Overall in all my years around the JoS, I have seen many people who use meditations as a form of escapism or in a delusional manner.
These people then develop a sense of "inflation" in themselves; thinking they are great, pharaohs and whatever, just because they sit there and meditate and the powerful forces of opening the mind start expanding their mind. Met many retarded "Pharaohs" and "Ancient High Priests" of my time with literally nothing to show of this, just delusional ideas that exist somewhere in a mind that is borne out of lesser disease and has nothing to prove for all it's extensive claims.
Then at some point they forget reality and they forget that this world is a real world where any capacity one has, has to show forward in this actual world we are living. Eventually when one is confronted with this reality many do not want to accept this or the struggle of the actual manifestation of these things [where the whole situation should end up to], as it's painful to accept, and they spend a lot of time essentially just in a world of phantoms where this never happens, wasting their time and the time of others.
Even meditation, constitutes an action. It has to be done. Therefore, it's classified again as an action, that can yield results, in the context of other actions that also do the same thing.
Potential in these cases can be mistaken for objectivity, but your POTENTIAL is NOT your objectivity. I do not doubt anyone's POTENTIAL, but as a leader and an instructor in the path, I want to see it MANIFESTED for the sake of yourself first and foremost, then the Gods and the Community.
Every time I ask about these things to be proven forward, I get the blank stare, more nonsense, or even other parasitical claims that someone, like the Gods, must do it for them. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The Gods can show you potential, assist you in knowledge for unfolding it, but there is only one person that can unfold this potential and has to proceed in their own unfolding: One's self. Nobody else will do this.
The Gods can make this process far more easy, open, guided and very obvious; and still, some people won't even try to do the basics. This is because they don't really love themselves enough yet to proceed and to do what they have to do, in order to prove to themselves that they can do this. This is a pivotal choice in the path and the path will bring this in front of you eventually.
So self deceitful can these avoidances to grow become for you, that for example, one person can say they are good at a science and craft [potentially] but they never grow it. So how good are they? Not good at all. This avoidance leads to this: Nothing for yourself and others.
Despite of my most sincere efforts over the years to explain everything [I have, repeatedly], some people will always be in the above category. These people do not want to act. They "potentially" could have a healthier body but won't work for it. Resentment, self hate and self doubt plague them as a result of their delusions and they answer to this with more delusions [the grander, the better] to escape the cold reality that simply one has to do, what they have to do. But this "cold reality" is actually far less colder than the false reality of their own generated delusions.
Then when they see that the Gods aren't really part of their amusement park, they stand there delusional and baffled, showered in ignorance, on why the Gods keep them out of their serious plans or why they do not actually advance.
The whole thing with meditation and everything one "knows", is that spiritual power and knowledge are to be applied in the world, personal growth and then take the form of objective empowerment. Meditation is real but try meditating solely on a woman and getting it on with her, and never talking to her or trying, to going the mile, and tell me if you will get any women: You won't.
It doesn't matter if you sit there for 10 years and you say you will defeat some obstacle at some point; what matters the most beyond the honorable intention is to start doing this. Meditation is work on the soul and empowerment that exists there, to be ushered outward through your actions, abilities and growth in this life that you live. It combines with this, and then as it combines, meditation unlocks it's full power and meaning.
Many Donors and others who actively do work for the Gods, ie, create for others, ie, they become creators instead of delusional, they start to see that the Gods extend their hands to them and blessings start to come to them in many forms. They find out the Gods are satisfied with these actions [be these financial or other actions]. This is literally the consequence of their actions.
Some person might have generated a million dollars from some investment, nothing went to the JoS, then they think they are important [because whatever] and they find out the Gods don't have the same opinion. They do not. You are just another event that hasn't done something that is even a fraction of what you could do for them and others or their development. In that case, one loses a lot from the potential power, blessing and capacity that could be bestowed upon them, simply because of their inaction or unwillingness.
Then one will see someone who does something which is considered "minimum" [but for them, it might be large, and the Gods know this very well], just breaking obstacle after obstacle and rising in the path, and they might not even be on the same level of capacity, but here's what they do: They Act. The laws of existence are unforgiving to that end and very definitive. That's the way to growth and other things are just phantoms of the imagination. Reaping on the consequences of their inaction; that's how life goes.
It's the person that actively starts to get their affairs in order objectively and does strive for something, that will get something for it, and the rest are simply either mentally on an infant level, too self-important to act or to work [worthlessness hiding behind a large egoism], or simply they cannot and they have to generate extensive delusions to cover up for this. All these states, the quicker one banishes them, the better, for then everything in their existence will change for the better when they comprehend these laws of the cosmos and work in accordance to them, rather than sulk and resist to understand them. The laws will be here and they will not change. They will change them in time, and in many ways, in unwelcome ways, or lead to a lifetime wasted where one didn't tap into any potential to unfold it.
If you think about it also, the above is the largest crime one can do to their own potential, since it was never made manifest in their lives and that of others [and neither to themselves] and this is high sacrilege and a very self-hating move. So in a sense, the delusion explained in the first paragraphs, is actually deadly to your potential and it's manifestation and it helps you nowhere in the end of the day.
And that is the brutal truth of the subject, which must be accepted, so that potential must unfold onward in existence. Please heed the above and understand it, so that all of you truly blossom as you deserve.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
These people then develop a sense of "inflation" in themselves; thinking they are great, pharaohs and whatever, just because they sit there and meditate and the powerful forces of opening the mind start expanding their mind. Met many retarded "Pharaohs" and "Ancient High Priests" of my time with literally nothing to show of this, just delusional ideas that exist somewhere in a mind that is borne out of lesser disease and has nothing to prove for all it's extensive claims.
Then at some point they forget reality and they forget that this world is a real world where any capacity one has, has to show forward in this actual world we are living. Eventually when one is confronted with this reality many do not want to accept this or the struggle of the actual manifestation of these things [where the whole situation should end up to], as it's painful to accept, and they spend a lot of time essentially just in a world of phantoms where this never happens, wasting their time and the time of others.
Even meditation, constitutes an action. It has to be done. Therefore, it's classified again as an action, that can yield results, in the context of other actions that also do the same thing.
Potential in these cases can be mistaken for objectivity, but your POTENTIAL is NOT your objectivity. I do not doubt anyone's POTENTIAL, but as a leader and an instructor in the path, I want to see it MANIFESTED for the sake of yourself first and foremost, then the Gods and the Community.
Every time I ask about these things to be proven forward, I get the blank stare, more nonsense, or even other parasitical claims that someone, like the Gods, must do it for them. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The Gods can show you potential, assist you in knowledge for unfolding it, but there is only one person that can unfold this potential and has to proceed in their own unfolding: One's self. Nobody else will do this.
The Gods can make this process far more easy, open, guided and very obvious; and still, some people won't even try to do the basics. This is because they don't really love themselves enough yet to proceed and to do what they have to do, in order to prove to themselves that they can do this. This is a pivotal choice in the path and the path will bring this in front of you eventually.
So self deceitful can these avoidances to grow become for you, that for example, one person can say they are good at a science and craft [potentially] but they never grow it. So how good are they? Not good at all. This avoidance leads to this: Nothing for yourself and others.
Despite of my most sincere efforts over the years to explain everything [I have, repeatedly], some people will always be in the above category. These people do not want to act. They "potentially" could have a healthier body but won't work for it. Resentment, self hate and self doubt plague them as a result of their delusions and they answer to this with more delusions [the grander, the better] to escape the cold reality that simply one has to do, what they have to do. But this "cold reality" is actually far less colder than the false reality of their own generated delusions.
Then when they see that the Gods aren't really part of their amusement park, they stand there delusional and baffled, showered in ignorance, on why the Gods keep them out of their serious plans or why they do not actually advance.
The whole thing with meditation and everything one "knows", is that spiritual power and knowledge are to be applied in the world, personal growth and then take the form of objective empowerment. Meditation is real but try meditating solely on a woman and getting it on with her, and never talking to her or trying, to going the mile, and tell me if you will get any women: You won't.
It doesn't matter if you sit there for 10 years and you say you will defeat some obstacle at some point; what matters the most beyond the honorable intention is to start doing this. Meditation is work on the soul and empowerment that exists there, to be ushered outward through your actions, abilities and growth in this life that you live. It combines with this, and then as it combines, meditation unlocks it's full power and meaning.
Many Donors and others who actively do work for the Gods, ie, create for others, ie, they become creators instead of delusional, they start to see that the Gods extend their hands to them and blessings start to come to them in many forms. They find out the Gods are satisfied with these actions [be these financial or other actions]. This is literally the consequence of their actions.
Some person might have generated a million dollars from some investment, nothing went to the JoS, then they think they are important [because whatever] and they find out the Gods don't have the same opinion. They do not. You are just another event that hasn't done something that is even a fraction of what you could do for them and others or their development. In that case, one loses a lot from the potential power, blessing and capacity that could be bestowed upon them, simply because of their inaction or unwillingness.
Then one will see someone who does something which is considered "minimum" [but for them, it might be large, and the Gods know this very well], just breaking obstacle after obstacle and rising in the path, and they might not even be on the same level of capacity, but here's what they do: They Act. The laws of existence are unforgiving to that end and very definitive. That's the way to growth and other things are just phantoms of the imagination. Reaping on the consequences of their inaction; that's how life goes.
It's the person that actively starts to get their affairs in order objectively and does strive for something, that will get something for it, and the rest are simply either mentally on an infant level, too self-important to act or to work [worthlessness hiding behind a large egoism], or simply they cannot and they have to generate extensive delusions to cover up for this. All these states, the quicker one banishes them, the better, for then everything in their existence will change for the better when they comprehend these laws of the cosmos and work in accordance to them, rather than sulk and resist to understand them. The laws will be here and they will not change. They will change them in time, and in many ways, in unwelcome ways, or lead to a lifetime wasted where one didn't tap into any potential to unfold it.
If you think about it also, the above is the largest crime one can do to their own potential, since it was never made manifest in their lives and that of others [and neither to themselves] and this is high sacrilege and a very self-hating move. So in a sense, the delusion explained in the first paragraphs, is actually deadly to your potential and it's manifestation and it helps you nowhere in the end of the day.
And that is the brutal truth of the subject, which must be accepted, so that potential must unfold onward in existence. Please heed the above and understand it, so that all of you truly blossom as you deserve.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666