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The Number '444'


Active member
Feb 1, 2020
I've been looking with the forum's search and found this:


It's been maybe a month now, I just keep seeing this number everywhere, with exact precision even where it would normally be harder to find. A necklace price, the result of a cat walking on my keyboard and leaving this for me to find, a car plate when I'm being particularly open, a reading on a display where I work, and twice more today, a score in a videogame (as I really needed to get my mind off everything for a good half an hour) and when I opened The War Room it was precise to the second: 00:44:40

I have read (in that post I linked above) that someone had a dream about Jewsus on a cross being inverted (becoming the correct/Satanic cross then), and I found some probably dubious 'kabbalistic' websites associate this number with Jewsus as well.

Personally, I have been strongly associating this number with our Demon Dantalian, as it seems to have been leading me to him as much as to try summoning him to establish a bond this past Samhain.

I would like to know what other people think about this number, if they associate it with any particular Demon or some event or something as I became slightly doubtful when I read of the xianity connection, only very briefly though, and I now fully consider this a good sign that suggests me I should hone mental focus and skills belonging to Dantalian's office.

Hail Satan! Hail Leraje! Hail Dantalian!
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
It's been maybe a month now, I just keep seeing this number everywhere, with exact precision even where it would normally be harder to find.
Story of my life, Brother. First I saw 666 (no question about that one), then 555 was added, also 999 and 888 but exactly over a month or so it's 444 everywhere plus 555. I haven't got the slightest inkling about what it means.
I'm about to reply to you in our Elements thread, I'm nearly there.
I've read in the past that 444 is an enemy number just like 777. They both have something to do with the jesus thoughtform of the jews. You can see 777 on a lot of slot machines and in gambling places and everything that are mostly owned and ran by jews.

Not sure if 444 has anything to do with demons, or if the demons are using 444 in some way to give you a sign for something, but I do remember reading that 444 is of the enemy.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

When I was being told to balance myself and was in the process and workings of doing so, the numbers 4, 44 and 444 cropped up pretty much all the time. It likely means stability and balance, stabilization, harmony of the 4 corners of the soul or even the 4 elements.

Perhaps you shouldn't be messing so much with the elements to the extents you have been, in that if you're so powerful with them then don't you know how incredibly high in potential you would be if they were all so perfectly balanced in harmony and unison instead of frequently experimenting with just one at a time? I suppose I shouldn't say you have to quit, but you need to recognize the sheer importance of maintaining balance after the fact. Having more of one element might make you stronger in one area as you're working with it, but that leaves you very vulnerable in three other corners where the personality and psychic ego becomes so off kilter that a lot of clarities and awareness's are not seen and this does leave the actual corners of the soul for the other three elements weakened to attack as all the power is being put into just one thing that overpowers them, and this can be very dangerous.

When they're all balanced out, you have the aspects and utilization of everything available at your disposal. A psychic individual for one could boast all they want about how incredibly clear they can hear and interact with things on the astral, but if they don't balance the lower chakras like the base, they have no idea what exactly they're interacting with, who or if it's a real outside entity or their own imagination. Sure with it all equaled out, you're not as extended in high power to one thing, but personally I'd rather be able to 'see' what I'm talking to and hear decently enough than to hear very loud clearly and have no idea, I do not interact with things on the astral unless I have other aspects empowered enough to be able to see and know just who and what I'm about to speak to first.
Ghost in the Machine said:

Then this all makes even more sense, perhaps, as I have been starting to feel and use the Quintessence instead of single Elements.

Guess I decided to heed your advice (the one in this post) before you would point it out. I was seriously tired of using only one Element all the time, ONLY Air, or ONLY Fire, or ONLY Earth to balance the Air and Water to counter the too much Fire....

Fuck that never ending cycle. I've been doing this for longer than I can remember and it got me ..where? I don't know. Sure, I guess I'm more used and perhaps more resistant to some Elements. I got to feel Earth's effects as too intense, I got to feel Air's freeing effect on my third eye in a way that I can only describe as physical, making it literally throb, but nothing else really. Nothing that I can use to 'skill up' and learn something without constantly worrying about having to counter too much of something with much of its opposite, endlessly.

Right now I've been feeling so and so because of a personal attack (at work, pretty sure this level means something has been tampering with the weaklings around me as I'm no longer an easy target), and I haven't really had much more time than that for our group rituals, so I haven't been feeling too much. I DID manage to feel some things this time around doing the group effort so I'm pretty thrilled about that.

I do plan to have a ritual routine when these scheduled rituals are done.

Another thing, a suggestion if you will...

I've been raising my energy with the Quintessence for these rituals, and (this the part I wanted to share with you) I started focusing on the Quintessence itself, perceiving it as a dimension that includes the realm of all possibilities and that's constantly capable of changing reality, and speaking the affirmations directly into the Ether Element, telling it what I'm changing and reinforcing this with more willpower and feeling.

I think this had quite the effect. By the time I reach affirmation number 9 I feel this "new reality" has already rewritten the old one. In other words, this is great Magick.

I don't know how I managed to skip using Quintessence for all this time, I suppose I just wasn't ready for it.

Thanks for the advice, duly noted.

Hail Father Satan Forever!
Apprentice said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
It's been maybe a month now, I just keep seeing this number everywhere, with exact precision even where it would normally be harder to find.
Story of my life, Brother. First I saw 666 (no question about that one), then 555 was added, also 999 and 888 but exactly over a month or so it's 444 everywhere plus 555. I haven't got the slightest inkling about what it means.
I'm about to reply to you in our Elements thread, I'm nearly there.

NOW I see your post here, Brother. I thought I missed it over the last day or so, but as it turns out it should have been the first reply, for some reason it wasn't visible and I could only see Sun's reply (the one under yours) and Ghost's, but not yours. :/ Is it not possible that we're seeing numbers 'clusters' simply because the Gods are trying to make us feel they're very close in our warfare? That it doesn't necessarily matter whether it's 444 or 888 or others? I have obviously seen 666 as well somewhere, even yesterday, but it's not as much as 'the number I know has got something to do with it all', which in my case happened to be 444 since my cat wrote it on my keyboard (my cats know stuff about my laptop I had no idea was even there lol) and I memorized it as 'potentially important'. That's how I kept keeping in mind every time this number popped up again, and it's been a LOT of times. Plates, movies, clocks, indicators, the entire Universe is saying it.

I'll keep my eyes open for any hints that suggest news regarding this. I think I should really learn more about kabbalistic numbers.. I tried online but mostly I guess it's Hebrew contaminated bullshit that lies about everything so I quit doing that.. do we have a file in the JoS that briefly explains it?

Still weird how I didn't see this message before, it should have literally been the first I found.

Hail Satan!
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Still weird how I didn't see this message before, it should have literally been the first I found.
I observed the topic. The replies after mine were approved earlier. That's the reason why you missed my reply.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
do we have a file in the JoS that briefly explains it?
Not that I know of. And I have promised myself to search NO spiritual material outside JoS.
Apprentice said:
Not that I know of. And I have promised myself to search NO spiritual material outside JoS.

Exactly the same here.

I am considering Brother GitM's suggestion about the number 444 referring to Elemental imbalance (even though I didn't really want to go back to analyzing the 4 Elements individually after having done this for so long and obtained pretty much always the same results, and because I've started using the Quintessence in a more relaxed and natural way I suppose) and I think I could see some benefit: I noticed I was starting to get pushed too much on the Fire side, wondering about the "giving death to one's enemies" skill in terms of Fire (I have once attracted Haures without any intention to summon her, just by strongly associating killing and Fire somehow, so I suppose that's just natural to think about). Thinking about it again after less than a day (no matter how much Fire itself can be pretty seducing) I came to the conclusion that I'm much, much better off using Air as a "weapon", even if it's the last Element I've ever really considered to be lethal at all.
I thought back about either the matter of manipulating Oxygen (in one's blood, haven't tried this yet) and the matter of electricity itself being a pretty damn good something to use as a weapon or tool of destruction.

The weird thing (or simply put, so simple it's bound to be the easiest answer) is that I feel Air as the more pleasant Element, and always have, I think. The others have attracted be, but no shit Air's my dominant one.

Also, I've been thinking about her, Leraje, and how I couldn't seem to establish a decent contact in all these months, since I learned she is my Guardian. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself, as I often do, and this requires more time and experience, but I've been thinking about how Brother GitM finds it easier to reach her by relaxing/calming himself and I think that's something I was seriously underestimating. The power to calm myself.
I read her description again and somehow I suddenly focused on the words "She is a bringer of peace". I think that's what I need to find within myself. I'm always too stressed or thoughtful or active... I need to cool down and let it all go, focus on the calm feeling and empty my mind instead of focusing on other things.
Focusing on one thing in order to slow the brain down can be good, but not when this just leads to another thought, and another, and another. I need to master my mind like I haven't done yet. Being so much Air isn't going to be so easy perhaps, and maybe that's where the Quintessence really comes in.

Shit, I was meaning to write you just one line lol.. I guess the cogs start spinning faster once I got here.

Hail Satan!
Ghost in the Machine said:
When I was being told to balance myself and was in the process and workings of doing so, the numbers 4, 44 and 444 cropped up pretty much all the time. It likely means stability and balance, stabilization, harmony of the 4 corners of the soul or even the 4 elements.

Perhaps you shouldn't be messing so much with the elements to the extents you have been, in that if you're so powerful with them then don't you know how incredibly high in potential you would be if they were all so perfectly balanced in harmony and unison instead of frequently experimenting with just one at a time? I suppose I shouldn't say you have to quit, but you need to recognize the sheer importance of maintaining balance after the fact.

I felt I had to come back to this post and give you some kind of explanation on how I feel you're either right and wrong here, in a way.

Remember when I was so caught by my infested ex I was still thinking "massive FRTR on her"? You suggested, after I came quickly to my senses, that you "hoped I had been keeping my Earth strong".

That phrase stuck with me.

So I went all in and summoned massive amounts of Earth, kept natural stones in contact with my skin, and all that, determined to keep my Earth (you know my natal chart condition) as full as I could, considering everything.

Then, after I did that (and starting to get a little too 'dull'), you mentioned Air as the freeing Element, while Earth binds. I knew that partially, but decided it was a good time to take the hint and go all in with Air. It felt kinda rejuvenating.. I guess I'm not as used to Earth as I would like to be.

Then the 444 and your mention of it being related with imbalance. This got me thinking.
I had been messing around with Elements for longer than I care to admit, accomplishing very little in my eyes (compared to more expert meditators and better SS Brothers and Sisters).

So I stopped messing around with Elements. But I still felt I needed to do something.
I postponed these workings and trying to determine what may be the best course of action for a while, while we did the last offensive, which was already very time consuming. I was however very pleased to learn my base chakra (and now also my legs, probably connecting with my feet chakras and other lower and minor ones) suddenly started to get active and even physically vibrate most of the time, being the most noticeable when I sit and relax with a few breaths.

(Today I went to read HP HoodedCobra's post and the views for that post were, lo and beyond, 444 again. That's when I thought about you and this Earth imbalance in the root.
I don't know about you, but knowing how much you've been successful with manifesting your willpower with Ice and electrokinesis and so on, I'd say you have been already grounding yourself well enough. If anything, do perceive this post as a mere "thumbs up, Bro" and well done.)

The base chakra is of the Earth Element, so I'm restarting to attempt rebalancing this Element but I'm following Lydia's advice on it and do this only through my feet, limiting the Earth flow to the legs and Muladhara area.

The fact that I always felt the Air vibrate only in my upper chakras (when it did), I think it indicates that I should have paid more attention to each chakra's Element, and not absorbing the Element in my entire Soul.

Long story short, I'm kind of surprised that this year I've been making so much progress compared to all the years before. I feel like I was a mere newbie who's been wasting his time on purpose, and didn't value these hints and smaller pieces of knowledge that, when put together, form a massive spiritual boost.

So thank you too, Brother, who have always stuck around and gave me excellent advice. I wouldn't be at this level now, starting to notice things and writing useful posts to others, had it not been for some knowledge you shared.
I hope some of this post can give you a hint or a confirmation of something you've been dubious about too.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I hope some of this post can give you a hint or a confirmation of something you've been dubious about too.

Well what do you know.

Suffice to say I knew I needed more grounding (Ice had mostly been for silencing overactivity of energies in psychic matters so it doesn't so much as 'ground' but rather quieten and slow down) and the past day or so I kept feeling like my base chakra needed more earth element but it felt weird for me to think such, it just somehow wasn't 'heavy' feeling enough and I seem to strangely feel distance from the material plane, like my 'feet' just aren't firmly planted upon it enough even though I've had seemingly perfectly fine logical perception upon it, but it always felt like something was off kilter or missing or just wasn't quite right in getting that 100% for some reason but I couldn't quite pinpoint it. I've also been led to the colour red and the base chakra a good number of times lately and breathing into the base chakra.

Can you link me to Lydia's advice that you're referring to regarding the legs and such with the earth element?
Ghost in the Machine said:
Well what do you know.

Suffice to say I knew I needed more grounding (Ice had mostly been for silencing overactivity of energies in psychic matters so it doesn't so much as 'ground' but rather quieten and slow down) and the past day or so I kept feeling like my base chakra needed more earth element but it felt weird for me to think such, it just somehow wasn't 'heavy' feeling enough and I seem to strangely feel distance from the material plane, like my 'feet' just aren't firmly planted upon it enough even though I've had seemingly perfectly fine logical perception upon it, but it always felt like something was off kilter or missing or just wasn't quite right in getting that 100% for some reason but I couldn't quite pinpoint it. I've also been led to the colour red and the base chakra a good number of times lately and breathing into the base chakra.

Can you link me to Lydia's advice that you're referring to regarding the legs and such with the earth element?


This should be the part where she mentions absorbing Earth through the feet and legs from the ground. It got me thinking, a lot.

Ever heard of a martial art called Baji Quan (in China, or Hakkyokuken in Japan)? I recently learned the Japanese name and realized it was the same style my old sifu made me study to prepare for national championships when I was like.. 17, I think. I realized the "stomping" seen in this art is actually part of its great strength, allowing even a lightweight person to overcome heavier opponents (and also using strikes done with the entire body, including hips and shoulder, "letting the earth be its real strength").

I've been looking into this again, as I also realized this concept, using earth/the ground to overcome larger/heavier opponents, has always been something I did naturally. I haven't been in a lot of fights (usually right because people knew I was a martial artist and avoided confrontation), but whenever I've been in one I realize now that I have been using this 'philosophy', even the moves actually.

I read about (I think) Himmler having a lack of Earth in his chart but compensating this lack by being an extremely hard worker. That sounds also a lot like me, so I think I've been compensating this lack this way. If you saw me in a picture, I'd say it's very likely that you'd think me an Earth person, despite my lightly but well-built physique and shortness.

Regarding the base chakra, I stopped being surprised at how you and I seem to exchange information that seems crucial and with great timing, so I hope this time too my advice will somehow prompt you to move towards something useful. I don't know how much your Earth is balanced or lacking compared to the Air, but over the last week alone, perhaps, I completely realized how I seem to have an inability to connect to the material plane as well, and how this lack is very easily the responsible cause for my non-manifested working.

I also have been very drawn and seen a lot the color red and, now that I think of it, the number 4 is the number (among 1, 2, 3 and 4) that I associate with Earth.
Think things seem to be falling into place very quickly right now.

Also, another thing that I realized today.
The night before I met Haures (when I had been full of vengeance and anger towards someone) I kept thinking that "death should be delivered with the eyes". While I don't know how this makes sense much now, I came across a number of times the image of the Greek monster Medusa, the Gorgon that could kill with her eyes, turning others to stone.

Ring a bell?
I'm thinking this "death with the eyes" thing relates strongly to the use of Earth Element in order to fill a person with it and slow them down to the point of death (probably slowing down the heart as much as to make it impossible for them to deliver Oxygen to the cells and brain itself, killing the victim of such working).

Just a little something I assume you know already but thought you'd find interesting, especially when thinking of Earth's possibilities.

Ghost in the Machine said:

Almost forgot to ask you.

Could you give me those hints you mentioned before, when you have the time, on Creating Astral Temples?

I think I could really use the advice, especially at a time like this I feel the need for a place to go to and do my stuff. I've been thinking over and over about ideas and 'blueprints' but when I add slightly too much detail I fear I'm going to forget about it next time, that it's going to be too hard to visualize in its entirety, or that my focus will be less directed and it will lose power. I even thought of a nice, empty natural cave with Satan's sigil on a wall. Caves have always been something I strongly felt attracted to, the atmosphere itself there is so engulfing. I'd like my Astral Temple to be something that has much more weight and feel than plain visualizing it as an image.

Take your time, I'll keep experimenting. I actually feel more creative now that I'm back dealing with Earth than when I was dealing only with the creative Element, like I'm richer.

Thanks for your time, Brother.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Almost forgot to ask you.

Could you give me those hints you mentioned before, when you have the time, on Creating Astral Temples?

I think I could really use the advice, especially at a time like this I feel the need for a place to go to and do my stuff. I've been thinking over and over about ideas and 'blueprints' but when I add slightly too much detail I fear I'm going to forget about it next time, that it's going to be too hard to visualize in its entirety, or that my focus will be less directed and it will lose power. I even thought of a nice, empty natural cave with Satan's sigil on a wall. Caves have always been something I strongly felt attracted to, the atmosphere itself there is so engulfing. I'd like my Astral Temple to be something that has much more weight and feel than plain visualizing it as an image.

Take your time, I'll keep experimenting. I actually feel more creative now that I'm back dealing with Earth than when I was dealing only with the creative Element, like I'm richer.

Thanks for your time, Brother.


I was about to say that wouldn't be a good idea to do if you're trying to ground yourself until you said cave. A cave temple would be very grounding in focusing on your presence in it as you are applying the aspect of the earth element simultaneously in feeling the cave and earth aspects around you.

Though I can see you being the kind of person to have a 'network' temple in that you have temples specifically catered in design and aesthetic to a specific element and just go to whichever one you felt the need to go to for it's elemental aspects. I did such with my own at least, four corner temple sectors of the whole mass structure, the water sector for instance had a large fountain in it, lots of blue aesthetic, blue gemstones decorating the walls and ceiling, water lilies, sapphire stones with a higher tower, things involving the water element like artwork, creativity and aesthetic blue magic essences, water cascading down the walls, etc, went there a LOT to 'sleep' (when trying to 'physically' sleep) and relax; Water's not my favourite element by a long shot but I spent a lot of time in that room because it was so beautiful and calming, it was practically therapy on the worst of days. Fire sector had a lava pool, fiery red decor, lots of rubies, spicy food, earth sector had a blacksmith workplace, stoney architecture, a garden. So you can really get creative with the looks and appearances and overall theme, after all it should be a place you enjoy spending time in as your safe haven and I wouldn't be offended if you were inspired by this same idea of elemental sectors.

Your imagination is of course key in the creation of an astral temple, it's a lot of visualization just like how one would daydream in class. Plan it out all you want as such in your head, your laying out the concept and ideas first. Making it more real on the astral so that demons and such can visit you there and what not is done by actively visiting and spending time in it and applying a more 'real' presence within. I did soul-splitting for this, projecting the conscious as best you can in almost a form of 'remote viewing' on the astral, and focused on realness, trying to really feel the ground beneath, touch and feel the texture of the walls, feel myself in my 'body' at the temple, really place my visual sight in looking through my eyes to see and be aware of my surroundings within, actually trying to act, look, walk and move around as though I were doing it in the physical realm as best I could, kind of like placing yourself in a virtual reality or a dream scene.

That's the best way I can describe that, and then just spending lots of time like that in the temple recognizing it's solidity and presence as you dwell within it is what will more solidify it's existence on the astral plane. It doesn't have to just be limited to this subspace location of just the temple either, I personally expanded an entire outdoor space outside the temple with a garden, greenhouse, a whole forested region to explore outside and other buildings for different topics of focus, one was in practicing more spiritual warfare methods of things like concentration and directing energies and had all the 'tools' I needed to do such, different environments for different matter of focus. Soul-splitting and feeling yourself in your temple and traversing it gets easier the more you practice, do it and make a regular (and moderated) habit of it, you'll also notice after a time you won't have to try and remember what your temple/rooms look like anymore, everything will be more solidly set in it's place and you'll just 'see' it automatically as if walking into an actual physical room and viewing it for what it actually is and how you left it. Astral temples can be fun and free, sometimes too fun and free, just make sure you don't neglect physical reality and forget that you have a physical body that needs to move around, eat and basically survive... I only went to my temple at night in going to sleep and it was secondary to the importance of the material plane, but it gave me something to do while my physical body slept as well as lots of opportunities.

Haven't been to that temple in... well jeez, almost a year? An astral temple is very versatile though, have it well guarded and strong, because the more real on the astral it becomes the more it has the potential of being 'found' by unwanted guests, but you can always try asking Satan to bless or consecrate it, or you can do that yourself too. I personally never asked for a blessing or consecration, but that was just me, I had my own instated defenses that were... vicious for lack of a better word. And in regards to communicating with demons there... seriously you need a good logical filter and I mean really. Be careful with what or who you interact with that might just 'come on in' as a 'demon', for the most part it could be just your imagination too. Perhaps programming some kind of veil or 'reality layering' over to engulf your entire temple in to enable you to see any and all real truths around you on the plane might help? I've never tried that and it's just a concept in theory...
Ghost in the Machine said:

I wanna try answering you before I finish reading this time, as thoughts and ideas and memories form in my mind the moment I read and I don't want to forget them when I take my time with the answer at last.

Ghost in the Machine said:
until you said cave. A cave temple would be very grounding in focusing on your presence in it as you are applying the aspect of the earth element simultaneously in feeling the cave and earth aspects around you

Honestly, I have never even thought of a cave as an astral temple (other than in an example I'll tell you about in a moment, which I think will possibly make more sense to you, in a way) until just now. I haven't been in more caves than I've been into forests or beaches or mountains, but I was always attracted to the immediate sense of peace and safety in there. Talking about natural caves of course. If I think about a strange reference having to do with my birthplace, it was really close to the "world's largest cave", a famous site for tourism. Also, my city in particular is the only one in the country that has its own strong wind, which I thought about a lot of times when I contemplated the idea of being Air dominant in the past.
Almost feels like the Gods have chosen this place for my birth as a way to suggest what Elements I needed to work on, hoping I would get it... certainly took my time with it, didn't I...

Regarding the astral temple and the Elements... I could go on and on talking about this lol. Apologies in advance if I get too far in my explanation.
I admit I didn't think of astral temples as pure elemental temples/sections/rooms, but it's not an idea that sounds new at all to me. As you know I've been (still am when I find the time or feel there's a good concept I could get from a game I never heard of, indies mostly) a long time player. But aside from the gaming itself, I always tried to find some 'peace' in the environment. For example, Tomb Raider's jungle (I'm talking about the very first very poor polygons one) had simple textures, poor graphics, poor mechanics, poor everything. Yet, it was the very first one (or among the first games) to make me 'wish I was there'. This goes more in detail if I mention there there were parts of the level (like a rock indentation in the mountain, forming a V shaped corridor Lara could never have access to as the game itself simply didn't allow it) that I started thinking of as 'my own personal thinking/relaxing spaces'. These days some of these spaces made a good subject for my art, inking details like plants, mushrooms, foliage and such, but the idea of having these places to go to has remained. In my ignorance, I used to believe I could only reach them in astral projection, and because I have yet to accomplish that much I have kept thinking that these places were beyond my ability to reach.
That was until the even that brought me in Theta state down to the Titanic wreck, and I begun being aware of the calm and 'peace' the abyssal plains offer (although 'fish eat fish' out there, of course, as is the natural way things work).

Later, I have seen a concept much closer to what you suggested with 4 different temples/sectors/rooms in another game (Darksiders 3) but knowing I easily end up seduced by the beauty and material side of the Elements, I chose to let it go, only for the moment it seems.
The most enthralling (and more similar to the temples you described, at least in one detail) was probably the Fire cave, where the character (after gaining Fire elemental abilities) can wade through lava pools like it's calming water. I found the concept so peaceful I gave a lot more thinking to Fire (only to find out my limit still, obviously, needs to be pushed a lot in order to feel so much as ease with Fire). I do wonder, however, if 'bathing in a lava pool' could make a good Fire meditation, like the ones HPS Maxine described in the preparatory exercises for working with the Elements, where you're supposed to get a feel for each and then take it to the next level. I know for a fact this isn't the first time I have been seduced by the idea of swimming in lava, let alone by Fire itself.

And here's something that might already be at work, just visualizing these things: suddenly, I don't feel any attraction for Air. I would love swimming in lava, walking on cold abyssal plains and definitely mingling with caves and dirt, most of all for sure.
If I knew that this method/thinking/whatever it is would allow me to get a grip of myself and realize what direction I must take regarding the Elements, I would have probably used it before.

Before I make this any longer, a question. How exactly does one visualize an Air temple? In an Earth one it's easy enough.. but what's the opposite of substance and density and grounding in terms of visualization? Floaty nothingness? A cloud? ...wait, it feels like I'm answering myself now lol. A cloud with an ongoing storm, where the only way to enter it is by levitating and never touching 'the ground' that is entirely missing, I suppose. That kind of feels like an entirely different dimension.... beautiful, but unrelated to the other more material three. Maybe that's exactly the point here too. I'll give it a try. If you have better insight do let me know, I always treasure your advice.

I know you said basically not to exaggerate with it and not forgetting that there's a physical body here that requires living too (not that right now I feel anywhere close to 'living too much in the astral' at all..) but why haven't you been there in so long? If your place is so amazing and you get to experience it in such a vivid way I can only suggest you use my questions about astral temples to become once again motivated to go there and work from it/them. With your current level of advancement I seriously doubt you'd fail to see new benefits or won't perfect older skills. I guess I'm also strongly speaking from my Elemental experience: one might think that someone who chooses to change their 'favorite' Element very often just isn't good at sticking with any of them, but after so damn long experimenting with them I do understand this learning isn't a closed circle but a spiral, and it raises outward, including more and more knowledge and hints every time you hit Fire again, every time you get back to Water, and so on and on. I don't think there's a limit in what you can learn from this spiraling 'system', especially as you are more advanced than most of us but still less than a Magnum Opus Level III God. Every time you speak, I learn something. I hope you realize how much this means to a pseudo-newbie like me and anyone else here who aim to in the very least raise their Kundalini in this life but had it pretty rough so far.

Something completely off topic now, almost.
Do you have any idea why the God Khepera/Kephri is portrayed as 'beetle headed' a lot of the time? I know a lot of representations tend to go astray and show our Gods much differently than we see them when we finally meet them, but is there some Demon that deals with insects in general?
Today I was cleaning the pool I recently mounted (Summer here) and I usually save a lot of bugs: bees, ladybugs, and so on. Today I picked up something bigger I didn't recognize but didn't feel like leaving it to drown so I put it on the ground. Very much alive, it immediately burrowed a hole and disappeared under the dirt. This made me think about 'earthy' astral temples (I was going to answer to you properly but had to postpone it until the night hours, past the rituals), as in caves, and how the idea of 'burrowing' is something that always fascinated me among the things animals do. Call it a closer encounter with nature if you will, but the idea of going underground.. fascinates me. There's that, and then there's something from my childhood too: there was this cartoon and the characters had the power to open holes in the ground and travel through them. To tell you that even now that very concept thrills me would be an understatement, I still feel like this is, somehow, something very familiar to me, but it's one of those sensations/feelings that one cannot explain with words. I can only say it's like I recognized a part of who I am, and I have no idea what the fuck that means... burrowing and moving through holes in the ground. My favorite insect as a child was the antlion, which digs holes and lets other insects fall into them to later devour them with huge freaking jaws. I just felt that creature as the coolest possible, don't ask me why though. The insect world, although some 'insects' should have a category all theirs as they are nothing but parasites to other species, sometimes I find it enthralling. One thing I'll definitely do when I learn how to do proper astral merging is to experience what different species of bugs feel and what they can do.

I don't know if this whole 'entering the earth/burrowing/tunnels/caves' thing is meant to teach me about astral temples, but I definitely noticed an increase in my perception now, since I have seriously accepted Earth as part of who I am becoming, from EarthLESS to Balanced.

Anyway, I really want to thank you (once again) for taking the time to write this. To tell you the truth, other than when you told me about Leraje, I feel this is like the apex of knowledge I'm going to get from you for now, and that I have all that I need to advance, give the proper training and time. I'll certainly have more questions in the future, but this is a very solid ground (no pun) to work on.

Take care, Brother.

Ghost in the Machine said:
When I was being told to balance myself and was in the process and workings of doing so, the numbers 4, 44 and 444 cropped up pretty much all the time. It likely means stability and balance, stabilization, harmony of the 4 corners of the soul or even the 4 elements.
I've been seeing 444 almost every day as of late.

I had this idea not so long ago that I should get into invoking quintessence, but never really got into it. Now, I'm seeing your post and the number almost every day. I guess I should just hop into it, and show some effort. Eventually invoking ether should do the trick, right?

What about physical yoga. Does that not balance too?
Henu the Great said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
When I was being told to balance myself and was in the process and workings of doing so, the numbers 4, 44 and 444 cropped up pretty much all the time. It likely means stability and balance, stabilization, harmony of the 4 corners of the soul or even the 4 elements.
I've been seeing 444 almost every day as of late.

I had this idea not so long ago that I should get into invoking quintessence, but never really got into it. Now, I'm seeing your post and the number almost every day. I guess I should just hop into it, and show some effort. Eventually invoking ether should do the trick, right?

What about physical yoga. Does that not balance too?

Full disclosure I can't claim to know what it means 100%, I only stated what I figured it could possibly be. 4 is one of Satan's numbers too and 44 also equals the number 8 the number of enlightenment revered by the Ancient Egyptians. 44 could also be a material number in theory, stability is part of structure and grounding, perhaps a need for something physical with the self in some way, again I can't claim to have the true answers, these are theories based upon what I could find with some quick research online and what the number 'feels' like in 'vibration'.

Yoga definitely balances the soul as do breathing exercises like the Sun and Moon.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Full disclosure I can't claim to know what it means 100%, I only stated what I figured it could possibly be. 4 is one of Satan's numbers too and 44 also equals the number 8 the number of enlightenment revered by the Ancient Egyptians. 44 could also be a material number in theory, stability is part of structure and grounding, perhaps a need for something physical with the self in some way, again I can't claim to have the true answers, these are theories based upon what I could find with some quick research online and what the number 'feels' like in 'vibration'.

Yoga definitely balances the soul as do breathing exercises like the Sun and Moon.
Sure, don't sweat about it.

The only breathing excercise I had been doing as of late was breath of fire, but now I have re-introduced Sun & Moon breathing excercise. I think I'm beginning to understand the importance of doing it regularly now. Also yoga. I had been doing so much rtr that I had lost focus on personal meditations and yoga to such an extent that's unhealthy. I will now do more, a lot more, yoga, and breathing excercises and much less rtr. Also, rtr must be more effective when I feel energetic from yoga and breathing excercises... So less rtr is definitely more in my case.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Since you confirmed my necessity of breathing the earth element into the base chakra, I've done it a couple of times now and simply must tell you of the strange new results I've gotten from it that were highly unexpected and unique, very 'special' if you will. Of course it seriously grounds me more and provides a better foundation for myself, but I wanted to touch upon something 'cooler'.

I didn't feel to say this off the bat because I did not yet know what truly made it happen or what the cause was until after a few days absence to today. I once again decided after all of my yoga sessions were done to empower my base chakra's aspects again by amplifying it's earth element, or well breathing the earth element into it, along with red energy. This is where it gets a bit freaky at what this does.

Not once in my life have I really fully seen something in front of me or before me on the astral, like a 'hallucination', never anything real, maybe with as far as I had gotten in my clairvoyance or in seeing the astral plane I've only ever seen orbs on the occasion and the more common 'vague' almost-not-there wisps of fog or white mist (sometimes dark shadows) essentially spreading about here and there, I only see them over dark backgrounds and when I'm too in tuned to the energies in my head, so I believe it's just some kind of casual energy or the aura of something.

Shortly after I breathed the earth element in my base chakra today, I started seeing full materializations of things like I did a day or so prior when I empowered my base chakra like that, only today they were so 'physical' looking and real that I was startled, because as opposed to the other times, these happened right in front of me for me to see in full first line of sight instead of just in my peripheral where I can just assume it was a trick of the light. I honestly cannot describe this, I'll be in a complete and total grounded state of mind, full logical focus on just the physical plane and then out of nowhere it's like something physically manifests like coming out of thin air and then quickly fades out and vanishes. Never before has anything like this happened to me. I do in fact live in a 100 year old building that used to have a mortuary and everything, it is also in fact a hotspot for paranormal activity, so I at least wasn't surprised when for a moment I saw a spectral human figure materialize (only the upper faded portion of their body sort of) for a brief second walking through my kitchen before quickly vanishing. The second thing was a black or darkened object or figure or something that then briefly came to view and vanished as quickly as it came.

I think there's an actual cause to the sudden appearances and vanishings in seeing these things though and it has to do with me, because obviously they're still there as they're walking by or hanging around, it's more my astral sight seems to quickly kick in and then quickly kick out with some kind of new current of force. I think using the earth element on my base chakra (and all the helluva lot of yoga I'd been doing to balance and centre myself as of late) has been providing some kind of proper connection of tandem energies to my already over powered and opened psychic chakras and centres. And since the upper and lower chakras are supposed to work together to function properly, perhaps this whole time I've only had one side to the ability ever truly active and empowered, being just the upper chakras, and it lacked that other 'circuit' half to create the whole working system.

So when I applied that earth element to empower my base chakra it may have created more solidity and realness as well as that much needed balancer to the manifestation of the functions for my psychic sight. And it seems it's energies and aspects is able to find brief moments of full connection in squeezing through blockages or brief open pathways through all my majors chakras to reach my psychic centres for a brief second. These astral sight materializations after empowering my base only then happen when I'm moving and walking about, so my body is doing different motions and in how I stand or shift my weight, which might cause the brief 'openings' or 'alternate' routes through the chakras for the energies to go through completely in a total connection, and that's why these only happen for a split second. It's like a quick surge of electricity that 'activates' it's target for only an instant.

I was startled and freaked out only for a moment or so and it got my heart racing when such happened right before me instead of my peripheral making it very hard to deny it for what it was, but it was also more of a 'whoa' moment in that it was just something new to me spiritually, I've seen and dealt with too much real spiritual shit over my years on this path, 'crazy' things that get people pumped and excited in movies or fantasy stories aren't all that crazy to me now in that I understood their realness years ago, but this was something I never experienced before and it was far too sudden and like something out of a movie.

Obviously nothing physical actually spontaneously came into being in my kitchen, teleported there from somewhere else or used some 'magic portal' to come out of thin air because there was another person in the room with me and they didn't see anything, it was just a more solid manifestation of seeing something on the other plane for a moment. But yeah. I was excited about the potential ability for a bit after the fact, but in truth I don't know how this would adjust with me. With my upper chakras so over-empowered, I could likely see the full spectrum of the astral plane and everything right now, the only thing I'm missing, as seems evident with those surprise materializations, is the other half of this working system, being the lower chakras and then a proper circuit connection to their functions through the astral body. I don't know how you 'close off' something that potent and strong because those materializations were incredibly realer than anything on the astral I'd seen before, practically physical looking in appearance and that is not even an understatement, it was almost like a physical person or object just came out of thin air for a moment, but I'm sure there may come a point where I'll have to figure that out and will be able to.

The problem is and that I've had for a while now is that the more I gain in advanced abilities and such along with knowledge, the less people it seems I can turn to for advice or assistance from their experiences... because well for the most part very few of anybody else is that advanced or experienced yet in such areas and when they are they're not active on the forum. Maxine is entirely unavailable and I don't know if Cobra has his own advanced abilities yet or what he knows from such as I've gone to him for answers for some things on the occasion and ended up having try and figure it out myself. Because it's one thing to be able to do something and then it's another to entirely know why you're able to do it or how it works, I'm lucky to be able to know and read so much into spiritual sciences at least in general how things work and function but it doesn't always lead to truths and it doesn't always give proper or reliable information, I'm always updating and narrowing down knowledge I've known from the past. Regardless though it is a huge advantage to be able to do that, one I'm very prideful of I admit and for too long have just been spending it and spending it all on other on the forum to help them instead of myself.

When all I can know and figure out is applied to me such as a huge revelation I had some weeks ago finally freeing me from the cause of psychic and mental turmoil I'd been suffering with for the past 5 years of my advancements, it is an incredibly powerful skill. Especially now after figuring out the things I've figured out with me in finally finding the absolute root problems to all the bullshit I'd been suffering from for years, both in the soul and unfortunately the physical body. My efforts in helping myself after signs and signs and signs of guidance from Satan and the gods on what to do have thus-far been nothing short of miraculous.

My mind has never been quieter, more controlled and my nights of sleep have never been more peaceful with my own spiritual efforts. All the groundedness I've achieved, the balances, the newfound will and disciplines, it's kind of an overwhelming sense of power now knowing the things I can know and then apply it with all of this control, balance and discipline... when I have it after all of my yoga, exercises and spiritual efforts in balance. I do recognize though the fall of one's own ego and have also made efforts to all but snuff that undesirable fire every-time it starts growing, I definitely see it as a danger as it is a misleading emotion when too powerful and out of control, it can blind very self-harmfully in leading astray and becoming too consumed by garbage.

I've also had other newfound 'ability' moments come out of no where. In working with black energy about two weeks ago during all of this, I uncovered (no pun intended) the real meaning of how black energy "reveals hidden things". It's like x-ray vision, you become hyper away of what cannot be seen, in it's like your conscious expands to the presence of all material things in your vicinity, in that you can 'see' and 'know' with total accuracy what is on the other-side of a wall or behind a closed door, it's the same feeling of looking through the door when it's open in that you're aware of what you're interpreting to be as if you were actually physically looking at what is beyond it... but the door is actually closed. This also uncomfortably worked on my own clothing, I was very aware of my own physical body hidden underneath my clothes and I won't lie it made me constantly check myself to make sure I actually was wearing clothes because it made me feel naked or exposed.

Another strange event was some kind of expanded awareness of other planets or the galaxy around you or your environment, it had a 'purple' or 'indigo' energy aspect feel to it. I don't even know where to begin in explaining what this was like in perception. It was like how Maxine once said there are other planets or galaxies or realms on different vibrational levels in the universe where it's perfectly natural as a 'law of the universe' to have an omnipotent sight or visual of everything that exists around you both physically and astrally, like seeing through and beyond material objects or having this hyper perception or consciousness that expands to everything else like a network or 'knowing the existence of', like you yourself in mind are going to all kinds of things at once in looking up or being aware of it. I wasn't 'part' of it or 'inside' anything like back when you would 'go into' objects to 'feel' what the objects 'felt', it was literally just the definition of perceptual awareness, like when you look at or see something you are aware of it. That's the best I can describe that and though it only lasted for about 30 seconds, it was incredibly surreal. It wasn't disorientating or confusing as I was very grounded and logical when it occurred

Maxine was right though, this shit would throw a normie into a blazing panic. Not many people can handle the crap we handle and know of were they to experience it so suddenly.

I'm sure little kid me about a decade ago would have gotten so excited with how 'awesome' it is to finally be able to do some 'cool things' he had always dreamed to one day being able to do when he was advanced enough. Kind of actually brings a heartfelt smile to me on that because it's true. When I was a kid, I used to tell myself all the time to motivate myself on days when it was hard for me to force myself to meditate: "One day I'll be able to move objects with my mind!", "One day I'll be able to see through walls or fly as a ghost!", "One day I'll be able to see spirits and read minds!" and back then I couldn't do even one thing of all the several things I am capable of doing now. I was just a little boy who just had his heart crushed in knowing the fictitious entity he slaved away at loving every day was a cruel parasitic force of human hating garbage that tortured him on a regular basis, no powers, no abilities, didn't know what energy felt like, didn't know how to protect myself or fight back, where to even begin, whether it was all real or not, the sheer amount of doubts and hardships on this path I had to overcome to get to where I am now... I almost can't believe that my hopes came true after so long.

My new 'dream' though if I was that little boy again would be "One day I'm going to actually be able to fully control all of this perfectly" "One day I'll be able to finally be in total perfect balance" "One day my soul will be completely free and my wings will come forth" "One day I will at least be able to drastically slow my aging and improve upon my soul and body's regeneration" "One day I will finally be immortal". And on that touch of immortality too, that's another thing that always held with me for as long as I can remember. I always found it very weird every time that I seemed to be the only one in whatever my social circles were back then who truly to the very core of his being wanted to be immortal. I've never wanted to die from aging, it never even occurred to me in full sitting presence that I was ever going to age or die I never looked towards eventual aging and death, it felt so wrong and incorrect. People would always give me the story of "But I don't want to see my loved ones die around me, I couldn't do it" among other things but nothing they ever said made me change my mind throughout all my years. Immortality was something I've always wanted, to learn it was truly possible and that it was actually a natural driven goal of the human soul, even now after all these years that fact and truth makes me excited, relieved and happy, just to know that everything I felt about never dying wasn't wrong and may have actually been the most human and real desire I had since I was a kid.

I'm still going and progressing further in my advancements anyways, especially with the life-changing information I came across in just the past month, it's literally so much that can solve pretty much every damn issue I've ever dealt with spiritually and psychically for the last 5 years and I can progress even better with actual control and real discipline and proper awareness now, already with the little I've done towards it I've gotten grounded to all hell, I've been more superiorly aware of our own planet even and the current events going on with our species, I finally felt the most real 'physical' presence in awareness to one of the gods and in communication, even 'physically' hearing the vibrations of his own words as he spoke to me. He was one that helped me around the beginning of this year with something and has apparently been still there for me since. I'm not surprised given the kind of guidance he specifically presides over.

Anyways, this went on for a bit longer than I intended, in conclusion to the main subject, the earth element into the base chakra has produced quite the results of which all I am very fond of. I don't think I would've gone forward with it if you hadn't 'conveniently' brought of the idea of which I was already suspicious about possibly needing to do but wasn't sure.

So thank you.
Ghost in the Machine said:

Truly glad that you figured this one out all my yourself. The Earth in the base, the stance of your body to convolute the energy flow in a particularly enhancing 'track' (thanks to all your Yoga, no doubt) and ultimately the balance between the upper and lower (strengthening the lower through the Earth, same as I need to do) has, from what I gather, made the true difference here and allowed you to perceive more of the dimensions that constantly exist out of the majority of people's visible spectrum.

I know it's impossible to describe what you saw in your kitchen from your point of view to someone who hasn't experienced the same. I guess you did a most marvelous job describing it nevertheless. The one thing that struck me the most is when you said this spirit became visible to the point of resembling a (physical) third person in your kitchen (as you said there was someone else with you there who seemed completely oblivious to their presence). My (idiotic) ex-fiance, who happened to be great with seeing 'ghosts', used to describe them more like actual people there than the 'fluctuating' semi-visible myth. Also (this may be of importance) I run her natal chart previously this year (after running mine) and found out she has 5 planets in Earth. and 0 in Air.

I guess this is one of the reasons (although not the main one) that led me believing and writing here about the Earth being "the most spiritual of Elements".

My understanding of this...
is that Earth causes the astral to manifest, and because we Humans, currently mostly stuck in this lower vibration, consider the physical and material as the "actual" reality, being (again, the majority) oblivious to the astral that populates the Universe everywhere, tend to consider Earth as the "material/physical" Element. I now disagree with the mere significance of "material and physical" as (you just proved) this is simply a level of perception. You SEE physical, but it can be not "physical". Your eyes just included a different dimension's 'content' in your vision, overlapping difference existences in the same space and time, becoming then aware of both.

I'm sorry you feel there's no one else here to ask some more advanced information to.. you're pretty advanced, Brother, I always felt that. Just remember that 1) we have our Gods... busy as they may be right now, some still make time for us, like Leraje did for you, and 2) I learned, in my inability to communicate with the Gods the way Cobra and Maxine or others do, that the Universe itself can be a canvas on which they can leave messages and notices for you to find. Nature itself is a good source of information as the spirits of animals, plants and insects, etc, are untainted by forces that cannot comprehend them. This won't ALWAYS make sense, or be as clear as it could be, but there are 'bubbles of information' that like to pop up at the most unexpected times, mostly though when you use that stance, balance and force yourself to be aware of other dimensions 'at once' with the main one you perceive (the 'physical').

I'm glad my words could lead you to understand yourself better and unlock more of your Soul for your mind to be aware of.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Truly glad that you figured this one out all my yourself. The Earth in the base, the stance of your body to convolute the energy flow in a particularly enhancing 'track' (thanks to all your Yoga, no doubt) and ultimately the balance between the upper and lower (strengthening the lower through the Earth, same as I need to do) has, from what I gather, made the true difference here and allowed you to perceive more of the dimensions that constantly exist out of the majority of people's visible spectrum.

I know it's impossible to describe what you saw in your kitchen from your point of view to someone who hasn't experienced the same. I guess you did a most marvelous job describing it nevertheless. The one thing that struck me the most is when you said this spirit became visible to the point of resembling a (physical) third person in your kitchen (as you said there was someone else with you there who seemed completely oblivious to their presence). My (idiotic) ex-fiance, who happened to be great with seeing 'ghosts', used to describe them more like actual people there than the 'fluctuating' semi-visible myth. Also (this may be of importance) I run her natal chart previously this year (after running mine) and found out she has 5 planets in Earth. and 0 in Air.

I guess this is one of the reasons (although not the main one) that led me believing and writing here about the Earth being "the most spiritual of Elements".

My understanding of this...
is that Earth causes the astral to manifest, and because we Humans, currently mostly stuck in this lower vibration, consider the physical and material as the "actual" reality, being (again, the majority) oblivious to the astral that populates the Universe everywhere, tend to consider Earth as the "material/physical" Element. I now disagree with the mere significance of "material and physical" as (you just proved) this is simply a level of perception. You SEE physical, but it can be not "physical". Your eyes just included a different dimension's 'content' in your vision, overlapping difference existences in the same space and time, becoming then aware of both.

I'm sorry you feel there's no one else here to ask some more advanced information to.. you're pretty advanced, Brother, I always felt that. Just remember that 1) we have our Gods... busy as they may be right now, some still make time for us, like Leraje did for you, and 2) I learned, in my inability to communicate with the Gods the way Cobra and Maxine or others do, that the Universe itself can be a canvas on which they can leave messages and notices for you to find. Nature itself is a good source of information as the spirits of animals, plants and insects, etc, are untainted by forces that cannot comprehend them. This won't ALWAYS make sense, or be as clear as it could be, but there are 'bubbles of information' that like to pop up at the most unexpected times, mostly though when you use that stance, balance and force yourself to be aware of other dimensions 'at once' with the main one you perceive (the 'physical').

I'm glad my words could lead you to understand yourself better and unlock more of your Soul for your mind to be aware of.


My take on it is again in the context of the how dreams work in that dreams are just our subconscious on the astral, in which technically speaking we are dreaming 24/7 even while physically awake, lucid dreams are the projection of our astral conscious and imagination with a more logical and grounded appliance of awareness, hence why they feel so real and like waking life. When applied to make 'dreams' real in such a sense while awake, I don't believe this is much different than applying that same logical and grounding to the same psychic conscious in the exact same sense.

Take this for instance, usual dreams for the average person are hazy, uncoordinated and vague, people seldom remember them or even dream at all, consider this as the usual state a naturally psychic individual or one open to seeing the astral a bit more than others as the same aspect of seeing those fogs and mists of energy over dark backgrounds while going about your day such as in my case. In the dream side of this scenario applying that logical and grounded awareness is what flies those hazy and forgettable dreams you can hardly remember even the colours you saw of it into a very vivid experience mirroring waking life. In lucid dreams I have felt the weight of my body, the trudging of my muscles as I traversed, the texture of walls around me that I reached out to feel with my hand all as if I was awake and they were actual physical objects. In the waking scenario with seeing the fog and energy mists, you apply that same logic and grounding to the psychic conscious and that hazy 'dream'(astral plane) all around you suddenly also becomes vivid and alive in the exact same manner where it can appear in parts like physical reality. I think the people most familiar with this without even knowing what it actually is are the people diagnosed as 'schizophrenics'.

Which leads to the problem with this on one aspect. You need a near perfected balance and tuning I believe for this, because I reckon your imagination will also come alive... I'd rather be talking to a real demon of Satan in front of me than one I'm imagining up. There's a manner of testing such things as false characters and visuals though, if you are creating it then it will respond to your own intents and beliefs, again just like in a lucid dream, you will find many forums on lucid dreaming that tell you if you want to do something like fly, you have to actually believe and intend it will work, this is the same concept of directing our magic and energy. For testing an imaginary character trying to intend the figure to do something or believe strongly it will do something is one way of doing so. If it does and follows your expectations and beliefs, it's of your own creation. This can be tricky though because if you doubt your intent will work this again is a belief you are impressing upon and the figure may do nothing which would be considered a 'false positive'. However if you do strongly believe with confidence and intent for a figure to do something and they do something else instead or surprise you with something entirely different or unexpected that goes against what you're directing it to, then you're likely speaking with a real sentient being, be it a human spirit, a demon or otherwise... it's like a show of self-awareness almost.

As for your considering of me as pretty advanced, I feel far from it. It's true I can do some tricks here and there and have moments of some weird higher awareness when the physical realm is properly applied or what have you, but honestly I don't feel that fantastic about it without proper balance, and when I do and there still isn't a proper grounded balance then I have to force it in check because I know and see the dangers of an ego out of bounds, a feeling of too much power and control over things around you can be very detrimental and in the obsession or focus of the self makes one forget that those outside of their own being are real and thinking and that they are not the protagonist of a fantasy and their actions have real consequences.

I've seen that to the gods though everything going on on this planet really is incredibly small and almost an entirely insignificant issue to them, the enemy, were the gods to just take full reign over this planet as their own, would be practically exterminated entirely in a single day like nothing more than measly ticks.

I've also supposedly seen the reason why they don't come to help us on-planet right now or why we have to wait. Likely the same reason you wouldn't terrify an ant colony to death just by placing your hand inside. Humanity is still a good number of years away from fully acknowledging the existence of extra-terrestrials in order to better cope and handle it, right now there are plenty that would be shocked into a damn coma, a trauma that could subsist as a hang-up through life-times or even completely shatter the minds of some. The gods know in our own lives as Satanists when to inform us of our own harsh truths, usually at times when we are most confident and ready to face and handle it with little to no repercussions in our own emotional and mental/spiritual state, this is probably the same reason of their present absence for the whole of humanity in the revealing of their existence.

Were those ants to know such a 'hand' exists out there though and gradually acclimate and grow accustomed to it better albeit in such as the case likely to follow in the decade or two to come, it wouldn't cause such a huge shock to the whole system. A possible benefit of our spiritual warfare in this aspect too is that the faster we help humanity become aware of the truths of what's going on on our world, perhaps the sooner the gods can start getting more physically involved on-world, this isn't going to be one fell swoop I'm sure though. I doubt they're going to just fly on down and start taking charge over everything and they just start entirely taking over from there and we just sit back, rather it would likely be a gradual inclination and human society will eventually have to start from scratch in a sense perhaps. There is of course also a right time for everything in regards to planets and ages, when natural energies in the world over facilitate certain matters. I'm not one to say what is what though or what will happen, how or when, I only speculate whatever I seem to see... and full discretion, it's not always accurate of course.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

I kind of wondered what your opinion would be on this prospect of mine.

First, there is something I found out about me in a life-changing revelation in the past month that has been an unfortunate blindside on my end for who knows how long, perhaps many, many years, but in seeing it I've been working towards a fantastic recovery in objectivity. As the power of my thoughts became stronger over time in meditation in this life, in past habits I guess, such as playing video games all the time, watching movies, writing up fantasies and stories almost 24/7 and overall focusing on indulging in mental or 'psychic' and imaginative habits far too much for too long, I was feeding a connection from my heart chakra to these rulerships of focus. I had ended up unawares developing some kind of latched connection from my heart chakra to my upper imaginative chakras where it naturally connects very strongly to the imagination, astral and upper psychic aspects and became in part the primary sensory means of perceiving my surroundings both astrally and 'physically'....

The sheer turmoil this has caused me to go through in creating up and unwittingly letting in bad connections, attacks and manifesting psychic nightmares and sensations all the time is nothing short of... well actually I can't describe it and there are no words strong enough to explain how awful it is to live like that and not know what is going on or why none of your protective efforts are working or helping.

For too long I lived in my head and not in true physical reality from these habits, and this bonded a natural habitual connection from my heart chakra to my imagination where reality and material aspects of the base chakra could not be properly perceived in connection. At a desperate moment of requiring objectivity some weeks ago I tied to the physical plane in a way I never did in the past in focus and that was when I saw for the first time my own self. I saw what was going on with me at the very source, as if I was looking upon my soul from another individuals perspective for the first time.

The reason why the gods could not help me or get rid of the nightmares, the malevolent energies, the 'psychic attacks', the reason why so much horrible shit would spiral out of control for me, why I had struggled so severely to see clarity, why so much 'noise' on the astral and in my head was going on all the time, it was all my own doing. My heart chakra (which rules over all connections) tied so strongly to my own imagination and thoughts in living in my head from those habits feeding such a strong connective tie, that it was like a doorway in my own head letting through bad influences from the heart chakra and fears to which I would then unwittingly manifest and give power with my own mind. It blind sided me in creating false interactions, false communications and false beliefs...

Bad crap usually ties to the heart chakra, all it takes is for one of those connections to feed through that tunnel tied to the upper chakras to pop into your head a subject, idea, or invasive thought and then it's left to you in your own fears, doubts or attention on that one thought in feeding it power and spiraling it out of control, then causing you to focus on related aspects and let other garbage in, a vicious cycle. This can also drive your focus to bad shit in actually letting things in to cause more havoc and harm. A damned mess and the suffering it can cause is excruciatingly inhumane, that amount of stress for years can do a number on the health of the physical heart (and heart chakra in mirror as well) I'm sure...

The whole time I had been protected from attacks outside of me from exterior directed forces as while in objectivity I also became aware of how incredibly and very tightly secured I had been spiritually in protection and safety by the gods from actual outside attacks, not a single damn thing for an iota of a vibrational atom has been able to get through to harm me for real, everything had been caused by my own doing in either creating it myself or unwittingly letting it in... I don't know if the gods just knew I was not able to actually protect myself properly (even though for years I was making the efforts, unbeknownst to me that it could've just been all imaginary from the whole 'living in my head' factor) or if they were waiting for me to finally make this revelation (Thank fuck I did in a timely enough manner considering the years to come) to begin properly correcting everything.

These past few weeks, the way I've seen the world around me has been completely different, I can actually see the physical plane around me without it feeling like some kind of blur or fog is in the way, and in that proper tie to the actual material realm I've had my own conscious been able to expand in awareness to beyond what my physical sight sees, as in my psychic conscious is actually on the level of reality and I've felt aware of physical locations or places on the other side of the damn planet even. It's difficult to explain but I've never felt any of this before or seen everything around me this way in the near decade I've been on this path.

Now the obstacle here is how strong that tie of the heart chakra to the upper chakras is. I still feel it naturally pull out of habit my perception to 'in my head' and looking out through practically these 'goggles' of perception in disclarity, it's like being pulled into a veil and usually past habits like watching movies, videos, fantasy things or even in spending too much time on electronic devices can cause it to 'trigger' or 'activate' like that again. For the most part I've been avoiding such triggers at large, I don't watch movies anymore and despite haven't even touched upon the indulgence of a video game on my PC (biggest trigger), and only give my most focus and attention to when I'm doing something physical such as my exercise routine or yoga sessions.

The prospect here I've come to seek your opinion of is that because this connection is so powerful and strongly tied, it's like it takes the full space and position of a 'pedestal' where it leaves little to no room for this connection to fully and more properly be in latching to the base chakra and the material plane, only in two rare moments thus far has this connection occurred more properly, but only in a state of higher grounding power when I apparently tied my base chakra more directly to my heart chakra by merging the energy feed while I was physically exercising (this was when I felt that first and 'awe' inducing connection with Buer from a tie that reached from my position on the physical plane to wherever his position was, this was the first time I heard words in communication being 'felt' like vibrations of a physical person speaking in the air of the room with you as opposed to being mere 'airy' thoughts in the mind) creating that stronger tie from the heart chakra in focus instead of my imagination.

My idea is in essentially unravelling this connection and tie by weakening it, trying to reduce it's hold somehow, binding it or doing something directly about it. By weakening it and loosening it's tight hold, it would leave more room for connection of power from the base and lower chakras of the material plane to more strongly tie to the heart chakra, enabling me to then connect better in full balanced mind and being to the actual aspects of it including the physical and material reality, the here and now. The physical realm, logic, all of that is realness, I've come to believe strongly that there is no more truth that could be found than what is real, the sheer importance of a proper and balanced connection to the physical plane and base chakra in that context is insurmountable, after all it did show me a life-changing truth of which my imagination never saw once for a decade.

I've been seemingly lead to a couple of things involving ISA and coldness, of which over long periods of judgement decided to give a try a few times. Ultimately I discovered it quietens and slows the feed of the connection to the upper chakras, but it feels weird, like your upper and lower half are more free or clear in that you see clarity better, but then there's still this strange thick 'peg' feeling of energy at the centre of your chest where all the garbage and crap is being held at bay at, like you have two sides of a track that are clear but the primary connecting piece between them is blocked with junk. When this is done it prevents the frequent feeding of bad connections in 'psychic attack' where I can go about my day without invasive thoughts of disgusting enemy garbage.

This doesn't hinder the tandem working functions of the psychic awareness with the lower base chakra as I'm still (if not better) am able to see the physical plane in full clarity, like if energy was still able to weave around the sides of that obstacle, but what is lacking is the actual real full connection of the self and ego to it because of that clogged up obstacle. In that my full presence in reside of being on the material plane is not recognized, only in regards to ego really, the heart chakra even though disabled in the deluded connections after using ISA or binding the malevolent connections still habitually tries to tie the self to the imagination and all those bad connections and garbage is still there where it can be felt. The best I can describe it is like your containing a bunch of zombies or wicked clogging forces locked up in a 'room' at your chest... unable to get out, but trying to.

Mind you when I say using ISA or cold energies and such I never use this directly on a chakra or anything of the sort, focuses and intents are merely directed upon the harmful more 'exterior' connections that are causing the issue, this is also not the natural ties of my soul I'm messing with either, these are more 'exterior from the chakras' influencing factors. I haven't done the ISA or cold energy thing in a while as I only really do this when it's absolutely necessary. For the most part things have gotten quiet enough to where I just don't focus, think about or feed that garbage and things remain relatively fine with just a couple of weak things here and there. Void meditation only works for me when that tie to the material plane is a bit more potent, otherwise because of that latched connection, instead of focusing on silence, I'd be focusing on silence AND my 'egoic presence' within that connective perception of the imagination and that bad crap, thus tying more to it unfortunately.

It's a complex network of shit I have to work around because of all the complications in the soul, mind and focus and unfortunately in physical health as well, but I've been able to scrutinize and see objectively what will help and what will make things worse. My efforts have been working at large in alternative methods (mostly physical and with yoga and breathing exercises) to facilitate actual proper progress, a lot of material focus and yoga and preventing passivity, an aspect of the upper chakras which would trigger the connection, the lower chakras rule action, physicality and discipline, self-sufficiency. It's like I have to work in an opposite manner from everything I was doing for the past decade. Spirituality is only 'simple' when you're fully balanced and empowered to work with it for real properly, able to see full clarity and reality and able to work with it in everything's proper freedom and solid function. With the mind imbalanced and instability of the whole working system, spirituality can be far from simple.

Yoga of course is going to be a largely helping factor in loosening that hold and gunk with the heart chakra and providing balance of energies to better focus on the material plane and self in full without it being drawn to imagination and trash as well as bad connections that are there, I experienced it very briefly a week ago that feeling of the ego actually being tied more properly to the physical plane and that was when I communicated with Buer. I want that perception and focus more than whatever 'fantasy' the mind can make up, I've always been obsessed with truths, I've always dug hard to find them and I've scrutinized damn near layers upon layers of all kinds of stuff to get to the bottom of things. I'd rather everything real than fake and made up.

I still eagerly await Lydia's continuation of her yoga series for the rest of the chakras. I've been working on thus far the base and sacral a lot to keep those energies flowing strongly.
Ghost in the Machine said:

Balance and grounding (and returning Air extremes and ego) seem to have been more than stimulated in these last few days for me. I gladly found your last two messages and proceeded to read them, but somehow I couldn't get past 10 rows or so, feeling my mind quickly becoming 'pulled' towards something else, something useless, stupid, even counterproductive. I assumed (because yesterday, finally getting a semi-normal 'family xmas' after 4 years of family tragedies and deaths) this was because part of me was pushed to make things as good as they could be (not that I give a fuck about xmas, Yule is the real holiday as we know and I spread the knowledge to anyone I can reach out to), so I postponed reading it all to the evening. That's when I found out we had a new Ritual Schedule so I postponed it all to the next morning, now.
Still, somehow I found my mind would wonder a LOT more than usual, so I realized something is definitely trying to take advantage of my Air problem (overthinking and daydreaming, mostly) and causing me to lose focus while reading in order for me not to be able to read your post.

At this point I knew something was up.
I told 'it' fuck you, and started reading out loud. I even used a physical 'amulet' (or sorts, not a real amulet, just the poorest stone with quartz lines I really like and saved for years, found it on the ground.. a pebble, basically) in order to focus on something solid and grounding. Then I finally read the rest with no problem.

It kind of amazed me when you mentioned "grounding" once and "balance" twice in the same sentence, while stating you don't feel so advanced. I don't suppose you feel advanced, but from my perception you're quite a few steps ahead of me towards godhood, think of it this way.

Regarding the 'dream' and 'astral plane' matter, I remember you saying this before and it was a truly eye opening thing.
I guess wisdom is when you can take a step back and look at the bigger picture, being able to draw wiser conclusions, and to continue stepping back until virtually nothing escapes your sight and you fully understand what is happening in front of you, and behind you as well (the "behind" having become your front too, while you were stepping backwards to see more and more).
I guess dwelling with the little and only seemingly more important isn't the best course of action.

Beautifully said about the reason the Gods aren't here yet. I very much feel the same.
On a similar note, this is also why we Satanists don't go down in the streets and yell to everyone who the real Gods are and that Satan is our Father. Only extremely occasionally I could go as far as to say more, and more, and that tiny riskier bit more in order to understand whether or not it was safe to reveal the basics of what I know to someone else who was open enough and a good enough critical thinker who felt things as they are (on the 'religious' matters) don't really make much sense.
Also, you're right about how fast we manage to awake our races to the truth. Cobra mentioned more than once that there are groups of the enemy doing their disgusting rituals almost non stop. Which, when you look at this another way, also means their 'spiritual power' much be real weak to necessitate continuous rituals in the numbers they have, compared to our (I suppose) for now fewer numbers (ACTIVE Ritual-kickass Spiritual Satanists only, I guess there are many newbies who don't even bother doing daily Aura Cleaning and don't yet see the benefits of learning how to work with energy), doing focused group schedules and being.. how many are we now? 10-20 thousands more or less? I see the posts' view have even hundreds of clicks, but a lot of the time it's the same revisiting member.
Numbers aside, we have been causing quite more than a real 'dent' in the jewish system.

Another personal deduction.. I don't know if this was already discussed somewhere in the forum, maybe you'll know better.
We know about the 'climate change' being another hoax pulled in order to push a number of restrictions and blaming the Planet for inventions that perhaps benefit consumerism but cause plenty of damage to Nature and Animals, this on a daily basis. But there is another one I've been drawn to look into lately.. overpopulation.
I'm not going to say "oh we are too many, we need to reduce the numbers" of course.. this is probably the excuse the jews are thinking to 'subtly' pull on us (the media today goes at unspeakable lengths to push this self-destruction propaganda, making people accustomed to this 'we are too many' way of thinking), but what we are, as a dominating species, is still too materialistic and selfish.
In other words, I know that there's lots of good people out there, personally know a few who went into the burning bushfires to save an animal that was otherwise doomed to burn alive, sometimes only to see them die anyway from the burns and injuries. These people are true fucking heroes in my book. They do cry a lot over this, suffer tremendous stress and even though I could choose to do the same, I don't.. 1. because I would definitely tear my tear ducts and 2. because I better than these still heroic people realize that to do what they do in this world is very similar to putting a plaster on a bleeding gunshot wound. They think they're helping Animals in the long run... but they're sadly not (in the case of 'bushfires', this especially refers to those Animals killed because people with no longer a curable soul have accepted money to start fires in order to blame Nature but conveniently clear out huge areas on which to build rails and plenty of townhouses... getting paid millions for it, obviously).

That said, it's not how many we are. It's how we live together with the Planet the Gods gave up. I don't think it was coincidence that I saw Astarte twice, that she came to me on her own much like Leraje came to you. I feel she knows I feel the same about this Planet and our way of living. I have been calling our Planet "my beautiful garden" before, and was shocked to learn they were Astarte's words.
But I know that this Planet's suffering won't stop until BIGGER things change. Rituals to open people's minds to the existence of the Gods, of different solutions, of VERY existing problems that still too many don't even seem aware of in the slightest.
All these things are going to work in a far more effective direction than to risk one's life by entering a bushfire and grabbing an Animal. The fucking jews laugh at these attempts. They hope these people trip over a burnt branch and bang their head and burn to death. They know and FEAR our Spiritual Warfare because they know full well this means serious business.

I guess there wasn't a better choice than Othal-Sol-Oss for starting the new year. I think we should continue the Race Awakening Ritual for longer than the 3rd of January. I sure will. Besides, these Rituals are also being pretty effective on the self, giving one that correct 'mental stance' to overcome problems and worries and allow one to be more perceptive. I lost count of the times this has been helping me feeling, seeing and even knowing.

Ghost in the Machine said:
I kind of wondered what your opinion would be on this prospect of mine.

Brother, I haven't even finished reading all of your post but something told me to start writing right now as some of what you're saying has been tremendously familiar to me and, lo and behold, I just started to realize a couple of these things two days ago, when I was still postponing reading and answering all messages due to personal problems and freaking xmas stuff.
I'll put down the things I've been realizing as I answer your post. Some of this is scary accurate. This is not going to be an easy post to answer to.
Note to self: is the solution "Earth"?

Ghost in the Machine said:
but in seeing it I've been working towards a fantastic recovery in objectivity.

First thing that comes to mind, perhaps because the previous post had to do with it, is that "Earth has made you aware".
I'm slowly becoming aware myself of how Earth seems to uncover information that was just out of my reach. Perhaps because Earth slows down, or the fact that it makes the physical 'more obviously physical' for the observer to see, but there's fragments of reality I've been noticing.
I wonder if this has anything to do with what you've recently conquered.

I'm not well aware of all the attacks and problems that I've suffered as sometimes I tend to decide whether or not someone or something is an asset or an attack before the time is right to tell. As you can imagine this has created all sorts of troubles in my social life for as long as I can remember. I'm not even going to dig deeper in the whole 'love relationships' matter as it all feels like a big joke. Matter of fact, I now avoid relationship entirely, and really only feel a Demoness as the ONLY suitable partner (this will take more time for to become capable to reach one, of course). Even seemingly very trustworthy and attractive females just suggest it would be another waste of time and effort. Funny thing: I recently woke up after a dream about my ex who was a giant and was trying to kill me. Weird enough when I think of Freud's interpretation of "giants" in dreams, as he states it means the dreamer feels admiration for that person. Admiration is possibly the last thing I feel for her, the one who completely failed in 8 years to come to her senses and realize Father Satan is our Creator and that Demons definitely don't look like horror monsters at all. 'Psychic nightmares'? I very rarely have pleasant dreams. This is why I prefer to go to sleep very late and can take my time with rituals started around midnight (when I can finally "go to bed" and meditate/do rituals).

Ghost in the Machine said:
I'm not too sure on how would work. The heart chakra is usually the easiest for an enemy to attack as it's neutral and I guess it's easier to mingle with 'a bridge' connecting two countries rather than having to deal with the countries themselves. Take out the bridge and you stop the economy and traffic between them, for one thing. Same could be said for the hearth chakra and the upper and lower chakras. I'm also thinking this does indeed have to do with Earth Element, as it makes one more grounded/rooted/aware of the physical, and this has to do with the base chakra indeed. (This is basically what I'm trying to do with Earth Element right now, only this time I'm being super careful and not overdoing like I've always stupidly done...)

Yeah, same here. I was impatient for the crown chakra and upper ones in general at first, but now that I'm set on grounding myself more and fixing my imbalance I feel pretty satisfied with the current one. I'm curious about the heart chakra. If these asanas will help with astral projection in any way, I'll be forever grateful to her.

Hope that helped some, Brother, took me a while to put all that down lol.


PS. Just out of total curiosity... what's your take on the use of all this new technology that's coming in the next few years? I've seen that new post and I must say the idea of xtians and idiots alike (not just jews) playing with it like it's a bunch of toys makes me really uneasy. If anything, I think we should all step back from all the unnecessary technology that flooded the mind of people in the last few decades.. just looking at teens today makes me sick, dug in their instagram and whatever else accounts like it's the secret of life and happiness itself, completely oblivious to the real problems that afflict this world and us. I'm not suggesting we turn off the internet and forget about electricity of course (the internet being the MAIN source of Satanic information and truth for so many) but I feel that to lean on some new 'wonder' would easily create that fixation with all that is technological and new being 'good' and 'only for good use' by too many. Humans, until they discover the spiritual life again, are definitely not ready to be given even more potentially very harmful toys. (I've had visions of this happening and it would be a total disaster.. hope they never come true.)
That said, I would definitely welcome technologies that actually make our lives easier, cheaper, less consuming, less or no destructive for the environment, and able to give us more time to meditate and evolve.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I kind of wondered what your opinion would be on this prospect of mine.

SPOILER: I have no idea what the fuck happened, but more than half my reply got lost and doesn't show in the forum. I'm going to try and add the missing parts in a poorer format as I saved a big chunk of it. Please disregard the one I sent before this as it lacks hours of typing.

Brother, I haven't even finished reading all of your post but something told me to start writing right now as some of what you're saying has been tremendously familiar to me and, lo and behold, I just started to realize a couple of these things two days ago, when I was still postponing reading and answering all messages due to personal problems and freaking xmas stuff.
I'll put down the things I've been realizing as I answer your post. Some of this is scary accurate. This is not going to be an easy post to answer to.
Note to self: is the solution "Earth"?

You: "but in seeing it I've been working towards a fantastic recovery in objectivity."

First thing that comes to mind, perhaps because the previous post had to do with it, is that "Earth has made you aware".
I'm slowly becoming aware myself of how Earth seems to uncover information that was just out of my reach. Perhaps because Earth slows down, or the fact that it makes the physical 'more obviously physical' for the observer to see, but there's fragments of reality I've been noticing.
I wonder if this has anything to do with what you've recently conquered.

I'm not well aware of all the attacks and problems that I've suffered as sometimes I tend to decide whether or not someone or something is an asset or an attack before the time is right to tell. As you can imagine this has created all sorts of troubles in my social life for as long as I can remember. I'm not even going to dig deeper in the whole 'love relationships' matter as it all feels like a big joke. Matter of fact, I now avoid relationship entirely, and really only feel a Demoness as the ONLY suitable partner (this will take more time for to become capable to reach one, of course). Even seemingly very trustworthy and attractive females just suggest it would be another waste of time and effort. Funny thing: I recently woke up after a dream about my ex who was a giant and was trying to kill me. Weird enough when I think of Freud's interpretation of "giants" in dreams, as he states it means the dreamer feels admiration for that person. Admiration is possibly the last thing I feel for her, the one who completely failed in 8 years to come to her senses and realize Father Satan is our Creator and that Demons definitely don't look like horror monsters at all. 'Psychic nightmares'? I very rarely have pleasant dreams. This is why I prefer to go to sleep very late and can take my time with rituals started around midnight (when I can finally "go to bed" and meditate/do rituals).

You: "For too long I lived in my head and not in true physical reality from these habits, and this bonded a natural habitual connection from my heart chakra to my imagination where reality and material aspects of the base chakra could not be properly perceived in connection."

I'm not too sure on how would work. The heart chakra is usually the easiest for an enemy to attack as it's neutral and I guess it's easier to mingle with 'a bridge' connecting two countries rather than having to deal with the countries themselves. Take out the bridge and you stop the economy and traffic between them, for one thing. Same could be said for the hearth chakra and the upper and lower chakras. I'm also thinking this does indeed have to do with Earth Element, as it makes one more grounded/rooted/aware of the physical, and this has to do with the base chakra indeed. (This is basically what I'm trying to do with Earth Element right now, only this time I'm being super careful and not overdoing like I've always stupidly done...)

You: "The reason why the gods could not help me or get rid of the nightmares, the malevolent energies, the 'psychic attacks', the reason why so much horrible shit would spiral out of control for me, why I had struggled so severely to see clarity, why so much 'noise' on the astral and in my head was going on all the time, it was all my own doing."

Suddenly I am thinking of how the Egyptian Gods painted on walls cross and protect their heart chakra. I'm also kind of thinking of the whole distance between 1st and 7th chakras (the Sushumna line) as a physical 'pipe'. Think of energy as water and of the heart chakra as the only point in this pipe where you can place of remove a cork. We usually do the Awakening the Chakras exercises starting with the upper chakras and going down/lower to the 1st one.
Try thinking of this 'pipe' as a pipe that fills up with opposite gravity, water enters the head first and as the pipe fills up the water level "rises downward", moving toward the base chakra. What happens if there is a hole in the middle? Water won't make it past the heart chakra.
So you put the cork in the hold and seal the leak. Energetically this is probably analogous to opening and closing the heart chakra at will, we have a page on this in the JoS, I guess this is a suitable example for how to use it.
Once that is done, you can let the water flow downward and reach the 1st chakra.

Ok, I'm going to visualize this further just in case this makes any sense to you and helps you (and me, possibly) realize more.
Say that this 'water' reaches the 1st chakra. The 1st chakra is the ground, the root, the place where this Serpent shaped 'flower' is coiled and stored away for later... Water bathes the ground. When it does, energy fills the entire pipe, clearing it of all obstructions, making it a safe place for the Serpent shaped 'flower' to grow to its adulthood. The heart chakra is well sealed and nothing can enter without your consent. No parasites to infect this perfect place, no negative thoughts or energies to 'connect' with you and steal the Serpents' place.

I know it sounded probably more stupid or childish than intended but I hope it delivers the message I'm trying to get to. I guess this is ALSO why xianity encourages everyone to OPEN the heart... it leaks badly and not only ultimately prevents Kundalini from rising, but creates an easily violable space for corruption to infect the Soul.

Talk about motherfuckers.....

You: "that amount of stress for years can do a number on the health of the physical heart (and heart chakra in mirror as well) I'm sure..."

I wanted to elaborate a little on this. There have been times lately that I felt..... like I was about to have a heart attack or something. This isn't the first time it happened. Two years ago I was a mess. Not only a dear family member was dying but (perhaps in order to escape that stress) I ended up in a 'mental' (in every sense, not that I think about it) relationship with a complete psychotic sociopath. She obviously was well educated and knew exactly what to say to make me believe she could help me unblock myself and reach Father Satan faster, so I quickly enough became her little thrall. The emotional abuse I suffered was so crushing I wondered about suicide... but let me tell you, it was REALLY really hard to let go of her. I was psychically attacked one night, I could feel tendrils brushing and 'hooking' my brain, I was sure I was closer to death than life, but I also discovered I didn't really want to die. I thought of Father Satan, of how I would disappoint him if I just let go of life, and of the Demons that had showed themselves to me, trusting me. I couldn't lose this this. So I revamped my energy, detached everything that was trying to grasp me and whatever this shit was finally let go of me. It/they did try to hook me back, but I felt these 'tendrils' or probes or whatever they were as powerless, as pointlessly waving without getting anywhere close to me.

My heart at that time was severely tested, I did feel like this was what it felt like to die, the fear, the complete inability to do anything to prevent it, but in the end.. fuck it, I'm still ticking, bitches.

Stress..... stress is a powerful weapon, Brother. Influence an enemy's army with fear and doubt and your opponent can't possibly win (I've been reading a lot of Sun Tzu). Invalidate the cause of your stress and you have nothing left to fear from it.

You: "These past few weeks, the way I've seen the world around me has been completely different, I can actually see the physical plane around me without it feeling like some kind of blur or fog is in the way, and in that proper tie to the actual material realm I've had my own conscious been able to expand in awareness to beyond what my physical sight sees, as in my psychic conscious is actually on the level of reality and I've felt aware of physical locations or places on the other side of the damn planet even. It's difficult to explain but I've never felt any of this before or seen everything around me this way in the near decade I've been on this path."

This is when I decided to start answering before reading all of what you wrote.
Over the last couple of days... well, not very much, but there have been moments here and there... I felt reality was... how the fuck am I going to describe this now... 'Different' will tell you nothing really. Ok, let's say this. I think I realized what it's actually like to have no Earth in my chart. I "have no Earth". Meaning, I am here, but I am not here completely. I lack the physical. I do still have a physical body and can interact with anything physical, but I don't feel like I 'am' here. :/ Does that make any sense at all?

I also realized how it is that my magick seems weak, other than in some moments, or other than when used on people that can actually grip the astral better than most, whether they like or not, or whether they know it or not. I've also met those that were 'physically' psychic but didn't know the first thing about magick, had no interest in it, but were potentially very good candidates to becoming my 'experimental subjects' (I've never used magick on someone that asked me not to do it anymore after an initial consensual test of course... I guess I should review my own decision regarding enemies that otherwise only damage me, there's never shortage of those it seems).
Back on topic....
By missing Earth (and having been trying to restore it in my Soul at a slower pace, intending to fix my Soul once and for all, no matter if it takes weeks or months of a year or more) I miss the 'link' to the physical, and this means that I cannot 'physically' interact magickally. This is most likely why my workings have been failing. I remember the precise moment when I was trying Telekinesis again and felt stupid and powerless as it didn't move the paper thing, and how it felt so different, more magnetic, when I decided to try and connect the upper and lower with the hearth chakra and made the paper thing fall. The heart chakra connects upper and lower, but there can't be Electric without Magnetic and vice versa. I think I'm starting to understand why each chakra has one Element, they all have to work together in order to make the Soul unleash its true potential in the form of abilities (for now, it's definitely going to be much more than 'abilities' once one passes a certain point).

I don't know what you felt reality as, what you're feeling it as right now, but I can tell you're 'more complete' than you've probably ever been (in this life at least).

You: "Now the obstacle here is how strong that tie of the heart chakra to the upper chakras is. I still feel it naturally pull out of habit my perception to 'in my head' and looking out through practically these 'goggles' of perception in disclarity, it's like being pulled into a veil and usually past habits like watching movies, videos, fantasy things or even in spending too much time on electronic devices can cause it to 'trigger' or 'activate' like that again. For the most part I've been avoiding such triggers at large, I don't watch movies anymore and despite haven't even touched upon the indulgence of a video game on my PC (biggest trigger), and only give my most focus and attention to when I'm doing something physical such as my exercise routine or yoga sessions."

I can't tell you how much I relate to this.
Triggers like that work on your ability to visualize more, think more, I might say enjoy art more... but it's blind sided, as you put it.
Trust me when I say I know how much that world, even a PC videogame, can be alluring as I am trying to only 'use it for good'. In this case I'm revisiting my past as a martial artist and learning more about actual martial arts' styles I haven't studied much or for long from videogames that feature motion capture actors impressing them on a character.. one of these styles in particular, Baji Quan/ Hakkyokuken, is an extremely grounding martial art.. almost doesn't even seem like one: there's lower stances, floor stomping, it's a VERY sturdy martial art, yet it seems there's a lot of effectiveness in it (so much that it was chosen and official martial art for the Chinese army among more than 200 candidate arts). And even here, while fully understanding that events and very possibly the Gods, have led me to learn this style years ago when I hadn't even heard of before, I still find myself gawking at less effective but more 'flashy and cool looking' styles, and very possibly styles that I am not so capable in, like Tae Kwon Do and Savate (which use a lot of constant high kicks and leg flexibility I can no longer boast as I haven't trained that aspect much in years).
This is probably analogous to wanting to entertain oneself with videogames or relax watching a movie or something like that. You KNOW what's right for you and what direction you're meant to go, but you still feel attracted to what you used to be because it feels familiar and more part of your comfort zone.

From an Air point of view, I'd almost say that if you hold yourself from playing a game or writing some fantasy chapter of whatever you enjoyed years ago, this could very well feel like you're limiting yourself right now, that there's "no harm" in wanting to re-explore something your used to do. (Next thing you know, you're hooked and your progress comes to another stop...)

I truly admire your resolve then.

To mention one more thing about the Gods giving me directions to an effective martial arts style for me (I've been "looking for the perfect style" since I was a kid)... I'll put it down as a list as everything seems chained to the previous piece here:
I've been seeing a LOT of "Tiger" and "Crane", everywhere, almost every few hours.
"Tiger and Crane" is the notorious best expression of a style called "Hung Gar", often translated "The Devil's Claw".
Hung Gar is probably the most, or second most (second only to Baji Quan), GROUNDING style in all martial arts, has also a lot to do with internal energy and use of Chi (energy/aura/prana/etc).

And, cherry on top, Hung Gar was the style given to the Earthbending characters in the famous "Avatar: The Last Airbender" show.
Earth and Grounding. It literally couldn't be more obvious to me right now.

This brings in another thought about your chart. You mentioned, if I'm not mistaken, that your weakness is in Water, correct? Stupid question, have you ever tried Qi Gong (aka Chi Kung)? It's ...well, it's technically a martial art, only nobody you can ask today will tell you so. They'll call it "Chinese wellness exercise" or other shit like that. If you look at it it looks very much like T'ai Chi and is performed with very slow movements and control over your breathing. I think HP Maxine mentioned T'ai Chi when talking about people that have naturally raised their energy above the initial level.
The point is: Qi Gong has a peculiar training that makes the spine the healthiest, flexible and it makes energy move through it. This also means that the spine curves and straightens in natural ways that inevitably pass through some stances one wouldn't normally use. You mentioned your stance has improved and aligned your chakras in a way that allowed you to see what you couldn't see before.
I would suggest you try this art and see if it helps you control your spine and abilities more. It's also very fluid and the movements remind me of Water and waterflow... I think it could help you big time. Just my two cents though.

You: The prospect here I've come to seek your opinion of is that because this connection is so powerful and strongly tied, it's like it takes the full space and position of a 'pedestal' where it leaves little to no room for this connection to fully and more properly be in latching to the base chakra and the material plane, only in two rare moments thus far has this connection occurred more properly"

I'm not the best person to ask for advice on something you have been (even slightly) successful with, as I don't feel anywhere near your current level, so what I say you should now take as advice but just a personal view that's based on my own understanding of how things may be.
I do believe you should take more time shielding your heart and actually think of it (the hearth chakra) in terms of 'pipes and holes' and water flowing through them.
I thought of another example later in the day (I had to stop typing and come back to reply to the rest almost half a day later) analogous to the waterflow I wrote above: sunlight, ground and a tree.
The channel that should be unobstructed through meditation and energy work between the 7th and 1st chakras is the space where the sunlight comes from the top and pierces the "root" in the ground, the tree then (Kundalini) rises and grows stronger and bigger until it reaches the 7th chakras and above that, to the 8th and 9th, producing fruits in the form of new abilities that become fully unlocked and free for you to use. But it all comes from the ground/root and until that sunlight can reach the dormant 'seed' Kundalini won't feel the time to grow is right.

That said, if you feel the problem lies in the heart, being too exposed to outer manipulations, to the point of letting problems in and ultimately manipulating you, you should work on it and learn how to open and close it completely at will, so that if something tries to enter it will just slam against a wall.

Right now that's the best I got.. I can't really fathom what you go through, being this the first year I actually felt something in forever, so I wouldn't know how to help you otherwise, other than speculating on what might be the cause and the solution.

You: "I've come to believe strongly that there is no more truth that could be found than what is real, the sheer importance of a proper and balanced connection to the physical plane and base chakra in that context is insurmountable, after all it did show me a life-changing truth of which my imagination never saw once for a decade."

I feel that you've had a good view of something I had only the slightest glimpse of for now, but I realize you're on the right path here. You're probably feeling more complete, balanced and in tune with everything, so it's no surprise your perception is opening up to more than just the dimension everyone else perceive. I'm kind of thinking of you as an instrument that lacks nothing, a body for resonance, cords, bits and pieces to play music, but that you're not yet tuned to make the sounds you're supposed to make... so the few notes that come out right are short and occasional, and don't seem easy to repeat at will, for now. But you will improve. Just give yourself time and keep practicing with the things you already know have worked before.

You: ...about using ISA and feeling the 'zombie in the chest' feeling...

Fucking shit on a stick. This is where I no longer saved the bloody message. -_- Gotta type it, briefly, again.
Here we go...

So, ISA.. I don't have much experience with this rune as I only used it once knowing it causes 'dullness' so in order to avoid it I stopped using it the moment I sensed something duller and my energy harder to be felt.
As for the 'zombies in the chest' feeling...

Have you ever (I know it's a stupid question, gotta ask) moved your entire attention to the inside, the within, and just entered a (light) trance there, feeling yourself only?
Two years ago when I used this method suggested by a psychopath trying to harm me I had success with it, I mentioned it before, the time I 'went down' to the Titanic wreck and felt it. This had to do with a strong method of introspection that focuses solely on things we tend to avoid like the plague: fear and pain. Thing is, fear and pain are also commonly stored in our psyche since mostly childhood and tender years, when our minds get shaped and start growing into adulthood. These fears and pain become sort of crystallized and stick inside, until dealt with.

In my case, I used this method to undo my fear of the sea depths: by going in theta state on the bottom of the sea and opening up my senses (much like you suggested while building and sensing one's own astral temple, "being" there and being aware of it) I became conscious of things I had avoided and missed. This fear removal, in turn, allowed me to link to a few species of fish (much like the Merging Astral Consciousness method in the JoS) and I begun 'feeling the fish', not being scared anymore because they literally live in total fucking darkness, pressed by thousands of liters of water, and eat each other as normally as we turn on our computers.
Today it's not like I'm willing to join James Cameron and go visit the Titanic in a freaking metal bottle but the sea bed is definitely a place on my to-do list for when I can finally astral project and visit the Universe fearlessly.

In your case, by moving your complete attention inward, focusing on almost visually entering your own heart chakra, you may encounter some unresolved issues that need fixing, some past trauma, whatever it is. There may be a cause for this suffering already inside of you, and the enemy (knowing this) takes advantage of it as much as it possibly can, resulting in bad nightmares and whatever you know is happening to you.

(Just remembered a metaphor I used when writing this the first time..)

Remember when HP Maxine described (in the How to enter a trance state page I think) an analogy where you have to turn off the electricity in a building in order to fix the wiring? Try thinking of yourself as a building with a few rooms that have flickering lights. You're trying to change the light bulbs but it's apparently not fixing the problem. So what you need to do is go in the basement and investigate on whatever is causing the lights to malfunction. When you're there the real problem may be apparent.

I know facing one's fear and pain is not an attractive prospect, but Spiritual Satanism is also about being fearless. Anything that stops you in any way HAS to go.

You: "I experienced it very briefly a week ago that feeling of the ego actually being tied more properly to the physical plane and that was when I communicated with Buer. I want that perception and focus more than whatever 'fantasy' the mind can make up, I've always been obsessed with truths, I've always dug hard to find them and I've scrutinized damn near layers upon layers of all kinds of stuff to get to the bottom of things. I'd rather everything real than fake and made up."

I think that 'ego' you felt had very much to do with you BEING balanced, and as little of it as you may have already experienced, I'm sure I had maybe less than a glimpse of so far. Meaning you're already doing a great job at balancing yourself towards evolution. Also, your determination here means a lot. Wanting to find the truth, knowing it, having it, and valuing this as much as you do is certainly something that helps you move forward, keeping you on track to the point of, occasionally, being enough to push you in the right direction itself.

You: "I still eagerly await Lydia's continuation of her yoga series for the rest of the chakras. I've been working on thus far the base and sacral a lot to keep those energies flowing strongly."

Yeah, same here. I was impatient for the crown chakra and upper ones in general at first, but now that I'm set on grounding myself more and fixing my imbalance I feel pretty satisfied with the current one. I'm curious about the heart chakra. If these asanas will help with astral projection in any way, I'll be forever grateful to her.

Hope that helped some, Brother, took me a while to put all that down lol.


PS. Just out of total curiosity... what's your take on the use of all this new technology that's coming in the next few years? I've seen that new post and I must say the idea of xtians and idiots alike (not just jews) playing with it like it's a bunch of toys makes me really uneasy. If anything, I think we should all step back from all the unnecessary technology that flooded the mind of people in the last few decades.. just looking at teens today makes me sick, dug in their instagram and whatever else accounts like it's the secret of life and happiness itself, completely oblivious to the real problems that afflict this world and us. I'm not suggesting we turn off the internet and forget about electricity of course (the internet being the MAIN source of Satanic information and truth for so many) but I feel that to lean on some new 'wonder' would easily create that fixation with all that is technological and new being 'good' and 'only for good use' by too many. Humans, until they discover the spiritual life again, are definitely not ready to be given even more potentially very harmful toys. (I've had visions of this happening and it would be a total disaster.. hope they never come true.)
That said, I would definitely welcome technologies that actually make our lives easier, cheaper, less consuming, less or no destructive for the environment, and able to give us more time to meditate and evolve.

P.P.S.: Holy fuck, this message took me ages to complete and I'm pretty sure I missed something. I hope it can at least partially help you. Now... to face my fears and hit the "Submit" button... :roll:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Remember when HP Maxine described (in the How to enter a trance state page I think) an analogy where you have to turn off the electricity in a building in order to fix the wiring? Try thinking of yourself as a building with a few rooms that have flickering lights. You're trying to change the light bulbs but it's apparently not fixing the problem. So what you need to do is go in the basement and investigate on whatever is causing the lights to malfunction. When you're there the real problem may be apparent.

I know facing one's fear and pain is not an attractive prospect, but Spiritual Satanism is also about being fearless. Anything that stops you in any way HAS to go.

This stood out the strongest to me and I've actually been kind of doing it but this feels like further confirmation that I'm at least doing something right. 'Literally' going to the basement (meditating and focusing on the base chakra for objectivity) and looking upon myself from that different perspective to find out what the cause of the problem is with me exactly and what is needed to counter and correct it or stabilize it in the case that it is more of a long-term 'repair' and then doing it.

Without that objectivity, trying to solve the major problem directly doesn't work because I've discovered this ends up as just me attacking my own mind. The most major things wrong with me are the cause of years of bad habits and unwittingly programming myself to tie far too strongly to the astral and the imagination along with bad physical health (because of those bad habits), this unawares enabled bad connections and bad habits of the mind as the heart chakra pulls too strongly towards the upper chakras in tie.

Trying to fight it directly for me has proven actually painful and counterproductive, and for the while kind of unnerved me in the prospect of being able to save myself at all from such bullshit, but over time this has been revealed to me as untrue and I came to realize that this is honestly something that has to be reversed and undone by empowering it's opposite forces and aspects and weakening that link of the upper chakras to the heart chakra by tuning it out to stop giving it power and instead focusing on and empowering the other side of the link of it's opposite rulerships (I.e the physical plane, the base chakra and focusing on my own physical self and health) instead of trying to fight it directly.

This means not indulging in habits related to it... like spending so much time on the computer or this forum... so if you suddenly stop hearing from me for extended periods of time, there's a good reason for it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
