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The Sin Of Having Co-Vid: Biomedical Psychological Terrorism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
slyscorpion said:

There are several stories like the above where they talk about this all one needs is a search engine. Many of these issues I believe when they come out are attributed to something else so it probably is vastly under reported.

This is not something very many people if anyone talked about on here. I was commenting to a friend that I literally this summer and spring there were so many storeies of people doing mentally unhinged things especially parents killing their own children cause they hear voices.

I would not know if this is something related to the spiritual as covid is based on enemy curses or if this is based on the physical as in the vaccine and virus altering dna or the brain chemistry in a very bad way.

Realize this before taking the vaccine. People should be aware. I am strongly thinking since it uses the spike proteins it can cause similar or the same effects.

The media has scared people so much about "Co-Vid", that they turned a basic illness into something that one should feel detestable for having. People are half dead by the fear of it.

People who have it are also "blamed" for what is going on in society. When one is sick with it, they are treated like a caged animal, as if they carry the bubonic plague or worse. Even the "Fear" of contacting this, or the "Suspicion", has whole Nations treated like caged animals. This is irrational and it creates a climate of terror. Meanwhile, this is about as deadly as the regular flu on a rampant season that kills hundreds of thousands yearly.

Children were told in National TV oftentimes, that they will kill their grandparents, and people were guilt trip to feel like murderers over having committed nothing. People have to live like suspects and keep their sneezes in, and forcibly quarantine. You are a suspect. Where is your QR code? No life for you. The list goes.

All this climate is creating actively psychological damage that will affect humanity for a very long time. The crime of the enemy here in treating this situation in this manner, is beyond anything that has been recently done. Even during WW2, people have had way more rights.

People were literally called TERRORISTS by the US Agencies for denying these measures. Society has lost their minds. Apparently, uncle joe that doesn't want to vaccinate, is now equal to a proponent of murdering thousands in Al Qeida.

"All these little unvaccinated kids, are also Al Qeida terrorists. Quick, mandate that we syringe them all immediately", -your random news in the TV for the other day.

The more one distances themselves from the situation about all of the "pandemic" the clearer the image becomes that they want to instill in people major feelings of existential guilt, suspicion of one another, break down human relationships and minds, and in effect, get people used to rampant rape of their freedom, increased surveillance on all levels of existence, and an indisputable rule by bribed "experts" that don't take the human being into consideration through all of this.

But people are treated like animals that have the bubonic plague. What is worse, they don't even NEED TO HAVE IT! From a simple psychological standpoint, this is creating major neurosis in an individual: the constant feeling of being "guilty" is rampantly promoted to all directions.

Everyone is a superspreader, asymptomatic superspreader, potential killer of millions, no mask = you kill people [even if you are 10 feet apart or you stay in your house]. The only solution to this jewish ritual is to take one's "Shot", and absolve one's "sin of covid".

And if one does do that, be prepared for eternal penance, with ineffective vaccines ad nauseum. This is like Christianity at this point. The vaccine doesn't even prevent it, people pass it up, and so on, with it. Therefore that is not even a vaccine that is causing permanent inoculation. In many European countries, it has only become a Papal paper of the absolving on one's "Sin of covid" in front of the Government.

Your Papal Paper and Sin Removal Certificate, is your QR code. Thou shall enter the supermarket with it, goy, your Rabbi is Satisfied. Now line up for more eternally recurring shots that will later mutate the Co-vid and who knows what.

Needless to say, this is nothing medical of pandemic focused here, it's just media masturbation and the jews creating media fad to further their agenda and make people insane.

This creates endless fear. This fear then creates psychological problems. The fact one is told that they are disgusting and possessed by something or a "super spreader" that will "cost the life of millions", 24/7, all year long, causes many people to go insane from the fear.

Lockdowns, impositions, extreme insane measures that strangle freedom, all of these are causing psychological damage to human beings.

Then, these idiots come out to reinforce the initial lie, and say it's the "Co-vid" that does it.

Also, in regards to the vaccine causing these reactions, anything that overstimulates people to an extreme extent [it might happen to some people] might give them these hallucinogenic lapses or insanity.

All of this nonsense displays how weak and servile humanity has become, to the point that the West is literally overage people acting like it's the end of the world over a literal flu. The weaker the specimen the more the fear.

Leftists and in general people who are too frail to exist, are the ones who are already scared as per usual, those in power capitalizing on that fear.

Data, logic, the knowledge of two years into this - nothing touches these people as much as their own weakness does. They feel the echo of death from a virus that is less likely to kill you than you getting many other illnesses. The difference is, this is the major media and governmental plot right now. More people will die from smoking or cancer, but we pass these by without fear everyday.

People who constantly go around promoting the vaccine, remind me of Jehovah's witnesses. Have you accepted jeboo as your savior? But to be saved from what, since the vaccine is not even stopping re-admission but is also possibly causing mutations?

I don't know goy. Just accept Jeboo as your savior. Then he will give you a different kosher lie every single day on why he's going to save you again. Now prepare for your eternal doses that nobody knows if they are effective and do them in order to repent for your sin of carrying co-vid, even if you never contacted it.

A true psychological warfare hebrew clown show.

Co-Vid did nothing wrong, compared to what the clown show is doing. The damage through all of this is 5% Co-Vid, and 95% nonsense damage from governments, power grabs, insane measures, and the worlds psychopaths in one movement, that have found a modern era religion of popular abuse over the first pretext they could grab.

All of this circus show has to end eventually. Yet, as it's continuing, it appears it will end up only with crazy masses rallying these people towards the guillotines.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
All of this is about control, impinging on privacy, and dehumanization ect which has been no different than alot of their other tactics. They create mass hysteria for nothing either to cause wars to make their damn shekels or through a "pandemic" that isn't even real. Its ok goy just pray to jeshua ben doodoo and you will be saved from jewvid.

Just dont forget to wear your mask and get the jab or you are a terrorist and a bad goy cus you know...muh population control. :roll: We need to restrict your rights...for your protection!
Shadowcat said:
also to add on, i wonder whatever the fuck happened to ebola, birdflu or swine flew?? Also lab made no doubt just like the rest of the bioweapons...Guess cohen 19 was the new and "better" thing..

Ebola actually wiped out whole villages and has a 70% death rate or something. If this was let loose, it would be killing people in the millions. That would make the situation unsustainable for those who orchestrate the hoax. Chaos would ensue.

Bird Flu was the attempt to make the meme, and swine flu. These were small memes of the time. Certainly they gathered some great data from these.

But this situation is exclusive because China was involved, it came from a bio-weapons lab etc. It all filled the perfect script one needed for brutalizing the freedoms of the masses. It also came on and was enforced on a very important timing where Trump was leaving office.

Ah, perfect opportunity goy. Now we're gonna impose your QR code for literally taking a shit in your new digital xiaomi toilet. Oy veyyyyyy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
also to add on, i wonder whatever the fuck happened to ebola, birdflu or swine flew?? Also lab made no doubt just like the rest of the bioweapons...Guess cohen 19 was the new and "better" thing..

Ebola actually wiped out whole villages and has a 70% death rate or something. If this was let loose, it would be killing people in the millions. That would make the situation unsustainable for those who orchestrate the hoax. Chaos would ensue.

Bird Flu was the attempt to make the meme, and swine flu. These were small memes of the time. Certainly they gathered some great data from these.

But this situation is exclusive because China was involved, it came from a bio-weapons lab etc. It all filled the perfect script one needed for brutalizing the freedoms of the masses. It also came on and was enforced on a very important timing where Trump was leaving office.

Ah, perfect opportunity goy. Now we're gonna impose your QR code for literally taking a shit in your new digital xiaomi toilet. Oy veyyyyyy.

Interesting to see how they were basically testing the waters with these. Ebola i knew specifically was organic but i thought a strain of it was let out on purpose at the certain point in time when there was another outbreak. that one is real nasty. i thought they were trying to manipulate it somehow. From what you gave just now though, they probably found that too risky. Chilling to say the least that something like that would be unleashed.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:



There are many terrifying natural diseases with 50%+ percent of death certainty. These get created by nature too or by poor hygienic and other circumstances. They aren't all man made. Humanity has suffered from many of these before.

But now all they do is the power grabbing business and exploiting the situation with the Co-Vid. Also, even Co-Vid, before they manufactured it in the lab, was actually coming from real naturally existing viruses.

Yet they were like who cares, let's just use the opportunity to impose all sorts of digital dictatorship over the populace over this. The disease is the least of their concerns and it's really obvious.
Just imagine how angry the masses will be a few years from now when they clearly understand that the whole pandemic and vaccine thing was a jewish plot to turn them into a borg species or something down those lines. People are really having it rough. They will lynch these aliens.
Every rag does this every day on rotation, its thousands of stories by now. The goal is clearly to make the unvaxxed pariahs or cagots.

I went on some extreme leftist shithole and all of them were arguing the antivax need to be force vaxxed and/or 'killed by the NKVD'. None of them found it even slightly bothersome that these lockdowns have caused millions of deaths by starvation, unheard of levels of poverty in some places, total curbing of rights, or even deprivation of workers rights. The 'ACAB RIP Baby Floyd xxx' types found it beautiful that the police or politicians aren't forced to be vaccinated in France, while the plebs and serfs are. These people really are despicable weaklings and scum but then again, communists always were, and their script is always the same, 212AD or 2021AD.

Part of me feels most bible thumping lunatics and flagellators from past lives in this timeframe simply incarnated into being humanity hating leftists.
What you gonna do? Time's caught up with you
Now you wait your turn, you know there's no return
Take your written rules, you join the other fools
Obey everything, now it's killing you

First it was the SARS, germs everywhere
Disillusioning, you put the face mask on
From life you escape, reality's that way
Model citizen, deprived of oxygen

Oh you, you know you must be blind
To do something like this
To take the jab that you don't know
You're giving Death a kiss,
Oh, little fool now

You're maintaining safe distance
From everone around
To you, it's public safety
So take the booster shot, don't stop to think now

You're returning to "the normal"
But that won't last
Your mind's completely wiped
You're living too fast
Go out enjoy yourself
Got the passport now
You need someone to help you
To put the face mask on, yeah

Now you know the scene, your skin starts to magnetize
Your eyes no longer seeing life's reality
Take the needle in, face death's sickly grin
Holes are in your skin, caused by deadly pin

Head starts spinning 'round, you fall down to the ground
Feel your body heave, Death's hands starts to weave
It's too late to turn, you don't want to learn
"Trust the science", you cry, now you're gonna die!
Someday, once this entire planet really wakes up and gets its chance to revolt, I hope the kikes can take an entire vat of their covid up their bumholes and mouths along with ebola. I'd be happy to soon do any bloody hands-on activities to them after we win the war to alleviate another "sin" within me(I have plenty, LOL), which would go along the lines of "twenty-four years of hatred and anger on those half-reptarded sons of bitches that made the world a very, very cruel place".
I don't think covid exists. I could be wrong, but it looks like they just renamed the common cold and flu.
At this point, this is a curtain for siphoning energy into a layer that was once the xian energies. As soon as a massive part of xianity was damaged, another guilt draining psychological mess side of a weapon was deployed, and people stress their energies and whole life over this for the jew. Some people have in mind only this to focus on, like life is only covid and vaccine.
Karnonnos said:

Part of me feels most bible thumping lunatics and flagellators from past lives in this timeframe simply incarnated into being humanity hating leftists.

The only thing the left was doing that was useful, was speak about the Working Rights. All of this is now out of the window entirely. It's as if they don't care anymore about the economy, the fact that infinite money was printed for the fewest 5% of earth, or that many people are crumbling and millions will be kicked unconstitutionally out of their works and therefore starve.

So much of the "left being for the Worker". They are the same shit as the right wing and nothing else. The two faces of the same hebrew coin.
Spidersweb said:
I don't think covid exists. I could be wrong, but it looks like they just renamed the common cold and flu.

According to science, it does. The symptoms in most people are the same for the flu.
Spidersweb said:
I don't think covid exists. I could be wrong, but it looks like they just renamed the common cold and flu.

I thought so too until I caught it. I can go months without falling sick but I've had flus in the past; but none were ever that severe, let alone losing my senses of smell and taste. But I recovered in around a week.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The majority of these "long-haul" physical symptoms are just organ deficiencies exacerabated by the illness (regardless of covid or not). If someone gets the flu while they are already battling cancer, then their prior cancer symptoms will also worsen.

The difference here is that allopathic medicine does not recognize low-level organ deficiencies, so they can get away with labeling anything that arises as Covid-related. As a practical example, some people get worsening tinnitus, which pertains mainly to the kidneys. All this shows is that the kidneys (which act as batteries for the body), were strained by the illness. The actual viral particles did not attack the ears, however.

Another example pertains to the loss of smell. I read a research paper a while ago which showed how that symptom can arise due to zinc deficiency in the body. Zinc is used up in large-scale immune responses, and the average western diet does not contain lots of zinc, therefore the problem becomes long-term. Again, covid did not actually attack the tissue in question.


For the enemy to pull off this Covid stunt, they first needed to have largely removed and warped all physical health knowledge, otherwise, people would see right through it. I believe this started in the '50s with the advent of pharmaceuticals and allopathic medicine. Lots of Rockefeller "philanthropy" in the medical field, and so on.

Even more recently, I believe they had a few psyop campaigns against anti-vaxxers in preparation for this. It seems like everyone and their grandmother wants to tell you about herd immunity.


I like how you frame the struggle people face as the "sin of covid". It is truly like that, where they try to put as much mental pressure on people so they relent. Like if you just get the shot, the bad dream is over and one can go about their business again.

However, like the concept of sinning in Christianity, they also rev up the vaccine supporters, making them rabid in their feelings of moral superiority.
Blackdragon666 said:
Just imagine how angry the masses will be a few years from now when they clearly understand that the whole pandemic and vaccine thing was a jewish plot to turn them into a borg species or something down those lines. People are really having it rough. They will lynch these aliens.
Many have lost their livelihoods, many have died from lockdown measures. The lies and injustice done is maddening. People are already angry, but the will is not directed on the jew totally and completely yet. In time it will be, and I hope to see each and everyone who works/worked against humanity... Deceased, should I say.
The more one distances themselves from the situation about all of the "pandemic" the clearer the image becomes that they want to instill in people major feelings of existential guilt, suspicion of one another, break down human relationships and minds, and in effect, get people used to rampant rape of their freedom, increased surveillance on all levels of existence, and an indisputable rule by bribed "experts" that don't take the human being into consideration through all of this.

But people are treated like animals that have the bubonic plague. What is worse, they don't even NEED TO HAVE IT! From a simple psychological standpoint, this is creating major neurosis in an individual: the constant feeling of being "guilty" is rampantly promoted to all directions.

Everyone is a superspreader, asymptomatic superspreader, potential killer of millions, no mask = you kill people [even if you are 10 feet apart or you stay in your house]. The only solution to this jewish ritual is to take one's "Shot", and absolve one's "sin of covid".

And if one does do that, be prepared for eternal penance, with ineffective vaccines ad nauseum. This is like Christianity at this point. The vaccine doesn't even prevent it, people pass it up, and so on, with it. Therefore that is not even a vaccine that is causing permanent inoculation. In many European countries, it has only become a Papal paper of the absolving on one's "Sin of covid" in front of the Government.

Unfortunatelly, I'll take the shots. Because pressure at home is high (my mom is even threatening of kicking me out). Both of my parents are health workers though, so if anything happens to me, they'll get me covered.

My father is working directly with COVID-19 cases and he says that the situation is desperate and dire. He says that all the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in the hospital where he works are full and this makes the health manager go into panic mode, since he is criminally responsible for letting people die because they were not attended in the first place. My dad is dealing with the worst cases of the virus and he says that it is not like a flu at all. It is capable of clotting arteries and necrosis in various organs of the body. Even people who survive have severe sequelae. So saying that "most people survive the virus" ends up not being a good argument at all against the vaccines.

Another reason for me to take the shot is to work abroad within one year, since I'm a new graduate and there are not many scopes for me in my country to get a job and almost every country is requiring to be vaccinated to get in.

I'm not trying to convince anyone to take the vaccines, since this is a game of probalities. I just want to point out a different perspective in this situation in order to make people understand it better. The fear that the media portrays is not fake, even though it has been used for wicked purposes. I hope that our beloved Gods protect us all, indepedently of taking the shots or not.
The groundwork for classifying any people opposing the establishment as terrorists was already done with 9/11 & PATRIOT Act.

The COVID program has revealed better than ever before that how far gone people are on the average. Where ever I go, I see boobs/lemmings/NPCs still wearing their face diapers.

The establishment has been dangling the bait above us for a better part of a year now. It takes a considerable mental passivity to believe that adherence to rules is going to ease anything.

Whether it's original sin, climate change or national debt, artificial/imaginary problems can be "solved" endlessly. As Cobra pointed out, this is the hallmark of jewish programs.

So far, the COVID death toll has been simply statistical fraud. However, by now the "vaccines" have started to kill people. Thus, perhaps in the immediate future, the COVID death records do not require messing of death certificates, forcing people into ventilators, discovery of "infection" from the noise produced by PCR, etc. Instead, the COVID illness slot shall be assigned to all the damage caused by the injected substances. Finally, there's no longer need to scrape for all kinds of deaths/illnesses/tests because there's genuine increase in overall mortality.

To reduce mortality, more "vaccinations" need to be assigned, of course! If a large-scale genocide is intended, feeding a vicious cycle like this would the logical thing to do. The fundamental criterion for "herd immunity" here is to inject everybody except the elite & jewish community. That is, ~95% of the population needs to be vaxxed...

Blackdragon666 said:
Just imagine how angry the masses will be a few years from now when they clearly understand that the whole pandemic and vaccine thing was a jewish plot to turn them into a borg species or something down those lines. People are really having it rough. They will lynch these aliens.

The enemy is pretty well-prepared for this. The common peoples of "developed" / "western" (white) countries have been mostly disarmed with legislations that have been triggered by false-flag mass shootings such as the one in 1996 at Port Arthur, Tasmania (where a retard was supposed to have a kill ratio of 35 per 58!). Australia is one of the places where the COVID program has been implemented most aggressively.

The main hurdle that the NWO crowd needs to cross is the people of USA. The only credible way to get the numbers against the American gunowner is Chinese invasion.
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Karnonnos said:

Part of me feels most bible thumping lunatics and flagellators from past lives in this timeframe simply incarnated into being humanity hating leftists.

The only thing the left was doing that was useful, was speak about the Working Rights. All of this is now out of the window entirely. It's as if they don't care anymore about the economy, the fact that infinite money was printed for the fewest 5% of earth, or that many people are crumbling and millions will be kicked unconstitutionally out of their works and therefore starve.

So much of the "left being for the Worker". They are the same shit as the right wing and nothing else. The two faces of the same hebrew coin.

The constitution doesn't protect you against being fired from your job in any way, unless you work for the government.

In many European Nations it does, for medical personnel, military, public servants and it protects public servants.

The first wave of people they are trying to kick out, is military personnel, public servants and even public doctors [mostly in Europe] who refuse to do as they are enforced.

That is unconstitutional.
TimberWolf said:

The main hurdle that the NWO crowd needs to cross is the people of USA. The only credible way to get the numbers against the American gunowner is Chinese invasion.

Many people don't understand this, but this is for real. They are now putting the Chinese subversion and gun grab into full force.

Wherever there were not gun ownership rights [and therefore the Government did not have any fear] they have been abusing people. This happened in Italy, Greece, Australia and other Nations like one person told me, Peru too. The US, being so largely armed, is a tossing of a coin if they attempted this internally. Not even the military would be on board.

At the same rate, they are now wiping out of the military "thought dissent" and people who don't agree with the leftist agenda to the last letter. Eventually they might work in the next decade to brainwash the military that the gun grab from the populace is to be "sought after".

Also, if they tried that disarmament by force and directly towards US citizens, China would probably exploit this as an opportunity to invade us and capitalize on the chaos.

In the United States, the whole lockdown situation was a breeze compared to Nations like these stated above. In Australia they started deploying the military left and right.
Elas Qilar said:
My father is working directly with COVID-19 cases and he says that the situation is desperate and dire. He says that all the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in the hospital where he works are full and this makes the health manager go into panic mode, since he is criminally responsible for letting people die because they were not attended in the first place. My dad is dealing with the worst cases of the virus and he says that it is not like a flu at all. It is capable of clotting arteries and necrosis in various organs of the body. Even people who survive have severe sequelae. So saying that "most people survive the virus" ends up not being a good argument at all against the vaccines.

This same medical establishment has gone to great lengths to ruin people's health. Nations increasingly spend billions on healthcare and people are only getting worse, therefore their system of treatment does not work. Those who understand any alternative medicinal systems (and have read the scientific evidence for them), know just how easily a human body can be healed and empowered, physically.

The enemy has gone to great lengths at denying not just alternative medicine treatments, but even allopathic treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Whether the condition in question is diabetes, the flu, or covid, people are being improperly treated in every hospital around the country. Therefore, a full hospital ward is not an accurate representation of the disease. It is severely overblown and overstated.

Even without the use of psychic energy for healing, physical health can easily be maintained to perfection in 99.9% of humans through the use of acupuncture, herbs, dietary therapy, yoga, and other exercises.
In the future, the current medical establishment will collapse, as it is bloated beyond belief. There is no need for a 10 million dollar specialty ward (for example gastroenterology), which leaves all of its patients untreated. It is beyond ineffective and absolutely corrupted.
Blitzkreig said:
Elas Qilar said:
My father is working directly with COVID-19 cases and he says that the situation is desperate and dire. He says that all the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in the hospital where he works are full and this makes the health manager go into panic mode, since he is criminally responsible for letting people die because they were not attended in the first place. My dad is dealing with the worst cases of the virus and he says that it is not like a flu at all. It is capable of clotting arteries and necrosis in various organs of the body. Even people who survive have severe sequelae. So saying that "most people survive the virus" ends up not being a good argument at all against the vaccines.

This same medical establishment has gone to great lengths to ruin people's health. Nations increasingly spend billions on healthcare and people are only getting worse, therefore their system of treatment does not work. Those who understand any alternative medicinal systems (and have read the scientific evidence for them), know just how easily a human body can be healed and empowered, physically.

The enemy has gone to great lengths at denying not just alternative medicine treatments, but even allopathic treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Whether the condition in question is diabetes, the flu, or covid, people are being improperly treated in every hospital around the country. Therefore, a full hospital ward is not an accurate representation of the disease. It is severely overblown and overstated.

Even without the use of psychic energy for healing, physical health can easily be maintained to perfection in 99.9% of humans through the use of acupuncture, herbs, dietary therapy, yoga, and other exercises.
In the future, the current medical establishment will collapse, as it is bloated beyond belief. There is no need for a 10 million dollar specialty ward (for example gastroenterology), which leaves all of its patients untreated. It is beyond ineffective and absolutely corrupted.

My father said that the ICUs have been filled in an unprecedented matter and the death rate of covid is much higher than flu, for instance. Patients can spend months in an ICU until they die. Plus, at least in my country, hospitals from capital cities have always been fuller because smaller cities do not have the same hospital infrastructure to attend patients. The covid just radicalized this situation. This is specially true regarding public health care. Some hospitals that were not public, went bankrupt because of the pandemic.

We can keep all day long dicussing the benefits of alternative medicines and how medical treatments nowadays are flawed, but the reality is that there is no space to debate and prove these pubicly while (((big pharma))) is running the show of horrors we are witnessing today. Therefore, we have to be pragmatic in the way we approach things, according to our objectives in life. If you are confident to use alternative medicines that you stated (I use some of them too) and you are not worried about limitations that the lack of vaccine may bring you, then go on. This is not my case though. The real cure for all of this is to keep up with RTRs daily to solve this situation and many others.
Henu the Great said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Just imagine how angry the masses will be a few years from now when they clearly understand that the whole pandemic and vaccine thing was a jewish plot to turn them into a borg species or something down those lines. People are really having it rough. They will lynch these aliens.
Many have lost their livelihoods, many have died from lockdown measures. The lies and injustice done is maddening. People are already angry, but the will is not directed on the jew totally and completely yet. In time it will be, and I hope to see each and everyone who works/worked against humanity... Deceased, should I say.
If you ask me death is a very mild punishment for these people. Because they will reincarnate and the greed or whatever else pushed them to work against the masses will still be in their souls. Like the Gentile leaders who have accepted bribes to push senseless lockdowns and police brutality. They will die but reincarnate and possibly rise to power again. Some people deserve punishments like the ones the Gods give, where you get a lifetime of suffering that equates to the magnitude of the crimes you committed.

TimberWolf said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Just imagine how angry the masses will be a few years from now when they clearly understand that the whole pandemic and vaccine thing was a jewish plot to turn them into a borg species or something down those lines. People are really having it rough. They will lynch these aliens.

The enemy is pretty well-prepared for this. The common peoples of "developed" / "western" (white) countries have been mostly disarmed with legislations that have been triggered by false-flag mass shootings such as the one in 1996 at Port Arthur, Tasmania (where a retard was supposed to have a kill ratio of 35 per 58!). Australia is one of the places where the COVID program has been implemented most aggressively.

The main hurdle that the NWO crowd needs to cross is the people of USA. The only credible way to get the numbers against the American gunowner is Chinese invasion.
I think it would still be very hard if millions are taking physical action against them. Suppose the military also doesn't cave in to the enemy's agenda, at least not completely. They are still in the process of weakening people so that they can be unable to resist future aggressions.
Blitzkreig said:
Elas Qilar said:
My father is working directly with COVID-19 cases and he says that the situation is desperate and dire. He says that all the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in the hospital where he works are full and this makes the health manager go into panic mode, since he is criminally responsible for letting people die because they were not attended in the first place. My dad is dealing with the worst cases of the virus and he says that it is not like a flu at all. It is capable of clotting arteries and necrosis in various organs of the body. Even people who survive have severe sequelae. So saying that "most people survive the virus" ends up not being a good argument at all against the vaccines.

This same medical establishment has gone to great lengths to ruin people's health. Nations increasingly spend billions on healthcare and people are only getting worse, therefore their system of treatment does not work. Those who understand any alternative medicinal systems (and have read the scientific evidence for them), know just how easily a human body can be healed and empowered, physically.

The enemy has gone to great lengths at denying not just alternative medicine treatments, but even allopathic treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Whether the condition in question is diabetes, the flu, or covid, people are being improperly treated in every hospital around the country. Therefore, a full hospital ward is not an accurate representation of the disease. It is severely overblown and overstated.

Even without the use of psychic energy for healing, physical health can easily be maintained to perfection in 99.9% of humans through the use of acupuncture, herbs, dietary therapy, yoga, and other exercises.
In the future, the current medical establishment will collapse, as it is bloated beyond belief. There is no need for a 10 million dollar specialty ward (for example gastroenterology), which leaves all of its patients untreated. It is beyond ineffective and absolutely corrupted.

When the entire World's medical community uses a black magick Hagalatz rune especially in Blue then you got a problem. Especially when this symbol is plastered across every medical area even being used on the caduceus. It seems to me the entire medical and especially more so the mental health system is beyond pathetic. I never knew people and Universities can waste the lives of people by having specific branches of medicine, I like to call it overmicromangement a very communistic form of education. It's funny there's this meme in the air that people hate doctors in fact I'm such a person most doctors are just doctors for the shekels they aren't even truly doctors just some person with a medical degree. I bet if we had the old even Ancient Greek doctors they'd gain more respect than modern day doctors. It seems like sensory wise most people fear doctors no idea if it's some sort of negative mentality or a mentality of I know logically speaking this person intends to heal me but my illogical side is stating there is a MUCH better and easier way than pumped full of drugs by this guy who takes money in from big pharma.

Also recently on the news a woman had her children taken away from her cause she was unvaccinated unless she gets the vaccine and shows proof she won't be able to regain her children. Judicial order so the terrorism is spreading towards the justice department. "oy vey goyim get dah shot or else u won't see ur children kekeke".
Henu the Great said:
Many have lost their livelihoods, many have died from lockdown measures. The lies and injustice done is maddening. People are already angry, but the will is not directed on the jew totally and completely yet. In time it will be, and I hope to see each and everyone who works/worked against humanity... Deceased, should I say.

Every single piece of shit involved in all levels of decision making in all of the governments of the world must be punished with death. They don't deserve to live after fucking with everyone's lives like this.
Blitzkreig said:
Elas Qilar said:
My father is working directly with COVID-19 cases and he says that the situation is desperate and dire. He says that all the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in the hospital where he works are full and this makes the health manager go into panic mode, since he is criminally responsible for letting people die because they were not attended in the first place. My dad is dealing with the worst cases of the virus and he says that it is not like a flu at all. It is capable of clotting arteries and necrosis in various organs of the body. Even people who survive have severe sequelae. So saying that "most people survive the virus" ends up not being a good argument at all against the vaccines.

This same medical establishment has gone to great lengths to ruin people's health. Nations increasingly spend billions on healthcare and people are only getting worse, therefore their system of treatment does not work. Those who understand any alternative medicinal systems (and have read the scientific evidence for them), know just how easily a human body can be healed and empowered, physically.

The enemy has gone to great lengths at denying not just alternative medicine treatments, but even allopathic treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Whether the condition in question is diabetes, the flu, or covid, people are being improperly treated in every hospital around the country. Therefore, a full hospital ward is not an accurate representation of the disease. It is severely overblown and overstated.

Even without the use of psychic energy for healing, physical health can easily be maintained to perfection in 99.9% of humans through the use of acupuncture, herbs, dietary therapy, yoga, and other exercises.
In the future, the current medical establishment will collapse, as it is bloated beyond belief. There is no need for a 10 million dollar specialty ward (for example gastroenterology), which leaves all of its patients untreated. It is beyond ineffective and absolutely corrupted.

Just a reminder hydroxychloroquine on it´s own did kill many people asians, brasilians, italians...:



About full hospitals:
In germany within the pandemic time, 20 something hospitals did get closed, emergency beds were reduced, so they would have a higher percentage of beds in emergency care, which are full (if remember right 90%), because if they have, the hospital get´s way more money for someone treated.

Also they can broadcast more fear in the media 90% of all beds, are full goyim, you need to stay at home or we will kill the healthcare system wich will kill you or love ones in the end, oy vey...

Your dad is not responsibel /personal lyabel for anything, the hospital is protected by thear insurance also no doctor who was on the pro vaxx side did get succesfully sued or anything as far as I remember did read the news.

In theory yes, but in reality there is 0% risk for him.
-> https://www.bitchute.com/video/ELUoVaVSHmcg/

The whole plan is to weaken our immune systems and instead of the natural immunity to the cold virus -- and that's all that basically is -- and get us all addicted to getting a second shot, a third shot, ... , a forty ninth shot, etc. And they are going to concoct stupid "variants" like the delta variant the schmelta variant etc. Hell, if they are going to go through all the greek letters why do they not just show their true colors and call it the Y'shua virus -- you know, "I am the Alpha and the Omega"... ;) :oops:

This is the way Rockefeller "allopathic" medicine has always worked. It does not benefit from making people healthy and strong. It grows parasitically from making people sick so they can dispense their own cure continually, oh, at their astronomical prices. Forget quinine derivatives and all this shiat that gets dished out on the alt-truth media. There has always existed a cure that is safe, effective and relatively inexpense -- Ozone therapy. Get into Dave Asprey's writings and how a bunch of forward thinking doctors set up an ozone therapy clinic to cure Ebola victims. It was working. Till the governments caught on and cancelled the entire clinic, and issued death threats to the trainees. One woman in this African program was placed under house arrest and was barred from receiving ozone therapy which would have saved her life and she died from Ebola.



Not to mention Orgone therapy and countless others that governments under Enemy control have actively suppressed so they can run their own methadone clinic style shiat show and col-lect. $$$$$$ Do not fear; they will get theirs.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...But people are treated like animals that have the bubonic plague. What is worse, they don't even NEED TO HAVE IT! From a simple psychological standpoint, this is creating major neurosis in an individual: the constant feeling of being "guilty" is rampantly promoted to all directions.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich wrote:

Something very important...
When one feels sorry, one opens one's self to negative energy in the way of making it extremely easy to be vulnerable to curses.

This is why the Christian churches are forever promoting being sorry and repentance. Being sorry opens a person wide up. People would be shocked at how, especially the Catholic Church throws curses (the Jesuits are a spiritual assassin squad). Just as rotten as the Jews, as they are and always have been nothing more than a powerful tool for the Jews.

Azazel explained that feeling sorry is connected to punishment. Punishment = accepting curses.

From this sermon:


lmao, (((they))) know that (((they))) need to find a way to make (((their))) curses work. they're basically trying to speedrun at this point.

careful, joo, you might trip yourselves into a volcanic pit and turn into ashes along with your hebruh letters :lol: :lol: :lol:
Blackdragon666 said:
Spidersweb said:
I don't think covid exists. I could be wrong, but it looks like they just renamed the common cold and flu.

I thought so too until I caught it. I can go months without falling sick but I've had flus in the past; but none were ever that severe, let alone losing my senses of smell and taste. But I recovered in around a week.

Just because you got sick does not automatically mean that you caught some magical virus. Virus's are not contagious nor are they the cause of any illness or disease. You(and this entire forum's) understanding of disease and illness is complete wrong.

Why You Can't Catch A Virus

Tom Barnett - You can't catch a virus

Anyone interested in an actual education of disease and illness I highly recommend the book:
What Really Makes You ill

Once you understand what a virus actually is and its real nature, you can easily see through all the lies being pushed. Yes people are getting sick, but it is not from some virus.

- Virus's are not the cause of any illness or disease, they are not contagious, and you can't create them out of a lab.
Crippler said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Spidersweb said:
I don't think covid exists. I could be wrong, but it looks like they just renamed the common cold and flu.

I thought so too until I caught it. I can go months without falling sick but I've had flus in the past; but none were ever that severe, let alone losing my senses of smell and taste. But I recovered in around a week.

Just because you got sick does not automatically mean that you caught some magical virus. Virus's are not contagious nor are they the cause of any illness or disease. You(and this entire forum's) understanding of disease and illness is complete wrong.

Why You Can't Catch A Virus

Tom Barnett - You can't catch a virus

Anyone interested in an actual education of disease and illness I highly recommend the book:
What Really Makes You ill

Once you understand what a virus actually is and its real nature, you can easily see through all the lies being pushed. Yes people are getting sick, but it is not from some virus.

- Virus's are not the cause of any illness or disease, they are not contagious, and you can't create them out of a lab.

Ah yes, the whole medical industry, Gentile scientists and doctors with IQs over 150 and everyone else decent who has been researching on viruses the past decades is retarded or somehow deluded.

Viruses actually exist and do cause disease. I got covid and recovered in around a week but passed it to a couple of people who also recovered quickly.
Shadowcat said:
All of this is about control, impinging on privacy, and dehumanization ect which has been no different than alot of their other tactics. They create mass hysteria for nothing either to cause wars to make their damn shekels or through a "pandemic" that isn't even real. Its ok goy just pray to jeshua ben doodoo and you will be saved from jewvid.

Just dont forget to wear your mask and get the jab or you are a terrorist and a bad goy cus you know...muh population control. :roll: We need to restrict your rights...for your protection!

So true!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
