equate an organization to another organization without any actual equivalency.

The joyofsatan is simply an information resource where anyone can log on to and get the resource. If they want to do the spiritual warfare they can, and if they don't theres no overseeing body to discharge them from the organization. Without any strict rules and laws, no metric or accountability system we cant set up a foundational structure for a military organisation.

Then when you do the work consistently (which no other person can verify because its anonymous) you can personally call yourself a spiritual soldier or warrior, but you still cant draw the same equivalency to the ORGANIZATION as a whole.

And by the way ,the one thing I want is for people to be accountable. I want every worthless eater and drifter to be unable to access knowledge that we have, unless they prove themselves first. There should be a level system where the higher knowledge is earned through proving yourself. You can have drug addicts, worthless parasites who failed in everything they ever did, those who have never manifested any spiritual working or done the RTRs commenting and trying to one up you when you're disseminating important information.

Do you know what happens when you try to one up a superior in the military ? DISCIPLINARY ACTION.
And do you know how rank is decided in a military ? A metric system where you prove yourself.

Do you know who has a metric organization ? The YESHIVA priests in Israel. You don't get allowed access to the oral Torah until you prove yourself to be proficient under the lower versions. You constantly prove yourself as you get more and more knowledge in their magical system. They don't allow outsiders. They have strict enforceable rules and they kick out useless undisciplined grifters and lazy people. This is probably unenforceable on the internet.

I was that parasite and druggy and worthless drifter, and if not for the unrestricted knowledge here i would have never changed. The Jews are the ones who restrict knowledge. Father Satan lets us choose, you wont advance if you dont choose to advance. My personal opinnion is that if we would restrict knowledge we would go against evereything that Father Satan stands for.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!
Knowledge was always and is still restricted, even here. In every pagan religions you have secret initiation schools so that commoners didn't get unrestricted knowledge which is true for all humanity.
Jack said:
Knowledge was always and is still restricted, even here. In every pagan religions you have secret initiation schools so that commoners didn't get unrestricted knowledge which is true for all humanity.

I don't know why you lot continue to worship and emulate the pagan structure of civilization, when the results are here for all to see.

No pagan civilization survived the jewish infestation and that is the entire argument as to why we should not just try to copy it. Strange to think the best way moving forward is rebuilding a failed system and structure for civilization.

The ego and incompetence of ancient pagan leadership allowed this cancer to spread and bring humanity to it's knees. And now we have to clean up their mess and pick up the pieces.

People not having access to knowledge and understanding of the spiritual is the SOLE REASON that all of this has happened. If people were knowledgeable of the spiritual no one would have fallen for the enemy programs that are the root of the problem.

Bottom line is we are not getting rid of the jews just so you can take their place. Your posts are becoming increasingly demoralizing and defeatist in nature. Satan gives his knowledge to the gentile people freely so we may all elevate ourselves.

And you think you have the authority to withhold His knowledge from His people. It's always been your thing to overrule logic and even Satanic principles with your personal bias and disgusting desires. What should have happened thousands of years ago is the pagan leaders and priests who kept spiritual knowledge for themselves should have been flayed on the streets and their souls cursed and destroyed.

The world is on the brink of collapse because of their ego and selfishness. And then we still have to listen to kids praising their unbelievable incompetence which caused this catastrophe, even wanting to replicate it.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Knowledge was always and is still restricted, even here. In every pagan religions you have secret initiation schools so that commoners didn't get unrestricted knowledge which is true for all humanity.

I don't know why you lot continue to worship and emulate the pagan structure of civilization, when the results are here for all to see.

No pagan civilization survived the jewish infestation and that is the entire argument as to why we should not just try to copy it. Strange to think the best way moving forward is rebuilding a failed system and structure for civilization.

The ego and incompetence of ancient pagan leadership allowed this cancer to spread and bring humanity to it's knees. And now we have to clean up their mess and pick up the pieces.

People not having access to knowledge and understanding of the spiritual is the SOLE REASON that all of this has happened. If people were knowledgeable of the spiritual no one would have fallen for the enemy programs that are the root of the problem.

Bottom line is we are not getting rid of the jews just so you can take their place. Your posts are becoming increasingly demoralizing and defeatist in nature. Satan gives his knowledge to the gentile people freely so we may all elevate ourselves.

And you think you have the authority to withhold His knowledge from His people. It's always been your thing to overrule logic and even Satanic principles with your personal bias and disgusting desires. What should have happened thousands of years ago is the pagan leaders and priests who kept spiritual knowledge for themselves should have been flayed on the streets and their souls cursed and destroyed.

The world is on the brink of collapse because of their ego and selfishness. And then we still have to listen to kids praising their unbelievable incompetence which caused this catastrophe, even wanting to replicate it.
That's actually totally wrong. The reason humanity is the way it is is because the lower castes were allowed more access to societal freedom and the priests were against it.

This happened all around the world with all civilizations where with the advent of more freedom and less restrictions on knowledge, and letting lower castes to vote and be involved in society that allowed the jews to infest and take over their civilizations.

If the orginal pagan caste system was hardened and maintained, the nations and races would have remained separate and we would still have a global Aryan civilization. The collapse happened because of the selfishness of king's and the liberal democracy and the disrespect of the priests.

Maybe it was Aristotle (may have been Socrates) who predicted that allowing lower classes to vote was going to collapse society. He was also against democracy and liberalism as a whole, and everything happened like he predicted would happen.

The world is not the way it is ,because of less freedom. It is because it has too much individualistic freedom (the wrong kind) which allows society to divide its people and then vested groups like jews to concentrate power. The reason why National Socialism was so successful because it rescinded Liberal Democracy and a group of pagans concentrated power for the first time in centuries.

Spiritual knowledge is not meant to be shared freely to lower beings, and it isn't even now. The majority of humanity is composed of lowly useless beings who need leaders and edicts to follow. Individualism is for leaders who give out these edicts. You can't allow freedom for everyone and not have society totally collapse like it already has. The obvious answer is authoritarian and dictatorship, the election of a supreme leader and a hierarchical group structure which concentrates knowledge.

Spiritual Satanism is not a religion for everyone. Free thought is not for everyone because people don't have the capacity for free thought. Some people are gifted who lead humanity as groups, and that is how it has always happened and will happen in the future.

Your insolence and lack of understanding of how this world works is shaped by living in a liberal democracy. Most people are incapable of realizing what they should do and they need leaders to follow. Freedom and liberalism has totally failed which should be apparent by looking at ancient and modern history. We need a hierarchical structure where power is concentrated and you can't access more knowledge unless you prove yourself.

And by the way this is exactly how this spiritual line also works. The meditation and workings given on the site are primers to further contact the Gods who act as Gurus and divulge more higher spiritual knowledge to you. Theres a reason why the most important stuff is not talked about publicly.
13th_Wolf said:
Amleshvar said:
I didn't even want to respond to this because I feel that you are fairly elevated and I really can just sense you are trying to stir the pot and raise morale but sometimes my intuition evades me and although I think you're completely full of shit I will humor this. In a nutshell you said I'm a McDonald's munching goy who knows nothing about true National Socialism and battle. I get off on this kind of shit. You're gonna tell me? A Spiritual-Nazi-as-fucking-motherfucker- Satanist that I don't know anything about NS and making my enemies shut their fat, feeble fucking mouths? I sat through hours, days worth of condensed time worth of True Nazi Satanist documentaries and articles, the fucking rabbithole of essential, true Nazism and the JoS, the pinnacle of absolute National Socialism the kind that the jews have smokescreened so virulently. I know how to knock a bitch out number one not because of my knowledge of martial arts, black magick and street smarts combined with 1 TRILLION WATTS OF SATAN'S ENERGY, I also am a proud Nazi Spiritual Satanist that possesses an extremely educated, superior knowledge of National Socialism. To end this rather plainly whatever intent you had manifesting this post failed to entertain me besides my obvious regurgitation of Satanic energy into this JoS Forum post

Nah, you ain't shit

Very strange way you're writing there, not SS strange.

People who sperg out every now and then with half hearted and half arsed 'help' are very much like nails on a chalkboard, especially when after a while they feel they can 'teach' people.

Don't make claims that can't be backed by what can be seen of you, on the forum itself. I personally don't give a shit who you claim to be but only what you do HERE.

If we weren't under the mutual protection of Astaroth I would make you eat those words. The end. Have a nice day
Amleshvar said:
13th_Wolf said:
Amleshvar said:
I didn't even want to respond to this because I feel that you are fairly elevated and I really can just sense you are trying to stir the pot and raise morale but sometimes my intuition evades me and although I think you're completely full of shit I will humor this. In a nutshell you said I'm a McDonald's munching goy who knows nothing about true National Socialism and battle. I get off on this kind of shit. You're gonna tell me? A Spiritual-Nazi-as-fucking-motherfucker- Satanist that I don't know anything about NS and making my enemies shut their fat, feeble fucking mouths? I sat through hours, days worth of condensed time worth of True Nazi Satanist documentaries and articles, the fucking rabbithole of essential, true Nazism and the JoS, the pinnacle of absolute National Socialism the kind that the jews have smokescreened so virulently. I know how to knock a bitch out number one not because of my knowledge of martial arts, black magick and street smarts combined with 1 TRILLION WATTS OF SATAN'S ENERGY, I also am a proud Nazi Spiritual Satanist that possesses an extremely educated, superior knowledge of National Socialism. To end this rather plainly whatever intent you had manifesting this post failed to entertain me besides my obvious regurgitation of Satanic energy into this JoS Forum post

Nah, you ain't shit

Very strange way you're writing there, not SS strange.

People who sperg out every now and then with half hearted and half arsed 'help' are very much like nails on a chalkboard, especially when after a while they feel they can 'teach' people.

Don't make claims that can't be backed by what can be seen of you, on the forum itself. I personally don't give a shit who you claim to be but only what you do HERE.

If we weren't under the mutual protection of Astaroth I would make you eat those words. The end. Have a nice day

Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:

Both of you are right in your own way. I think it depends on how many people in a nation or overall are active with knowledge and working properly with it among the masses, if that is going forth in it's extent then higher up knowledge can be shared. The relative sense of social cohesion and unity. There's also other factors to do with timing. It depends on the ever-changing feel of the people and stuff like literacy and how open knowledge is too.

Either way, in this world there are many secrets which no matter how good or "accomplished" someone is or thinks they are, they will never know or come to know them.

The situation has changed now for sure, but previously I think it would have been good to have had many people in the Ancient period where less jews were about, to have access to higher-up spiritual knowledge (generally speaking). I believe it's also not worth worrying about and that they sort of did, or the ones who deserved it at the time and wouldn't misuse the knowledge, did. Overall I agree with Jack more though, for current times especially. Misuse of powers is something originally that I believe the jews used to abuse the spiritually strong against the spiritually strong and with more people capable of falling into that trap now than ever, it's pretty imperative to keep certain things under wraps. Dahaarkan, knowledge on this forum is open on the internet no matter how concealed and like I've seen in certain astrology sites, things shared here leak into wrong circles and often jewish ones which they use the knowledge to deceive people further. It's a definite concern.

Jack said:
Maybe it was Aristotle (may have been Socrates) who predicted that allowing lower classes to vote was going to collapse society. He was also against democracy and liberalism as a whole, and everything happened like he predicted would happen.

I'm against democracy too, but only in the sense of the head government. I support regional-based democratic systems, especially in the case of regions dominated by ethnic groups which are of the primary race and culture. Democracy imo has more of a situational function than a government scale one. I think larger referendums in response to major events/propositions should also be allowed, with voting rights only extended for people of a state's primary racial culture and citizenship. The spiritual class should decide whether those should happen or not.
Jack said:

No you just like to jump from one extreme to the other. There is no reason as to why people should not be given the tools to better themselves and become more knowledgeable and empowered.

You are talking of democracy as if it has anything to do with the conversation. It's obvious that putting political power in the hands of the ignorant and gullible masses only serves to collapse civilization. No one is arguing against this and no one even mentioned this. You are arguing against a point no one made.

If people become knowledgeable, powerful and spiritually clean, we will have a far superior society of people who actually have the power and knowledge to contribute and protect it. Keeping people spiritually inept, vulnerable and weak creates a spiritually inept, vulnerable and weak society. Filled with corrupt individuals that decay civilization.

You are and always have been serving your own ego. You see spiritual knowledge as a tool that should be kept hidden and exploited to enslave the masses. You operate like a jew. Which is not surprising to say the least.

You are directly going against everything Satanism stands for. This organization exists to carry out Satan's will; that is the empowerment and elevation of His gentile people. It is our duty to do what we can to elevate and empower His people by spreading his knowledge. To even attempt to suppress his knowledge is nothing less than treason.

I don't care how many posts you have or how long you have been a Satanist I will respond to you in the same way I would to anyone who would post such garbage. If the mods don't filter such trash then someone must answer it.

The original pagan structure for civilization DID NOT SURVIVE. It left us open to jewish infestation. So it's useless and suicidal to go down this path once more. This is very simple to understand. We must change and adapt or we will not survive.
13th_Wolf said:
Misuse of powers is something originally that I believe the jews used to abuse the spiritually strong against the spiritually strong and with more people capable of falling into that trap now than ever, it's pretty imperative to keep certain things under wraps. Dahaarkan, knowledge on this forum is open on the internet no matter how concealed and like I've seen in certain astrology sites, things shared here leak into wrong circles and often jewish ones which they use the knowledge to deceive people further. It's a definite concern.

Rotten souls do not get far in this path, not without cleaning up their souls and bettering themselves in the process, which eliminates the worry of power being abused. Rotten souls have no power and their curses are thus also powerless.

The public having spiritual knowledge allows the truly noble souls to shine and elevate themselves. And the rotten trash is pushed away and shunned, this is as it should be.

The only reason jews have as much power as they do, is because the masses are spiritually blind and ignorant, and dedicate their souls to a thoughtform they control.

There are very specific titbits of knowledge that yes, must be hidden. But a vast majority of spiritual knowledge must be in the hands of the public. So that the gentile people of Satan can finally transcend from being cattle.

Withholding Satan's knowledge from His gentile people is treason. Which in my opinion should be punished with death. This catastrophe happened because the public was spiritually vulnerable to the enemy's influence.

All of our suffering, all the countless souls destroyed, the women and children raped and murdered, all because the ancient leaders kept their own people in the dark spiritually, and hoarded spiritual knowledge to themselves so they could play god. Humanity on the brink of total collapse because of their ego.

And now you want to repeat this mistake as they did. So you can feel like gods among people who are spiritually crippled and inept. No, like I said to Jack, we are not getting rid of the jews just so you can take their place.

Satan's gentile people will be free from such tyranny, and they will become spiritually liberated and empowered.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:

No you just like to jump from one extreme to the other. There is no reason as to why people should not be given the tools to better themselves and become more knowledgeable and empowered.

You are talking of democracy as if it has anything to do with the conversation. It's obvious that putting political power in the hands of the ignorant and gullible masses only serves to collapse civilization. No one is arguing against this and no one even mentioned this. You are arguing against a point no one made.

If people become knowledgeable, powerful and spiritually clean, we will have a far superior society of people who actually have the power and knowledge to contribute and protect it. Keeping people spiritually inept, vulnerable and weak creates a spiritually inept, vulnerable and weak society. Filled with corrupt individuals that decay civilization.

You are and always have been serving your own ego. You see spiritual knowledge as a tool that should be kept hidden and exploited to enslave the masses. You operate like a jew. Which is not surprising to say the least.

You are directly going against everything Satanism stands for. This organization exists to carry out Satan's will; that is the empowerment and elevation of His gentile people. It is our duty to do what we can to elevate and empower His people by spreading his knowledge. To even attempt to suppress his knowledge is nothing less than treason.

I don't care how many posts you have or how long you have been a Satanist I will respond to you in the same way I would to anyone who would post such garbage. If the mods don't filter such trash then someone must answer it.

The original pagan structure for civilization DID NOT SURVIVE. It left us open to jewish infestation. So it's useless and suicidal to go down this path once more. This is very simple to understand. We must change and adapt or we will not survive.
Again, wrong, wrong and wrong. The original pagan structure of civilization ALWAYS survived and it was the relaxation of laws and dissemination of Knowledge that collapsed these civilizations. The control of thought is what stabilizes civilization and keeps it going. Disseminating free knowledge creates internal divisions and destruction of the caste system which is essential to stability.

Democracy is very very intricately connected to the point of knowledge. With knowledge, people demanded the right to be involved in political life. And after that the aristocracy was stripped of its rights and Civilization itself was destroyed.

The false pretense of free thought and exchange of ideas is what allowed the Jews to take over the world. Until then peasants were kept in line, they never thought they could be equal to the aristocrats. When the liberal philosophers came with the fire of knowledge and said that they deserved equal rights because of some vague ideological concept, that's what created the need for more liberalism and more equality (aka atomization of society. ) Then Jews as a group came and easily controlled atomized individuals who were all against each other due to ideological reasons.

What have humans done with knowledge ? We have the most knowledge free at any time in history, ever.

The classic Brave New World foretold a 100 years ago how free knowledge was going to eradicate civilization, which it has.

If humans had free thought and the ability to freely accept knowledge without bias, then this organization would be full of billions of members and we'd already solved most of our problems.

But that didn't happen. Instead after removing the Gentile Aristocracy under the false pretense of knowledge, the Jewish aristocracy held that position and has been directing nations to go to war and kill each other since then.

Knowledge didn't achieve anything. The ability for free information (which already exists) didn't do anything. All our problems are still here.

The only time a nation tried to eliminate the Jewish problem, was when the Nazis BANNED the free exchange of ideas ,I.e glorification of communism and other anti Nazi ideas totally. They stringently controlled the ideas shaping the children's minds with mandatory Nazi education in schools. They didn't allow communists to freely argue with them. They totally banned marxism and communism. They banned any criticism their enemies had, which worked. Hitler had a 99% approval rating.

Its mind boggling to claim knowledge accomplishes anything when it's clear that knowledge is only useful as a control tool. Because if the gentile nobles don't use it to control society, their enemies will.

In history those who have controlled the flow of knowledge have secured their countries and those who have freed knowledge I.e the free exchange of ideas have allowed their nation states to collapse. Knowledge is only useful when political elites use it to control the civilization or Spiritual elites use it to control the political elites.

It's just childish fantasy when people claim liberalism and free thought have any use. Its only useful in the hands of elites. The masses of people remain subject to their base desires and knowledge is used to move the masses in directions that the elite want. The masses remain ,NPCs with or without knowledge. It doesn't matter.

Securing knowledge and disseminating it in a controlled way makes one work for it. You work for that which you don't have.

Also I never said people shouldn't be given tools to empower themselves. I said there should be an accountability system for the dissemination of knowledge. If we as an organization had an accountability system where we only allowed Level 1 knowledge freely then the level 2 would be unlocked after the individual proved their worth, we wouldn't have to deal with people who are just drifters and are wasting their time. This is true for ALL organizations.

The total failure of every western country which removed the gentile aristocracy for the false pretense of the right to free knowledge ,which led to other rights such as voting etc shows that this system has absolutely failed and doesn't work. Liberating the common masses of people just made them chase irrelevant and damaging things in life and do absolutely nothing with their lives,made them fight each other and kill each other. This happened in civilizations where jews didn't exist in antiquity.

The only way that knowledge works is to give it to Divinely Ordained individuals who can judge other individuals as worthy of accepting that same knowledge or not. Most certainly humanity as a whole isn't interested in accepting Spiritual knowledge, which is why even though it's free they ignore this knowledge. The way society moves forward is through vertical integration of society.

This is just a basic division and will be more complex in the future but we need to separate society into class so that people understand their place.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
SS = Spiritual Satanism/Spiritual Satanist.
I am not American.
Spirituality is real.
The practice of Spirituality - its tools - are resources which can be and are being used for this real - Spiritual - war.
Who is dreaming?
Keeping to the RtRs and not enhancing nor empowering ourselves is the same as being an "elitist" who eats fatdonalds, while trying to go out and do lightning-quick attacks and reconnaisance. We must do Spiritual works so we can keep ourselves protected while fighting, plus other benefits which practicing Spirituality brings. Come on - proof-read what you type before you submit it...
Jack said:

You seem to be under the impression that actual spiritual knowledge was at any point openly given to the public. The jews have worked tirelessly for over 2000 years doing everything they can to KEEP such knowledge from the hands of the public.

The JoS is buried among jewish created and controlled groups and false Satanic teachings, as to keep us hidden and thus His knowledge suppressed. It is a key part of their tyranny and their plans to keep the masses spiritually blind and crippled, always has been. People NEVER had access to knowledge.

The jews actively attack and suppress JoS to keep knowledge from the hands of the public. This is their agenda, and a part of their goal. One you are now promoting. They work 24/7 to ridicule, cover up and corrupt all spiritual knowledge to discourage the masses from looking for it. You are writing as if this isn't a reality.

People have never had any spiritual knowledge besides what the jews gave them. You continue to try to derail the conversation into the political. This has nothing to do with politics we are discussing your heretical statement about suppressing Satan's knowledge. Nobody disagrees that poison such as communist ideals, democracy and such nonsense shouldn't be permitted. Literally no one is talking about this but you.

People are cruel, stupid and weak because they don't have, and never had spiritual knowledge. Because the jews created many barriers to the obtainment of this knowledge. Now you wish to create another. But you can continue to argue with yourself on democracy and communism like it has anything to do with the issue we are actually discussing. Such treasonous statements are not surprising from a man who is a slave to his own ego, it's a shocker to no one that you'd want to use Satan's knowledge as a tool for gaining social status.

The root of all the problems is jewish programs and if people had been spiritually clean and capable, these would have been rejected and destroyed thousands of years ago. There must be no barriers or pointless bureaucracy when it comes to Satan's knowledge.

Satan gives it to us so we may spread the light of His knowledge to his gentile people. Not so it may be used to exploit the masses and keep His people in a state of decay and living like cattle.

"I fucking love you :p"

Pfahahhahah, I agree, Brother Ghost tends to have that effect on people. ;)

Hail Satan!
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:

You seem to be under the impression that actual spiritual knowledge was at any point openly given to the public. The jews have worked tirelessly for over 2000 years doing everything they can to KEEP such knowledge from the hands of the public.

The JoS is buried among jewish created and controlled groups and false Satanic teachings, as to keep us hidden and thus His knowledge suppressed. It is a key part of their tyranny and their plans to keep the masses spiritually blind and crippled, always has been. People NEVER had access to knowledge.

The jews actively attack and suppress JoS to keep knowledge from the hands of the public. This is their agenda, and a part of their goal. One you are now promoting. They work 24/7 to ridicule, cover up and corrupt all spiritual knowledge to discourage the masses from looking for it. You are writing as if this isn't a reality.

People have never had any spiritual knowledge besides what the jews gave them. You continue to try to derail the conversation into the political. This has nothing to do with politics we are discussing your heretical statement about suppressing Satan's knowledge. Nobody disagrees that poison such as communist ideals, democracy and such nonsense shouldn't be permitted. Literally no one is talking about this but you.

People are cruel, stupid and weak because they don't have, and never had spiritual knowledge. Because the jews created many barriers to the obtainment of this knowledge. Now you wish to create another. But you can continue to argue with yourself on democracy and communism like it has anything to do with the issue we are actually discussing. Such treasonous statements are not surprising from a man who is a slave to his own ego, it's a shocker to no one that you'd want to use Satan's knowledge as a tool for gaining social status.

The root of all the problems is jewish programs and if people had been spiritually clean and capable, these would have been rejected and destroyed thousands of years ago. There must be no barriers or pointless bureaucracy when it comes to Satan's knowledge.

Satan gives it to us so we may spread the light of His knowledge to his gentile people. Not so it may be used to exploit the masses and keep His people in a state of decay and living like cattle.
Kay . We'll just have to see what the future Holds and see if the leaders will disseminate spiritual knowledge like you claim they will. :oops:
jack,to answer to you i will just show you my favourite meme on the thread made especially for them:

read carefully.the very second sentence is"get them away from RELIGION".Spiritual Satanism is our religion,and keeping it away from people contributed to what the title of this quote suggests.
then,you have"encourage GOVERNMENT extravagance,destroy ITS credit".the government is supposed to be an EXAMPLE to people and lead them to PROSPERITY;the aggressiveness in your way of politics clearly does the opposite thing.
another proposition:"by specious argument cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues:honesty,sobriety,self-restraint".it's clear to me that the last two of them are frantically NONEXISTENT in your character,being basically DRUNK with your own elitism and unable to RESTRAIN your own hyperinflated ego.
the last phrase of the speech is self-obvious:without means of protection against their enemies,the people are open to all sorts of evil from them,including,of course,OBLIVION.can you live with that kind of guilt upon yourself?the fact that you could save your OWN species from destruction or slavery and,yet,you chose to keep power away from them just to play god with what was supposed to be YOUR OWN KINDRED?
this is my message.i honestly hope you read it THOROUGHLY and understand that there is more to life than just mere self-satisfying.
PS:the"liberalism"you talk about is literally based upon the EXACT kind of egocentrism you displayed in your OWN opinions.Ironical,isn't it?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Amleshvar said:
You've been here 3 days. Calm down.

I've been a dedicated Spiritual Satanist for 8 years. No lol
InX said:
13th_Wolf said:
If I was a 4channer I would say "cope" and "seethe" but this is all I know.

The new hip jab is "Dialate," which post-op MTF trannies have to do to keep their gaping wound from closing. Fuck Jannies, amirite? :lol:

Now, on with the show...

That christianity (modern judaeo-christian theology) is repulsive here is absolutely understandable. Myself, and my father, and his father before, rejected it.

There is, however, an esoteric, Gnostic teaching where the christian technical language is revealed, and was called "The Way" before Constantine and Nicaea. The one I met who knew this way, a real master in my estimation, said during one of his last workshops that Hitler always came up when talking about the ideas. He said, "Well I love him. How ya like them apples?" Hard to believe that was 15 years ago, and here I am posting on a Satanist forum! Oddly enough, Satan as "the adversary" was given as an idea, but it didn't refer to Satan as a being, or the way you all interpret that idea of it being black magic against gentiles. Rather it represented the conditioned, subjective personality formed in childhood, based on errors of perception that has one constantly struggling in conflict. Ole' mark of an educated mind being able to entertain two contradictory ideas without identifying with either and all? That notion pass around here? I kinda get the orthodoxy vibe, which again is understandable given the BS one gets from belief systems (and yes that was a RAW reference...) but I digress!

One past master said Hitler could have been one of the great blessings of all time to mankind, but he got caught up in magical formula and that ruined the whole deal. May be, I don't know. I'm still learning. Trouble is it's all written or recorded accounts. Difficult if not impossible to be 100% objective about the facts as it relates to the magical/occult side of Third Reich era SS. None of us were there. Can't talk to Satan or Demons until you achieve altered states is a thing too. I don't doubt there are non-physical entities, or astral/etheric planes, I've seen them. Some are NOT FUCKING NICE. Electrocution phenomena? Been there, done that. Makes for all the more intrigue.

The Way is White Magic: to free oneself of conditioning, or ideas, ideals and beliefs that are obstructions to liberation, and then perhaps free others should one decide to chose that duty. He said very few hear the higher calling. Fewer still do anything about it.

I'm not for or against black magic, rather aiming at being CONSCIOUS.

For example, it is given that there are two ways of teaching. The real, and the distorted. What is done in the distortion, with regards to spiritual experiences, is blasphemy, or the use of that which is holy for an unholy purpose. Confession is between you and Spirit, to accurately report what is going on in self, one's state of being, not to tell another physical being how you failed to live up to some ideal of the theology based upon standards of "good" or "bad" behavior. Surrender is not to give over your will to an institution, but to give up the conditioning that dissipates energy in conflict, destroying you. Repentance is not to feel guilty, but to turn about from being possessed by unrealized expectations. Baptism isn't to take a bath without soap, but a result of practicing the first three and being washed of errors of perception: to be a new (wo)man, a transformed being.

I lurk here, and admire/respect your intentions. Having recently been initiated through one of the greatest challenges of my life, these series of events led me to question everything about myself and the world, which led me to you, and a sense of urgency to understand Hitler, National Socialism, Judaism, and Satanism.

On a lighter note, Lemmy was right: they did have the coolest outfits.

I know a few of you think I'm weird/off, and that's probably because my motivations are difficult to discern. For one, I find it really funny that you use the word "xianity" as a slang term for gullible 501c3 attendees. We call Spirit "X," borrowed from algebra. It cannot be detected with any sense, but it is there, animating the body, doing the typing, the breathing, the digesting. Logically, it would be Satan's father too: The Creator of the universe and everything in it.

If the mods (gods of this forum) want to reject this, that's cool. I'm used to not fitting in and these aren't my ideas anyway, so what do I care!
"prairie goose to the creator of the universe"
Henu the Great said:
Yawn. What a rant. No we are not soldiers with guns. We are soldiers with minds. Soldiers with minds are the backbone of the army with the guns. Aight? Bye now.

Brains are the real guns.
There is a reason people who fall into enemy spirituality may allow harm to happen to them and other much dumber shit.
I guess most people are presently not realising the importance of spiritual power( this one here is maybe an exception and obviously a troll).
When the Jews mention about the coming of their cunt on earth, that is manifestation of a combined " thoughtform". We have billions of people around the world who allow all kinds of atrocities to happen to them because they choose to be enslaved mentally. When you free yourself from this mental cage of society, societal expectations and do what you really want to do , your own way being physically and spiritually prepared, there is not much you have to worry about. Death then becomes a consequence of action and not a jew on a shtick controlling the "Universe."

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
