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May 9, 2006
**** If you are against so-called "anti-Semitism," then you might not want to read this. Unfortunately, communism and related have turned many GLBT's into sissy foot soldiers for the enemies of Satan. Our mission is to release GLBT's from this prison and wake them up to reality. Unfortunately, the GLBT's who do not wake up and put no effort into it will have the same fate as the Christians who don't wake up. Hail Satan!****


Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

My mother still hates Satan, and she deserves to be treated with contempt and
derision, at times, BUT, she NEVER EVEN DARES to talk about her love of Jewsus,
and hatred towards Satan to me or around me anymore. My advice is to have some
extreme patience, unless your family is RIGHT in your fucking face, trying to
destroy you up and down, inside and out.

However, the "extreme patience" that I am referring to is that as things keep
getting worse in the world, they'll notice that there is no Jewsus "rapture" and
that Jewsus isn't coming, so maybe, just maybe, they might begin to question
things, which may possibly lead up to the moment that they take heed to all of
your attempts to enlighten them. They'll be like "Hey, what if what
'eremoslukos8' says has merit to it?" We can never underestimate ourselves and
our abilities that are granted to us by Satan.

So many Christians aren't Christian by their own free will anymore, which is no
different than the Middle Ages when it was conversion by Christian "love" on the
one hand and a sword in the other. Today, the enemy's persuasion to add more
sheeple to the Christian death fold is spiritually and emotionally violent, more
so than physical, and the astral plane is using fear like never before, while
working to make this kike impostor Christ look and seem more "enticing" than
ever before. This is not usually physically done, as *most* parts of the
physical Inquistion is over [depending on where one lives].

Look at all of the "Near Death Experiences" where even Atheists "come back" and
say how much they love Jewsus now, and then they start crying and shit like
that. My point is that these experiences with this fake entity are sometimes
real, despite that it isn't an actual, living being, but a programmed thoughform
that they are dealing with. The enemy relies on the "juice" from Gentiles to
keep the Nazarene batteries charged.

Many Christians have lost all sense of reasoning, where if you talk to them,
they look and sound like a fucking emotionless robot, although they still have
an agenda... to get their family "saved" and into a life of "repentence" from
all human nature. These Christians deserve capital punishment for high treason.
They should not be spared, but put out of their misery and out of everyone
else's misery, too. Other Christians are just blinded to reality and are
confused. Take my mother for example again, she looks like she is headed
towards that robot stage of Christianity, but, if you really look and see into
her eyes, you can tell that she is lost and sad, and she is at a conflict within
her racial soul, as her Irish spirit of heathenism/original Paganism is still
fighting to rise from the "bottomless pit" within.

I have some good news, though. My father who is still married to my mother was
a Christian, and he put up with all of her Christian nagging and invasions of
so-called "free will," but with my teachings that I designed to ease him out of
Christianity and see the truth about Satan and his Demons and our religion, he
has TOTALLY LEFT Christianity, slamming the door shut and locking that door
behind him. He is not a Satanist yet, as he currently hates all forms of
religion, but he is alive and well... and hilarious! He is so much different
now that he isn't a Christian anymore. He also believes that our Gods/esses ARE
real extra-terrestrial Nordics, and he has an interest in "mystical" authors
like Carlos Castenada, and related, as well as all things UFO's and
"supernatural." One other thing is that he has never been too fond of the Jews.
Now he knows why. I can't speed up this process, though, as the Jews are worse
than Christianity in how they plague the human soul like cancer. In addition
they are the roots and branches of all things Christian. My father will run to
the truth soon enough, without me putting any kind of pressure on him, as his
soul knows the truth. He has told me how proud of me he is with what I know.
Admittedly, I wasn't expecting any kind of praise. Even so, all of the praise
goes to Satan who works through me.

It is within all Gentiles to want every Jew destroyed, as the Jews want each and
every one of us destroyed, but many Gentiles have been brainwashed into
accepting the Jews as the "Chosen of God." Even some of the Atheistic Gentile
soldiers for Social and Cultural Marxism are at conflict within their inner
soul. Some will wake up, but other's won't. Time will tell. Social and
Cultural Marxism, however, are more compatible with Christianity, as Jewsus was
the first Marxist. It's true, except he didn't exist, of course.

When dealing with Christians, NEVER slam things down their throats all at once,
while educating them, as they will need recovery time and time to soak the truth
in. Hate what has happened to their souls, and of course hate what they've done
to you. With the oil prices and such, the veil is going to drop, so to speak.
Just like how High Priestess Maxine has said that many people will want to join
on at the last moment, but it will be too late for them -- this will show who is
naturally one of us, and those who are robots to the point that they have run
out of all hope. When educating Christians, you will always find out who is
worth your time and who isn't. The same goes for those of other death cult
members -- even staunch and arrogant Atheists and Agnostics, as well neo-pagans
who are also anti-Satan. I have met some bitchraft Wicca people who are just as
much of a cancer as Christians.

In closing,

Satan WILL take care of the family members that he has faith in. With being
gentle with your approach of addressing Christians and such, I am in no way
advocating turning the other cheek, or being soft on them in any way. You can
do rituals to Father Satan, on their behalf, to work towards setting them
straight, and to put them in their place when and if the need arises. Trust me,
this is white magick, as you are doing them and yourself a favor. Same with
destroying the robotic Christians, as they are poisonous, and that their removal
is salvation for planet Earth. Always act legally, though.

"They [Christians] are toxic" [or poisonous, can't remember]. -- Adolf Hitler

Hail Satan!!


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], eremoslukos8@... wrote:

Thank you so much for making this post, HP Carlson! This is honestly the 1st
post I've read in some time due to my own attacks. Seems the enemy uses emotion
quit extensively! However, I did not post to talk of weakness, but strength!
This is what I've gotten from this, that I am being led to type at this time.
I've noticed the protection I have as aposed to everyone else, (save a person or
two who while rolling through the mall you catch their eye and you just both
know and give a big grin) I do however have to ask if my family will still be
either protected, or worthy of my energy when they treat me and speak of Our
Precious Father and Gods as such? Very negatively, they are old and very set in
their brain-washed ways!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priest Jake Carlson" <hammerofthegods_666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 07:23:23
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

In addition to the thread below, the kikes are and have been planning the
enforcement of their universal "Noahide Laws" [One World Government in the guise
of "peace"]. In this kike-run theocracy, ANYTHING of Gentile human nature is
punishable by decapitation by these laws. One of the seven laws concerns
"idolatry." If these laws were to be set down universally, guess what would
happen to us, despite the Jewish feminist BITCHcraft enthusiasts who worship
"the Goddess" as a feminist archetype. This isn't any kind of insult for women
or women's rights, only what the kikes do with such things.

The deluded Christians believe that this law against "idolatry" means that
they will have their heads put in the guillotine for saying "Jewsus is Lord,"
and for their worship of the "holy" trinity. Oh man, the kikes sure have them
fooled. From the Noahide books I've read, the kikes are waiting for the arrival
of their messiah, who is NONE OTHER THAN CHRIST!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0DTT3u2 ... re=related

However, these kike authors tend to play the "against Christianity" game. The
NON-EXISTENT Nazarene has almost fulfilled his purpose, in that, all of the
time, money, energy, and prayers that have been funneled into this kike son of a
bitch almost have him to the point of entering the world for the Jews, and "the
second coming" for the Christians.

On a positive note, although things are going to keep getting worse in the
world for a while, i.e., economy, Jewish world-chaos, the microchips and not
being able to buy or sell anything without the "mark" of Jesus [unbeknownst to
the Christians], our side has won the future for us. Satan is going to reclaim
this planet, and we may never see the official advent of Christ/Anti-Christ
[same thing, as odd as it may sound] in our lifetimes or any lifetimes after.
When Satan told certain disciples of his that "We have one," he wasn't kidding.

There is a difference between being scared/frightened versus being grounded
and taking care of one's self and their loved ones. Those who are without would
call such people "paranoid conspiracy nuts," BUT, that is because ignorance is
bliss to such wastes of human space.

Also, one must NEVER forget that with Satan and his Demons, we have a
protection that no one else has. For those of you who have been saying that
Satan and his Demons protect one's loved ones, you are totally correct.
Although the enemy has made attempts to use my family against me, at times, my
family has been protected, where things that they've worried about have been for
nothing, and those around them experienced things much worse. Satan watches out
for the loved ones of his dedicated ones.

For further strength for your loved ones who are without, build auras of
protection around them, and charge their auras with mantras for manifesting
prosperity, excellent health, and of course, safety and protection at all times
and in every way.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@ wrote:

..Hail Satan!! No, it is not a scare tactic, it is actually happeneing.
In 2002, the VeriChip Corporation (known as the "Positive ID Corporation"
since November 2009) received preliminary approval from the United States Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its device in the U.S. within specific
guidelines. The device received FDA approval in 2004, and was marketed under the
name VeriChip or VeriMed. The way they are implementing this is that it is for
'medical history' and help in emergencies, like the id one wears such as
diabetic, allergies to certain meds..ect. Look, i work in healthcare and i would
not put it past the kike to already have this shit in the so called 'mandatory
vaccines'. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can be
linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal
identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact
information. This was 2004, so now it can just be injected.
It is also interesting that 'Positive ID Corporation"--
is owned by Digital Angel Corporation--

http://www.rfidnews.org/2011/10/11/posi ... srael&#92;
that was 2010-2011. last year.
So, no it is not 'scare tactic' it is reality of this world.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Reliant Gorgoth <darkfury211@ wrote:

what, the microchip? or are you saying that I personally, am using a jew
scare tactic?

From: Mike Leskela <mleskela@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise


just another jew scare tactic.Dont feed into this BS.

--- On Fri, 3/30/12, Merlin <darkfury211@ wrote:

From: Merlin <darkfury211@
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, March 30, 2012, 11:21 PM


http://current.com/community/90842279_c ... e-an-&#92;
implantable-microchip.htmthe following quotation is from the above website. this
is important for all satanists to read. if you know a satanist that is unable to
get on the groups but that you are in contact with, please pass the information
on."The Obama Health care bill under Class II (Paragraph 1, Section B)
specifically includes ``(ii) a class II device that is implantable." Then on
page 1004 it describes what the term "data" means in paragraph 1, section B: 14
``(B) In this paragraph, the term `data' refers to in15 formation respecting a
device described in paragraph (1), 16 including claims data, patient survey
data, standardized 17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of
18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health 19 records, and any
other data deemed appropriate by the 20 Secretary" What exactly is a class II
device that is
implantable? Lets see... Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable
device is a "implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient
identification and health information." The purpose of a class II device is to
collect data in medical patients such as "claims data, patient survey data,
standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from
disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data
deemed appropriate by the Secretary." This sort of device would be implanted in
the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care
option. With the reform of the private insurance companies, who charge
outrageous rates, many people will switch their coverage to a more affordable
insurance plan. This means the number of people who choose the public option
will increase. This also means the number of people chipped will be plentiful as
well. The adults who choose to have a chip implanted
are the lucky (yes, lucky) ones in this case. Children who are "born in
the United States who at the time of birth is not otherwise covered under
acceptable coverage" will be qualified and placed into the CHIP or Children's
Health Insurance Program (what a convenient name). With a name like CHIP it
would seem consistent to have the chip implanted into a child. Children
conceived by parents who are already covered under the public option will more
than likely be implanted with a chip by the consent of the parent. Eventually
everyone will be implanted with a chip. And with the price and coverage of the
public option being so competitive with the private companies, the private
company may not survive. So will everyone be covered by the public option
eventually?????? And does that mean everyone will be chipped????? "Hail Satan!
Thank you for this post, HP Jake Carlson, it only increases what I've already known about Christians, and thanks to Father Satan, my mother is already loosing faith in Jebus. And I think in time she will turn to Father Satan, and be with us as well. She never has been too much of a robot, I guess that's why it's been easier to get her to start changing sides, as she hasn't gotten close enough to that stage yet. And thanks to Father Satan and the four crowns of Duat, my life is finally on the right track as well.
Hail Satan!
Hail Beelzebub!
Hail Anubis!
Hail Azazel!
Hail Baal!Hail Thoth!Hail Lillith!Heil Hitler!
Heil Himmler!
please let it e known to you that jehovah is the only true God, jesus christ his son is the Lord of all, there is nothing you do to change that and except you repent from evil, pervation and blasphemy, you will one day face his wrath, but the good news is that the gate of heaven is still open to you and to all deluded , concieted individuals that call themselves satanist, if you recieve jesus today as your lord and saviour...
From: High Priest Jake Carlson <hammerofthegods_666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 10:17 AM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Thread

  **** If you are against so-called "anti-Semitism," then you might not want to read this. Unfortunately, communism and related have turned many GLBT's into sissy foot soldiers for the enemies of Satan. Our mission is to release GLBT's from this prison and wake them up to reality. Unfortunately, the GLBT's who do not wake up and put no effort into it will have the same fate as the Christians who don't wake up. Hail Satan!****


Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

My mother still hates Satan, and she deserves to be treated with contempt and
derision, at times, BUT, she NEVER EVEN DARES to talk about her love of Jewsus,
and hatred towards Satan to me or around me anymore. My advice is to have some
extreme patience, unless your family is RIGHT in your fucking face, trying to
destroy you up and down, inside and out.

However, the "extreme patience" that I am referring to is that as things keep
getting worse in the world, they'll notice that there is no Jewsus "rapture" and
that Jewsus isn't coming, so maybe, just maybe, they might begin to question
things, which may possibly lead up to the moment that they take heed to all of
your attempts to enlighten them. They'll be like "Hey, what if what
'eremoslukos8' says has merit to it?" We can never underestimate ourselves and
our abilities that are granted to us by Satan.

So many Christians aren't Christian by their own free will anymore, which is no
different than the Middle Ages when it was conversion by Christian "love" on the
one hand and a sword in the other. Today, the enemy's persuasion to add more
sheeple to the Christian death fold is spiritually and emotionally violent, more
so than physical, and the astral plane is using fear like never before, while
working to make this kike impostor Christ look and seem more "enticing" than
ever before. This is not usually physically done, as *most* parts of the
physical Inquistion is over [depending on where one lives].

Look at all of the "Near Death Experiences" where even Atheists "come back" and
say how much they love Jewsus now, and then they start crying and shit like
that. My point is that these experiences with this fake entity are sometimes
real, despite that it isn't an actual, living being, but a programmed thoughform
that they are dealing with. The enemy relies on the "juice" from Gentiles to
keep the Nazarene batteries charged.

Many Christians have lost all sense of reasoning, where if you talk to them,
they look and sound like a fucking emotionless robot, although they still have
an agenda... to get their family "saved" and into a life of "repentence" from
all human nature. These Christians deserve capital punishment for high treason.
They should not be spared, but put out of their misery and out of everyone
else's misery, too. Other Christians are just blinded to reality and are
confused. Take my mother for example again, she looks like she is headed
towards that robot stage of Christianity, but, if you really look and see into
her eyes, you can tell that she is lost and sad, and she is at a conflict within
her racial soul, as her Irish spirit of heathenism/original Paganism is still
fighting to rise from the "bottomless pit" within.

I have some good news, though. My father who is still married to my mother was
a Christian, and he put up with all of her Christian nagging and invasions of
so-called "free will," but with my teachings that I designed to ease him out of
Christianity and see the truth about Satan and his Demons and our religion, he
has TOTALLY LEFT Christianity, slamming the door shut and locking that door
behind him. He is not a Satanist yet, as he currently hates all forms of
religion, but he is alive and well... and hilarious! He is so much different
now that he isn't a Christian anymore. He also believes that our Gods/esses ARE
real extra-terrestrial Nordics, and he has an interest in "mystical" authors
like Carlos Castenada, and related, as well as all things UFO's and
"supernatural." One other thing is that he has never been too fond of the Jews.
Now he knows why. I can't speed up this process, though, as the Jews are worse
than Christianity in how they plague the human soul like cancer. In addition
they are the roots and branches of all things Christian. My father will run to
the truth soon enough, without me putting any kind of pressure on him, as his
soul knows the truth. He has told me how proud of me he is with what I know.
Admittedly, I wasn't expecting any kind of praise. Even so, all of the praise
goes to Satan who works through me.

It is within all Gentiles to want every Jew destroyed, as the Jews want each and
every one of us destroyed, but many Gentiles have been brainwashed into
accepting the Jews as the "Chosen of God." Even some of the Atheistic Gentile
soldiers for Social and Cultural Marxism are at conflict within their inner
soul. Some will wake up, but other's won't. Time will tell. Social and
Cultural Marxism, however, are more compatible with Christianity, as Jewsus was
the first Marxist. It's true, except he didn't exist, of course.

When dealing with Christians, NEVER slam things down their throats all at once,
while educating them, as they will need recovery time and time to soak the truth
in. Hate what has happened to their souls, and of course hate what they've done
to you. With the oil prices and such, the veil is going to drop, so to speak.
Just like how High Priestess Maxine has said that many people will want to join
on at the last moment, but it will be too late for them -- this will show who is
naturally one of us, and those who are robots to the point that they have run
out of all hope. When educating Christians, you will always find out who is
worth your time and who isn't. The same goes for those of other death cult
members -- even staunch and arrogant Atheists and Agnostics, as well neo-pagans
who are also anti-Satan. I have met some bitchraft Wicca people who are just as
much of a cancer as Christians.

In closing,

Satan WILL take care of the family members that he has faith in. With being
gentle with your approach of addressing Christians and such, I am in no way
advocating turning the other cheek, or being soft on them in any way. You can
do rituals to Father Satan, on their behalf, to work towards setting them
straight, and to put them in their place when and if the need arises. Trust me,
this is white magick, as you are doing them and yourself a favor. Same with
destroying the robotic Christians, as they are poisonous, and that their removal
is salvation for planet Earth. Always act legally, though.

"They [Christians] are toxic" [or poisonous, can't remember]. -- Adolf Hitler

Hail Satan!!


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], eremoslukos8@... wrote:

Thank you so much for making this post, HP Carlson! This is honestly the 1st
post I've read in some time due to my own attacks. Seems the enemy uses emotion
quit extensively! However, I did not post to talk of weakness, but strength!
This is what I've gotten from this, that I am being led to type at this time.
I've noticed the protection I have as aposed to everyone else, (save a person or
two who while rolling through the mall you catch their eye and you just both
know and give a big grin) I do however have to ask if my family will still be
either protected, or worthy of my energy when they treat me and speak of Our
Precious Father and Gods as such? Very negatively, they are old and very set in
their brain-washed ways!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priest Jake Carlson" <hammerofthegods_666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 07:23:23
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

In addition to the thread below, the kikes are and have been planning the
enforcement of their universal "Noahide Laws" [One World Government in the guise
of "peace"]. In this kike-run theocracy, ANYTHING of Gentile human nature is
punishable by decapitation by these laws. One of the seven laws concerns
"idolatry." If these laws were to be set down universally, guess what would
happen to us, despite the Jewish feminist BITCHcraft enthusiasts who worship
"the Goddess" as a feminist archetype. This isn't any kind of insult for women
or women's rights, only what the kikes do with such things.

The deluded Christians believe that this law against "idolatry" means that
they will have their heads put in the guillotine for saying "Jewsus is Lord,"
and for their worship of the "holy" trinity. Oh man, the kikes sure have them
fooled. From the Noahide books I've read, the kikes are waiting for the arrival
of their messiah, who is NONE OTHER THAN CHRIST!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0DTT3u2 ... re=related

However, these kike authors tend to play the "against Christianity" game. The
NON-EXISTENT Nazarene has almost fulfilled his purpose, in that, all of the
time, money, energy, and prayers that have been funneled into this kike son of a
bitch almost have him to the point of entering the world for the Jews, and "the
second coming" for the Christians.

On a positive note, although things are going to keep getting worse in the
world for a while, i.e., economy, Jewish world-chaos, the microchips and not
being able to buy or sell anything without the "mark" of Jesus [unbeknownst to
the Christians], our side has won the future for us. Satan is going to reclaim
this planet, and we may never see the official advent of Christ/Anti-Christ
[same thing, as odd as it may sound] in our lifetimes or any lifetimes after.
When Satan told certain disciples of his that "We have one," he wasn't kidding.

There is a difference between being scared/frightened versus being grounded
and taking care of one's self and their loved ones. Those who are without would
call such people "paranoid conspiracy nuts," BUT, that is because ignorance is
bliss to such wastes of human space.

Also, one must NEVER forget that with Satan and his Demons, we have a
protection that no one else has. For those of you who have been saying that
Satan and his Demons protect one's loved ones, you are totally correct.
Although the enemy has made attempts to use my family against me, at times, my
family has been protected, where things that they've worried about have been for
nothing, and those around them experienced things much worse. Satan watches out
for the loved ones of his dedicated ones.

For further strength for your loved ones who are without, build auras of
protection around them, and charge their auras with mantras for manifesting
prosperity, excellent health, and of course, safety and protection at all times
and in every way.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@ wrote:

..Hail Satan!! No, it is not a scare tactic, it is actually happeneing.
In 2002, the VeriChip Corporation (known as the "Positive ID Corporation"
since November 2009) received preliminary approval from the United States Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its device in the U.S. within specific
guidelines. The device received FDA approval in 2004, and was marketed under the
name VeriChip or VeriMed. The way they are implementing this is that it is for
'medical history' and help in emergencies, like the id one wears such as
diabetic, allergies to certain meds..ect. Look, i work in healthcare and i would
not put it past the kike to already have this shit in the so called 'mandatory
vaccines'. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can be
linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal
identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact
information. This was 2004, so now it can just be injected.
It is also interesting that 'Positive ID Corporation"--
is owned by Digital Angel Corporation--

http://www.rfidnews.org/2011/10/11/posi ... srael&#92;
that was 2010-2011. last year.
So, no it is not 'scare tactic' it is reality of this world.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Reliant Gorgoth <darkfury211@ wrote:

what, the microchip? or are you saying that I personally, am using a jew
scare tactic?

From: Mike Leskela <mleskela@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise


just another jew scare tactic.Dont feed into this BS.

--- On Fri, 3/30/12, Merlin <darkfury211@ wrote:

From: Merlin <darkfury211@
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, March 30, 2012, 11:21 PM


http://current.com/community/90842279_c ... e-an-&#92;
implantable-microchip.htmthe following quotation is from the above website. this
is important for all satanists to read. if you know a satanist that is unable to
get on the groups but that you are in contact with, please pass the information
on."The Obama Health care bill under Class II (Paragraph 1, Section B)
specifically includes ``(ii) a class II device that is implantable." Then on
page 1004 it describes what the term "data" means in paragraph 1, section B: 14
``(B) In this paragraph, the term `data' refers to in15 formation respecting a
device described in paragraph (1), 16 including claims data, patient survey
data, standardized 17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of
18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health 19 records, and any
other data deemed appropriate by the 20 Secretary" What exactly is a class II
device that is
implantable? Lets see... Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable
device is a "implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient
identification and health information." The purpose of a class II device is to
collect data in medical patients such as "claims data, patient survey data,
standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from
disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data
deemed appropriate by the Secretary." This sort of device would be implanted in
the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care
option. With the reform of the private insurance companies, who charge
outrageous rates, many people will switch their coverage to a more affordable
insurance plan. This means the number of people who choose the public option
will increase. This also means the number of people chipped will be plentiful as
well. The adults who choose to have a chip implanted
are the lucky (yes, lucky) ones in this case. Children who are "born in
the United States who at the time of birth is not otherwise covered under
acceptable coverage" will be qualified and placed into the CHIP or Children's
Health Insurance Program (what a convenient name). With a name like CHIP it
would seem consistent to have the chip implanted into a child. Children
conceived by parents who are already covered under the public option will more
than likely be implanted with a chip by the consent of the parent. Eventually
everyone will be implanted with a chip. And with the price and coverage of the
public option being so competitive with the private companies, the private
company may not survive. So will everyone be covered by the public option
eventually?????? And does that mean everyone will be chipped????? "Hail Satan!

What do YOU know about the term "deluded?" YOU are the one that is deluded, and you KNOW it! SATAN and his Demons are the only true Gods, and there is NOTHING you can do about it. When he returns to his earth, you will be the one who will face his WRATH, and there isn't a goddamned thing you can do to change these facts.

The only reason I let this message through is because it serves as an example of some of the Christians I mentioned below. YOU ARE A ROBOT THAT IS BEYOND REDEMPTION!! Satan/Lucifer, the Light-Bearer, is the only bringer of immortality and spiritual perfection. You robots cannot begin to comprehend perfection. You probably believe that you don't even have to be perfect, as long as you have repented from all human nature, and have "Christ Jewsus" on your side.

Oh, let it be known that you are damned by Satan and there is no turning back for you, but I am not going to waste my time pitying you, Jew-lover.

The Nazarene "cross" with his blood on it will never "save" ANYONE, and it NEVER HAS!! The true salvation for this planet is the Swastika. Satan, the Creator of humanity sent his prophet Adolf Hitler to save the Gentile peoples. He has WON the official war. You will be groveling at Adolf Hitler's feet when you realize how right he is and how wrong you are.

You probably think you know that we humans have souls, but what happened to yours??? You let the maggots have a feast is what you did.

"Perversion?" Homo/bisexuality is natural- always has and always will be. We will NOT "repent." Repentence from human nature is for crazies, like yourself who no longer have a soul. When you see Adolf Hitler's face shining like the Sun, you will realize that your "immortal" soul no longer exists, once you feel his wrath. Who are you calling a "pervert?" An orgasm would kill you.

Run, run, run... run back to church and synagogue. Spare your ignorance and delusions to someone who will listen.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], obinna okonkwo <obinnaezeeme@... wrote:

please let it e known to you that jehovah is the only true God, jesus christ his son is the Lord of all,
there is nothing you do to change
that and except you repent from evil, pervation and blasphemy, you will
one day face his wrath, but the good news is that the gate of heaven is
still open to you and to all deluded , concieted individuals that call
themselves satanist,
if you recieve jesus today as your lord and saviour...

From: High Priest Jake Carlson <hammerofthegods_666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 10:17 AM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Thread

**** If you are against so-called "anti-Semitism," then you might not want to read this. Unfortunately, communism and related have turned many GLBT's into sissy foot soldiers for the enemies of Satan. Our mission is to release GLBT's from this prison and wake them up to reality. Unfortunately, the GLBT's who do not wake up and put no effort into it will have the same fate as the Christians who don't wake up. Hail Satan!****


Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

My mother still hates Satan, and she deserves to be treated with contempt and
derision, at times, BUT, she NEVER EVEN DARES to talk about her love of Jewsus,
and hatred towards Satan to me or around me anymore. My advice is to have some
extreme patience, unless your family is RIGHT in your fucking face, trying to
destroy you up and down, inside and out.

However, the "extreme patience" that I am referring to is that as things keep
getting worse in the world, they'll notice that there is no Jewsus "rapture" and
that Jewsus isn't coming, so maybe, just maybe, they might begin to question
things, which may possibly lead up to the moment that they take heed to all of
your attempts to enlighten them. They'll be like "Hey, what if what
'eremoslukos8' says has merit to it?" We can never underestimate ourselves and
our abilities that are granted to us by Satan.

So many Christians aren't Christian by their own free will anymore, which is no
different than the Middle Ages when it was conversion by Christian "love" on the
one hand and a sword in the other. Today, the enemy's persuasion to add more
sheeple to the Christian death fold is spiritually and emotionally violent, more
so than physical, and the astral plane is using fear like never before, while
working to make this kike impostor Christ look and seem more "enticing" than
ever before. This is not usually physically done, as *most* parts of the
physical Inquistion is over [depending on where one lives].

Look at all of the "Near Death Experiences" where even Atheists "come back" and
say how much they love Jewsus now, and then they start crying and shit like
that. My point is that these experiences with this fake entity are sometimes
real, despite that it isn't an actual, living being, but a programmed thoughform
that they are dealing with. The enemy relies on the "juice" from Gentiles to
keep the Nazarene batteries charged.

Many Christians have lost all sense of reasoning, where if you talk to them,
they look and sound like a fucking emotionless robot, although they still have
an agenda... to get their family "saved" and into a life of "repentence" from
all human nature. These Christians deserve capital punishment for high treason.
They should not be spared, but put out of their misery and out of everyone
else's misery, too. Other Christians are just blinded to reality and are
confused. Take my mother for example again, she looks like she is headed
towards that robot stage of Christianity, but, if you really look and see into
her eyes, you can tell that she is lost and sad, and she is at a conflict within
her racial soul, as her Irish spirit of heathenism/original Paganism is still
fighting to rise from the "bottomless pit" within.

I have some good news, though. My father who is still married to my mother was
a Christian, and he put up with all of her Christian nagging and invasions of
so-called "free will," but with my teachings that I designed to ease him out of
Christianity and see the truth about Satan and his Demons and our religion, he
has TOTALLY LEFT Christianity, slamming the door shut and locking that door
behind him. He is not a Satanist yet, as he currently hates all forms of
religion, but he is alive and well... and hilarious! He is so much different
now that he isn't a Christian anymore. He also believes that our Gods/esses ARE
real extra-terrestrial Nordics, and he has an interest in "mystical" authors
like Carlos Castenada, and related, as well as all things UFO's and
"supernatural." One other thing is that he has never been too fond of the Jews.
Now he knows why. I can't speed up this process, though, as the Jews are worse
than Christianity in how they plague the human soul like cancer. In addition
they are the roots and branches of all things Christian. My father will run to
the truth soon enough, without me putting any kind of pressure on him, as his
soul knows the truth. He has told me how proud of me he is with what I know.
Admittedly, I wasn't expecting any kind of praise. Even so, all of the praise
goes to Satan who works through me.

It is within all Gentiles to want every Jew destroyed, as the Jews want each and
every one of us destroyed, but many Gentiles have been brainwashed into
accepting the Jews as the "Chosen of God." Even some of the Atheistic Gentile
soldiers for Social and Cultural Marxism are at conflict within their inner
soul. Some will wake up, but other's won't. Time will tell. Social and
Cultural Marxism, however, are more compatible with Christianity, as Jewsus was
the first Marxist. It's true, except he didn't exist, of course.

When dealing with Christians, NEVER slam things down their throats all at once,
while educating them, as they will need recovery time and time to soak the truth
in. Hate what has happened to their souls, and of course hate what they've done
to you. With the oil prices and such, the veil is going to drop, so to speak.
Just like how High Priestess Maxine has said that many people will want to join
on at the last moment, but it will be too late for them -- this will show who is
naturally one of us, and those who are robots to the point that they have run
out of all hope. When educating Christians, you will always find out who is
worth your time and who isn't. The same goes for those of other death cult
members -- even staunch and arrogant Atheists and Agnostics, as well neo-pagans
who are also anti-Satan. I have met some bitchraft Wicca people who are just as
much of a cancer as Christians.

In closing,

Satan WILL take care of the family members that he has faith in. With being
gentle with your approach of addressing Christians and such, I am in no way
advocating turning the other cheek, or being soft on them in any way. You can
do rituals to Father Satan, on their behalf, to work towards setting them
straight, and to put them in their place when and if the need arises. Trust me,
this is white magick, as you are doing them and yourself a favor. Same with
destroying the robotic Christians, as they are poisonous, and that their removal
is salvation for planet Earth. Always act legally, though.

"They [Christians] are toxic" [or poisonous, can't remember]. -- Adolf Hitler

Hail Satan!!


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], eremoslukos8@ wrote:

Thank you so much for making this post, HP Carlson! This is honestly the 1st
post I've read in some time due to my own attacks. Seems the enemy uses emotion
quit extensively! However, I did not post to talk of weakness, but strength!
This is what I've gotten from this, that I am being led to type at this time.
I've noticed the protection I have as aposed to everyone else, (save a person or
two who while rolling through the mall you catch their eye and you just both
know and give a big grin) I do however have to ask if my family will still be
either protected, or worthy of my energy when they treat me and speak of Our
Precious Father and Gods as such? Very negatively, they are old and very set in
their brain-washed ways!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priest Jake Carlson" <hammerofthegods_666@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 07:23:23
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

In addition to the thread below, the kikes are and have been planning the
enforcement of their universal "Noahide Laws" [One World Government in the guise
of "peace"]. In this kike-run theocracy, ANYTHING of Gentile human nature is
punishable by decapitation by these laws. One of the seven laws concerns
"idolatry." If these laws were to be set down universally, guess what would
happen to us, despite the Jewish feminist BITCHcraft enthusiasts who worship
"the Goddess" as a feminist archetype. This isn't any kind of insult for women
or women's rights, only what the kikes do with such things.

The deluded Christians believe that this law against "idolatry" means that
they will have their heads put in the guillotine for saying "Jewsus is Lord,"
and for their worship of the "holy" trinity. Oh man, the kikes sure have them
fooled. From the Noahide books I've read, the kikes are waiting for the arrival
of their messiah, who is NONE OTHER THAN CHRIST!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0DTT3u2 ... re=related

However, these kike authors tend to play the "against Christianity" game. The
NON-EXISTENT Nazarene has almost fulfilled his purpose, in that, all of the
time, money, energy, and prayers that have been funneled into this kike son of a
bitch almost have him to the point of entering the world for the Jews, and "the
second coming" for the Christians.

On a positive note, although things are going to keep getting worse in the
world for a while, i.e., economy, Jewish world-chaos, the microchips and not
being able to buy or sell anything without the "mark" of Jesus [unbeknownst to
the Christians], our side has won the future for us. Satan is going to reclaim
this planet, and we may never see the official advent of Christ/Anti-Christ
[same thing, as odd as it may sound] in our lifetimes or any lifetimes after.
When Satan told certain disciples of his that "We have one," he wasn't kidding.

There is a difference between being scared/frightened versus being grounded
and taking care of one's self and their loved ones. Those who are without would
call such people "paranoid conspiracy nuts," BUT, that is because ignorance is
bliss to such wastes of human space.

Also, one must NEVER forget that with Satan and his Demons, we have a
protection that no one else has. For those of you who have been saying that
Satan and his Demons protect one's loved ones, you are totally correct.
Although the enemy has made attempts to use my family against me, at times, my
family has been protected, where things that they've worried about have been for
nothing, and those around them experienced things much worse. Satan watches out
for the loved ones of his dedicated ones.

For further strength for your loved ones who are without, build auras of
protection around them, and charge their auras with mantras for manifesting
prosperity, excellent health, and of course, safety and protection at all times
and in every way.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@ wrote:

..Hail Satan!! No, it is not a scare tactic, it is actually happeneing.
In 2002, the VeriChip Corporation (known as the "Positive ID Corporation"
since November 2009) received preliminary approval from the United States Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its device in the U.S. within specific
guidelines. The device received FDA approval in 2004, and was marketed under the
name VeriChip or VeriMed. The way they are implementing this is that it is for
'medical history' and help in emergencies, like the id one wears such as
diabetic, allergies to certain meds..ect. Look, i work in healthcare and i would
not put it past the kike to already have this shit in the so called 'mandatory
vaccines'. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can be
linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal
identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact
information. This was 2004, so now it can just be injected.
It is also interesting that 'Positive ID Corporation"--
is owned by Digital Angel Corporation--

http://www.rfidnews.org/2011/10/11/posi ... srael&#92;
that was 2010-2011. last year.
So, no it is not 'scare tactic' it is reality of this world.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Reliant Gorgoth <darkfury211@ wrote:

what, the microchip? or are you saying that I personally, am using a jew
scare tactic?

From: Mike Leskela <mleskela@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise


just another jew scare tactic.Dont feed into this BS.

--- On Fri, 3/30/12, Merlin <darkfury211@ wrote:

From: Merlin <darkfury211@
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, March 30, 2012, 11:21 PM


http://current.com/community/90842279_c ... e-an-&#92;
implantable-microchip.htmthe following quotation is from the above website. this
is important for all satanists to read. if you know a satanist that is unable to
get on the groups but that you are in contact with, please pass the information
on."The Obama Health care bill under Class II (Paragraph 1, Section B)
specifically includes ``(ii) a class II device that is implantable." Then on
page 1004 it describes what the term "data" means in paragraph 1, section B: 14
``(B) In this paragraph, the term `data' refers to in15 formation respecting a
device described in paragraph (1), 16 including claims data, patient survey
data, standardized 17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of
18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health 19 records, and any
other data deemed appropriate by the 20 Secretary" What exactly is a class II
device that is
implantable? Lets see... Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable
device is a "implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient
identification and health information." The purpose of a class II device is to
collect data in medical patients such as "claims data, patient survey data,
standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from
disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data
deemed appropriate by the Secretary." This sort of device would be implanted in
the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care
option. With the reform of the private insurance companies, who charge
outrageous rates, many people will switch their coverage to a more affordable
insurance plan. This means the number of people who choose the public option
will increase. This also means the number of people chipped will be plentiful as
well. The adults who choose to have a chip implanted
are the lucky (yes, lucky) ones in this case. Children who are "born in
the United States who at the time of birth is not otherwise covered under
acceptable coverage" will be qualified and placed into the CHIP or Children's
Health Insurance Program (what a convenient name). With a name like CHIP it
would seem consistent to have the chip implanted into a child. Children
conceived by parents who are already covered under the public option will more
than likely be implanted with a chip by the consent of the parent. Eventually
everyone will be implanted with a chip. And with the price and coverage of the
public option being so competitive with the private companies, the private
company may not survive. So will everyone be covered by the public option
eventually?????? And does that mean everyone will be chipped????? "Hail Satan!
The jewsus freaks always [/IMG]</var>
From: High Priest Jake Carlson <hammerofthegods_666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 1:00:57 PM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Re: Thread

  What do YOU know about the term "deluded?" YOU are the one that is deluded, and you KNOW it! SATAN and his Demons are the only true Gods, and there is NOTHING you can do about it. When he returns to his earth, you will be the one who will face his WRATH, and there isn't a goddamned thing you can do to change these facts.

The only reason I let this message through is because it serves as an example of some of the Christians I mentioned below. YOU ARE A ROBOT THAT IS BEYOND REDEMPTION!! Satan/Lucifer, the Light-Bearer, is the only bringer of immortality and spiritual perfection. You robots cannot begin to comprehend perfection. You probably believe that you don't even have to be perfect, as long as you have repented from all human nature, and have "Christ Jewsus" on your side.

Oh, let it be known that you are damned by Satan and there is no turning back for you, but I am not going to waste my time pitying you, Jew-lover.

The Nazarene "cross" with his blood on it will never "save" ANYONE, and it NEVER HAS!! The true salvation for this planet is the Swastika. Satan, the Creator of humanity sent his prophet Adolf Hitler to save the Gentile peoples. He has WON the official war. You will be groveling at Adolf Hitler's feet when you realize how right he is and how wrong you are.

You probably think you know that we humans have souls, but what happened to yours??? You let the maggots have a feast is what you did.

"Perversion?" Homo/bisexuality is natural- always has and always will be. We will NOT "repent." Repentence from human nature is for crazies, like yourself who no longer have a soul. When you see Adolf Hitler's face shining like the Sun, you will realize that your "immortal" soul no longer exists, once you feel his wrath. Who are you calling a "pervert?" An orgasm would kill you.

Run, run, run... run back to church and synagogue. Spare your ignorance and delusions to someone who will listen.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], obinna okonkwo <obinnaezeeme@... wrote:

please let it e known to you that jehovah is the only true God, jesus christ his son is the Lord of all,
there is nothing you do to change
that and except you repent from evil, pervation and blasphemy, you will
one day face his wrath, but the good news is that the gate of heaven is
still open to you and to all deluded , concieted individuals that call
themselves satanist,
if you recieve jesus today as your lord and saviour...

From: High Priest Jake Carlson <hammerofthegods_666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 10:17 AM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Thread

**** If you are against so-called "anti-Semitism," then you might not want to read this. Unfortunately, communism and related have turned many GLBT's into sissy foot soldiers for the enemies of Satan. Our mission is to release GLBT's from this prison and wake them up to reality. Unfortunately, the GLBT's who do not wake up and put no effort into it will have the same fate as the Christians who don't wake up. Hail Satan!****


Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

My mother still hates Satan, and she deserves to be treated with contempt and
derision, at times, BUT, she NEVER EVEN DARES to talk about her love of Jewsus,
and hatred towards Satan to me or around me anymore. My advice is to have some
extreme patience, unless your family is RIGHT in your fucking face, trying to
destroy you up and down, inside and out.

However, the "extreme patience" that I am referring to is that as things keep
getting worse in the world, they'll notice that there is no Jewsus "rapture" and
that Jewsus isn't coming, so maybe, just maybe, they might begin to question
things, which may possibly lead up to the moment that they take heed to all of
your attempts to enlighten them. They'll be like "Hey, what if what
'eremoslukos8' says has merit to it?" We can never underestimate ourselves and
our abilities that are granted to us by Satan.

So many Christians aren't Christian by their own free will anymore, which is no
different than the Middle Ages when it was conversion by Christian "love" on the
one hand and a sword in the other. Today, the enemy's persuasion to add more
sheeple to the Christian death fold is spiritually and emotionally violent, more
so than physical, and the astral plane is using fear like never before, while
working to make this kike impostor Christ look and seem more "enticing" than
ever before. This is not usually physically done, as *most* parts of the
physical Inquistion is over [depending on where one lives].

Look at all of the "Near Death Experiences" where even Atheists "come back" and
say how much they love Jewsus now, and then they start crying and shit like
that. My point is that these experiences with this fake entity are sometimes
real, despite that it isn't an actual, living being, but a programmed thoughform
that they are dealing with. The enemy relies on the "juice" from Gentiles to
keep the Nazarene batteries charged.

Many Christians have lost all sense of reasoning, where if you talk to them,
they look and sound like a fucking emotionless robot, although they still have
an agenda... to get their family "saved" and into a life of "repentence" from
all human nature. These Christians deserve capital punishment for high treason.
They should not be spared, but put out of their misery and out of everyone
else's misery, too. Other Christians are just blinded to reality and are
confused. Take my mother for example again, she looks like she is headed
towards that robot stage of Christianity, but, if you really look and see into
her eyes, you can tell that she is lost and sad, and she is at a conflict within
her racial soul, as her Irish spirit of heathenism/original Paganism is still
fighting to rise from the "bottomless pit" within.

I have some good news, though. My father who is still married to my mother was
a Christian, and he put up with all of her Christian nagging and invasions of
so-called "free will," but with my teachings that I designed to ease him out of
Christianity and see the truth about Satan and his Demons and our religion, he
has TOTALLY LEFT Christianity, slamming the door shut and locking that door
behind him. He is not a Satanist yet, as he currently hates all forms of
religion, but he is alive and well... and hilarious! He is so much different
now that he isn't a Christian anymore. He also believes that our Gods/esses ARE
real extra-terrestrial Nordics, and he has an interest in "mystical" authors
like Carlos Castenada, and related, as well as all things UFO's and
"supernatural." One other thing is that he has never been too fond of the Jews.
Now he knows why. I can't speed up this process, though, as the Jews are worse
than Christianity in how they plague the human soul like cancer. In addition
they are the roots and branches of all things Christian. My father will run to
the truth soon enough, without me putting any kind of pressure on him, as his
soul knows the truth. He has told me how proud of me he is with what I know.
Admittedly, I wasn't expecting any kind of praise. Even so, all of the praise
goes to Satan who works through me.

It is within all Gentiles to want every Jew destroyed, as the Jews want each and
every one of us destroyed, but many Gentiles have been brainwashed into
accepting the Jews as the "Chosen of God." Even some of the Atheistic Gentile
soldiers for Social and Cultural Marxism are at conflict within their inner
soul. Some will wake up, but other's won't. Time will tell. Social and
Cultural Marxism, however, are more compatible with Christianity, as Jewsus was
the first Marxist. It's true, except he didn't exist, of course.

When dealing with Christians, NEVER slam things down their throats all at once,
while educating them, as they will need recovery time and time to soak the truth
in. Hate what has happened to their souls, and of course hate what they've done
to you. With the oil prices and such, the veil is going to drop, so to speak.
Just like how High Priestess Maxine has said that many people will want to join
on at the last moment, but it will be too late for them -- this will show who is
naturally one of us, and those who are robots to the point that they have run
out of all hope. When educating Christians, you will always find out who is
worth your time and who isn't. The same goes for those of other death cult
members -- even staunch and arrogant Atheists and Agnostics, as well neo-pagans
who are also anti-Satan. I have met some bitchraft Wicca people who are just as
much of a cancer as Christians.

In closing,

Satan WILL take care of the family members that he has faith in. With being
gentle with your approach of addressing Christians and such, I am in no way
advocating turning the other cheek, or being soft on them in any way. You can
do rituals to Father Satan, on their behalf, to work towards setting them
straight, and to put them in their place when and if the need arises. Trust me,
this is white magick, as you are doing them and yourself a favor. Same with
destroying the robotic Christians, as they are poisonous, and that their removal
is salvation for planet Earth. Always act legally, though.

"They [Christians] are toxic" [or poisonous, can't remember]. -- Adolf Hitler

Hail Satan!!


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], eremoslukos8@ wrote:

Thank you so much for making this post, HP Carlson! This is honestly the 1st
post I've read in some time due to my own attacks. Seems the enemy uses emotion
quit extensively! However, I did not post to talk of weakness, but strength!
This is what I've gotten from this, that I am being led to type at this time.
I've noticed the protection I have as aposed to everyone else, (save a person or
two who while rolling through the mall you catch their eye and you just both
know and give a big grin) I do however have to ask if my family will still be
either protected, or worthy of my energy when they treat me and speak of Our
Precious Father and Gods as such? Very negatively, they are old and very set in
their brain-washed ways!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priest Jake Carlson" <hammerofthegods_666@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 07:23:23
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

In addition to the thread below, the kikes are and have been planning the
enforcement of their universal "Noahide Laws" [One World Government in the guise
of "peace"]. In this kike-run theocracy, ANYTHING of Gentile human nature is
punishable by decapitation by these laws. One of the seven laws concerns
"idolatry." If these laws were to be set down universally, guess what would
happen to us, despite the Jewish feminist BITCHcraft enthusiasts who worship
"the Goddess" as a feminist archetype. This isn't any kind of insult for women
or women's rights, only what the kikes do with such things.

The deluded Christians believe that this law against "idolatry" means that
they will have their heads put in the guillotine for saying "Jewsus is Lord,"
and for their worship of the "holy" trinity. Oh man, the kikes sure have them
fooled. From the Noahide books I've read, the kikes are waiting for the arrival
of their messiah, who is NONE OTHER THAN CHRIST!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0DTT3u2 ... re=related

However, these kike authors tend to play the "against Christianity" game. The
NON-EXISTENT Nazarene has almost fulfilled his purpose, in that, all of the
time, money, energy, and prayers that have been funneled into this kike son of a
bitch almost have him to the point of entering the world for the Jews, and "the
second coming" for the Christians.

On a positive note, although things are going to keep getting worse in the
world for a while, i.e., economy, Jewish world-chaos, the microchips and not
being able to buy or sell anything without the "mark" of Jesus [unbeknownst to
the Christians], our side has won the future for us. Satan is going to reclaim
this planet, and we may never see the official advent of Christ/Anti-Christ
[same thing, as odd as it may sound] in our lifetimes or any lifetimes after.
When Satan told certain disciples of his that "We have one," he wasn't kidding.

There is a difference between being scared/frightened versus being grounded
and taking care of one's self and their loved ones. Those who are without would
call such people "paranoid conspiracy nuts," BUT, that is because ignorance is
bliss to such wastes of human space.

Also, one must NEVER forget that with Satan and his Demons, we have a
protection that no one else has. For those of you who have been saying that
Satan and his Demons protect one's loved ones, you are totally correct.
Although the enemy has made attempts to use my family against me, at times, my
family has been protected, where things that they've worried about have been for
nothing, and those around them experienced things much worse. Satan watches out
for the loved ones of his dedicated ones.

For further strength for your loved ones who are without, build auras of
protection around them, and charge their auras with mantras for manifesting
prosperity, excellent health, and of course, safety and protection at all times
and in every way.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@ wrote:

..Hail Satan!! No, it is not a scare tactic, it is actually happeneing.
In 2002, the VeriChip Corporation (known as the "Positive ID Corporation"
since November 2009) received preliminary approval from the United States Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its device in the U.S. within specific
guidelines. The device received FDA approval in 2004, and was marketed under the
name VeriChip or VeriMed. The way they are implementing this is that it is for
'medical history' and help in emergencies, like the id one wears such as
diabetic, allergies to certain meds..ect. Look, i work in healthcare and i would
not put it past the kike to already have this shit in the so called 'mandatory
vaccines'. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can be
linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal
identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact
information. This was 2004, so now it can just be injected.
It is also interesting that 'Positive ID Corporation"--
is owned by Digital Angel Corporation--

http://www.rfidnews.org/2011/10/11/posi ... srael&#92;
that was 2010-2011. last year.
So, no it is not 'scare tactic' it is reality of this world.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Reliant Gorgoth <darkfury211@ wrote:

what, the microchip? or are you saying that I personally, am using a jew
scare tactic?

From: Mike Leskela <mleskela@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise


just another jew scare tactic.Dont feed into this BS.

--- On Fri, 3/30/12, Merlin <darkfury211@ wrote:

From: Merlin <darkfury211@
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, March 30, 2012, 11:21 PM


http://current.com/community/90842279_c ... e-an-&#92;
implantable-microchip.htmthe following quotation is from the above website. this
is important for all satanists to read. if you know a satanist that is unable to
get on the groups but that you are in contact with, please pass the information
on."The Obama Health care bill under Class II (Paragraph 1, Section B)
specifically includes ``(ii) a class II device that is implantable." Then on
page 1004 it describes what the term "data" means in paragraph 1, section B: 14
``(B) In this paragraph, the term `data' refers to in15 formation respecting a
device described in paragraph (1), 16 including claims data, patient survey
data, standardized 17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of
18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health 19 records, and any
other data deemed appropriate by the 20 Secretary" What exactly is a class II
device that is
implantable? Lets see... Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable
device is a "implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient
identification and health information." The purpose of a class II device is to
collect data in medical patients such as "claims data, patient survey data,
standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from
disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data
deemed appropriate by the Secretary." This sort of device would be implanted in
the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care
option. With the reform of the private insurance companies, who charge
outrageous rates, many people will switch their coverage to a more affordable
insurance plan. This means the number of people who choose the public option
will increase. This also means the number of people chipped will be plentiful as
well. The adults who choose to have a chip implanted
are the lucky (yes, lucky) ones in this case. Children who are "born in
the United States who at the time of birth is not otherwise covered under
acceptable coverage" will be qualified and placed into the CHIP or Children's
Health Insurance Program (what a convenient name). With a name like CHIP it
would seem consistent to have the chip implanted into a child. Children
conceived by parents who are already covered under the public option will more
than likely be implanted with a chip by the consent of the parent. Eventually
everyone will be implanted with a chip. And with the price and coverage of the
public option being so competitive with the private companies, the private
company may not survive. So will everyone be covered by the public option
eventually?????? And does that mean everyone will be chipped????? "Hail Satan!

Ah, a Jebus worshipping freak is here. Just like the one that stalked me a week ago. (Seriously, as soon as he found out my religion he stalked me until I used black magick on him.)

Anyways. I won't recieve a fake evil god as my own, one that goes against human nature, one that hates everything fundamental to the human race, and as Jake Carlson said, you Obinna Okonkwo. Or however the fuck you spell that. Or even pronounce it. I'm glad I've woken up to the truth. I guess I did because I'm not a robot like you. I didn't go by Jehovah's rules even when I was a Christian. I'm glad I woke up before I turned in to something like you, Obinna.

I'm proud to be a Spiritual Satanist, and gay. There is nothing wrong with it. Your religion on the other hand will face our wrath. While not as heartless as Jehovah's burn forever bullshit. You will feel what your religion has done to all who dare oppose it, and trust me. It'll hurt.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

The jewsus freaks always give their slogans without any evidence. When asked for evidence they state the bible. When asked to prove the bible as vaild text. They quote from the.......bible as proof. Circular reasoning from tiny minds with big mouths.
Jewsus freaks talk a lot but never have anything to say.

From: High Priest Jake Carlson <hammerofthegods_666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 1:00:57 PM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Re: Thread

What do YOU know about the term "deluded?" YOU are the one that is deluded, and you KNOW it! SATAN and his Demons are the only true Gods, and there is NOTHING you can do about it. When he returns to his earth, you will be the one who will face his WRATH, and there isn't a goddamned thing you can do to change these facts.

The only reason I let this message through is because it serves as an example of some of the Christians I mentioned below. YOU ARE A ROBOT THAT IS BEYOND REDEMPTION!! Satan/Lucifer, the Light-Bearer, is the only bringer of immortality and spiritual perfection. You robots cannot begin to comprehend perfection. You probably believe that you don't even have to be perfect, as long as you have repented from all human nature, and have "Christ Jewsus" on your side.

Oh, let it be known that you are damned by Satan and there is no turning back for you, but I am not going to waste my time pitying you, Jew-lover.

The Nazarene "cross" with his blood on it will never "save" ANYONE, and it NEVER HAS!! The true salvation for this planet is the Swastika. Satan, the Creator of humanity sent his prophet Adolf Hitler to save the Gentile peoples. He has WON the official war. You will be groveling at Adolf Hitler's feet when you realize how right he is and how wrong you are.

You probably think you know that we humans have souls, but what happened to yours??? You let the maggots have a feast is what you did.

"Perversion?" Homo/bisexuality is natural- always has and always will be. We will NOT "repent." Repentence from human nature is for crazies, like yourself who no longer have a soul. When you see Adolf Hitler's face shining like the Sun, you will realize that your "immortal" soul no longer exists, once you feel his wrath. Who are you calling a "pervert?" An orgasm would kill you.

Run, run, run... run back to church and synagogue. Spare your ignorance and delusions to someone who will listen.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], obinna okonkwo <obinnaezeeme@ wrote:

please let it e known to you that jehovah is the only true God, jesus christ his son is the Lord of all,
there is nothing you do to change
that and except you repent from evil, pervation and blasphemy, you will
one day face his wrath, but the good news is that the gate of heaven is
still open to you and to all deluded , concieted individuals that call
themselves satanist,
if you recieve jesus today as your lord and saviour...

From: High Priest Jake Carlson <hammerofthegods_666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 10:17 AM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Thread

**** If you are against so-called "anti-Semitism," then you might not want to read this. Unfortunately, communism and related have turned many GLBT's into sissy foot soldiers for the enemies of Satan. Our mission is to release GLBT's from this prison and wake them up to reality. Unfortunately, the GLBT's who do not wake up and put no effort into it will have the same fate as the Christians who don't wake up. Hail Satan!****


Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

My mother still hates Satan, and she deserves to be treated with contempt and
derision, at times, BUT, she NEVER EVEN DARES to talk about her love of Jewsus,
and hatred towards Satan to me or around me anymore. My advice is to have some
extreme patience, unless your family is RIGHT in your fucking face, trying to
destroy you up and down, inside and out.

However, the "extreme patience" that I am referring to is that as things keep
getting worse in the world, they'll notice that there is no Jewsus "rapture" and
that Jewsus isn't coming, so maybe, just maybe, they might begin to question
things, which may possibly lead up to the moment that they take heed to all of
your attempts to enlighten them. They'll be like "Hey, what if what
'eremoslukos8' says has merit to it?" We can never underestimate ourselves and
our abilities that are granted to us by Satan.

So many Christians aren't Christian by their own free will anymore, which is no
different than the Middle Ages when it was conversion by Christian "love" on the
one hand and a sword in the other. Today, the enemy's persuasion to add more
sheeple to the Christian death fold is spiritually and emotionally violent, more
so than physical, and the astral plane is using fear like never before, while
working to make this kike impostor Christ look and seem more "enticing" than
ever before. This is not usually physically done, as *most* parts of the
physical Inquistion is over [depending on where one lives].

Look at all of the "Near Death Experiences" where even Atheists "come back" and
say how much they love Jewsus now, and then they start crying and shit like
that. My point is that these experiences with this fake entity are sometimes
real, despite that it isn't an actual, living being, but a programmed thoughform
that they are dealing with. The enemy relies on the "juice" from Gentiles to
keep the Nazarene batteries charged.

Many Christians have lost all sense of reasoning, where if you talk to them,
they look and sound like a fucking emotionless robot, although they still have
an agenda... to get their family "saved" and into a life of "repentence" from
all human nature. These Christians deserve capital punishment for high treason.
They should not be spared, but put out of their misery and out of everyone
else's misery, too. Other Christians are just blinded to reality and are
confused. Take my mother for example again, she looks like she is headed
towards that robot stage of Christianity, but, if you really look and see into
her eyes, you can tell that she is lost and sad, and she is at a conflict within
her racial soul, as her Irish spirit of heathenism/original Paganism is still
fighting to rise from the "bottomless pit" within.

I have some good news, though. My father who is still married to my mother was
a Christian, and he put up with all of her Christian nagging and invasions of
so-called "free will," but with my teachings that I designed to ease him out of
Christianity and see the truth about Satan and his Demons and our religion, he
has TOTALLY LEFT Christianity, slamming the door shut and locking that door
behind him. He is not a Satanist yet, as he currently hates all forms of
religion, but he is alive and well... and hilarious! He is so much different
now that he isn't a Christian anymore. He also believes that our Gods/esses ARE
real extra-terrestrial Nordics, and he has an interest in "mystical" authors
like Carlos Castenada, and related, as well as all things UFO's and
"supernatural." One other thing is that he has never been too fond of the Jews.
Now he knows why. I can't speed up this process, though, as the Jews are worse
than Christianity in how they plague the human soul like cancer. In addition
they are the roots and branches of all things Christian. My father will run to
the truth soon enough, without me putting any kind of pressure on him, as his
soul knows the truth. He has told me how proud of me he is with what I know.
Admittedly, I wasn't expecting any kind of praise. Even so, all of the praise
goes to Satan who works through me.

It is within all Gentiles to want every Jew destroyed, as the Jews want each and
every one of us destroyed, but many Gentiles have been brainwashed into
accepting the Jews as the "Chosen of God." Even some of the Atheistic Gentile
soldiers for Social and Cultural Marxism are at conflict within their inner
soul. Some will wake up, but other's won't. Time will tell. Social and
Cultural Marxism, however, are more compatible with Christianity, as Jewsus was
the first Marxist. It's true, except he didn't exist, of course.

When dealing with Christians, NEVER slam things down their throats all at once,
while educating them, as they will need recovery time and time to soak the truth
in. Hate what has happened to their souls, and of course hate what they've done
to you. With the oil prices and such, the veil is going to drop, so to speak.
Just like how High Priestess Maxine has said that many people will want to join
on at the last moment, but it will be too late for them -- this will show who is
naturally one of us, and those who are robots to the point that they have run
out of all hope. When educating Christians, you will always find out who is
worth your time and who isn't. The same goes for those of other death cult
members -- even staunch and arrogant Atheists and Agnostics, as well neo-pagans
who are also anti-Satan. I have met some bitchraft Wicca people who are just as
much of a cancer as Christians.

In closing,

Satan WILL take care of the family members that he has faith in. With being
gentle with your approach of addressing Christians and such, I am in no way
advocating turning the other cheek, or being soft on them in any way. You can
do rituals to Father Satan, on their behalf, to work towards setting them
straight, and to put them in their place when and if the need arises. Trust me,
this is white magick, as you are doing them and yourself a favor. Same with
destroying the robotic Christians, as they are poisonous, and that their removal
is salvation for planet Earth. Always act legally, though.

"They [Christians] are toxic" [or poisonous, can't remember]. -- Adolf Hitler

Hail Satan!!


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], eremoslukos8@ wrote:

Thank you so much for making this post, HP Carlson! This is honestly the 1st
post I've read in some time due to my own attacks. Seems the enemy uses emotion
quit extensively! However, I did not post to talk of weakness, but strength!
This is what I've gotten from this, that I am being led to type at this time.
I've noticed the protection I have as aposed to everyone else, (save a person or
two who while rolling through the mall you catch their eye and you just both
know and give a big grin) I do however have to ask if my family will still be
either protected, or worthy of my energy when they treat me and speak of Our
Precious Father and Gods as such? Very negatively, they are old and very set in
their brain-washed ways!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priest Jake Carlson" <hammerofthegods_666@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 07:23:23
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

In addition to the thread below, the kikes are and have been planning the
enforcement of their universal "Noahide Laws" [One World Government in the guise
of "peace"]. In this kike-run theocracy, ANYTHING of Gentile human nature is
punishable by decapitation by these laws. One of the seven laws concerns
"idolatry." If these laws were to be set down universally, guess what would
happen to us, despite the Jewish feminist BITCHcraft enthusiasts who worship
"the Goddess" as a feminist archetype. This isn't any kind of insult for women
or women's rights, only what the kikes do with such things.

The deluded Christians believe that this law against "idolatry" means that
they will have their heads put in the guillotine for saying "Jewsus is Lord,"
and for their worship of the "holy" trinity. Oh man, the kikes sure have them
fooled. From the Noahide books I've read, the kikes are waiting for the arrival
of their messiah, who is NONE OTHER THAN CHRIST!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0DTT3u2 ... re=related

However, these kike authors tend to play the "against Christianity" game. The
NON-EXISTENT Nazarene has almost fulfilled his purpose, in that, all of the
time, money, energy, and prayers that have been funneled into this kike son of a
bitch almost have him to the point of entering the world for the Jews, and "the
second coming" for the Christians.

On a positive note, although things are going to keep getting worse in the
world for a while, i.e., economy, Jewish world-chaos, the microchips and not
being able to buy or sell anything without the "mark" of Jesus [unbeknownst to
the Christians], our side has won the future for us. Satan is going to reclaim
this planet, and we may never see the official advent of Christ/Anti-Christ
[same thing, as odd as it may sound] in our lifetimes or any lifetimes after.
When Satan told certain disciples of his that "We have one," he wasn't kidding.

There is a difference between being scared/frightened versus being grounded
and taking care of one's self and their loved ones. Those who are without would
call such people "paranoid conspiracy nuts," BUT, that is because ignorance is
bliss to such wastes of human space.

Also, one must NEVER forget that with Satan and his Demons, we have a
protection that no one else has. For those of you who have been saying that
Satan and his Demons protect one's loved ones, you are totally correct.
Although the enemy has made attempts to use my family against me, at times, my
family has been protected, where things that they've worried about have been for
nothing, and those around them experienced things much worse. Satan watches out
for the loved ones of his dedicated ones.

For further strength for your loved ones who are without, build auras of
protection around them, and charge their auras with mantras for manifesting
prosperity, excellent health, and of course, safety and protection at all times
and in every way.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@ wrote:

..Hail Satan!! No, it is not a scare tactic, it is actually happeneing.
In 2002, the VeriChip Corporation (known as the "Positive ID Corporation"
since November 2009) received preliminary approval from the United States Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its device in the U.S. within specific
guidelines. The device received FDA approval in 2004, and was marketed under the
name VeriChip or VeriMed. The way they are implementing this is that it is for
'medical history' and help in emergencies, like the id one wears such as
diabetic, allergies to certain meds..ect. Look, i work in healthcare and i would
not put it past the kike to already have this shit in the so called 'mandatory
vaccines'. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can be
linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal
identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact
information. This was 2004, so now it can just be injected.
It is also interesting that 'Positive ID Corporation"--
is owned by Digital Angel Corporation--

http://www.rfidnews.org/2011/10/11/posi ... srael&#92;
that was 2010-2011. last year.
So, no it is not 'scare tactic' it is reality of this world.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Reliant Gorgoth <darkfury211@ wrote:

what, the microchip? or are you saying that I personally, am using a jew
scare tactic?

From: Mike Leskela <mleskela@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise


just another jew scare tactic.Dont feed into this BS.

--- On Fri, 3/30/12, Merlin <darkfury211@ wrote:

From: Merlin <darkfury211@
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, March 30, 2012, 11:21 PM


http://current.com/community/90842279_c ... e-an-&#92;
implantable-microchip.htmthe following quotation is from the above website. this
is important for all satanists to read. if you know a satanist that is unable to
get on the groups but that you are in contact with, please pass the information
on."The Obama Health care bill under Class II (Paragraph 1, Section B)
specifically includes ``(ii) a class II device that is implantable." Then on
page 1004 it describes what the term "data" means in paragraph 1, section B: 14
``(B) In this paragraph, the term `data' refers to in15 formation respecting a
device described in paragraph (1), 16 including claims data, patient survey
data, standardized 17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of
18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health 19 records, and any
other data deemed appropriate by the 20 Secretary" What exactly is a class II
device that is
implantable? Lets see... Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable
device is a "implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient
identification and health information." The purpose of a class II device is to
collect data in medical patients such as "claims data, patient survey data,
standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from
disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data
deemed appropriate by the Secretary." This sort of device would be implanted in
the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care
option. With the reform of the private insurance companies, who charge
outrageous rates, many people will switch their coverage to a more affordable
insurance plan. This means the number of people who choose the public option
will increase. This also means the number of people chipped will be plentiful as
well. The adults who choose to have a chip implanted
are the lucky (yes, lucky) ones in this case. Children who are "born in
the United States who at the time of birth is not otherwise covered under
acceptable coverage" will be qualified and placed into the CHIP or Children's
Health Insurance Program (what a convenient name). With a name like CHIP it
would seem consistent to have the chip implanted into a child. Children
conceived by parents who are already covered under the public option will more
than likely be implanted with a chip by the consent of the parent. Eventually
everyone will be implanted with a chip. And with the price and coverage of the
public option being so competitive with the private companies, the private
company may not survive. So will everyone be covered by the public option
eventually?????? And does that mean everyone will be chipped????? "Hail Satan!
a typical rant from a mindless rat all robots follow the path of lies and weakness.its amazing how the weak follow there own.mind fucking from birth teaching the lies and eventually the lies become true within there minds im sure some will see the truth i given up on the weak if one cannot see for themselves to seek truth and looking at the right hand filth before them to see the lie then the one is blind and will never see.much like all animals in nature were the strong bull goes the others follow i call it the herd.our father has helped me in many ways and continues so hes made me realize we dont follow herds we follow ourselves to become all we can be which is never ending no boarders no lines we become much more guidance is within ourselves and father.i see this typical shit everyday like today for instance im at work i see a nun come in immediatly i became very hot i was very angry from her presence i was very cold to her and stood my ground i think she knew she was not welcome around me as i was at work i walked away from her she left pretty quickly.the right hand is everywhere and im not standing for it.hail our true brothers and sisters hail our father satan
When I tell people that Satan is God, I am making a reference to Satan's poem "Peace Be Unto Him," and the fact that he created us. He had no part of creating the Jews, and their maggot "god" isn't "the one true god," but a thought-form that is used by the enemy to keep people away from Satan, who is OUR true God. In the Al-Jilwah, Satan also states that there is no place in the universe that knows not his presence. This, combined with Satan creating us, qualifies him to be a true God, in my opinion. Throughout time, Satan has had many prophets and "sons of God [Satan]," who have fulfilled Satan's desires, but have been outnumbered by the kikes and their agents. Satan says "Those who suffer for my sake will surely be rewarded in one of the worlds."


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "americaeagle1" <americaeagle1@... wrote:

There is no such thing as a one true God. To think that a God can control all of time and space is absurd at best. If there is such as thing as a one true God then it will be Satan. For he is the prince of this earth and everything in it belongs to him.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], obinna okonkwo <obinnaezeeme@ wrote:

please let it e known to you that jehovah is the only true God, jesus christ his son is the Lord of all,
there is nothing you do to change
that and except you repent from evil, pervation and blasphemy, you will
one day face his wrath, but the good news is that the gate of heaven is
still open to you and to all deluded , concieted individuals that call
themselves satanist,
if you recieve jesus today as your lord and saviour...

From: High Priest Jake Carlson <hammerofthegods_666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 10:17 AM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Thread

**** If you are against so-called "anti-Semitism," then you might not want to read this. Unfortunately, communism and related have turned many GLBT's into sissy foot soldiers for the enemies of Satan. Our mission is to release GLBT's from this prison and wake them up to reality. Unfortunately, the GLBT's who do not wake up and put no effort into it will have the same fate as the Christians who don't wake up. Hail Satan!****


Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

My mother still hates Satan, and she deserves to be treated with contempt and
derision, at times, BUT, she NEVER EVEN DARES to talk about her love of Jewsus,
and hatred towards Satan to me or around me anymore. My advice is to have some
extreme patience, unless your family is RIGHT in your fucking face, trying to
destroy you up and down, inside and out.

However, the "extreme patience" that I am referring to is that as things keep
getting worse in the world, they'll notice that there is no Jewsus "rapture" and
that Jewsus isn't coming, so maybe, just maybe, they might begin to question
things, which may possibly lead up to the moment that they take heed to all of
your attempts to enlighten them. They'll be like "Hey, what if what
'eremoslukos8' says has merit to it?" We can never underestimate ourselves and
our abilities that are granted to us by Satan.

So many Christians aren't Christian by their own free will anymore, which is no
different than the Middle Ages when it was conversion by Christian "love" on the
one hand and a sword in the other. Today, the enemy's persuasion to add more
sheeple to the Christian death fold is spiritually and emotionally violent, more
so than physical, and the astral plane is using fear like never before, while
working to make this kike impostor Christ look and seem more "enticing" than
ever before. This is not usually physically done, as *most* parts of the
physical Inquistion is over [depending on where one lives].

Look at all of the "Near Death Experiences" where even Atheists "come back" and
say how much they love Jewsus now, and then they start crying and shit like
that. My point is that these experiences with this fake entity are sometimes
real, despite that it isn't an actual, living being, but a programmed thoughform
that they are dealing with. The enemy relies on the "juice" from Gentiles to
keep the Nazarene batteries charged.

Many Christians have lost all sense of reasoning, where if you talk to them,
they look and sound like a fucking emotionless robot, although they still have
an agenda... to get their family "saved" and into a life of "repentence" from
all human nature. These Christians deserve capital punishment for high treason.
They should not be spared, but put out of their misery and out of everyone
else's misery, too. Other Christians are just blinded to reality and are
confused. Take my mother for example again, she looks like she is headed
towards that robot stage of Christianity, but, if you really look and see into
her eyes, you can tell that she is lost and sad, and she is at a conflict within
her racial soul, as her Irish spirit of heathenism/original Paganism is still
fighting to rise from the "bottomless pit" within.

I have some good news, though. My father who is still married to my mother was
a Christian, and he put up with all of her Christian nagging and invasions of
so-called "free will," but with my teachings that I designed to ease him out of
Christianity and see the truth about Satan and his Demons and our religion, he
has TOTALLY LEFT Christianity, slamming the door shut and locking that door
behind him. He is not a Satanist yet, as he currently hates all forms of
religion, but he is alive and well... and hilarious! He is so much different
now that he isn't a Christian anymore. He also believes that our Gods/esses ARE
real extra-terrestrial Nordics, and he has an interest in "mystical" authors
like Carlos Castenada, and related, as well as all things UFO's and
"supernatural." One other thing is that he has never been too fond of the Jews.
Now he knows why. I can't speed up this process, though, as the Jews are worse
than Christianity in how they plague the human soul like cancer. In addition
they are the roots and branches of all things Christian. My father will run to
the truth soon enough, without me putting any kind of pressure on him, as his
soul knows the truth. He has told me how proud of me he is with what I know.
Admittedly, I wasn't expecting any kind of praise. Even so, all of the praise
goes to Satan who works through me.

It is within all Gentiles to want every Jew destroyed, as the Jews want each and
every one of us destroyed, but many Gentiles have been brainwashed into
accepting the Jews as the "Chosen of God." Even some of the Atheistic Gentile
soldiers for Social and Cultural Marxism are at conflict within their inner
soul. Some will wake up, but other's won't. Time will tell. Social and
Cultural Marxism, however, are more compatible with Christianity, as Jewsus was
the first Marxist. It's true, except he didn't exist, of course.

When dealing with Christians, NEVER slam things down their throats all at once,
while educating them, as they will need recovery time and time to soak the truth
in. Hate what has happened to their souls, and of course hate what they've done
to you. With the oil prices and such, the veil is going to drop, so to speak.
Just like how High Priestess Maxine has said that many people will want to join
on at the last moment, but it will be too late for them -- this will show who is
naturally one of us, and those who are robots to the point that they have run
out of all hope. When educating Christians, you will always find out who is
worth your time and who isn't. The same goes for those of other death cult
members -- even staunch and arrogant Atheists and Agnostics, as well neo-pagans
who are also anti-Satan. I have met some bitchraft Wicca people who are just as
much of a cancer as Christians.

In closing,

Satan WILL take care of the family members that he has faith in. With being
gentle with your approach of addressing Christians and such, I am in no way
advocating turning the other cheek, or being soft on them in any way. You can
do rituals to Father Satan, on their behalf, to work towards setting them
straight, and to put them in their place when and if the need arises. Trust me,
this is white magick, as you are doing them and yourself a favor. Same with
destroying the robotic Christians, as they are poisonous, and that their removal
is salvation for planet Earth. Always act legally, though.

"They [Christians] are toxic" [or poisonous, can't remember]. -- Adolf Hitler

Hail Satan!!


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], eremoslukos8@ wrote:

Thank you so much for making this post, HP Carlson! This is honestly the 1st
post I've read in some time due to my own attacks. Seems the enemy uses emotion
quit extensively! However, I did not post to talk of weakness, but strength!
This is what I've gotten from this, that I am being led to type at this time.
I've noticed the protection I have as aposed to everyone else, (save a person or
two who while rolling through the mall you catch their eye and you just both
know and give a big grin) I do however have to ask if my family will still be
either protected, or worthy of my energy when they treat me and speak of Our
Precious Father and Gods as such? Very negatively, they are old and very set in
their brain-washed ways!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priest Jake Carlson" <hammerofthegods_666@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 07:23:23
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Obamacare's speacial surprise

In addition to the thread below, the kikes are and have been planning the
enforcement of their universal "Noahide Laws" [One World Government in the guise
of "peace"]. In this kike-run theocracy, ANYTHING of Gentile human nature is
punishable by decapitation by these laws. One of the seven laws concerns
"idolatry." If these laws were to be set down universally, guess what would
happen to us, despite the Jewish feminist BITCHcraft enthusiasts who worship
"the Goddess" as a feminist archetype. This isn't any kind of insult for women
or women's rights, only what the kikes do with such things.

The deluded Christians believe that this law against "idolatry" means that
they will have their heads put in the guillotine for saying "Jewsus is Lord,"
and for their worship of the "holy" trinity. Oh man, the kikes sure have them
fooled. From the Noahide books I've read, the kikes are waiting for the arrival
of their messiah, who is NONE OTHER THAN CHRIST!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0DTT3u2 ... re=related

However, these kike authors tend to play the "against Christianity" game. The
NON-EXISTENT Nazarene has almost fulfilled his purpose, in that, all of the
time, money, energy, and prayers that have been funneled into this kike son of a
bitch almost have him to the point of entering the world for the Jews, and "the
second coming" for the Christians.

On a positive note, although things are going to keep getting worse in the
world for a while, i.e., economy, Jewish world-chaos, the microchips and not
being able to buy or sell anything without the "mark" of Jesus [unbeknownst to
the Christians], our side has won the future for us. Satan is going to reclaim
this planet, and we may never see the official advent of Christ/Anti-Christ
[same thing, as odd as it may sound] in our lifetimes or any lifetimes after.
When Satan told certain disciples of his that "We have one," he wasn't kidding.

There is a difference between being scared/frightened versus being grounded
and taking care of one's self and their loved ones. Those who are without would
call such people "paranoid conspiracy nuts," BUT, that is because ignorance is
bliss to such wastes of human space.

Also, one must NEVER forget that with Satan and his Demons, we have a
protection that no one else has. For those of you who have been saying that
Satan and his Demons protect one's loved ones, you are totally correct.
Although the enemy has made attempts to use my family against me, at times, my
family has been protected, where things that they've worried about have been for
nothing, and those around them experienced things much worse. Satan watches out
for the loved ones of his dedicated ones.

For further strength for your loved ones who are without, build auras of
protection around them, and charge their auras with mantras for manifesting
prosperity, excellent health, and of course, safety and protection at all times
and in every way.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@ wrote:

..Hail Satan!! No, it is not a scare tactic, it is actually happeneing.
In 2002, the VeriChip Corporation (known as the "Positive ID Corporation"
since November 2009) received preliminary approval from the United States Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its device in the U.S. within specific
guidelines. The device received FDA approval in 2004, and was marketed under the
name VeriChip or VeriMed. The way they are implementing this is that it is for
'medical history' and help in emergencies, like the id one wears such as
diabetic, allergies to certain meds..ect. Look, i work in healthcare and i would
not put it past the kike to already have this shit in the so called 'mandatory
vaccines'. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can be
linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal
identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact
information. This was 2004, so now it can just be injected.
It is also interesting that 'Positive ID Corporation"--
is owned by Digital Angel Corporation--

http://www.rfidnews.org/2011/10/11/posi ... srael&#92;
that was 2010-2011. last year.
So, no it is not 'scare tactic' it is reality of this world.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Reliant Gorgoth <darkfury211@ wrote:

what, the microchip? or are you saying that I personally, am using a jew
scare tactic?

From: Mike Leskela <mleskela@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise


just another jew scare tactic.Dont feed into this BS.

--- On Fri, 3/30/12, Merlin <darkfury211@ wrote:

From: Merlin <darkfury211@
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Obamacare's speacial surprise
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, March 30, 2012, 11:21 PM


http://current.com/community/90842279_c ... e-an-&#92;
implantable-microchip.htmthe following quotation is from the above website. this
is important for all satanists to read. if you know a satanist that is unable to
get on the groups but that you are in contact with, please pass the information
on."The Obama Health care bill under Class II (Paragraph 1, Section B)
specifically includes ``(ii) a class II device that is implantable." Then on
page 1004 it describes what the term "data" means in paragraph 1, section B: 14
``(B) In this paragraph, the term `data' refers to in15 formation respecting a
device described in paragraph (1), 16 including claims data, patient survey
data, standardized 17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of
18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health 19 records, and any
other data deemed appropriate by the 20 Secretary" What exactly is a class II
device that is
implantable? Lets see... Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable
device is a "implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient
identification and health information." The purpose of a class II device is to
collect data in medical patients such as "claims data, patient survey data,
standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from
disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data
deemed appropriate by the Secretary." This sort of device would be implanted in
the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care
option. With the reform of the private insurance companies, who charge
outrageous rates, many people will switch their coverage to a more affordable
insurance plan. This means the number of people who choose the public option
will increase. This also means the number of people chipped will be plentiful as
well. The adults who choose to have a chip implanted
are the lucky (yes, lucky) ones in this case. Children who are "born in
the United States who at the time of birth is not otherwise covered under
acceptable coverage" will be qualified and placed into the CHIP or Children's
Health Insurance Program (what a convenient name). With a name like CHIP it
would seem consistent to have the chip implanted into a child. Children
conceived by parents who are already covered under the public option will more
than likely be implanted with a chip by the consent of the parent. Eventually
everyone will be implanted with a chip. And with the price and coverage of the
public option being so competitive with the private companies, the private
company may not survive. So will everyone be covered by the public option
eventually?????? And does that mean everyone will be chipped????? "Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
