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The Reasons Behind the Yahoo changes, including e-mail upgrades.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
    Some of you may already know about this and there are others who may find this of interest. There are literally thousands of people complaining about the yahoo e-group changes, from school groups to all kinds of different interests. The enemy monitors everyone. Using credit or debit cards instead of cash lets them know how and what you spend your money on, your interests and eventually establishes a personality profile. That is just one. Looking at history, for example, most of you are familiar with the Inquisition and the “purges,” the mass-murder and torture of millions upon millions under communism. Both of these programs are Jewish instigated and operated. This isn’t something to take lightly. Now...we have the computer age, where it is much easier to keep track of any citizens and decide their fate. The enemy relies on potential victims to say and do nothing. The instructions for this are in the bible- “turn the other cheek,” walk that extra mile, be spat upon...take any and all kinds of abuse until it is way too late to do anything at all. I noted some 13 years ago, when I got started online, there was no real opposition to Christianity. Xians [for those who are new “xian means Christian]. dominated the forums, and other online groups at that time. Jews put up websites claiming to be “Satanists” “Satanic” and these were some of the most vile, filthy and disgusting imaginable. Blood sacrifices, sexual torture and related, claiming to be of Satan; and of course, the reverse xianity. Now, some are taking the other position and making Satanism very christ-like. Unless people relentlessly speak up, and protest all of this commie-jew crap, it will soon be too late. That is how they operate. They also whine the loudest and try to get the populace or whomever they are working to infest, believe there are more of them than there really are and also that many agree with them. This is a very old communist tactic. Communism and its twin xianity are designed not only to take all of your freedoms away, but will ruthlessly destroy and annihilate anyone and everyone they feel is even a minor threat. Right now, the USA is infested with this vermin through and through. Most people are totally unaware and are programmed by the system. Xianity has done a job in weakening the populace emotionally and psychologically into being bleeding hearts, and having misplaced sympathies.   Here are some excerpts; along with the URL’s so you can read further into these article if you choose:         http://www.abine.com/blog/2013/yahoo-no ... os-update/   “Yahoo is forcing its email users to switch to a new version of Yahoo Mail, and although it’s certainly easier on the eyes, the biggest change is less obvious: the new policy lets Yahoo scan your emails and IMs to target you with ads and see if you’re violating any policies or laws. Read on for 7 tips to deal with this change.   As of today (June 3, 2013), Yahoo Mail users will have to switch to the new version, which launched back in December. That means accepting the revised Terms of Service (TOS) and Privacy Policy, which means agreeing to let “Yahoo!’s automated systems scan and analyze all incoming and outgoing communications content sent and received from your account.”   Yahoo has automated systems that look at the words you type, the files you attach, the people you contact, your location, and more. These systems guess at who you are and what interests you, and then change the ads you see on Yahoo to whatever they think you’ll respond to. Google has been doing this with Gmail for a long time. There’s another privacy issue, too: Yahoo doesn’t just scan the email of Yahoo Mail users, but also the email of anyone who corresponds with them. That’s right: even if you don’t use Yahoo Mail but you email someone who does, Yahoo can scan your communications. The new TOS puts the burden on Yahoo users to tell the people they’re communicating with about this scanning: “If you consent to this ATOS and communicate with non-Yahoo! users using the Services, you are responsible for notifying those users about this feature.”   It’s not only a computerized system looking through your email; occasionally it’ll be a real person. Why? Because Yahoo is combing through your emails not only to figure out what you’re talking about to target you with ads, but for “abuse protection.” Although “abuse” is vague, it could mean violations of Yahoo’s Terms (like sending spam or links to copyrighted content) or unlawful behavior. If Yahoo’s system is anything like the others that currently exist (like on Facebook), once the system flags something as abusive, it could escalate to a real person.”     http://tech.slashdot.org/story/13/09/04 ... ups-update   "The new NEO format of Yahoo Groups is being rolled out to users and there is no option to go back. Users and moderators are posting messages asking Yahoo to go back to the old format. Yahoo is responding with a vanilla 'thank you for your feedback we are working to make it better' comment. Most posters are so frustrated that they just want the old site back. One poster writes 'Yahoo has effectively destroyed the groups, completely, themselves.'"       To give all of you [I know some of you are already up on this] an idea, there are endless complaints about these groups and yahoo could care less. I also would like to add- the “solutions” that yahoo is giving do not work for many PCs. For example, you can click on something and nothing will happen, such as trying to change the photo on the main page. Another of our HPs told me after he clicked on the photo, a box opened to upload, but it would not upload anything. The complaints of which I took some excerpts from below are in the tens of thousands. Professional advertisers and related claim for everyone one person who complains, there are 50 more who are silent.     http://yahoo.uservoice.com/forums/209451   EXCERPT: Return Groups format to prior format that WORKS! The new format does is NOT user friendly and works poorly and destroys some of that attracts new members to my group. The home page is gone. People join my group to get photos of their dogs edited and honored by being posted on the group home page which is now GONE! Only ONE of the photos can be seen at ALL. The functionality of all parts of the group is severely degraded and NOT user friendly. I tried to reorder groups and the functionality is so bad as to make it almost worthless. I can ONLY scroll to the bottom of the list if I move something from the top 10 down, and then I can bring something back up, but then I have not way to get that top10 item back up without moving about 6 to 8 groups around to slowly drag it back up to where I want IT to be. I cannot view photos attached to messages sent to the group. A thumbnail attached to the email does NOT take me to the photos. It takes me to somewhere totally wrong. When I click on Photos, I'm shown large icons of one photo from several albums, but even on mouseover, I am NOT given the album's NAME, so I don't know whose album it is. I can't get a LIST of album names to look for the one I want. "Messages" is replaced by conversations and there is NO option to select a specific month to go to in order to read messages from that month/year. There is also no Search window to allow me to do a keyword search for messages in the archives on any specific topic. Files has the files almost in alphabetical order, but files are mixed with folders and that's less helpful than having folders at the top. Links has the folders at the top and the unfiled links below that, which is almost good, but they are NOT in alphabetical order and I cannot select what order to have them shown in. I'm not allowed to edit the opening "info" webpage like I used to edit the group homepage. Only ONE of the 3 graphics I created to honor 6 new group members is findable and you have to know where and how to find it. The group description is no longer editable! I find NO option to change BACK to the format that you got rid of, but if I could put my group back to the prior format, I would DO SO IMMEDIATELY! You need to take member and moderator and owner opinions into account and return us to the prior format and not make such drastic changes with NO NOTICE and NO user feedback BEFOREHAND! I REQUEST YOU RETURN ALL GROUPS TO THE PRIOR FORMAT. IT WORKED! THE NEW ONE IS HORRIBLE AND MANY PORTIONS DO NOT WORK AT ALL. The new format does is NOT user friendly and works poorly and destroys some of that attracts new members to my group. The home page is gone. People join my group to get photos of their dogs edited and honored by being posted on the group home page which is now GONE! Only ONE of the photos can be seen at ALL. The functionality of all parts of the group is severely degraded and NOT user friendly. I tried to reorder groups and the functionality is so bad as to make it almost worthless. I can ONLY scroll to the…more   EXCERPT: New groups database has been rendered useless. Please change back. Our dog rescue group which is entirely run by volunteers, is heavily reliant on the database functionality. In past, through the use of Yahoo groups, we have been able to save the lives of 1500+ dogs. Within our group we all use it as a reference point for dogs in need, foster parent dogs in care, contact lists, applications in flight and a bucketload of other critical information. that we use day in and day out. This new database is neither fish nor fowl. Sort of excel like, but without any of the functionality. Used to be legible at a single glance. Now it's scroll left, scroll right, try to remember the column headers. Search tool doesn't work at all. Yahoo was providing a valuable service by supporting our efforts to save lives. If anything, the database functionality could have been made more robust by improving the database security of the original version or by adding more than 10 data elements.. This rollout? Poorly managed. Poorly tested. Lacks the same functionality. Nothing user friendly about it. I'm not resistant to change, it is inevitable, but my presumption is that change brings product or process improvement. This does neither. Please bring back the old version and improve it instead.   EXCERPT: You should better close the yahoo groups !!!! Hello i did not suceeded to find out if the yahoo group team is stupid or alien ! what planet do you come from ? one thing is sure, you have no idea of how we use our yahoo groups ! i am a e-card designer and i post my designs in my group since 2005 with more than 38.000 members You are destroying all our groups with your NEO failure ! and you persist and answer your angry customers in condescend manners - you have a very poor value of us group owners - but with no groups, no more money gained with advertising ! - we cannot change our group banner - error message when we save it - we cannot approve new members - error message - when we want to edit a mail, nothing appear - we post all our mails as html, you do not show the html content so the mails looks empty in these conditions impossible to edit a mail before approving it - the members cannot see the mails on the group page - all mails HTML content looks empty tell me one thing : what is the use to have a yahoo group if no one can see the mails from the group page ? - you call the mails "conversation" : we are not in a chatting room ! i only post e-cards and no text mails your team is not able to solve any issue of these we waste our precious time for nothing you have a poor value of your customer, taking us for fools like kids who make a caprice and do not like any change this is not a change, THIS IS DESTRUCTION ! you act like tyrans, oblige us to use something NOT WORKING AT ALL ! i never saw any company acting like you ! this is unbelievable ! my group looks uggly, empty, we cannot see any mails we cannot even see how many members are in the group or how many mails we accepted years after years so you hould better stop everything and close all yahoo groups this is better than your NEO **** OF FAILURE this will be a gain of time for us and you anyway all your groups will soon closed, many group owners find new hosting for their groups, i am one of them 29.000 of my 38.000 members already moved on my FB fan page and very soon i will shut down this NEO failure you destroy all what you touch - Yahoo SUCKS !   EXCERPT: comments  ·  Groups management  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin → PROBLEMS PERSISTING ON OCTOBER 4 - ROLL BACK TO CLASSIC AND END THIS NIGHTMARE problems still persisting on october 4 -2013 - i cannot change my cover page - error message when i save it - i cannot approve members on the web - erroe message when i want to approve - i am obliged to approve members via email - i cannot see my conversation page - it is blockade when i scroll down "Loading 31 - 61 of total 28,024 topics" <<-- it stop there - i cannot see my members list when i scroll down "Loading 31 - 61 of total 38761 members."<<--it stop there - I cannot search a member in the list - search button "loupe" doesn’t work - I cannot classify my members by any kind or order date, of joining or alphabetic order the small arrow/dropdown appears next to that particular header does not work - In the "conversation page" yes, since today now we can see the images embed, but the mails are half cut on the right side. So my members who choose daily digest to watch the mails on the net, this is very frustrating. - We CANNOT EDIT THE HTML codes of the pending mails. In the yahoo classic when we edited a mail we had 2 windows one for text and one for html. Editing html for pending mails is NECESSARY to remove any hyperlinks to avoid spamming our members. -The counter of "new photos" is FALSE. - We CANNOT EDIT THE HTML codes of the pending mails. In the yahoo classic when we edited a mail we had 2 windows one for text and one for html. Editing html for pending mails is NECESSARY to remove any hyperlinks to avoid spamming our members. - You must put back the pending mails as a LIST like in the classic version. Actually in NEO the pending mails are a terrible mess one after one we find nothing! What you did can be OK for small groups, but put your feet in the shoes of an owner of a very large group who receive daily 200 mails in pending - How can you imagine he can deal with the pending mails the way they show up in NEO? This is a disaster! - Pending mails must be in list like before. Otherwise groups’ owners/moderators will spend hours to manage their groups daily. Don't make our lives more complicates. Pending mails, editing html sources etc don't bother you on the look you want for NEO. So bring them back like before!   - The number of members of the groups is missing. Only the owner/moderator of a group can see how many members he have the other members or visitors cannot see how many members we have. This is important, especially if someone want to take membership. He likes to know if our group is appreciated.   - The historic of the mails thought the years is also not visible by visitors not members. It must be on the main page of the group. Again here is it important - when someone want to take membership he need to know how many mails he will receive daily or monthly to be sure he can handle this. I know some yahoo groups who approve more than 100 mails daily. New members need to know this information before taking membership. We had this clearly in classic version. - The date of creation of the group is also missing in to visitors. - There is another problem you must work on: the problem of the BOUNCING members. Yahoo has a bad habit to add easily people in "bouncing status". I know this happen to me already with my Yahoo ID. Even my mail box was not full and I clean it regularly. I have 38.757 members and inside of them 20.152 so called "bouncing". Some of my members complain regularly you add them in bouncing without reason they regularly clean their mail box and it is not full. The result is that I have too many requests to unbounce members. For the Yahoo members I give them the way to unbounce by themselves, but for my members who do not have a yahoo profile I am obliged to send them a reactivation request. You should give the possibility to a group owner with only ONE CLIC to send a reactivation request in same time to his entire bouncing members list for example one time by week and not be obliged to do it individually for each member, thing impossible to do when you have 20.000 bouncing members! If you want to change the yahoo groups, change in BETTER and not in WORSE like you are doing actually. I am sure this is very easy to do! Managing the yahoo groups is actually a NIGHTMARE for all owners/moderators since one month you launch this NEO failure our patience come to the end ROLL BACK TO CLASSIC         Because the Jews can no longer control the communications, they will work to destroy them. I know there are many who have no real concept whatsoever that freedom is something that must be fought for. Those of you who live a comfortable life here in the USA are living this because many sacrificed their very lives in bloody wars for this. Civilization does not just happen. Thanks to many of our former generations, you can go to a supermarket and get your food, enjoy a movie, read a book and much more. This is civilization. Because of civilization, you can learn, meditate and have time for life’s pleasures instead of fighting to survive every single day. The Jews are working overtime to destroy all of this. Always remember...they are very clever in taking control of both opposing sides, and working both sides towards the advancement of their agenda. Everything positive that has been created by the Gentiles, they work to ruin, and a good example is these e-groups.   I would also like to add more concerning what is being done with our food. Many of you who have eaten chicken, especially at places like KFC, are aware of the broken bones in many of the chicken pieces; also bones that bleed. Now for those of you who do not eat meat, this same sort of thing- genetic engineering is also being done to food plants and crops- hybrids and so forth. Farm animals are heinously crammed into cages so small they cannot move and lie in their waste.   http://truthaboutchicken.org/ EXCERPT: Thanks to a horrific combination of selective breeding and rearing practices, most of today’s chickens raised for meat (commonly known as “broiler” chickens) are so huge and disproportionate they can barely move at just a few weeks old. These chickens go from hatchling to slaughter in as little as 42 days—growing at a rate three times faster than 60 years ago!   Why is that bad? The rapid and unnatural growth rate of these chickens strains their hearts, lungs and bones. Unable to support their massive bodies, many cannot stand, and spend much of their lives lying in their own waste with open sores and infections. Look at what’s ending up on dinner plates every day.     I strongly encourage everyone to visit this website http://truthaboutchicken.org/ and sign the petition. All the Jew cares about is money and business and there have been cases of late where certain supermarket and restaurant chains are rejecting this type of horrendous animal cruelty, due to the numbers of people signing similar petitions.   In addition to saving space and getting the most for their money, the Jew profits in other ways. Many who consume this tampered and tainted food have depression [as the animals have this and it is in their hormones and meat], and the Jews make a huge sum from anti-depressant drugs such as Prozac. All kinds of other health problems both physical and mental come from consuming genetically tampered foodstuffs and the pharmaceutical industry makes trillions of dollars off of this misery. JEWS OWN AND OPERATE THESE FACTORIES!!!!! In addition, dogs, cats and other pets who are carnivores cannot be on a vegan diet! What is being done to vegetables and related is also very bad, and unhealthy.   http://home.honolulu.hawaii.edu/~pine/b ... ckens.html   https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/On52y ... ysBqMxht6Y   http://www.liveearthfarm.net/Images_nws ... ickens.jpg   http://media.treehugger.com/assets/imag ... -cages.jpg   http://liveexportshame.com/photos/welfa ... y-hens.jpg   http://www.upc-online.org/amag/000216rescued_hen.jpg   The cramming into confined spaces is very Jewish. They did this with the black slaves who were treated in the same way when being shipped to America. http://www.radioislam.org/islam/english ... merica.htm   And the millions of victims under communist rule in the USSR who were crammed into boxcars for weeks on their way to Siberian slave labor camps. http://gblt.webs.com/SlaveLaborInSovietRussia.pdf   http://ihr.org/jhr/v21/v21n1p39_michaels.html     Stupidity is the only “sin” in Satanism. It is important to be informed. I will be keeping these groups open for as long as we are able to. If these groups should go down, check www.joyofsatan.org updates located on the front page at the top for information. Myself and the JoS ministry are doing what we can to keep everything going, and we are also looking for a better alternative to these yahoo groups. I am old, and I have had a full life. I do not care. I will fight this malignant alien Jew scum, its xian tools and communist filth relentlessly.   http://webzoom.freewebs.com/gblt/666%20Black%20Sun.pdf   High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

https://ec.yimg.com/ec?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmy.inbox.com%2Fimg%2Fftrs%2Fmarine.jpg&t=1571573765&sig=O4h02UQo6Pop0036dJgnVw--~E" width="104" alt="3D Marine Aquarium Screensaver Preview" align="left" border="0" style="margin-right:15px;"/>[/url]
Free 3D Marine Aquarium Screensaver[/B]
Watch dolphins, sharks & orcas on your desktop! Check it out at [url=http://www.inbox.com/marineaquarium]www.inbox.com/marineaquarium[/url]
It would seem I cannot send anything on the REPLY area to respond ( on regular google).  I switched to GoogleChrome and it seems to be working.Also, you are very right on this christian thing.They have ads on becoming ordained and being a pastor.It is right in front of me.Needless to say, I reject their offer.The jewish elite scum are getting desperate.  I hope to all hell that this ritual is working. This not being able to get around conveniently is pissing me off.

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

    Some of you may already know about this and there are others who may find this of interest. There are literally thousands of people complaining about the yahoo e-group changes, from school groups to all kinds of different interests. The enemy monitors everyone. Using credit or debit cards instead of cash lets them know how and what you spend your money on, your interests and eventually establishes a personality profile. That is just one. Looking at history, for example, most of you are familiar with the Inquisition and the “purges,” the mass-murder and torture of millions upon millions under communism. Both of these programs are Jewish instigated and operated. This isn’t something to take lightly. Now...we have the computer age, where it is much easier to keep track of any citizens and decide their fate. The enemy relies on potential victims to say and do nothing. The instructions for this are in the bible- “turn the other cheek,” walk that extra mile, be spat upon...take any and all kinds of abuse until it is way too late to do anything at all. I noted some 13 years ago, when I got started online, there was no real opposition to Christianity. Xians [for those who are new “xian means Christian]. dominated the forums, and other online groups at that time. Jews put up websites claiming to be “Satanists” “Satanic” and these were some of the most vile, filthy and disgusting imaginable. Blood sacrifices, sexual torture and related, claiming to be of Satan; and of course, the reverse xianity. Now, some are taking the other position and making Satanism very christ-like. Unless people relentlessly speak up, and protest all of this commie-jew crap, it will soon be too late. That is how they operate. They also whine the loudest and try to get the populace or whomever they are working to infest, believe there are more of them than there really are and also that many agree with them. This is a very old communist tactic. Communism and its twin xianity are designed not only to take all of your freedoms away, but will ruthlessly destroy and annihilate anyone and everyone they feel is even a minor threat. Right now, the USA is infested with this vermin through and through. Most people are totally unaware and are programmed by the system. Xianity has done a job in weakening the populace emotionally and psychologically into being bleeding hearts, and having misplaced sympathies.   Here are some excerpts; along with the URL’s so you can read further into these article if you choose:         http://www.abine.com/blog/2013/yahoo-no ... os-update/   “Yahoo is forcing its email users to switch to a new version of Yahoo Mail, and although it’s certainly easier on the eyes, the biggest change is less obvious: the new policy lets Yahoo scan your emails and IMs to target you with ads and see if you’re violating any policies or laws. Read on for 7 tips to deal with this change.   As of today (June 3, 2013), Yahoo Mail users will have to switch to the new version, which launched back in December. That means accepting the revised Terms of Service (TOS) and Privacy Policy, which means agreeing to let “Yahoo!’s automated systems scan and analyze all incoming and outgoing communications content sent and received from your account.”   Yahoo has automated systems that look at the words you type, the files you attach, the people you contact, your location, and more. These systems guess at who you are and what interests you, and then change the ads you see on Yahoo to whatever they think you’ll respond to. Google has been doing this with Gmail for a long time. There’s another privacy issue, too: Yahoo doesn’t just scan the email of Yahoo Mail users, but also the email of anyone who corresponds with them. That’s right: even if you don’t use Yahoo Mail but you email someone who does, Yahoo can scan your communications. The new TOS puts the burden on Yahoo users to tell the people they’re communicating with about this scanning: “If you consent to this ATOS and communicate with non-Yahoo! users using the Services, you are responsible for notifying those users about this feature.”   It’s not only a computerized system looking through your email; occasionally it’ll be a real person. Why? Because Yahoo is combing through your emails not only to figure out what you’re talking about to target you with ads, but for “abuse protection.” Although “abuse” is vague, it could mean violations of Yahoo’s Terms (like sending spam or links to copyrighted content) or unlawful behavior. If Yahoo’s system is anything like the others that currently exist (like on Facebook), once the system flags something as abusive, it could escalate to a real person.”     http://tech.slashdot.org/story/13/09/04 ... ups-update   "The new NEO format of Yahoo Groups is being rolled out to users and there is no option to go back. Users and moderators are posting messages asking Yahoo to go back to the old format. Yahoo is responding with a vanilla 'thank you for your feedback we are working to make it better' comment. Most posters are so frustrated that they just want the old site back. One poster writes 'Yahoo has effectively destroyed the groups, completely, themselves.'"       To give all of you [I know some of you are already up on this] an idea, there are endless complaints about these groups and yahoo could care less. I also would like to add- the “solutions” that yahoo is giving do not work for many PCs. For example, you can click on something and nothing will happen, such as trying to change the photo on the main page. Another of our HPs told me after he clicked on the photo, a box opened to upload, but it would not upload anything. The complaints of which I took some excerpts from below are in the tens of thousands. Professional advertisers and related claim for everyone one person who complains, there are 50 more who are silent.     http://yahoo.uservoice.com/forums/209451   EXCERPT: Return Groups format to prior format that WORKS! The new format does is NOT user friendly and works poorly and destroys some of that attracts new members to my group. The home page is gone. People join my group to get photos of their dogs edited and honored by being posted on the group home page which is now GONE! Only ONE of the photos can be seen at ALL. The functionality of all parts of the group is severely degraded and NOT user friendly. I tried to reorder groups and the functionality is so bad as to make it almost worthless. I can ONLY scroll to the bottom of the list if I move something from the top 10 down, and then I can bring something back up, but then I have not way to get that top10 item back up without moving about 6 to 8 groups around to slowly drag it back up to where I want IT to be. I cannot view photos attached to messages sent to the group. A thumbnail attached to the email does NOT take me to the photos. It takes me to somewhere totally wrong. When I click on Photos, I'm shown large icons of one photo from several albums, but even on mouseover, I am NOT given the album's NAME, so I don't know whose album it is. I can't get a LIST of album names to look for the one I want. "Messages" is replaced by conversations and there is NO option to select a specific month to go to in order to read messages from that month/year. There is also no Search window to allow me to do a keyword search for messages in the archives on any specific topic. Files has the files almost in alphabetical order, but files are mixed with folders and that's less helpful than having folders at the top. Links has the folders at the top and the unfiled links below that, which is almost good, but they are NOT in alphabetical order and I cannot select what order to have them shown in. I'm not allowed to edit the opening "info" webpage like I used to edit the group homepage. Only ONE of the 3 graphics I created to honor 6 new group members is findable and you have to know where and how to find it. The group description is no longer editable! I find NO option to change BACK to the format that you got rid of, but if I could put my group back to the prior format, I would DO SO IMMEDIATELY! You need to take member and moderator and owner opinions into account and return us to the prior format and not make such drastic changes with NO NOTICE and NO user feedback BEFOREHAND! I REQUEST YOU RETURN ALL GROUPS TO THE PRIOR FORMAT. IT WORKED! THE NEW ONE IS HORRIBLE AND MANY PORTIONS DO NOT WORK AT ALL. The new format does is NOT user friendly and works poorly and destroys some of that attracts new members to my group. The home page is gone. People join my group to get photos of their dogs edited and honored by being posted on the group home page which is now GONE! Only ONE of the photos can be seen at ALL. The functionality of all parts of the group is severely degraded and NOT user friendly. I tried to reorder groups and the functionality is so bad as to make it almost worthless. I can ONLY scroll to the…more   EXCERPT: New groups database has been rendered useless. Please change back. Our dog rescue group which is entirely run by volunteers, is heavily reliant on the database functionality. In past, through the use of Yahoo groups, we have been able to save the lives of 1500+ dogs. Within our group we all use it as a reference point for dogs in need, foster parent dogs in care, contact lists, applications in flight and a bucketload of other critical information. that we use day in and day out. This new database is neither fish nor fowl. Sort of excel like, but without any of the functionality. Used to be legible at a single glance. Now it's scroll left, scroll right, try to remember the column headers. Search tool doesn't work at all. Yahoo was providing a valuable service by supporting our efforts to save lives. If anything, the database functionality could have been made more robust by improving the database security of the original version or by adding more than 10 data elements.. This rollout? Poorly managed. Poorly tested. Lacks the same functionality. Nothing user friendly about it. I'm not resistant to change, it is inevitable, but my presumption is that change brings product or process improvement. This does neither. Please bring back the old version and improve it instead.   EXCERPT: You should better close the yahoo groups !!!! Hello i did not suceeded to find out if the yahoo group team is stupid or alien ! what planet do you come from ? one thing is sure, you have no idea of how we use our yahoo groups ! i am a e-card designer and i post my designs in my group since 2005 with more than 38.000 members You are destroying all our groups with your NEO failure ! and you persist and answer your angry customers in condescend manners - you have a very poor value of us group owners - but with no groups, no more money gained with advertising ! - we cannot change our group banner - error message when we save it - we cannot approve new members - error message - when we want to edit a mail, nothing appear - we post all our mails as html, you do not show the html content so the mails looks empty in these conditions impossible to edit a mail before approving it - the members cannot see the mails on the group page - all mails HTML content looks empty tell me one thing : what is the use to have a yahoo group if no one can see the mails from the group page ? - you call the mails "conversation" : we are not in a chatting room ! i only post e-cards and no text mails your team is not able to solve any issue of these we waste our precious time for nothing you have a poor value of your customer, taking us for fools like kids who make a caprice and do not like any change this is not a change, THIS IS DESTRUCTION ! you act like tyrans, oblige us to use something NOT WORKING AT ALL ! i never saw any company acting like you ! this is unbelievable ! my group looks uggly, empty, we cannot see any mails we cannot even see how many members are in the group or how many mails we accepted years after years so you hould better stop everything and close all yahoo groups this is better than your NEO **** OF FAILURE this will be a gain of time for us and you anyway all your groups will soon closed, many group owners find new hosting for their groups, i am one of them 29.000 of my 38.000 members already moved on my FB fan page and very soon i will shut down this NEO failure you destroy all what you touch - Yahoo SUCKS !   EXCERPT: comments  ·  Groups management  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin → PROBLEMS PERSISTING ON OCTOBER 4 - ROLL BACK TO CLASSIC AND END THIS NIGHTMARE problems still persisting on october 4 -2013 - i cannot change my cover page - error message when i save it - i cannot approve members on the web - erroe message when i want to approve - i am obliged to approve members via email - i cannot see my conversation page - it is blockade when i scroll down "Loading 31 - 61 of total 28,024 topics" <<-- it stop there - i cannot see my members list when i scroll down "Loading 31 - 61 of total 38761 members."<<--it stop there - I cannot search a member in the list - search button "loupe" doesn’t work - I cannot classify my members by any kind or order date, of joining or alphabetic order the small arrow/dropdown appears next to that particular header does not work - In the "conversation page" yes, since today now we can see the images embed, but the mails are half cut on the right side. So my members who choose daily digest to watch the mails on the net, this is very frustrating. - We CANNOT EDIT THE HTML codes of the pending mails. In the yahoo classic when we edited a mail we had 2 windows one for text and one for html. Editing html for pending mails is NECESSARY to remove any hyperlinks to avoid spamming our members. -The counter of "new photos" is FALSE. - We CANNOT EDIT THE HTML codes of the pending mails. In the yahoo classic when we edited a mail we had 2 windows one for text and one for html. Editing html for pending mails is NECESSARY to remove any hyperlinks to avoid spamming our members. - You must put back the pending mails as a LIST like in the classic version. Actually in NEO the pending mails are a terrible mess one after one we find nothing! What you did can be OK for small groups, but put your feet in the shoes of an owner of a very large group who receive daily 200 mails in pending - How can you imagine he can deal with the pending mails the way they show up in NEO? This is a disaster! - Pending mails must be in list like before. Otherwise groups’ owners/moderators will spend hours to manage their groups daily. Don't make our lives more complicates. Pending mails, editing html sources etc don't bother you on the look you want for NEO. So bring them back like before!   - The number of members of the groups is missing. Only the owner/moderator of a group can see how many members he have the other members or visitors cannot see how many members we have. This is important, especially if someone want to take membership. He likes to know if our group is appreciated.   - The historic of the mails thought the years is also not visible by visitors not members. It must be on the main page of the group. Again here is it important - when someone want to take membership he need to know how many mails he will receive daily or monthly to be sure he can handle this. I know some yahoo groups who approve more than 100 mails daily. New members need to know this information before taking membership. We had this clearly in classic version. - The date of creation of the group is also missing in to visitors. - There is another problem you must work on: the problem of the BOUNCING members. Yahoo has a bad habit to add easily people in "bouncing status". I know this happen to me already with my Yahoo ID. Even my mail box was not full and I clean it regularly. I have 38.757 members and inside of them 20.152 so called "bouncing". Some of my members complain regularly you add them in bouncing without reason they regularly clean their mail box and it is not full. The result is that I have too many requests to unbounce members. For the Yahoo members I give them the way to unbounce by themselves, but for my members who do not have a yahoo profile I am obliged to send them a reactivation request. You should give the possibility to a group owner with only ONE CLIC to send a reactivation request in same time to his entire bouncing members list for example one time by week and not be obliged to do it individually for each member, thing impossible to do when you have 20.000 bouncing members! If you want to change the yahoo groups, change in BETTER and not in WORSE like you are doing actually. I am sure this is very easy to do! Managing the yahoo groups is actually a NIGHTMARE for all owners/moderators since one month you launch this NEO failure our patience come to the end ROLL BACK TO CLASSIC         Because the Jews can no longer control the communications, they will work to destroy them. I know there are many who have no real concept whatsoever that freedom is something that must be fought for. Those of you who live a comfortable life here in the USA are living this because many sacrificed their very lives in bloody wars for this. Civilization does not just happen. Thanks to many of our former generations, you can go to a supermarket and get your food, enjoy a movie, read a book and much more. This is civilization. Because of civilization, you can learn, meditate and have time for life’s pleasures instead of fighting to survive every single day. The Jews are working overtime to destroy all of this. Always remember...they are very clever in taking control of both opposing sides, and working both sides towards the advancement of their agenda. Everything positive that has been created by the Gentiles, they work to ruin, and a good example is these e-groups.   I would also like to add more concerning what is being done with our food. Many of you who have eaten chicken, especially at places like KFC, are aware of the broken bones in many of the chicken pieces; also bones that bleed. Now for those of you who do not eat meat, this same sort of thing- genetic engineering is also being done to food plants and crops- hybrids and so forth. Farm animals are heinously crammed into cages so small they cannot move and lie in their waste.   http://truthaboutchicken.org/ EXCERPT: Thanks to a horrific combination of selective breeding and rearing practices, most of today’s chickens raised for meat (commonly known as “broiler” chickens) are so huge and disproportionate they can barely move at just a few weeks old. These chickens go from hatchling to slaughter in as little as 42 days—growing at a rate three times faster than 60 years ago!   Why is that bad? The rapid and unnatural growth rate of these chickens strains their hearts, lungs and bones. Unable to support their massive bodies, many cannot stand, and spend much of their lives lying in their own waste with open sores and infections. Look at what’s ending up on dinner plates every day.     I strongly encourage everyone to visit this website http://truthaboutchicken.org/ and sign the petition. All the Jew cares about is money and business and there have been cases of late where certain supermarket and restaurant chains are rejecting this type of horrendous animal cruelty, due to the numbers of people signing similar petitions.   In addition to saving space and getting the most for their money, the Jew profits in other ways. Many who consume this tampered and tainted food have depression [as the animals have this and it is in their hormones and meat], and the Jews make a huge sum from anti-depressant drugs such as Prozac. All kinds of other health problems both physical and mental come from consuming genetically tampered foodstuffs and the pharmaceutical industry makes trillions of dollars off of this misery. JEWS OWN AND OPERATE THESE FACTORIES!!!!! In addition, dogs, cats and other pets who are carnivores cannot be on a vegan diet! What is being done to vegetables and related is also very bad, and unhealthy.   http://home.honolulu.hawaii.edu/~pine/b ... ckens.html   https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/On52y ... ysBqMxht6Y   http://www.liveearthfarm.net/Images_nws ... ickens.jpg   http://media.treehugger.com/assets/imag ... -cages.jpg   http://liveexportshame.com/photos/welfa ... y-hens.jpg   http://www.upc-online.org/amag/000216rescued_hen.jpg   The cramming into confined spaces is very Jewish. They did this with the black slaves who were treated in the same way when being shipped to America. http://www.radioislam.org/islam/english ... merica.htm   And the millions of victims under communist rule in the USSR who were crammed into boxcars for weeks on their way to Siberian slave labor camps. http://gblt.webs.com/SlaveLaborInSovietRussia.pdf   http://ihr.org/jhr/v21/v21n1p39_michaels.html     Stupidity is the only “sin” in Satanism. It is important to be informed. I will be keeping these groups open for as long as we are able to. If these groups should go down, check www.joyofsatan.org updates located on the front page at the top for information. Myself and the JoS ministry are doing what we can to keep everything going, and we are also looking for a better alternative to these yahoo groups. I am old, and I have had a full life. I do not care. I will fight this malignant alien Jew scum, its xian tools and communist filth relentlessly.   http://webzoom.freewebs.com/gblt/666%20Black%20Sun.pdf   High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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internet yahoo problems is only beginning. closer to end i see mass histeria against satanism, hostile religious laws and criminal murders. does that mean we are loosing war? __,_._,__
Our side has already won, we just have to catch up to our Gods by ridding the Earth of the last bits of filth.  Things will probably get worse before they get better.  We are winning.
From: Anatoly Alexeyev <cloudfromeast@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]; "[email protected]" <[email protected]; "[email protected]" <[email protected]; "[email protected]" <[email protected]; "[email protected]" <[email protected]; "[email protected]" <[email protected]; "[email protected]" <[email protected]; "[email protected]" <[email protected]; "[email protected]" <[email protected]; "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Saturday, October 5, 2013 5:49 AM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: [JoS4adults] The Reasons Behind the Yahoo changes, including e-mail upgrades.

internet yahoo problems is only beginning. closer to end i see mass histeria against satanism, hostile religious laws and criminal murders. does that mean we are loosing war? __,_._,__

 Mass hystria and hostile religious laws remained in the times of Inquisition. And Satanism survived even in those days. Do you really think we will be destroyed so easily in a such age, as the survivors of such genocide and such torture???
Yahoo problems are not the first difficulty that we saw and won't be the last one.

Let's assume that they try to expose us, even that won't help them. Why do you think JoS, largest Satanic Community on the net, was never been on the news? Look at the media, what do you see in terms of Satanism?LaVeyans or weird dressed so called 'Satanic' metal groups or psycho murderers... Real Satanism is about occult and sprituality, this is what they are trying to hide, this is what they are afraid of, this is why we didn't heard by average, everyday person...
There is not a public stance against Spritual Satanism, not yet. There will be, maybe a very bad one, But how long it will last, as long as we stay as the searchers of the Truth and stay together with Satan?

"...You are here. You will be here as long as I am here and that is forever. "   -Satan


---In [email protected], <cloudfromeast@... wrote:

internet yahoo problems is only beginning. closer to end i see mass histeria against satanism, hostile religious laws and criminal murders. does that mean we are loosing war? __,_._,__

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
