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This Post is Dedicated to Father Satan and to all Bengali People.


Nov 16, 2021
I have translated "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " into Bangla . So that Our Bengali people can do this "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " ritual correctly and properly. Below I have given The Bangla Translation "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " . I have request to save this into PDF ( to specially The Alchemist7 ).

তাওরাত ধ্বংসকরণ তন্ত্র : শত্রকে দোষারোপ/ দায়বদ্ধ‌ করা

এই তন্ত্রটি আপনি যতবার ইচ্ছা ততবার করতে পারেন । আপনি যেকোন সময়ে এই তন্ত্রটি আরম্ভ করতে পারেন।

নিচের তন্ত্রের মন্ত্রগুলো উচ্চারণ করতে হবে। প্রদত্ত মন্ত্র গুলো উচ্চারণ করার ফলে, ইহুদিরা মানবতার বিরুদ্ধে যে কুকর্ম করেছে বা করতেছে সমস্ত দোষ এবং শাস্তি ইহুদির উপর পড়বে এবং তারা ধ্বংস হয়ে যাবে । যত জন এই তন্ত্রটি করবে, ততই ভালো কারণ অধিক সংখ্যক এই তন্ত্রের সাধকের মাধ্যমেই তন্ত্রের কার্যসিদ্ধ হবে।
ইহুদি শত্রুর উপর রাগান্বিত অনুভব নিয়ে তন্ত্রটি করলে তন্ত্রটি আরো শক্তিশালী হয়। নিচের তন্ত্রের অনুচ্ছেদটি ৯ বার করে উচ্চারণ করতে হবে। মন্ত্রগুলো অনেক গুরুগম্ভীর ও কণ্ঠবর্ণ দ্বারা সজ্জিত। অর্থাৎ, প্রায়ই সংখ্যক মন্ত্রগুলো কণ্ঠের পিছন বা গভীর কণ্ঠে কম্পন করতে হবে। আপনি যত ভালোভাবে উচ্চারণ করতে পারবেন তত ভালো। মন্ত্রগুলো উচ্চারণ করার পূর্বে কয়েকবার অনুশীলন করা উত্তম।

আগে আপনার এনার্জি বৃদ্ধি করুন এবং ৯ বার অনুচ্ছেদটি উচ্চারণ করুন:

আ(সস) ° হাহ(গগ) ° এ(গগ) ° শিইইব ° মাহ'-এহ ° লোওহ(খখ)-আল ° ইইগ °মাহ(খখ)-ওহট-আব ° (রা)গ-আহ ° ( রেএ)গ - আল - আহব ° লেই-আ(রর)-(সস)ই'-ইয়াহ ° ইএইন-আব ° লোহ(খখ)-আল ° খ্যাল-সিইইন- আব

তারপর, SATANAS / সেটানাস মন্ত্রটি উচ্চারণ করুন।

নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি ৯ বার প্রত্যয়ণ করুন :
ইহুদি এবং তার অনুসারীরা যারা জেনে-শুনে এবং উদ্দেশ্যপ্রণোদিতভাবে মানবতার বিরুদ্ধে যত অপরাধ করেছে, তাদের সকলকেই দোষারোপ করা হচ্ছে। এই সমস্ত অপরাধ ও আরো অনেক কিছুর অপরাধের দায়ে সকল ইহুদিদেরকে কঠোর শাস্তি দেওয়া হচ্ছে।

প্রত্যয়ণ শেষে,
আবার, SATANAS / সেটানাস উচ্চারণ করুন।
তারপর, "আউম" উচ্চারণ করুন।
সর্বশেষে, জোরে বলুন: চিরকাল Satan / সেটানের জয় হোক !!!
Shiva666 said:
I have translated "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " into Bangla . So that Our Bengali people can do this "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " ritual correctly and properly. Below I have given The Bangla Translation "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " . I have request to save this into PDF ( to specially The Alchemist7 ).
If the request was intented for this thread you should quote me as well, I just by chance came across it as I don't read too often what is being posted on the Joy Of Satan 666 forum.
Also you asked how to upload the Final RTR, have you read the replies in the Bangla thread?
You send the translation to HP Cobra but best is to upload it on the Bangla thread by following the instructions for creating an account on mega and uploading your translations there.
The Alchemist7 said:
Shiva666 said:
I have translated "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " into Bangla . So that Our Bengali people can do this "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " ritual correctly and properly. Below I have given The Bangla Translation "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " . I have request to save this into PDF ( to specially The Alchemist7 ).
If the request was intented for this thread you should quote me as well, I just by chance came across it as I don't read too often what is being posted on the Joy Of Satan 666 forum.
Also you asked how to upload the Final RTR, have you read the replies in the Bangla thread?
You send the translation to HP Cobra but best is to upload it on the Bangla thread by following the instructions for creating an account on mega and uploading your translations there.

Alchemist 7, I have no account of Mega. And, Actually I don't know the using of Mega. :oops:
Shiva666 said:
Alchemist 7, I have no account of Mega. And, Actually I don't know the using of Mega. :oops:


Ol argedco luciftias said:
You just click "make an account", put in your email and make a password, then it asks you if you want a free or a paid account. So just click on "make a free account" because there is no reason to give them any money. Then it says "we are sending you a confirmation email"

So go to your email and you will see an email from Mega, with a link that says "click this to activate your account" so you click that link, and it brings you to the page that asks you to sign in with your email and the password you made. So you log in.

Then you click a big button that says "upload" on it. And a page comes up that is like the "files" page in your computer, the one where you see the folders like "downloads" and "documents" and "desktop". So just click through there to get to the video files that you want to download. You click on the video file, and click a little enter button, and the video uploads to your Mega page. Then you can make folders on Mega to move it into, or you can rename the video if you want. But when you click on it in mega, there is a thing that comes up that says "Get Link" if you click this it lets you copy the link that goes directly to that file. Then anyone you share the link with can watch and download the videos, or whatever kind of file it is. You can also click "get link" on a folder, then anyone you share the link with can go right to that folder and watch and download whatever is in there.

When you first make the account, there's instructions that come up and tell you how to do everything. It is a lot easier than it might sound like it is.
The Alchemist7 said:
Shiva666 said:
I have translated "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " into Bangla . So that Our Bengali people can do this "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " ritual correctly and properly. Below I have given The Bangla Translation "Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable " . I have request to save this into PDF ( to specially The Alchemist7 ).
If the request was intented for this thread you should quote me as well, I just by chance came across it as I don't read too often what is being posted on the Joy Of Satan 666 forum.
Also you asked how to upload the Final RTR, have you read the replies in the Bangla thread?
You send the translation to HP Cobra but best is to upload it on the Bangla thread by following the instructions for creating an account on mega and uploading your translations there.


Check it. I have uploaded The Bangla RTR Holding the Enemy Accountable. Is the link working ?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Yes the link works. Thank you brother. Another thing you can do is put all of your translations into the same folder and then share the link to the folder so people can click and have all of your translations in the same place.

Thank you luciftias!!!!! the idea is great. Thank you!!!!
The Alchemist7 said:
Shiva666 said:
Check it. I have uploaded The Bangla RTR Holding the Enemy Accountable. Is the link working ?
I have quoted and replied you in the Bangla Translation Thread, ideally you should be using that thread to post translations instead of creating topics here on the main subforum.

Ok Brother Thank you

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
