slyscorpion said:
There are several stories like the above where they talk about this all one needs is a search engine. Many of these issues I believe when they come out are attributed to something else so it probably is vastly under reported.
This is not something very many people if anyone talked about on here. I was commenting to a friend that I literally this summer and spring there were so many storeies of people doing mentally unhinged things especially parents killing their own children cause they hear voices.
I would not know if this is something related to the spiritual as covid is based on enemy curses or if this is based on the physical as in the vaccine and virus altering dna or the brain chemistry in a very bad way.
Realize this before taking the vaccine. People should be aware. I am strongly thinking since it uses the spike proteins it can cause similar or the same effects.
The media has scared people so much about "Co-Vid", that they turned a basic illness into something that one should feel detestable for having. People are half dead by the fear of it.
People who have it are also "blamed" for what is going on in society. When one is sick with it, they are treated like a caged animal, as if they carry the bubonic plague or worse. Even the "Fear" of contacting this, or the "Suspicion", has whole Nations treated like caged animals. This is irrational and it creates a climate of terror. Meanwhile, this is about as deadly as the regular flu on a rampant season that kills hundreds of thousands yearly.
Children were told in National TV oftentimes, that they will kill their grandparents, and people were guilt trip to feel like murderers over having committed nothing. People have to live like suspects and keep their sneezes in, and forcibly quarantine. You are a suspect. Where is your QR code? No life for you. The list goes.
All this climate is creating actively psychological damage that will affect humanity for a very long time. The crime of the enemy here in treating this situation in this manner, is beyond anything that has been recently done. Even during WW2, people have had way more rights.
People were literally called TERRORISTS by the US Agencies for denying these measures. Society has lost their minds. Apparently, uncle joe that doesn't want to vaccinate, is now equal to a proponent of murdering thousands in Al Qeida.
"All these little unvaccinated kids, are also Al Qeida terrorists. Quick, mandate that we syringe them all immediately", -your random news in the TV for the other day.
The more one distances themselves from the situation about all of the "pandemic" the clearer the image becomes that they want to instill in people major feelings of existential guilt, suspicion of one another, break down human relationships and minds, and in effect, get people used to rampant rape of their freedom, increased surveillance on all levels of existence, and an indisputable rule by bribed "experts" that don't take the human being into consideration through all of this.
But people are treated like animals that have the bubonic plague. What is worse, they don't even NEED TO HAVE IT! From a simple psychological standpoint, this is creating major neurosis in an individual: the constant feeling of being "guilty" is rampantly promoted to all directions.
Everyone is a superspreader, asymptomatic superspreader, potential killer of millions, no mask = you kill people [even if you are 10 feet apart or you stay in your house]. The only solution to this jewish ritual is to take one's "Shot", and absolve one's "sin of covid".
And if one does do that, be prepared for eternal penance, with ineffective vaccines ad nauseum. This is like Christianity at this point. The vaccine doesn't even prevent it, people pass it up, and so on, with it. Therefore that is not even a vaccine that is causing permanent inoculation. In many European countries, it has only become a Papal paper of the absolving on one's "Sin of covid" in front of the Government.
Your Papal Paper and Sin Removal Certificate, is your QR code. Thou shall enter the supermarket with it, goy, your Rabbi is Satisfied. Now line up for more eternally recurring shots that will later mutate the Co-vid and who knows what.
Needless to say, this is nothing medical of pandemic focused here, it's just media masturbation and the jews creating media fad to further their agenda and make people insane.
This creates endless fear. This fear then creates psychological problems. The fact one is told that they are disgusting and possessed by something or a "super spreader" that will "cost the life of millions", 24/7, all year long, causes many people to go insane from the fear.
Lockdowns, impositions, extreme insane measures that strangle freedom, all of these are causing psychological damage to human beings.
Then, these idiots come out to reinforce the initial lie, and say it's the "Co-vid" that does it.
Also, in regards to the vaccine causing these reactions, anything that overstimulates people to an extreme extent [it might happen to some people] might give them these hallucinogenic lapses or insanity.
All of this nonsense displays how weak and servile humanity has become, to the point that the West is literally overage people acting like it's the end of the world over a literal flu. The weaker the specimen the more the fear.
Leftists and in general people who are too frail to exist, are the ones who are already scared as per usual, those in power capitalizing on that fear.
Data, logic, the knowledge of two years into this - nothing touches these people as much as their own weakness does. They feel the echo of death from a virus that is less likely to kill you than you getting many other illnesses. The difference is, this is the major media and governmental plot right now. More people will die from smoking or cancer, but we pass these by without fear everyday.
People who constantly go around promoting the vaccine, remind me of Jehovah's witnesses. Have you accepted jeboo as your savior? But to be saved from what, since the vaccine is not even stopping re-admission but is also possibly causing mutations?
I don't know goy. Just accept Jeboo as your savior. Then he will give you a different kosher lie every single day on why he's going to save you again. Now prepare for your eternal doses that nobody knows if they are effective and do them in order to repent for your sin of carrying co-vid, even if you never contacted it.
A true psychological warfare hebrew clown show.
Co-Vid did nothing wrong, compared to what the clown show is doing. The damage through all of this is 5% Co-Vid, and 95% nonsense damage from governments, power grabs, insane measures, and the worlds psychopaths in one movement, that have found a modern era religion of popular abuse over the first pretext they could grab.
All of this circus show has to end eventually. Yet, as it's continuing, it appears it will end up only with crazy masses rallying these people towards the guillotines.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666