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the reason most americans are stupid


New member
Dec 2, 2006
Saw a post where yog mentioned illiteracy so I though I'd put in my own experiences on the education system and why it's the first vital system in america to be hideously corrupted beyond belief.

I could read fluently by the time I was in kindergarten. I had a college reading level when I was 7 though I am almost certain the only change between that time and kindergarten was me actually being tested by the school. of course my non-comformist attitude made me easily passed over and disregarded and I would always be getting into fights with bullies and then blamed for it. (xians always blame the victim especially if they win the damn fight)
Now in high school however I estimated around 60% of the student body was completely illiterate and was constantly getting kicked out of class for arguing with and often beating the teachers with logic over their bullshit mainstream textbooks.I averaged 90% on all subjects and scored in the top 50 percentile on my army enlistment entrance exam.

I proved on numerous occasions to be very literate and though I admit most of the other students were black inner city thugs who would rather smoke weed in the school hallways what baffled me more is how the fuck these people were allowed to pass the 1st grade in the first place if they never learned a damn thing.
Apparently no one can actually fail grade school or middle school anymore no matter HOW stupid they are because the teachers don't want to deal with these retards the next year too.

One teacher in the alternative high school I was forcibly sent to was dyslexic as fuck and I can't figure out how she even qualified to be a teacher.we're talking about someone with such messed up eyes she always read popcorn as "pron" and bus as "suck".....her mixups also always wound up being some form of crudeness too.I think she was a total headcase and she was DEFINITELY a political correctness nut. I told her she'd fit right in at the gulags and then she had me thrown in a magnetically sealed  PRISON room for over an hour....of course I fought back and tried to leave and then literally 8 faculty jumped me and beat me with furniture before dragging me into their dungeon.They always used the entire faculty like this because the last time they tried it
I beat the shit out of everyone who got close to me and left.

Now I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't report it to the cops. Back then my family was force feeding me psychiatric drugs to make me too exhausted to put up a fight and so I would be too slow in the head to think logically.

And no I'm not fucking kidding about this "school" having prison cells and being run like some kind of asylum. that "school" I got sent to after mainstream schools got tired of me making political statements and constantly exposing the "teachers" as idiots in logical debates and having the audacity to question their bullshit ways of running a class was full of retards and delinquents and the whole place was more like a prison and even had detention cells with cameras and magnetically sealed doors.....
Inner cities are the worst fucking places to live especially in michigan.That "school" was run by crooks who abuse adolescents and treated any act of percieved "defiance" as worthy of being subdued by force and locked in a cell and some of them did it for fun and the only work they assigned was bullshit busywork and then if you tried to leave they would always lie and call he cops if you ever did escape before the buses came.

In my state "alternative" school is a codeword for brainwashing prison/place to dump retards and percieved "delinquents" who cannot be legally jailed.
A majority of "assignments" people would do is mindlessly write the same bullshit line 100 times as a punishment. 
I doodled a samurai covered in blood once only to have my drawing confiscated and the school councilor tried to call me insane and made up a bunch of other shit and held me after "school" for 6 hours telling me this is "wrong, unhealthy, deranged etc." and then when my family showed up wondering why I never came home he tried to force my already hostile and insane mother to have me locked up in an asylum OVER A MANGA DOODLE.
Places like this actually exist in america. It is a fucking circus in this town. I'm gonna go right ahead and concur with that guy from AMTV and say america really is just a gigantic insane asylum.The guards (government) are the psychopathic control freaks, the good behavior inmates (retards who go with the flow) get away with everything while the problematic cases (everyone who is actually sane and intelligent and refuses to conform to the sickening abuse of authority by criminals in power) are forcibly drugged, slandered at every turn, ganged up on, bullied, assaulted, robbed, and impoverished.
It's out of the way cities places flint, kalamazoo, battle creek, and the outer regions of detroit, in this state where this kind of crap happens in the school systems.
I know a radio host who used to be a high school teacher in this region until they fired him for.....wait for it......DOING HIS JOB.

Wanna know what they call cheating now? COLLABORATIVE TESTS. what the actual fuck.......now they have to make up some politically correct word for CHEATING so they can make it look like students are actually learning the material or the school gets punished!
If anything the education system is the first thing in this country to go totally batshit insane!
The one time a teacher actually has some fucking integrity they FIRE HIM?!
And the students who fight back against bullies get arrested for assault while the bullies get rewarded?!
This is the shit I grew up with! This is the reason american children have double digit IQ's and expect to be rewarded just for participating! 
And of course no one ever hears about this shit! There is a massive abuse of authority against children in this system where they're told BY the very people they should be able to trust that if they tell the cops or their parents that they'll be labeled insane or a delinquent and go to jail!
Another example: I got stabbed in middle school by a black kid. I kicked his ass. his uncle turned out to be the head of security and put me in an armlock and tried to break my neck! Then when I told him his wretched nephew stabbed me he just kicked both our asses! Now I always had a powerful ki aura so most people could spend all day "kicking my ass" and do absolutely no damage to me which I proved by withstanding a stab wound and then getting into that brawl so I wasn't affected much other than a few bruises. The whole reason he went psycho is because a white kid beat up his black nephew and of course he instantly thinks "hate crime". Now his nephew never got an official punishment until he hospitalized another kid in a gang fight and the cops arrested him later the same month but I was suspended before I could report that the same kid stabbed me and that security guard was a total dick to me the rest of the 2 years I had to spend in that school.
The high schools all have at least one active duty cop stationed in them except the alternative schools, well the mainstream public school I attended had a notorious asshole and thug as their on duty cop and given his extreme baldness and attitude everyone calls him officer dickhead to this day, even the parents of students he abused under the pretense of racial profiling.He maced the daughter of one of my mentors in the face just for being NEAR a fight before macing all the black kids. Her dad was PISSED! We spend the whole afternoon in his car talking shit about this cop sharing stories about what a heavyhanded assclown he is, since unsurprisingly my mentor was part of the education community himself on the college level and of course he won that lawsuit!

College level however is also corrupt and as we all know political classes and history classes all use textbooks full of lies and bullshit and many teachers in these campuses are greedy politically motivated kikes who do everything they can to influence the way their students think.
I may have aced my political science classes at 95% percent but I knew that teacher was full of shit and looking back he was an obvious jew. He even tried to portray communism as a good thing by twisting it's meaning saying it originally meant altruism before people like stalin and other tyrants stole the name and used it as a label for slavery and mass murder. Now knowing how the jews always steal and then bastardize everything they touch for all I know the word communism itself may have had a different meaning once. I told him "WHO CARES? Its still sure as fuck pure evil even if it did ever have a different name once!"He was also a total libertard and by the diagram he made he even had me convinced I was a libertarian because according to his chart I despise government interference in personal affairs and believe they should stay the fuck off my property and leave my assets alone.This was 5 years ago. I know more about politics now than that so called professor and want to belt him one with his own textbook and I've only learned the truth 3 months ago! I studied constantly for the last 3 months when not meditating of powerlifting and still had enough time to keep up my studies and with nothing but a laptop and a modem.
Point is the education system has been decimated by idiots on the pre college level and dominated by jews on the college level and the whole system promotes stupidity and illiteracy along with criminal behavior and massive abuse of authority on children by school faculty and stationed cops.
The problems I experienced however tend to happen in out of the way cities or the outskirts of big cities from what I can tell.
Large inner cities probably are just as bad if not worse but this is the reason I feel most americans are so damn stupid, the schools fuck them in the head for life every chance they get and of course it's the fault of jewish war crimes against america from within like everything else that's gone to shit in this country.

angryshaman666 it was pleasure to read true story. i am sure high IQ and strong willed person like you will change the system, making enemies feel pain.

On Saturday, 25 April 2015, 19:14, "angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Saw a post where yog mentioned illiteracy so I though I'd put in my own experiences on the education system and why it's the first vital system in america to be hideously corrupted beyond belief.

I could read fluently by the time I was in kindergarten. I had a college reading level when I was 7 though I am almost certain the only change between that time and kindergarten was me actually being tested by the school. of course my non-comformist attitude made me easily passed over and disregarded and I would always be getting into fights with bullies and then blamed for it. (xians always blame the victim especially if they win the damn fight)
Now in high school however I estimated around 60% of the student body was completely illiterate and was constantly getting kicked out of class for arguing with and often beating the teachers with logic over their bullshit mainstream textbooks.I averaged 90% on all subjects and scored in the top 50 percentile on my army enlistment entrance exam.

I proved on numerous occasions to be very literate and though I admit most of the other students were black inner city thugs who would rather smoke weed in the school hallways what baffled me more is how the fuck these people were allowed to pass the 1st grade in the first place if they never learned a damn thing.
Apparently no one can actually fail grade school or middle school anymore no matter HOW stupid they are because the teachers don't want to deal with these retards the next year too.

One teacher in the alternative high school I was forcibly sent to was dyslexic as fuck and I can't figure out how she even qualified to be a teacher.we're talking about someone with such messed up eyes she always read popcorn as "pron" and bus as "suck".....her mixups also always wound up being some form of crudeness too.I think she was a total headcase and she was DEFINITELY a political correctness nut. I told her she'd fit right in at the gulags and then she had me thrown in a magnetically sealed  PRISON room for over an hour....of course I fought back and tried to leave and then literally 8 faculty jumped me and beat me with furniture before dragging me into their dungeon.They always used the entire faculty like this because the last time they tried it
I beat the shit out of everyone who got close to me and left.

Now I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't report it to the cops. Back then my family was force feeding me psychiatric drugs to make me too exhausted to put up a fight and so I would be too slow in the head to think logically.

And no I'm not fucking kidding about this "school" having prison cells and being run like some kind of asylum. that "school" I got sent to after mainstream schools got tired of me making political statements and constantly exposing the "teachers" as idiots in logical debates and having the audacity to question their bullshit ways of running a class was full of retards and delinquents and the whole place was more like a prison and even had detention cells with cameras and magnetically sealed doors.....
Inner cities are the worst fucking places to live especially in michigan.That "school" was run by crooks who abuse adolescents and treated any act of percieved "defiance" as worthy of being subdued by force and locked in a cell and some of them did it for fun and the only work they assigned was bullshit busywork and then if you tried to leave they would always lie and call he cops if you ever did escape before the buses came.

In my state "alternative" school is a codeword for brainwashing prison/place to dump retards and percieved "delinquents" who cannot be legally jailed.
A majority of "assignments" people would do is mindlessly write the same bullshit line 100 times as a punishment. 
I doodled a samurai covered in blood once only to have my drawing confiscated and the school councilor tried to call me insane and made up a bunch of other shit and held me after "school" for 6 hours telling me this is "wrong, unhealthy, deranged etc." and then when my family showed up wondering why I never came home he tried to force my already hostile and insane mother to have me locked up in an asylum OVER A MANGA DOODLE.
Places like this actually exist in america. It is a fucking circus in this town. I'm gonna go right ahead and concur with that guy from AMTV and say america really is just a gigantic insane asylum.The guards (government) are the psychopathic control freaks, the good behavior inmates (retards who go with the flow) get away with everything while the problematic cases (everyone who is actually sane and intelligent and refuses to conform to the sickening abuse of authority by criminals in power) are forcibly drugged, slandered at every turn, ganged up on, bullied, assaulted, robbed, and impoverished.
It's out of the way cities places flint, kalamazoo, battle creek, and the outer regions of detroit, in this state where this kind of crap happens in the school systems.
I know a radio host who used to be a high school teacher in this region until they fired him for.....wait for it......DOING HIS JOB.

Wanna know what they call cheating now? COLLABORATIVE TESTS. what the actual fuck.......now they have to make up some politically correct word for CHEATING so they can make it look like students are actually learning the material or the school gets punished!
If anything the education system is the first thing in this country to go totally batshit insane!
The one time a teacher actually has some fucking integrity they FIRE HIM?!
And the students who fight back against bullies get arrested for assault while the bullies get rewarded?!
This is the shit I grew up with! This is the reason american children have double digit IQ's and expect to be rewarded just for participating! 
And of course no one ever hears about this shit! There is a massive abuse of authority against children in this system where they're told BY the very people they should be able to trust that if they tell the cops or their parents that they'll be labeled insane or a delinquent and go to jail!
Another example: I got stabbed in middle school by a black kid. I kicked his ass. his uncle turned out to be the head of security and put me in an armlock and tried to break my neck! Then when I told him his wretched nephew stabbed me he just kicked both our asses! Now I always had a powerful ki aura so most people could spend all day "kicking my ass" and do absolutely no damage to me which I proved by withstanding a stab wound and then getting into that brawl so I wasn't affected much other than a few bruises. The whole reason he went psycho is because a white kid beat up his black nephew and of course he instantly thinks "hate crime". Now his nephew never got an official punishment until he hospitalized another kid in a gang fight and the cops arrested him later the same month but I was suspended before I could report that the same kid stabbed me and that security guard was a total dick to me the rest of the 2 years I had to spend in that school.
The high schools all have at least one active duty cop stationed in them except the alternative schools, well the mainstream public school I attended had a notorious asshole and thug as their on duty cop and given his extreme baldness and attitude everyone calls him officer dickhead to this day, even the parents of students he abused under the pretense of racial profiling.He maced the daughter of one of my mentors in the face just for being NEAR a fight before macing all the black kids. Her dad was PISSED! We spend the whole afternoon in his car talking shit about this cop sharing stories about what a heavyhanded assclown he is, since unsurprisingly my mentor was part of the education community himself on the college level and of course he won that lawsuit!

College level however is also corrupt and as we all know political classes and history classes all use textbooks full of lies and bullshit and many teachers in these campuses are greedy politically motivated kikes who do everything they can to influence the way their students think.
I may have aced my political science classes at 95% percent but I knew that teacher was full of shit and looking back he was an obvious jew. He even tried to portray communism as a good thing by twisting it's meaning saying it originally meant altruism before people like stalin and other tyrants stole the name and used it as a label for slavery and mass murder. Now knowing how the jews always steal and then bastardize everything they touch for all I know the word communism itself may have had a different meaning once. I told him "WHO CARES? Its still sure as fuck pure evil even if it did ever have a different name once!"He was also a total libertard and by the diagram he made he even had me convinced I was a libertarian because according to his chart I despise government interference in personal affairs and believe they should stay the fuck off my property and leave my assets alone.This was 5 years ago. I know more about politics now than that so called professor and want to belt him one with his own textbook and I've only learned the truth 3 months ago! I studied constantly for the last 3 months when not meditating of powerlifting and still had enough time to keep up my studies and with nothing but a laptop and a modem.
Point is the education system has been decimated by idiots on the pre college level and dominated by jews on the college level and the whole system promotes stupidity and illiteracy along with criminal behavior and massive abuse of authority on children by school faculty and stationed cops.
The problems I experienced however tend to happen in out of the way cities or the outskirts of big cities from what I can tell.
Large inner cities probably are just as bad if not worse but this is the reason I feel most americans are so damn stupid, the schools fuck them in the head for life every chance they get and of course it's the fault of jewish war crimes against america from within like everything else that's gone to shit in this country.


Gladly I shall and the jewish filth responsible for my direct torment will have their throats rent out in due time.For now however I must focus on my mediations, weaponizing my spiritual powers as a combat art, and my powerlifting routine before getting directly involved with an all out war.Never bring a knife to a gun fight after all. But with spiritual power at its maximum all guns become meaningless toys.
With the proper resources I could wage media and financial warfare against the jews even on my own. Imagine the damage you could do to the jewish control of the world if you managed to hack the mainstream media with a national broadcast and showed videos of THE TRUTH for all to see.
There's so much shit out there that exposes the jews and yet most people just sit on their ass and watch TV instead of think for themselves.Besides, if the hypnotist bandit can use mental powers to rob banks and is still getting away with it then an SS like us who's properly developed can really fuck up the kikes and they know it.

On Saturday, April 25, 2015 11:57 PM, "Anatoly Alexeyev cloudfromeast@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  angryshaman666 it was pleasure to read true story. i am sure high IQ and strong willed person like you will change the system, making enemies feel pain.

On Saturday, 25 April 2015, 19:14, "angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Saw a post where yog mentioned illiteracy so I though I'd put in my own experiences on the education system and why it's the first vital system in america to be hideously corrupted beyond belief.

I could read fluently by the time I was in kindergarten. I had a college reading level when I was 7 though I am almost certain the only change between that time and kindergarten was me actually being tested by the school. of course my non-comformist attitude made me easily passed over and disregarded and I would always be getting into fights with bullies and then blamed for it. (xians always blame the victim especially if they win the damn fight)
Now in high school however I estimated around 60% of the student body was completely illiterate and was constantly getting kicked out of class for arguing with and often beating the teachers with logic over their bullshit mainstream textbooks.I averaged 90% on all subjects and scored in the top 50 percentile on my army enlistment entrance exam.

I proved on numerous occasions to be very literate and though I admit most of the other students were black inner city thugs who would rather smoke weed in the school hallways what baffled me more is how the fuck these people were allowed to pass the 1st grade in the first place if they never learned a damn thing.
Apparently no one can actually fail grade school or middle school anymore no matter HOW stupid they are because the teachers don't want to deal with these retards the next year too.

One teacher in the alternative high school I was forcibly sent to was dyslexic as fuck and I can't figure out how she even qualified to be a teacher.we're talking about someone with such messed up eyes she always read popcorn as "pron" and bus as "suck".....her mixups also always wound up being some form of crudeness too.I think she was a total headcase and she was DEFINITELY a political correctness nut. I told her she'd fit right in at the gulags and then she had me thrown in a magnetically sealed  PRISON room for over an hour....of course I fought back and tried to leave and then literally 8 faculty jumped me and beat me with furniture before dragging me into their dungeon.They always used the entire faculty like this because the last time they tried it
I beat the shit out of everyone who got close to me and left.

Now I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't report it to the cops. Back then my family was force feeding me psychiatric drugs to make me too exhausted to put up a fight and so I would be too slow in the head to think logically.

And no I'm not fucking kidding about this "school" having prison cells and being run like some kind of asylum. that "school" I got sent to after mainstream schools got tired of me making political statements and constantly exposing the "teachers" as idiots in logical debates and having the audacity to question their bullshit ways of running a class was full of retards and delinquents and the whole place was more like a prison and even had detention cells with cameras and magnetically sealed doors.....
Inner cities are the worst fucking places to live especially in michigan.That "school" was run by crooks who abuse adolescents and treated any act of percieved "defiance" as worthy of being subdued by force and locked in a cell and some of them did it for fun and the only work they assigned was bullshit busywork and then if you tried to leave they would always lie and call he cops if you ever did escape before the buses came.

In my state "alternative" school is a codeword for brainwashing prison/place to dump retards and percieved "delinquents" who cannot be legally jailed.
A majority of "assignments" people would do is mindlessly write the same bullshit line 100 times as a punishment. 
I doodled a samurai covered in blood once only to have my drawing confiscated and the school councilor tried to call me insane and made up a bunch of other shit and held me after "school" for 6 hours telling me this is "wrong, unhealthy, deranged etc." and then when my family showed up wondering why I never came home he tried to force my already hostile and insane mother to have me locked up in an asylum OVER A MANGA DOODLE.
Places like this actually exist in america. It is a fucking circus in this town. I'm gonna go right ahead and concur with that guy from AMTV and say america really is just a gigantic insane asylum.The guards (government) are the psychopathic control freaks, the good behavior inmates (retards who go with the flow) get away with everything while the problematic cases (everyone who is actually sane and intelligent and refuses to conform to the sickening abuse of authority by criminals in power) are forcibly drugged, slandered at every turn, ganged up on, bullied, assaulted, robbed, and impoverished.
It's out of the way cities places flint, kalamazoo, battle creek, and the outer regions of detroit, in this state where this kind of crap happens in the school systems.
I know a radio host who used to be a high school teacher in this region until they fired him for.....wait for it......DOING HIS JOB.

Wanna know what they call cheating now? COLLABORATIVE TESTS. what the actual fuck.......now they have to make up some politically correct word for CHEATING so they can make it look like students are actually learning the material or the school gets punished!
If anything the education system is the first thing in this country to go totally batshit insane!
The one time a teacher actually has some fucking integrity they FIRE HIM?!
And the students who fight back against bullies get arrested for assault while the bullies get rewarded?!
This is the shit I grew up with! This is the reason american children have double digit IQ's and expect to be rewarded just for participating! 
And of course no one ever hears about this shit! There is a massive abuse of authority against children in this system where they're told BY the very people they should be able to trust that if they tell the cops or their parents that they'll be labeled insane or a delinquent and go to jail!
Another example: I got stabbed in middle school by a black kid. I kicked his ass. his uncle turned out to be the head of security and put me in an armlock and tried to break my neck! Then when I told him his wretched nephew stabbed me he just kicked both our asses! Now I always had a powerful ki aura so most people could spend all day "kicking my ass" and do absolutely no damage to me which I proved by withstanding a stab wound and then getting into that brawl so I wasn't affected much other than a few bruises. The whole reason he went psycho is because a white kid beat up his black nephew and of course he instantly thinks "hate crime". Now his nephew never got an official punishment until he hospitalized another kid in a gang fight and the cops arrested him later the same month but I was suspended before I could report that the same kid stabbed me and that security guard was a total dick to me the rest of the 2 years I had to spend in that school.
The high schools all have at least one active duty cop stationed in them except the alternative schools, well the mainstream public school I attended had a notorious asshole and thug as their on duty cop and given his extreme baldness and attitude everyone calls him officer dickhead to this day, even the parents of students he abused under the pretense of racial profiling.He maced the daughter of one of my mentors in the face just for being NEAR a fight before macing all the black kids. Her dad was PISSED! We spend the whole afternoon in his car talking shit about this cop sharing stories about what a heavyhanded assclown he is, since unsurprisingly my mentor was part of the education community himself on the college level and of course he won that lawsuit!

College level however is also corrupt and as we all know political classes and history classes all use textbooks full of lies and bullshit and many teachers in these campuses are greedy politically motivated kikes who do everything they can to influence the way their students think.
I may have aced my political science classes at 95% percent but I knew that teacher was full of shit and looking back he was an obvious jew. He even tried to portray communism as a good thing by twisting it's meaning saying it originally meant altruism before people like stalin and other tyrants stole the name and used it as a label for slavery and mass murder. Now knowing how the jews always steal and then bastardize everything they touch for all I know the word communism itself may have had a different meaning once. I told him "WHO CARES? Its still sure as fuck pure evil even if it did ever have a different name once!"He was also a total libertard and by the diagram he made he even had me convinced I was a libertarian because according to his chart I despise government interference in personal affairs and believe they should stay the fuck off my property and leave my assets alone.This was 5 years ago. I know more about politics now than that so called professor and want to belt him one with his own textbook and I've only learned the truth 3 months ago! I studied constantly for the last 3 months when not meditating of powerlifting and still had enough time to keep up my studies and with nothing but a laptop and a modem.
Point is the education system has been decimated by idiots on the pre college level and dominated by jews on the college level and the whole system promotes stupidity and illiteracy along with criminal behavior and massive abuse of authority on children by school faculty and stationed cops.
The problems I experienced however tend to happen in out of the way cities or the outskirts of big cities from what I can tell.
Large inner cities probably are just as bad if not worse but this is the reason I feel most americans are so damn stupid, the schools fuck them in the head for life every chance they get and of course it's the fault of jewish war crimes against america from within like everything else that's gone to shit in this country.


You remind me sooo much of Yusuke lolz... Almost an entirely same styled life story just not as harsh but same idea..

Although, I have to say that you are far smarter heh..

 Sounds like an area run by jewhovanites, and xianity.. Where mental retardation is "holy" and an actual thinking mind is absolutely evil and must be ruined. Tch.. these fuckers. We also had a buncha pot heads everywhere. I went to a public school where I was bound in ESE classes to keep me quiet, but not intentionally by anyone who was at the school. These fuckers did it directly. Trust me, when greys hack the mind of someone unwittingly they can control them like an RFID chip. Anything they don't want them doing, it won't happen.. That's what I had to deal with along with thugs, and jerkoff teachers for my school years, and far worse after when I graduated because I got tricked in a long build up to going hermit..

I was tricked by every instance I ever had go wrong in my life, which I believe I do not trust people due to a past life hangup leading to the event. Naturally I had a lot of people outside of my family treat me like shit and worse.. Although not as bad as you.. Nothing's worse than being reincarnated just to be stuck with the shit I had.. Being a literal nothing and controlled like an actual RFID'ed person by a kike in their dream world.

I had a similar story in some regards with bullies just not as malevolent, and officer dickhead.. D-d-d-d-damn....

That was hilarious. I just never got to use my brain because I was doped up on a much higher level, greys.. Trust me, greys will turn anyone mentally retarded almost if not entirely.. My IQ was reduced to about 80... from 140 something.. if that because of their intense hacking constantly..

There's a lot more to recount but my memory is still really fuzzy all the same an interesting read..
Other than what I listed my memory of my childhood is very hazy because they were drugging me as well.My aura is so powerful however that they could not drug me any further without killing me and I always had enough energy to fight back.Once I got my head out of my ass I literally dropped half my body weight in less than a year and then took up powerlifting.

There was never anything I could not do if I made an effort until the jews and this insane local system I was put through tried to cripple me.Now I'm stuck playing cleanup and fixing the damage done to my body as a result of being drugged and abused for the better part of 2 decades

On Sunday, April 26, 2015 10:41 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You remind me sooo much of Yusuke lolz... Almost an entirely same styled life story just not as harsh but same idea..

Although, I have to say that you are far smarter heh..

 Sounds like an area run by jewhovanites, and xianity.. Where mental retardation is "holy" and an actual thinking mind is absolutely evil and must be ruined. Tch.. these fuckers. We also had a buncha pot heads everywhere. I went to a public school where I was bound in ESE classes to keep me quiet, but not intentionally by anyone who was at the school. These fuckers did it directly. Trust me, when greys hack the mind of someone unwittingly they can control them like an RFID chip. Anything they don't want them doing, it won't happen.. That's what I had to deal with along with thugs, and jerkoff teachers for my school years, and far worse after when I graduated because I got tricked in a long build up to going hermit..

I was tricked by every instance I ever had go wrong in my life, which I believe I do not trust people due to a past life hangup leading to the event. Naturally I had a lot of people outside of my family treat me like shit and worse.. Although not as bad as you.. Nothing's worse than being reincarnated just to be stuck with the shit I had.. Being a literal nothing and controlled like an actual RFID'ed person by a kike in their dream world.

I had a similar story in some regards with bullies just not as malevolent, and officer dickhead.. D-d-d-d-damn....

That was hilarious. I just never got to use my brain because I was doped up on a much higher level, greys.. Trust me, greys will turn anyone mentally retarded almost if not entirely.. My IQ was reduced to about 80... from 140 something.. if that because of their intense hacking constantly..

There's a lot more to recount but my memory is still really fuzzy all the same an interesting read..

God damn... I hate those Greys with a fucking passion... Out of the things I want to kill the most in this world, those would definitely be the Greys, second... the jews, third my personal enemies, but I fucking hate the Greys the most... talk about parasitical pieces of shit! Anyways, thanks for the story AngryShaman666, it was pretty interesting. Never knew inner city schools were that bad... Then again, I'm a small town South Dakota boy. :) I would have no idea... just glad I don't live in the inner city and having to go to one of those piece of shit schools! I wish you luck my bro, I really do...
Hail Satan.
I can have to say the system is way outta hand with jewish swine. I have always loved to read yet i got picked on for being intellectual and teacher did nothing to make it stop. In 3ed grade i read at about a 10th grade level. They school for some odd reason refused to put that on my record or anything. They acted like it didn't even exist. Ughh -_-
There has always been a trio of greys fucking up my life from behind the scenes up until I became a satanist.The people around me would always become rabid, violent and utterly insane as a result of the greys influence.
What I think infuriates the greys most of all is I am just too strong to be taken down by anything they have ever thrown at me including when they used mentally unstable people as a weapon against me in gang fights, poisoned me, literally smashed my body to pieces and even turned my left eye inside out and yet never have I died or been hospitalized.My greatest ability was never my raw strength or my speed in battle or my wit but rather my regenerative abilities that allowed me to take my eye, which was nothing but juices and literally use my chi to meld it back together and instantly regain full functionality though I had to hold an icepack to my eye for a whole week straight.Every time the enemy has left me crippled and wounded I would only rise from it even stronger and filled with an immeasurable rage.Now that I am tied to the energies of my brethren under Satan and the powers of hell I will never be undone by any implement of the jews no matter what they do to me!My brutal, lethal and deranging childhood have proven this many times over!

On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 3:10 AM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  God damn... I hate those Greys with a fucking passion... Out of the things I want to kill the most in this world, those would definitely be the Greys, second... the jews, third my personal enemies, but I fucking hate the Greys the most... talk about parasitical pieces of shit! Anyways, thanks for the story AngryShaman666, it was pretty interesting. Never knew inner city schools were that bad... Then again, I'm a small town South Dakota boy. :) I would have no idea... just glad I don't live in the inner city and having to go to one of those piece of shit schools! I wish you luck my bro, I really do...
Hail Satan.

Yeah his story is kinda scary in some parts. I have to say his story was probably worse because of all of the violence and communist styled policing whew .
It's interesting the parallels between our stories. On the one hand you have almost constant intense physical violence instigated upon you. On the other hand, I have intense almost constant intense psychological/mental abuse instigated upon me from "peers" or I did it to myself due their actions towards me or the greys directly tricking me into attacking myself through hypnotic suggestions. I was a child in the shadows, nobody really wanted me until I hit middle school I met .. some people, only one of them was a possible friend who later on after high school turned out to be a flake. I suffered a hellovalot more mental and psychological trauma when I went hermit(the leading up to what happened to me from age 6 1/2) til now.

I have one friend who lives a thousand miles away currently who I've known since I was 12. I still think your story was way worse though. I'm not sure I would have survived your story..
I had violence AND psychological abuse. I still live like a hermit because "talks" with most people turn into fights especially with other men.
Every time I have to talk to another man in any kind of confrontational setting even if it's just some asshole who bumped into me they try to bully me and turn it into a pissing contest.
Funny thing, ever since I swore that I would beat the next guy to get physical with me to death to the very core of my soul, the greys stopped using people as weapons against me and I sensed fear in them even before I knew they were greys.They instead started trying to force me into seclusion where I would have as little contact with people as possible because they seem afraid that not only will I kill someone but my spiritual power will explode in battle and it has done so before.I've had this "berserker" thing where once I'm enraged or dragged into real combat and hold nothing back I fight with lethal force and start tapping into my chi in extreme quantities.I flipped a guy over a couch so hard he hit the ceiling by clotheslining him once XD

Once I start channeling qi and get some momentum I can do some insane damage and I was born with an natural "iron shirt" aura that makes me damn hard to do any damage to.It's gotten many times stronger ever since I started meditating as a satanist and just yesterday I tested it by beating myself in the face, head, arms and chest with my fists using lethal impact and it had no effect on me whatsoever other than a few red marks.Not a single bruise or injury, it was more like a gorilla beating its chest. 
So I think the enemy has always seen me as a threat.

On Friday, May 1, 2015 8:52 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  It's interesting the parallels between our stories. On the one hand you have almost constant intense physical violence instigated upon you. On the other hand, I have intense almost constant intense psychological/mental abuse instigated upon me from "peers" or I did it to myself due their actions towards me or the greys directly tricking me into attacking myself through hypnotic suggestions. I was a child in the shadows, nobody really wanted me until I hit middle school I met .. some people, only one of them was a possible friend who later on after high school turned out to be a flake. I suffered a hellovalot more mental and psychological trauma when I went hermit(the leading up to what happened to me from age 6 1/2) til now.

I have one friend who lives a thousand miles away currently who I've known since I was 12. I still think your story was way worse though. I'm not sure I would have survived your story..

They... tried to force me into seclusion to turn me fully insane without recovery so I had it for a different reason.

They're still trying again despite the fact that their "two buddies who are now dead" thank you Vinasa anyway.

I recognized it today. It's bullshit. I actually have decent parents who I want to spend time with. But the ultimate goal is to make me feel alone(I  believe I have a past life hang up with that) And to make me feel sanctioned off to turn me ...something.. I won't go insane again. That's impossible. I also live out in the middle of the woods which they try hard to add to the above problem. I would socialize if I found the right people. Finding the right people is difficult when you become a Spiritual Satanist though.

Greys are annoying. It's best to rub them out when you see of feel them immediately. I haven't threatened anyone really. I'm not the violent type. Only when needed. They're trying to keep me from advancing in life that's been the goal all along. That's obvious.

They pull all kinds of shit. It's almost hilarious to watch these scum of the universe who are whining psychopaths do the shit they do to try and fuck with us.
@fake name
Have you always been a violent person? I don't think anyone is worth the time or energy to actually beat them to death, Unless you need to. Big difference between putting someone in their place and just killing them over a situation that could be meaningless tomorrow.

I don't understand why you think greys would stop using people against you, to me it seems like it would be more damaging to you then to them. You can't do to much locked in a cell with murder charges. The way you explain greys attacking you is new to me. If they're using people against you physically how would that affect them?

Also the way you say you were beating yourself in the face just makes me sad. I can just picture enemies watching and laughing at you causing self inflicting damage to yourself. Your reasoning doesn't make much sense to me. I could understand and relate if it was from childhood physical abuse done to you, but even then holding onto past traumatic experiences will eventually become a weakness.

Just a thought, maybe it's you that's confrontational.

I'm not trying to be rude just trying to understand and get a different perspective.
Yeah, Aaron Stadtlander is probably right... if anything it was probably your guardian Demon that kept you away from people in order to protect you from killing one of them and ending up in prison... I don't understand why the Greys would care? If anything, the Greys would of wanted you to kill someone so you would either 1. be killed in the process or 2. end up in prison, for life. Why they would want to prevent any of those things is beyond me. It was most likely your guardian Demon watching over you. I think anyways.
ah...makes sense. But that basically means I was so screwed up and toxic to every living creature in my presence that they essentially quarantined me to keep me from starting an all out war .-.

On Friday, May 22, 2015 6:12 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

Yeah, Aaron Stadtlander is probably right... if anything it was probably your guardian Demon that kept you away from people in order to protect you from killing one of them and ending up in prison... I don't understand why the Greys would care? If anything, the Greys would of wanted you to kill someone so you would either 1. be killed in the process or 2. end up in prison, for life. Why they would want to prevent any of those things is beyond me. It was most likely your guardian Demon watching over you. I think anyways.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
