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This is new. 6th chakra is BLAZING


New member
Dec 2, 2006
A week ago I noticed someone linked Aldric's video on how to vibrate THOTH and Aldric said to vibrate it in the 6th chakra 108 times in the description.
Well that was last tuesday but ever since I made that my daily meditation as a bare minimum my 6th chakra and pineal gland are CONSTANTLY buzzing with energy!

The ringing sound in my head keeps getting heavier, brighter and louder!

I keep getting this weird sticky feeling inside my head the moves outward into my whole aura and body that feels kind of like some kind of glowing illuminated nectar in that region.

Is this feeling the pineal gland's secretions or the elixir of the 6th chakra or both?

Also I've been directly invoking the elements with sanskrit mantras every day as well, the fire element before bed since its fucking freezing and I've been snowed in all week and the earth element in the morning to fix an earth deficiency and be more consistent.

Well when I went out to shovel I was COMPLETELY immune to the cold and could have easily gone out there in a tshirt and shorts if I wanted to and felt nothing just from how much my aura is shielding me!

The fire element is definitely making me more powerful as a whole and my body is becoming more and more immune to ALL impact, ailments, elements, weather and getting stronger and faster at a noticeable rate every few days!

I went on a walk in that blizzard last week after shoveling and the elements were beating down on me like mad and yet I was totally unfazed!
I actually felt good!
I felt calm, energized and like the world is and all of natures elements are becoming one with me!

The more you meditate and advance yourself the more the world becomes your oyster!

This is why the jews hate and fear human spiritual power and will try to kill us before we can ever advance!
We become totally immune to their attacks and nature itself becomes our weapon and our home!

But yes, I am confused about that sticky, bright feeling in my head.
Does the pineal gland just feel like some kind of glowing bright nectar or something? its hard to describe the feeling but this is definitely starting in that region and the 6th chakra.


i am extremely glad to hear someone is having the same thing happen to them that is happening to me! i feel the same thing near my head when i vibrate near my 6th chakra and peneal glad! A month ago i was training myself for elemental endurance. I woke up and it was 24 degrees out side with 5 and a half inches of snow, it was snowing, and i ran from my house all around my hometown for 40 minutes!( i was in jeans and that was it other than my shoes of course) it was absolutely hilarious because i kept getting all these looks from people outside and cars passing. My body turned bright red because i was rising kundalini energy while i ran and doing energy breathing to keep myself warm and cozy lol 
You are right about the element of fire! it makes your body strong and fit and earth makes you like stone( unmovable!) if you ever get the chance you should start advanced calisthenics! for example, human flags, front levers, back levers, dragon flags, and planches! i dont know if you already do but these exersizes are great to add in after you get done stretching, and doing yoga! makes you body as hard as a rock! lol and ever sense i started doing advanced calisthenics i have noticed a major boost in my bio electricity! 
glad to hear you are advancing rather quickly!
Hail Satan Heil HitlerAnd all the gods of hell!!!

Hi angryshaman666

I have that same feeling to it feels like something is coming out of your 6 chakra some sticky glue like
substance i want to know to what this is. And a constant buzzing sound its look like a church bell ringing
all the time. 

Hail Father Satan
Hail Agares
Heil Hitler
This is a very good feeling!!!
You have activated the serpent!
Read below (I took this from High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Sermon)
Kundalini Symptoms
 There are various symptoms of activated kundalini. Much of this is individual and also depends upon the stage one is at and just how close one is to raising one's kundalini all the way. Kundalini is hot. If you are close to raising it all of the way, symptoms can include: Feeling like your aura is on fire Waking up feeling this way at night when asleep, feet feeling like they are on fire Feeling hot all over The energy buzz after doing yoga or feeling it when sitting still can now be felt when you are active, up and around. It is now either a constant or you feel it a majority of the time, active or not Insomnia- once kundalini has risen all of the way, in extreme cases, one can go without sleep for months  Bouts of extreme energy  Feeling edgy at times  A pulling sensation in the spine or at the base chakra  A hot and/or throbbing sensation at the base chakra  The spine becomes very hot  A feeling of knowing things before they happen  Intuition and other psychic abilities are amplified  Aura/skin tingling; a burning sensation  Vibrating inside form the energy  Extreme physical sensitivity to sounds and other things in the environment  Feelings of intense bliss and ecstasy Symptoms that kundalini has been activated: Experiencing the 'crawlies,' sensations like ants crawling  Feelings of wanting to do inverted yoga positions, like the headstand  Itching  Detachment [now, this is not indifference like many books out there will try to tell you, but this is a feeling of inner calm and peace, where upsetting things in the environment do not cause physical reactions, such as nervous knots in the stomach, etc.]  Intensified or diminished sexual desires [these do not usually last]  Problems in concentrating [for people who normally can]  Being scatterbrained, feeling spacey [this does not last] 
You probably activated your pineal gland. It feels like a grape, like a pressure and you can see white light in your head with your eyes closed and then along with it, is the most incredible feeling of intense bliss imaginable.

People who are new to meditation should take this slow. 108 times like that should only be done by experienced meditators.

Also, going out in freezing weather can be very dangerous. Please use common sense. The skin can freeze, even though the body might seem warm. There was a guy who was new to Minneapolis, going to the University and living in a fraternity. He went jogging in his shorts in minus 30 F weather. He didn't realize until he came home from his run, he had third degree burns all over his legs and was exceptionally lucky he both weren't amputated. He came real close.

Freezing weather is nothing to take lightly. It can be deadly. What is really dangerous, is running far from home with inadequate clothing and freezing with a long way back, which you might not make it.

Always slow down enough to stop to think. Use common sense.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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I didn't actually go for a run in shorts and a T-shirt. I just know I could have. Especially since when I was in the ARMY we had an INSANE black woman platoon Sergeant who made us all do calisthenics in our gym shorts and sandals during a blizzard.
Compared to that, wearing a light jacket and jeans in the snow is nothing.
I'm not an idiot. I know from experience what my body can handle and this was certainly nowhere close to damaging.
108 reps is no problem for me either.I'm used to meditating for an hour at a time and have been for several months.

On Friday, March 4, 2016 6:04 AM, "'maxine.dietrich666' maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

You probably activated your pineal gland. It feels like a grape, like a pressure and you can see white light in your head with your eyes closed and then along with it, is the most incredible feeling of intense bliss imaginable.

People who are new to meditation should take this slow. 108 times like that should only be done by experienced meditators.

Also, going out in freezing weather can be very dangerous. Please use common sense. The skin can freeze, even though the body might seem warm. There was a guy who was new to Minneapolis, going to the University and living in a fraternity. He went jogging in his shorts in minus 30 F weather. He didn't realize until he came home from his run, he had third degree burns all over his legs and was exceptionally lucky he both weren't amputated. He came real close.

Freezing weather is nothing to take lightly. It can be deadly. What is really dangerous, is running far from home with inadequate clothing and freezing with a long way back, which you might not make it.

Always slow down enough to stop to think. Use common sense.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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i have lived in Minnesota my whole life and -30  doesn't take long too feel the effects especially when it feels much colder with the wind chill.  even if it is windy and an even 0 degrees will not take long before you will get chills I personally am sensitive to the cold so if I am out for 10 or more minutes i will feel it. my point is especially if your not dressed right you very well could lose an arm or leg or get severe frost bite , Even if your invoking fire elements and advance in meditation your body may feel hot but your inner skins / bones may go bad / even lose them if your not careful . My understanding is the heat we feel from meditations is from our aura and / or outer skin of our body the heat just feels so intense that we can feel we get a burning sensation even deep within the skin .
I've experienced something similar, though I only do the aura of protection (no fire invocation). When I take the trash out during heavy rain I walk out in a T-shirt and long jeans, so I can definitely relate to your experience, haha! Still working on 6th chakra and pineal gland, though...
I'm doing my 3rd eye the same way and its definitely working. Then I'll do the crown chakra for the next week after that and then the 6th again and then the 3rd eye again until those chakras are all fully opened.
So far 108 counts in a chakra every day for about 9 days is definitely triggering rapid awakening of the chakras and since the pineal gland is right there with the 6th chakra that one has by far the greatest sensitivity.
I'll keep doing this for the next few months until my main chakras are all fully awakened and activated or even all year if I have to.Its definitely working.
As for aura cleaning and whatnot I just use breathing exercises and the foundation meditation for that.The fire element mantra TEJAS (pronounced TH-TH-A-A-A-Y-Y-A-A-A-U-U-S-S-S) was just to experiment and see what would happen.Lately I dont even have to invoke the elements consciously for them to build up on their own.

On Sunday, March 6, 2016 3:20 AM, "moekcrocell@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I've experienced something similar, though I only do the aura of protection (no fire invocation). When I take the trash out during heavy rain I walk out in a T-shirt and long jeans, so I can definitely relate to your experience, haha! Still working on 6th chakra and pineal gland, though...

I definitely gotta try 108 into my third eye.
I have been cleaning my soul everyday for about 108 times with suryae.
Also for fully opening my crown chakra Im goin to try the headstand,breath fire, chanting thhh in to your crown etc it's seems powerful enough.
But good work fake name never stop striving towards the godhead.
I can't remember the page for them but its on the JOS under how to consecrate tools

On Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:22 PM, "egon88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Thank you for sharing your experience! Which mantra you used for Earth?

Sweet bro! ^ Ave Satana!

On 3/6/16, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I can't remember the page for them but its on the JOS under how to
consecrate tools

On Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:22 PM, "egon88@... [JoyofSatan666]"
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Thank you for sharing your experience! Which mantra you used for Earth?
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I am new just been doing basic meditation but I was to learn more please teach me

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On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 7:04 PM, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Prithivi=earth.Tejas=FireJalam=WaterVayu=wind
I can't remember the page for them but its on the JOS under how to consecrate tools

On Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:22 PM, "egon88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Thank you for sharing your experience! Which mantra you used for Earth?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
