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The Soul


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I remember when I was new to spirituality and the occult, I accepted the soul and was aware of its existence but I never fully understood it as much as I do now-- this is the result of being immersed in spiritual satanism, one will eventually reach a level where experiencing the soul and the physical becomes indivisible. Many people will make reference to the soul or claim to acknowledge it but how often do we all take the time to empower, "feel" and associate with ours.

As you all know, the soul is made of light and it thrives on it. Having a lot of light in the soul is synonymous with having higher spiritual attainment and power. Once we greatly increase the power of our souls, our physical bodies will adapt to this increased life force and change along with it.


Besides the light spectrum, our souls are more identical to the Sun's energy than many people would think. The ancient peoples all over the world acknowledged and paid homage to the Sun because of its central importance in spirituality and life in relation to our spiritual selves. The Sun is liken to the supreme manifestation of the life force, it is immensely powerful. There is no mistake that the many gods are depicted as perfected solar deities.


The word "Soul" is linked to the Latin word "Sol" which means Sun. In studying etymology, we know that many words in language are based off of Latin and Greek. And even for the languages that do not have origins in Latin or Greek, they still are related through likeness. For example, the Black Africans in the West that practice Odinani (solar worship), the word for Sun and the life force is Chi/Chineke. Chi is also the word for the soul/ spirit.

Scientists where finally able to capture an image of the Sun's light particles, and each one is in the shape of an equal armed cross!



The equal armed cross is also seen in the Daemon sigils as well.

This further proves that Spiritual Satanism is the true path. The essence of this path is to transform and elevate the soul; to perfect our energies to that of the Sun. When we empower, perfect and align our souls, it becomes like that of the Sun.

Further reading: 666 is the number representing the Sun and the human being. This thread is from 2011 and has great information on the sun, the chakras and spiritual development! Good topic thread.


The soul is a beautiful gift made by Satan and the gods with their essence in all of us. It is our true selves. Aside from being made of light, our souls and energies are electromagnetic in nature, which is how we are able to attract, influence and able to be influenced by energies all around us, for better and for worse. This is why we must use our energies and will to program and direct these energies to get what we need and want. This is also why its very important for people to think and stay positive. This especially goes for spiritual satanist and those who meditate regularly. We will be influenced by our own thoughts which grow stronger as we meditate. Azazel reminded me of this.

Pay attention to your souls. Make everyday a Soul day. Keep your energies flowing by doing Yoga everyday, and movement. Qigong is great for opening up the soul as well. Get your blood flowing, feel the warmth of your movement, acknowledge it. Your body heat is the radiation of your soul's energy. of course one can see that when you look at a dead body that is stiff and cold... it is devoid and empty of the soul and its life force.

Aside from housing our souls, our bodies are the vehicles that our souls use to navigate on the physical realm. As you all know, the physical body is equally important. Xians on the other hand pretty much live for their death and embrace it. This is the anti- life conditioning that the enemy program have brought onto us, whereas Satanism is a celebration of life on the physical and spiritual.

We need our bodies to empower and transform ourselves and to be whole. It is the physical manifestation of the soul (As HP Mageson has stated before). The blood being the physical manifestation of the soul's life force and so on. Actually, it is easy to argue that the endocrine glands are the physical manifestations of the chakras since they are aligned with them and empowering the chakras prevents the endocrine system from deteriorating thus halting the aging process.

If any of you are afflicted with a disease or ailment that you are not yet strong enough to heal, do what you can to improve it but always keep in mind that true healing will come from can empowered soul, do not lose hope. Whether it be a physical deformity or some mental or genetic defects, know that defects in the soul manifest in and on the body. In order to fully heal this, continue your soul empowerment because what you do on the spiritual will manifest on the physical. An empowered soul will preserve the body and make you radiate energy and enhance your own beauty and attraction as well, over time. This is especially important if one doesn't have the means to eat healthier and pure foods. The meditations and yoga empowerment will go along way in supplying and sustaining you with energy and life force if you cannot get it from your food.

In closing, celebrate the lives that you have and the opportunity that we have as satanists. Use the energy from the soul that Satan gave you to fix and correct yourselves. Work on your chakras as much as you can, do those RTRs especially, as they do work to free us and in doing so, our soul's energies will be unbound and spiritual advancement will be easier. After doing the RTRs, I can feel my soul more. This is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

Hail Satan
Beautiful and full with Truth, sermon.

Thank you HP Shannon!
Wow! I didn't know about the Sun's particle, it's amazing :eek:
Thank you very much HPS Shannon, I really like your sermons :)
Excellent Sermon HPS Shannon!!!

I haven't forgotten, the full BFS revision will be uploaded soon. :)
This is an amazing sermon, thank you so much! :D
That was really lovely. We are our Soul, it's the core of our being and existence. And can be eternal if worked on and empowered.

Seeing it's the only thing we really have it really makes sense to invest in developing and working on it.

Although I've been dedicated for many years like since the 2008 economy crash and recession.

I was advancing and meditating back then and was getting into sopping wet sweats when I was sleeping. I often felt the heat of my aura and energy buzz.

But I stopped working on empowering my chakras and aura. And it's something that I regret and miss.

Now I do complete three sessions of nine reps of Final RTR daily and just do Maxine Dietrich's descending light and individual chakra cleaning meditation. Then after the aura cleaning I do the affirmations for aura of protection. That's all I do meditation wise at the moment and will start doing more guaranteed.

I stopped because I first found with the raised energy I couldn't sleep. And then was feeling well tired the next day only to still only not be able to sleep.

And secondly I could feel repulsion of so many peoples auras. I must be too sensitive but I could see fake ass smiles but feel negative energy from certain people. Others that were content in themselves I didn't feel anything so they were okay. And the feeling of disgust of some peoples auras was making me feel bad in myself.

Lastly what I don't miss was my ego. When I felt powerful I felt everyone is on some low level where they're all so slow and stupid. And I was suffering frustration and anger because they were on some low level which was a hindrance and annoying to me to having to deal with.

Sorry if that makes me sound like a bad person. But that's what I fear now. The feelings of bad from some people and my feeling above others because the mind is sharper, faster and stronger through strengthening it with meditation.

My solution must be to get meditations done in the morning so that energy is not raised before going to bed.

My anger issues I will have to work on. I know the answer to a strong mind and self control is void meditation.

Thanks High Priestess Shannon excellent information on the soul.
F/HZ666 said:
Excellent Sermon HPS Shannon!!!

I haven't forgotten, the full BFS revision will be uploaded soon. :)

Dont worry, take your time.
Personal Growth said:
That was really lovely. We are our Soul, it's the core of our being and existence. And can be eternal if worked on and empowered.

Seeing it's the only thing we really have it really makes sense to invest in developing and working on it.

Although I've been dedicated for many years like since the 2008 economy crash and recession.

I was advancing and meditating back then and was getting into sopping wet sweats when I was sleeping. I often felt the heat of my aura and energy buzz.

But I stopped working on empowering my chakras and aura. And it's something that I regret and miss.

Now I do complete three sessions of nine reps of Final RTR daily and just do Maxine Dietrich's descending light and individual chakra cleaning meditation. Then after the aura cleaning I do the affirmations for aura of protection. That's all I do meditation wise at the moment and will start doing more guaranteed.

I stopped because I first found with the raised energy I couldn't sleep. And then was feeling well tired the next day only to still only not be able to sleep.

And secondly I could feel repulsion of so many peoples auras. I must be too sensitive but I could see fake ass smiles but feel negative energy from certain people. Others that were content in themselves I didn't feel anything so they were okay. And the feeling of disgust of some peoples auras was making me feel bad in myself.

Lastly what I don't miss was my ego. When I felt powerful I felt everyone is on some low level where they're all so slow and stupid. And I was suffering frustration and anger because they were on some low level which was a hindrance and annoying to me to having to deal with.

Sorry if that makes me sound like a bad person. But that's what I fear now. The feelings of bad from some people and my feeling above others because the mind is sharper, faster and stronger through strengthening it with meditation.

My solution must be to get meditations done in the morning so that energy is not raised before going to bed.

My anger issues I will have to work on. I know the answer to a strong mind and self control is void meditation.

Thanks High Priestess Shannon excellent information on the soul.

I know what you mean, its to the point where I do not like going out to crowded places on buses, planes and trains. At first I thought that it was my being paranoid or neurotic but being around a lot of people, I feel like i pick up on too many energies.I feel drained when around a lot of people.It might be because I'm very domestic and sort of introverted, but when I'm around too many people I cant help but tune into them analyze the subtle nuances of the interactions.

Chakra work and yoga, especially Kundalini yoga, should definitely be done in the morning or early afternoon for energy and so that your day goes better. Meditating before you start your day is best since things will go smoother...

Controlling the anger and emotions is a very rewarding experience. Every time one exercises self control, I feel like it is one step closer to mastering the self.

Try not to go a day without chakra empowerment. That can be a new goal. The chakras are everything.
HPS Shannon said:
Controlling the anger and emotions is a very rewarding experience. Every time one exercises self control, I feel like it is one step closer to mastering the self.
Exactly my thoughts, months ago I couldnt stay disciplined in no way, now I CANT stay a day without it, the feeling you get of beeing a better person and helping humanity advance with the RTR is a true blessing, oh and those days in which you feel weak and would rather waste time and you actually push through it and meditate and do your daily work that's what I call advancing!!
YoakeHoshi said:
Wow! I didn't know about the Sun's particle, it's amazing :eek:
Thank you very much HPS Shannon, I really like your sermons :)

Thank you. It is amazing. when I first saw that youtube video, it gave me some shivers because just knowing that really made me see and understand the soul and spiritual satanism much more.

Hail Father Satan!
You mentioned "This is the result of being immersed in spiritual satanism, one will eventually reach a level where experiencing the soul and the physical becomes indivisible."

I am curious how much the physical body or dna influences our perspective and personality. Say I had a different family blood line in a past life (which is more then likely), wouldn't I have technically been a different person because of different genes? I know I will always have the same soul but even that transforms over time. I feel like the me that I know right now will never exist again like having been many different unique individuals over multiple lifetimes.

Also what do you think about a soul's astrology? How many pieces are immovable (such as sun or moon sign). Satanism to me feels like a giant cleansing process where I am constantly removing rough edges to reveal a shining core underneath but what can we actually change? I have Mars in Gemini at 0 degrees and on the JoS astrology page it says that it is subject to change. I wondered if something like that could ever be placed differently in future lives.
Good topic i know of. The low level types of practitioners think the satan just mudurs and steals souls frustrate me i met one before lol. the ley vey style ones have it wrong am i correct??? Or they misuse them rather in a fake way.....i think the christian god is the one that steals souls????
Eric said:
Good topic i know of. The low level types of practitioners think the satan just mudurs and steals souls frustrate me i met one before lol. the ley vey style ones have it wrong am i correct??? Or they misuse them rather in a fake way.....i think the christian god is the one that steals souls????
Basically ALL 'spiritual practices' that are not from Jos are either completely useless or completely harmful. You're right, most new agers who practice meditation are all in a dreamworld of theirs and rotting off their soul invoking angel crap.
I don't normally brush my teeth due to too much floride in toothpaste paste but my teeth are very clean and strong, this is due to more chakra work, what is within is always show on the physical, it is much much better to invest in chakra work and rtr.
mymoney1z said:
I don't normally brush my teeth due to too much floride in toothpaste paste but my teeth are very clean and strong, this is due to more chakra work, what is within is always show on the physical, it is much much better to invest in chakra work and rtr.
there are toothbrush pastes that dont have fluoride, though I dont use them, my teeth are shiny and clean without it too.
HPS Shannon said:
Your body heat is the radiation of your soul's energy.

Finally I have an answer for this. Ever since I began meditating, over time I seemed to 'discover' that whenever I would do meditations on my soul (more specifically empowering my aura with energy) my body temperature would rise and rise until I was sweating, even in a room that I felt was chilly.

When I was younger on this path I had no efficient heating system and winters were harsh, so whenever I was too cold while trying to sleep I would breathe in energy and empower my aura. This would warm me up in a matter of minutes and I would sleep just fine. It's still something I apply every now and then and I always questioned why meditating did that. Now I know that our lightbody's are akin to the sun in that it radiates it's own heat just like one. We're living, sentient stars.

Our souls are quite the pinnacle and we are constructed of all 5 elements of the universe as well. To throw this existence away to the filthy jews is simply unspeakable.
Personal Growth said:
That was really lovely. We are our Soul, it's the core of our being and existence. And can be eternal if worked on and empowered.

Seeing it's the only thing we really have it really makes sense to invest in developing and working on it.

Although I've been dedicated for many years like since the 2008 economy crash and recession.

I was advancing and meditating back then and was getting into sopping wet sweats when I was sleeping. I often felt the heat of my aura and energy buzz.

But I stopped working on empowering my chakras and aura. And it's something that I regret and miss.

Now I do complete three sessions of nine reps of Final RTR daily and just do Maxine Dietrich's descending light and individual chakra cleaning meditation. Then after the aura cleaning I do the affirmations for aura of protection. That's all I do meditation wise at the moment and will start doing more guaranteed.

I stopped because I first found with the raised energy I couldn't sleep. And then was feeling well tired the next day only to still only not be able to sleep.

And secondly I could feel repulsion of so many peoples auras. I must be too sensitive but I could see fake ass smiles but feel negative energy from certain people. Others that were content in themselves I didn't feel anything so they were okay. And the feeling of disgust of some peoples auras was making me feel bad in myself.

Lastly what I don't miss was my ego. When I felt powerful I felt everyone is on some low level where they're all so slow and stupid. And I was suffering frustration and anger because they were on some low level which was a hindrance and annoying to me to having to deal with.

Sorry if that makes me sound like a bad person. But that's what I fear now. The feelings of bad from some people and my feeling above others because the mind is sharper, faster and stronger through strengthening it with meditation.

My solution must be to get meditations done in the morning so that energy is not raised before going to bed.

My anger issues I will have to work on. I know the answer to a strong mind and self control is void meditation.

Thanks High Priestess Shannon excellent information on the soul.

From personal experience, what helped me to drastically reduce heat and overall just 'overactive-ness' while trying to sleep, is to
1) Work on your mind through void meditation, as you already said yourself and
2) Not do more energy-work than you can handle.

The second point especially is very important. The main time during which I have had this issue with sleeping, was when I was doing a 5-part, 1600 rep money working. Needless to say this was a good deal more than what I was able to handle at the time, and negative effects (trouble sleeping) have followed accordingly.

Also, regarding the anger issues you mentioned. This is something that occurs very commonly among most SS as you advance further. The reason I'm even mentioning this at all is because I want to make sure you do not 'repress' your anger. Rather, it is important to instead understand the big picture of why these people are so stupid compared to you(/us). This will make you realize that you shouldn't be angry at them, but rather deal with them while bearing in mind the overall circumstances.
You probably already know these things, but I felt compelled to tell you anyways. Hope something within my message was helpful to you.
Shael said:
Personal Growth said:
That was really lovely. We are our Soul, it's the core of our being and existence. And can be eternal if worked on and empowered.

Seeing it's the only thing we really have it really makes sense to invest in developing and working on it.

Although I've been dedicated for many years like since the 2008 economy crash and recession.

I was advancing and meditating back then and was getting into sopping wet sweats when I was sleeping. I often felt the heat of my aura and energy buzz.

But I stopped working on empowering my chakras and aura. And it's something that I regret and miss.

Now I do complete three sessions of nine reps of Final RTR daily and just do Maxine Dietrich's descending light and individual chakra cleaning meditation. Then after the aura cleaning I do the affirmations for aura of protection. That's all I do meditation wise at the moment and will start doing more guaranteed.

I stopped because I first found with the raised energy I couldn't sleep. And then was feeling well tired the next day only to still only not be able to sleep.

And secondly I could feel repulsion of so many peoples auras. I must be too sensitive but I could see fake ass smiles but feel negative energy from certain people. Others that were content in themselves I didn't feel anything so they were okay. And the feeling of disgust of some peoples auras was making me feel bad in myself.

Lastly what I don't miss was my ego. When I felt powerful I felt everyone is on some low level where they're all so slow and stupid. And I was suffering frustration and anger because they were on some low level which was a hindrance and annoying to me to having to deal with.

Sorry if that makes me sound like a bad person. But that's what I fear now. The feelings of bad from some people and my feeling above others because the mind is sharper, faster and stronger through strengthening it with meditation.

My solution must be to get meditations done in the morning so that energy is not raised before going to bed.

My anger issues I will have to work on. I know the answer to a strong mind and self control is void meditation.

Thanks High Priestess Shannon excellent information on the soul.

From personal experience, what helped me to drastically reduce heat and overall just 'overactive-ness' while trying to sleep, is to
1) Work on your mind through void meditation, as you already said yourself and
2) Not do more energy-work than you can handle.

The second point especially is very important. The main time during which I have had this issue with sleeping, was when I was doing a 5-part, 1600 rep money working. Needless to say this was a good deal more than what I was able to handle at the time, and negative effects (trouble sleeping) have followed accordingly.

Also, regarding the anger issues you mentioned. This is something that occurs very commonly among most SS as you advance further. The reason I'm even mentioning this at all is because I want to make sure you do not 'repress' your anger. Rather, it is important to instead understand the big picture of why these people are so stupid compared to you(/us). This will make you realize that you shouldn't be angry at them, but rather deal with them while bearing in mind the overall circumstances.
You probably already know these things, but I felt compelled to tell you anyways. Hope something within my message was helpful to you.

Hi Shael,

Thank you for the reply and yes it was helpful.

I think when my energy was raised I used to get lots of static energy electric shocks when touching things which was not cool. I hope that it was just static from the environment at the time.

I do worry about my anger. It's because I'm a busy person and am usually fast and efficient. I really don't have time to waste if I'm to get what I need to do done. I get angry and frustrated with not switched on people because I think I don't have time or patience for these people walking around in a trance. But I realise a person should not, "shit on their doorstep". So I'm usually like a duck on the water. Appear all calm and relaxed but under the water the legs are kicking like crazy.

I've already gone through all of the opening of the chakras vibrations and meditations in the past. But since it's been years since I've meditated properly. I'm going to start the opening of the 3rd eye meditation again now. I like the new vibration of Thaum. It's easier and vibrates more in the 3rd eye forehead region than the previous Thoth one did.

I've been thinking but it cannot be so. As the soul is made up of light the light will increase with my working on it and generating the light by directing of the energy.

And not that I need to absorb light energy from the sun. But the light in the soul will develop and grow regardless of the sun.

My pondering is that during the winter in Scotland a person just doesn't get to see any sun. I mean it can be dark and grey like all of the time for months in a row.

And on sunny days the sun in winter in Scotland is weird like it's so weak there's still a darkness. I realised the darkness while the sun is out trying to take photo's in the winter sun where the pictures were still all dark.

Anyway just keep on advancing as you say.
Vx36 said:
You mentioned "This is the result of being immersed in spiritual satanism, one will eventually reach a level where experiencing the soul and the physical becomes indivisible."

I am curious how much the physical body or dna influences our perspective and personality. Say I had a different family blood line in a past life (which is more then likely), wouldn't I have technically been a different person because of different genes? I know I will always have the same soul but even that transforms over time. I feel like the me that I know right now will never exist again like having been many different unique individuals over multiple lifetimes.

Also what do you think about a soul's astrology? How many pieces are immovable (such as sun or moon sign). Satanism to me feels like a giant cleansing process where I am constantly removing rough edges to reveal a shining core underneath but what can we actually change? I have Mars in Gemini at 0 degrees and on the JoS astrology page it says that it is subject to change. I wondered if something like that could ever be placed differently in future lives.

Because humans are not immortal, our souls are not entirely connected and bound to our physical bodies. The soul is connected with the body, genes, etc but not to where it is permanent.This happens with the magnum opus.

All that we experience and learn are stored on the soul which is why we are able to access it through meditation. The reason why we dont remember our past lives is because we have a new body-new brain when we reincarnate but the information is still stored on the soul.

Since the soul is energy, it is subject to other energetic influences, of course. When we are born into new body, the energies from the planets influence our souls and our chakras, which is why astrology is relevant and why it matters.

The more one meditates and goes far in their spiritual advancement,our astrology charts and the planets will no longer be relevant and factor in our lives.This is why meditation and our AoP is important.
Good afternoon everyone. im new to this forum here and in search of answers/information regarding the topic here, ive researched as much as ive could and come up empty so here i am. i would start a new topic but i dont know how. so here is my question. does anyone out there have any knowledge or information regarding being born with mulitple souls in your body and then becoming aware of other souls in your body as you are able to handle the energy of all these souls due to getting stronger energywise and such? ive looked and i am unable to come up with anything to explain whats going on with me. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.
umbrasoktha said:
Good afternoon everyone. im new to this forum here and in search of answers/information regarding the topic here, ive researched as much as ive could and come up empty so here i am. i would start a new topic but i dont know how. so here is my question. does anyone out there have any knowledge or information regarding being born with mulitple souls in your body and then becoming aware of other souls in your body as you are able to handle the energy of all these souls due to getting stronger energywise and such? ive looked and i am unable to come up with anything to explain whats going on with me. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.
There is no way you can have more than 1 soul, it’s new age gibberish
i value all opinions, as such i then say to any who read this, why then do i have them? would any here call my exprieance and life a sinple made up thing? we dont. I have read on the website that invoking of the Demons is a reality, letting them in and them speaking through you. Well what im going through is similer expect i didnt summon them, nor call upon them. i was born with my siblings and family they are to me. please to any who see this please if you have ANY information feel free to contact me. thank you. and thank you who replied for giving me the drive to see this whole thing through. i really do appriecate it.
umbrasoktha said:
i value all opinions, as such i then say to any who read this, why then do i have them? would any here call my exprieance and life a sinple made up thing? we dont. I have read on the website that invoking of the Demons is a reality, letting them in and them speaking through you. Well what im going through is similer expect i didnt summon them, nor call upon them. i was born with my siblings and family they are to me. please to any who see this please if you have ANY information feel free to contact me. thank you. and thank you who replied for giving me the drive to see this whole thing through. i really do appriecate it.
You don't have them, you probabily are attacked by the enemy, and the negative thoughts you get are amplified by your own mind. You're gonna have to start studying joyofsatan.com and meditating, look for the 40 days program. If you havent dedicated to Satan you should do that before starting meditation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
