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The Sins Of Israel & Iran War

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I have to open the internet again and see the news and here we go again, more jews who bombed Iranian generals, after a whole cycle of time of attacking and killing babies and children while they claim it was "Hamas" which all of Israel and even it's military members admit it's all lies.

Somehow this world has to sit there all the time, ignore all the valid problems and dangers, and always suck Israeli dick. The reason of this is because the jews are literally a bandit tribe, that has stolen and is very much manipulating occult knowledge.

Normally, the world should respond: "So a bunch of you retarded assholes in Israel want to build "Greater Israel" because your "great Rabbis and grandfathers" gave you the command to genocide everyone else and take over the "world", and you want to conduct genocide on the whole of the Middle East? That's your agenda? Then, you should try it if you want and experience the consequences. We won't be involved, you are criminally insane".

Then Israel should be allowed to rot and die, since it constantly sows discords, wars and genocides. Israel could not stand the adversity of people greater than it in the region, and would clearly perish without external help to always bail it out of it's own sins.

Unfortunately, the answer is the reverse from us: "Oh, so you want to conduct massive genocide and want to create Greater Israel and cause WW3 with this and twillight on the planet? Yet, let us give you infinite money, weaponry and everything you need, and likely kill ourselves in the process, so you can make that happen. We are equally criminally insane as you are, because we are good slaves who want to be good people, and you Israeli "people", you decide who is good and who isn't :)".

Instead, we will again send American troops and American protection, and western "protection", to a literal criminally insane bandit state. The reason this race has went insane is very well documented in it's history and it's psychological "evolution", historically this was mapped out by many people, and psychologically Nietszche did all the precious work of exploring that. It's all based on hate, hate of the greater people's and a mental disability to work and to create.

The striking limitation of the jewish mind, heart and soul, but their unrelenting wrath and sin of anger, is something that has baffled people for centuries. Normal and sane people could never really understand it. And those who did understand it had to be labelled as "evil", because according to the jews, it's forbidden to question them and talk about this subject, that's the level of confusion and cuckoldry they have promoted in our civilizations.

These endless pitfalls inside this diseased bunch of people, who happen to terrorize the planet with occult knowledge and financial tricks, is about to cost humanity yet another World War 3, or at least we have to enjoy that risk, yet again.

I spent all my life and early years, listening about "Hitler" and other "madmen" who didn't like the jews. We were taught these are all madmen and that now, since they aren't around anymore, the world is on this great state of peaceful lovingkindness where these "evil things" they claim to have done won't happen again.

Strangely, Stalin who was jewish wasn't that much included, only Hitler who wasn't jewish. Made me wonder why. Kept on with my life and found out later why.

Now, none of these "madmen" run anything.

Still, Putin and many others are about to rush this world into WW3. "Coincidentally", the jews are involved in both yet again the Ukrainian Russian conflict and the Middle Eastern conflict, as direct causes. Anyone who sees any patterns in these or in history is branded as "evil", it's the easy answer to not have to answer the old question of torment, as to why they have to even participate in these decisions, from the inside of Nations that are completely foreign to them.

If anyone else was doing that, it wouldn't be forbidden to converse about it either. It is in that case, of course. Anyway the powers that be tell us all like children that thankfully, all the "evil guys", are solely those who had a critical view of the jews and not really jews who have conducted anything wrong. It would take reading the jewish spiritual books and materials to understand this crazy reasoning, because in the Talmud and all their "holy books", it says the same thing.

Stalin could kill 40 to 60 million Russians, but this is not a "sin", meanwhile, anyone who thinks remotely that jews might have an overreaching power they use wrongly, is liable to perish in "Eternal Torment!". So we are told there aren't "Evil Guys" anymore in the scene of history and that's "Good News!".

It's all the "good", "semite friendly", serf slaves, that are about to launch WW3 and unleash terror and destruction to humanity again. Strange because I thought we were all friends and good people on the planet left, since those who had a negative opinion about the jews based on their 2500+ years plus of historical acts and patterns, dislike them.

None of the "evil unaccepted guys" that I learned about are school are the deciding factors of this, or are even historically present. For about a hundred years or more. Still, not that much improvement.

It's the "Good guys" that are doing all this. The ones we are taught to "respect" and who have all the "good moral virtues", morals being around, supporting all the diseases generated morally, ethically and on a civilization level, by a worthless middle eastern "Tribe" that is called "Jews".

It takes not much of a mind to understand that all the programs of the jewish people and all their historical actions, have done exactly what they claimed their "enemies" have been doing. This extended from every person that was "against them", to even the Gods themselves.

You open the Bible on the first pages and the first book is called "Exodus", the celebration of the mass genocide of the "repressive Egyptians". We have that in our schools and as a "basis for culture". Criminality, victim mentality, worshiping "jews" as "Gods", has cost humanity many IQ points. Too many, in fact, that we have to live in an animal society.

The "Good Christian" who "Follows God" is supposed to celebrate these old genocides, and now, wear his United States Uniform and fly to Israel, to fight for it and again have us risking plunging humanity into WW3 or some sort of large scale damnation.

They do genocide as everyone knows for many months now on the pretext of "Hamas", but they claim they were "genocided" by some Hitler, for an amount and number that didn't even exist at the time in Europe, for example. One would think that a people "that persecuted" and that "suffering", wouldn't even have the mind to engage in the "terrorizing" actions that they claim they were "victims" of.

The reality is however that they were never victims, these never occurred, and that after the victim status has wore off [granting them a Nation, endless billions, and a voice on the world - based on nothing], it's all falling down like a broken mask, and the great villain is now going on to promote without a shed of guilt, their greatest plan of genocide and "Greater Israel". With great bloodlust, they will do whatever they intended from the beginning.

As people research into them, they find shocking things such as these "agendas" and "racial mission of a jewish people", is actually what motivates them. As most other human beings aren't like that, they can hardly process this reality. But it's there and unfolding in front of everyone's eyes.

These simple psychological tricks have fallen apart yet because we have a full on control of these lizards on a species and deciding posts of civilization level, we have to still endure the threat of their old, repetitive lies. We still have to defend them and pretend we don't know, or we still have to pretend this is somehow "part of our living interest". None of it is real.

Now people have stood for a moment to understand this unholy power relationship which has the Western world so poisoned, so unable to create, so distracted all the time, that instead of reaching the stars and having many vibrant families and expanding the species, we actually have to nanny a worthless tribal state and other people who don't know how to create a toilet, to keep them from killing each other, because they all believe in jewish religious drivel, like Islam and Judaism.

In the West we are busy now trying to find the 30th gender [they made that nonsense and allowed it], experiencing endless "self deserved" whoredom [yes, they made the foundations for this too], having idiocy of trying to figure out if Jesus said this or that on his Synagogue with other jews [that too, they made], and having to survive this or that financial plot that makes life unlivable for a striking percent of the population [they made that too, sourced thanks to them].

The educated people know it's all the jews, and they know these sins are registered into the Eternal Aether, never to be forgotten by the eyes of the Gods.

Eventually, all this glorious dance of illness and deception is going to end, and likely in hellfire. But still I won't derive anything from it but a large disappointment, a large feeling of all the pain of wasted time, effort, energy, so that humanity had to nanny these insane diseased elements again.

Any person who is sane would wish things would never have to come down to this. I mourn for the lost resources, lost time, lost people, lost opportunities that humanity could have, if it didn't have to fight for that nonsense. But it's not something that can be avoided.

Now I'll of course close the news for one more time, knowing that humanity has to run yet another risk of "perishing", in the dual side of either the Jews go to war and we have to go to wars, or they die and we somehow have to die with them, because idiots had to adopt Jewish culture and have been socially mind-washed from all the controlling posts in the Media, Schools, Academia and Religion and every other frontier of information.

Strange route for a civilization to take, when the claim is that the jews who obviously did it all and maintain it all, cannot even be mentioned of doing that. Funny isn't it?

The "Evil Guys" in all of the worthless stories jews, aren't causing a WW3. They aren't doing a million things that could enslave or destroy humanity. The "landscape" of history is filled with "Good Guys" who have to compulsively either be jews, or like them.

We are all with the "good guys", and this "good company" is always rallying us to wars strangely, killing humans, perverting human society and doing everything that will confuse and impede humanity from development and growth. These people want to call themselves "good" and "justified" at all costs.

Maybe it should help one understand that it's actually evil that reigns today, a form of evil that is so desperate to call itself and it's insanity, "good".

Whether humanity pays another huge price, I won't care, having done my ends to describe this situation.

In fact, if none of this existed, that would be best for everyone involved, even the evil species who are causing these things for what they think it's their benefit, because jews suffer the most from their own caveman worthless mind.

Anyhow it's up to the Gods and fortune to decide if they deserve the rockets anyway. But so far I see, the worthless chihuahua called Israel really wants it's war that American men and Western men will fight again on it's behalf.

As we die for the "Integrity of the jewish people and borders", we will be told we must invite endless Jamal and Tayyid in Europe and the United States, so they can fuck our wives and racial codes, because IN OUR CASE borders don't matter and humanity is one large united family [unless it's to defend Israel's uniqueness in which case the world approves a whole Genocide so the jews can stay racially and culturally pure inside their own borders, with no Jamal and no Tayyid to fuck their wives, lol].

On our way home and after westerners will have to die and kill innocent people for Israel, we will also get a lesson in Jewish Feminism and Jewish Sexual liberation, but that is for after WW3 escalates and everything innocent is slaughtered for no reason other than the fact that the jewish chihuahua wants another war like a spoiled whore.

I never know when I open then news what morbid insanity I will see next. It's a circus of surprises. Maybe the day is arriving when the giant rockets will sound like fireworks.

Stay tuned guys, the "good people" have likely a lot of circus madness in store for us.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I'd like to repeat the Reverse Torah Ritual # 2 to Prevent another Major War but change one word in the affirmation to help the Palestinians.

• Vibrate AUM
• The God of Israel Has Lost All Power
Palestine is being restored
• The Jewish attempts at starting another War have Failed Completely and Permanently
• Vibrate AUM

Is this feasible?

I'm staying right where I am. My country will have to drag me to the middle east by force if they want me to "help".

I hope these cunts blow themselves up and save everyone the trouble.
This is upsetting news to hear but it was to be expected.

Barbarian Netan-yahoo is doing the very thing he said pissrael would do - spread their incursion past Gaza and into Iran and other parts of the Middle East (Jordan, Syria and so on if I recall). This is sickening and I will revel in the day they are left to the mercy of our Gods. I hope that their end will be as excruciating as possible considering all the suffering and death they have brought into this world.

For anyone to think that these zionists are not mass-murdering innocent people, I don't know what to say. X-tards are some of the lowest form of human intelligence believing this lie and not knowing the bloody history of this warmongering country. A very few get it but it is a very few indeed. I live with one that's heavily programmed who said that people in Palestine (without having prior knowledge of xianity) suddenly recieved names and scriptures in their head, that it was a miracle... more like a curse from the reptilians.

I'll keep working on RTRs and avoid getting lost in trying to understand how these people think. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Xianists are in such denial thinking that it's all part of gawds plan, that evil people are used to bring about positive changes that we cannot understand in our current plane of existence. Yeah right! In reality they fear the mudslimes who are equally deluded and self-righteous morons cut from the same cloth.

There is no hope for these kinds of people, at least not outside of the cosmos. The best way that we can 'up the ante' is to shut out their lunacy and to focus on ourselves entirely. Feeling sorry for them is a pointless endeavour. They need to learn to feel sorry for themselves and to learn from their mistakes rather than looking to us for empathy.

Stay strong everybody and sorry for venting. :-/
Somewhere there are gentiles who need help. I don't know what will happen if the war spreads to Turkey, there is no second Ataturk. It is the same for every nation. So if a war calendar is published, we should all participate. Let's do our best.
All I know is that there is happiness at the end of this road. I'm ready for tomorrow.

We're ready, Commander.
Was also reading the newspaper yesterday. Some article about farmers not being allowed to dump all their cowdung back onto the fields. But 'we have a longer growing season and the fields demand more nutrients'. For the sake of improving water quality I guess. When you are under sea level, the water doesn't flow like it does in rivers. It gets stuck and it can't go anywhere. But for some stupid reason they are allowed to use artificial fertillizer. Which, if you ask me, is the most dumb thing ever.

Just Jews Jewing I guess. They were talking about that its a mandate by Brussel too. So European mandate.

Another article mentioned that 98% of the dutch population is already mixed. Claiming that it happened in the history because of wars etc. *cough cough* being mixed with white subraces is different than being mixed with blacks and arabs, from which the latter are ever increasing in number. Well.. both actually.
1 million in housing shortage. Prices are being sky high. Even prices of electricity and fuel, are higher than they should be, despite the war in those far away places. Its just lobbying.

Anyway, enough blabbering about the misery.

Have a good weekend everyone!
When I was a child, I could never figure out why something like Kampuchea or Mao's China that resulted in the extermination of millions was never given any discussion alongside the israeli circus.

The excuse barked at me was: "Well, they did it to themselves, while the Nazis doing it to jews is a million times worse, as they were outsiders and oppressors to the jews."

Insane logic like this is now everywhere even though it doesn't really make any sense.

Palestine is being restored

Damascus as a concept already includes Palestine.
I have to open the internet again and see the news and here we go again, more jews who bombed Iranian generals, after a whole cycle of time of attacking and killing babies and children while they claim it was "Hamas" which all of Israel and even it's military members admit it's all lies.

Somehow this world has to sit there all the time, ignore all the valid problems and dangers, and always suck Israeli dick. The reason of this is because the jews are literally a bandit tribe, that has stolen and is very much manipulating occult knowledge.

Normally, the world should respond: "So a bunch of you retarded assholes in Israel want to build "Greater Israel" because your "great Rabbis and grandfathers" gave you the command to genocide everyone else and take over the "world", and you want to conduct genocide on the whole of the Middle East? That's your agenda? Then, you should try it if you want and experience the consequences. We won't be involved, you are criminally insane".

Then Israel should be allowed to rot and die, since it constantly sows discords, wars and genocides. Israel could not stand the adversity of people greater than it in the region, and would clearly perish without external help to always bail it out of it's own sins.

Unfortunately, the answer is the reverse from us: "Oh, so you want to conduct massive genocide and want to create Greater Israel and cause WW3 with this and twillight on the planet? Yet, let us give you infinite money, weaponry and everything you need, and likely kill ourselves in the process, so you can make that happen. We are equally criminally insane as you are, because we are good slaves who want to be good people, and you Israeli "people", you decide who is good and who isn't :)".

Instead, we will again send American troops and American protection, and western "protection", to a literal criminally insane bandit state. The reason this race has went insane is very well documented in it's history and it's psychological "evolution", historically this was mapped out by many people, and psychologically Nietszche did all the precious work of exploring that. It's all based on hate, hate of the greater people's and a mental disability to work and to create.

The striking limitation of the jewish mind, heart and soul, but their unrelenting wrath and sin of anger, is something that has baffled people for centuries. Normal and sane people could never really understand it. And those who did understand it had to be labelled as "evil", because according to the jews, it's forbidden to question them and talk about this subject, that's the level of confusion and cuckoldry they have promoted in our civilizations.

These endless pitfalls inside this diseased bunch of people, who happen to terrorize the planet with occult knowledge and financial tricks, is about to cost humanity yet another World War 3, or at least we have to enjoy that risk, yet again.

I spent all my life and early years, listening about "Hitler" and other "madmen" who didn't like the jews. We were taught these are all madmen and that now, since they aren't around anymore, the world is on this great state of peaceful lovingkindness where these "evil things" they claim to have done won't happen again.

Strangely, Stalin who was jewish wasn't that much included, only Hitler who wasn't jewish. Made me wonder why. Kept on with my life and found out later why.

Now, none of these "madmen" run anything.

Still, Putin and many others are about to rush this world into WW3. "Coincidentally", the jews are involved in both yet again the Ukrainian Russian conflict and the Middle Eastern conflict, as direct causes. Anyone who sees any patterns in these or in history is branded as "evil", it's the easy answer to not have to answer the old question of torment, as to why they have to even participate in these decisions, from the inside of Nations that are completely foreign to them.

If anyone else was doing that, it wouldn't be forbidden to converse about it either. It is in that case, of course. Anyway the powers that be tell us all like children that thankfully, all the "evil guys", are solely those who had a critical view of the jews and not really jews who have conducted anything wrong. It would take reading the jewish spiritual books and materials to understand this crazy reasoning, because in the Talmud and all their "holy books", it says the same thing.

Stalin could kill 40 to 60 million Russians, but this is not a "sin", meanwhile, anyone who thinks remotely that jews might have an overreaching power they use wrongly, is liable to perish in "Eternal Torment!". So we are told there aren't "Evil Guys" anymore in the scene of history and that's "Good News!".

It's all the "good", "semite friendly", serf slaves, that are about to launch WW3 and unleash terror and destruction to humanity again. Strange because I thought we were all friends and good people on the planet left, since those who had a negative opinion about the jews based on their 2500+ years plus of historical acts and patterns, dislike them.

None of the "evil unaccepted guys" that I learned about are school are the deciding factors of this, or are even historically present. For about a hundred years or more. Still, not that much improvement.

It's the "Good guys" that are doing all this. The ones we are taught to "respect" and who have all the "good moral virtues", morals being around, supporting all the diseases generated morally, ethically and on a civilization level, by a worthless middle eastern "Tribe" that is called "Jews".

It takes not much of a mind to understand that all the programs of the jewish people and all their historical actions, have done exactly what they claimed their "enemies" have been doing. This extended from every person that was "against them", to even the Gods themselves.

You open the Bible on the first pages and the first book is called "Exodus", the celebration of the mass genocide of the "repressive Egyptians". We have that in our schools and as a "basis for culture". Criminality, victim mentality, worshiping "jews" as "Gods", has cost humanity many IQ points. Too many, in fact, that we have to live in an animal society.

The "Good Christian" who "Follows God" is supposed to celebrate these old genocides, and now, wear his United States Uniform and fly to Israel, to fight for it and again have us risking plunging humanity into WW3 or some sort of large scale damnation.

They do genocide as everyone knows for many months now on the pretext of "Hamas", but they claim they were "genocided" by some Hitler, for an amount and number that didn't even exist at the time in Europe, for example. One would think that a people "that persecuted" and that "suffering", wouldn't even have the mind to engage in the "terrorizing" actions that they claim they were "victims" of.

The reality is however that they were never victims, these never occurred, and that after the victim status has wore off [granting them a Nation, endless billions, and a voice on the world - based on nothing], it's all falling down like a broken mask, and the great villain is now going on to promote without a shed of guilt, their greatest plan of genocide and "Greater Israel". With great bloodlust, they will do whatever they intended from the beginning.

As people research into them, they find shocking things such as these "agendas" and "racial mission of a jewish people", is actually what motivates them. As most other human beings aren't like that, they can hardly process this reality. But it's there and unfolding in front of everyone's eyes.

These simple psychological tricks have fallen apart yet because we have a full on control of these lizards on a species and deciding posts of civilization level, we have to still endure the threat of their old, repetitive lies. We still have to defend them and pretend we don't know, or we still have to pretend this is somehow "part of our living interest". None of it is real.

Now people have stood for a moment to understand this unholy power relationship which has the Western world so poisoned, so unable to create, so distracted all the time, that instead of reaching the stars and having many vibrant families and expanding the species, we actually have to nanny a worthless tribal state and other people who don't know how to create a toilet, to keep them from killing each other, because they all believe in jewish religious drivel, like Islam and Judaism.

In the West we are busy now trying to find the 30th gender [they made that nonsense and allowed it], experiencing endless "self deserved" whoredom [yes, they made the foundations for this too], having idiocy of trying to figure out if Jesus said this or that on his Synagogue with other jews [that too, they made], and having to survive this or that financial plot that makes life unlivable for a striking percent of the population [they made that too, sourced thanks to them].

The educated people know it's all the jews, and they know these sins are registered into the Eternal Aether, never to be forgotten by the eyes of the Gods.

Eventually, all this glorious dance of illness and deception is going to end, and likely in hellfire. But still I won't derive anything from it but a large disappointment, a large feeling of all the pain of wasted time, effort, energy, so that humanity had to nanny these insane diseased elements again.

Any person who is sane would wish things would never have to come down to this. I mourn for the lost resources, lost time, lost people, lost opportunities that humanity could have, if it didn't have to fight for that nonsense. But it's not something that can be avoided.

Now I'll of course close the news for one more time, knowing that humanity has to run yet another risk of "perishing", in the dual side of either the Jews go to war and we have to go to wars, or they die and we somehow have to die with them, because idiots had to adopt Jewish culture and have been socially mind-washed from all the controlling posts in the Media, Schools, Academia and Religion and every other frontier of information.

Strange route for a civilization to take, when the claim is that the jews who obviously did it all and maintain it all, cannot even be mentioned of doing that. Funny isn't it?

The "Evil Guys" in all of the worthless stories jews, aren't causing a WW3. They aren't doing a million things that could enslave or destroy humanity. The "landscape" of history is filled with "Good Guys" who have to compulsively either be jews, or like them.

We are all with the "good guys", and this "good company" is always rallying us to wars strangely, killing humans, perverting human society and doing everything that will confuse and impede humanity from development and growth. These people want to call themselves "good" and "justified" at all costs.

Maybe it should help one understand that it's actually evil that reigns today, a form of evil that is so desperate to call itself and it's insanity, "good".

Whether humanity pays another huge price, I won't care, having done my ends to describe this situation.

In fact, if none of this existed, that would be best for everyone involved, even the evil species who are causing these things for what they think it's their benefit, because jews suffer the most from their own caveman worthless mind.

Anyhow it's up to the Gods and fortune to decide if they deserve the rockets anyway. But so far I see, the worthless chihuahua called Israel really wants it's war that American men and Western men will fight again on it's behalf.

As we die for the "Integrity of the jewish people and borders", we will be told we must invite endless Jamal and Tayyid in Europe and the United States, so they can fuck our wives and racial codes, because IN OUR CASE borders don't matter and humanity is one large united family [unless it's to defend Israel's uniqueness in which case the world approves a whole Genocide so the jews can stay racially and culturally pure inside their own borders, with no Jamal and no Tayyid to fuck their wives, lol].

On our way home and after westerners will have to die and kill innocent people for Israel, we will also get a lesson in Jewish Feminism and Jewish Sexual liberation, but that is for after WW3 escalates and everything innocent is slaughtered for no reason other than the fact that the jewish chihuahua wants another war like a spoiled whore.

I never know when I open then news what morbid insanity I will see next. It's a circus of surprises. Maybe the day is arriving when the giant rockets will sound like fireworks.

Stay tuned guys, the "good people" have likely a lot of circus madness in store for us.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I definetly feel you brother High Priest.
As far as I understand, these events are a "biblical apocalyptic reference" to the "battle of the end." Where the Persians (read Iran) and “Gog from the north” (Russia) unitely fight in the “battle of the end” with the Israeli people - in order to prevent the construction of the third Temple. The surprising thing is that the jews are once again setting the world on the path of their collective madness, written by them.

The recipe is really very simple. Write some crazy nonsense, program expectations with hundreds of years of prayer and Masonic control over politics, and push the world into the madness of war and destruction. The stupidest thing about all this is that the opponents of Israel, of course, will be associated with Satan, and perhaps some guys in the West with an IQ less than 90 or so will believe this.

It really looks like panic. Expectations of the “end of the world and biblical apocalyptic prophecies” cannot have a second chance, so they are trying with all their might to realize it all as they need it. As a plan B, they always have the opportunity to create a “great Israel” on the territory of Ukraine; plans for this have been announced since 2015. One of the reasons for the fight against Ukrainian “neo-Nazism” on the part of Russia is to cleanse my country of “radicals” who will threaten the offended displaced jews from Israel, whom Zelensky will kindly call here to provide them with good and fertile lands instead of the desert.

The good news is that this level of panic and expectation on the part of the jews, and the fact that they are rushing to bring all their collective madness into the world even under the threats and risks of opposition from the Gods, is a stupid strategy. As soon as they fail, they and the Masons of all countries of the world who look into their mouths will be left alone with the knowledge that they screwed up. Their “messiah”, “heavenly Jerusalem” and other things will be just a broken pot.

We have the most powerful weapons and vaccination against all these things, I of course mean RTR. Glory to Satan and all the Warriors of Hell!
I'd like to repeat the Reverse Torah Ritual # 2 to Prevent another Major War but change one word in the affirmation to help the Palestinians.

• Vibrate AUM
• The God of Israel Has Lost All Power
Palestine is being restored
• The Jewish attempts at starting another War have Failed Completely and Permanently
• Vibrate AUM

Is this feasible?


No it is not.

The situation of not posting a schedule, is because the situation must be allowed to it's ends. That nonsense when you pervert Rituals or you assume it's going to work, is asinine, and unrealistic.

Don't pervert Rituals as they are from other verses, other times and other functions. You are simply pissing in the infinite well without outcome.

In regards to whether this war or anything would be "Good to be stopped" or "Not good to be stopped", both the situations have their ups and downs. Normally, it should be some usual beefing without much outcome.

Peace with the jews is not the solution. I won't comment further on this. But there are reasons why we don't go in to "save" for one more time. It wastes energy from our side and the end result is that all the cancers of Israel keep progressing on top of humanity, without them paying any fucking price.

No "PEACE" Rituals or similar recommendations please. Israel can't be bombing everyone and then cunts going in and saying "Oh, we muz have peace because...". That's prolonging the life of a bully and a criminal, who plans to destroy anyone anyway.

One must have an iron heart with these decisions, they are done with the mind, not with the feelings.

We do the Final RTR's constantly and this will just dis-empower them. No peace keeping bullshit now.

Israel must fall into the abyss. Do not help them to stop any wars, or fight for them. Help them start it. Curse with them with the RTR and imagine it as a desolate region.
Any material solutions?

We have baby boomers with dementia in power whose average age is 70 years old, and they have been schooled and indoctrinated in being slaves of the jews. They will be perishing soon and likely others (maybe better) will come in power. They won't change their mind. The newer generations they have lost them entirely.

The enemy knows this so they try to accelerate cultural and demographic collapse by bringing endless randoms in the West.

There are no real material solutions to these unless people are in power. If you are in the United Nations, do something. Going to protest in the middle of nowhere will achieve nothing about this at the current point.

Spiritual Warfare will, so do the Final RTR for the time being to push them over the edge.
I'm staying right where I am. My country will have to drag me to the middle east by force if they want me to "help".

I hope these cunts blow themselves up and save everyone the trouble.

Only if one is a permanent in the military they should want to participate, to not lose their position or job, as a formal job pressure.

Israel must die on it's own.

Nobody from here should go get killed for Israel. That would be the ultimate curse from these worthless creatures.
Browse a newsfeed long enough, you'll see the very clever language slant they use to subconsciously brainwash the population. When Palestine fights back, you'll see language like "Hamas rocket kills ten innocent Jews." Compare that to an article of the inverse, and you'll see "Israel allegedly causes a hundred Palestinians to possibly pass on to the afterlife (according to HAMAS)." Even when reporting "the truth" they still color it in a way, even very subtly, to try and sway your opinion before you've read the article. You can't technically accuse them of not reporting it, but in a world where low attention spans only ever read headlines, people's apathy or rage is entirely decided by how they emotionally respond to said headline.

The ultimate end result is, you have a population fed Israel's atrocities through PR speak. The headlines feel weak, dubious. Should anyone be surprised? This is the end result of when Jews occupy a large majority of your corporate, governmental and media positions. One feeds into another. When an American political party is occupied by a large group of people with dual Israeli citizenship, does nobody question the conflict of interests?

People have been saying we live in a clown world for a while. Frankly, I've not felt it to the degree I have watching the Israel/Palestine conflict unfold. On one hand, you have the constant media beatup about how we should all love and tolerate Islam and welcome it into our lives, but when the Jews are blowing them all up suddenly all that goes straight out the window.

Time and time again, I've had people try to shill to me the idea you can only be "conservative" (for whatever as much that means anymore) if you're a Christian. And where are these conservative Christians? Oh right, they're the number one supporters of Israel's supposed right to nuke the middle east. How convenient that years of Biblical brainrot has ended up with a retarded population of idiots who unironically will tell you Israel needs to exist because it needs to for Rabbi Christ to get farted out into existence according to the Bible.

All these "strong race conscious nationalistic patriots" utterly fixated on some sandblasted hovel in the near east and waiting on a Jew to save them, none of them realizing the irony of how absolutely oblivious they are of their ancestry. Take it from me, don't waste your time arguing with these cretins. I spent years doing it. They all but control governmental legislation at both a state and federal level and they still act like they're the poor victimized martyrs. It's almost like Christians have something very much in common with the Jews they worship.

And where's the left? Figureheaded by senile old Biden whose party is tearing itself asunder for lack of cohesive identity because he's a dementia addled warhawk who was bought and paid for by Israel years ago. Can't wait for the end of the year when he goes head-to-head with his fellow dementia patient Trump so they can have a contest over who's going to enable the "Christian nationalists" the most and give the biggest funding packet to Israel to buy more super weapons.

Nobody here needs me to say it. Don't believe a word you hear about what's happening in Palestine. The moment you do any digging you'll hear of some of the most despicable, unholy atrocities ever conceived. But don't worry. No word of a lie, people have lost their jobs simply for saying "genocide is bad" because apparently that's anti-Semitic nowadays.

As horrible as it all sounds, the silver lining is this. The more the Christians tie up their fate in Shitrael, the more they'll perish alongside them. As blinded as the common man is, there's only so much dressing up you can do of outright atrocity. And the people who gleefully stand by it will expose themselves for what they were all along.
They will be perishing soon and likely others (maybe better) will come in power

Here in Hungary we have Toroczkai Laszlo who has been really exposing the enemy. He is the first politician in this century to speak so much publicly about these, and put so much effort into researching and exposing enemy agendas, connections etc. He have exposed literally all parties in Hungary and they all financed by globalist Jews. He literally made a video exposing the Jews ruling the word with their globalist businesses and etc.

I believe he is our most valid card when it comes to politics in the whole word. There are other parties or organization around in the world who does similarly but Toroczkai have been carrying politics lately.

They got in the parliament in the previous election and since than they have been growing so much (I never heard of them in the previous election, but since than I have seen them even in TV). They are the most popular party among Teens and hopefully they will win the next election even if there is only a slight chance for that.
I wonder how all of this is gonna end but I think I might know.
Not gonna lie, I feel fear. But I understand that this must happen. I just hope to not get caught in the middle of it.

The whole world does. That's why wars are wars.
Here in Hungary we have Toroczkai Laszlo who has been really exposing the enemy. He is the first politician in this century to speak so much publicly about these, and put so much effort into researching and exposing enemy agendas, connections etc. He have exposed literally all parties in Hungary and they all financed by globalist Jews. He literally made a video exposing the Jews ruling the word with their globalist businesses and etc.

I believe he is our most valid card when it comes to politics in the whole word. There are other parties or organization around in the world who does similarly but Toroczkai have been carrying politics lately.

They got in the parliament in the previous election and since than they have been growing so much (I never heard of them in the previous election, but since than I have seen them even in TV). They are the most popular party among Teens and hopefully they will win the next election even if there is only a slight chance for that.

The Gods will bless the valiant men. I don't know him, but my congratulations.

Enough baby boomer nonsense, in my opinion. The senile Biden cannot even make a proper decision and the whole world has been falling apart. Dementia and politics don't go together.
Somewhere there are gentiles who need help. I don't know what will happen if the war spreads to Turkey, there is no second Ataturk. It is the same for every nation. So if a war calendar is published, we should all participate. Let's do our best.
All I know is that there is happiness at the end of this road. I'm ready for tomorrow.

We're ready, Commander.

In the particular case of Turkey if Israel went down, Turkey would experience a lot of flourishing, as Turkey is constantly boycotted by Israel.

Browse a newsfeed long enough, you'll see the very clever language slant they use to subconsciously brainwash the population. When Palestine fights back, you'll see language like "Hamas rocket kills ten innocent Jews." Compare that to an article of the inverse, and you'll see "Israel allegedly causes a hundred Palestinians to possibly pass on to the afterlife (according to HAMAS)." Even when reporting "the truth" they still color it in a way, even very subtly, to try and sway your opinion before you've read the article. You can't technically accuse them of not reporting it, but in a world where low attention spans only ever read headlines, people's apathy or rage is entirely decided by how they emotionally respond to said headline.

The ultimate end result is, you have a population fed Israel's atrocities through PR speak. The headlines feel weak, dubious. Should anyone be surprised? This is the end result of when Jews occupy a large majority of your corporate, governmental and media positions. One feeds into another. When an American political party is occupied by a large group of people with dual Israeli citizenship, does nobody question the conflict of interests?

People have been saying we live in a clown world for a while. Frankly, I've not felt it to the degree I have watching the Israel/Palestine conflict unfold. On one hand, you have the constant media beatup about how we should all love and tolerate Islam and welcome it into our lives, but when the Jews are blowing them all up suddenly all that goes straight out the window.

Time and time again, I've had people try to shill to me the idea you can only be "conservative" (for whatever as much that means anymore) if you're a Christian. And where are these conservative Christians? Oh right, they're the number one supporters of Israel's supposed right to nuke the middle east. How convenient that years of Biblical brainrot has ended up with a retarded population of idiots who unironically will tell you Israel needs to exist because it needs to for Rabbi Christ to get farted out into existence according to the Bible.

All these "strong race conscious nationalistic patriots" utterly fixated on some sandblasted hovel in the near east and waiting on a Jew to save them, none of them realizing the irony of how absolutely oblivious they are of their ancestry. Take it from me, don't waste your time arguing with these cretins. I spent years doing it. They all but control governmental legislation at both a state and federal level and they still act like they're the poor victimized martyrs. It's almost like Christians have something very much in common with the Jews they worship.

And where's the left? Figureheaded by senile old Biden whose party is tearing itself asunder for lack of cohesive identity because he's a dementia addled warhawk who was bought and paid for by Israel years ago. Can't wait for the end of the year when he goes head-to-head with his fellow dementia patient Trump so they can have a contest over who's going to enable the "Christian nationalists" the most and give the biggest funding packet to Israel to buy more super weapons.

Nobody here needs me to say it. Don't believe a word you hear about what's happening in Palestine. The moment you do any digging you'll hear of some of the most despicable, unholy atrocities ever conceived. But don't worry. No word of a lie, people have lost their jobs simply for saying "genocide is bad" because apparently that's anti-Semitic nowadays.

As horrible as it all sounds, the silver lining is this. The more the Christians tie up their fate in Shitrael, the more they'll perish alongside them. As blinded as the common man is, there's only so much dressing up you can do of outright atrocity. And the people who gleefully stand by it will expose themselves for what they were all along.

If IQ could be lent to others, you should be lending to all Americans, and we would literally have evolved. It's as you say, but the mind has to be really sharp to understand. Thankfully everyone here understands.

People have also forgotten that the "Democratic Party" was actually the "We occasionally judge Israel" party. Now it's "Ironclad defend Israel all it does is correct". The Conservative party is actually the one being critical of Israel. The balances have tipped heavily.
I will have to do the cursing Israel RTR at least every half hour, threw out the day. Especially at night along with meditation. Just to keep from getting spiritually attacked
Imagine not sending tons of white Europeans and Americans to die for the exact group that wants them wiped out from existence while mudsharks, an even more destructive force than world wars, ends the future at home. Wouldn't that be a sight for sore eyes...

But as a jewed intellectual who wouldn't desire this huh?

There are many videos of them shooting children, babies, random people, same as the other video where they killed 3 seven year old children for literally no reason. Everyone that is not a jew is Hamas and we know the rest of it, the Europeans are Hamas, the Americans are Hamas, everyone who doesn't like them is a terrorist organization and Hamas, and everyone who doesn't lick their boots will go to eternal hellfire. We know the narrative already. If you don't lick their boots as they exterminate all kids randomly, you are an anti-semite and so on.

If you don't approve of the Talmud that says that they should have sex with 3 year olds, you are a Terrorist and you have Nukes and want to launch them on Israel, yes we know these narratives as well. If you disagree with them you don't deserve a bank account, existence, and you must be blessed with them bringing in 50,000,000 rapefugees in your land for "Climate Crisis", because you are Hamas and Amalek.

Yadda yadda, the jew is on a psychotic spree again, let's start WW3 because they aren't in the asylums and the camps of anti-socials that they belong, and let's betray 99.5% of humanity so the jew can be happy in their genocidal plan, or one is Hamas and Hezbollah.

Things like this simply pushed me to publish the latest Ritual.

These aren't doing any war and they created everything out of their own mind to just create bloodshed and because they want to take Iran down, because they want to continue with more and more genocide until they have annihilated everyone in the region, while they rely on American balls to do all their work.

Their "plan" involves the active death and genocide of approximately 100,000,000 people in the region and the extermination of all their neigborhing Nations which are mostly just innocent and they are constantly declared as "terrorists" because the jews showed up randomly and want to steal everything because "The bible said so".

The bible brags about the genocides of the world's greatest civilizations and every year they hold major rituals to celebrate the extermination and death of everyone. But lo and behold if anyone dislikes them for any of this, they are a terrorist organization or something.

Enough is enough with the jews. They are just a bunch of bastardized creatures who are arrogant and deadly. They should be displaced and treated as anti-social elements that want to bring death for no real reasons.

Jews might be decided by humanity to belong in an isolated prison camp in Madagascar so they can have psychotic episodes on their own, not as parts of a thriving planet that wants to do interplanetary travel and move on with science and development. They are just a tribe of insane beings who have a consistent bloodlust at this point. The arrogance and evil in them has reached unparelleled levels never seen before in history.

So at this point Israelis have to run and experience what they plan to cause hundreds of millions of random people to experience. If they don't want rockets and nukes they should go burn the sinful writings of their forefathers and quit attacking every human being on earth because they are fucking schizophrenic.

The real face of Israel has been exposed and now "anti-semitism" shouldn't look as anything but a natural response to what these creatures are doing for more than two thousand years.

They should drink their own medicine now.
I'd like to repeat the Reverse Torah Ritual # 2 to Prevent another Major War but change one word in the affirmation to help the Palestinians.

• Vibrate AUM
• The God of Israel Has Lost All Power
Palestine is being restored
• The Jewish attempts at starting another War have Failed Completely and Permanently
• Vibrate AUM

Is this feasible?

Following HP's response, we must be focused fully on the outcome, which is the destruction of the enemy. How this happens can sometimes be unknown to us, yet our magick can still work regardless of this, or even better if we do not unintentionally hinder it.

While this RTR may help remove enemy magick that supports their goals, it would not be specific enough to our own goals, as HPHC detailed, therefore we go with other options.
Here in Hungary we have Toroczkai Laszlo who has been really exposing the enemy. He is the first politician in this century to speak so much publicly about these, and put so much effort into researching and exposing enemy agendas, connections etc. He have exposed literally all parties in Hungary and they all financed by globalist Jews. He literally made a video exposing the Jews ruling the word with their globalist businesses and etc.

I believe he is our most valid card when it comes to politics in the whole word. There are other parties or organization around in the world who does similarly but Toroczkai have been carrying politics lately.

They got in the parliament in the previous election and since than they have been growing so much (I never heard of them in the previous election, but since than I have seen them even in TV). They are the most popular party among Teens and hopefully they will win the next election even if there is only a slight chance for that.
Toroczkai does it well and very thoroughly.
. This admits Benjamin Netanyahu supported Hamas to keep Palestinians divided .
I'm not sure I really believe all this stuff about Pissrael secretly controlling Hamas. Jews lie to us every single day, and it wouldn't be the first time they've tried to spread demoralization propaganda about secretly controlling everyone who opposes them: "Oy vey Hitler was a jew and was secretly working for us. Oy vey the Third Reich was funded by the Rothschilds and secretly worked for us, please get blackpilled and stop resisting us, we control all movements who claim to fight us goy" ect ect. I just don't buy it.
Following HP's response, we must be focused fully on the outcome, which is the destruction of the enemy. How this happens can sometimes be unknown to us, yet our magick can still work regardless of this, or even better if we do not unintentionally hinder it.

While this RTR may help remove enemy magick that supports their goals, it would not be specific enough to our own goals, as HPHC detailed, therefore we go with other options.
Thank you for your very mature response, Blitz.

- I'm broadly speculating that the affirmation of Syria is being restored was used in effort for this country to regroup itself to become a pillar of power and defense against any future Israeli expansion.
- I also fully agree that the posted Grand and recommended rituals are the only real and worthwhile solutions & should be given top priority as anything else would only serve as wasted effort.
- However, one cannot be expected to turn a blind eye or ignore the slaughter of innocent Palestinians. I remain of the opinion that if Palestine receives any direct spiritual help, however small or through whatever form, that it will at least help some innocent Palestinian children to escape from being blown to bits in the interim. This was the purpose of my initial question and I hope for it not be misinterpreted by anyone.

I have to open the internet again and see the news and here we go again, more jews who bombed Iranian generals, after a whole cycle of time of attacking and killing babies and children while they claim it was "Hamas" which all of Israel and even it's military members admit it's all lies.

Somehow this world has to sit there all the time, ignore all the valid problems and dangers, and always suck Israeli dick. The reason of this is because the jews are literally a bandit tribe, that has stolen and is very much manipulating occult knowledge.

Normally, the world should respond: "So a bunch of you retarded assholes in Israel want to build "Greater Israel" because your "great Rabbis and grandfathers" gave you the command to genocide everyone else and take over the "world", and you want to conduct genocide on the whole of the Middle East? That's your agenda? Then, you should try it if you want and experience the consequences. We won't be involved, you are criminally insane".

Then Israel should be allowed to rot and die, since it constantly sows discords, wars and genocides. Israel could not stand the adversity of people greater than it in the region, and would clearly perish without external help to always bail it out of it's own sins.

Unfortunately, the answer is the reverse from us: "Oh, so you want to conduct massive genocide and want to create Greater Israel and cause WW3 with this and twillight on the planet? Yet, let us give you infinite money, weaponry and everything you need, and likely kill ourselves in the process, so you can make that happen. We are equally criminally insane as you are, because we are good slaves who want to be good people, and you Israeli "people", you decide who is good and who isn't :)".

Instead, we will again send American troops and American protection, and western "protection", to a literal criminally insane bandit state. The reason this race has went insane is very well documented in it's history and it's psychological "evolution", historically this was mapped out by many people, and psychologically Nietszche did all the precious work of exploring that. It's all based on hate, hate of the greater people's and a mental disability to work and to create.

The striking limitation of the jewish mind, heart and soul, but their unrelenting wrath and sin of anger, is something that has baffled people for centuries. Normal and sane people could never really understand it. And those who did understand it had to be labelled as "evil", because according to the jews, it's forbidden to question them and talk about this subject, that's the level of confusion and cuckoldry they have promoted in our civilizations.

These endless pitfalls inside this diseased bunch of people, who happen to terrorize the planet with occult knowledge and financial tricks, is about to cost humanity yet another World War 3, or at least we have to enjoy that risk, yet again.

I spent all my life and early years, listening about "Hitler" and other "madmen" who didn't like the jews. We were taught these are all madmen and that now, since they aren't around anymore, the world is on this great state of peaceful lovingkindness where these "evil things" they claim to have done won't happen again.

Strangely, Stalin who was jewish wasn't that much included, only Hitler who wasn't jewish. Made me wonder why. Kept on with my life and found out later why.

Now, none of these "madmen" run anything.

Still, Putin and many others are about to rush this world into WW3. "Coincidentally", the jews are involved in both yet again the Ukrainian Russian conflict and the Middle Eastern conflict, as direct causes. Anyone who sees any patterns in these or in history is branded as "evil", it's the easy answer to not have to answer the old question of torment, as to why they have to even participate in these decisions, from the inside of Nations that are completely foreign to them.

If anyone else was doing that, it wouldn't be forbidden to converse about it either. It is in that case, of course. Anyway the powers that be tell us all like children that thankfully, all the "evil guys", are solely those who had a critical view of the jews and not really jews who have conducted anything wrong. It would take reading the jewish spiritual books and materials to understand this crazy reasoning, because in the Talmud and all their "holy books", it says the same thing.

Stalin could kill 40 to 60 million Russians, but this is not a "sin", meanwhile, anyone who thinks remotely that jews might have an overreaching power they use wrongly, is liable to perish in "Eternal Torment!". So we are told there aren't "Evil Guys" anymore in the scene of history and that's "Good News!".

It's all the "good", "semite friendly", serf slaves, that are about to launch WW3 and unleash terror and destruction to humanity again. Strange because I thought we were all friends and good people on the planet left, since those who had a negative opinion about the jews based on their 2500+ years plus of historical acts and patterns, dislike them.

None of the "evil unaccepted guys" that I learned about are school are the deciding factors of this, or are even historically present. For about a hundred years or more. Still, not that much improvement.

It's the "Good guys" that are doing all this. The ones we are taught to "respect" and who have all the "good moral virtues", morals being around, supporting all the diseases generated morally, ethically and on a civilization level, by a worthless middle eastern "Tribe" that is called "Jews".

It takes not much of a mind to understand that all the programs of the jewish people and all their historical actions, have done exactly what they claimed their "enemies" have been doing. This extended from every person that was "against them", to even the Gods themselves.

You open the Bible on the first pages and the first book is called "Exodus", the celebration of the mass genocide of the "repressive Egyptians". We have that in our schools and as a "basis for culture". Criminality, victim mentality, worshiping "jews" as "Gods", has cost humanity many IQ points. Too many, in fact, that we have to live in an animal society.

The "Good Christian" who "Follows God" is supposed to celebrate these old genocides, and now, wear his United States Uniform and fly to Israel, to fight for it and again have us risking plunging humanity into WW3 or some sort of large scale damnation.

They do genocide as everyone knows for many months now on the pretext of "Hamas", but they claim they were "genocided" by some Hitler, for an amount and number that didn't even exist at the time in Europe, for example. One would think that a people "that persecuted" and that "suffering", wouldn't even have the mind to engage in the "terrorizing" actions that they claim they were "victims" of.

The reality is however that they were never victims, these never occurred, and that after the victim status has wore off [granting them a Nation, endless billions, and a voice on the world - based on nothing], it's all falling down like a broken mask, and the great villain is now going on to promote without a shed of guilt, their greatest plan of genocide and "Greater Israel". With great bloodlust, they will do whatever they intended from the beginning.

As people research into them, they find shocking things such as these "agendas" and "racial mission of a jewish people", is actually what motivates them. As most other human beings aren't like that, they can hardly process this reality. But it's there and unfolding in front of everyone's eyes.

These simple psychological tricks have fallen apart yet because we have a full on control of these lizards on a species and deciding posts of civilization level, we have to still endure the threat of their old, repetitive lies. We still have to defend them and pretend we don't know, or we still have to pretend this is somehow "part of our living interest". None of it is real.

Now people have stood for a moment to understand this unholy power relationship which has the Western world so poisoned, so unable to create, so distracted all the time, that instead of reaching the stars and having many vibrant families and expanding the species, we actually have to nanny a worthless tribal state and other people who don't know how to create a toilet, to keep them from killing each other, because they all believe in jewish religious drivel, like Islam and Judaism.

In the West we are busy now trying to find the 30th gender [they made that nonsense and allowed it], experiencing endless "self deserved" whoredom [yes, they made the foundations for this too], having idiocy of trying to figure out if Jesus said this or that on his Synagogue with other jews [that too, they made], and having to survive this or that financial plot that makes life unlivable for a striking percent of the population [they made that too, sourced thanks to them].

The educated people know it's all the jews, and they know these sins are registered into the Eternal Aether, never to be forgotten by the eyes of the Gods.

Eventually, all this glorious dance of illness and deception is going to end, and likely in hellfire. But still I won't derive anything from it but a large disappointment, a large feeling of all the pain of wasted time, effort, energy, so that humanity had to nanny these insane diseased elements again.

Any person who is sane would wish things would never have to come down to this. I mourn for the lost resources, lost time, lost people, lost opportunities that humanity could have, if it didn't have to fight for that nonsense. But it's not something that can be avoided.

Now I'll of course close the news for one more time, knowing that humanity has to run yet another risk of "perishing", in the dual side of either the Jews go to war and we have to go to wars, or they die and we somehow have to die with them, because idiots had to adopt Jewish culture and have been socially mind-washed from all the controlling posts in the Media, Schools, Academia and Religion and every other frontier of information.

Strange route for a civilization to take, when the claim is that the jews who obviously did it all and maintain it all, cannot even be mentioned of doing that. Funny isn't it?

The "Evil Guys" in all of the worthless stories jews, aren't causing a WW3. They aren't doing a million things that could enslave or destroy humanity. The "landscape" of history is filled with "Good Guys" who have to compulsively either be jews, or like them.

We are all with the "good guys", and this "good company" is always rallying us to wars strangely, killing humans, perverting human society and doing everything that will confuse and impede humanity from development and growth. These people want to call themselves "good" and "justified" at all costs.

Maybe it should help one understand that it's actually evil that reigns today, a form of evil that is so desperate to call itself and it's insanity, "good".

Whether humanity pays another huge price, I won't care, having done my ends to describe this situation.

In fact, if none of this existed, that would be best for everyone involved, even the evil species who are causing these things for what they think it's their benefit, because jews suffer the most from their own caveman worthless mind.

Anyhow it's up to the Gods and fortune to decide if they deserve the rockets anyway. But so far I see, the worthless chihuahua called Israel really wants it's war that American men and Western men will fight again on it's behalf.

As we die for the "Integrity of the jewish people and borders", we will be told we must invite endless Jamal and Tayyid in Europe and the United States, so they can fuck our wives and racial codes, because IN OUR CASE borders don't matter and humanity is one large united family [unless it's to defend Israel's uniqueness in which case the world approves a whole Genocide so the jews can stay racially and culturally pure inside their own borders, with no Jamal and no Tayyid to fuck their wives, lol].

On our way home and after westerners will have to die and kill innocent people for Israel, we will also get a lesson in Jewish Feminism and Jewish Sexual liberation, but that is for after WW3 escalates and everything innocent is slaughtered for no reason other than the fact that the jewish chihuahua wants another war like a spoiled whore.

I never know when I open then news what morbid insanity I will see next. It's a circus of surprises. Maybe the day is arriving when the giant rockets will sound like fireworks.

Stay tuned guys, the "good people" have likely a lot of circus madness in store for us.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The enemy will fall anyway, the Jewish dome is bursting at the seams, Israel will be destroyed ;)
. This jew supporter says that Iran will cause Israel to pay in SECONDS... What weapon can act that fast.? Animal sacrifice,,, = Gentile scapegoat ? Red Heifer ? Cattle ? Goyim ? Also, this is said to happen on Passover April 22 2024. If there is a ritual like the Reversal of the Curse upon the Goat rtr. Anyway, if this can used this against the criminals may Satan help us.
want to ask HP must i do another major war ritual too or only ritual u posted it before?
No. Do the Schedule and if you want to do more, do those rituals multiple times. They do in fact form a very good "group of ritual" with the grand ritual, no need for any other one here.
What a cohencidence that all this happens just after Jupiter exactly squares the chart ruler for the beginning of World War 2. Everyone saw this coming and it was really only a matter of time. What's more is that Uranus will be returning to the exact same spot, for the 3rd time, in less than a week, as it was when WW2 started. I asked the first time around if I should do any special ritual and was to to do one for Janus so I feel obligated to repeat this again soon and to add on top of the current ritual schedule. Knowing the nature of the planet it would surprise me at all if diplomacy is thrown to the side and all out war starts in a week.
Yes, I agree, I wouldn't be surprised either. Many dynamics are moving toward the expansion of war.

Pluto in Aquarius ("main horse"), Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus, and upcoming transits, including Neptune in the 29th degrees in Pisces, Saturn in Aries, and then in 2025 also Neptune. This may lead to a significant worsening of the current situation.

The last solar eclipse in Aries, I "saw" it very problematic for America, mainly, where it will have big problems in the coming years.

Their plans have already been laid out, and pressure will be brought to bear to include them. Their "agenda" is on the way, coordinated by "Aries/Plutonian energy."

"Preparations" are underway for the "end." Now there is the "Passover" ending in late April, which they are tapping into to draw energy, to expand their goals.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
