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The Truth about Turkey


Dec 29, 2023
The Truth about Turkey

I am sharing this article because there is a lot of disinformation about Turkey and its position.

First of all, we should know that Turkey is not a country ruled by Islamic rules or Sharia. Although there is such a perception due to the Ottoman Empire and the current President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Republic of Turkey is ruled by laicism as a result of the laws brought by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Of course, these are only on paper. Although it can be prevented to some extent by laws, Islam has an incredible influence on state administration and social structure.

According to a survey conducted in 2019, 89.5% of Turkey is Muslim. Due to the closed-mindedness and bigotry of the religious, non-Muslims have to hide in order to protect themselves, so we cannot tell who is really a Muslim and who is not.


Erdogan uses Islam in this way to herd people like sheep, making them believe that they are "fighting" for Islam and their Muslim brothers. What most people don't know is that Turkey does billions of dollars of trade with Israel every year. Even if people believe that Turkey supports Palestine in the Palestinian-Israeli war, even if they organise rallies and marches in support of Palestine, behind the curtains the government is providing financial support to Israel.

Although it is obvious that Erdogan works with Israel and the Jews, it is hidden that he is a Jew of Georgian-Armenian origin. Turkish author Ergün Poyraz in his book "Children of Moses" stated that Erdogan and his wife Emine are of Jewish origin, ironically he went to jail after writing this book and "disappeared" after his release.

At the same time, he was publicly awarded the "Jewish Medal of Distinguished Bravery" by the Jews and received many gifts.

2019-09-22-abd-083-heyet (1).jpg

Due to the controlled media and Islam, the Turkish people are not aware of the conspiracy, nor do they have the consciousness to realise it. The so-called "intellectuals" in the country are also unable to speak freely due to government pressure, and those who are seen to speak freely say what the government wants them to say.

Another issue that needs to be addressed is the Jeffrey Epstein incident and its connection with political figures in Turkey. For some reason, Fatma Şahin, the mayor of Gaziantep, constantly invites people connected to this incident to Turkey, writes their names on baklava and shares it. When I researched, I found out that Gaziantep is one of the cities with the highest number of child abduction cases in Turkey. How strange is that?


What is even more strange is that Fatma Şahin is a member of the Turkey-EU Joint Parliamentary Commission and was also the President of the Association for Research on Violence against Women and Children.

When we research Gaziantep, which is one of the cities with the highest number of child kidnapping cases in Turkey, we can see that there has been a great increase in cases since Fatma Şahin took office.


Although she had no connection with international relations when she was the president of the association, she was awarded a merit award by the Italian state on behalf of children.

Another suspect in this case is former Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek. Known for his absurd social media posts, Gökçek was involved in many corruption cases during his term as mayor.

It is rumoured that 29 children were kidnapped and sold abroad during the period (1989-1991) when Gökçek was the head of the Child Protection Agency.


We should not forget the visit of former US President Bill Clinton, one of the main criminals in the Epstein case, to Turkey. He visited Turkey after the disastrous 1999 earthquake, and systematic child abductions took place after his visit. A similar incident occurred during the earthquake of 6 February 2023. In the port of Iskenderun (Iskenderun means Alexander's hometown, an important city for Lord Alexander), the most important port trade city of Turkey, US ships took children under the pretext of treatment and those children were never seen again.


The politicians mentioned here are members of the AKP (Justice and Development Party), the ruling party of Turkey, of which Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the founder and chairman.

There are so many such cases in Turkish history that it is impossible to mention them all. Turkey is a country that is highly supportive for Jews and Zionists and has therefore become extremely corrupt. It is sad that the legacy of the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who closed the Freemason lodges, refused to be a vassal to the Jews, and died for this cause, is so insulted.

Turkey's future is not secured and if this continues, Turkey, the legacy left to us, will be gone. People don't aware of this, and those who are aware can't do anything about it! Turkey is already a stand-alone country, neither the Westerners nor the Middle Easterners love and support us. This country can only be saved with the support of Spiritual Satanists and our Gods who protect and guide us on this path.

I would like to thank @Sonne for helping me with the writing of this article!

Hail Satan!
Hail Azazel!
Hail Sorath!


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Thank you for this post. I have a lot of experience with Turkish people overall and I have found them to be a hospitable and kind people, provided they are respected in the same way. Without Kemal, Turkey would have devolved into just "another" Islamic country, with all that this entails. Most people that are Islamic are not really following it through at least on the European part.

They are kind and open minded, not as generally portrayed by those who haven't even met Turkish people in their life. Many of the downsides in human behavior are due to governmental factors and the powerful grip of Islam. The level of hospitality and kindness is on a high level, but there is a strong portion of the population which is living in a form of refusal.

I talked to many Turkish people who have opened their heart to me and albeit if they were Islamic or not, nobody likes the idea that the Government can hurt people so easily and so liberally. A friend I had from Turkey, that left the country, told me that simply a false claim towards the police is enough to get you life in prison and that the legal system is essentially non existent. Talking against the government in anyway is extremely dangerous and they "disappear" people all the time.

There is also a false statement that Kemal was jewish with which I completely disagree. Kemal as part of his ancestry was of Aryan and Greek descent, he was clearly one of the strongest Turkish leaders to ever be, not strong in brutal force like the Ottoman Empire but strong in all the good ways, as there are many people in Turkey that love him. Still the current government cannot wipe out Kemal's legacy as it was him that made Turkey a powerful force in the global landscape and he was the first to instate a higher rule of law. The current administration tries to cast it all down yet publicly pretends they are following Kemal. The current president is nowhere close to Kemal especially where the heart and care for the Turkish people is concerned.

I have found however almost all people there will be kind, despite of the government's messages which frequently emphasize depression and hate for outsider people. The slander about Kemal also says that he was a Freemason but it appears he was of the wing of the liberal Western "Freemasonry" which had many Satanic Values, or that he was not a part of it at all.

The average Turk also hates the jews very much and they do not want them on their head. They know they represent an evil force that runs a puppet show against them. Funny enough, Greece, with which Turkey has had clashes, also suffers from the same jewish illness and it's most of the time Jewish influence that creates the clashes in order to keep both the herds under control.

I have also seen many hardworking people from there, who are fighters and they won't give up, despite of what the Government tries to do them. Turkish women are also strong and not like many offended butterflies from the West, they have a unique character compared to many other women worldwide.

Another issue is that the youth in Turkey is largely unattended with low care from the government and so on. Children there are given many restrictions by Islam and the Government but nobody sits there to actually teach them and be kind to them. I saw a cruel life for many children over there, which makes them angry as adults.

Regardless of the above I think Turkey will certainly make it. If there was no Islam in Turkey [which Erdogan has tried time and time again to enforce to people from the backdoor], that will help everyone. Kemal did the first step which it was to establish a rule of Law in Turkey and not the law of Sharia or Islam, and he did this in a way that benefited everyone. The people don't want really to follow it and the higher percent of Turkish people who are educated and doing alright, are not onboard with Islamification, but they cannot speak about it.

Because of Erdogan and his approach to things he also cultivates anger and hate in some lesser portions of the Turkish people, which can become hateful and angry and feel isolated from the global community as you stated. But I think if someone visited they would understand that the errors of Erdogan do not really represent the majority of the Turkish people.

Another lie that is told about Turkey is that there is a high degree of intolerance but this is only as far as the government is concerned. Generally over there people don't care fundamentally to do evil to anyone, unless of course, people like Erdogan fan their flames all day. Erdogan commonly uses his own mistakes that harm Turkey as propaganda to make the Turkish people believe that nobody else will care about them. But it's due to him Turkey has been getting a bad rep.

Under Kemal Turkey was very much respected globally and was seen in a much better light. Kemal did not try to initiate wars but he cared for the people to improve their lives and their wellbeing.

Erdogan follows a strange policy of trying to be "friends with everyone" but also "enemy with everyone", pretending that the whole world is against Turkey or something everytime he fucks up. But primarily he is kissing Islamic ass consistently to maintain the large pool of support which he can more sufficiently control. The method of kissing Islamic ass has not worked for Turkey, as other Islamic nations do not consider them "Sufficiently Islamic". So it's a complicated situation overall.
Thank you for this post. I have a lot of experience with Turkish people overall and I have found them to be a hospitable and kind people, provided they are respected in the same way. Without Kemal, Turkey would have devolved into just "another" Islamic country, with all that this entails. Most people that are Islamic are not really following it through at least on the European part.

They are kind and open minded, not as generally portrayed by those who haven't even met Turkish people in their life. Many of the downsides in human behavior are due to governmental factors and the powerful grip of Islam. The level of hospitality and kindness is on a high level, but there is a strong portion of the population which is living in a form of refusal.

I talked to many Turkish people who have opened their heart to me and albeit if they were Islamic or not, nobody likes the idea that the Government can hurt people so easily and so liberally. A friend I had from Turkey, that left the country, told me that simply a false claim towards the police is enough to get you life in prison and that the legal system is essentially non existent. Talking against the government in anyway is extremely dangerous and they "disappear" people all the time.

There is also a false statement that Kemal was jewish with which I completely disagree. Kemal as part of his ancestry was of Aryan and Greek descent, he was clearly one of the strongest Turkish leaders to ever be, not strong in brutal force like the Ottoman Empire but strong in all the good ways, as there are many people in Turkey that love him. Still the current government cannot wipe out Kemal's legacy as it was him that made Turkey a powerful force in the global landscape and he was the first to instate a higher rule of law. The current administration tries to cast it all down yet publicly pretends they are following Kemal. The current president is nowhere close to Kemal especially where the heart and care for the Turkish people is concerned.

I have found however almost all people there will be kind, despite of the government's messages which frequently emphasize depression and hate for outsider people. The slander about Kemal also says that he was a Freemason but it appears he was of the wing of the liberal Western "Freemasonry" which had many Satanic Values, or that he was not a part of it at all.

The average Turk also hates the jews very much and they do not want them on their head. They know they represent an evil force that runs a puppet show against them. Funny enough, Greece, with which Turkey has had clashes, also suffers from the same jewish illness and it's most of the time Jewish influence that creates the clashes in order to keep both the herds under control.

I have also seen many hardworking people from there, who are fighters and they won't give up, despite of what the Government tries to do them. Turkish women are also strong and not like many offended butterflies from the West, they have a unique character compared to many other women worldwide.

Another issue is that the youth in Turkey is largely unattended with low care from the government and so on. Children there are given many restrictions by Islam and the Government but nobody sits there to actually teach them and be kind to them. I saw a cruel life for many children over there, which makes them angry as adults.

Regardless of the above I think Turkey will certainly make it. If there was no Islam in Turkey [which Erdogan has tried time and time again to enforce to people from the backdoor], that will help everyone. Kemal did the first step which it was to establish a rule of Law in Turkey and not the law of Sharia or Islam, and he did this in a way that benefited everyone. The people don't want really to follow it and the higher percent of Turkish people who are educated and doing alright, are not onboard with Islamification, but they cannot speak about it.

Because of Erdogan and his approach to things he also cultivates anger and hate in some lesser portions of the Turkish people, which can become hateful and angry and feel isolated from the global community as you stated. But I think if someone visited they would understand that the errors of Erdogan do not really represent the majority of the Turkish people.

Another lie that is told about Turkey is that there is a high degree of intolerance but this is only as far as the government is concerned. Generally over there people don't care fundamentally to do evil to anyone, unless of course, people like Erdogan fan their flames all day. Erdogan commonly uses his own mistakes that harm Turkey as propaganda to make the Turkish people believe that nobody else will care about them. But it's due to him Turkey has been getting a bad rep.

Under Kemal Turkey was very much respected globally and was seen in a much better light. Kemal did not try to initiate wars but he cared for the people to improve their lives and their wellbeing.

Erdogan follows a strange policy of trying to be "friends with everyone" but also "enemy with everyone", pretending that the whole world is against Turkey or something everytime he fucks up. But primarily he is kissing Islamic ass consistently to maintain the large pool of support which he can more sufficiently control. The method of kissing Islamic ass has not worked for Turkey, as other Islamic nations do not consider them "Sufficiently Islamic". So it's a complicated situation overall.


My nation gave me the title of hero, am I going to be a servant to a few Jews like you? If you don't close all your lodges in Turkey by tomorrow morning, I will hand you all over to the court martial I will organise tomorrow and have you all executed! Get out of my face!"

After the death of The Father of Turks, when the people of Anatolia were almost blinded by tears, Ismet Pasha did not attend the funeral. As soon as he came to power, the Freemasons' lodges were opened.

The Rothschild and Rockefeller families, whom Ataturk had expelled saying "they cannot come to Turkey while I am alive", settled in Turkey. Then Israel was founded. How proud Israel should be of the enemies of Ataturk!

Those who spread the lie and the slander that "Atatürk died because of drinking" will be paid for it!


Before his death, David Rockefeller, who is considered to be the black box of the USA, made very important confessions. He said: "We had to postpone our plans for half a century because of Ataturk". This man is an important Jew. What he says is "law" for the USA.

It is no surprise that Israel was created after the death of Ataturk and Turkey was one of the first countries to acknowledge it. This being the case, the question arises:


I have been searching for an answer to this question that has been nagging at me for several days and I have come up with such results that I have no doubt that Atatürk was "martyred". Poor people who think it is pious to be an enemy of Atatürk would die of shame if they knew some facts, if they were real Muslims.

A man who changed the world dies, but there is no autopsy. Moreover, this autopsy is not carried out even though it is very much requested. In the first report issued after Ataturk's death, the cause of death was listed as "fluid and ascites in the abdomen", while in the second report it was listed as "alcohol-related hepatitis".

There was both a contradiction and a big lie. This false report was commissioned by the Freemasons, who had a great deal of influence in Parliament at the time.

Please don't say: "What have the Freemasons got to do with it?"
They were always at the forefront of the Ataturk assassination and afterwards.

Ataturk waged a great war against the Freemasons. The year was 1935. Ataturk gave Mahmut Esat Bozkurt a book on the division, organisation and behaviour of the Freemasons and said;

"Study this book well, give it to the People's Party's group leader with a draft, make a fierce attack on them in the group and see to it that they are closed down by the group. You will have a great deal of honour in this."

So Bozkurt did what the Pasha wanted, and amid shouts of "Death to the Freemasons", the parliament voted to close the lodges.

The Freemasons took Dr. Mim Kemal with them and went to Ataturk's office; they said: "Sir, we are already in your entourage, but if you become our leader, we will circle around you like a moth."

Ataturk said: "Let me ask you something, answer me and then... To which lodge in Europe do you belong and what is the name of your metropolitan?"

They said: "We belong to Genoa and our head is Mison of Barca."

Ataturk got angry and said: "My nation gave me the title of hero, am I going to be a servant to a few Jews like you? If you don't close all your lodges in Turkey by tomorrow morning, I will hand you all over to the court martial I will organise tomorrow and have you all executed! Get out of my face!" and dismissed them.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk addressed Dr. Mim Kemal Öke at the Çankaya Mansion in Ankara on 10.10.1935: "Since I consider the activities of the Freemasonry to be contrary to my revolutions, I have deemed it necessary to close it down. From now on, consider this fraternity dead. And do not try to revive it."

Avram (Abraham, Abraham) Benaroyas, a high-ranking Freemason, learned of the closure of the Turkish Freemasonry during a meeting in Moscow and said: "This yellow leader will be removed with absolute certainty!" (-Laiki Foni "People's Voice" newspaper, Greece, 1948).

Those who wish can read the book "Yusuf Ziya Koca - Atatürk Öldü mü, Öldürüldü mü?" on this subject.

After Ataturk's death, during Ismet Pasha's presidency, he said: "The lodges were not closed by law! We have the right to reopen them!" At the request of the Freemasons, the lodges were reopened and started working...

In 1952, Celal Bayar, who was known as an "Kemalist", rejected a bill proposed by Ahmet Gurkan to close down the lodges of the Freemasons and thus consolidated his lodges by law. Celal Bayar was a Freemason himself.

Ceyhan Mumcu told Mahiye Morgul on 16.10.2005: "There is a doctoral thesis by a navy medical colonel on Ataturk's death. It states that Ataturk was given the wrong treatment. Ataturk did not suffer from cirrhosis of the liver as it is believed."

Ataturk was treated for malaria and overdosed on quinine, which caused his liver to fail and turn into cirrhosis. The doctor treating him was Dr Mim Kemal Öke, one of the masters of the Freemason Lodge.

After his condition worsened, Celal Bayar, also a Freemason, brought in a doctor from abroad. It was this foreign doctor who reported that the treatment was wrong and that the liver had failed as a result. In Savarona, where he stayed for 2 months to rest, his condition worsened due to the humid heat and he was taken to Dolmabahçe Palace for his last days.

In 1962, Dr Lebit Yurdoglu, who conducted an investigation at the request of the then Minister of the Interior in Bekarta, said: "Mr. Hıfzı Oguz Bekata. When I looked into the matter, I found that the problem was not only late diagnosis, but also the use of drugs that were not compatible with the diagnosis."

When I looked at the records of the pharmacy where Atatürk's medicines were taken, I saw that 43 bottles of quinine, which was then used to treat malaria, had been used. It seemed to me that any doctor should have known that using so much quinine would cause irreparable damage to the liver, but that it had been used deliberately."

The other drug used to treat Ataturk was 'pyremidone'. It has been confirmed to have a poisonous effect on humans. The drug 'salyrgan', a 'mercury diuretic', continued to be used although it was known before the consultation on 3 August 1938 that its use would be dangerous. I am convinced that Eppinger, Bergman and Dr. Fissinger deliberately failed in their medical duties".

In short, they realised Ataturk was poisoned. In his letter to Afet Inan he wrote the following: "Afet, my situation is as follows; I think that the disease has not stopped but has progressed due to the wrong opinions and judgements of the doctors. The government brought in Fissinger without asking my opinion".

In his letter to İnönü, Interior Minister Kaya said: "I think that the doctor we appointed has done his job properly. Everything is going well. We all want to see you as the President of the Republic. I kiss your hands with respect, sir."

After the death of The Father of Turks, when the people of Anatolia were almost blinded by tears, Ismet Pasha did not attend the funeral. As soon as he came to power, the Freemasons' lodges were opened.

The Rothschild and Rockefeller families, whom Ataturk had expelled saying "they cannot come to Turkey while I am alive", settled in Turkey. Then Israel was founded. How proud Israel should be of the enemies of Ataturk!

Those who spread the lie and the slander that "Ataturk died because of alcohol" will be paid for it!

Yusuf Karaca / Yenimesaj Newspaper

Translated by @Sonne

Atatürk's relationship with the Freemasons is evident in the part translated by Sonne which I have posted above.

Thank you for your kind and wise words, High Priest HoodedCobra! :)

I think Turks are really misunderstood, Turks should not be treated like this because of a few assimilated idiots! Under the guidance of the gods, we will work for the awakening of our race. We look forward to your support, brothers and sisters!

Hail Satan!
Although it is obvious that Erdogan works with Israel and the Jews,
Erdogan only opposes Israel in his speech.
In practical actions he does nothing against Israel.
it is hidden that he is a Jew of Georgian-Armenian origin.
I think this type of allegation should only be made when there is certainty and strong evidence.

Claiming that a person is Jewish when she/he is not only discredits the actual and true conspiracies of jews against the world.

Some people seem to have a need to believe that political leaders or successful people who do not fit their political persuasion are Jews.
*I'm not saying this is your case.

But honestly, I don't believe Erdegon is jewish.
neither the Westerners nor the Middle Easterners love and support us.
This thinking is childish.
There are no friends or "babysitters" in the game of geopolitics.
Countries fight for their own survival and success.

No country became successful with the mentality of begging for love and support from others.
There is also a false statement that Kemal was jewish with which I completely disagree. Kemal as part of his ancestry was of Aryan and Greek descent, he was clearly one of the strongest Turkish leaders to ever be, not strong in brutal force like the Ottoman Empire but strong in all the good ways, as there are many people in Turkey that love him. Still the current government cannot wipe out Kemal's legacy as it was him that made Turkey a powerful force in the global landscape and he was the first to instate a higher rule of law. The current administration tries to cast it all down yet publicly pretends they are following Kemal. The current president is nowhere close to Kemal especially where the heart and care for the Turkish people is concerned.

I have found however almost all people there will be kind, despite of the government's messages which frequently emphasize depression and hate for outsider people. The slander about Kemal also says that he was a Freemason but it appears he was of the wing of the liberal Western "Freemasonry" which had many Satanic Values, or that he was not a part of it at all.
About this: In the WDoI website I found two articles that were posted by (((Mageson)) which falsely claims that Ataturk is "Jewish" or "working with them".

Should they be deleted and not translated since they are full of misinformation?
There is also a false statement that Kemal was jewish with which I completely disagree. Kemal as part of his ancestry was of Aryan and Greek descent, he was clearly one of the strongest Turkish leaders to ever be, not strong in brutal force like the Ottoman Empire but strong in all the good ways, as there are many people in Turkey that love him. Still the current government cannot wipe out Kemal's legacy as it was him that made Turkey a powerful force in the global landscape and he was the first to instate a higher rule of law. The current administration tries to cast it all down yet publicly pretends they are following Kemal. The current president is nowhere close to Kemal especially where the heart and care for the Turkish people is concerned.

Why do u think Ataturk was of Greek descent, can you explain?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
