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The truth about the Occult


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
This is for any of our new SS as well as our other pagan brethren who are open in any manner to this subject manner at all, some words of advice. Please share on other platforms as well.

A lot of people do not have an inkling about what the occult is really about. They think it is a mix of edgy costumes mixed with some sort of casting a spell from frog toe, bat blood and a dash of hokus pokus to make something manifest. What's more these people instead of focusing on how to make themselves stronger as mages presume to rely on other entities to help them meet their desired end instead of being self sufficient, and exclusively these entities are almost always malevolent in nature if one presumes to do anything with blood magick especially such as blood sacrifice and the like which is a jewish practice. They are ignorant of the way energy actually works much less the powers of their own souls.

What they do not realize is that everything IS about the power of the soul and mind which is why they must be empowered. There is nothing spooky about "magick". It is quite literally tapping in to the quantum physics of the universe to cause something to manifest or to have something attract to you of which you do not need props for. Props can be useful in magick especially for new people and those who like ceremony. The truth is when one is adept enough simply focusing ones intent and will strongly enough especially with strong emotions and intense visualization constantly can bring about manifestation. And how quickly depends on the power of ones soul. The bio electricity used to focus these thoughts CAN be strong enough to make something manifest in the quantum field, and thus bring it to reality. The term "occult" literally means "hidden"

When the soul and astral senses are open, so will you be to the quantum field to program it in anyway you desire. At this level it is most essential also to be able to control your own negative thoughts lest they manifest just as easily. This is akin to barely tapping something you don't want to break that still does out of your sheer force because when it comes time, you must learn to control your own strength! Especially when it comes to loved ones and family. A powerful mage can focus just a few minutes of intense anger at a family member for a heated discussion or hurtful words and boom. Tragedy occurs. This makes void meditation essential.

The human DNA can literally be altered by the power of chanting and programmed to open up to the astral plane. There is truly a genetic basis in higher DNA functions to open up the human soul to tap into the quantum world to cause manifestations to occur https://www.wakingtimes.com/97-percent-of-our-dna-has-a-higher-purpose-and-is-not-junk-as-labeled-by-scientists/

The universe is frequency and vibration. Everything is made up of energy. "magick" 101 is raising energy, programming it and directing it. And depending on the strength of the soul of the mage this will have to be repeated a number of times as workings are not a one shot deal. Magick is not edgelord shit for the ones who think its cool to follow reverse xnity under the guise of the occult using all sorts of fake spells with rabbit ear and mugwort and wish casting, actually thinking they are doing anything at all. For the ones who believe in and practice blood magick or have anything to do with sacrifice sure it does something...this raises all sorts of death energy and has consequences especially because these people do not know what they are doing. I have known someone who was into blood magick and it fucked him up BAD. this is however again, a jewish practice and any entity that demands this is not working with you for your benefit. Alot of wannabe edgelords do this because they think they are somehow rebelling against the jewsus thoughtform when they are really enforcing what it stands for. literal sacrifice. So get off your high horse before you tell someone they are "popocultists" as you sit there with a probable grey or reptilian stirring up some brew of edgelord rabbit ear soup thinking its a legit way to cast a spell.

the powers of the mind and soul are linked in science and are not a toy. They are things inherent to us humans that enemy programs have tried to suppress and corrupt and even force humans to use in sinister ways to their own ends as explained above. Humanity must advance and learn to use the power of their souls, increasing this with meditation, caring for their bodies, yoga and anything that helps increase bioelectricity, which again influences the quantum field, the astral supercomputer. If you want to become a programmer, you have to DEprogram yourself from all enemy programming including any jewish notions about who the Gods really are and ultimately Satan who have given us this knowledge in the first place, for one purpose: to become Gods. To evolve.

There have also been studies that show that certain chants and other practices can reverse the deterioration of telomeres, which slows down and even reverses aging. The gene must be switched on for this and meditation is the spiritual side that works towards this. When one becomes a God they are the master programmer. And there is nothing "popoccultist" about this in any manner. Let the actual "popoccultist" chew on that next time they want to put some morbid ingredients together of animal parts and herbs just to "cast a spell"
The word occult comes from Latin occultus which means hidden. Another similar term used is esoteric which means inner in Greek. All this has to do with hidden knowledge and teachings, which were kept secret because of xian persecution mostly. But there's another interpretation: "inner", "secret" having to do with transforming your soul, your inner life and developing/unlocking your hidden mental powers as opposed to religions that focus external things like morality or worshiping a being. You can see that there's nothing "evil" about that.

Most of the ideas about "evil" connected to Occultism are nothing but xian/kike propaganda. This is the xian/kike modus operandi on something their buybull forbids:

  • Ban it and remove all knowledge about it.
  • Mass murder those who practice it.
  • Slander and invent a myriad lies about it, so that people who are interested in it will find no knowledge about the actual thing, but only lies and propaganda, at least in mainstream society.

You can see they have done this with many things: from homosexuality to Satanism to Occultism.

"Pop occultism" is nothing but xian/Kikeywood propaganda. At best it can be fantasy LARPing, like Wicca. A long time ago I was interested in watching a few good movies about occultism and the powers of mind, so I went to imdb.com and searched by the tag "occult". To my shock, the majority of the results were horror movies about "ritual murder" and crap like that. Of course there were some that were not horror movies but they were just fantasy crap, like the Harry Potter series. The worst are the "paranormal" movies and TV series "(like the show Supernatural) which are very slanderous to our Demons and depict them as evil monsters.

Most normal people have the Kikeywood idea of occultism and they think you're a mass murdering psychopath or a weirdo if they tell them you're interested in the occult.

Shadowcat said:
For the ones who believe in and practice blood magick or have anything to do with sacrifice sure it does something...this raises all sorts of death energy and has consequences especially because these people do not know what they are doing.

Which unfortunately is very popular in Jewtube, as there is an online cult called blood over intent. It's very retarded.
Rational Satanist said:
The word occult comes from Latin occultus which means hidden. Another similar term used is esoteric which means inner in Greek. All this has to do with hidden knowledge and teachings, which were kept secret because of xian persecution mostly. But there's another interpretation: "inner", "secret" having to do with transforming your soul, your inner life and developing/unlocking your hidden mental powers as opposed to religions that focus external things like morality or worshiping a being. You can see that there's nothing "evil" about that.

Most of the ideas about "evil" connected to Occultism are nothing but xian/kike propaganda. This is the xian/kike modus operandi on something their buybull forbids:

  • Ban it and remove all knowledge about it.
  • Mass murder those who practice it.
  • Slander and invent a myriad lies about it, so that people who are interested in it will find no knowledge about the actual thing, but only lies and propaganda, at least in mainstream society.

You can see they have done this with many things: from homosexuality to Satanism to Occultism.

"Pop occultism" is nothing but xian/Kikeywood propaganda. At best it can be fantasy LARPing, like Wicca. A long time ago I was interested in watching a few good movies about occultism and the powers of mind, so I went to imdb.com and searched by the tag "occult". To my shock, the majority of the results were horror movies about "ritual murder" and crap like that. Of course there were some that were not horror movies but they were just fantasy crap, like the Harry Potter series. The worst are the "paranormal" movies and TV series "(like the show Supernatural) which are very slanderous to our Demons and depict them as evil monsters.

Most normal people have the Kikeywood idea of occultism and they think you're a mass murdering psychopath or a weirdo if they tell them you're interested in the occult.

Shadowcat said:
For the ones who believe in and practice blood magick or have anything to do with sacrifice sure it does something...this raises all sorts of death energy and has consequences especially because these people do not know what they are doing.

Which unfortunately is very popular in Jewtube, as there is an online cult called blood over intent. It's very retarded.

More dillusional jews spreading filth. These people are going to suck in alot of innocent victims. For all i know the person i referred to that i knew was involved with them or something like them. He told me quite literally the things he was getting into was making him loose his mind but he kept going back to it because it was "working" i was telling him what it was really about and he just pissed on it. His loss.

Another at that same workplace confided in me his sister meditated and worked with an entity she said gave her gloom and doom messages and "you are not ready to see me i am not a beautiful being" when she asked for a manifestation. I knew right away what it was and asked him the name of the entity. He told me the next day it was archanal urinal. >_>
no wonder it was so buttfuck ugly.
So. I get blood Magick is Jewish and attracts death energy.

What I don't get, shamanistic cultures the hunter gathers , that predator vs prey, you are still killing an animal for food and usually I have heard of animal sacrifice and then cooked to eat and be in communion with said deity.
The hunter gathers would make use of bones, hides, etc

The horned god been associated with Lord of the hunt. Basically to help tribes to survive before the rise of civilization even existed. And usually shamans back in those days are seen using bones, for divination, etc. If course this kind of stuff one has to have ethics, morals and having respect for Nature. I'm not talking about a new age crap. But where tribes had stories about the lands the inhibited and knew to respect nature. I personally think hunting animals for food is healthier than eating the way they are slaughtered to sell meat.

So what's your opinion when someone uses already dead animal remains and cleaned to use in Magick? I'm just curious? I know some people use such to connect with the energy of said animal to achieve a purpose. For an example is berserkers used either bear or wolf energies. Again I don't practice any of this but I was curious to those who may have done this in tribal hunter gather societies who had shamans?
Quicksilver said:
So. I get blood Magick is Jewish and attracts death energy.

What I don't get, shamanistic cultures the hunter gathers , that predator vs prey, you are still killing an animal for food and usually I have heard of animal sacrifice and then cooked to eat and be in communion with said deity.
The hunter gathers would make use of bones, hides, etc

The horned god been associated with Lord of the hunt. Basically to help tribes to survive before the rise of civilization even existed. And usually shamans back in those days are seen using bones, for divination, etc. If course this kind of stuff one has to have ethics, morals and having respect for Nature. I'm not talking about a new age crap. But where tribes had stories about the lands the inhibited and knew to respect nature. I personally think hunting animals for food is healthier than eating the way they are slaughtered to sell meat.

So what's your opinion when someone uses already dead animal remains and cleaned to use in Magick? I'm just curious? I know some people use such to connect with the energy of said animal to achieve a purpose. For an example is berserkers used either bear or wolf energies. Again I don't practice any of this but I was curious to those who may have done this in tribal hunter gather societies who had shamans?

Blood magic does not belong to jews. It is just a form of magic, a tool.

There were ages when blood magic was frequently used by gentiles. Those were different times. Now the Gods teach other ways that are more suitable for the present humans of Earth.
Shadowcat said:
This is for any of our new SS as well as our other pagan brethren who are open in any manner to this subject manner at all, some words of advice. Please share on other platforms as well.

A lot of people do not have an inkling about what the occult is really about. They think it is a mix of edgy costumes mixed with some sort of casting a spell from frog toe, bat blood and a dash of hokus pokus to make something manifest. What's more these people instead of focusing on how to make themselves stronger as mages presume to rely on other entities to help them meet their desired end instead of being self sufficient, and exclusively these entities are almost always malevolent in nature if one presumes to do anything with blood magick especially such as blood sacrifice and the like which is a jewish practice. They are ignorant of the way energy actually works much less the powers of their own souls.

What they do not realize is that everything IS about the power of the soul and mind which is why they must be empowered. There is nothing spooky about "magick". It is quite literally tapping in to the quantum physics of the universe to cause something to manifest or to have something attract to you of which you do not need props for. Props can be useful in magick especially for new people and those who like ceremony. The truth is when one is adept enough simply focusing ones intent and will strongly enough especially with strong emotions and intense visualization constantly can bring about manifestation. And how quickly depends on the power of ones soul. The bio electricity used to focus these thoughts CAN be strong enough to make something manifest in the quantum field, and thus bring it to reality. The term "occult" literally means "hidden"

When the soul and astral senses are open, so will you be to the quantum field to program it in anyway you desire. At this level it is most essential also to be able to control your own negative thoughts lest they manifest just as easily. This is akin to barely tapping something you don't want to break that still does out of your sheer force because when it comes time, you must learn to control your own strength! Especially when it comes to loved ones and family. A powerful mage can focus just a few minutes of intense anger at a family member for a heated discussion or hurtful words and boom. Tragedy occurs. This makes void meditation essential.

The human DNA can literally be altered by the power of chanting and programmed to open up to the astral plane. There is truly a genetic basis in higher DNA functions to open up the human soul to tap into the quantum world to cause manifestations to occur https://www.wakingtimes.com/97-percent-of-our-dna-has-a-higher-purpose-and-is-not-junk-as-labeled-by-scientists/

The universe is frequency and vibration. Everything is made up of energy. "magick" 101 is raising energy, programming it and directing it. And depending on the strength of the soul of the mage this will have to be repeated a number of times as workings are not a one shot deal. Magick is not edgelord shit for the ones who think its cool to follow reverse xnity under the guise of the occult using all sorts of fake spells with rabbit ear and mugwort and wish casting, actually thinking they are doing anything at all. For the ones who believe in and practice blood magick or have anything to do with sacrifice sure it does something...this raises all sorts of death energy and has consequences especially because these people do not know what they are doing. I have known someone who was into blood magick and it fucked him up BAD. this is however again, a jewish practice and any entity that demands this is not working with you for your benefit. Alot of wannabe edgelords do this because they think they are somehow rebelling against the jewsus thoughtform when they are really enforcing what it stands for. literal sacrifice. So get off your high horse before you tell someone they are "popocultists" as you sit there with a probable grey or reptilian stirring up some brew of edgelord rabbit ear soup thinking its a legit way to cast a spell.

the powers of the mind and soul are linked in science and are not a toy. They are things inherent to us humans that enemy programs have tried to suppress and corrupt and even force humans to use in sinister ways to their own ends as explained above. Humanity must advance and learn to use the power of their souls, increasing this with meditation, caring for their bodies, yoga and anything that helps increase bioelectricity, which again influences the quantum field, the astral supercomputer. If you want to become a programmer, you have to DEprogram yourself from all enemy programming including any jewish notions about who the Gods really are and ultimately Satan who have given us this knowledge in the first place, for one purpose: to become Gods. To evolve.

There have also been studies that show that certain chants and other practices can reverse the deterioration of telomeres, which slows down and even reverses aging. The gene must be switched on for this and meditation is the spiritual side that works towards this. When one becomes a God they are the master programmer. And there is nothing "popoccultist" about this in any manner. Let the actual "popoccultist" chew on that next time they want to put some morbid ingredients together of animal parts and herbs just to "cast a spell"
Kinda unrelated, but i JUST realized that the famous " peace sign " that is known throughout the world is literally Algiz upside down, inside a ring. As if it is bound. Algiz is a rune of defense and protection. The enemy is infamous for advocating false peace and tolerance in order to lower the guard of people down. Let me know what you guys think about this.
Kokusz said:
Quicksilver said:
So. I get blood Magick is Jewish and attracts death energy.

What I don't get, shamanistic cultures the hunter gathers , that predator vs prey, you are still killing an animal for food and usually I have heard of animal sacrifice and then cooked to eat and be in communion with said deity.
The hunter gathers would make use of bones, hides, etc

The horned god been associated with Lord of the hunt. Basically to help tribes to survive before the rise of civilization even existed. And usually shamans back in those days are seen using bones, for divination, etc. If course this kind of stuff one has to have ethics, morals and having respect for Nature. I'm not talking about a new age crap. But where tribes had stories about the lands the inhibited and knew to respect nature. I personally think hunting animals for food is healthier than eating the way they are slaughtered to sell meat.

So what's your opinion when someone uses already dead animal remains and cleaned to use in Magick? I'm just curious? I know some people use such to connect with the energy of said animal to achieve a purpose. For an example is berserkers used either bear or wolf energies. Again I don't practice any of this but I was curious to those who may have done this in tribal hunter gather societies who had shamans?

Blood magic does not belong to jews. It is just a form of magic, a tool.

There were ages when blood magic was frequently used by gentiles. Those were different times. Now the Gods teach other ways that are more suitable for the present humans of Earth.
That is utter bullshit, us Gentiles never used blood magick as in killing animals for magickal uses, the Gods never taught us to do it. Only when the reptilians and grays started appearing did the Gentiles do that, but that's because their minds were corrupted by those filthy extraterrestrials.
Aquarius said:
Kokusz said:
Quicksilver said:
So. I get blood Magick is Jewish and attracts death energy.

What I don't get, shamanistic cultures the hunter gathers , that predator vs prey, you are still killing an animal for food and usually I have heard of animal sacrifice and then cooked to eat and be in communion with said deity.
The hunter gathers would make use of bones, hides, etc

The horned god been associated with Lord of the hunt. Basically to help tribes to survive before the rise of civilization even existed. And usually shamans back in those days are seen using bones, for divination, etc. If course this kind of stuff one has to have ethics, morals and having respect for Nature. I'm not talking about a new age crap. But where tribes had stories about the lands the inhibited and knew to respect nature. I personally think hunting animals for food is healthier than eating the way they are slaughtered to sell meat.

So what's your opinion when someone uses already dead animal remains and cleaned to use in Magick? I'm just curious? I know some people use such to connect with the energy of said animal to achieve a purpose. For an example is berserkers used either bear or wolf energies. Again I don't practice any of this but I was curious to those who may have done this in tribal hunter gather societies who had shamans?

Blood magic does not belong to jews. It is just a form of magic, a tool.

There were ages when blood magic was frequently used by gentiles. Those were different times. Now the Gods teach other ways that are more suitable for the present humans of Earth.
That is utter bullshit, us Gentiles never used blood magick as in killing animals for magickal uses, the Gods never taught us to do it. Only when the reptilians and grays started appearing did the Gentiles do that, but that's because their minds were corrupted by those filthy extraterrestrials.
What he meant by blood magic isn't killing anyone, but, as I understand, using your own blood.
For example, for empowering rune spells.
Aquarius said:
Kokusz said:
Quicksilver said:
So. I get blood Magick is Jewish and attracts death energy.

What I don't get, shamanistic cultures the hunter gathers , that predator vs prey, you are still killing an animal for food and usually I have heard of animal sacrifice and then cooked to eat and be in communion with said deity.
The hunter gathers would make use of bones, hides, etc

The horned god been associated with Lord of the hunt. Basically to help tribes to survive before the rise of civilization even existed. And usually shamans back in those days are seen using bones, for divination, etc. If course this kind of stuff one has to have ethics, morals and having respect for Nature. I'm not talking about a new age crap. But where tribes had stories about the lands the inhibited and knew to respect nature. I personally think hunting animals for food is healthier than eating the way they are slaughtered to sell meat.

So what's your opinion when someone uses already dead animal remains and cleaned to use in Magick? I'm just curious? I know some people use such to connect with the energy of said animal to achieve a purpose. For an example is berserkers used either bear or wolf energies. Again I don't practice any of this but I was curious to those who may have done this in tribal hunter gather societies who had shamans?

Blood magic does not belong to jews. It is just a form of magic, a tool.

There were ages when blood magic was frequently used by gentiles. Those were different times. Now the Gods teach other ways that are more suitable for the present humans of Earth.
That is utter bullshit, us Gentiles never used blood magick as in killing animals for magickal uses, the Gods never taught us to do it. Only when the reptilians and grays started appearing did the Gentiles do that, but that's because their minds were corrupted by those filthy extraterrestrials.

It’s not bullshit. You can ask the Gods to guide you through those ages. Much more happened in the past than what you think.
Kokusz said:
Quicksilver said:
So. I get blood Magick is Jewish and attracts death energy.

What I don't get, shamanistic cultures the hunter gathers , that predator vs prey, you are still killing an animal for food and usually I have heard of animal sacrifice and then cooked to eat and be in communion with said deity.
The hunter gathers would make use of bones, hides, etc

The horned god been associated with Lord of the hunt. Basically to help tribes to survive before the rise of civilization even existed. And usually shamans back in those days are seen using bones, for divination, etc. If course this kind of stuff one has to have ethics, morals and having respect for Nature. I'm not talking about a new age crap. But where tribes had stories about the lands the inhibited and knew to respect nature. I personally think hunting animals for food is healthier than eating the way they are slaughtered to sell meat.

So what's your opinion when someone uses already dead animal remains and cleaned to use in Magick? I'm just curious? I know some people use such to connect with the energy of said animal to achieve a purpose. For an example is berserkers used either bear or wolf energies. Again I don't practice any of this but I was curious to those who may have done this in tribal hunter gather societies who had shamans?

Blood magic does not belong to jews. It is just a form of magic, a tool.

There were ages when blood magic was frequently used by gentiles. Those were different times. Now the Gods teach other ways that are more suitable for the present humans of Earth.
Don't come here to spread misinformation. The Gods never asked for blood sacrifices. It is highly blasphemous and insulting to do so.

The Gods made life and animals sacred. Which even if used for food the death must be quick and painless. There are certain ethics we follow.
Kokusz said:
Aquarius said:
Kokusz said:
Blood magic does not belong to jews. It is just a form of magic, a tool.

There were ages when blood magic was frequently used by gentiles. Those were different times. Now the Gods teach other ways that are more suitable for the present humans of Earth.
That is utter bullshit, us Gentiles never used blood magick as in killing animals for magickal uses, the Gods never taught us to do it. Only when the reptilians and grays started appearing did the Gentiles do that, but that's because their minds were corrupted by those filthy extraterrestrials.

It’s not bullshit. You can ask the Gods to guide you through those ages. Much more happened in the past than what you think.
Perhaps it's you who should do that.
Kokusz said:
Aquarius said:
Kokusz said:
Blood magic does not belong to jews. It is just a form of magic, a tool.

There were ages when blood magic was frequently used by gentiles. Those were different times. Now the Gods teach other ways that are more suitable for the present humans of Earth.
That is utter bullshit, us Gentiles never used blood magick as in killing animals for magickal uses, the Gods never taught us to do it. Only when the reptilians and grays started appearing did the Gentiles do that, but that's because their minds were corrupted by those filthy extraterrestrials.

It’s not bullshit. You can ask the Gods to guide you through those ages. Much more happened in the past than what you think.

Self mutilation and self harm was HEAVILY discouraged in ancient civilizations, and killing animals such as cats was punishable by death. So why THEE fuck would blood magic ever be a thing? Sex Magick is the only thing that comes close because men's sperm contains a bit of their hemoglobin, and a man's penis is filled with blood when aroused, and women's sex magic grows more powerful during their period as HPS Maxine explained. But even something as powerful as creating a child with the lifeforce within a human being did not require blood. So the idea of that kind of "blood Magick" and the types of animal and even human sacrifices is just ludicrously useless when the lifeforce and working with it and the planetary energies is a safe, non-harmful way to empower yourself and attract things such as money, healing, etc.
mercury_wisdom said:
Kokusz said:
Quicksilver said:
So. I get blood Magick is Jewish and attracts death energy.

What I don't get, shamanistic cultures the hunter gathers , that predator vs prey, you are still killing an animal for food and usually I have heard of animal sacrifice and then cooked to eat and be in communion with said deity.
The hunter gathers would make use of bones, hides, etc

The horned god been associated with Lord of the hunt. Basically to help tribes to survive before the rise of civilization even existed. And usually shamans back in those days are seen using bones, for divination, etc. If course this kind of stuff one has to have ethics, morals and having respect for Nature. I'm not talking about a new age crap. But where tribes had stories about the lands the inhibited and knew to respect nature. I personally think hunting animals for food is healthier than eating the way they are slaughtered to sell meat.

So what's your opinion when someone uses already dead animal remains and cleaned to use in Magick? I'm just curious? I know some people use such to connect with the energy of said animal to achieve a purpose. For an example is berserkers used either bear or wolf energies. Again I don't practice any of this but I was curious to those who may have done this in tribal hunter gather societies who had shamans?

Blood magic does not belong to jews. It is just a form of magic, a tool.

There were ages when blood magic was frequently used by gentiles. Those were different times. Now the Gods teach other ways that are more suitable for the present humans of Earth.
Don't come here to spread misinformation. The Gods never asked for blood sacrifices. It is highly blasphemous and insulting to do so.

The Gods made life and animals sacred. Which even if used for food the death must be quick and painless. There are certain ethics we follow.

I don’t spread misinformation. Everything I say is based on my own studies, research and spiritual experiences. And I have neved felt judged by the Gods because I dare to study outside the JoS website and dare to make my own conclusions.

People used to offered the animals before consumption. Before they ended the life of the animal they asked the Gods to take care of the soul of the animal and offered the released energies to them or used the energies for personal purposes. You can find Sanskrit mantras for these kind of offerings in ancient text. Several Yogis mentioning these things as well.

This is just one form of blood sacrifice and it is not blasphemous at all. Gods expected people to do these offerings or rituals because as you mentioned life is sacred and they expected people to treat it as sacred. This is the ethical way btw. You’re welcome.
Kokusz said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Kokusz said:
Blood magic does not belong to jews. It is just a form of magic, a tool.

There were ages when blood magic was frequently used by gentiles. Those were different times. Now the Gods teach other ways that are more suitable for the present humans of Earth.
Don't come here to spread misinformation. The Gods never asked for blood sacrifices. It is highly blasphemous and insulting to do so.

The Gods made life and animals sacred. Which even if used for food the death must be quick and painless. There are certain ethics we follow.

I don’t spread misinformation. Everything I say is based on my own studies, research and spiritual experiences. And I have neved felt judged by the Gods because I dare to study outside the JoS website and dare to make my own conclusions.

People used to offered the animals before consumption. Before they ended the life of the animal they asked the Gods to take care of the soul of the animal and offered the released energies to them or used the energies for personal purposes. You can find Sanskrit mantras for these kind of offerings in ancient text. Several Yogis mentioning these things as well.

This is just one form of blood sacrifice and it is not blasphemous at all. Gods expected people to do these offerings or rituals because as you mentioned life is sacred and they expected people to treat it as sacred. This is the ethical way btw. You’re welcome.

Oh great more of this, "trust me bro" as a source. No, you have not found any unbiased info that the Gods demand for their followers to mutilate, bleed out, torture and spray blood around as a form of respecting the Gods or even the poor animal. The Gods would 100% agree with a quick death after the animal living a full life.

There's nothing sacred in making an animal suffer. Perhaps you have a warped view of what sacred means but that's your own personal problem.

Lastly, you sure you want to play this game of trying to contradict JoS material as with this comment, "And I have neved felt judged by the Gods because I dare to study outside the JoS website and dare to make my own conclusions." ?

So you're conclusion of finding corrupted texts that say torturing an animal (it is torture by definiton) is ok because you made up your own mind even though no one here or no where in the JoS site would promote it and even condemn it. Hmmm...
Kokusz said:
I don’t spread misinformation. Everything I say is based on my own studies, research and spiritual experiences. And I have neved felt judged by the Gods because I dare to study outside the JoS website and dare to make my own conclusions.

People used to offered the animals before consumption. Before they ended the life of the animal they asked the Gods to take care of the soul of the animal and offered the released energies to them or used the energies for personal purposes. You can find Sanskrit mantras for these kind of offerings in ancient text. Several Yogis mentioning these things as well.

This is just one form of blood sacrifice and it is not blasphemous at all. Gods expected people to do these offerings or rituals because as you mentioned life is sacred and they expected people to treat it as sacred. This is the ethical way btw. You’re welcome.

Blood sacrifice would mean one specifically kills the animal, either in a ritualistic manner or a senseless slaughter, dedicating the blood as well as the act of slaughter of the animal, the pain and everything else inflicted upon the animal to fulfill a vile purpose or offer up this death energy to some vile entity (the enemy entities are known to revel in this, the smell of burnt blood and flesh upon an altar like the sweetest nectar to them).

The Gods never asked for any such sacrifice, and if one approaches them with such an "offering" it would be considered a truly horrendous blasphemy and offense, and may even get one killed as retribution for the disgusting and depraved nature of this act.

Some of the less tolerant Gods are known to take the lives of fools and idiots who try to abuse their power according to the enemy methods and grimoires, either in the physical, or through the power they hold over life and the souls of beings.

The act you described is nothing like the act of blood sacrifice at all.

It is an ethical and caring act that shows ones compassion and understanding of essence of living things, and is not an abusive or harmful act done to use the death or essence of the animal that is killed for ones own purposes.

It acknowledges the spirit in a positive manner and can even help to safeguard the soul of the animal from the harm that taking its life could incur upon it, the exact opposite of a blood sacrifice or ritual sacrifice.

The use of the energy released by the death of the animal for personal purposes would be, however this is not how the Gods taught the ancients, it is either a corruption or a misinterpretation of the true methods they used when "offering" the souls of the animal to the Gods before consumption.

Hail Satan!
hailourtruegod said:
Kokusz said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Don't come here to spread misinformation. The Gods never asked for blood sacrifices. It is highly blasphemous and insulting to do so.

The Gods made life and animals sacred. Which even if used for food the death must be quick and painless. There are certain ethics we follow.

I don’t spread misinformation. Everything I say is based on my own studies, research and spiritual experiences. And I have neved felt judged by the Gods because I dare to study outside the JoS website and dare to make my own conclusions.

People used to offered the animals before consumption. Before they ended the life of the animal they asked the Gods to take care of the soul of the animal and offered the released energies to them or used the energies for personal purposes. You can find Sanskrit mantras for these kind of offerings in ancient text. Several Yogis mentioning these things as well.

This is just one form of blood sacrifice and it is not blasphemous at all. Gods expected people to do these offerings or rituals because as you mentioned life is sacred and they expected people to treat it as sacred. This is the ethical way btw. You’re welcome.

Oh great more of this, "trust me bro" as a source. No, you have not found any unbiased info that the Gods demand for their followers to mutilate, bleed out, torture and spray blood around as a form of respecting the Gods or even the poor animal. The Gods would 100% agree with a quick death after the animal living a full life.

There's nothing sacred in making an animal suffer. Perhaps you have a warped view of what sacred means but that's your own personal problem.

Lastly, you sure you want to play this game of trying to contradict JoS material as with this comment, "And I have neved felt judged by the Gods because I dare to study outside the JoS website and dare to make my own conclusions." ?

So you're conclusion of finding corrupted texts that say torturing an animal (it is torture by definiton) is ok because you made up your own mind even though no one here or no where in the JoS site would promote it and even condemn it. Hmmm...

Where did I say to trust me? Where did I say that making an animal suffer is sacred?

I didn’t talk about torturing. I talked about blood sacrifice which is not necessary includes torturing. Many sacrifices is more like about using the energies that are released during death.

If you want to eat meat you have to kill. During death energies will be released even if you don’t use them. Using these energies is a form of sacrifice magic. Yes it is selfish and primitive (probably for selfish and primitive people) but it was practiced and the knowledge was revealed by the Gods.

Gods help out people on their level and there were ages when this was the level of people.

You don’t have to believe anything I say. Ignore if you don’t like it or disapprove it or whatever you want but I will say out my truth as long as I am allowed to.
VoiceofEnki said:
Kokusz said:
I don’t spread misinformation. Everything I say is based on my own studies, research and spiritual experiences. And I have neved felt judged by the Gods because I dare to study outside the JoS website and dare to make my own conclusions.

People used to offered the animals before consumption. Before they ended the life of the animal they asked the Gods to take care of the soul of the animal and offered the released energies to them or used the energies for personal purposes. You can find Sanskrit mantras for these kind of offerings in ancient text. Several Yogis mentioning these things as well.

This is just one form of blood sacrifice and it is not blasphemous at all. Gods expected people to do these offerings or rituals because as you mentioned life is sacred and they expected people to treat it as sacred. This is the ethical way btw. You’re welcome.

Blood sacrifice would mean one specifically kills the animal, either in a ritualistic manner or a senseless slaughter, dedicating the blood as well as the act of slaughter of the animal, the pain and everything else inflicted upon the animal to fulfill a vile purpose or offer up this death energy to some vile entity (the enemy entities are known to revel in this, the smell of burnt blood and flesh upon an altar like the sweetest nectar to them).

The Gods never asked for any such sacrifice, and if one approaches them with such an "offering" it would be considered a truly horrendous blasphemy and offense, and may even get one killed as retribution for the disgusting and depraved nature of this act.

Some of the less tolerant Gods are known to take the lives of fools and idiots who try to abuse their power according to the enemy methods and grimoires, either in the physical, or through the power they hold over life and the souls of beings.

The act you described is nothing like the act of blood sacrifice at all.

It is an ethical and caring act that shows ones compassion and understanding of essence of living things, and is not an abusive or harmful act done to use the death or essence of the animal that is killed for ones own purposes.

It acknowledges the spirit in a positive manner and can even help to safeguard the soul of the animal from the harm that taking its life could incur upon it, the exact opposite of a blood sacrifice or ritual sacrifice.

The use of the energy released by the death of the animal for personal purposes would be, however this is not how the Gods taught the ancients, it is either a corruption or a misinterpretation of the true methods they used when "offering" the souls of the animal to the Gods before consumption.

Hail Satan!

Any kind of spiritual act that includes any kind of death is a form of sacrifice.

My example is classified as an animal sacrifice even if you offer the energies to the Gods.

There are other types of blood sacrifices that are more selfish or fully selfish but a lot amount of selfishness is tolerated by the Gods. Actually they are the ones who give the knowledge of occult practices and this knowledge can be used for selfish purposes as well. The Gods definitely didn’t give out these knowledges with the intent of make people do horrible things but they are the source of all occult knowledge.

Jew are not the source of occult knowledge they just abuse knowledge. If reptiles visited Earth they didn’t teach anything they just abused the knowledge that was already present and given by our Gods.

So yeah, I actually agree with you but I don’t agree with those who think that any kind of occult knowledge is coming from the jews/reptiles.
Kokusz said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Kokusz said:
I don’t spread misinformation. Everything I say is based on my own studies, research and spiritual experiences. And I have neved felt judged by the Gods because I dare to study outside the JoS website and dare to make my own conclusions.

People used to offered the animals before consumption. Before they ended the life of the animal they asked the Gods to take care of the soul of the animal and offered the released energies to them or used the energies for personal purposes. You can find Sanskrit mantras for these kind of offerings in ancient text. Several Yogis mentioning these things as well.

This is just one form of blood sacrifice and it is not blasphemous at all. Gods expected people to do these offerings or rituals because as you mentioned life is sacred and they expected people to treat it as sacred. This is the ethical way btw. You’re welcome.

Blood sacrifice would mean one specifically kills the animal, either in a ritualistic manner or a senseless slaughter, dedicating the blood as well as the act of slaughter of the animal, the pain and everything else inflicted upon the animal to fulfill a vile purpose or offer up this death energy to some vile entity (the enemy entities are known to revel in this, the smell of burnt blood and flesh upon an altar like the sweetest nectar to them).

The Gods never asked for any such sacrifice, and if one approaches them with such an "offering" it would be considered a truly horrendous blasphemy and offense, and may even get one killed as retribution for the disgusting and depraved nature of this act.

Some of the less tolerant Gods are known to take the lives of fools and idiots who try to abuse their power according to the enemy methods and grimoires, either in the physical, or through the power they hold over life and the souls of beings.

The act you described is nothing like the act of blood sacrifice at all.

It is an ethical and caring act that shows ones compassion and understanding of essence of living things, and is not an abusive or harmful act done to use the death or essence of the animal that is killed for ones own purposes.

It acknowledges the spirit in a positive manner and can even help to safeguard the soul of the animal from the harm that taking its life could incur upon it, the exact opposite of a blood sacrifice or ritual sacrifice.

The use of the energy released by the death of the animal for personal purposes would be, however this is not how the Gods taught the ancients, it is either a corruption or a misinterpretation of the true methods they used when "offering" the souls of the animal to the Gods before consumption.

Hail Satan!

Any kind of spiritual act that includes any kind of death is a form of sacrifice.

My example is classified as an animal sacrifice even if you offer the energies to the Gods.

There are other types of blood sacrifices that are more selfish or fully selfish but a lot amount of selfishness is tolerated by the Gods. Actually they are the ones who give the knowledge of occult practices and this knowledge can be used for selfish purposes as well. The Gods definitely didn’t give out these knowledges with the intent of make people do horrible things but they are the source of all occult knowledge.

Jew are not the source of occult knowledge they just abuse knowledge. If reptiles visited Earth they didn’t teach anything they just abused the knowledge that was already present and given by our Gods.

So yeah, I actually agree with you but I don’t agree with those who think that any kind of occult knowledge is coming from the jews/reptiles.
What you are saying is either taken completely out of your ass, or you've read some corrupted source and just repeating it.
Nobody in the Golden age ever used energies of dead animals, nobody. Yes we eat animals, no we don't use their energies.
You can tell your "truths" all you want, the truth is not subjective, but objective. And why would we parasitise off animal's energies when our Gods tell us that they're sacred and to be respected and treated ethically?
Please just stop, you're not for a good permanence in this forum if you say keep repeating enemy lies.
Damn! I was simply making a debatable claim in calling it blasphemous. Because we in this day and age EAT meat but we aren't the ones in the process of killing it, I've seen factories abuse animals before killing them and inject with hormones to effect what we eat. All part of kosher way. And we all know Jews are anti-life, anti-earth so the energies of suffering animals is absorbed in meat we eat that's probably why vegetarians exist because they are repulsed by treatment of animals. Everything is done in a ritualistic way. Cain son of Adam brought veggies to altar, YHVH hated it. So the continuance of blood sacrifice if humans is through Cain. Chock full of biblical accounts of that.

I thought I read in Sumerian accounts that it was EA that gave skins to Adam and eve aka leather meaning animal is dead to wear when expelled from Eden. And it was EA who saved Noah with all the animals and I'm pretty sure they aren't vegetarian. Other pagan cultures obviously had animal sacrifices too. Unless you claim it was written by kikes. Satan gave a lamb to sacrifice instead of Issac. This murderous sacrifice of humans is bloodline of Cain. Not Abel or Seth. I'm aware that this fight is stolen from other myths.

So it's religious meat we are eating Kosher. That's why proper life honoring sacrifices are sacred and thought of. There is evidence of it in ancient cultures of hunter gatherer societies.

My point is, eating meat is approved from the gods and it requires taking a life aka hunting or consumption to commune with gods who eat meat.
Shadowcat said:

There have also been studies that show that certain chants and other practices can reverse the deterioration of telomeres, which slows down and even reverses aging. The gene must be switched on for this and meditation is the spiritual side that works towards this. When one becomes a God they are the master programmer. And there is nothing "popoccultist" about this in any manner. Let the actual "popoccultist" chew on that next time they want to put some morbid ingredients together of animal parts and herbs just to "cast a spell"

I found a video 2-3 days ago, which says that when we age or use of food etc, cells take on damage. Damaged cells increase in giving off waste products, but also end up so tied together within their own core that the body doesn't recognize them anymore as heavily damaged cells and thus cannot get rid of them.

The study which was referenced, also showed that once there are a few of those damaged cells within the body, they signal this to other cells, which increases the speed of aging into old age.

They want to develop a medicine that can cut in between the factor that keeps them alive, so that they'd die, and you'd live longer by slowing down the aging significantly.

"Hoe houd je jouw lichaam 100 jaar jong?" youtube video.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:

There have also been studies that show that certain chants and other practices can reverse the deterioration of telomeres, which slows down and even reverses aging. The gene must be switched on for this and meditation is the spiritual side that works towards this. When one becomes a God they are the master programmer. And there is nothing "popoccultist" about this in any manner. Let the actual "popoccultist" chew on that next time they want to put some morbid ingredients together of animal parts and herbs just to "cast a spell"

I found a video 2-3 days ago, which says that when we age or use of food etc, cells take on damage. Damaged cells increase in giving off waste products, but also end up so tied together within their own core that the body doesn't recognize them anymore as heavily damaged cells and thus cannot get rid of them.

The study which was referenced, also showed that once there are a few of those damaged cells within the body, they signal this to other cells, which increases the speed of aging into old age.

They want to develop a medicine that can cut in between the factor that keeps them alive, so that they'd die, and you'd live longer by slowing down the aging significantly.

"Hoe houd je jouw lichaam 100 jaar jong?" youtube video.

On Joyofsatan:
"One needs the physical self in order to advance the soul. Mastery over the physical self is another matter. An adept should be able to transcend pain. Mastery over the physical self and ignoring/neglecting the physical self are two very different things. When one neglects the physical self, one creates disunion. Yoga in this case is no longer a concept. The same goes for ego and desire."

Would this not also include your connection to your own planet and it's cycles of life and death? If you don't have "union" then what?

That would include eating meat in our diet via by what I have spoken about on this thread.

Chanting is important but all of earth has energy, or energy imprints. But I am referencing to the existence of hunter gatherer societies that had to deal with blood, death, and communion with ancestors, gods, etc the blood has life force energy. Our bodies are complex. I'm pretty sure all of these things on earth contains energy. I know relying too much on tools can make one feel disempowered and a psychic vampire. It's definitely intense to talk about these things I get it. It's repulsive to some. Others who have dealt with these things are more likely know how to deal with it.

So Satanism is a life loving religion and has sacred geometry and different places has different energy signatures including entities living or not. That's why we have mummies in Egypt. Worked with the dead. Necromancy. But of course one could always say it's all enemy infiltration.

Frequency and sound definitely has a place but even more so with herbs, bones or anything with energy signatures.

I'm not talking about the new age shit either. Use of herbs, stones, etc
Quicksilver said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:

There have also been studies that show that certain chants and other practices can reverse the deterioration of telomeres, which slows down and even reverses aging. The gene must be switched on for this and meditation is the spiritual side that works towards this. When one becomes a God they are the master programmer. And there is nothing "popoccultist" about this in any manner. Let the actual "popoccultist" chew on that next time they want to put some morbid ingredients together of animal parts and herbs just to "cast a spell"

I found a video 2-3 days ago, which says that when we age or use of food etc, cells take on damage. Damaged cells increase in giving off waste products, but also end up so tied together within their own core that the body doesn't recognize them anymore as heavily damaged cells and thus cannot get rid of them.

The study which was referenced, also showed that once there are a few of those damaged cells within the body, they signal this to other cells, which increases the speed of aging into old age.

They want to develop a medicine that can cut in between the factor that keeps them alive, so that they'd die, and you'd live longer by slowing down the aging significantly.

"Hoe houd je jouw lichaam 100 jaar jong?" youtube video.

On Joyofsatan:
"One needs the physical self in order to advance the soul. Mastery over the physical self is another matter. An adept should be able to transcend pain. Mastery over the physical self and ignoring/neglecting the physical self are two very different things. When one neglects the physical self, one creates disunion. Yoga in this case is no longer a concept. The same goes for ego and desire."

Would this not also include your connection to your own planet and it's cycles of life and death? If you don't have "union" then what?

That would include eating meat in our diet via by what I have spoken about on this thread.

Chanting is important but all of earth has energy, or energy imprints. But I am referencing to the existence of hunter gatherer societies that had to deal with blood, death, and communion with ancestors, gods, etc the blood has life force energy. Our bodies are complex. I'm pretty sure all of these things on earth contains energy. I know relying too much on tools can make one feel disempowered and a psychic vampire. It's definitely intense to talk about these things I get it. It's repulsive to some. Others who have dealt with these things are more likely know how to deal with it.

So Satanism is a life loving religion and has sacred geometry and different places has different energy signatures including entities living or not. That's why we have mummies in Egypt. Worked with the dead. Necromancy. But of course one could always say it's all enemy infiltration.

Frequency and sound definitely has a place but even more so with herbs, bones or anything with energy signatures.

I'm not talking about the new age shit either. Use of herbs, stones, etc

What has your comment got to do with the little piece of information I just shared?

It looks totally out of place.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Quicksilver said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I found a video 2-3 days ago, which says that when we age or use of food etc, cells take on damage. Damaged cells increase in giving off waste products, but also end up so tied together within their own core that the body doesn't recognize them anymore as heavily damaged cells and thus cannot get rid of them.

The study which was referenced, also showed that once there are a few of those damaged cells within the body, they signal this to other cells, which increases the speed of aging into old age.

They want to develop a medicine that can cut in between the factor that keeps them alive, so that they'd die, and you'd live longer by slowing down the aging significantly.

"Hoe houd je jouw lichaam 100 jaar jong?" youtube video.

On Joyofsatan:
"One needs the physical self in order to advance the soul. Mastery over the physical self is another matter. An adept should be able to transcend pain. Mastery over the physical self and ignoring/neglecting the physical self are two very different things. When one neglects the physical self, one creates disunion. Yoga in this case is no longer a concept. The same goes for ego and desire."

Would this not also include your connection to your own planet and it's cycles of life and death? If you don't have "union" then what?

That would include eating meat in our diet via by what I have spoken about on this thread.

Chanting is important but all of earth has energy, or energy imprints. But I am referencing to the existence of hunter gatherer societies that had to deal with blood, death, and communion with ancestors, gods, etc the blood has life force energy. Our bodies are complex. I'm pretty sure all of these things on earth contains energy. I know relying too much on tools can make one feel disempowered and a psychic vampire. It's definitely intense to talk about these things I get it. It's repulsive to some. Others who have dealt with these things are more likely know how to deal with it.

So Satanism is a life loving religion and has sacred geometry and different places has different energy signatures including entities living or not. That's why we have mummies in Egypt. Worked with the dead. Necromancy. But of course one could always say it's all enemy infiltration.

Frequency and sound definitely has a place but even more so with herbs, bones or anything with energy signatures.

I'm not talking about the new age shit either. Use of herbs, stones, etc

What has your comment got to do with the little piece of information I just shared?

It looks totally out of place.

It's related to the topic isn't it? I'm just going by replies to original post etc

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
