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The United States - Pluto Return & 2/22/2022

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Currently, the United States is experiencing a Pluto return. It will become more active on the latter end of the February and will hold on there for a long time. Pluto return is when the Transiting Pluto is returning on the Natal Pluto, approximately every 247 human years.

Pluto will transform the United States. When the United Sates was founded, a plan was laid out for the Great Nation to be something great, something else, something different from the Christian oppressive Nations of Europe at the time, who were scrambling to get out of the hoaxes of the enemy.

The Founding Fathers wanted specific influences limited or completely outside of the United States, to avoid catastrophic downfall that has occurred in every previous Empire in this world.

One of these catastrophic causes of failure is not only the application of Jewish teachings in Governance [or ruling through the Talmud or the Bible] but also religious extremism, superstition and insanity, that arises out of the Abrahamic faiths.

The United States was "clear headed", way more than other Nations. Many of the causes of oppressive atmosphere were far less than most Nations.

The people who left the United States, despite appearances, formed a Nation that was under God, not under "God". "God" in this regard, the religious superstitions and insanity of the Jewish people, was not accepted.

As the above dogma gained too much power, it manipulated people. These people, with their bleeding hearts, egopathic fallacies, mixed with the great forces of the founding of America and the plan to build the Great Nation, we are to where we are now. The United States is the embodiment of both of the greatest dreams of this world and the worst aspects of it. Decades of deliberate work to ruin this Nation are catching up with us.

Pluto is here to seal the deal and test how far now this will "go".

Pluto's return in general does not affect humans on an individual level in one lifetime, as humans are long dead before this occurs, but it affects the Soul of a human which survives through lifetimes. In humans, this is a big period of power expansion provided one cleans house. The soul is confronted with great changes, which affect all it's growth and reconciliation with past wounds, debts or history.

The Native Pluto of the United States, resting in Capricorn, has to do with authority, structure, the business world, retaining borders between one's self and others, but also financial and fiscal authority. In the most accepted chart, this Pluto rests in the 2nd house of Finances. Pluto there can incur debts, financial depression, or worse, strengthen bonds of servitude.

In some setups it can spell financial meltdown or depression [for example, when one owes too much], and in other setups in can create a revitalization of personal finances, but without pain, this won't be achieved.

The United States will be forced to assess these matters. Of course, since the birth of certain falsehoods such as the "War of the Coronavirus" that was treated as a literal war, the global economy is currently bleeding on the background.

HPS Maxine has said before that the United States was very likely to enter a war in 2021. Well, we spent this year..."On the War against the Coronavirus" globally. Currently, the bill for this..."War" on a bullshit flu, is coming, in a typical Pluto Return in the Second House.

Fiscally, socially, behaviourally, all of this was the exact same situation of a war. It also incurred the same expenses as a literal war.

The world now asks, how is it going to get paid?

This has not reflected itself yet in the "numbers", because it's being covered up, but it's everywhere for people to see in the rise of energy prices, rise of everyday goods prices, or in other more evident realities such as how you need to get literally into probably insurmountable debts only to study at a university. Eventually, as Pluto also has this quality, more and more of this will forcibly come to light.

The United States is headed to a reconstruction of it's whole economic and fiscal model. It is also quite hilarious that everyone speaks of a "Free Market Economy" in the United States, but when the vermin carcass practices of financial abuse reaches the highest points, everyone expects Big Mommy America Government to give them a bailout or buy hundreds of billions or trillions of stocks to bail the whole thing out.

This has repeated again and again in recent history. Then everyone expects that it's done again and again to no end. That's not how life works in general.

Eventually, the above practice does take a toll on an economy by deprecating it's currency. Within the next years, attempts will be made by Nations to issue "Digital" currencies, but regardless, the financial model of deprecating currency [the more you print it, the less value it has], will keep plaguing everyone.

The Jews and the powers that control the United States currently, do know that one certain way to collapse Empires is through destroying it fiscally. This is like draining the blood steadily out of an organism until nothing remains of it. They did this in the Persian Empire, and in other Empires, and they have become exceedingly good at this.

As much as I hate to be the bringer of bad news, and as much as I would like to always remind people that we will not get affected by this [and for everyone to take spiritual measures, and take care of themselves] the above return not only implies fiscal and financial turns that will be remembered for decades.

When other Empires such as the Roman Empire have been affected by that aspect, the "Old Roman Empire" started to look like a dead husk in the feet of extremely crazy and perverted leaders. Perversions and political scandals took a whole other level to themselves. While the first return does not signify collapse, the second return can oftentimes signify that something is flattened and does no longer exist - if it doesn't clean house.

The United States is like the Modern Roman Empire, in most if not all respects. It has championed freedom, free speech, freedom of medical choice, of opinion and so on. Currently, we are seeing a reversal of all these morals, slowly but surely, beginning from the retarded masses that are mind controlled by decades of enemy subversion.

As one can see, the average "American" has adopted the inverse morality than this of the basis of the Nation. Largely, this has been manufactured through the careful weaving of false beliefs, such as for example, cancel culture, "wokeness" and all that un-American nonsense.

Before this, we had Christian fundamentalism, the rule of "Christ" and all this other nonsense that promoted the same low tier brainless attack on common sense, freedoms and so on.

Concurrently, the average person's morals, outlook and therefore behaviors and "How they want to see the world" has been manipulated to change almost in an opposite direction than the Nation itself.

Insanity reigns to where people even debate if opening your borders for infinite flooding is "good or not", while it's basic logic that you are collapsing a Nation if you do that. Common sense is no longer in the political offices for 9 out of 10 decisions made.

Regardless, such stupid and asinine conversations are not only taking place in a Nation, but they are being enforced by opinion enforcing mobs, "wokeness defenders" such as oligarchical social media organizations, or closed castes of "opinion makers".

The change here is either majorly to the upside, or the downside. Pluto's transformative energy will be upon the United States and there is no avoiding this. There will be a lot of conflict, upheaval, and general instability. This will include the Governmental level, but also, rapid changes that will occur within the next decade that will make the decade of 2010 to 2020 look like like a small nonsensical party.

If the United States allows itself to be plagued by specific things, it won't exist for it's next Pluto return. On the opposing aspect, the same Pluto Return can actually set the basic stage for constructing a new, seemingly utopian new system of financial governance and fiscal responsibility. It might also be the first time in human history, where "Emperors" have the chance to maintain an Empire, that would otherwise collapse upon itself through intense fiscal pressure or internal subversion.

The United States has a great opportunity to revitalize itself during this time. Only if leaders had common sense now, by use of this opportunity, all that was Good about the Great Nation could be multiplied, and all that is bad could be greatly eliminated, to where in the next Pluto return [yes, I know, 247 years from now looks extreme] we would be looking at possibly an Empire that has expanded outside the earth, too.

I remain however for the time being tentative to not believe this will happen on it's own, let alone immediately, with literal Jews and senile fools in power.

On the other hand, we are sitting on a crossroads. Pluto can be a considerably dangerous planet. The nature of Pluto can be really oppressive. If certain things are left unaddressed, rampant financial and other slavery can occur, all the way to real bondage and full on slavery on a material level. How, you might ask?

I don't know, just remember that some people converse about literally chipping you, and that "mandating" you to do just about anything that is not scientifically backed, is the meme of the current times. We are in the midst of a global conspiracy to overturn everything the United States represents that made it good, and it's called the Great Reset.

An example of "to be" enslavement and how this could relate itself on fiscal matters, would be for example the giving of a "UBI" that appears on the surface to give money to people, yet, would be monitored in such draconian extents that people cannot even fathom now, or related to a social credit system based on a Central Digital Banking Issued Fiat Currency. That is however, not for now.

Another example of how Pluto could work, is that the fiscal damages of the US and/or wage provisions, being terrible, a major clash between labor force and automated work force could occur, slashing damage on the Nation. That is coming, but it's being conveniently ignored.

A paradigm will have to be cleared out, on how these two forces of creating labor, human labor and automated labor, will co-operate, without destroying the economy.

Finally, Pluto can work to create clashes, riots, or internal unrest in a Nation but on the basis of conflicting interests [2nd house Pluto here] but also, the literal ideals that confound the very basis of a Nation. Wars over financial reasons are not unlikely, but Pluto in general creates more "clashes" than it does wars.

It took a little kiss of Pluto bordering the native Pluto, and the United States had to assert itself against Russia on the Ukrainian border.

The slavery of the future will be like "Freedom" on the surface, no different than how billions assume that they are free while using social media that are literally studied to the last nook and cranny with intensive AI predictive algorithms, to bind them in the strongest addictive behaviour.

Instead of using these as people should, they are in turn "used" by them.

They assume that they are "Free", but they literally bind their minds and souls into a state of fully immersing themselves and making themselves into a resource that is mined for data, some of humans giving these 8 hours a day or more of their attention.

As the "Date" above is highly related to Jewish numerology [2-22-2022, the number deals with discord], I would be certain that on the above dates and around these dates, Jews will, as they have against other any Empire, spiritual mobilize to take it down. Already, they have their foolish "New Agers" advertising the "Angel Dates" and all this stupid nonsense.

A well known vector of danger to us all is the enemy who does curses to the United States. We know they have cursed the Russian Empire [and took it over] and they have done the same with others like the Babylonian Empire, the Greek Empire, the Persian Empire, the list goes on. They are clearly merciless in their approach.

The top heads of the enemy, both those who are Globalists and handle the worldly agenda, and the supernal heads of the enemy such as Rabbis, are conspiratorial over what they hope will be the "to-be" dead body of the United States.

Above all, they want to extinguish every foundational idea that made the United States what it is, such as erode the values of ownership, freedom of own things, the freedom to speak or the freedom to think.

Is this the world we want to live in?

The United States, even against Biden's will for example, still has had many barriers to protect people's rights from violation during the Co-Vid situation. Other countries were plunged into a nightmare over a foolish "pandemic", with their Constitutions almost becoming crap paper.

Imagining how the escalation of this fall would be in a world where systems like the Chinese or the Jewish system of "World Governance" which is reflected in the Great Reset, are looming to take over, one should not only favor the freedoms that we have and do remain, but do their utmost so that we maintain them and hand over a better civilization for future generations.

We will do our duty in this historical time to do our Rituals and keep the spiritual backbone of the world going, especially during this time where everything good is being besieged. The enemy will be decidedly fought against.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Updated Answers:

Shadowcat said:
On another note pluto will be conjunct and transiting a lot of peoples natal saturn right about now. If i recall correctly this can mean big changes with the older people in our lives, and even careers and living situations and relations with others depending on the houses involved as well.

Yes, currently, a lot of very old people who are the major holding of the world's wealth, is going to perish within the next decade. This will cause a torrent of wealth redistributions between these generations and the younger generation, affecting also individual households. This will also have a torrent of effects in regards to debt and global debt, because too many generations like the baby boomers have debts carrying on them, and some don't have safe loans.

Many of these loans have compounded, a lot of people owe money etc, and this will be "transferred" onto the younger generations. Warren Buffet's generation holds an immense control of wealth in the United States.

The changes of these and what I mentioned in the initial posts, will combine on themselves and cause radical social and economic changes - many will be in a good direction, and other bads, but certainly all will be radical and changes that haven't been felt for decades. This adds onto the Pluto period of upheaval and change.

PsychicJuggler said:
Please HP. HoodedCobra666 if you can, could you further explain this section?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In humans, this is a big period of power expansion provided one cleans house. The soul is confronted with great changes, which affect all it's growth and reconciliation with past wounds, debts or history.

In some setups it can spell financial meltdown or depression [for example, when one owes too much], and in other setups in can create a revitalization of personal finances, but without pain, this won't be achieved.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Human beings have a natal chart with the Planet Pluto in it. Pluto has a position. For Pluto to take a full rotation on the heavens around the central axis in our solar system, it takes 247 human years total.

Most humans live around 60 to 70 years, and therefore, don't live to experience a full rotation in a single lifetime. These effects can be felt through numerous lifetimes, typically, within 3 to 4 incarnations.

Nations however do experience this aspect directly, because they can survive for hundreds or thousands of years, and they undergo these returns of Pluto on top of the Natal Pluto on they were born. They therefore are subject to these forces more directly and through massive events.
There is very big risk that a lot of these negative things named can manifest, but us fighting the enemy and doing our rituals as we should will mitigate this and even hopefully manifest the best possible outcome.

There has been talks of microchipping and they have been doing it to pets for years as well now. All that money also given out in stimulus checks is going to come back to bite in some form of inflation no doubt or another also. I think in some ways it already has.

We must keep fighting as we have always done.
2022 is also according to many the Great Shemitah year of the Jewish Calendar where they transfer their debts onto the Gentiles.
i feel a strange feeling when reading that one... or other posts. like dejavu?

like i was always meant to be with Satan, here.. to be guided.. to grow, empower myself etc

when i get this, i feel like i KNOW you . like u are FAMILIAR to me when u write this?

about warfare, like we were destined for it.

nothing is outside of the BIG plan.

maybe im not making sense.
siatris666 said:
about warfare, like we were destined for it.

nothing is outside of the BIG plan.

maybe im not making sense.

I don't see anything nonsensical in your reply. The contrary.
Jack said:
2022 is also according to many the Great Shemitah year of the Jewish Calendar where they transfer their debts onto the Gentiles.

Yes, they have rituals and other crazy insanities such as these. These are directed to all people. I also recall you posted a post about this which I read before too.
Just woke up from one of my worst nightmares this year, my entire family busted into my room I was fucking screaming while dreaming.
First thing my head "told" me was to open up Jos Forum and I find this post.
First thing I notice it's 6:00 o'clock in the morning, the post title is 2/22 (6) in the year 2022 (6), I was tripping.
I feel attracted to this post.

Please HP. HoodedCobra666 if you can, could you further explain this section?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In humans, this is a big period of power expansion provided one cleans house. The soul is confronted with great changes, which affect all it's growth and reconciliation with past wounds, debts or history.

In some setups it can spell financial meltdown or depression [for example, when one owes too much], and in other setups in can create a revitalization of personal finances, but without pain, this won't be achieved.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

And this..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
On the other hand, we are sitting on a crossroads. Pluto can be a considerably dangerous planet. The nature of Pluto can be really oppressive. If certain things are left unaddressed, rampant financial and other slavery can occur, all the way to real bondage and full on slavery on a material level. How, you might ask?
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This could be a coincidence or I may look stupid, but I had my trouble with bondage and slavery. Sadly, really horrific period of life.
PsychicJuggler said:
Please HP. HoodedCobra666 if you can, could you further explain this section?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In humans, this is a big period of power expansion provided one cleans house. The soul is confronted with great changes, which affect all it's growth and reconciliation with past wounds, debts or history.

In some setups it can spell financial meltdown or depression [for example, when one owes too much], and in other setups in can create a revitalization of personal finances, but without pain, this won't be achieved.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Human beings have a natal chart with the Planet Pluto in it. Pluto has a position. For Pluto to take a full rotation on the heavens around the central axis in our solar system, it takes 247 human years total.

Most humans live around 60 to 70 years, and therefore, don't live to experience a full rotation in a single lifetime. These effects can be felt through numerous lifetimes, typically, within 3 to 4 incarnations.

Nations however do experience this aspect directly, because they can survive for hundreds or thousands of years, and they undergo these returns of Pluto on top of the Natal Pluto on they were born. They therefore are subject to these forces more directly and through massive events.

PsychicJuggler said:

And this..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
On the other hand, we are sitting on a crossroads. Pluto can be a considerably dangerous planet. The nature of Pluto can be really oppressive. If certain things are left unaddressed, rampant financial and other slavery can occur, all the way to real bondage and full on slavery on a material level. How, you might ask?
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This could be a coincidence or I may look stupid, but I had my trouble with bondage and slavery. Sadly, really horrific period of life.

I refer to in a more globalized/national scale.

This is not about the return of "slavery" or something, nor feelings of oppression one might experience in their life or whatever on a personal level by let's say, their family. These are different topics that have to do with one's personal natal chart.

But, reformations in our general National state, do also affect us individually, but not as directly as the dynamics within our family for example.

I hope this makes more sense now.
On another note pluto will be conjunct and transiting a lot of peoples natal saturn right about now. If i recall correctly this can mean big changes with the older people in our lives, and even careers and living situations and relations with others depending on the houses involved as well.
Shadowcat said:
On another note pluto will be conjunct and transiting a lot of peoples natal saturn right about now. If i recall correctly this can mean big changes with the older people in our lives, and even careers and living situations and relations with others depending on the houses involved as well.

I have answered to what this observation is on the original post. It's now updated with answers and any other meaningful answers will be added to these.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
On another note pluto will be conjunct and transiting a lot of peoples natal saturn right about now. If i recall correctly this can mean big changes with the older people in our lives, and even careers and living situations and relations with others depending on the houses involved as well.

I have answered to what this observation is on the original post. It's now updated with answers and any other meaningful answers will be added to these.

Thank you for the elaboration and it is quite accurate! Although i do feel that this could also confirm that certain effects could reach something personal which troubles me, which i have been studying and pondering for sometime. Like all of us i will be doing what i must.
Whoever is still counting on USA after all that happened and is still happening, I applaud your persistence and faith. I lost it some time ago. I sincerely hope that I am wrong and you are right.
If I have Pluto in my 2nd house, and my finances have been tight for as long as I can remember, can I expect any positive changes?
hmm 2+4+7 is 13

13 generally has to do with a change in the overall flow of something usually consciousness
Dear HP Hooded Cobra 666, can you please tell me if something bad awaits Eastern Europe - Ukraine, Belarus, and especially Russia - in the coming years? Will there be war or disintegration in the Slavic world?

You talk a lot about America and Europe, but there are also the Slavic countries of the former Soviet Union. We are also interested in your opinion about what awaits our countries! :roll:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I have an off-topic question. Every time I start your 40day porgram, my Dreams get more vivid. This a sign that the program is working, and my chakras are getting empowered, right? Thanks
The United States has a great opportunity to revitalize itself during this time. Only if leaders had common sense now, by use of this opportunity, all that was Good about the Great Nation could be multiplied, and all that is bad could be greatly eliminated, to where in the next Pluto return [yes, I know, 247 years from now looks extreme] we would be looking at possibly an Empire that has expanded outside the earth, too.

Why do you speak like the war would still be going on after 247 years from now? I mean, aren't the Gods coming back physically in around 18 years? (referencing to the post from you from 2 years ago where you said that the Gods are returning in about 20 years) Did i understood the post wrong, or are they coming invisibly?
I know this is a USA thread but this is proof of the slave surveillance state they're working on but it's an England example.

Okay this is a UK gov agency video for the UK social credit scoring and their app.

It smacks of control and domination. I hate it I'm freedom loving.

Everything we were told about China's social credit scoring is now being done in the UK.

The book In Our Hands by Charles Murray, he talked about this UBI, universal basic income. I'm currently on the third part, health care. I'm wondering if this UBI concept is realistic. I thought it was, but your comment on it makes me suspicious of whether this is true. A little more explanation on this would be helpful. Thank you.
Also, do you think he is a credible author? His more prolific book The Bell Curve, is one I'm especially interested in.
Personal Growth said:
I know this is a USA thread but this is proof of the slave surveillance state they're working on but it's an England example.

Okay this is a UK gov agency video for the UK social credit scoring and their app.

It smacks of control and domination. I hate it I'm freedom loving.

Everything we were told about China's social credit scoring is now being done in the UK.


What is this bro I need check ot when get min from work.
Not saying this is not coming in the UK, but the vid is fake.
heres the original one
And heres the description:
From January, every citizen of England and Wales will have a new social credit score. Advice from the Department for Community and Culture. [This video is fiction. See the pinned comment.]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

PsychicJuggler said:
Please HP. HoodedCobra666 if you can, could you further explain this section?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Human beings have a natal chart with the Planet Pluto in it. Pluto has a position. For Pluto to take a full rotation on the heavens around the central axis in our solar system, it takes 247 human years total.

Most humans live around 60 to 70 years, and therefore, don't live to experience a full rotation in a single lifetime. These effects can be felt through numerous lifetimes, typically, within 3 to 4 incarnations.

Nations however do experience this aspect directly, because they can survive for hundreds or thousands of years, and they undergo these returns of Pluto on top of the Natal Pluto on they were born. They therefore are subject to these forces more directly and through massive events.

I thought HP Maxine said that Gemini ASC chart is correct one for USA no? That would place Pluto Return in 9th house which would mean clashes in belief systems instead.

And speaking of Pluto in 2nd house, what effects does it give to someone in their Solar Return? I was looking at Solar Return of someone who had Solar Return ASC in 29th degree Scorpio with Solar Return chart ruler Pluto in 2nd. Does this mean this person could be wiped out financially?
Artanis said:
The United States has a great opportunity to revitalize itself during this time. Only if leaders had common sense now, by use of this opportunity, all that was Good about the Great Nation could be multiplied, and all that is bad could be greatly eliminated, to where in the next Pluto return [yes, I know, 247 years from now looks extreme] we would be looking at possibly an Empire that has expanded outside the earth, too.

Why do you speak like the war would still be going on after 247 years from now? I mean, aren't the Gods coming back physically in around 18 years? (referencing to the post from you from 2 years ago where you said that the Gods are returning in about 20 years) Did i understood the post wrong, or are they coming invisibly?

I doubt this is the case it seems silly for such grand entities to come all this way and do this.

But it was said in those threads from 2019 and a few postings over the course of the following two years till now. That if the Gods come and they realize Humanity is not ready for a (contact scenario). They may inadvertently stay in the shadows and wait for Humanity to awaken enough they can begin revealing themselves.

I view it strange and a slap on the face on us Humans and even on the Gods part. Because Humanity is really stupid sometimes. But I understand albeit if the Gods have to hide out and interact with us in the shadows. It makes one wonder if they are interested or need the kaballah sites(think like blasting sites like Yezedhi Devil Towers or Pyramids or Original pre-Mecca site at Petra). It's one thing to do magick and use the universal forces and universal aspects to express magick. It's another when the Gods are at these Ancient sites, destroyed or otherwise to unleash their power unto the lay-lines and promote greater growth.

I'm not denying the power of the Gods just I'm sure as hell after witnessing reality being subverted for over 10,000 years they probably would like to reign in and ride the reality making train once again and retrain Humanity how to control the Earth and it's temple sites.

Humans can still help albeit at much lesser levels than the Ancients. Just recently someone posted a Yoga gathering a few years ago whereby 200ish or so people did a Yoga session. Apparently someone got the brilliant idea to use the Yogic energy i.e. metaphysical imprint. To generate a scenario on reducing and eliminating crime from the city. They brought the people planned it out, did their yoga session, and then finally performed the metaphysical imprint at the end. After a week the city said crime dropped 90-95% in some areas.

If that is what the power of 200ish or so people or the Soviet version in 1975 whereby 5,000 Soviet prisoners were taught meditation told to meditate on the stick pyramid outside visible towards the prison with a granite slab(positively charged) and told meditate on terrorism being destroyed. They witness terrorist attacks drop World-wide 75% for that year.

So I figure it's not that the kaballah sites are needed a being of higher power WILL get his power through. But the Gods do like working with nature, Universal aspects like planetary changes and alignments and whatnot. So one has to wonder if the Gods want to shadowplay for a long time.

The problem isn't the Gods. The problem is us stupid shiny monkey Humans who might attack them or believe it's an independence day scenario and we are gonna get blown up. We are the problem not them. Their reveal is a problem to US not to them. For all intents and purposes if MANY Humans knew about the impending scenario in the next two decades it would compound a victory for our side as it would spread among many people who don't believe or believe but are hesitant cause like the French say Sie la vie.

There's people who happily take the redpill(or insert other color pill that awakens) but many are still bluepilled and worse like the riots that have occurred many times these bluepilled fools act like the fool and chimp out. That isn't exactly high level or appropriate. Imagine aliens added into the mix, they'd go apeshit then funny enough if they can keep their feeble kosher supervised feelings down imagine the shock when these aliens tell them how old they are or how the history of Earth is all fake and bullshit and can be taught the correct history or told at an ancient point Gods and mortals lived side by side.

So again the issue is US HU's(manity) not the the other way around.
2 : 22, hour and [/IMG] ... ( Single digit ??? ). So if anyone with real education on this subject can make sense of it in relation to current events,,,
By my side, I have since years an USA flag on top of my desk, even if I do not live in America. I have always been admiring the US as a symbol of freedom.
I am concerned about this Pluto transit I was not aware of. If the US shrink in power, I think this would give room to China for further expansion creating unbalance at the whole world's level - in terms of energies.
I do not see any other Gentile strong Nation emerging, that could counterbalance any kind of US even partial fall; I hope and guess the Gods will invest in keeping USA alive through this transformation for no alternative at now?
Again, I will put part of my own energies at this service, whether needed from our side.
Charlotte61903 said:
The book In Our Hands by Charles Murray, he talked about this UBI, universal basic income. I'm currently on the third part, health care. I'm wondering if this UBI concept is realistic. I thought it was, but your comment on it makes me suspicious of whether this is true. A little more explanation on this would be helpful. Thank you.

I think that the survival of all citizens of a society should be a default. This survival and living should be accompanied with people giving something back to society or the world, no matter how little.

Yet, with the current world, it is not really feasible. Not only it's not feasible, with the current unspiritual nature of the world, it will turn many people into idle creatures, and this can have really bad manifestations.

Anything of this nature should be given on conditions. Ie, clean a beach from trash, and get this. The concept of "just have this because you exist" is just a stupid concept with no real fruitfulness in the world.

The reason this cannot be applied currently, is because of fiscal and other reasons, such as the enemy and internal human fallen condition. If these were not the case, we would never need UBI. Everyone would want to indeed build things and do something to get something, because people would be creative and so on.
jbkbmz said:
Isaiah 22:22. This just popped up on YouTube

The 22 is a heavily used number by the enemy.
Artanis said:
The United States has a great opportunity to revitalize itself during this time. Only if leaders had common sense now, by use of this opportunity, all that was Good about the Great Nation could be multiplied, and all that is bad could be greatly eliminated, to where in the next Pluto return [yes, I know, 247 years from now looks extreme] we would be looking at possibly an Empire that has expanded outside the earth, too.

Why do you speak like the war would still be going on after 247 years from now? I mean, aren't the Gods coming back physically in around 18 years? (referencing to the post from you from 2 years ago where you said that the Gods are returning in about 20 years) Did i understood the post wrong, or are they coming invisibly?

The deeper reasons why the enemy has had influence here, is because of massive mismanagement of inner forces of humanity. The lower level will take a longer time to fix than 247 years [which is only a lot in human years]. That will take a longer time than merely an elimination or destruction of the enemy. Souls take a long time to evolve.

Intervention is going to get more and more, accumulating over this period until the 20 years and further. It's just that in 20 years, it will be very obvious even to the most simple of humans.

"Return", does not necessitate "invade" or other conventional means. Their hand is on history and it has always been apparent and there. They don't necessarily need to show up to wave to humans from a UFO, although, it's clear that we are already not only surveilled but visited by both them and the enemy.

Ask them how it's going to be, but just be aware that there are layers to this answer.
BlackJackal said:
I thought HP Maxine said that Gemini ASC chart is correct one for USA no? That would place Pluto Return in 9th house which would mean clashes in belief systems instead.

I have used both the Gemini Ascendant Chart for the USA and the one that places Pluto on the second house, and both spell out the same thing. The popular unrest and the schism of beliefs and the mass division, is in both the charts. In the original post, there is only what is cross verified [and therefore rather inescapable no matter what chart is used].

The main point is the Pluto Return here. Any changes will be facilitated from this.

The Gemini Ascendant, following the USA history, seems to be the most accurate. The accurate day of the founding is not really clarified. The Gemini Ascendant is the most sturdy chart.

In regards to the accuracy of this, just watch the Stock Market [Facebook just crashed 20% yesterday, and other companies are getting ruined suddenly even after good earnings, and these are all US based companies]. Economic uncertainty, turmoil etc, is present. I have therefore concluded after the research and the data observation, that this is happening no matter the chart observed.

BlackJackal said:
And speaking of Pluto in 2nd house, what effects does it give to someone in their Solar Return? I was looking at Solar Return of someone who had Solar Return ASC in 29th degree Scorpio with Solar Return chart ruler Pluto in 2nd. Does this mean this person could be wiped out financially?

If the Solar Return is supported by the Transits chart, yes, this can spell a radical change of one's finances. It can mean a full on change of profession, or other similar events. If it will be a meltdown and from where it will come [it can come from many sources] you must look into the natal chart, the transit chart, and then compare your findings with the Solar Return chart.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Return", does not necessitate "invade" or other conventional means. Their hand is on history and it has always been apparent and there. They don't necessarily need to show up to wave to humans from a UFO, although, it's clear that we are already not only surveilled but visited by both them and the enemy.

Ask them how it's going to be, but just be aware that there are layers to this answer.

I replied to Artanis because it was already mentioned once or twice that if Humanity is not ready the Gods might just be in the shadows and work from there. Albeit I think in my personal opinion the Gods want the kaballah sites like the Yezedhi Ziarahs and other sites around the World to re-create the Earth.

But I do have my own question on surveilled from what you mentioned. It's been said and by various people and organizations whether you believe the new agers or retards or some of the good who state stuff even Icke is tangible in small doses or even the likes of Bob Lazar and certain military personnel who revealed stuff.

Albeit always surprises me they get away with it, I'm surprised they don't get hunted down and killed by a G-men like in the movie of the autistic kid who unravels a secret message coding and calls a phone number only for an agent coming in and suppressed 9mm killing both of his parents and the kid being hunted down. Funny as the movie goes along he kills a bunch of other people who worked on that program. It's a crappy movie a real snooze fest surprised Bruce Willis even accepted the movie guess he needed the shekels or something. Mercury Rising is the movie, one of those films that would have been popular in the 40s-50s-early 60s with shows the likes of Perry Mason, Dragnet, and other actionless thrillers.

But anyways what about neutral entities? I hear grey/reptillian bad, certain Humanoid entities that may even lie and state are Nordics but are other E.T. are bad, they don't do experimentation and contact but just spread bullshit. And finally our own Gods the Nordics and they being good.

But what about Neutral entities? For example I recall reading some military personnel believed Tall Whites(one of the aliens) to be neutral they aren't good but don't display malice. Even though some people have stated Tall Whites have killed military personnel I recall a Bibliotechapleyades posting that stated a military personnel warned a Tall White child just simply be careful or something and then one of the Tall Whites learned about it so he blasted him with an alien pistol and kill the military guy.

We don't hear often about neutral entities. Also if our airspace is so violated, I recall reading various stuff even on Abovetopsecret(I hate the website it's a hotbed of xtian bullshit, it seems the xtians there are more occultic/gnostic xtians who want to deep dive the occult with the safety of knowing in believe in the jebus and shehameforash) but the few good articles and people who do inform others. State our airspace has been so compromised by so many alien entities that the Earth is pretty much just open territory for any alien nilly willy taking a stroll.

How will the Gods deal with so much alien activity? Is it that their fleet arrives and whoosh everything is gone cause they are afraid of being shot down. What's gonna happen to the Earth and our backyard as they near our coordinates? You also mentioned there are 3rd party allies like the elf eared people who helped fight in spiritual warfare as above for our side what about them?

Isn't it bad that our airspace is so open we as Humans and the Gods have such headaches with airspace. It's like the military back a few years ago they upgraded their old 1960s-1980s radars to modern 00s radar and poof blips all over the place moving about.

It's funny I read some crazy shit on Bibliotechaplyades on how far some aliens come or from where. Could all be bullshit but they basically state exactly what I state. Our airspace is COMPLETELY open absolutely no resistance our airforce is so pathetic even a German Vimana from the 30s and 40s is incapable of dealing with any threat from the outerworlds.

Funny if such incidents occur I'm shocked people still believe the meme. Why would aliens from other places so far away come here. Some of them are already here others are just aliens that probably don't give two shits about the distance and time and come here. Just funny how disinformed Humanity is on aliens.

You can state the same for me but at least I'm red/black pilled enough on aliens I rationalize it in as appropriate matter.
Dark Blue Eye said:
I see this Pluto return is calculated fo Usa like it has his own natal chart. Please can we give us the instructions how to calculate this for other countries?

You make a regular natal chart on the date of the founding. The more accurate, the better the chart.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
I see this Pluto return is calculated fo Usa like it has his own natal chart. Please can we give us the instructions how to calculate this for other countries?

You make a regular natal chart on the date of the founding. The more accurate, the better the chart.

This could be a bit complicated. What would be more important between first time with the actual name, first union of regions and the last revolution when the regim
was changed?
Dark Blue Eye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
I see this Pluto return is calculated fo Usa like it has his own natal chart. Please can we give us the instructions how to calculate this for other countries?

You make a regular natal chart on the date of the founding. The more accurate, the better the chart.

This could be a bit complicated. What would be more important between first time with the actual name, first union of regions and the last revolution when the regim
was changed?

It is indeed a complicated matter, more than most people can understand. There are also high chances of getting a wrong chart. For example, the USA has two widely accepted charts, one with Gemini Ascendant [HPS Maxine has used this with very big success over the years] and there is also another widely accepted chart such as this:


Both of them can give you insights, the only thing that changes is the houses. But most events involve the planets.

For example, as I said in the original post [before the recent market meltdowns and as early as November] I have explained financial damage was at bay, then it occurred. Of course this looked insane back in November when I posted, most people were in hype.

Hope this helped you. Be aware that looking into this is more intermediary than beginner. Good luck.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You make a regular natal chart on the date of the founding. The more accurate, the better the chart.

This could be a bit complicated. What would be more important between first time with the actual name, first union of regions and the last revolution when the regim
was changed?

It is indeed a complicated matter, more than most people can understand. There are also high chances of getting a wrong chart. For example, the USA has two widely accepted charts, one with Gemini Ascendant [HPS Maxine has used this with very big success over the years] and there is also another widely accepted chart such as this:


Both of them can give you insights, the only thing that changes is the houses. But most events involve the planets.

For example, as I said in the original post [before the recent market meltdowns and as early as November] I have explained financial damage was at bay, then it occurred. Of course this looked insane back in November when I posted, most people were in hype.

Hope this helped you. Be aware that looking into this is more intermediary than beginner. Good luck.

Thanks for the help! I will consider to look on more dates because this can differ even with more then a century. I think when the regions united says more about the people as a nation and culture and the last revolution is the most revelant for political governance and many more as in people's mind was considered a new begining
There i always something new in the Forums! I am always amazed at what I find.One thing we Peoples in the USA have in common is a lack of common sense.If, We had common sense we would all join JoS . Hell looks much better than Heaven. Heil SATAN !!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
