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The Symbolism behind the Trine Nadi, Trishula, and the Iron Cross


Active member
Apr 29, 2020
It's heavy reading, yes.
But ordered in such a way it can be read section by section. One part at a time.

Asurya said:
Also Is the Fleur De Lis not a good symbol? I read some bad things about it on here.
It matters not what others say of the Fleur-de-lis, as symbols are Universal Language.
That is like thinking the Diadem is bad. Just because a Jew wore one.
Even though it in turn, refers also to "Corona", Latin for Crown. Relating to The Crown Chakra.
Why do you think the Jews started the CORONAVIRUS Pandemic, literally "Crown Virus", to scare all of Mankind?
The only "Virus" is them. The Jews. Parasite incarnate. Archenemy of Mother Nature.

The Jews like to keep dead plants because it pleases them, did you know that?
The Jews have a Temple Chakra called "Chokmah" meaning "Wisdom", which is colored GREY.
The color of DEATH ENERGY! How disgusting is that. YUCK!
They breath it in, too. To "advance". No wonder amongst innumerable things they're so batsh*t insane.
Psychopathy and sociopathy are much desired and treasured traits of the Jews.
In Hebrew terms, Chokmah is the Right Hemisphere of The Brain, "Binah" is the Left, and "Keter" is the Thalamus
These three parts form the Trinity of The Brain. See also, Cerebral hemisphere

To learn more about their nasty souls, read Jewish soul lacking parts

The Symbolism behind The Trine Nadi

3. Spirit, divinity, trine force, a perfect number, first union, divine/holy trinity, [Ea, Enlil, Anu - Poseidon, Zeus, Hades etc], trinity of the worlds
Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10 - HP. Hoodedcobra666

Unlike their souls, Ours are filled only with the beautiful colours of the Rainbow. Grey(s) can go die.
The Peacock is one of Father Satan's Sacred Animals.

Click to see a better image.

The Peacock is sacred to Satan and represents the third eye and the multi-colored stage of the Magnum Opus following the Nigredo [transformation].
Lucifer, Lucifer, stretch your tail, and lead me away full speed through the strait passage, of the valley of death, to the shining light, the palace of of the Gods -Isanatha Muni
- Satanic Symbols

The Evil Eye is seen in a Peacock's Feather.

The Evil Eye is the symbol of The Third Eye
Which relates to the Eye of Ra and Eye of Horus.

The Eye of Horus corresponds to the Right Hemisphere of the Brain, ruled by The Moon. The Ida.
Black is the color of the Ida.

Click to see a better image.

The Eye of Ra (equated with Red) corresponds to the Left Hemisphere of the Brain, ruled by The Sun.
Red is the color of the Pingala.

The Eye of Ra, and the Eye of Horus are The Sun and Moon Nadi.
That is why they're back to front.
The Thalamus is the pupil.

The Thalamus is located on both sides of The Sixth Chakra.
The Pineal Gland is directly between, and behind the Thalamus.

Click to see a better image.

The Thalamus forms the Trinity of the Brain, Uniting the Two Hemispheres.
The Ida and Pingala are the Twin Serpents.
The Sun and Moon Nadi come together at The Sixth Chakra, forming The Heart symbol.

More on this here, The Deeper Meaning behind "Hatha" Yoga
More accurately, they Unite at the Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland is the Psychic Seat of the Soul.
The Pineal Gland is "seated" directly atop the Brain Stem.

Click to see a better image.

Click to see a better image.

The midbrain (also known as the mesencephalon) is the most superior of the three regions of the brainstem. It acts as a conduit between the forebrain above and the pons and cerebellum below. - The Midbrain

The Pineal Gland is behind the Third Ventricle, also known as the "Cave of Brahma".

Click to see a better image.

Proof that the Twin Serpents (Ida and Pingala) Unite at the Pineal Gland, can be seen on the Staff of Osiris

The Staff of Osiris can be found within the Egyptian Museum in Turin, Italy. Dated 1224 BCE.
An Online Tour of the Museo Egizio is available here: Floor 0, Floor 1 and Floor 2

Atop the Staff is a Pinecone. The Pineal Gland gets its name from the Pinecone. Both are Light Sensitive.
A Pinecone is a Conifer Removing the "I" in Conifer, makes "Confer". "To bestow".
Light/Energy (6) enters the Crown Chakra, redirected to the Pineal Gland, travelling through the Hypothalamus, and ending its journey at the Pituitary Gland To learn more, see here Occult Power in the Brain

...Here is a picture of: Antinous holding the thyrsus while posed as Dionysus (Museo Pio-Clementino)

Click to see a better image.

A thyrsus /ˈθɜːrsəs/ or thyrsos /ˈθɜːrˌsɒs/ (Ancient Greek: θύρσος) was a wand or staff of giant fennel (Ferula communis) covered with ivy vines and leaves, sometimes wound with taeniae and topped with a pine cone, artichoke,[1] or by a bunch of vine-leaves and grapes or ivy-leaves and berries, carried during Hellenic festivals and religious ceremonies.[2] The thyrsus is typically associated with the Greek god Dionysus, and represents a symbol of prosperity, fertility, and hedonism similarly to Dionysus.[3]

In Greek religion, the staff was carried by the votaries of Dionysus. Euripides wrote that honey dripped from the thyrsos staves that the Bacchic maenads carried.[4] The thyrsus was a sacred instrument at religious rituals and fêtes. - Thyrsus
Dionysus (Greek) and Bacchus (Roman) are Father Satan, God of Wine.
The "honey" that "dripped from the thyrsos staves" is Ambrosia
Ambrosia means "Immortality". Honey is made from Nectar, and is another word for Ambrosia.
Dionysus (Bacchus) is the God of Wine. Wine is also this "honey" that "dripped from the thyrsos staves".
See here, a depiction of Dionysus extending a Kantharos

The Kantharos is a Chalice
This is the Grail of Lucifer.
One of Father Satan's Sigils.


The Grail of Lucifer is the Solar Plexus Chakra
The True Satanic Origin of the Holy Grail
The Grail collects the Nectar of Immortality, that drips down from the Pineal Gland.
This is the basis and foundation for the Magnum Opus. - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

...The Sushumna, colored White, goes straight through the Seven Major Chakras, Base to Crown.
The colors RED, WHITE, and BLACK - date back not only to Ancient Egypt, but to their origins in the Far East. Egypt was known as the "Black and Red Land" and was the center of Alchemy. Alchemy is the transformation of the human soul into the godhead. Through this transformation, we complete Our Creator Satan's unfinished work. The colors red, white and black are of the three major nadis of the human soul. The Ida is black, the Pingala is red, and the Sushumna is white. - Satanic Symbols
In order for the Kundalini to correctly ascend, it must rise up through the Sushumna.
The Kundalini rests beneath the Base Chakra. ...The Base Chakra symbolically relates to "Hell", which Father Satan rules.
Its opposite is The Crown Chakra, known as "Heaven", relating to Mother Lilith.
Symbolizing Their Eternal Union. I find it so beautiful. An unbreakable bond ❤️
Yoga means "Union". You cannot safely raise the Serpent, without dedicating yourself to the practice of Hatha and Kundalini Yoga. Yoga allows energy to move freely throughout the Body/Soul. An Ascended Serpent is impossible without Yoga. 🐍
Kundalini is the highest form of yoga. It is a god thing. - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

For the Kundalini Serpent to safely ascend, all of one's energy pathways must be open and completely clean and purified, without blockage, and totally void of dross. "Dross" is an umbrella term for all the bad things on our Aura, and inside our Chakras.
Dross is pretty vague in this context. Negative energy, curses, bindings (chains), hatred, ill will, thoughtforms and destructive energy... That is why performing the Returning Curses Part 1 and Part 2 is so important. Alongside the 3-Part FinalRTR, which removes the Hebrew curses from Our Souls. Found here, Final + Tetra + Shattering RTR [Dark Version], and The SS War Room
Think of the Chakras as Gemstones 💎 Don't you want them to be as polished as possible? Blindingly bright and radiant as The Sun. ...For the correct raising of the Serpent, it must ascend up through the Sushumna.
The sushumna is very tiny in its width, like that of a hair. - The Nadis of the Soul [RE POST HPS MAXINE]
When it pierces The Crown Chakra, one reaches the state of Samadhi, "Superconscious".
For that I am all-hearing, the all-knowing;
glorified is my sanctity and elevated is my name.

Further, Father Satan here describes the State known as Samadhi or the "Great Piercing State" of Yoga. In this State, the direct perception [SAT] is the case, and one lives without error and deception. Additionally, Satan is very explicit about how advanced He is, and he is "All knowing and All Hearing". - Satan's Poem One - The Hidden Messages - HP. Hoodedcobra666
The term "Raising the Devil", literally refers to the Raising (Ascension) of the Kundalini Serpent.
When one is able to maintain this state, one has successfully risen their serpent.
They are known as "Heroes" and "The Ascended". Alexander the Great had a Risen Serpent.
"The importance of the title Baal, translates to King or Master. Beelzebub has always been related to kingship, rulership, cosmic rule and highest authority and has been a highest God in most Pagan Civilizations, going under different Names. For the Romans, he was Jupiter and to the Greeks, he was Zeus, sharing in the eternal qualities of Thunder, Weather Control, Kingly Authority or bestowal of power and riches. He is a master of spirituality and bestows likewise spiritual gifts to his people alongside material power, coming as a result of spiritual understanding. He has been behind some of the world's greatest and most physically and spiritually advanced empires, leaders and prominent personalities that have affected human history considerably. He is the embodiment of authority, worldly and cosmic. He has been a patron of many great historically important personalities, such as Alexander the Great. He has been with us for aeons and aeons." - HP. Hoodedcobra666
To learn more about Alexander the Great, see here Baal Zebul's Hieratic Information

The Eye of Horus and Eye of Ra, is Ancient Egyptian symbolism for The Brain. 😊

Click to see a better image.

Further reading,
Reaching The Godhead: "The Union With The Divine" - HP. Hoodedcobra666
The Serpent, Transformation of Consciousness, Death - NakedPluto

The True Origins of the Fleur-de-lis, The Trishula

3. Spirit, divinity, trine force, a perfect number, first union, divine/holy trinity, [Ea, Enlil, Anu - Poseidon, Zeus, Hades etc], trinity of the worlds
Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10 - HP. Hoodedcobra666

Click to see a better image.

Shiva is Father Satan.
Shiva's Trident is Father Satan's Trident.
This is where the "Devil's Pitchfork" originated.

The "Devil's Pitchfork" is actually a very ancient symbol predating Christianity by thousands of years. This symbol originated in the Far East [where Christianity and its Jewish root stole from copiously; hideously perverting and corrupting the massive theft beyond recogntion, in order to destroy spiritual knowledge and keep spiritual power in the hands of the "Chosen" few]. It is known as the "TRISHUL" and symbolizes piercing through the three knots in the base, the heart and 6th chakras, also known as "granthis" in Sanskrit. For the serpent to ascend, all three must be open. The Trishul symbolizes the serpentine energy piercing through the three granthis. - Satanic Symbols

ग्रन्थि (Granthi) means "knot". Granthis "knots" is plural.
Where do we find the Three Granthis in the Soul?
As said in The Chakras,
Given the experiences of many, it appears that the three granthis [knots where the chakra concerned has a powerful energy block that prevents the serpent from ascending] are not at the base, heart, and sixth chakras as popularly taught, but are at the second [sacral] chakra, the throat chakra, and the crown chakra. There have been many accounts of one's heart chakra feeling a burning sensation; as the serpent cannot ascend any further due to a blocked throat chakra.

The Three Granthi can be seen on one of the three Symbols of Abraxas.


The one on the right. This can also be seen on the Rider-Waite Tarot

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Tarot is Ancient Egyptian in origin.
"Hiero" stems from "Hieratic", meaning "priestly".

The Fleur-de-lis is The Trine Nadi, split into three parts.
Left, Ida.
Right, Pingala.
Middle, Sushumna.
The Middle looks like a Spear.

This is a "Greek Leaf Tip Spear"
The Fleur-de-lis has two Sickles on each side, and looks like a Bundle of Wheat.

This symbolizes the "Harvest". Reaping the "fruits" (in this case, grains) of one's labour.
...Relating to Demeter (Astarte).
Demeter is the Goddess of the Harvest, which deals with the fertility and the creation of mother Earth. The production of food, the laws of life and death, but also the deep occult mysteries of the Female Priestesses of Ancient Greece and the Eleusenian Mysteries, were created under the teachings of Astarte. These were some of the most secret mysteries in the Ancient World, where initiates learned siddhis and received enlightenment. - Astarte: Hieratic Information
We can make an interesting shape out of the Fleur-de-lis.

The Symbol of Pisces.

...See the resemblance?
Neptune rules Pisces.
Neptune is Father Satan who is also Poseidon
Poseidon and Neptune's Trident are one and the same.

Click to see a better image.

Neptune's Trident is the Symbol of Neptune.

The "Trishula", "Devil's Pitchfork", "Poseidon's Trident", "Neptune's Trident", "Neptune's Symbol", and the "Fleur-de-lis" are as one. All relate to The Trine Nadi.

He is Aquarius, The Water Bearer. The 11th Zodiac.
Relating to ENKI, Lord of the EArth! Known as EA.
His Mysteries are The Primordial Waters! The Source of All Life.
Ruler and Lord of The Oceans!
His name is Poseidon! And of Neptune, The Blue Pearl! Its Grace Unmatched!

Lastly, for those who see 76 and mayhaps 1444, but don't know why.
Both add up to 13. One of Father Satan's Numbers.

...Neptune's Symbol also looks like "Psi", the 23rd letter of the Greek Alphabet.

2 + 3 = 5
5 means "Union".

"Psi" has a wonderful history!
It is the root word of "Psychology", but I don't care about that.
...What is interesting to talk about, is its direct relation to Butterflies! 🦋

Aristotle named the Butterfly "Ψυχή", the Ancient Greek word for "Soul".
Butterflies symbolize Transformation of the Soul!

Caterpillar -> Chrysalis -> Butterfly

He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Butterfly Wings also relate to the Wings of the Soul

Psyche is the Greek Goddess of the Soul and often represented with Butterfly Wings. Psyche was commonly referred to as such in Roman Mythology as well, though direct translation is Anima (Latin word for "Soul") She was born a mortal woman, with beauty that rivaled Aphrodite. - Psyche (mythology)
Aphrodite is Astarte.

The Number "313" looks like a Butterfly.


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Korpi said:
Who is the God of Butterflies? If you don't mind my asking 😅
Actually Beelzebul does rule over all the insects that fly, from the more malicious to the most beautiful ones.
- Re: Gods related to bees
Isn't that awesome?

The Symbolism behind the Iron Cross
On the topic of "Fleur-de-lis" and "Corona", Crown.
The Opening Statement.

Let it be known; That the Number 4 and all its Mysteries, relate directly to Father Satan!

4. Order, justice, four directions of the physical, the "boundary", four elements without aether, sub-basis of the material world
Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10 - HP. Hoodedcobra666

4 Begins with, and Ends with 4.
4 x 4 = 16.
1 + 6 = 7.
7 + 4 = 11.
1 + 1 = 2.
11 + 2 = 13.
1 + 3 = 4.
4 means "Justice", and 8 (4 x 2) means "Supernal Justice".
8 is a Number of Astarte.
Artemis is one of Her Aspects, the Embodiment of Justice.

Taking apart the "George IV State Diadem"

Disclaimer: No, this Crown isn't of ANY importance to the topic. NONE WHATSOEVER.
The Numbers and Symbols act as a "Medium" for me to touch upon certain things. That is all.

Click to see a better image.

15. On her way to the Coronation, Elizabeth II wore the George IV State Diadem - the crown depicted on stamps. Made in 1820, the Diadem features roses, shamrocks and thistles with 1,333 diamonds and 169 pearls. - 50 facts about Elizabeth II's Coronation

Elizabeth II is the last Jew to have worn this crown.
Her mother was called Queen Elizabeth, "The Queen Mother"

The only "Queen Mother(s)", are Mother Lilith and Astarte

That's why we call "Queen" Elizabeth II, E-lizardbeth.
A "Queen" whose LEGACY was turning "Great" Britain from White to "People of Color".
Anyone else mix all the paints together as a child, only to be disgusted by the result?
Yeah. Something like that. Multiculturalism A.K.A Multi-Culti A.K.A Miscegenation
A Jew's "Diversity" means No White People! Extinction of the White Race.
You know, the Blood Descendants of Father Satan

Speaking of extinction,
What does going "Net Zero" really mean? Except of reducing our "Carbon Footprint" to Zero.
Since we exhale Carbon Dioxide, I'll tell you what: Stop breathing! - Schlomo

Now, let's begin.

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Immediately, one sees the Fleur-de-lis and the Iron Cross
There are 4 of each, equalling 8.
4 is Father Satan's Number, 8 of Astarte (4 x 2 = 8).
8 connects to one of the truths behind 9,
Nine is the greatest German number of power and is also a number of Satan, as it equals the number of the main chakras.
Think The Sixth Chakra and The Third Eye as one (its Extension), the Pineal Gland totalling 8.
4 is ever so important. The Iron Cross can be seen in Abraxas' Sigil below,


Abraxas' truth lies in the Inner Infinity. Ruler of the Microcosmic, Master Of The Pleroma.

The Iron Cross, as all here know, refers to the Four Elements: Fire (Aries), Water (Cancer), Air (Libra) and Earth (Capricorn).
As mentioned in The Al Jilwah, The Black Book of Satan: Chapter IV
I will not give my rights to other gods. I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times and four corners; because they are necessary things for creatures.
There are 4 Cardinal Directions: North, East, South and West. 4 Elements. 4 Pillars. 4 Seasons. All relate.
See also, The Four Cardinal Points. And as said in The Chakras,
When the human soul is correctly aligned, it is in the shape of an inverted cross. This is the hidden meaning of "Thor's Hammer." The cross shape of the human soul is represented by "The Four Quarters", The "Four Directions", and the Four Crowned Princes of Hell in rituals.

  • The front of the body/soul is the North, ruled by the element of Earth.
  • The rear/backside of the body is the South, ruled by the element of Fire.
  • The left side of the body is the Negative Pole. Through the left hand, we take in energy. The left side is ruled over by the element of Water and is the direction West.
  • The right side is the Positive Pole and is ruled over by the element of Air and is the direction East. We direct energy through our right hand.
  • The element of Quintessence/either is in the center, and in the aura.
  • Fire and Air are electric.
  • Water and Earth are magnetic.
...What of Quintessence? Magnetic or Electric. Which is it?
"[2]"Other 1800s views, such as James Clerk Maxwell, Lord Kelvin, and Nikola Tesla, was of the disposition that the aether was more akin to it actually being the electromagnetic field." - Invoking the Akasha/Quintessence/Ether
Be aware that the Wikipedia article, Aether (classical element), has been bastardized since the "Invoking the Quintessence" was first posted. Written by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. See here, Talk:Aether (classical element) and skim through.

So, Quintessence is Electric and Magnetic.
Like the Electromagnetic field that surrounds the Earth.
The Jews left us a F*ck You by calling it the Earth's Magnetic Field, to imply it is not Electric. Rubbish!
Revealed immediately in the FIRST PARAGRAPH,
The magnetic field is generated by electric currents due to the motion of convection currents of a mixture of molten iron and nickel in Earth's outer core: these convection currents are caused by heat escaping from the core, a natural process called a geodynamo.
Oy vey, the Magnetosphere is different to an EM Field, goy. Stop thinking about it.
Which Planet rules The Aura? URANUS! Who is also Baal Zebul, GOD OF THE SKY!

Further reading,
Abraxas: Hieratic Information - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Aether: The Occult Element of Power - Darkpagan666

...And breath. 😮‍💨
As quoted in the Yogic Breathing Basics,
"Life is in the Breath" - Thothhttps://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONSI.html/index.html#THOTH
Yoga: Focus, Breath - Lydia [JG]

The Iron Cross, Nature's Curiosity

...Did you know the Iron Cross can be found within Mother Nature?
I'm not joking. See for yourself!

What does Jewpedia have to say about this?
It is sometimes called "the iron cross plant" or "oxalis iron cross" because the leaves loosely resemble the iron cross symbol,
- Oxalis tetraphylla
Where does "Tetra" in "Tetraphylla" come from?
From Ancient Greek τετρα- (tetra-), combining form of Ancient Greek τέτταρες (téttares), from τέσσαρες (téssares, “four”).
- Tetra
This is where Tetris got its name.
There are 5 Shapes in Tetris, and each Shape contains 4 Squares.

4 x 5 = 20
4 is Father Satan's Number.
5 is Azazel and Astarte's Number.
20 is Azazel's Number.

As said in Satanic Numerology
"All things are number."
- Pythagoras, Son of Apollo

...Notice how each Leaf is a Heart.

The Heart as expressed in Number is 144.
72 is Half the Body/Soul. 72 (Ida) and 72 (Pingala).
At their Union, this totals 144.
For a Complete Explanation, see below.
The Truth About 72
The Secret Behind 24 and 72. The importance of 144,000
- HP. Hoodedcobra666

Now, my point.
Each Leaf is a Heart.
The Heart is 144.
1 + 4 + 4 = 9
Each Leaf is 9.
9 x 4 = 36
36 x 10 = 360
A Full Circle.

9 can also be expressed as 90.

What happens when we shove 4 of these together?

We make a Square! (And a Diamond)
90° x 4 = 360°
The Iron Cross is a Square. And they both represent the Four Elements.

...So, each Leaf is a Heart. Each Heart is 144.
144 x 5 = 576
5 + 7 + 6 = 18
18 consists of two 9s and triple 6.

...Let's talk shapes! (Because why not?)
The Five Basic Shapes: Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Diamond and Circle.
We'll begin with Triangles!

A Triangle has Three Angles (Sides).
Each Angle is 60°
60° x 3 = 180°
Uh... We know that.
Remove the 0!
Triangle = 666 😜
Triangles represent a Trinity (3).
There are Three Angles...
666 ÷ 3 = 222
2 + 2 + 2 = 8
222 x 8 = 1776
Hmmm... What happened in 1776? 🤔
The Declaration of Independence, 1776
The United States of America was founded upon 666!
But it doesn't end there!
1 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 3
A Perfect Number! Exciting.
See also, The American Founding Fathers Were Satanists

A Triangle equals 180°.
As does the Pentagram. We already know 666 is connected to the Pentagram.
A Pentagram can fit within a Circle. (I will not illustrate this!)
...We're all familiar with the blasphemous depictions of Pentagrams.
Circles surrounding them with Hebrew letters.
As said in A History of the Baphomet
Because of the Hebrew lettering and the circles which are highly offensive to Satan and his Demons, JoS Ministries has removed them and replaced them with cuneiform script reading “Satan.
If you have a profile picture or image in one's signature containing the above, please change it. Thank you.

A Pentagram fits within a Pentagon.
...A Pentagram fits within a Pentagon.
......A Pentagram fits within a Pentagon.
.........A Pentagram fits within a Pentagon.
............A Pentagram fits within a Pentagon.
An infinitely repeating pattern.

The Pentagram from example, has been one of the most ancient Satanic symbols, representing the number 5, creative force, the 5 elements, and the 5 endings of the human body. It is a symbol of man aside anything else.
Enemy Use Of Satanic Symbolism - Behind the Symbols - HP. Hoodedcobra666

Speaking of three 5s...
The Number 5
Speaking of Numbers and Father Satan,
There are three Vs in Father Satan's Sigil. In Roman Numerals, V = 5. VVV = 555.
There are five Vs in the Pentagram of Venus.
The Pentagram is Father Satan's symbol. 5 is both Astarte and Azazel's number.
From this alone, the Satanic Origins of the NSDAP, is certain.
Adolf Hitler's own Golden Party Badge had the number '1'. However, his actual Party number was 555 - Golden Party Badge

...There are Five Angles (Sides) in an Pentagon.
Each Angle is 108°
108° x 5 = 540°
540° x 4 = 2160°

2160 is the Total Length of an Astrological Age.
The Age of Aquarius begins in 2160.
2160 x 12 (Zodiac) = 25920
The Total Length of The Great Year.
We know Father Satan is over 540,000 years old.
540,000 ÷ 25920 = 20.8333333333
Close to, or just over 21 Great Years old.

In regards to "540,000 years old", see below.
Re: The Gods And Alien Technology - HP. Hoodedcobra666

Ok, next shape.
The Square!
...Equals 360°
A Square can fit inside itself.
If we squish it down a little, it forms a Rhombus (Diamond).
A Rhombus equals 360°, as does the Rectangle and Circle.
A Circle fits within a Square, as does the Rhombus.
Both the Square and Rectangle fit within a Circle.

....A Rhombus is made up of 2 Isosceles Triangles.
A Triangle Equals 180° (60°x3)
180° x 2 = 360°
...An Octahedron is made up of 8 Equilateral Triangles.
8 x 180° = 1440°
Remove the 0.
The Octahedron is the Heart.
The Octahedron is the Shape of the Center Chakra.
I don't know if the Center Chakra is an actual "Heart" in the Soul.
But it does rule the Physical Heart. That's something.
The Center Chakra is symbolically depicted as a Yoni, an Oval.
An Oval is 360°, and is the shape of an Egg.
...The Ankh is a symbol of the Center Chakra.
The Ankh has a cross shape but with a teardrop-shaped loop in place of a vertical upper bar. - Ankh
Poor description. The Ankh has an Oval (Egg) at the top.
Two of Astarte's Divine Symbols are The Yoni and The Egg.
Eggs are representative of "Life".
The Ankh is the "Key of Life". A "Key" to the Soul.
It relates thus to 10 and 6. "A Key" and "Life".

...What else looks like the Iron Cross?

The Four-Leaf Clover.
What does it represent? Luck! And whose Number is 4? Father Satan!
See also, The Number 4, and the Mysteries of Father Satan

Please do not quote the entire post in your response! 😱
I'm experimenting with color. Thoughts?
It's big text, but it's organised it's easy to read, thank you.
Sooo much info!!

Feels like its all going above my head thinking about it this way!
Triangles represent a Trinity (3).
There are Three Angles...
666 ÷ 3 = 222
2 + 2 + 2 = 8
222 x 8 = 1776

Small correction:
2 plus 2 plus 2 = 6, not 8.

2 x 2 x 2 = 8.
Not only your passion is admirable, but you are also thoroughly good and excellent at this. I like very much the expressive way of colors too, this makes learning better.

Great Korpi!
There's always something. I can't edit my post to fix this.
Thank you for letting me know 😅

I can at least mention something interesting about the equation.
Reduce 222 to 6.
6 x 8 = 48
4 + 8 = 12
1 + 2 = 3
48 x 3 = 144 🫠
I like your method of using colors, and the way everything is laid out was amazing, thank you for your work, this was nicely and professionally done. I can feel the positivity and passion in your writing
Korpi said:
There's always something. I can't edit my post to fix this.
Thank you for letting me know 😅

I can at least mention something interesting about the equation.
Reduce 222 to 6.
6 x 8 = 48
4 + 8 = 12
1 + 2 = 3
48 x 3 = 144 🫠

Apologies for not giving my thoughts first. You did a most excellent job with the post, and I have learned a lot so far. I still have to go through some of it. Very impressed. You have a powerful mind, and great communication skill.
HP Hooded Cobra told me how Satan told him that one normally reincarnates into the same race. The enemy has been destroying our White race through genocide, and this impacts that there will be drastically fewer White bodies for White souls to reincarnate into.

In addition to this, Lilith told me more than once, that the ability to achieve physical immortality has to do with how White one is, in the way the White race has genes and potential from the Nordic Gods, that is not present in the other races.

Thoth also stated “People of the Blood” meaning Whites. Once the White seed is lost, what is remaining will be damned.

– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Read one of the links, quoted extra for context. I'm not sure what she means there, especially the last part.
Another great post! thank you for always sharing such informative and helpful content with the rest of us! It inspires me to keep on learning as well. :D
i was so attentive and trying to remember everything that was mentioned for me to explore the content that i was a little bewildered, it seems like maxine dietrich writing in some parts, congratulations korpi

That's outstanding work! Though I feel its a bit much on the colours. Drawing attention to important parts is necessary, but it loses it's weight if such a large % of the text is emphasized. Could just be me though.

I wanted to ask, is there a "method to the madness" :lol: . It just seems like assembling or even deciphering information like you do takes forever. Also wanted to know how you do it? Do you meditate on it? I know it just "comes" to some people as well. Sorry if you've already answered this before, I feel like I can't be the only one wondering.
I didn't mean to carried away here, with last post. Going off subject, and all over the place. I was just Overwhelmed and amazed over the work, and the history of these symbols these images, the history of it all . This stuff is both beautiful and fascinating to me. And it's good to know the history behind it all. And what it is suppose to represent And I enjoy reading it as well as looking at if. ❤️ 🙏 Thank you for sharing!
Powerofjustice said:
Though I feel its a bit much on the colours. Drawing attention to important parts is necessary, but it loses it's weight if such a large % of the text is emphasized. Could just be me though.
Thank you for letting me know. I will adjust my use of it. I want to achieve a color balance.
I wanted to ask, is there a "method to the madness" :lol: . It just seems like assembling or even deciphering information like you do takes forever. Also wanted to know how you do it? Do you meditate on it? I know it just "comes" to some people as well. Sorry if you've already answered this before, I feel like I can't be the only one wondering.
Nobody has asked me. There is no method. Many times I ask myself, what point am I trying to make exactly?
I don't really understand what I am doing. I deleted one section due to inaccuracy.
It began as a response to Asurya, Tuesday 24th January. I added to it day by day.
My first thought was the Fleur-de-lis as the Trine Nadi. My last thought was the Thyrsus
I included the Thyrsus because I noticed pinecones on my walk.
This is a masterful way to organize information. Written like a true academia member!

Korpi said:
The Jews like to keep dead plants because it pleases them, did you know that?
The Jews have a Temple Chakra called "Chokmah" meaning "Wisdom", which is colored GREY.
The color of DEATH ENERGY! How disgusting is that. YUCK!
They breath it in, too. To "advance". No wonder amongst innumerable things they're so batsh*t insane.
Psychopathy and sociopathy are much desired and treasured traits of the Jews.
In Hebrew terms, Chokmah is the Right Hemisphere of The Brain, "Binah" is the Left, and "Keter" is the Thalamus
These three parts form the Trinity of The Brain. See also, Cerebral hemisphere

Given this piece of information about the gray jewish chakra, what would that mean in the context of using gray energy against them? How effective do you consider it to be?
Very informative.

I am very inspired by your dedication. Thank you for this.
Documenting 10,000s of years worth of symbolism and its progressions over time could probably fill several libraries. It's nice to get a glimpse of certain things you have written about, but I couldn't retain this information, nor could I find a practical use for it to be honest. Maybe some others would though, perhaps in literature comprehension, writing, artwork or other depictions. You clearly have a talent in this area.

Some colours - where relevant - were useful. I'd tone it down a tad though ;)
EasternFireLion666 said:
Given this piece of information about the gray jewish chakra, what would that mean in the context of using gray energy against them? How effective do you consider it to be?
I don't have enough experience to answer this question 😅

Dahaarkan said:
Can you e-mail me?
I have sent you an email.

gnome said:
Documenting 10,000s of years worth of symbolism and its progressions over time could probably fill several libraries. It's nice to get a glimpse of certain things you have written about, but I couldn't retain this information, nor could I find a practical use for it to be honest.
Mayhaps for clarification on certain things.
Or visualizing the exact location of the Pineal Gland.
Some colours - where relevant - were useful. I'd tone it down a tad though ;)
That is the plan, thank you.
The Ida Nadi's color is black? Not a pale blue?
Why is it black? Isn't it the Bhakti Nadi that gives us desire for any advancement?
Asurya said:
The Ida Nadi's color is black? Not a pale blue?
Why is it black? Isn't it the Bhakti Nadi that gives us desire for any advancement?
Neptune rules Pale Blue

Yin and Yang are Black and White.
Yin is Moon. Yang is Sun.
Opposing forces united as one.
Black (Darkness) is the absence of Light.
White (Light) are all colors as one.
Black is the container of Light
"Darkness is light turned inside out" - Baal Zebul
More information, "Darkness Is Light, Turned Inside Out" after all... - HP. Hoodedcobra666

All colours on the Visible Light Spectrum are seen on the Rainbow.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.
The "Visible Light Spectrum" is based upon Human Eyesight.
The Human Eye can detect wavelengths between 380 to 700 Nanometers.
Violet to Red. Red is the first color that can be seen within the Visible Light Spectrum.
The Pingala (Male) is Red.
Black is the absence of Light.
The Ida (Female) is Black.
White contains all Visible Light.
The Sushumna (Hermaphrodite) is White.
The Union of Male and Female.
Hermaphrodite means Hermes and Aphrodite, which relates to the moving between the two sexual genders - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Hermes is Thoth
Aphrodite is Astarte

Here is a visual of the Visible Light Spectrum.

Rotate 90°, it aligns with Base to Crown.

It is the "Shakti" Nadi, not "Bhakti"
Shiva is Male, and Shakti is Female.
The Sun and Moon Nadi. The Pingala and Ida.
Shiva is Father Satan
Shakti is Mother Lilith

Saturn rules the Base Chakra. The Pingala is Red.
Saturn rules the color Black. The Ida is Black.
The Pingala and Ida are the Twin Serpents.
The Twin Serpents entwine 6 times around the Chakras, forming a Heart at the Sixth.

Korpi said:

Amazing thread Korpi! It blows my mind how much Satanic symbolism and numerology there is that goes unacknowledged yet thanks to you I've learned a great deal.

Just a small curiosity... the triskellon/triskele (pictured below); would that also be a representation of the trine nadis? I find the symbol to be very beautiful. Apart from the 3 nadis (ida, pingala, sushumna) I've heard people mention there being 3 important chakras (solar, 6th and crown) which are involved in the magnum opus.

HPHC once referred to this number a 'divine duality' and that it has to do with creation.

Great compilation of information, with a helpful amount of citations! I'm bookmarking it for future reference.
sublimestatanist said:
Just a small curiosity... the triskellon/triskele (pictured below); would that also be a representation of the trine nadis? I find the symbol to be very beautiful.
The Triskele was originally formed of Three Legs.
Spirals came after.

Click here to see a larger image.

Ancient Greek Etymology
τρι- means "Three".
σκέλος means "Leg".
The Triskele is related to ἰσοσκελής (Equal Legs), formed of ἶσος (Equal) and σκέλος (Leg).
ἰσοσκελής is the Origin of the Latin Isosceles

A Triangle.
A Triangle has Three Angles (Sides).
A Triangle is the Shape of the Number 3.
3 means "Trinity".

The Three Legs (or Spirals) refer to Motion.
Motion relates to 12 (Time), 1 + 2 = 3 (Trine).
Time which is Eternal (8).
Two 3s form an 8.

Apart from the 3 nadis (ida, pingala, sushumna) I've heard people mention there being 3 important chakras (solar, 6th and crown) which are involved in the magnum opus.
Trine Nadi: Pingala, Ida and Sushumna.
Three Granthis (Knots): 2nd Sacral, 5th Throat and 7th Crown.
Lastly: The King, Queen and Pineal Gland.
More information, Original King and Queen Meditation - Reposted by Lydia [JG]

The Pineal Gland is directly connected to the Sixth Chakra, ruled by The Moon.
But The Moon does not rule the Pineal Gland.
The Pineal Gland is directly connected to the Crown Chakra, ruled by Jupiter.
Jupiter's Magickal Square empowers the Pineal Gland.
But Jupiter does not rule the Pineal Gland.
Neptune and Pluto rule the Pineal Gland.
Neptune rules Blue, and Jupiter rules Royal Blue.
Both the Crown and Sixth rule Intuition. Neptune rules Intuition.
The Crown rules Bliss, and Bliss flows from the Pineal Gland.
The Crown and Sixth rule Clairaudience (Psychic Hearing) and Communication.
Energy enters the Crown, and is sent to the Pineal.
Through Telepathy, we can overcome the Language Barrier.
The Pineal Gland is the Universal Translator.
A very interesting read, Korpi! :) It is truly amazing how everything is so delicately connected.

I like the way you use the colors, as it gives a unique signature/personality to your posts, and highlights your points. It also makes it fun and easy to read!
Korpi said:
The Triskele was originally formed of Three Legs.

Interesting, do you happen to have a source for this claim? I've done a lot of research on this symbol as it remotes to very Ancient times of my country, and it's true meaning is shrouded in mystery, specially after xianity came on the scene. But with Satanic knowledge we have, it could very well represent the 3 main nadis or some other sort of divine trinity.

Both the Celtic and the Greek version of this symbol seem to date back to Neolithic times, so it's hard to pinpoint its exact origin, if you have anything I could read on this, or if you could elaborate on it, I'd really appreciate it.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Interesting, do you happen to have a source for this claim?
I was wrong! The Triple Spiral came first. The Three Legs arrived thousands of years later in Ancient Greece.
I haven't seen this symbol before. My first thought was "Trine Nadi", and I went with that.
Korpi said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
Interesting, do you happen to have a source for this claim?
I was wrong! The Triple Spiral came first. The Three Legs arrived thousands of years later in Ancient Greece.
I haven't seen this symbol before. My first thought was "Trine Nadi", and I went with that.

The Three Legs version is also a symbol of Sicily, an Italian region which was a Greek colony in the past, and homeland of people like Archimedes.
Stormblood said:
The Three Legs version is also a symbol of Sicily, an Italian region which was a Greek colony in the past, and homeland of people like Archimedes.
I had a thought about the Triple Spiral.
Spirals relate to 8.
8 + 8 + 8 = 24
2 + 4 = 6
24 x 6 = 144
Korpi said:
Stormblood said:
The Three Legs version is also a symbol of Sicily, an Italian region which was a Greek colony in the past, and homeland of people like Archimedes.
I had a thought about the Triple Spiral.
Spirals relate to 8.
8 + 8 + 8 = 24
2 + 4 = 6
24 x 6 = 144
I always saw triple spirals as three 6s. 666

6 + 6 + 6 = 18
6 x 6 x 6 = 216
1 + 8 = 9
2 + 1 + 6 = 9

But it's interesting to relate it to 8, as a symbol of eternity, since spirals continue infinitely.
Korpi said:
The Symbol of Cancer is 69, or two 9s.
9 x 9 = 81
81 is a Number of The Moon.
The Moon rules Cancer.
The mantra for the Moon is for 81 days in a row.

Two 69s.


A Swastika (sort of).


This is very useful since I always wondered if Cancer zodiac sign represented a swastika and surely it is, based on what I saw.

But, I have a question that I pondered on for a long time:

Is it true that the Scorpio sign represents the parts of the Trident or the Trish?

I find it very interesting and, when you have time, I will wait for your answer.
I just had the time to read all of this and came to it in the search function as I am trying to gather information to understand some things. Korpi your analytic and perceptive abilities are superb! I think this should be added to the library.

Thank you so much. You also pointed out some information about my guardians' sigil that makes perfect sense and something that clicks with me personally and elementally as well.

I noticed something else from Abrasax' sigil the last few days while trying to focus, and reading over his information again. The large cross in his sigil connected to the hollow circles resembles the gebo rune, which symbolizes the uniting of the male and female but also the energies. the O and I symbols as stated often seen in our God's sigils represent the masculine and feminine sides of the soul. The large cross connected to the hollow circles feel like a representation of the union of the masculine and feminine energies of the soul, the union of the higher and lower chakras, which is consistent with some other symbolism you also analyzed. He also has symbolism that represents elements of the feminine side of the soul :)

Pondering on this recently has also made me seriously wonder if there are ways our soul communicates certain spiritual needs or blockages through ways that the finite human mind will not always understand right away, but will at the time be the only way we might be able to percieve any said spiritual need and so will be taken too much at face value or misconstrued due to the limited nature of humans in general. Point being that I wondered if pondering the above, was in retrospect the true message of certain things I have thought to perceive in the past but completely and even delusionally misinterpreted.

The uniting of both energies in the human soul is a serious essential need that I think everyone experiences on even the most basic level, and intensely at that, that many themselves will not always understand. I feel like I am beginning to understand if people worked on this more there would be much less "gaps" in the soul and far less codependency and more self-acceptance and inner peace.
wow,the great topic useful for my meditation to move on to higher realms
but there are many words that I don't understand so I have to look for them one by one and learn them then combine them

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
