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The Situation In Syria

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As stated many times before, Israel is now on full bloodlust mode, having opened many fronts in the Middle East. As they keep continuing with massacres and related causes of instability, they earn global recognition of being what "Nazis were supposed to be" for all these years. Israel's reputation is collapsing and with it, they make no loss of their time and seek to constantly cause wars and as much strife as possible in the environment around them that they occupy.

The world observes frozen as Israel is moving into both it's ultimate bloodlust and demise, thinking of what is going to happen because of these events. Many are watching with a bleeding heart, but we have to stay resolute and understand that all of these situations are just part and parcel of Israel running the show. The United States of course is moving behind all of this, like the useful idiot that is supposed to follow Israel into any form of violence.

Some people are asking me if Israel is the causative factor of the "Fall of Syria". Not really. The collapse was internal, not cause directly by the Jews. But the Jews are of course like scavengers and they do their utmost to make benefit of the situation.

This achieves nothing for the United States beyond inviting hatred for it. The United States believe they are "winning" and many are celebrating the fall of Assad, but many do not see what will consequently follow for both the Middle East, or Europe. While many are writing about the "fall of Syria", this is not what has truly happened. What we see here, is the removal of the Syriac government, which will now be upon chance and chaos (and likely external person) to form. The ultimate purpose of this is to change the landscape of Syria and neuter it. Except of Israel which has a lot to gain from this, Turkey also treats Syria as a common enemy, or at least a Nation that they must defend themselves from in the coming upheaval.

Counter-intuitively, the more chaos in the Middle East, is not beneficial for Israel. Israel is the prime agitator for disarray in the Middle East. Without the intervention or help from the United States, Israel will be toast. The Jews know even more how this is going to escalate, and they already have another open front with Lebanon and Gaza, all at the same time. Jews have their hands full during this time.

As Israel keeps adding to their sins, they must not be interrupted; let them stack their sins to the highest heavens, filled with sacrilege and filled with blood on their hands. Only then the world is going to notice that any and all arguments against them are totally truthful and correct. And only when this process has transpired, the myth behind them being in anyway "good" and "God's chosen" will entirely collapse. They are turning the whole planet against them.

The Gods have told me in regard to our own from Syria, that they will protect them and this is what matters first and foremost. Past this, there are limited things that can be done; the situation is that objectively all the neighborhing powers have decided to turn their weapons there due to governmental instability. The next 6 months to a year are going to be very heated there, but above all, we are moving into the unavoidable total unmasking of the Jews.

In this process there has to be patience, because as the enemy falls, they will of course engage in all of these reckless and deadly behaviors and more. The world has more to gain in the long-term from this exposure than anything else.

The Syrian people or Syria in general, has been tormented consistently and this the price to pay when you allow the Jews to reign superior. They ruin anyone on their path, and it won't be long until people figure it all out. The current Syrian crisis will also create more and more "refugee" flows in the West as well, triggering reactions.

While I hate to be the bringer of bad news, there is going to be a lot of instability ahead. Our own will be fine, but about the world, it will have to pay for serving wrong masters. As about us, we must stay focused on our tasks and do what we have to do; the rest is history and we have to go through it as a planet. There is no other way. The immune system of humanity getting hit by an aggressive virus, is the only way that the body will respond.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Nuanced perspective as usual, HP. Nice to get some additional info so we do not worry quite as much.

If anyone is from that relative area, hold your hopes that the people of the Gods will be fine in this.
I really hope that people are beginning to wake and open their eyes to all the bloodshed that they have caused. If you don’t want to understand on a spiritual level, understand by seeing all the innocent bloodshed.
As much as I love seeing people who are waking up and realizing what Israel is ( a genocidal state) it fills me with anger to see people celebrating deaths of so many innocent people... Thank you for this post High Priest I dont know about the others but it calmed me down.
I hope that this is enough for humanity to understand the problem we are fighting. How many conflicts have there been? In each one you could always see the hand of "..." Master, a great important question, we have many rituals. What would you recommend doing additionally. Curse Israel etc.? Glory to the Gods, together we will defeat the enemy.
The only support Israel has, except for a few European nations, is white North America—especially conservative.

Hopefully the brainwashing will cease.

Anyone who supports Israel now is either on their payroll or mentally deranged and possessed by dark forces and evil beings.
Anyone who supports Israel now is either on their payroll or mentally deranged and possessed by dark forces and evil beings.
My mother has been loudly representing Israel and I have told and tried to explain to her numerous times about their lies and such. She does not listen. It is sad to see close family letting themselves fall and degrade..
My mother has been loudly representing Israel and I have told and tried to explain to her numerous times about their lies and such. She does not listen. It is sad to see close family letting themselves fall and degrade..

These people are just not informed; they have bought the narrative that the Jews make that they are "victims". These people are innocent. But the power structure behind Israel is rife with unholy entities.
As stated many times before, Israel is now on full bloodlust mode, having opened many fronts in the Middle East. As they keep continuing with massacres and related causes of instability, they earn global recognition of being what "Nazis were supposed to be" for all these years. Israel's reputation is collapsing and with it, they make no loss of their time and seek to constantly cause wars and as much strife as possible in the environment around them that they occupy.

The world observes frozen as Israel is moving into both it's ultimate bloodlust and demise, thinking of what is going to happen because of these events. Many are watching with a bleeding heart, but we have to stay resolute and understand that all of these situations are just part and parcel of Israel running the show. The United States of course is moving behind all of this, like the useful idiot that is supposed to follow Israel into any form of violence.

Some people are asking me if Israel is the causative factor of the "Fall of Syria". Not really. The collapse was internal, not cause directly by the Jews. But the Jews are of course like scavengers and they do their utmost to make benefit of the situation.

This achieves nothing for the United States beyond inviting hatred for it. The United States believe they are "winning" and many are celebrating the fall of Assad, but many do not see what will consequently follow for both the Middle East, or Europe. While many are writing about the "fall of Syria", this is not what has truly happened. What we see here, is the removal of the Syriac government, which will now be upon chance and chaos (and likely external person) to form. The ultimate purpose of this is to change the landscape of Syria and neuter it. Except of Israel which has a lot to gain from this, Turkey also treats Syria as a common enemy, or at least a Nation that they must defend themselves from in the coming upheaval.

Counter-intuitively, the more chaos in the Middle East, is not beneficial for Israel. Israel is the prime agitator for disarray in the Middle East. Without the intervention or help from the United States, Israel will be toast. The Jews know even more how this is going to escalate, and they already have another open front with Lebanon and Gaza, all at the same time. Jews have their hands full during this time.

As Israel keeps adding to their sins, they must not be interrupted; let them stack their sins to the highest heavens, filled with sacrilege and filled with blood on their hands. Only then the world is going to notice that any and all arguments against them are totally truthful and correct. And only when this process has transpired, the myth behind them being in anyway "good" and "God's chosen" will entirely collapse. They are turning the whole planet against them.

The Gods have told me in regard to our own from Syria, that they will protect them and this is what matters first and foremost. Past this, there are limited things that can be done; the situation is that objectively all the neighborhing powers have decided to turn their weapons there due to governmental instability. The next 6 months to a year are going to be very heated there, but above all, we are moving into the unavoidable total unmasking of the Jews.

In this process there has to be patience, because as the enemy falls, they will of course engage in all of these reckless and deadly behaviors and more. The world has more to gain in the long-term from this exposure than anything else.

The Syrian people or Syria in general, has been tormented consistently and this the price to pay when you allow the Jews to reign superior. They ruin anyone on their path, and it won't be long until people figure it all out. The current Syrian crisis will also create more and more "refugee" flows in the West as well, triggering reactions.

While I hate to be the bringer of bad news, there is going to be a lot of instability ahead. Our own will be fine, but about the world, it will have to pay for serving wrong masters. As about us, we must stay focused on our tasks and do what we have to do; the rest is history and we have to go through it as a planet. There is no other way. The immune system of humanity getting hit by an aggressive virus, is the only way that the body will respond.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Keep doing the RTR's 😍❤️
As stated many times before, Israel is now on full bloodlust mode, having opened many fronts in the Middle East. As they keep continuing with massacres and related causes of instability, they earn global recognition of being what "Nazis were supposed to be" for all these years. Israel's reputation is collapsing and with it, they make no loss of their time and seek to constantly cause wars and as much strife as possible in the environment around them that they occupy.

The world observes frozen as Israel is moving into both it's ultimate bloodlust and demise, thinking of what is going to happen because of these events. Many are watching with a bleeding heart, but we have to stay resolute and understand that all of these situations are just part and parcel of Israel running the show. The United States of course is moving behind all of this, like the useful idiot that is supposed to follow Israel into any form of violence.

Some people are asking me if Israel is the causative factor of the "Fall of Syria". Not really. The collapse was internal, not cause directly by the Jews. But the Jews are of course like scavengers and they do their utmost to make benefit of the situation.

This achieves nothing for the United States beyond inviting hatred for it. The United States believe they are "winning" and many are celebrating the fall of Assad, but many do not see what will consequently follow for both the Middle East, or Europe. While many are writing about the "fall of Syria", this is not what has truly happened. What we see here, is the removal of the Syriac government, which will now be upon chance and chaos (and likely external person) to form. The ultimate purpose of this is to change the landscape of Syria and neuter it. Except of Israel which has a lot to gain from this, Turkey also treats Syria as a common enemy, or at least a Nation that they must defend themselves from in the coming upheaval.

Counter-intuitively, the more chaos in the Middle East, is not beneficial for Israel. Israel is the prime agitator for disarray in the Middle East. Without the intervention or help from the United States, Israel will be toast. The Jews know even more how this is going to escalate, and they already have another open front with Lebanon and Gaza, all at the same time. Jews have their hands full during this time.

As Israel keeps adding to their sins, they must not be interrupted; let them stack their sins to the highest heavens, filled with sacrilege and filled with blood on their hands. Only then the world is going to notice that any and all arguments against them are totally truthful and correct. And only when this process has transpired, the myth behind them being in anyway "good" and "God's chosen" will entirely collapse. They are turning the whole planet against them.

The Gods have told me in regard to our own from Syria, that they will protect them and this is what matters first and foremost. Past this, there are limited things that can be done; the situation is that objectively all the neighborhing powers have decided to turn their weapons there due to governmental instability. The next 6 months to a year are going to be very heated there, but above all, we are moving into the unavoidable total unmasking of the Jews.

In this process there has to be patience, because as the enemy falls, they will of course engage in all of these reckless and deadly behaviors and more. The world has more to gain in the long-term from this exposure than anything else.

The Syrian people or Syria in general, has been tormented consistently and this the price to pay when you allow the Jews to reign superior. They ruin anyone on their path, and it won't be long until people figure it all out. The current Syrian crisis will also create more and more "refugee" flows in the West as well, triggering reactions.

While I hate to be the bringer of bad news, there is going to be a lot of instability ahead. Our own will be fine, but about the world, it will have to pay for serving wrong masters. As about us, we must stay focused on our tasks and do what we have to do; the rest is history and we have to go through it as a planet. There is no other way. The immune system of humanity getting hit by an aggressive virus, is the only way that the body will respond.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I am happy we have you on your side. I am happy to hear the gods have given you this beautiful message and clarity on the matters Sure there may be a stir. Fear is for the weak though. A little change and also challenge cannot stop what the gods are bringing into fruition.. also with the help of those staying dedicated and committing to the ultimate goal for helping bring back the ancient sound of the gods and restore balance. From what I see, it is one less enemy in the end as we march closer towards our new age.

Fasten your seat belts ladies n gentlemen lol they might even go as far as trying to lock the entire world down more than ever too. Every attempt our enemy makes will be a failed attempt regardless of what ever happens. remember that brothers and sisters while we walk forward on our path With faith and integrity. Eventually the people will see after becoming tougher... From having now seen and experiencing these things, they will stand together in a time when it's needed most causing even greater revolution.

The people lost will wake up from being shaken and like an unrelenting force being returned upon the corrupt...will the cries of the innocent and weak shake the corrupt and the seats they sit on.....from the cries and blood shed from all of our ancestors who were victims.. they are with us too ready to help bring justice.

There is no need to be afraid, only wise. Our gods have given us wisdom, a helping hand even and the tools we need to survive and help usher in the forgotten beauty, utilize them to your fullest capacity.

This is Satan and the gods earth, this is a sacred kingdom meant for the gods people like us. The corrupt who have taken over are greedy, they are selfish, they have defiled themselves and wish to have spread these roots into the hearts of others to defile this world even more... Trying to bring us all down. They wished to spread it, they wished to control us not realizing they bit off more than they can chew, now they will choke as their own disgusting creation returns back ten fold on them crushing them to the point of nothingness. Nothing but dust floating in the air at that point. It's the price to pay after all for having the balls to think they are some master, but they know nothing of mastery like our great gods and goddesses do!!

There are so many wrong and absurd things that I can only stay quiet and absorbed in myself.

I did and do my part to have my soul golden and with a divine shadow that I feel that I am invulnerable to bad conditions and negativity, but I do not deny the revolt and hopelessness even knowing the facts that must happen.

I swore months ago that I would laugh at the andrapods and the human scum receiving what they planted, but the feeling is cold and lonely in the face of reality. What filth.

The next 6 months to a year are going to be very heated there, but above all, we are moving into the unavoidable total unmasking of the Jews.

I'm so happy!!! What great news!!! I don't really know much about geopolitics, but I know good news when I see it <3

These people are just not informed

Many don't even want to listen when you try to inform them. Every single time I try to list historical facts and hard evidence about similar events and our Gods, I always get something like "shut up!". I don't know the point of why I should shut up...

The Gods have told me in regard to our own from Syria, that they will protect them and this is what matters first and foremost.

I feel sorry for my Brothers and Sisters in Syria, but if I know that the Gods will protect them, I am not worried. Yes, I still feel sorry for them, but be strong and look to the future: the Jews will only get destruction for their attacks. Hail Satanas!
I will say, as someone who was and is Syrian government supporter, and someone who's been following the conflict fairly closely since around 2016 or so, what's happened there in the past several days or so has been extremely difficult to watch.

I understand what's happening however, and I know that this is simply something that needs to occur to wake people up about the jews.

I'm gonna quote what "the_goy_mutt" says here though, because this is worth paying attention to:

It was a strategic victory for the jews, since now Iran will no longer be able to arm and supply the Hezbollah fighters.


The road linking Iran to southern Lebanon passes through Syria and is now in the hands of various groups that are more focused on fighting each other than fighting Israel.

When Assad was in power, Iran had in Syria relatively secure routes and storage sites for arming israel's enemies...

This advantage no longer exists.

Moreover, even before Assad lost Syria complety, the Israelis had already begun their invasion and annexation of southwest Syria.
The Golan Heights are now under Jewish control.

Basically, this is all true, and it's an unfortunate fact now that the so called "resistance axis" against pissrael (whether they were ever genuinely willing or able to achieve anything decisive against it or not) is now decapitated, and will probably cease to exist soon. Lebanon is likely next, and will unfortunately share a similar fate to Syria in the coming months.

When pissrael last had Lebanon in its sights back in 2006 (they caused a political crisis that lead to a lot of violence and unrest) it was Syrian troops who were able to bring stability by occupying Lebanon for a while. It was only after pissrael was able to get them to leave that they invaded, but Hezbollah fought them to a standstill and drove them back.

Without Syria and Hezbollah, Lebanon is gonna be on the jews chopping block next.

Iran itself will survive I think, it's military and economy are definitely no joke, but it will be sad to watch the other middle eastern countries they tried to protect fall.
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You'd think all the refugees who fled to Europe to escape Assad regime would return home now. Alas they won't. These kalergi colonisers have gotten too comfortable living in Europe at the expense of the European tax payer.
Fighters who confront the zionist project with blood and sword, rather than “rituals” or words.
Who was also achieving real and evident results in making the jewish state unviable.
The Golan Heights are now under Jewish control.
Here you go again trying to ridicule and question the effectiveness of our efforts against the jews. Apparently, there have been multiple similar accounts trying to tell us: "Oy vey goy, stop cursing the Jews, it doesn't work, you have to go in the battlefield and get slaughtered directly by our bombs, it's the only way you can make a difference and win this war!"

While the most known and respected Jew in history, the Rebbe, clearly stated to his own that those of them who engage in spiritual warfare are even more important than the soldiers themselves when it comes to winning wars. And at the same time they literally have Rabbis in their army who are there to offer spiritual support and protection. But no of course, all of this is not even real and these jews who have been obsessed with occult knowledge and Magick for thousands of years are all stupid and 'the goy mutt' is the genius here.

If one still questions the JoS' influence on global events at this point, one is either retarded or one is being deceitful on purpose, sorry if I am so direct. Just take a look at how they were doing before the JoS was established and look at their situation now. Their reputation is permanently in ruins throughout the world, their economy is in shambles and when it comes to the military situation their situation is dire.

Syria was basically a corpse for the last decade, its eventual fall was inevitable, just look at how little effort it took for the regime to fall. Even the arm supply to Hezbollah from Iran became practically impossible in the last year due to Israel regularly bombing airports and literally everything else that moved in the country. Hezbollah already has what it needs, I think nothing much would've changed if Assad's extremely frail regime was still there. Iran will still try its best to support their allies regardless.

Lastly I see so many people online crying hopeless that "Israel has won this war" every time Israel achieves some "result". Where is your fighting spirit? Where is your pride? Some people are truly so frail and easy to be broken. The situation in Syria is extremely volatile, it's not clear at all what will become of the country, and chances that this will backfire massively on the jews are high. Assad at least ensured some stability, now nobody knows what will happen. What is certain is that Israel's complete and total defeat is inevitable and imminent. Nothing will ever change that, no win that they get, no positive result, nothing. It's set in stone, no one in the Universe will be able to change this. Their end is inevitable. We just have to keep working relentlessly and not let our guard down.
The sacrifice of the innocent victims of the enemy must not be in vain.
May this blow back on them a thousand times stronger.
Maybe the Anti War RTRs could have been useful to prevent this, but this tragedy caught everyone off guard.
The issue here unfortunately is that this bloodshed might be what's needed for the world to wake up and realize what monsters the jews are... It's like a necessary sacrifice. It's horrible, but the world has blinded itself so so so much that only something as monstrous as this will wake it up. May the Gods protect the Souls of the innocents caught up in this. I don't worry as much for our own people there because I know for sure that unless they do something really dumb, they will be shielded. I worry more about the innocents that are not our own, especially clueless children... Fuck I want to vomit.
But no of course, all of this is not even real and these jews who have been obsessed with occult knowledge and Magick for thousands of years are all stupid and 'the goy mutt' is the genius here.
He could've at least used a least obvious username. Either jew himself, or total black-pill. One is disgusting, one is sad.
He could've at least used a least obvious username. Either jew himself, or total black-pill. One is disgusting, one is sad.
less obvious*
It deeply saddens me that every significant historical event is always accompanied by the shedding of blood of many people. I know that, in the end, these spilled blood awaken people from their ignorance. But didn’t those whose blood has been shed deserve a slightly better life?
Just by thinking about this a little, one can understand that Jews are the main cause of the destruction of human life.
Russia officially occupies the biggest part of Ukraine since the start of the war, and according to mainstream news, if Ukrainian forces can't deliver a strategic victory before January, Zelensky will be exiled and Ukraine will be forced to accept Russian terms of negotiation and in the aftermath of the conflict, Ukraine will be divided in 3 parts: East (under Russian control), Center (under Polish control) and West (controlled by US and NATO). As Putin and Russia shifted all their attention to the Ukraine conflict, they loosened their attention in Syria and the Middle-East which allowed the fall of Bashar Assad as Russia was the major supporter of his government. Makes one wonder if this was the exact goal of Israel and their puppets in the NATO countries since before the start of the Ukraine war.
As stated many times before, Israel is now on full bloodlust mode, having opened many fronts in the Middle East. As they keep continuing with massacres and related causes of instability, they earn global recognition of being what "Nazis were supposed to be" for all these years. Israel's reputation is collapsing and with it, they make no loss of their time and seek to constantly cause wars and as much strife as possible in the environment around them that they occupy.

The world observes frozen as Israel is moving into both it's ultimate bloodlust and demise, thinking of what is going to happen because of these events. Many are watching with a bleeding heart, but we have to stay resolute and understand that all of these situations are just part and parcel of Israel running the show. The United States of course is moving behind all of this, like the useful idiot that is supposed to follow Israel into any form of violence.

Some people are asking me if Israel is the causative factor of the "Fall of Syria". Not really. The collapse was internal, not cause directly by the Jews. But the Jews are of course like scavengers and they do their utmost to make benefit of the situation.

This achieves nothing for the United States beyond inviting hatred for it. The United States believe they are "winning" and many are celebrating the fall of Assad, but many do not see what will consequently follow for both the Middle East, or Europe. While many are writing about the "fall of Syria", this is not what has truly happened. What we see here, is the removal of the Syriac government, which will now be upon chance and chaos (and likely external person) to form. The ultimate purpose of this is to change the landscape of Syria and neuter it. Except of Israel which has a lot to gain from this, Turkey also treats Syria as a common enemy, or at least a Nation that they must defend themselves from in the coming upheaval.

Counter-intuitively, the more chaos in the Middle East, is not beneficial for Israel. Israel is the prime agitator for disarray in the Middle East. Without the intervention or help from the United States, Israel will be toast. The Jews know even more how this is going to escalate, and they already have another open front with Lebanon and Gaza, all at the same time. Jews have their hands full during this time.

As Israel keeps adding to their sins, they must not be interrupted; let them stack their sins to the highest heavens, filled with sacrilege and filled with blood on their hands. Only then the world is going to notice that any and all arguments against them are totally truthful and correct. And only when this process has transpired, the myth behind them being in anyway "good" and "God's chosen" will entirely collapse. They are turning the whole planet against them.

The Gods have told me in regard to our own from Syria, that they will protect them and this is what matters first and foremost. Past this, there are limited things that can be done; the situation is that objectively all the neighborhing powers have decided to turn their weapons there due to governmental instability. The next 6 months to a year are going to be very heated there, but above all, we are moving into the unavoidable total unmasking of the Jews.

In this process there has to be patience, because as the enemy falls, they will of course engage in all of these reckless and deadly behaviors and more. The world has more to gain in the long-term from this exposure than anything else.

The Syrian people or Syria in general, has been tormented consistently and this the price to pay when you allow the Jews to reign superior. They ruin anyone on their path, and it won't be long until people figure it all out. The current Syrian crisis will also create more and more "refugee" flows in the West as well, triggering reactions.

While I hate to be the bringer of bad news, there is going to be a lot of instability ahead. Our own will be fine, but about the world, it will have to pay for serving wrong masters. As about us, we must stay focused on our tasks and do what we have to do; the rest is history and we have to go through it as a planet. There is no other way. The immune system of humanity getting hit by an aggressive virus, is the only way that the body will respond.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
From darkness, comes the light.

Hail Satan!!
Hail Lilith!!
Hail Andras!!
As stated many times before, Israel is now on full bloodlust mode, having opened many fronts in the Middle East. As they keep continuing with massacres and related causes of instability, they earn global recognition of being what "Nazis were supposed to be" for all these years. Israel's reputation is collapsing and with it, they make no loss of their time and seek to constantly cause wars and as much strife as possible in the environment around them that they occupy.

The world observes frozen as Israel is moving into both it's ultimate bloodlust and demise, thinking of what is going to happen because of these events. Many are watching with a bleeding heart, but we have to stay resolute and understand that all of these situations are just part and parcel of Israel running the show. The United States of course is moving behind all of this, like the useful idiot that is supposed to follow Israel into any form of violence.

Some people are asking me if Israel is the causative factor of the "Fall of Syria". Not really. The collapse was internal, not cause directly by the Jews. But the Jews are of course like scavengers and they do their utmost to make benefit of the situation.

This achieves nothing for the United States beyond inviting hatred for it. The United States believe they are "winning" and many are celebrating the fall of Assad, but many do not see what will consequently follow for both the Middle East, or Europe. While many are writing about the "fall of Syria", this is not what has truly happened. What we see here, is the removal of the Syriac government, which will now be upon chance and chaos (and likely external person) to form. The ultimate purpose of this is to change the landscape of Syria and neuter it. Except of Israel which has a lot to gain from this, Turkey also treats Syria as a common enemy, or at least a Nation that they must defend themselves from in the coming upheaval.

Counter-intuitively, the more chaos in the Middle East, is not beneficial for Israel. Israel is the prime agitator for disarray in the Middle East. Without the intervention or help from the United States, Israel will be toast. The Jews know even more how this is going to escalate, and they already have another open front with Lebanon and Gaza, all at the same time. Jews have their hands full during this time.

As Israel keeps adding to their sins, they must not be interrupted; let them stack their sins to the highest heavens, filled with sacrilege and filled with blood on their hands. Only then the world is going to notice that any and all arguments against them are totally truthful and correct. And only when this process has transpired, the myth behind them being in anyway "good" and "God's chosen" will entirely collapse. They are turning the whole planet against them.

The Gods have told me in regard to our own from Syria, that they will protect them and this is what matters first and foremost. Past this, there are limited things that can be done; the situation is that objectively all the neighborhing powers have decided to turn their weapons there due to governmental instability. The next 6 months to a year are going to be very heated there, but above all, we are moving into the unavoidable total unmasking of the Jews.

In this process there has to be patience, because as the enemy falls, they will of course engage in all of these reckless and deadly behaviors and more. The world has more to gain in the long-term from this exposure than anything else.

The Syrian people or Syria in general, has been tormented consistently and this the price to pay when you allow the Jews to reign superior. They ruin anyone on their path, and it won't be long until people figure it all out. The current Syrian crisis will also create more and more "refugee" flows in the West as well, triggering reactions.

While I hate to be the bringer of bad news, there is going to be a lot of instability ahead. Our own will be fine, but about the world, it will have to pay for serving wrong masters. As about us, we must stay focused on our tasks and do what we have to do; the rest is history and we have to go through it as a planet. There is no other way. The immune system of humanity getting hit by an aggressive virus, is the only way that the body will respond.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Maybe Israel will be discovered and
People will stop helping them
maybe people will see there lies
The world is quite the mess now. There are changes and major turmoils in so many places simultaneously. Starmer and Scholtz wish to have a more conservative approach, France's government is in crisis, Romania's presidential elections cancelled because of a deep state internal struggle, Ukraine - Russia escalation, Georgia riots, South Korea state of emergency/martial law and now the fall of Syria's government. let's not forget that somehow Kursk was infiltrated by Ukrainian military elements and mercenaries. Those might be negotiation points for the upcoming peace between Ukraine and Russia and people suffer from it. We do not know what concessions could be made. It is important to stay safe and away from any violent instigation. This is not our war! Stay safe and calm, I think and hope it will pass by the first months of 2025
The issue here unfortunately is that this bloodshed might be what's needed for the world to wake up and realize what monsters the jews are... It's like a necessary sacrifice. It's horrible, but the world has blinded itself so so so much that only something as monstrous as this will wake it up. May the Gods protect the Souls of the innocents caught up in this. I don't worry as much for our own people there because I know for sure that unless they do something really dumb, they will be shielded. I worry more about the innocents that are not our own, especially clueless children... Fuck I want to vomit.
We are not sacrificing anything. Karma is unfolding, they wanted this and are bringing it to themselves. RTRs remove curses in Hebrew and that’s it, there’s only so much we can do with RTRs for people who are bringing this to themselves.

There are no innocents here just children dying, not the first time children/women/men died or suffered in times of hardship. You shouldn’t get so caught up by events like these, as there will be probably much more to come.

It gets worse before it gets better.
You'd think all the refugees who fled to Europe to escape Assad regime would return home now. Alas they won't. These kalergi colonisers have gotten too comfortable living in Europe at the expense of the European tax payer.
Return to what? The country is now going to get unimaginably worse than anything compared to Assad regime. All factors happening lead to Syria’s ultimate ruin.

The only Kalergi colonizers are Europe’s jewish people in power pushing and forcing immigration down everyone’s throats.
While the most known and respected Jew in history, the Rebbe, clearly stated to his own that those of them who engage in spiritual warfare are even more important than the soldiers themselves when it comes to winning wars. And at the same time they literally have Rabbis in their army who are there to offer spiritual support and protection. But no of course, all of this is not even real and these jews who have been obsessed with occult knowledge and Magick for thousands of years are all stupid and 'the goy mutt' is the genius here.
The jews have succeeded in making most Gentiles "ridicule" metaphysics and the occult, first through xianity and islam and then with "muh science". We here in the Assembly of the Gods are not like most Gentiles.
Return to what? The country is now going to get unimaginably worse than anything compared to Assad regime. All factors happening lead to Syria’s ultimate ruin.

The only Kalergi colonizers are Europe’s jewish people in power pushing and forcing immigration down everyone’s throats.
No, also the arabs are kalergi occupiers, doesn't matter if jews push them there. They're still enemies.
Return to what? The country is now going to get unimaginably worse than anything compared to Assad regime. All factors happening lead to Syria’s ultimate ruin.

The only Kalergi colonizers are Europe’s jewish people in power pushing and forcing immigration down everyone’s throats.
There are videos on YouTube of them celebrating the fall of the Assad Regime. The next logical step for them is to return home.
Europe is not their land. It never was and never will be. The Middle East is their home.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
