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The Wisdom Of Saturn

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
Something that I have come to understand about Saturn energy is that it is not always 100% bad. For example if someone has a lot of trouble with being scatterbrained, impatient, airheaded, too daydreamy, laziness, or procrastination. Saturns positive aspects can help with grounding, discipline, and getting ones duty done. Bringing responsibility and structure to life. I am not referring to reciting the Saturn mantra but just tuning into the positive aspects of Saturn and actively **acting** upon them. I would like to hear the experiences of other members who know what I am talking about.

Everytime I read online some bullshit on Icke forums and so on, Saturn is blamed as the ultimate detriment and destroyer. Astrology is also infested with this garbage and the undertones of xianity that want Saturn and Satan to be somehow identical and therefore "Evil".

Saturn is also related to Satan in this bullshit arguing they do.

This is just bullshit only fit for distorted brains, manchildren, and of course jews who preach damning advice to the goyim so that they kill themselves by ignoring this all important force of nature. I'm not going to do that. I don't care what people say about Saturn or what they believe.

Indeed also, I have found, advancing in Satanism, can be a craft of mastering alongside anything else, Saturn. It is to make this dangerous mad dog called Saturn into a friendlier and more tame guardian dog that will guard your house against all intruders.

Going around your life whining about Saturn is like going on your neighborhood where there are bulldogs on steroids going out and hungry for 1 month, and going through and trying to lecture them that they are evil. It won't work. Saturn doesn't care if you think he's evil kaneevil or not.

Of course, sissies and other forms of weak life do constantly complain about Saturn, instead of trying to understand, confront, and win against this energy. Therefore Saturn is like a Devil to them, from which they run scared.

This is actually why this world is also fucked by Saturn energy. Because not only it's being channeled by hostile forces, but also people refuse to deal with it in anyway, and shove their head in their ass while everyone refuses to encounter it. This is the wrong way to deal with Saturn.

Another wrong way to deal with Saturn, is to dwell too deeply in it. This way, you'll be consumed by the restrictive force that it represents, and probably suckered into the depressive and damning aspects of it. One has to learn in due time that neither of these extremes is good.

Another complaint of these uninformed individuals is that Saturn causes death and ageing. Saturn is this thing that you can only evade after confronting it, and after understanding how it happens. It's like a very strong type of gravity. Once understood, you can make an airplane, but you can't fly. But you can fly with an airplane.

Like all energies, Saturn requires a fine balance for every person. What many idiots who accuse Saturn of ageing and death don't understand is, is that death is another half of life.

Saturn also grows over sustained growth that is limited to what we refer to as "healthy". Generation and growth happens because of a Saturnian pattern of "Ageing". We go from a little seed to full human being.

Death and old age happens not because of "Saturn" exclusively, but because the generative force falls below that of the ageing. Where it was supposed to stay in a balance and therefore the physical body would not age dangerously, it's tipped off and overpowers the generative force. Eventually death follows.

More balanced forms of these energy, cause what we refer to as "Graceful ageing". Many people do have this aspect in their charts or it can be a result of meditation. So Saturn doesn't really cause "death" on his own, nor is this force purposefully evil. It's an integral part of nature.

To put it simply, death happens because more life doesn't happen.

The correlation between Satan and Saturn, except of the stupidity of that it sounds the same in the language of English [and in no other spiritual language] is that the Serpent [Satan] exists in the Base Chakra.

Like a seed for the person, it rests asleep in the Saturnian base chakra. If it remains there asleep, one cannot benefit from it. The only evil here however, is that people do not meditate, and therefore this seed remains without water. Still, the fact that the Serpent rests of Saturn's Base chakra is revealing.

In inner knowledge, the Saturn should be seen as the soil in which a seed of life lives. But it needs water [meditation] to bloom.

Returning back to the more outwardly forces of Saturn, things are different.

Saturn is also this asshole that nobody wants to hear that whispers in the ears of people what they need to do. "Fuck off" is the reply of most people to Saturn. Saturn can indeed be this depressive shit nobody wants to hear about.

You know, some of the very typical shit caring parents tell their kids which oftentimes they reply to like "Fuck you" and return 10 years later to say "Mom and Dad were right". Like wash your teeth. Yeah fuck off I won't wash the teeth dad, I know better. 10 years later, enjoy going to heavy debt over all the teeth.

When people have these thoughts, oftentimes in our world, they call themselves "Depressed". The "Depression" did not arise from these thoughts, but from their own repetitive ignorance of doing something about them. The thoughts themselves are NOT evil, but they are here to help and show someone they need to change. When these are ignored, the mind goes into a depressive state because it understands one is not doing good.

Not saying this is ALWAYS the cause of depression, but it is, quite often.

For those who are past the age of babies, please read below. You'll receive good understanding about Saturn.

Satanists are not to believe in any of this because we know better. We have to look past than what people do in general. There are Saturn placements in astrology that can save one from delusions, disaster, destruction. Saturn can also in astrology act as a protector.

Most people's problem with Saturn is that Saturn teaches in a brutal way. However, Saturn also can bestow excessive rewards to people who are grounded, well organized, and are consistent with natural cycles and energy.

Everything in the physical realm is subject to life and death. Of course, humans hate old age and death. However, when one knows about death, this can be used in a way that enhances one's life. When one knows a necessary winter for nature is coming, one can prepare the stocking up of food.

Saturn, unlike other planets, can show great signs before calamity to people who have open eyes. One aspect here would be one's teeth or obesity. Generally, before Saturn goes on fallout, there can be signs. Other negative influences can crop up out of nowhere.

Those who know, will live and even improve through Saturnian trials. Saturn also deals with the principle of self determination, self responsibility, leadership, and many other hated things in present day's crazed world.

Increasingly there is also complete and total lack of responsibility, duty, and other values which are giving in to the rift of damnation, creating in their image a shitty and abuse based world. This is unrefined energy of Saturn or absence of it. Both are disastrous for human life.

People today run from self knowledge, responsibility, improving and so on. Because it can be unpleasant. Reality is to improve is the most beautiful feeling on the whole universe and the reason of being for humans.

The recent motto of this world is that everything should be about happiness, and that humans have to live in perpetual ignorance and only focus on being happy. Therefore anything that comes to tell us unpleasant news, most people block out.

In the case of happiness, a bad Neptune would be like "Sure, take fake drugs and try to be happy". Saturn would be like "Maybe it's time to address some of your inner personal issues first?". Clearly the second path can be more helpful.

The patronizing force is seen as negative in this world because everyone wants a false sense of freedom that they don't have. We are no longer in a world where people are forced to do things people think, but everyone lives like a prisoner regardless.

Saturn sets limits where one can also fall off, but can also create limits that impede one from growing. The second can be something one has to fight against. The first is what one has to learn.

The smart way to go is not to abolish limits. When one drives on a mountain road, you better wish there is a stopping bar if it snows, or you might go off the cliffs. Likewise, limitations are equally important to life as freedom is. Freedom without the capacity of limitation is not freedom because you can't stop yourself.

A case of a lack of Saturn being fatal, can be a case of a very rich person who eats 24/7 until they die of a heart attack. While they may go down eating great delicacies, the obesity can be the same problem. Saturn didn't exist in life to stop them. Now they're dead.

Two cases of Saturn manifesting in this life of this man would be these: people in their workplace calling them fat. This would be a negative manifestation, and a painful one. But it still retains the message that one may die.

A medium manifestation of Saturnian energy, is that when they get a minor heart attack, they go to the doctor, and the doctor tells them, you have 6 months to live down this alley, please stop.

A strong Saturn manifestation would be them almost dying and then understanding their mistake of overeating could be fatal.

A total negligence of Saturn in any of the above can lead to self damnation. The same damnation can also happen by overflow of other energies which are generally considered "Beneficial" or positive.

If the person in question had a little Saturn to begin with, and stopped overeating, or they listened to the cries of their body earlier on, outwardly Saturn's influence would be less in their life. Saturn is a difficult energy to master, but people definitely CAN do that.

Saturn's transits can be terrifying, destructive, and even bring extreme calamities. But they can be also these times where you're forced to sit down and assess where things are going with you, to save yourself from even more damage on the future.

However, the more one has accommodated themselves to the protective aspects of Saturn, these will affect them less. Saturn comes to destroy whatever hasn't been built firmly. This is sort of like keeping debts in check and in control. The longer postponed, the worse when the bill comes.

Determination, discipline, and strength of will, can turn the energies of Saturn around, and can make some of the strongest individuals on earth. Due to excessive pressure, not everyone can do this. Heavy Saturnians can either achieve a lot in life, or nothing. Force can be strong on someone to do better and to succeed.

But they will be pressured so it's up to them how to deal and organize this pressure. A lot of them are in positions of power worldwide and very difficult to move away because of this.

Saturn also has a lot of "respect" for individuals who meditate. Meditation works to counter balance the negativity of Saturn, provided it's done within the balanced context of a balance life.

Saturn being like gravity, is not to be escaped by you trying to grow wings and fly. Saturn deals with practical solutions to problems in order to be overcome. For example, people climb a mountain or make an airplane, instead of trying to grow wings which is not going to happen.

Meditation in the Satanic way, brings the mind closer to Satyan or the concept of Truth. This creates observation better. It dispels illusions over time when done properly and with grounding. This saves people from disaster as certainly as a good pair of eyes with 20/20 vision can see danger coming from far away.

Saturn in meditation deals with understanding of the physical realm, the capacity to clarify things for one's self, and one's self awareness. All are important for one's spiritual advancement.

Lastly I have written additional things about Saturn below: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=23180&hilit=King+Maker+Saturn

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very insightful. i have also recently learned that saturn isnt all bad and has a good side that gives patience, endurance, stability and discipline. i also have come to theorise the peple with alot of earth in general too have more hardy bodies so to speak, better immune systems and are generally stronger and can build muscle easily. Saturn when placed properly if i recall correctly can also give one long healthy life and to age gracefully.

"death happens because more life doesn't happen"

this could not be more true especially at the cellular level. if our telomeres did not deteriorate and shorten and if our cells did not start making typos during replication, the ageing process would not happen. our cells also replicate and divide less as we get older.
Indeed people flip out when they see the death card in tarot readings its not an end its a beginning for something new it can be the death of something bad in your life learn to use it.

Also how do we make announcements id like to write on something I have managed to achieve I have broken past my usual limits I now vibrate like a lotus flower if you understand what I mean like I went from golden energy beams to as fast and powerful as light in my chakras to fire to now being like a constant reverberation of what looks like a golden constantly shifting lotus flower its looks like it massively repeats the six pointed star pattern again and again and again I now constantly sit on this lotus thing now when I meditate and I always have one on each hand I also have these two solid gold blocks underneath my feet I sort of get the feeling like if I put enough energy into those ill start floating around because when I do I stand on a weight scale and my weight starts to drop from my natrual 72 kg down to 50 and it keeps going down but not much further still practising but anyway I'd like to write about this advanced side of things as its not got this on the website.
This was absolutely needed for sure.

Most of the times people either make very little of Saturn or get too obsessed with it. As Saturn is one of the most dominant planets on my birth chart, I can definitely say it has both very, very damned sides and great sides at the same time. I only wish Saturn wasn't so fucked up with Jewish energies, because it's good sides are crucial for a person to advance in literally anything in life. After all, it gives self-discipline.

Great sermon dear High Priest.
This made me really reconsider how to act about my Saturn. I always didn't like it because some parts of it has put me in really difficult situations but now that i know it rings the "disaster bells", i think i can be in peace with it.

There was always a reminder for me when i am against a difficult problem. There were times i stupidly ignored and there were times i listen and act accordingly. I always thought it's my 'luck' or 'my guardian's help' but if it's the Saturn who does most of the work, then we can be content with it and watch the fireworks of success.

Thanks for the post HP!
Saturn is the Karma planet,the eternal law of cause and effect.This is what causes evolution.So if you 'treat ' Saturn well striving to be disciplined and structured Saturn will treat well. No doubt its a malefic planet but the Karma it brings are lessons.Life is a school not an amusement park,we are given chance after chance to develop ,to perfect ourselves. We must never say die and Great Sages say everything the befalls man happens with good reasons and always at the right time.You are Atman develop courage , have no fear and encounter all events courageously.......
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You know, some of the very typical shit caring parents tell their kids which oftentimes they reply to like "Fuck you" and return 10 years later to say "Mom and Dad were right". Like wash your teeth. Yeah fuck off I won't wash the teeth dad, I know better. 10 years later, enjoy going to heavy debt over all the teeth.

While I understand the message. I don't think this is a very good point in your point your trying to make. For example I was one of those kids that told my parents to "Fuck off". As a matter of fact my teeth are damaged heavily for someone of my age I probably have teeth that don't see that kind of wear and tear till the 50s-60s of a person right around the time loosing or replacing teeth. You should see my right fang or my front buck teeth. I'll admit I did wear braces and unfortunately I was one of those people whom suffered from braces a percentage of braces using people have their teeth eaten up by the wear of them. Unfortunately the whole transparent plastic braces such as invisalign and whatnot were only prototypes in some R&D local.

Non-the less I still think you statement of telling them fuck off is a little silly. For example I often ask myself why do I do the things that I do. And the funny part is because what I know now is a factor of potential sensitivity towards negativity. For example I never wanted to brush my teeth as a kid I didn't like it nor cared for it. Is that wrong or evil or malefic? No not at all the parent in question should have asked or pondered i.e. use their brain to figure out a reason. And then now when I think about it. Is it possible that maybe I sensed the negativity of brushing your teeth i.e. fluoride, microbeads(plastics), dyes, sweetners, artificial sweetners etc.etc. and was as a kid in capable of providing a mature answer but in my immaturity of age I understood this stuff = bad.

In other words the Saturn way is you listen to an adult. But in my own personal Saturn I also have a correct statement. As an adult they express ageism or ephebiphobia(fear of youth/kids). So in essence because I live with immature people calling themselves Adults who seemingly have their own issues and maybe even their own Saturn issues.

At the end of the day "Why should I listen to people whom have no or zero desire to fix their own lives or live a life of pathetic resolution that in the end they are just transferring their weltanschaang to me in which I have zero care or desire to learn or want to learn"

Yes I will readily admit I never wanted to learn nor desired to ever go to school. Maybe I'm memeing myself into being a goy. But I don't know if it's a matter of living with my grandparents and hardly interacting with other children. I don't know if it's maybe I acted or said something and my grandparents statements along with my mother whom lived with her parents was some sort of old thyme weltanschaang. But honestly I never cared to learn even now I don't care to learn nor desire to learn. Maybe it's because I'm cancer and my moods shift or maybe it's my SS;DD(Same shit; different day) life. But at the end of the day I never wanted to learn the bullshit from parents nor care to learn.

Even IF they are my parents it reminds me of a few fights I had with them of receiving unsolicited advice. Do you know how many times in my childhood this retard called a father gave retarded advice. Here I am listening to 20-30-40 minute conversations in one ear out the other. Do you know how many stupid 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s statements I had to hear. Never did I do anything he said nor cared to hear nor bothered to hear I was in my mind in my own World. And even if somehow there is some advice the only advice I got was "Hey, me, I want you to live with fear at this stupid retard telling you 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s bullshit that is only meant to crush you and destroy you and make you live in fear". For my fathers retarded advice should have stayed in his pathetic World it has no bearing on modern day. Even now he still lives the same way in fear of everything or scared or cries bullshit. He even told me many times as a matter of fact back when I worked with him he told me every one of his clients appreciated me. Yeah and I told him because I'm a robot I just speak to them robotically and move on. I don't become friends with them or this Piscean bullshit way. Fucking hate Pisces, the only Pisces I respect is my mother's sister's husband at least he balanced himself and works on issues.

All the advice I received was just fearmongering bullshit all that Pisces weltanschaang from that dumbass who calls himself my father.

I guess it's like this astrologer who closed off his entire blog. My most powerful power my superhero power so to speak is being powerless. That's right my most powerful power is being powerless.

I guess like me when you have Saturn in 1st house and you were born during a heavy Saturnian transit. It really calls into question why the fuck my parents even bothered to raise me. Just like my friend even my friend has iterated his parents are trash people who probably never taught him anything of value and potentially no idea just fearmongering from their feeble pathetic existence.

It's like he said and I've thought of plenty of times. The one who followed the way of Saturn and Saturnized myself is myself. Why because I raised myself. I'm self-taught everything I learned is by myself. Everything really had to learn it myself.

Even now the consequences of this pathetic planet's ignorance and stupidity and just general existence is affecting me. Or continues to affect me in a myriad of ways.

Perhaps HP.Cobra I took the Saturn way too much. I will readily admit the Saturn is strong with me mentally. Perhaps not life wise in the sense I continue to procrastinate and live in my own World and fantasies of my mind. Maybe all those years of being the quiet kid and thinking about all the stuff I spent thinking maybe some form of excessive mental pedigree to my nature. I hate to state this as it comes off like I'm calling myself a kike. But much like hebrews are considered to be a species and race of mentally intense people. I'm VERY mentally intense and my mentality dominates everything I do. Even a mercurian aspect of mines is what I've researched to be "My mind is so fast and so strong and jumps around topics that my mouth has no time to process the commands because the bottleneck of translating from mind to mouth is too much". Kinda like how I come up with topics and I've had people state "Stay on topic" and it's like I'm on topic your just receiving additional information. And yet they reply your off topic. It's gotten to the point I stop bothering with conversations it's all pointless seems like no one is at my level and even if they hear me I hate talking and conversations it's all fucking stupid and retarded just pointless.

At the end of the day I'm probably gonna get the "fatherly advice" from you HP.Cobra. I do listen to you not outright as in unquestioning I have re-iterrated some statements to family members who know I'm NS/SS and they've had their own like "WTF" moments. I recall one person telling me "Who the hell designated him a high priest what authority does he have". And we live in a city with lots of Santeros(Santeria) so they come from a background of being around that type of religion. And funny enough a few days pass and the person is like "WTF your HP was right the whole time".

But even if you hate what I typed or you understand. I'm not trying to sound disrespectful but at the same time I care not for my parents nor their advice nor their existence nor their desires or wants of me. It reminds me of Stewie from Family Guy "I'm not here to fucking impress you".

So I'm sure my reply is gonna illicit some response possibly very Saturnian but in the end your probably gonna say Well that is your life and how you grew up not everyone is like that perhaps you saw things differently.
Saturn actually is helpful sometimes. Especially if your trying to make a point to someone and you know something they are doing is really bad for themselves or to other people. It is likely that when Saturn transits something like a chart ruler or co ruler or their Ascendant that is when they will get the effects of what they are doing. So they will listen to you then likely and you can say I told you so.
Saturn is a necessary part of physical existence here. I used minor amounts of Saturnian energy for stability as a last resort method when energies were just too high and psychic abilities were becoming more and more difficult to handle. With guidance this worked extremely well and immediately. Some negative events did follow if I tuned in too much, even with high energy. Those events did actually provide the benefits I was seeking though, which was a rest period. If any other way would’ve been sufficient enough then that would’ve been preferable.
Meteor said:

See, I told you Saturn is a strict teacher and makes people strong.
Or rather makes me strong.

He is really just misunderstood..
Saturn can make people great!
Joy of Satan Astrology ebook, page 186,, Synastry chapter.. Interesting how Saturn has a perfect ""100%""' record in murder cases. The ebook also mentions Pluto as even more dangerous in regards to pure, raw power itself. Put a strong Pluto in with a strong Saturn in someone's birth chart, or life event, and,,,,,,..... For better or worse.
If a person were to have his saturn in the eleventh house with mars close to its position, I thought this would mean a lot of crap in a persons life like facing enemies althroughout his life. Would its positive side have to do something with being a leader over those types of people?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

A couple years ago I was planning to do a Saturn square as it was entering its home signs, so in preparation I was focusing on the planet and getting a sense of how its energy works but I wasn't really that knowledgeable on spiritual matters.

Anyway I ended up not doing the Saturn square thankfully, however, I most likely did invoke some of its energy in some way as I started out my school year with a lot of difficulty, and almost failed a couple classes without a few miracles. I really never thought I'd be close to failing a class, and it of course demanded more time in my study which I've usually neglected. Then there were others problems that pushed me to doing more meditations, and it really had me stick to my routines like glue, and I was getting them done despite all of the time constraints I had. Then I had enough spiritual power to manifest whatever I needed done and become quite confident in my ability for a time. During the summer the nightmare was finally over, and I'm looking back feeling like that was a really good year lol.

Only problem was that someone brought the idea that if Saturn got nuked it'd bring an end to all its negative influence and the idea kinda stuck to my head for awhile but then I felt my acknowledgement to Saturns positive aspects had faded away from my life again without realizing it. But this sermon helped me remember and understand what Saturn really is, a planet of structure.
Thank you for clearing this up. Saturn deserves way more respect than the common ," ah faking Saturn iz making my life so hard waaa "

Freedom without the capacity of limitation is not freedom because you can't stop yourself.

Side note your sentence here is a perfect quote for people in today's society to consider.
A few hours ago I did a ritual for satanas, I wanted someone to listen to me, I could not take it anymore ... Lately I have had a really bitter Saturn, I have had problems very focused on money in different situations (retrograde Saturn, Taurus in the house two).

Basically I have been receiving blows of this type all my life, I have gotten used to it and I have learned a lot to make money fast and how to manage it, but I have been hitting very hard for more than a year.

I particularly see it as a weakness to play the blame and do nothing about it, but I have always been a bit complaining about my very friendly and particular Saturn.

The point here is that I asked Satan for help because I no longer knew what to do; This publication just gave me more and more strength the more I read it, it really pulled me out of a dark hole in which I felt trapped. I have learned a lot from her and I want to give you my sincere thanks HP. Hoodedcobra666, you have no idea how much you've helped me.

-Hail Satan!
Eternal life 666 Thank you!! For sharing that. ❤ And Hail Satan!!🔥🐍
I generally have been neutral towards Saturn, it has caused me hardship with negligence but overtime since coming to Satan my life is not a "Pity Party" anymore and i face each challenge with perseverance and a wide perspective of time.

I am often very serious, and pessimistic at times as my Moon at the time of my birth was in Capricorn, so my emotional nature is Saturnian, with that comes my unwavering dedication and determination to succeed.

"Heavy Saturnians can either achieve a lot in life, or nothing."

That spoke to me more than anything.

My ASC is Taurus but Saturn was in Taurus when I was born so my ASC amplify Saturn even more in a Taurus manifestation.

It is my greatest strength and my greatest weakness. It is up to me in which is True.

We are no longer in a world where people are forced to do things people think, but everyone lives like a prisoner regardless.
Damn. If HP Cobra would rap that would be a bar.

Thank you for your posts and all the hard work you put in! It motivates my personally to grow and think that one day no matter after 5 or 10 or 20 years of putting hard work in life and meditation I can communicate with Gods and be great like you.. regardless few weeks ago I seen that Saturn will be retrograde before summer at first I was a little bit worried but now I know what I need to do, and I will do that.

Your fellow SS brother Taio.
Thank you Hp Cobra, I always thought saturn was no more than a giant ball of negativity and misery. I was wrong. If you didnt make this post I would still be thinking the same way. Thank you for removing the fog that which make saturn look dull in my windows. I copied this sermon so I cannot lose it. Its easier to search my file manager for a sermon than to search the entire forum for a sermon from years ago. Thats why I keep copies of chosen sermons thta are relevant to my life.

Hail Satan!
Hail to King Zebulon!
I like"prefer" spiritual astrology over Astro_negativity
In modern astrology they represent Saturn as an old man with Axe knocking your bedroom door.
Glad to see this post! Saturn is my favorite planet!
In vedic astrology for example Saturn can be a functional benefic planet (yogakaraka) too for Libra and Taurus ascendant people. Saturn and Venus are planetary "friends".

Here's a little good vedic astrological writing :

I remember there was an older topic where Saturn's rings were discussed. There was a book The Ringmakers of Saturn by Norman Bergun which exposed how the enemy aliens created more fake rings around Saturn.
Seems this is empowering the energies of Saturn, especially the negative energies...
Pretty much situation of my natal house that has Saturn in it:

HPHC is like my Saturn.

Guys i really need to start learning about this because i know almost nothing about it
I find it very difficult to understand Astrology where can i start? Should i only learn from Jos or should i also learn from outside ?

I need beginner basics because im fucking dumb when it comes to this! Slyscorpio has given me a helpful link before and i read some of the stuff there but i still find it difficult to understand.
Out of everything on Jos it is Astrology i am battling to understand.
slyscorpion said:
Saturn actually is helpful sometimes. Especially if your trying to make a point to someone and you know something they are doing is really bad for themselves or to other people. It is likely that when Saturn transits something like a chart ruler or co ruler or their Ascendant that is when they will get the effects of what they are doing. So they will listen to you then likely and you can say I told you so.

Certain placements which people consider "damned", such as Saturn in the 2nd house, can sometimes create hardcore millionaires. I have seen this on more than a few charts. Not all, but they can make it happen. Because hardship in this area of life, if overcome, can make one a strong person in this aspect of life.

A lot of people who now hold a lot of power physically, such as the top 100 of the earth in decisions, do also have strong Saturn quite often.
Wildfire said:
If a person were to have his saturn in the eleventh house with mars close to its position, I thought this would mean a lot of crap in a persons life like facing enemies althroughout his life. Would its positive side have to do something with being a leader over those types of people?

Yes, and since I seen quite a few people with this, who constantly blame other people for this, it doesn't really work that way.

For others to become someone's enemies, unless they are insane, something had to happen right?

I knew one person who had Saturn in the 11th house and tried to fuck other people's girlfriends behind their back. And guess what their boyfriends, did they hated them and wanted to break his sides.

So why did this happen because other people were insane? No, because he was a piece of crap.

Some things which are experienced as Saturn negativity in life have to do with negative aspects of a personality and so on.

Saturn in the 11th can make a person dependable for all friends and a person other people can rely on. This can have a negative aspect to it or if one is careful it can be positive. Loneliness is not the only thing this may cause.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
I remember there was an older topic where Saturn's rings were discussed. There was a book The Ringmakers of Saturn by Norman Bergun which exposed how the enemy aliens created more fake rings around Saturn.
Seems this is empowering the energies of Saturn, especially the negative energies...

I don't know about this theory but people consistently blame random shit for them not doing what they should be doing.

I am not sure it's rings on Saturn that increase Saturn's potency because people take excessive let's say debt money with their credit card because they are addicted to something and they can't pay back.
Your Guardian Demons can definitely protect from these disasters, combined with your own meditation.

Saturn in some charts can under conditions, protect. But they way it does protect someone from something may not be the most optimal way.

This is not to make Saturn the best friend, but rather to understand that it can be used at an advantage, if CAREFULLY dealt with.

Hermit of 13 Swords said:
This made me really reconsider how to act about my Saturn. I always didn't like it because some parts of it has put me in really difficult situations but now that i know it rings the "disaster bells", i think i can be in peace with it.

There was always a reminder for me when i am against a difficult problem. There were times i stupidly ignored and there were times i listen and act accordingly. I always thought it's my 'luck' or 'my guardian's help' but if it's the Saturn who does most of the work, then we can be content with it and watch the fireworks of success.

Thanks for the post HP!
BlackJackal said:
Pretty much situation of my natal house that has Saturn in it:


Exactly mine also. This was a hilarious comment. Thank you. :lol:
Thank you too for reading.

I didn't know these emojis could be used to show on the web browser. That's awesome.

CandiceLee1313 said:
Eternal life 666 Thank you!! For sharing that. ❤ And Hail Satan!!🔥🐍
I've done many of these squares and at least based on my experience, they can bring more hard situations that one really needs. I did some so that I would have a measurable opinion to share in case I was asked.

But the weirdest aspect of this, is that in retrospect, years later, these things helped. But when these were through, holy shit it was really unpleasant.

It's better to not go that way. Nauthiz and other runes can do very similar work without extra crap.

Specter said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

A couple years ago I was planning to do a Saturn square as it was entering its home signs, so in preparation I was focusing on the planet and getting a sense of how its energy works but I wasn't really that knowledgeable on spiritual matters.

Anyway I ended up not doing the Saturn square thankfully, however, I most likely did invoke some of its energy in some way as I started out my school year with a lot of difficulty, and almost failed a couple classes without a few miracles. I really never thought I'd be close to failing a class, and it of course demanded more time in my study which I've usually neglected. Then there were others problems that pushed me to doing more meditations, and it really had me stick to my routines like glue, and I was getting them done despite all of the time constraints I had. Then I had enough spiritual power to manifest whatever I needed done and become quite confident in my ability for a time. During the summer the nightmare was finally over, and I'm looking back feeling like that was a really good year lol.

Only problem was that someone brought the idea that if Saturn got nuked it'd bring an end to all its negative influence and the idea kinda stuck to my head for awhile but then I felt my acknowledgement to Saturns positive aspects had faded away from my life again without realizing it. But this sermon helped me remember and understand what Saturn really is, a planet of structure.
Saturn can explode and burn for all I care. I'll never see Saturn in any positive light or acknowledge it as being anything positive ever. You can say it rules over endurance and has positive effects sometimes, but for me its caused the most pain and suffering ever. In my 8th house with extreme poverty, no sexual partner, and no hope in sight. My teeth are decayed and must be pulled and replaced with dental implants, I have mild tinnitus, and other stuff that Saturn has caused. I just want to escape Saturn and all of its bad influences as a whole. I could make this a huge post about all the shit Saturn has caused, but id rather keep it short and simple. I don't like planet Saturn at all.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Glad to see this post! Saturn is my favorite planet!
In vedic astrology for example Saturn can be a functional benefic planet (yogakaraka) too for Libra and Taurus ascendant people. Saturn and Venus are planetary "friends".

Here's a little good vedic astrological writing :

I remember there was an older topic where Saturn's rings were discussed. There was a book The Ringmakers of Saturn by Norman Bergun which exposed how the enemy aliens created more fake rings around Saturn.
Seems this is empowering the energies of Saturn, especially the negative energies...

I have heard of the book the ring makers of Saturn. They say its extraterrestrials with cigar shaped craft who make the rings around Saturn.
BlackJackal said:
Pretty much situation of my natal house that has Saturn in it:


Lol that why i say Commander HC is like my Saturn. He drills us to be strong soldier's.
Thats how i meant it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Certain placements which people consider "damned", such as Saturn in the 2nd house, can sometimes create hardcore millionaires. I have seen this on more than a few charts. Not all, but they can make it happen. Because hardship in this area of life, if overcome, can make one a strong person in this aspect of life.
A lot of people who now hold a lot of power physically, such as the top 100 of the earth in decisions, do also have strong Saturn quite often.

How do you see Saturn in 9th House .

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
