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The Sun, Sunburn and Some Remedies


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I'm sure you all might remember High Priestess Maxine's post about the Sun and its growing strength and how this can be deadly in some areas of the world.

This can make absorbing solar energy dangerous and undesirable for a lot of us, especially those of you in warmer regions. In addition to using a light bulb at home to see and focus on the light, I still absorb energy from the sun but at different times of the day- early morning or an hour or two before sunset. Now that it is Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, it is less severe. The strength of the sun is lower but nonetheless still a supreme source of energy. Also solar energy is needed for Vitamin D creation since it is slightly difficult for the average person to get it from diet alone. Those of us of black descent need more sun because of the melanin in our skin acts as a barrier to control the uptake of the solar rays.

The purpose of this little post is primarily for those who do have sensitive skin, those who must work out in the sun as part of your job, and for those who still would like to utilize the natural energy of it for spiritual and magickal purposes regardless of the season and place in the world you are.

Diet is a very important factor here and what I have found from personal experience and from research, specific foods and supplements can offer protection from inflammation of the skin, skin cancer and mutation from possible dangerous sun rays. These things are a great alternative for sunscreen.

I do not use conventional sunscreen because of its link to skin cancer and causing other health problems and studies show this. Skin cancer has risen despite people using more sunscreen and staying indoors more than they did in the past. Sunscreen also blocks Vitamin D production.

My natural sunscreen comes from my diet which is high in healthy fats and omega 3's( Cod liver oil, grass-fed butter, coconut oil, olive oil, unrefined sustainably sourced red palm oil, Vitamin C) and some topical products.

Topically I use a combination of coconut oil and shea butter. I use this just to moisturize my skin and keep it taut and healthy. The benefits of it as a sunscreen is an additional effect. If you want to take it up a notch, one can get a natural sunscreen with zinc oxide.

Internally, I consume unrefined red palm oil especially during the summer months. A tablespoon once or twice a day. Palm oil is rich in saturated fats which are a benefit for the brain, hormones and cells of the body since that is what they are made of. The palm oil also contains lycopene and CoQ10( heart health, cell functioning and a powerful antioxidant and anti inflammatory, anti-cancer), Vitamin E and tocopherols and carotenoids of various kinds. All of these are also antioxidants and offer protection of the skin plus against various cancers. The carotenoids are also precursors of Vitamin A. Which is also an all important Vitamin. A master Vitamin.

This is one of the best kind of " internal sunscreen" I have found and offers other good health benefits. An added effect is that promotes glowing skin and prevents skin damage from the sun. Palm oil can give one a glowing complexion especially if you sweat a lot while taking it. When you consume it, it comes out of the pores and the carotenoids stay at the surface of the skin (sun screen) and later absorbed back. This gives a glowing complexion. The Palm oil can be used topically too.

There are also links between processed hydrogenated oils and a diet high in sugar that acts to weaken the defenses of the skin.

As always, always protect yourself from the sun's rays from 10am-3am which is when the sun is highest in power. Wearing long sleeves of light loose clothing and a sun hat is good protection.

For those who are interested, I get my Red Palm oil from a company called Jukasorganics.com or from Amazon which supplies from them. They get their palm oil from West Africa because many companies strip their palm oil and this reduces the benefits. You can see a difference in the color when you compare. Mix it with coconut oil for additional health benefits.

High Priestess Shannon
For those who do find themselves sunburnt..

The gel from inside aloe Vera plant leaf can be applied topically without any dilution to the affected area twice per day..

This relieves the toxicity and cools the heat of the burn and also prevents scarring, particularly if applied early on.

I had multiple burns to the face from hot oil as a young child (12 yo) and the application of aloe Vera directly from the plant daily prevented scarring of any kind.
Centralforce666 said:
For those who do find themselves sunburnt..

The gel from inside aloe Vera plant leaf can be applied topically without any dilution to the affected area twice per day..

This relieves the toxicity and cools the heat of the burn and also prevents scarring, particularly if applied early on.

I had multiple burns to the face from hot oil as a young child (12 yo) and the application of aloe Vera directly from the plant daily prevented scarring of any kind.

Yes, Aloe Vera works wonders!

Thank you, Centralforce
I was told that when you cut an Aloe vera leaf off and split it open lengthwise that you should be careful with the yellow substance.
The gel is obviously different than the yellow substance, but I figured I should add it there so people do not get confused or hurt themselves by applying the wrong thing.

Good post though :)
The yellow part contains higher concentrations of toxic bitter compounds which are an irritant to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and supposedly have mutagenic properties.

They may cause you to vomit if taken internally however I have drank whole leaf aloe Vera from my own garden (very short term use to clear strong heat from the body) and whilst it was disgustingly bitter in taste, I did not vomit.

Applied topically it is unlikely that this substance will adversely affect you although the gel is the portion you want to go for. The yellow sits between the gel and the leaf bed so only really becomes a problem when you are extracting gel for internal use as you remove it from the leaf bed. When applying topically you can open the leaf up and place the leaf directly on the affected skin, cut side facing down.
Not the black astral sun, but the day sun, scatters your life energy, your vital force which can cause all sorts of problems for the sorcerer. It is good for your body initially, one respect, that vitamin for some bad in another, skin cancer, and disastrous to magic. It would be like trying to direct energy with some sort of iron rod in your hand. Later it just weaken you to be in the sun, drains you and dulls your senses and perceptions, which still may be better than most dependent upon your evolutionary stage. Low vital energy can cause bad health effects on the body, aging and hair loss like radiation poisoning in the long term, well some aspects of it. This is truth.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
