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This Week In Clown World

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This Week In Clown World

The situation is the entire Judeo-globalist left is falling apart on itself its become a clown show just dropping the mask and showing they are insane lunatic's with no answers to real issues. From the Obama impersonator, Beto who's life challenge has been to make his lower lip touch to his upper lip, going full retard and just screaming that they are coming for your guns from sporting rifles to a squirt gun, which has confirmed years of accusations against the Democrat's in one statement and sunk the Democrat's careful sneaking up on the 2nd amendment. To Piss Drank, AOC screaming that a Cambodian American lady a racial Asian women is part of a White Supremacist conspiracy of Republicans because she made for and paid for a political add denouncing AOC for being a Marxist. While the women herself stated she did this add because AOC's , Marxist Socialist ideology has killed millions of innocent humans. Being of Cambodian origin she might know what she is talking about because the Marxist psychopaths under Pol Pot mass murdered 1/3 of her nation of ethnic origin. Which has really just shown everyone not already getting how insane they are. And from the Italian governments last insane move after stabbing the League in the back. They are now reopening the ports to millions of rapey third worlders. In there dedication to the Jewish race war on European White humanity. Which has ensured their total political destruction in the next elections and a Nationalist right wing government coming to total power.

I can go on and on, but the Judeo-globalist left is now in its collapse and they are destroying themselves in front of the world ensuring they will lose all the support they need to push the agenda. The Democratic Party of America is also collapsing along with its agenda. Demanding they were going to just open the borders and give the world free everything while destroying the American economy for being racist and destroying the entire private health insurance plans that millions of Americans depend in the name of equality....LOL

The only hope they have now is to forget about Spirit Cooking magic and summon the clown magic for this I propose this meme as the poster of their movement its even got a rainbow:


However the way to defeat this magic is to ask them: "How do magnets work?"

This is due to our RTR's, so keep up the Final RTR. And enjoy the clown collapse. The left is in the final phase of their clown struggle.
I like how they hoped that attacking Saudi oil facilities would make everyone blame Iran, and start another slaughterhouse in the Middle East.

And...they failed. The possibility of war decreases as situation cools down. There will be no war, I am sure. Most of the world doesn’t believe that Iran has anything to do with it.

Jews can just go to the corner, curl up and cry. No one is gonna fall for their manipulations anymore.
Always wonderful to read this good news. 

I have been enjoying the final RTR and I have been especially putting so much energy into it--heart and soul...
HPS Shannon said:
Always wonderful to read this good news. 

I have been enjoying the final RTR and I have been especially putting so much energy into it--heart and soul...

Same here HPS. :cool: Ahhhhhh... Its SOOOOO good to hear these kind of AMAIZING news! Always good to hear our effort bearing fruit OC, BUT its ALWAYS much more better when its a BIG ONE! :twisted: :twisted:
HP Mageson666 said:
The only hope they have now is to forget about Spirit Cooking magic and summon the clown magic for this I propose this meme as the poster of their movement its even got a rainbow:


HAAA not ICP :lol: I already saved the image, I'm definitely using this meme lol
When they come to enslave you, it's always for "HUMANITARIAN" reasons.

After all it's HUMANITARIAN to throw someone in jail for 4 years for expressing their opinion and practising 'offensive stuff' if he offends the leftist mob.

Ankh666 said:
The law paragraph in Sweden that gives you four years in prison for expressing you don't like an ethnic or religious group:

8 § Any person who, in a statement or in another message that is disseminated, threatens or expresses disrespect to a community or other such group of persons with allusion to race, colour, national or ethnic origin, creed, sexual orientation or Transgender identity or expression, sentenced for hate speech to imprisonment for a maximum of two years or, if the offence is petty, to a fine.
If the offence is grossly sentenced for roughness against the ethnic group to imprisonment for at least six months and no more than four years. In assessing whether the offence is grossly, it must be taken into account in particular whether the notice had a particularly threatening or offensive content and has been disseminated to a large number of persons in a manner which was capable of attracting significant attention. Law (2018:1744).
But isn't both Left AND Right wings of the government controlled by the (((elite)))/ZOG?
Beto Gump was the media darling the Jews were putting their power behind to move foreword but all he could do was stand on stage and say: "Muh name is Beto....Beto Gump."
Thanks!!Israel is getting what she deserves ,As Father Satan said.
we will keep fighting until they are gon.Thanks Satan he gave us powerful spiritual weapons to free our selves,our people and our world (RTRs). The enemy curses us like drug addiction,i cry we brothers and sisters we must do the same thing,jews,Rabbis curse us day and night, i mean tirelessly.Even if we don't have time,our little effort gave them damage.If a Rabbi throw a stone at you,then throw ten giant rocks without messy,Because they are keep working to destroy you inside out worse even physically.this is not Satan's war only but your war Gentiles,say my war! the enemy ETs created this blood thirst monsters to wipe aryan white people ,destroy and enslave us all,we are no longer slaves ,we can not let disgusting evil parasites to Fuck us like this,they destroyed our history, ancestors and keep fighting to remove sides that wake people up especially Joy of Satan,remove our weapons RTRs websites,what i like HPs keep it up again.This is total dangerous war ,we fight now,no excuse,mean now!!!

The time is now!
keep repeating RTRs

Hail Satan forever!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When they come to enslave you, it's always for "HUMANITARIAN" reasons.

After all it's HUMANITARIAN to throw someone in jail for 4 years for expressing their opinion and practising 'offensive stuff' if he offends the leftist mob.

Ankh666 said:
The law paragraph in Sweden that gives you four years in prison for expressing you don't like an ethnic or religious group:

8 § Any person who, in a statement or in another message that is disseminated, threatens or expresses disrespect to a community or other such group of persons with allusion to race, colour, national or ethnic origin, creed, sexual orientation or Transgender identity or expression, sentenced for hate speech to imprisonment for a maximum of two years or, if the offence is petty, to a fine.
If the offence is grossly sentenced for roughness against the ethnic group to imprisonment for at least six months and no more than four years. In assessing whether the offence is grossly, it must be taken into account in particular whether the notice had a particularly threatening or offensive content and has been disseminated to a large number of persons in a manner which was capable of attracting significant attention. Law (2018:1744).
Isn't Sweden a part of the jewnited nations, who has a bullshit, fake-arsed, piece-of-shit aunti semitic declaration of free speech and expression?

Along with,

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
~UN Declaration of Human Rights

there is also


Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,

Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,

Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.


~Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), as "proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected and it has been translated into over 500 languages."


Unless I'm misunderstanding it entirely... Surely (((they))) are not ignoring these rules!

"in the equal rights of men and women"
...but not Children. Are White Children fodder for "priests" and non-Whites to rape?

Sweden is, after all, one of the largest donors to the jewN, apparently.
Ankh666 said:
Hate speech should be as legal as love speech, because everything isn't positive in the world.
No. Some things in the world are positive. What you meant to say is "not everything is positive". We should be affirming positivity and positively.

If something is bad, you must have the right to say it and to spread awareness about it, to warn people.
The jew's 11th commandment is "Do not get caught". Gag orders, whether official or not, are to stop victims from getting justice, ask that the offender can continue offending.

Ankh666 said:
It would be funny though, to use their own bullshit against them.. Sue the fuck out of the church, the state and the movie industry for offending my religion, Satanism. Got a pretty strong case there...
Good look with that.
Ankh666 said:
The law paragraph in Sweden that gives you four years in prison for expressing you don't like an ethnic or religious group:

8 § Any person who, in a statement or in another message that is disseminated, threatens or expresses disrespect to a community or other such group of persons with allusion to race, colour, national or ethnic origin, creed, sexual orientation or Transgender identity or expression, sentenced for hate speech to imprisonment for a maximum of two years or, if the offence is petty, to a fine.
If the offence is grossly sentenced for roughness against the ethnic group to imprisonment for at least six months and no more than four years. In assessing whether the offence is grossly, it must be taken into account in particular whether the notice had a particularly threatening or offensive content and has been disseminated to a large number of persons in a manner which was capable of attracting significant attention. Law (2018:1744).

[ somewhere in a Swedish prison]
person 1: Why are you here?
person 2: I killed someone. You?
person 1: I said 'Nibba'.
person 2: Damn, you're hardcore.
And,.,, it the Jewish Democratic party falls all the way,,, the Jews can then use the Republicans to tout the Republican agenda,,, complete with God, Jesus, Repent, abandon witchcraft,,,, etc. Then,,,, all Hell breaks loose, against those of us that are deeply into the occult.
They did pass the 7 Noahide Laws. Break one of them,, you might "lose you head"
Sound familiar ?
Ankh666 said:
hell unleashed 666 said:
Ankh666 said:
The law paragraph in Sweden that gives you four years in prison for expressing you don't like an ethnic or religious group:

8 § Any person who, in a statement or in another message that is disseminated, threatens or expresses disrespect to a community or other such group of persons with allusion to race, colour, national or ethnic origin, creed, sexual orientation or Transgender identity or expression, sentenced for hate speech to imprisonment for a maximum of two years or, if the offence is petty, to a fine.
If the offence is grossly sentenced for roughness against the ethnic group to imprisonment for at least six months and no more than four years. In assessing whether the offence is grossly, it must be taken into account in particular whether the notice had a particularly threatening or offensive content and has been disseminated to a large number of persons in a manner which was capable of attracting significant attention. Law (2018:1744).

[ somewhere in a Swedish prison]
person 1: Why are you here?
person 2: I killed someone. You?
person 1: I said 'Nibba'.person 2: Damn, you're hardcore.

Hahahaha! xD No, but seriously.. NOTHING that ever comes out of your mouth should give you four years in jail. It's absurd!!

People take stuff so hard these days. Like calm down John, it's an opinion, not a dick. :lol:
This is the way the world ends.
This is the way the world ends.
This is the way the world ends.
Not with a bang but with a honk.
Here in Spain the catalan independentists have lost all credibility and influence and have remained as the circus of clowns that they are, the investiture of the leftist leader Pedro Sanchez has also failed and there will be elections again.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
