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The Way Forward In Spiritual Satanism: Taking Action

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Overall in all my years around the JoS, I have seen many people who use meditations as a form of escapism or in a delusional manner.

These people then develop a sense of "inflation" in themselves; thinking they are great, pharaohs and whatever, just because they sit there and meditate and the powerful forces of opening the mind start expanding their mind. Met many retarded "Pharaohs" and "Ancient High Priests" of my time with literally nothing to show of this, just delusional ideas that exist somewhere in a mind that is borne out of lesser disease and has nothing to prove for all it's extensive claims.

Then at some point they forget reality and they forget that this world is a real world where any capacity one has, has to show forward in this actual world we are living. Eventually when one is confronted with this reality many do not want to accept this or the struggle of the actual manifestation of these things [where the whole situation should end up to], as it's painful to accept, and they spend a lot of time essentially just in a world of phantoms where this never happens, wasting their time and the time of others.

Even meditation, constitutes an action. It has to be done. Therefore, it's classified again as an action, that can yield results, in the context of other actions that also do the same thing.

Potential in these cases can be mistaken for objectivity, but your POTENTIAL is NOT your objectivity. I do not doubt anyone's POTENTIAL, but as a leader and an instructor in the path, I want to see it MANIFESTED for the sake of yourself first and foremost, then the Gods and the Community.

Every time I ask about these things to be proven forward, I get the blank stare, more nonsense, or even other parasitical claims that someone, like the Gods, must do it for them. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The Gods can show you potential, assist you in knowledge for unfolding it, but there is only one person that can unfold this potential and has to proceed in their own unfolding: One's self. Nobody else will do this.

The Gods can make this process far more easy, open, guided and very obvious; and still, some people won't even try to do the basics. This is because they don't really love themselves enough yet to proceed and to do what they have to do, in order to prove to themselves that they can do this. This is a pivotal choice in the path and the path will bring this in front of you eventually.

So self deceitful can these avoidances to grow become for you, that for example, one person can say they are good at a science and craft [potentially] but they never grow it. So how good are they? Not good at all. This avoidance leads to this: Nothing for yourself and others.

Despite of my most sincere efforts over the years to explain everything [I have, repeatedly], some people will always be in the above category. These people do not want to act. They "potentially" could have a healthier body but won't work for it. Resentment, self hate and self doubt plague them as a result of their delusions and they answer to this with more delusions [the grander, the better] to escape the cold reality that simply one has to do, what they have to do. But this "cold reality" is actually far less colder than the false reality of their own generated delusions.

Then when they see that the Gods aren't really part of their amusement park, they stand there delusional and baffled, showered in ignorance, on why the Gods keep them out of their serious plans or why they do not actually advance.

The whole thing with meditation and everything one "knows", is that spiritual power and knowledge are to be applied in the world, personal growth and then take the form of objective empowerment. Meditation is real but try meditating solely on a woman and getting it on with her, and never talking to her or trying, to going the mile, and tell me if you will get any women: You won't.

It doesn't matter if you sit there for 10 years and you say you will defeat some obstacle at some point; what matters the most beyond the honorable intention is to start doing this. Meditation is work on the soul and empowerment that exists there, to be ushered outward through your actions, abilities and growth in this life that you live. It combines with this, and then as it combines, meditation unlocks it's full power and meaning.

Many Donors and others who actively do work for the Gods, ie, create for others, ie, they become creators instead of delusional, they start to see that the Gods extend their hands to them and blessings start to come to them in many forms. They find out the Gods are satisfied with these actions [be these financial or other actions]. This is literally the consequence of their actions.

Some person might have generated a million dollars from some investment, nothing went to the JoS, then they think they are important [because whatever] and they find out the Gods don't have the same opinion. They do not. You are just another event that hasn't done something that is even a fraction of what you could do for them and others or their development. In that case, one loses a lot from the potential power, blessing and capacity that could be bestowed upon them, simply because of their inaction or unwillingness.

Then one will see someone who does something which is considered "minimum" [but for them, it might be large, and the Gods know this very well], just breaking obstacle after obstacle and rising in the path, and they might not even be on the same level of capacity, but here's what they do: They Act. The laws of existence are unforgiving to that end and very definitive. That's the way to growth and other things are just phantoms of the imagination. Reaping on the consequences of their inaction; that's how life goes.

It's the person that actively starts to get their affairs in order objectively and does strive for something, that will get something for it, and the rest are simply either mentally on an infant level, too self-important to act or to work [worthlessness hiding behind a large egoism], or simply they cannot and they have to generate extensive delusions to cover up for this. All these states, the quicker one banishes them, the better, for then everything in their existence will change for the better when they comprehend these laws of the cosmos and work in accordance to them, rather than sulk and resist to understand them. The laws will be here and they will not change. They will change them in time, and in many ways, in unwelcome ways, or lead to a lifetime wasted where one didn't tap into any potential to unfold it.

If you think about it also, the above is the largest crime one can do to their own potential, since it was never made manifest in their lives and that of others [and neither to themselves] and this is high sacrilege and a very self-hating move. So in a sense, the delusion explained in the first paragraphs, is actually deadly to your potential and it's manifestation and it helps you nowhere in the end of the day.

And that is the brutal truth of the subject, which must be accepted, so that potential must unfold onward in existence. Please heed the above and understand it, so that all of you truly blossom as you deserve.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow that's really deep sermon
Course I don't think I'm like Pharoah
Or anything else you have explained
Had a couple experiences in being in
A Pagan Coven and I had exercises
I did when I was there to train in
Magick I've use to work with great
God Pan and Epona and I would
Pray to them I felt better and would
study and read what i could of them
And I don't think that ain't important
Wow that's really deep sermon
Course I don't think I'm like Pharoah
Or anything else you have explained
Had a couple experiences in being in
A Pagan Coven and I had exercises
I did when I was there to train in
Magick I've use to work with great
God Pan and Epona and I would
Pray to them I felt better and would
study and read what i could of them
And I don't think that i am important
But I do

Overall in all my years around the JoS, I have seen many people who use meditations as a form of escapism or in a delusional manner.

These people then develop a sense of "inflation" in themselves; thinking they are great, pharaohs and whatever, just because they sit there and meditate and the powerful forces of opening the mind start expanding their mind. Met many retarded "Pharaohs" and "Ancient High Priests" of my time with literally nothing to show of this, just delusional ideas that exist somewhere in a mind that is borne out of lesser disease and has nothing to prove for all it's extensive claims.

Then at some point they forget reality and they forget that this world is a real world where any capacity one has, has to show forward in this actual world we are living. Eventually when one is confronted with this reality many do not want to accept this or the struggle of the actual manifestation of these things [where the whole situation should end up to], as it's painful to accept, and they spend a lot of time essentially just in a world of phantoms where this never happens, wasting their time and the time of others.

Even meditation, constitutes an action. It has to be done. Therefore, it's classified again as an action, that can yield results, in the context of other actions that also do the same thing.

Potential in these cases can be mistaken for objectivity, but your POTENTIAL is NOT your objectivity. I do not doubt anyone's POTENTIAL, but as a leader and an instructor in the path, I want to see it MANIFESTED for the sake of yourself first and foremost, then the Gods and the Community.

Every time I ask about these things to be proven forward, I get the blank stare, more nonsense, or even other parasitical claims that someone, like the Gods, must do it for them. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The Gods can show you potential, assist you in knowledge for unfolding it, but there is only one person that can unfold this potential and has to proceed in their own unfolding: One's self. Nobody else will do this.

The Gods can make this process far more easy, open, guided and very obvious; and still, some people won't even try to do the basics. This is because they don't really love themselves enough yet to proceed and to do what they have to do, in order to prove to themselves that they can do this. This is a pivotal choice in the path and the path will bring this in front of you eventually.

So self deceitful can these avoidances to grow become for you, that for example, one person can say they are good at a science and craft [potentially] but they never grow it. So how good are they? Not good at all. This avoidance leads to this: Nothing for yourself and others.

Despite of my most sincere efforts over the years to explain everything [I have, repeatedly], some people will always be in the above category. These people do not want to act. They "potentially" could have a healthier body but won't work for it. Resentment, self hate and self doubt plague them as a result of their delusions and they answer to this with more delusions [the grander, the better] to escape the cold reality that simply one has to do, what they have to do. But this "cold reality" is actually far less colder than the false reality of their own generated delusions.

Then when they see that the Gods aren't really part of their amusement park, they stand there delusional and baffled, showered in ignorance, on why the Gods keep them out of their serious plans or why they do not actually advance.

The whole thing with meditation and everything one "knows", is that spiritual power and knowledge are to be applied in the world, personal growth and then take the form of objective empowerment. Meditation is real but try meditating solely on a woman and getting it on with her, and never talking to her or trying, to going the mile, and tell me if you will get any women: You won't.

It doesn't matter if you sit there for 10 years and you say you will defeat some obstacle at some point; what matters the most beyond the honorable intention is to start doing this. Meditation is work on the soul and empowerment that exists there, to be ushered outward through your actions, abilities and growth in this life that you live. It combines with this, and then as it combines, meditation unlocks it's full power and meaning.

Many Donors and others who actively do work for the Gods, ie, create for others, ie, they become creators instead of delusional, they start to see that the Gods extend their hands to them and blessings start to come to them in many forms. They find out the Gods are satisfied with these actions [be these financial or other actions]. This is literally the consequence of their actions.

Some person might have generated a million dollars from some investment, nothing went to the JoS, then they think they are important [because whatever] and they find out the Gods don't have the same opinion. They do not. You are just another event that hasn't done something that is even a fraction of what you could do for them and others or their development. In that case, one loses a lot from the potential power, blessing and capacity that could be bestowed upon them, simply because of their inaction or unwillingness.

Then one will see someone who does something which is considered "minimum" [but for them, it might be large, and the Gods know this very well], just breaking obstacle after obstacle and rising in the path, and they might not even be on the same level of capacity, but here's what they do: They Act. The laws of existence are unforgiving to that end and very definitive. That's the way to growth and other things are just phantoms of the imagination. Reaping on the consequences of their inaction; that's how life goes.

It's the person that actively starts to get their affairs in order objectively and does strive for something, that will get something for it, and the rest are simply either mentally on an infant level, too self-important to act or to work [worthlessness hiding behind a large egoism], or simply they cannot and they have to generate extensive delusions to cover up for this. All these states, the quicker one banishes them, the better, for then everything in their existence will change for the better when they comprehend these laws of the cosmos and work in accordance to them, rather than sulk and resist to understand them. The laws will be here and they will not change. They will change them in time, and in many ways, in unwelcome ways, or lead to a lifetime wasted where one didn't tap into any potential to unfold it.

If you think about it also, the above is the largest crime one can do to their own potential, since it was never made manifest in their lives and that of others [and neither to themselves] and this is high sacrilege and a very self-hating move. So in a sense, the delusion explained in the first paragraphs, is actually deadly to your potential and it's manifestation and it helps you nowhere in the end of the day.

And that is the brutal truth of the subject, which must be accepted, so that potential must unfold onward in existence. Please heed the above and understand it, so that all of you truly blossom as you deserve.

-High Priest

Im sorry abour that mess up
But I don't think I am a important &
I don't think that meditation is
Is a escape I think of it to grow Spiritually and a helpful exercise
Overall in all my years around the JoS, I have seen many people who use meditations as a form of escapism or in a delusional manner.

These people then develop a sense of "inflation" in themselves; thinking they are great, pharaohs and whatever, just because they sit there and meditate and the powerful forces of opening the mind start expanding their mind. Met many retarded "Pharaohs" and "Ancient High Priests" of my time with literally nothing to show of this, just delusional ideas that exist somewhere in a mind that is borne out of lesser disease and has nothing to prove for all it's extensive claims.

Then at some point they forget reality and they forget that this world is a real world where any capacity one has, has to show forward in this actual world we are living. Eventually when one is confronted with this reality many do not want to accept this or the struggle of the actual manifestation of these things [where the whole situation should end up to], as it's painful to accept, and they spend a lot of time essentially just in a world of phantoms where this never happens, wasting their time and the time of others.

Even meditation, constitutes an action. It has to be done. Therefore, it's classified again as an action, that can yield results, in the context of other actions that also do the same thing.

Potential in these cases can be mistaken for objectivity, but your POTENTIAL is NOT your objectivity. I do not doubt anyone's POTENTIAL, but as a leader and an instructor in the path, I want to see it MANIFESTED for the sake of yourself first and foremost, then the Gods and the Community.

Every time I ask about these things to be proven forward, I get the blank stare, more nonsense, or even other parasitical claims that someone, like the Gods, must do it for them. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The Gods can show you potential, assist you in knowledge for unfolding it, but there is only one person that can unfold this potential and has to proceed in their own unfolding: One's self. Nobody else will do this.

The Gods can make this process far more easy, open, guided and very obvious; and still, some people won't even try to do the basics. This is because they don't really love themselves enough yet to proceed and to do what they have to do, in order to prove to themselves that they can do this. This is a pivotal choice in the path and the path will bring this in front of you eventually.

So self deceitful can these avoidances to grow become for you, that for example, one person can say they are good at a science and craft [potentially] but they never grow it. So how good are they? Not good at all. This avoidance leads to this: Nothing for yourself and others.

Despite of my most sincere efforts over the years to explain everything [I have, repeatedly], some people will always be in the above category. These people do not want to act. They "potentially" could have a healthier body but won't work for it. Resentment, self hate and self doubt plague them as a result of their delusions and they answer to this with more delusions [the grander, the better] to escape the cold reality that simply one has to do, what they have to do. But this "cold reality" is actually far less colder than the false reality of their own generated delusions.

Then when they see that the Gods aren't really part of their amusement park, they stand there delusional and baffled, showered in ignorance, on why the Gods keep them out of their serious plans or why they do not actually advance.

The whole thing with meditation and everything one "knows", is that spiritual power and knowledge are to be applied in the world, personal growth and then take the form of objective empowerment. Meditation is real but try meditating solely on a woman and getting it on with her, and never talking to her or trying, to going the mile, and tell me if you will get any women: You won't.

It doesn't matter if you sit there for 10 years and you say you will defeat some obstacle at some point; what matters the most beyond the honorable intention is to start doing this. Meditation is work on the soul and empowerment that exists there, to be ushered outward through your actions, abilities and growth in this life that you live. It combines with this, and then as it combines, meditation unlocks it's full power and meaning.

Many Donors and others who actively do work for the Gods, ie, create for others, ie, they become creators instead of delusional, they start to see that the Gods extend their hands to them and blessings start to come to them in many forms. They find out the Gods are satisfied with these actions [be these financial or other actions]. This is literally the consequence of their actions.

Some person might have generated a million dollars from some investment, nothing went to the JoS, then they think they are important [because whatever] and they find out the Gods don't have the same opinion. They do not. You are just another event that hasn't done something that is even a fraction of what you could do for them and others or their development. In that case, one loses a lot from the potential power, blessing and capacity that could be bestowed upon them, simply because of their inaction or unwillingness.

Then one will see someone who does something which is considered "minimum" [but for them, it might be large, and the Gods know this very well], just breaking obstacle after obstacle and rising in the path, and they might not even be on the same level of capacity, but here's what they do: They Act. The laws of existence are unforgiving to that end and very definitive. That's the way to growth and other things are just phantoms of the imagination. Reaping on the consequences of their inaction; that's how life goes.

It's the person that actively starts to get their affairs in order objectively and does strive for something, that will get something for it, and the rest are simply either mentally on an infant level, too self-important to act or to work [worthlessness hiding behind a large egoism], or simply they cannot and they have to generate extensive delusions to cover up for this. All these states, the quicker one banishes them, the better, for then everything in their existence will change for the better when they comprehend these laws of the cosmos and work in accordance to them, rather than sulk and resist to understand them. The laws will be here and they will not change. They will change them in time, and in many ways, in unwelcome ways, or lead to a lifetime wasted where one didn't tap into any potential to unfold it.

If you think about it also, the above is the largest crime one can do to their own potential, since it was never made manifest in their lives and that of others [and neither to themselves] and this is high sacrilege and a very self-hating move. So in a sense, the delusion explained in the first paragraphs, is actually deadly to your potential and it's manifestation and it helps you nowhere in the end of the day.

And that is the brutal truth of the subject, which must be accepted, so that potential must unfold onward in existence. Please heed the above and understand it, so that all of you truly blossom as you deserve.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
But I understand
I've meet a couple of people that
Were out there
And most of them start there conversation as they got killed
And was had a resurrection
and they egyptian and devil
A bunch of dummies
Thanks for the sermon
Hail Satanas And the Gods !!!!
Why is this place getting so repetitive,
Chat, are we Spiritually stagnated this bad????
I wouldn't say it's repetitive, to the point that the Gods have to constantly re-incarnate people 30 and 50 times until they get the things reiterated here, so they can finally proceed with their existence. You just want new information, but primarily, you will go repeat the same pattern again. So use the repetition of a message, to not constantly repeat. That will be your salvation and not twitter tier posts that just idly agitate braincells. Joined also moments ago, I would ensure if I were you, to read and adapt everything, rather than comment like a bot.
I wouldn't say it's repetitive, to the point that the Gods have to constantly re-incarnate people 30 and 50 times until they get the things reiterated here, so they can finally proceed with their existence. You just want new information, but primarily, you will go repeat the same pattern again. So use the repetition of a message, to not constantly repeat. That will be your salvation and not twitter tier posts that just idly agitate braincells. Joined also moments ago, I would ensure if I were you, to read and adapt everything, rather than comment like a bot.

Overall in all my years around the JoS, I have seen many people who use meditations as a form of escapism or in a delusional manner.

These people then develop a sense of "inflation" in themselves; thinking they are great, pharaohs and whatever, just because they sit there and meditate and the powerful forces of opening the mind start expanding their mind. Met many retarded "Pharaohs" and "Ancient High Priests" of my time with literally nothing to show of this, just delusional ideas that exist somewhere in a mind that is borne out of lesser disease and has nothing to prove for all it's extensive claims.

Then at some point they forget reality and they forget that this world is a real world where any capacity one has, has to show forward in this actual world we are living. Eventually when one is confronted with this reality many do not want to accept this or the struggle of the actual manifestation of these things [where the whole situation should end up to], as it's painful to accept, and they spend a lot of time essentially just in a world of phantoms where this never happens, wasting their time and the time of others.

Even meditation, constitutes an action. It has to be done. Therefore, it's classified again as an action, that can yield results, in the context of other actions that also do the same thing.

Potential in these cases can be mistaken for objectivity, but your POTENTIAL is NOT your objectivity. I do not doubt anyone's POTENTIAL, but as a leader and an instructor in the path, I want to see it MANIFESTED for the sake of yourself first and foremost, then the Gods and the Community.

Every time I ask about these things to be proven forward, I get the blank stare, more nonsense, or even other parasitical claims that someone, like the Gods, must do it for them. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The Gods can show you potential, assist you in knowledge for unfolding it, but there is only one person that can unfold this potential and has to proceed in their own unfolding: One's self. Nobody else will do this.

The Gods can make this process far more easy, open, guided and very obvious; and still, some people won't even try to do the basics. This is because they don't really love themselves enough yet to proceed and to do what they have to do, in order to prove to themselves that they can do this. This is a pivotal choice in the path and the path will bring this in front of you eventually.

So self deceitful can these avoidances to grow become for you, that for example, one person can say they are good at a science and craft [potentially] but they never grow it. So how good are they? Not good at all. This avoidance leads to this: Nothing for yourself and others.

Despite of my most sincere efforts over the years to explain everything [I have, repeatedly], some people will always be in the above category. These people do not want to act. They "potentially" could have a healthier body but won't work for it. Resentment, self hate and self doubt plague them as a result of their delusions and they answer to this with more delusions [the grander, the better] to escape the cold reality that simply one has to do, what they have to do. But this "cold reality" is actually far less colder than the false reality of their own generated delusions.

Then when they see that the Gods aren't really part of their amusement park, they stand there delusional and baffled, showered in ignorance, on why the Gods keep them out of their serious plans or why they do not actually advance.

The whole thing with meditation and everything one "knows", is that spiritual power and knowledge are to be applied in the world, personal growth and then take the form of objective empowerment. Meditation is real but try meditating solely on a woman and getting it on with her, and never talking to her or trying, to going the mile, and tell me if you will get any women: You won't.

It doesn't matter if you sit there for 10 years and you say you will defeat some obstacle at some point; what matters the most beyond the honorable intention is to start doing this. Meditation is work on the soul and empowerment that exists there, to be ushered outward through your actions, abilities and growth in this life that you live. It combines with this, and then as it combines, meditation unlocks it's full power and meaning.

Many Donors and others who actively do work for the Gods, ie, create for others, ie, they become creators instead of delusional, they start to see that the Gods extend their hands to them and blessings start to come to them in many forms. They find out the Gods are satisfied with these actions [be these financial or other actions]. This is literally the consequence of their actions.

Some person might have generated a million dollars from some investment, nothing went to the JoS, then they think they are important [because whatever] and they find out the Gods don't have the same opinion. They do not. You are just another event that hasn't done something that is even a fraction of what you could do for them and others or their development. In that case, one loses a lot from the potential power, blessing and capacity that could be bestowed upon them, simply because of their inaction or unwillingness.

Then one will see someone who does something which is considered "minimum" [but for them, it might be large, and the Gods know this very well], just breaking obstacle after obstacle and rising in the path, and they might not even be on the same level of capacity, but here's what they do: They Act. The laws of existence are unforgiving to that end and very definitive. That's the way to growth and other things are just phantoms of the imagination. Reaping on the consequences of their inaction; that's how life goes.

It's the person that actively starts to get their affairs in order objectively and does strive for something, that will get something for it, and the rest are simply either mentally on an infant level, too self-important to act or to work [worthlessness hiding behind a large egoism], or simply they cannot and they have to generate extensive delusions to cover up for this. All these states, the quicker one banishes them, the better, for then everything in their existence will change for the better when they comprehend these laws of the cosmos and work in accordance to them, rather than sulk and resist to understand them. The laws will be here and they will not change. They will change them in time, and in many ways, in unwelcome ways, or lead to a lifetime wasted where one didn't tap into any potential to unfold it.

If you think about it also, the above is the largest crime one can do to their own potential, since it was never made manifest in their lives and that of others [and neither to themselves] and this is high sacrilege and a very self-hating move. So in a sense, the delusion explained in the first paragraphs, is actually deadly to your potential and it's manifestation and it helps you nowhere in the end of the day.

And that is the brutal truth of the subject, which must be accepted, so that potential must unfold onward in existence. Please heed the above and understand it, so that all of you truly blossom as you deserve.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Sorry if I sound grouchy
Just had a long day
I've been up since 4 :30
Everyone have a goodnight
Hail Satanas
Thank you for your caring words. 🙇

I just got here and I have Asperger's. I have quite some difficulty on meditating due to forgetfulness but I don't have difficulty in taking action. I have a hard time putting my mind and body to sit still and do nothing, but I do think about a lot of things to help me focus and keep myself grounded.

I really need to give my mind and body some rest with meditating, though... it's not healthy to push your mind and body so close to its limits.
I wouldn't say it's repetitive, to the point that the Gods have to constantly re-incarnate people 30 and 50 times until they get the things reiterated here, so they can finally proceed with their existence. You just want new information, but primarily, you will go repeat the same pattern again. So use the repetition of a message, to not constantly repeat. That will be your salvation and not twitter tier posts that just idly agitate braincells. Joined also moments ago, I would ensure if I were you, to read and adapt everything, rather than comment like a bot.
Maybe repetitive patterns are as a results of repetitive information?
Or gaslighting mental processes to easily suggestible states,
You're special today, tomorrow you're not,
but am no genius on how brainwashing works ,that much is obvious,
What makes an SS any different from the average person?
Even if its spiritual advancement there are other practices with way more advanced people than the average here judging by that sermon,
What's also is special to these supernal gods about JOS?
What separates JOS from any typical Internet cult with the usual 'this gods interacted with in certain ways we dictate will transform your life' gimmicks,

And if delusion is something that has been evident to you ,how exactly can your steer young minds that are easily prone thwt err if you constantly tell them they are 'Special' to the Gods because they initiated or dedicated while constantly belittling those unfortunate enough to be under Jewish programs,
I would bet some are probably more advantageous to the world in comparison,
and am certain you know how exactly mental programming works, especially for unfortunate Abrahamics,

So ,,what's special about an SS?
What difference are they to you in comparison to countless others of diverging paths?
So ,,what's special about an SS?
What difference are they to you in comparison to countless others of diverging paths?

None of your statements are correct, nor these things take place here like you state. People also are well accustomed and aware of these things as you say, or they would not be here in the first place, but rather in your local Abrahamist church worshiping falsehood.

If you want to find the difference, dedicate, practice it and see. Since you are here, might as well.
Maybe repetitive patterns are as a results of repetitive information?
Or gaslighting mental processes to easily suggestible states,
You're special today, tomorrow you're not,
but am no genius on how brainwashing works ,that much is obvious,
What makes an SS any different from the average person?
Even if its spiritual advancement there are other practices with way more advanced people than the average here judging by that sermon,
What's also is special to these supernal gods about JOS?
What separates JOS from any typical Internet cult with the usual 'this gods interacted with in certain ways we dictate will transform your life' gimmicks,

And if delusion is something that has been evident to you ,how exactly can your steer young minds that are easily prone thwt err if you constantly tell them they are 'Special' to the Gods because they initiated or dedicated while constantly belittling those unfortunate enough to be under Jewish programs,
I would bet some are probably more advantageous to the world in comparison,
and am certain you know how exactly mental programming works, especially for unfortunate Abrahamics,

So ,,what's special about an SS?
What difference are they to you in comparison to countless others of diverging paths?
If JOS were a typical internet cult, like other fake Hebrew religions, it could easily brush things off by saying, "Your life isn’t changing because this is a test placed upon you by the gods and goddesses." However, we tell the members here that they need to take concrete steps to overcome the obstacles in their lives. You’ve misunderstood the phrase "You are special to the gods." Everyone who has dedicated themselves is protected by the gods and goddesses. Moreover, if we were to tell people that they are constantly special just because they’ve undergone initiation or dedication, and that we are superior, it would make us no different from the "superior" Jewish people chosen by God. We do not belittle those unfortunate enough to be subjected to Jewish programs, but we don’t understand those who accept these ridiculous Jewish programs without examining, judging, or questioning them, like sheep.
Maybe repetitive patterns are as a results of repetitive information?
Or gaslighting mental processes to easily suggestible states,
You're special today, tomorrow you're not,
but am no genius on how brainwashing works ,that much is obvious,
What makes an SS any different from the average person?
Even if its spiritual advancement there are other practices with way more advanced people than the average here judging by that sermon,
What's also is special to these supernal gods about JOS?
What separates JOS from any typical Internet cult with the usual 'this gods interacted with in certain ways we dictate will transform your life' gimmicks,

And if delusion is something that has been evident to you ,how exactly can your steer young minds that are easily prone thwt err if you constantly tell them they are 'Special' to the Gods because they initiated or dedicated while constantly belittling those unfortunate enough to be under Jewish programs,
I would bet some are probably more advantageous to the world in comparison,
and am certain you know how exactly mental programming works, especially for unfortunate Abrahamics,

So ,,what's special about an SS?
What difference are they to you in comparison to countless others of diverging paths?
"Specialty" isn't a black or white state. Some beings are more special than others.
I also feel like you're oversimplifying the sermons or simply reading them at surface levels with your reasoning.
More over, your grammar and punctuation is all over the place which makes it harder to get your point across.

The special thing about being an SS is that you're acknowledging the true Gods, that you've seen the Truth, but that's just step one of the path.
The goal of the Joy of Satanas is to empower its members spiritually and with that it's empowered itself.

Even if you do not believe in what we believe in, it's an objective truth that the base-most thing we push for, is for each of our own to become the best version of ourselves, and this is reflected not only in spiritual matters but also health, fitness and ethics.

You'll always see that what is pushed here comes down to: caring of one's and our loved ones' health, practicing sports, rightful balance in all things (i.e we believe in the importance of both the spiritual and material, of soul-mind-body, of love and hate, of creation and destruction), study of science and art, realizing our own purpose.

All the things I've just listed are objectively good things to push.

Abrahamics cults are based on the destruction of all the good things we strive for, that doesn't mean that there are no xians that go to the gym, but, see it this way: they don't go to the gym because they're xians, they go to the gym despite they're xians. Replace "going to the gym" with other good things, like being family people. All good things that even people in abrahamic cults do, stem from their Gentile Soul, not from the abrahamic program they've been ensnared into. That's also why most of them, except the really far too gone ones, are nothing like the teachings of their "holy" books. I've chosen the "family people" point not randomly, look at jesus. You have an artificial insemination of a virgin and the kid is raised by a cuck pretty much. The love for the traditional family unit stems not from the bible but from the Gentile Soul inherent ethics. It's Nature.

And if you want to argue that even in Pagan myths there are seemingly absurd things, like Athena being born from Zeus' head, it is a completely different matter as these were myths that had strong spiritual allegories in it, which I'm still studying, and the Ancients knew that they weren't things that actually happened. Aristotle famously advocated against the possibility of people taking myths literally. Myths were written down by several great people to teach something to others (although it seems some myths may have written by less smart people and so they just aren't that great), they were not the equivalent of the bible/quran that instead aim to be THE holy books and heresy can be paid with torture and death. So you can't even conter-argue that even the bible is meant to be taken allegorically. Funnily enough, even if you do, the allegories there are translated in spiritually harmful concepts, so yeah, the bible is utter trash even if you don't take it literally.
Literally, even IF dear HPHC here was brainwashing us, as absurd as it is, what would he be brainwashing us into?
Being healthy, fit, and good people?
A really meaningful and beautiful sermon.
People should not only believe in what they believe in, but also practice it in real life. Potential is just a dream unless it is translated into action. Real power is in the hands of those who act
Self-love is essential for development. We should share our knowledge with others.
If you want to improve, start by loving yourself. 🧘‍♀️

All the objections and arguments you propose are nothing new; we only see the usual arguments. These arise from a lack of practice. A person of intelligence superior to the common degeneration of the masses, is able to recognise that rhetoric expresses its meaning and reality in material and factual experience. You, having little of it, have little ability to observe the facts expressed by words. If you knew this natural order of things, you wouldn't be here arguing. Your awakening could happen in countless more years if not ever, if you make the mistake of waiting for others to take a step towards you. This is true in countless fields: think about it.
Rather than stick to the forums, explore the JoS, which is the most information-dense place (if information is your priority). And if you don't know how the mind works, I invite you to find out. It is through the repetition of information that you naively think you already possess, that knowledge has an unconscious, therefore objective and factual, impact. I invite you to delve deeper into this topic, and if you recognise the role of empirical proof, by practicing a little you will also discover spiritual perspectives on the same topic, reaching a total understanding of the topics of which now, forging yourself with sterile logical processes and no experience, you have well little intuition.
When you gain a steady, strong and focused concentration. Beware of spiritual pride when you judge how scattered others are without any practice. Know Thyself that we are all in this together and to practice empathy. Yes watch your ego when you begin feeling the benefits. To remain measured is the beginning of wisdom. Oh how I pain at the Borg state of humanity. We work on ourselves and hope that energetically a rising tide raises all boats.
We judge a tree by its fruits.

Of course, in the life game, the whole vegetation try to prevent you to produce beautiful fruits. It's a fight.
It's exactly this fight - generally turning around jealousy, blackmail, betrayal and lies - which forms your character.

I wasted a lot of time with low level people dragging me in their bullshit, but at end, if I loved myself a bit more, I'd date finer people.
If I meet finer people, I feel insecure. This is why I've compromised myself in bad relationship.

It's not 100% my fault but due to my education, but this condition is due to my karma. So I'm ultimately the responsible.
It's not because I grown in jerk land that all is the fault of the jerks, but because I'm not sufficiently strong to dominate the jerks and sufficiently fine to date fine people.
Obviously, the inability to correct my imbalance is the product - the fruit - of my egocentrism, and to be egocentric is the own of the jerk.

This is very interesting.

Beware of spiritual pride when you judge how scattered others are without any practice. Know Thyself that we are all in this together and to practice empathy. Yes watch your ego when you begin feeling the benefits.

I imagine these words may also have been guided by reading my response. At least, I can see some references. Whether so or not, I take this opportunity to say that my intention was not to offend. I realize my words may have been polarizing.
I didn't mean to offend the person to whom I replied; those same are the words I would have said to myself long ago. Instead, I was in stasis for a long time, waiting. For me the answers I needed to definitively believe in Satan came over time, through practice.
Thank you for all your replies,

Study DARPA methods and what the media does, if you want to see actual brainwashing, because you just drop terms around emptily. Nobody is forced here by brainwashing apparatus to be around. We don't own media, politicians, endless money, subversive methodology, or whatever. These and many other tools are needed to be close to what we call "brainwashing". And these are only a few.

I love people here after many years and it's mutual and no, nobody drugged me in a trance to repeat recordings to me to love them and do waterboarding & torture to me in order to break my subconscious to accept them as people that I love and value or something.

You people have literally no clue how cults work. Go join an actual cult for 2-3 years, and you will see what true brainwashing is, or go to the Christian Church and stay as a monk here for 4-5 years. You will not exist by the end of it.

But lo and behold these people have a bond and they read posts online and we have a bond based on love of the Gods, freedom and basic instructions?

That's far from brainwashing, mate.
Literally, even IF dear HPHC here was brainwashing us, as absurd as it is, what would he be brainwashing us into?
Being healthy, fit, and good people?

Yes I am brainwashing everyone that comes here to spiritually advance, find a partner and live a meaningful life, have a good approach, appreciate existence, become richer, find a better job, be fit and healthy, embrace a higher level of life, exercise freedom of throught and choice, to never capitulate to the Jewish mind control apparatus, and to keep existing like you will exist forever and to honor your existence to that high level, heal emotional pain, and discover your inner power.

In that context I will keep brainwashing you if you would allow me this. I would love to be brainwashed in the same way if anyone wants it, I am all in for it.
Thank you for your caring words. 🙇

I just got here and I have Asperger's. I have quite some difficulty on meditating due to forgetfulness but I don't have difficulty in taking action. I have a hard time putting my mind and body to sit still and do nothing, but I do think about a lot of things to help me focus and keep myself grounded.

I really need to give my mind and body some rest with meditating, though... it's not healthy to push your mind and body so close to its limits.

Do not worry friend everyone is accepted here no matter what. Just acclimate yourself in the forums and keep expressing. Welcome.

Yes, you must never push limits. Just do your best to enjoy being around. Meditation can help you over time to focus your mind and increase your productivity, but it will take a while to learn it. Engage it on your own limits, there is no force.
Thank you for all your replies,
What do you mean thank you for all your replies was your intention to come and piss us all off
You clearly are speaking as if you been here before so are you to cowardly to come worth with your old account, that you have come with this new one
In no sense am I or anyone here brainwashed go and take your mental illness somewhere else
If want to learn here and be under the guidance of the Gods no one is going stop you
But Don't be a coward and slander all of us here at jos
Overall in all my years around the JoS, I have seen many people who use meditations as a form of escapism or in a delusional manner.

These people then develop a sense of "inflation" in themselves; thinking they are great, pharaohs and whatever, just because they sit there and meditate and the powerful forces of opening the mind start expanding their mind. Met many retarded "Pharaohs" and "Ancient High Priests" of my time with literally nothing to show of this, just delusional ideas that exist somewhere in a mind that is borne out of lesser disease and has nothing to prove for all it's extensive claims.

Then at some point they forget reality and they forget that this world is a real world where any capacity one has, has to show forward in this actual world we are living. Eventually when one is confronted with this reality many do not want to accept this or the struggle of the actual manifestation of these things [where the whole situation should end up to], as it's painful to accept, and they spend a lot of time essentially just in a world of phantoms where this never happens, wasting their time and the time of others.

Even meditation, constitutes an action. It has to be done. Therefore, it's classified again as an action, that can yield results, in the context of other actions that also do the same thing.

Potential in these cases can be mistaken for objectivity, but your POTENTIAL is NOT your objectivity. I do not doubt anyone's POTENTIAL, but as a leader and an instructor in the path, I want to see it MANIFESTED for the sake of yourself first and foremost, then the Gods and the Community.

Every time I ask about these things to be proven forward, I get the blank stare, more nonsense, or even other parasitical claims that someone, like the Gods, must do it for them. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The Gods can show you potential, assist you in knowledge for unfolding it, but there is only one person that can unfold this potential and has to proceed in their own unfolding: One's self. Nobody else will do this.

The Gods can make this process far more easy, open, guided and very obvious; and still, some people won't even try to do the basics. This is because they don't really love themselves enough yet to proceed and to do what they have to do, in order to prove to themselves that they can do this. This is a pivotal choice in the path and the path will bring this in front of you eventually.

So self deceitful can these avoidances to grow become for you, that for example, one person can say they are good at a science and craft [potentially] but they never grow it. So how good are they? Not good at all. This avoidance leads to this: Nothing for yourself and others.

Despite of my most sincere efforts over the years to explain everything [I have, repeatedly], some people will always be in the above category. These people do not want to act. They "potentially" could have a healthier body but won't work for it. Resentment, self hate and self doubt plague them as a result of their delusions and they answer to this with more delusions [the grander, the better] to escape the cold reality that simply one has to do, what they have to do. But this "cold reality" is actually far less colder than the false reality of their own generated delusions.

Then when they see that the Gods aren't really part of their amusement park, they stand there delusional and baffled, showered in ignorance, on why the Gods keep them out of their serious plans or why they do not actually advance.

The whole thing with meditation and everything one "knows", is that spiritual power and knowledge are to be applied in the world, personal growth and then take the form of objective empowerment. Meditation is real but try meditating solely on a woman and getting it on with her, and never talking to her or trying, to going the mile, and tell me if you will get any women: You won't.

It doesn't matter if you sit there for 10 years and you say you will defeat some obstacle at some point; what matters the most beyond the honorable intention is to start doing this. Meditation is work on the soul and empowerment that exists there, to be ushered outward through your actions, abilities and growth in this life that you live. It combines with this, and then as it combines, meditation unlocks it's full power and meaning.

Many Donors and others who actively do work for the Gods, ie, create for others, ie, they become creators instead of delusional, they start to see that the Gods extend their hands to them and blessings start to come to them in many forms. They find out the Gods are satisfied with these actions [be these financial or other actions]. This is literally the consequence of their actions.

Some person might have generated a million dollars from some investment, nothing went to the JoS, then they think they are important [because whatever] and they find out the Gods don't have the same opinion. They do not. You are just another event that hasn't done something that is even a fraction of what you could do for them and others or their development. In that case, one loses a lot from the potential power, blessing and capacity that could be bestowed upon them, simply because of their inaction or unwillingness.

Then one will see someone who does something which is considered "minimum" [but for them, it might be large, and the Gods know this very well], just breaking obstacle after obstacle and rising in the path, and they might not even be on the same level of capacity, but here's what they do: They Act. The laws of existence are unforgiving to that end and very definitive. That's the way to growth and other things are just phantoms of the imagination. Reaping on the consequences of their inaction; that's how life goes.

It's the person that actively starts to get their affairs in order objectively and does strive for something, that will get something for it, and the rest are simply either mentally on an infant level, too self-important to act or to work [worthlessness hiding behind a large egoism], or simply they cannot and they have to generate extensive delusions to cover up for this. All these states, the quicker one banishes them, the better, for then everything in their existence will change for the better when they comprehend these laws of the cosmos and work in accordance to them, rather than sulk and resist to understand them. The laws will be here and they will not change. They will change them in time, and in many ways, in unwelcome ways, or lead to a lifetime wasted where one didn't tap into any potential to unfold it.

If you think about it also, the above is the largest crime one can do to their own potential, since it was never made manifest in their lives and that of others [and neither to themselves] and this is high sacrilege and a very self-hating move. So in a sense, the delusion explained in the first paragraphs, is actually deadly to your potential and it's manifestation and it helps you nowhere in the end of the day.

And that is the brutal truth of the subject, which must be accepted, so that potential must unfold onward in existence. Please heed the above and understand it, so that all of you truly blossom as you deserve.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Kind of off topic but i must say 2025 is looking VERY GOOD so far, itl started out kind of rough for me but thanks to father Satan things are looking better for me, i think 2025 is the year for people to start seeing the truth about Hitler and the hero he was, just look at x its so beautiful all these kikes whining non stop and nobody but PURE imbeciles/Morons believe there bullshit anymore jews keep whining and whining and people just continue to hate them and continue to embrace Hitler i believe if theres ever a time to push the black sun666 website/jos on x or anywhere IT IS NOW i believe ive woke up many people by doing this lately i was absolutely amazed by the amount of people turning on the jews HAIL SATAN, HAIL TO SATANS VICTORY
Thank you for the sermon. I think it's the opposite for me, I always feel like I'm not doing things well enough, even meditations, for example in foundation meditation I feel like I'm not doing it right and it stresses me out and distracts me
Was a lost person before coming to the dedication, I carried with me unhealthy habits and I was full of wounds now I have been dedicated for a year, despite being so young after having dedicated myself practicing meditation, I realized that I was really lost because I did not know my true Nature and all this thanks to Jos. 🏡☀️
Thank you for the sermon. I think it's the opposite for me, I always feel like I'm not doing things well enough, even meditations, for example in foundation meditation I feel like I'm not doing it right and it stresses me out and distracts me
In the first periods it is normal to have doubts, this works as in all things that you do for the first time. Nobody does things “correctly” the first time. It is a normal process; control your mind and keep progressing, even if you have difficulties.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
