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The Pandemic Calamity And The Enemy's Behavior

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It's important for people to understand that with the enemy in power, if calamities befall humanity, humans will always be put last. These calamities are astrological, can happen due to human misfortune, or errors. They are unavoidable. But our decisions as a species revolve around how we deal with these tragedies.

This current tragedy that many people have had to confront and understand through actually living through it. For many these situations and measures are encountered as a first in their lives. It's a good opportunity for people to now wake up.

Delayed help, no help at all, no care about anything but promoting corrosive and human controlling agendas - these are things that keep occurring during every historic tragedy. Instead of a problem getting solved, the enemy focuses instead in promoting their inferior agenda.

The enemy, instead of treating these as something that needs to be solved, instead wastes all human time, resources, tax money, and manpower, even the spiritual energy of terror that encompasses people, mining them life a resource, in essentially furthering their own individual agenda. This stops there. There is no other aim. Nothing else.

Therefore it's also beyond the enemy of looking back at any mistake, since, they are not interested in improving anything. For this particular reason, nobody will look back, at least in the present, and admit if we went overboard in the West, if we crushed freedoms, or even if this whole situation was even necessary.

Instead, the enemy always scoffs it all, they insist on doing what they have planned. We know why they behave in this manner which may seem erratic to normal people, who don't understand the full picture here.

The scientific community during the Co-Vid, was hardly allowed to work. Immediately, the politics, press, and bribes for the China-ization of the West flew into it, disallowing any and all work to take place.

Before we had a clear view about anything from the virology based perspective, those in power such as the Rockfellers and Billy Gates, decided and advocated specific measures. One of these measures was an experimental one, which was the lockdown approach.

Pathetic is also the situation of not only fearmongering, but a huge display of the lack of trust between the enemy and their leadership with the people themselves. The enemy is not a natural leader to this world and this is known to everyone who has studied them.

People are instinctively and logically understanding they are being fooled, and they hate them. The relation is not one of working with the leaders, but rather, a situation of hate and having to endure them. This went even further now, to where we can no longer even remotely think against them, lest we are considered through criminals.

The "Narrative" of everything that happens is like Christianity during the Middle Ages, at best.

The highlight of this pandemic also shows, that poor trust between those in power and those lead, contributes to social disaster. Adding this on the additional self serving nature of jews, we cannot expect to move forward positively as a humanity.

On our planet, about 6 million children die every year. These souls that have to die before the age of 5 years old. This happens due to poverty, reckless regimes, plagues, the list goes. These people of course go un-noticed.

If they were the "Infamous" 6 million however that are of jewish descent, we would be talking about them for aeons to come. Everyone would do their utmost that these are brought in TV panels, in newspapers, in front of everyone's face. But these people are not really the ones whom our societies have been taken over to serve the interests for.

They are not the Jewish 6 million. They therefore, don't matter. Even if they were 60 million, or 600 million, or 6 billion, they wouldn't matter.

They will of course die this year also, under financial restraints, poverty, lock-down induced insanity, domestic violence. But nobody has mobilized yet to solve this issue at all.

How many destitute people worldwide are being created out of this? Some say hundreds of millions. And what is ahead of us? Automation of jobs, reconstruction of the job market, and people are shaky and damaged emotionally as is.

In order to supposedly save people that are 70+ years old [which were never even really saved with these measures], the millions of lives of unborn, and born young people, were sacrificed. Some countries are struggling with 25% suicidal disorders in their young population. Congratulations.

The enemy opened the tomb for the young people and the not yet born, in order to save people who were not even saved objectively. All of this happened in a Europe and United States with already struggling birthrates, and under invasion at unprecedented rate.

How many people will not be born for these years since people did not build relations, socialize, and love one another? How many unborn millions? How many already living are internally dead?

Writing this I am definitely aware that those in power, jews, and/or how people name them, the so called 'Elites' are actually of course not going to be sorry. They revile in happiness all of this happened.

For this same reason, they want to continue this possibly indefinitely. It's the perfect opportunity for mental warfare, reptilian impositions, poverty induction, and enforcing their alien prophecies. Feasting on the misery of mankind, they are attempting to grow. They are not going to feel any guilt or remorse. Indeed, we see that they are enjoying it.

Now that humanity is being exposed to the nature of these fiends, is why we have to fight. Educate everyone, and let the wise tell themselves: Those who are currently at the hands of the world, need to be replaced, and this world needs to become a better one.

For the future of all...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I don't want to reincarnate into a jewish world again. We need to win our planet back.
This is really sad to be honest. I had a flashback to ancient egypt when there was an energy shift on earth. Have no idea who I was but I remembered the shift to energy of Pisces. Me and many others were very concerned about this to say the least doing rituals to combat the enemy it seemed to me the leaders from what I could tell was very caring about the people and went out of their way to make sure people were ok I liked it a lot it was kind of like a dream vision that doesn't happen to me very often. Same with Nazi Germany you can tell from watching speeches and reading about it that they very much cared about the people. Hitler even used much of his own money to make sure people had a place to stay in the winter he came to power while the Jews had just let people rot in the streets and would sit in fancy restaurants looking out the window laughing at them while they had nothing to eat.

In the name of humanity I like our old leaders better.
NakedPluto said:
I don't want to reincarnate into a jewish world again. We need to win our planet back.


Although I have no plans to reincarnate again, if we can all complete Satan's work we won't have to go anywhere. Perhaps that is audacious of me but that is what every SS should strive for.

I would rather stay here in an immortal form and direct the changes with the Gods aright.
GoldenxChild1 said:
NakedPluto said:
I don't want to reincarnate into a jewish world again. We need to win our planet back.


Although I have no plans to reincarnate again, if we can all complete Satan's work we won't have to go anywhere. Perhaps that is audacious of me but that is what every SS should strive for.

I would rather stay here in an immortal form and direct the changes with the Gods aright.
At the very least you could partially complete magnum opus this lifetime, and continue where you were so it's not so grim I think...
GoldenxChild1 said:
NakedPluto said:
I don't want to reincarnate into a jewish world again. We need to win our planet back.


Although I have no plans to reincarnate again, if we can all complete Satan's work we won't have to go anywhere. Perhaps that is audacious of me but that is what every SS should strive for.

I would rather stay here in an immortal form and direct the changes with the Gods aright.

Life is great and meaningful, don't make these grim stories a part of Satanism.

You're here to live and understand the importance of life, not to let go and die.

With the means the Gods have given, life will improve and become worth in every way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Automation of jobs, reconstruction of the job market, and people are shaky and damaged emotionally as is.

Ignoring the fact the enemy is around. Lets pretend the Earth was never under siege and Earth went on as a normal day in the Empire of Orion.

On some level isn't this the logical end byproduct of said development? The very automation of anything and everything?

I watch some Starcraft BroodWar/2(Video games RTS) videos from time to time on my freetime. Nick "Tasteless" Plott has said this quite a few times last time he said it was like 3 or 4 months ago during one of the major tournaments. Tasteless's 300IQ question. In other words while it's valid to state how do you defeat a maxed out opponent. The question that should be asked is not how do you defeat a maxed out opponent which is valid unto itself. The question becomes WHY, WHAT, and HOW did you allow your opponent to gain such a massive lead. And even if you didn't allow the opponent an edge WHAT DID you DO or not DO to allow your opponent said edge.

We, humanity build things. We need and want things both a need and want kinda like sex it's both a want and need. Some want to do it and some people are in need of it and yet both can be intertwined as some need it plus want it and some want it plus need it.

Well to put it bluntly but isn't automation the end byproduct of human construction?

For example the ultimate tech in automation is a [3D Printer Materializer/Dematerialzer/Rematerializer(as instantly as it dematerializes is as instantly as it materializes it's a single action like restart on a computer two actions in one)] or as [@member: FancyMancy] calls it in reference to Star Trek a "Replicator".

If we can print atomically and molecularly perfect things whether it be objects or in the case of one of the most important features the manufacture of food and drinks, perfectly created atomically/molecular/minerally/vitaminally/nutrionally etc.etc.

Obviously it raises the question of doesn't that make farming obsolete!

But isn't automation going even in the Gods Worlds? Didn't THEY themselves look at the situation objectively and pragmatically understood some people ARE gonna lose their jobs no matter what?

In other words isn't automation inevitable to a civilization?

The enemy does it for the factor of shekelberging and shekelsteining but what about civilizations that aren't under kosher supervision isn't the byproduct of a product to be automated and mass produced to house a civilization of untold numbers?

It's like a hippie commune(kinda like a tribe but with more modern understanding) or a small, tight-knit, town. Wouldn't eventually they'd automate one or more of their products to procure them things even IF such small number that a handful of workers could get away with procuring said development?
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Automation of jobs, reconstruction of the job market, and people are shaky and damaged emotionally as is.
On some level isn't this the logical end byproduct of said development? The very automation of anything and everything?

Not necessarily but the agenda of the enemy, is not to truly automate, but to replace human labor so that a jewish self defined elite be completely free from the "useless eaters" as Billy Gates intends.

Automation can make people retarded and excluded from their own society or what they create when it becomes absolute and total without reversal.

The level of development may be logical to reach at some point, but the intentions under which it's being reached with the enemy up there are highly problematic.

What the Gods do past this comes down to the question of that they were Gods ie, far more aware than humanity today by an almost inconceivable amount. Most people today go with peanut consciousness on an attempt to automated civilization ruled by a very few, in a faceless world, isolated etc.

Much of "automation" may end up in a dystopia if people are not active participants in the re-creation of society in a direct way, either as creators, or maintainers, or even destroyers of things.

People like building civilization it's not everyone is a lazy ass. People make value and feel good inside because of creating their civilization even if this is labor that modern society frowns upon, wrongly.

Star Trek arguments do not invalidate reality nor affect it unless we are already there in technology. And we are not. So molecular Rick and Morty things which don't happen can't be very serious questions now on this.

Normal societies by the time they reach there, they have to already have a consciousness and understanding by the time they do [because species should evolve scientifically and spiritually]. Then this generally may fare better.

If the above condition is not met, the risk of destruction by accident or dystopia can be considerably high. And also self destruction.
Pathetic is also the situation of not only fearmongering, but a huge display of the lack of trust between the enemy and their leadership with the people themselves. The enemy is not a natural leader to this world and this is known to everyone who has studied them.

People are instinctively and logically understanding they are being fooled, and they hate them. The relation is not one of working with the leaders, but rather, a situation of hate and having to endure them. This went even further now, to where we can no longer even remotely think against them, lest we are considered through criminals.

Biden won't even perform his "state of the union" address. Granted the constitution does not give a date, but the president is supposed to give an address to congress.

Be it either fears of covid or GOP militias somehow murdering everyone. This is reminiscent of Midevil kings. Lead terribly and never acknowledge the people you're suppose to be guiding.

I'm sure they justify it in their mind somehow, if not the above reasons. Then for some other reason like it is "old fashioned". To think a "good leader" would also have the ability to speak to the nation is absurd to this low life scum. Their leadership is beyond reproach, it is so good that the commoner couldn't even fathom such concepts.

The simple fact is these "leaders" want a good chunk of humanity to die, for the "greater good".
Commoners will understand their leaders concepts, but not accept them. By hiding from the nation this all becomes a blatant fact.
slyscorpion said:
This is really sad to be honest. I had a flashback to ancient egypt when there was an energy shift on earth. Have no idea who I was but I remembered the shift to energy of Pisces. Me and many others were very concerned about this to say the least doing rituals to combat the enemy it seemed to me the leaders from what I could tell was very caring about the people and went out of their way to make sure people were ok I liked it a lot it was kind of like a dream vision that doesn't happen to me very often. Same with Nazi Germany you can tell from watching speeches and reading about it that they very much cared about the people. Hitler even used much of his own money to make sure people had a place to stay in the winter he came to power while the Jews had just let people rot in the streets and would sit in fancy restaurants looking out the window laughing at them while they had nothing to eat.

In the name of humanity I like our old leaders better.

that's really interesting because i also had a ''vision'' or something like that not too long ago, i was in some kind of very old temple that looked like the inside of a pyramid if i could describe it, and i remember i just couldn't meditate. i was trying to do something and i couldn't because i was blocked spiritually. then i was laying on the floor and that was it. must've been when the enemy first put the veil of the earth or age of picese like you said.
One will know the enemy by its fruits, and it will try projecting this at their opposers at their highest volumes. All it needs is to expose their dumb tricks and slap the real truth at them which is very hard.

Someday, I hope I can get back at the kikes face to face; for all the friends I lost due to all their lies. All this just inspires me to gain really serious siddhis. I really want to turn pissrael into a burning and ruined patch of earth that can even be seen from space.
It hasn't affected enough people in my country yet (Australia) for them to moblize properly mind you though finally a lot of the smaller groups are now banding together and we have a considerable shall we say more armed movement growing also.

I don't know what it is about my country but Jews don't seem to like being here and a lot of people while they won't say anything bad about Jews or Israel are more then happy to shun them in public they aren't welcome here nor is their presence they have to hide themselves thoroughly because people here are naturally very untrusting of them.

I also do my own little egregors over the main cities im lost the battle in Victoria but in my home state I won with land slide no real lock down at all and I have managed to rabble rouse many to the more patriotic banner.

People must learn the hard way as for us Australians we know government tyranny very well most of us were forced Irish slave prisoners forced here for stealing bread for our family's when the o so great royals decided to starve Ireland hence why we are called spud munchers because we only could eat and grow potatoes and such to live on

We have had this shite before and we aren't going back to it certainly not quietly I just wish I could coordinate with more Satanists in Australia its just me and my mum in WA doing our best to beat back the darkness.

All this being said because we lost in Victoria and no where else a movement of over 100,000 people now are pissed off enough to protest lockdown and vaccine roll out 92% of Australians said no to vaccine and the other 8% probably all non whites Jews and other shite we could do with less of down here anyway
Saivite gurus actually say there is not one thing wrong in the Universe a soul can decide it's actions but God is the executioner of the consequences of your actions and this is always in absolute perfection so all Karma is just and is based on seeds of your actions and God executes this in absolute perfection so even the suffering is not wrong from a Universal God Conscious perception it's the result of our own actions it's like Maya (the created physical universe) is the classroom and Karma is the teacher.....the Universe is always in perfect order (cosmic order symbolised by the swastika) always has been always will be so we have to change our conduct which is what the Hindus call Dharma which can be defined as righteous conduct in arccordance with divine natural order( divine order which is always perfect) and the worship of the Gods leading to Self/God realisation or Liberation or Moksha of the Jiva(individual soul) that's the sole purpose of our existence on planet Earth everything else is incidental to this....it is part of Divine Order that those seeking to be uplifted have to look to Superior Beings for help it's aristocratic principal so we look to the Gods and even among ourselves humans have to be lead its aristocratic principal by superior humans to be uplifted into God Consciousness the Pyramid is also symbolic of this leaders who in themselves have to be consciously God Conscious this is the kind of order that once existed on the planet and this is what we are trying to restore but as the Gods themselves will say in a way the war is already won because we trying to go along God's Will that is the Cosmic order of things so we should not fear ,we should obey what the Gods tell us to do and in the end it will all be fine.....
Gear88 said:
On some level isn't this the logical end byproduct of said development? The very automation of anything and everything?

This is quite a linear observation. The problem is that there are multiple paths of advancement. There is not one single true path that excludes all others. If there was, all sentient civilisations will end up at the same point. Instead, you have the Gods, the Reptilians, the Greys, elementals, other sentient races, each evolved in a different direction.

The universe is not as simple as to have an absolute, grand design. Rather, "life" continuously experiments. Civilisation rise, ascend to a certain point, then go extinct and are replaced by more harmonious species, in pattern of constant refinement. Other civilisation are lucky enough to embody all the qualities they need to become eternal but even then there's no stopping them from finding new, better-functioning paths or taking detours, instead of proceeding on a set path.
16-25 the years of my dedication. I just want to put my two cents in. I'm glad the animals are better off. I haven't seen my babies coughing and quarreling and I thank you for this insight. I don't care if I die and have to reincarnate I will have a huge mark of Father Satan on my soul. I Love and long to see you bretheren and sisters. On the street and in my temple I can literally see all of you. I'm so excited and so overwhelmed with the bliss that is and will come eternally. Bless you all in the name of Satan. Boom boom Mahadev!
Stormblood said:
Gear88 said:
On some level isn't this the logical end byproduct of said development? The very automation of anything and everything?

This is quite a linear observation. The problem is that there are multiple paths of advancement. There is not one single true path that excludes all others. If there was, all sentient civilisations will end up at the same point. Instead, you have the Gods, the Reptilians, the Greys, elementals, other sentient races, each evolved in a different direction.

The universe is not as simple as to have an absolute, grand design. Rather, "life" continuously experiments. Civilisation rise, ascend to a certain point, then go extinct and are replaced by more harmonious species, in pattern of constant refinement. Other civilisation are lucky enough to embody all the qualities they need to become eternal but even then there's no stopping them from finding new, better-functioning paths or taking detours, instead of proceeding on a set path.

Hmm...I see makes sense. So civilizations can halt certain properties for betterment of themselves maybe pursue it at a later time.

It reminds me of Trump performing Economic Nationalism i.e. An NSDAP action. Which Hitler did to halt automation in Germany. Not full halt of course as some automation is needed but I do note Hitler did indeed manipulate a halting of excessive automation WHICH even in the 30s was a process going pretty rapidly to levels of modern automation.

The only issue I see is that humanity doesn't have time. We are basically a 70ish-120ish year old life span. We don't have time to experiment or change a pattern or even halt somethings even IF it is done i.e. Trump. Most people seem out of touch with reality all manipulated moving around basically shepherded into oblivion and other machinations behind the scenes. I'm aware HP.Cobra has mentioned society WILL improve with our rituals but again it's a shame humanity is so plainly awful.

It's sad as well but it just makes me more angry that humanity is so ass-backwards. I have a prominent Aquarian trait so I can see why some of these statements I made make me sound extreme? maybe?

Like the old Aquarian statement I've ran into on the internet: I hate the people but love humanity.

Anyways thanks for pointing it out Stormblood. I guess I'm just too human to look further. I mean I'm one to talk seeing into my own future with what I'm doing currently and have done in the past. I'm not being of higher power. Damn shame the Gods are gonna take long to come. If humanity really needs them is at some point currently in time.

Anyway I guess I and along with other members and even yourself Stormblood. Would love to research not just our Gods and humanities past but other civilizations and theorycraftings of the Gods historical records. Guess evolution and learning never ends always something new to study.
I feel as if... the enemy is in a hurry to implement and/or achieve their goal in this world. Not worrying in the slightest of being known. Even the average gentile could be able to sense something wrong on their own.

Lately, in my mind, I've come across the quote from Amdusias that was told to the High Priestess Maxine:
"Just as the enemy has people who cannot see us, we cannot see them. However, they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause."
Taurus said:
slyscorpion said:
This is really sad to be honest. I had a flashback to ancient egypt when there was an energy shift on earth. Have no idea who I was but I remembered the shift to energy of Pisces. Me and many others were very concerned about this to say the least doing rituals to combat the enemy it seemed to me the leaders from what I could tell was very caring about the people and went out of their way to make sure people were ok I liked it a lot it was kind of like a dream vision that doesn't happen to me very often. Same with Nazi Germany you can tell from watching speeches and reading about it that they very much cared about the people. Hitler even used much of his own money to make sure people had a place to stay in the winter he came to power while the Jews had just let people rot in the streets and would sit in fancy restaurants looking out the window laughing at them while they had nothing to eat.

In the name of humanity I like our old leaders better.

that's really interesting because i also had a ''vision'' or something like that not too long ago, i was in some kind of very old temple that looked like the inside of a pyramid if i could describe it, and i remember i just couldn't meditate. i was trying to do something and i couldn't because i was blocked spiritually. then i was laying on the floor and that was it. must've been when the enemy first put the veil of the earth or age of picese like you said.

I think this is the same thing. Now I didn't get a lot of details on this. Though it did seem like we were in the pyramids in some temple doing rituals. I just described it about the leaders cause I felt a warm feeling of love and warmpth there. You wouldn't have that today ever. I don't think I even know who the leader was at that time from this lol. It sucks I wish I could have seen more details.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
